Germany 1987 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
DE1987A_NMARRS | Number of all married persons in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_NCOUPLES | Number of married couples in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_NINC | Number of persons with income in household (age 15 or older) | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_NINCEMP | Number of persons with income from employment in household (age 15 or older) | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_EMPREF | Employment of reference person in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_CLASSREF | Present employment of reference person of household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_TRAINREF | Indicator for reference person in household being in training/apprenticeship | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_EDUCREF | Highest level of general education completed of reference person in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_UNIVREF | Highest level of vocational or university education of reference person in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_ECACTHH | Number of economically active persons in household contributing to the livelihood of household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_EMPHH | Number of employed persons in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_NAGE1565 | Number of persons age 15 to under 65 in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_NAGE66 | Number of persons age 66 or older in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_NAGE65 | Number of persons age 65 or older in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_NSTUDENT | Number of single pupils/students age under 18 in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_OLDEST | Age of oldest person in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_TYPEHH | Type of household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_CITIZHH | Indicator for citizenship of persons in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_RELIGHH | Legal religious affiliation of spouse of reference person | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_NOPARTNR | Number of persons widowed, divorced, or spouse-absent in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
Germany 1987 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
DE1987A_STUD1528 | Single students age 15-28 living in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_HEAD | Indicator for reference person in household | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_BIRTHYR | Year of birth | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_SEX | Sex | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_MARST | Marital status | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_RELIG | Legal affiliation with a religious community | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_CITIZ | Citizenship | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_SECDWELL | Occupancy of other dwelling (accommodation/room) in FRG including Berlin (West) | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_MAINCOUP | Occupancy of other dwelling predominantly used by the family, for non-separated married persons | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_MAINOTHR | Occupancy of other dwelling predominantly used, for non-married persons | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_TRAVEL | Predominantly go to work or school from this dwelling | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_FULLTIME | Economically active full time (over 36 hours per week) | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_PARTTIME | Economically active part-time (up to 36 hours per week) | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_UNEMP | Unemployed, looking for work | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_INACTIV | Not economically active | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_HOUSEP | Housewife/houseman | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_STUDENT | Pupil / student | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_LIVEHOOD | Main source of living | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_EDUCLEV | Highest level of general education completed | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_EDHIGHER | Highest level of vocational or university education completed | P | Germany 1987 | |
Germany 1987 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
DE1987A_EDFIELD | Main field of completed vocational or university education/training | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_VOCTRAIN | Field of completed practical vocational training | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_LENGTRAI | Length of training, completed practical vocational training | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_STATTRAI | Federal state in which that training took place | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_TRAVMODE | Main mode of transportation to work or school | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_TRAVTIME | Length of time needed to commute to work or school | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_CLASSWK | Present type of employment | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_IND | Industry | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_OCC | Occupation | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_SECEMP | Secondary employment | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_TRAIN | Subject area of training | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_PRINRES | Indicator of principal residence at place of enumeration | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_LEGRES | Indicator whether person belongs to legally residing population | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_PTYPE | Person type | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_PRIVPOP | Belongs to population in private households | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_RESIDENT | Resides at place of residence of the family | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_EMPSTAT | Employment indicator | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_AGE | Age | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_MARRIED | Marriage indicator | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_SOCECUN | Socio-economic indicator according to UN | P | Germany 1987 |