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Germany 1971   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
DE1971A_SEX Sex P Germany 1971
DE1971A_MARST Marital status P Germany 1971
DE1971A_DURMARR Duration of current marriage (completed years) P Germany 1971
DE1971A_INCSRC Source of income P Germany 1971
DE1971A_LIVEHOOD Source of livelihood P Germany 1971
DE1971A_GRADE Highest school grade completed P Germany 1971
DE1971A_CRAFT1 Has skilled worker certificate P Germany 1971
DE1971A_CRAFT2 Has the second skilled worker certificate P Germany 1971
DE1971A_CRAFTM Has master craftsman certificate P Germany 1971
DE1971A_TECH Has technical college degree P Germany 1971
DE1971A_UNIV Has university degree P Germany 1971
DE1971A_YRGRAD10 Year of completing grade 10 P Germany 1971
DE1971A_YRABITUR Year of completing school with Abitur [access to university] P Germany 1971
DE1971A_YRCRAFT1 Year of obtaining first skilled worker certificate P Germany 1971
DE1971A_YRCRAFT2 Year of obtaining a second craftsman certificate P Germany 1971
DE1971A_YRCRAFTM Year of obtaining master craftsman certificate P Germany 1971
DE1971A_YRTECH Year of obtaining technical college degree P Germany 1971
DE1971A_YRUNIV Year of obtaining university degree P Germany 1971
DE1971A_FLDCRFT1 Field of study for first skilled worker certificate P Germany 1971
DE1971A_FLDCRFT2 Field of study for a second skilled worker certificate P Germany 1971
Germany 1971   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
DE1971A_FLDCRFTM Trade studied for master craftsman certificate P Germany 1971
DE1971A_FLDTECH Field of study for technical college degree P Germany 1971
DE1971A_FLDUNIV Field of study for university degree P Germany 1971
DE1971A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Germany 1971
DE1971A_SOCGRP Social group P Germany 1971
DE1971A_SEQINC Sequence number of person with income, or of person supported by, in household P Germany 1971
DE1971A_SEQSUPP Sequence number of person without income, being supported by other person in household P Germany 1971
DE1971A_ECONACT Economically active P Germany 1971
DE1971A_COMMUTE Person commutes P Germany 1971
DE1971A_FEMMARR Person is a married female or female with children under 17 P Germany 1971
DE1971A_GRADE10 Person has at least grade 10 education or technical/skilled worker qualification P Germany 1971
DE1971A_IND Industry P Germany 1971
DE1971A_MARRKID Number of children from current marriage P Germany 1971