Switzerland 2011 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
CH2011A_SCHDPCNTRY | Country of the point of departure for school | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHDPREGD | Development planning region of the point of departure for school | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHDPREGM | Major region of the point of departure for school | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHDPREGL | Labor market region of the point of departure for school | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHDPLAN | Language region of the point of departure for school | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHDPS | Spatial mobility region of the point of departure for school | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHDPMUNSIZE | Municipality size of the point of departure to school | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHDPTAX | Tax relief applies to the region of the point of departure to school | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHDPURBAN | Point of departure to school, detailed area description | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHDPURBAN2 | Point of departure to school, urban area | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHTRAN | Main mode of transport to school | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHTIME | Duration of commuting to school (minutes) | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHTRANFOOT | Mean of transport to school, on foot | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHTRANOTH | Mean of transport to school, other | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHTRANSKA | Mean of transport to school, scooter | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHTRANBIKE | Mean of transport to school, bike | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHTRANMOT | Mean of transport to school, motorcycle | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHTRANCAR | Mean of transport to school, car | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHTRANSBUS | Mean of transport to school, school bus | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHTRANRAIL | Mean of transport to school, railway | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
Switzerland 2011 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
CH2011A_SCHTRANTRAM | Mean of transport to school, tram | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SCHTRANBUS | Mean of transport to school, bus | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_AGE | Age | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_AGEGRP1 | Age group 18-year | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_AGEGRP2 | Age group 15-year | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_AGEGRP3 | Age group, aggregated | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_AGEGRP4 | Age group, aggregated | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_AGEGRP5 | Age group, aggregated | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_AGEGRP6 | Age group 5-year | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_AGGL | Agglomeration of the legal residence | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_REGM | Major region of the legal residence | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_REGL | Labor market region of the legal residence | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_REGLAN | Language region of the legal residence | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_REGS | Spatial mobility region of the legal residence | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_MUNSIZE | Municipality size of the legal residence | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_REGTAX | Tax relief applies to the legal region of residence | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_URBAN | Urban or rural region of the legal residence, detailed | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_URBAN2 | Urban or rural region of the legal residence | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_BPLAGGL | Agglomeration of birthplace | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_BPLCANTON | Canton of birthplace | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
Switzerland 2011 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
CH2011A_BPLCONT | Continent of birthplace | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_BPLCNTRY | Country of birthplace | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_BPLREGD | Development planning region of birthplace | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_BPLREGM | Major region of birthplace | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_BPLREGL | Labor market region of birthplace | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_BPLREGLAN | Language regino of birthplace | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_BPLREGS | Spatial mobility region of birthplace | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_BPLMUNSIZE | Municipality size of birthplace | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_BPLTAX | Tax relief applies to region of birthplace | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_BPLURBAN | Urban or rural region of birthplace, detailed | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_BPLURBAN2 | Urban or rural region of birthplace | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_MARSTCLASS | Marital status | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_POAGGL | Agglomeration of the place of origin | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_POCANTON | Canton of the place of origin | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_POREGD | Development planning region of the place of origin | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_POREGM | Major region of the place of origin | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_POREGL | Labor market region of the place of origin | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_POREGLAN | Language region of the place of origin | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_POREGS | Spatial mobility region of the place of origin | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_POMUNSIZE | Municipality size of the place of origin | P | Switzerland 2011 |