Germany 1987 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
DE1987A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_PERN | Number of persons in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_FBIG | Dwelling created by splitting apart a large dwelling or household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_FBIG_NH | Number of persons in large household before it was split | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_BLDSEQ | Sequence number of the building in regional list (new numbered) | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_DWSEQ | Sequence number of the dwelling in building (new numbered) | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_SEQHH | Sequence number of the household in dwelling (new numbered) | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_PLACSIZ | Population size of community of residence | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_DWOWNER | Dwelling ownership | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_LEISURE | Dwelling is leisure-time accommodation | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_YRMOVED | Year of occupying dwelling | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_KITCHEN | Kitchen | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_KITCHNET | Kitchenette | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_SHOWER | Bath / shower | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_TOILET | Toilet (furnishing w.c.) | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_HEATING | Main heating | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_HEATGAS | Gas is used as heating source | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_HEATOIL | Fuel oil is used as heating source | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_HEATELEC | Electricity is used as heating source | H | Germany 1987 | |
Germany 1987 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
DE1987A_HEATCOAL | Coal, wood, etc. is used as heating source | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_HEATTELE | Remote heating is used as heating source | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_HEATSOLR | Solar energy/geothermal is used as heating source | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_ROOMS | Number of rooms with at least 6 square meters | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_SUBROOMS | Number of sublet rooms | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_COMMRMS | Number of commercially used rooms | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_AREA | Size of dwelling in square meters | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_PUBASST | Dwelling subsidized with funds for publicly assisted housing | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_RENT | Monthly rent (in Deutsche Marks) | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_EMPDWELL | Employer provided dwelling | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_SUBRENT | Subsidized rent | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_BLDTYPE1 | Type of building 1 | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_DORMS | Degree of residential use | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_BLDOWNER | Ownership of building | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_YRBUILT | Year of construction of building | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_SUBSIDIZ | Degree of subsidization of dwellings in building with funds for publicly assisted housing | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_BLDTYPE2 | Type of building 2 | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_DWTYPE | Type of dwelling | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_NDWELLS | Number of dwellings in building | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_NOTHDW | Number of other dwelling units in building | H | Germany 1987 | |
Germany 1987 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
DE1987A_NLEISDW | Number of leisure-time dwellings in building | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_LEISBLD | Leisure-time dwellings in building | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_BLDAREA | Living space of the building in square metres | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_BLDHEAT | Main type of heating for building | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_BLDENERG | Main type of energy | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_BLDSOLAR | Use solar energy | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_BLDFAC | Facilities in dwelling | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_ROOMS2 | Statistical number of rooms | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_RENTAREA | Rent in Deutsche Marks (DM) per square meter | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_DWHHS | Number of households in dwelling unit | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_DWPERS | Number of persons in dwelling unit | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_NLEGRES | Number of persons in household belonging to legally residing population with main or second residence | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_NPRINRES | Number of persons in household at principal residence | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_POPHH | Number of persons in household belonging to population in private households | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_LEGRES2 | Number of persons in household belonging to legally residing population in their main residence | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_UNDER3 | Number of single persons under age 3 in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_UNDER6 | Number of single persons under age 6 in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_UNDER10 | Number of single persons under age 10 in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_UNDER15 | Number of single persons under age 15 in household | H | Germany 1987 | |
DE1987A_UNDER18 | Number of single persons under age 18 in household | H | Germany 1987 |