Cameroon 2005 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
CM2005A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_URBAN | Urban | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_TYPEHH | Household type | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_RESPRES | Present residents | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_RESABS | Absent residents | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_VISITORS | Visitors | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_DISILL | Incapacitating illness | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_HHSTRUCT | Household type | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_LODGETYP | Lodging type | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_STRUCTDW | Type of structure | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_WALLS | Wall material | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_ROOF | Roof material | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_FLOOR | Floor material | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_TOILET | Toilet | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_ROOMS | Bedrooms | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_TENURE | Mode of occupancy | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_LIGHT | Light source | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_FUELCK | Cooking energy source | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_WATSRC | Source of drinking water | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
Cameroon 2005 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
CM2005A_SEWER | Waste water disposal | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_TRASH | Household waste | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_DWSITE | Site of dwelling | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_ACCESS | Accessibility means | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_NMORT | Number of mortality records | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_NMIG | Number of migration records | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_STRATA | Strata | H | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_EDATTAN2 | Last class attended (unedited) | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_SLEEPHML | Sleeping place, homeless | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_WHYHMLS | Main reason for being in the street | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_RESURNMD | Type of residence nomads | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_ACTNOMAD | Primary activity nomad | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_TYPEHOUS | Household type | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_SEX | Sex | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_RELATE | Relationship to head of household | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_AGE | Age | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_BIRTHMO | Month of birth | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_BIRTHYR | Year of birth | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_BPLURB | Urban or rural place of birth | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_BPL | Arrondissement of birth | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
Cameroon 2005 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
CM2005A_MARST | Marital Status | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_RESIDENT | Residential status | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_VISURB | Visitor's usual place of residence | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_VISURES | Visitor's usual arrondissment or country of residence | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_URBAN5YR | Urban-rural status in 2000 | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_ARRND5YR | Arrondissement of residence in 2000 | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_PREVURB | Urban-rural status of previous residence | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_PREVARRD | Arrondissement of previous residence | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_RESDUR | Number of years in current place of residence | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_NATION | Nationality | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_RELIGION | Religion | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_DISAB | Disability | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_CHRONIC | Chronic disease | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_MORTFA | Father still alive | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_MORTMO | Mother still alive | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_LANGUAGE | Literacy in national languages | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_READENG | Can read English | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_WRITEENG | Write English | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_SPKENG | Speak English | P | Cameroon 2005 | |
CM2005A_READFRN | Read French | P | Cameroon 2005 |