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Germany 1970   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
DE1970A_EXAMENG Completed engineering school P Germany 1970
DE1970A_EXAMUNIV Completed university P Germany 1970
DE1970A_TECHYRS Years of training P Germany 1970
DE1970A_YRGRAD Year of graduation (completed level) P Germany 1970
DE1970A_YRMARR Year of marriage P Germany 1970
DE1970A_PREVMARR Previously married P Germany 1970
DE1970A_CHILDREN Ever gave birth P Germany 1970
DE1970A_BIRTHYR1 Year of birth of first child P Germany 1970
DE1970A_BIRTHYR2 Year of birth of 2nd child P Germany 1970
DE1970A_BIRTHYR3 Year of birth of 3rd child P Germany 1970
DE1970A_BIRTHYR4 Year of birth of 4th child P Germany 1970
DE1970A_BIRTHYR5 Year of birth of 5th child P Germany 1970
DE1970A_PHONE Telephone P Germany 1970
DE1970A_AGE Age P Germany 1970
DE1970A_CHBORN Number of children born alive P Germany 1970
DE1970A_INCEXT Net-income extended (in Deutsche Mark) P Germany 1970
DE1970A_EXPELCLS Expellee classifications P Germany 1970
DE1970A_OCC2 Occupation, 2 digits P Germany 1970