Switzerland 2011 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
CH2011A_LANGSCHLALB | Language spoken at school, Albanian | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_LANGSCHLPOR | Language spoken at school, Portugese | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_RELIG | Religious community | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_LIVEABROAD | Ever lived a year or longer abroad | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_YRIMMIG | Year of arrival into Switzerland | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_BPLCNTRYFTH | State of birth of the father | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_BPLCNTRYMTH | State of birth of the mother | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_BPLCNTRYPAR | State of birth of the parents | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_NATION | Nationality at birth and today | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_NATION2 | Current second citizenship of Swiss nationals | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_MIG | Migration status | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_MIGAGG | Migration status (aggregation) | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_CITIZEN | Type of acquisition of Swiss citizenship (dichotomous) | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_YRCITIZEN | Year of acquisition of Swiss citizenship | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDCOMPNON | Completed education, none | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDCOMPTEC | Completed education, advanced technical and professional training | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDCOMPBAC | Completed education, bachelor's degree | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDCOMPMAS | Completed education, master's degree | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDCOMPDOC | Completed education, doctorate | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDCOMPCOM7 | Completed education, up to 7 years of compulsory education | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
Switzerland 2011 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
CH2011A_EDCOMPCOM | Completed education, compulsory education | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDCOMP1 | Completed education, 1 year preliminary course | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDCOMPHSEC | Completed education, 2-3 years higher secondary general education | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDCOMPVOC | Completed education, basic vocational education | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDCOMPHSCH | Completed education, high school leaving certificate | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDCOMPVOCB | Completed education, vocational baccalaureate | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDCOMPTECA | Completed education, advanced technical and professional training | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDTTAIN | Highest completed education (detail) | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDTTAINAGG | Highest completed education, aggregated | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDLEV | Ongoing education | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EDLEVAGG | Ongoing education, aggregated | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_OCCSWISSL | Occupation (Swiss nomenclature, aggregated) | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EMPSTATAGG1 | Labor market status, aggregated | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EMPSTATAGG2 | Labor market status, full-time or part-time | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_EMPSTATAGG3 | Labor market status | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKHOURS | Number of hours worked per week | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_OCCISCO | Current occupation (4-digits, ISCO-08) | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_OCC | Current occupation (1-digit, ISCO-08) | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_OCCSWISS | Current occupation by Swiss nomenclature of professions 2000 | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKLOCPRTD | Working in a protected workshop for handicapped | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
Switzerland 2011 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
CH2011A_CLASSWK | Work status | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_CLASSWKDET | Work status, detailed | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKAGGL | Agglomeration of the employer | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKCANTON | Canton of the employer | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKCNTRY | Country of the employer | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKREGD | Development planning region of the employer | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKREGM | Major region of the employer | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKREGL | Labor market region of the employer | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKREGLAN | Language region of the employer | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKREGS | Spatial mobility region of the employer | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKMUNSIZE | Municipality size where the employer is located | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKTAX | Region of the employer where tax relief applies | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKURBAN | Urban or rural region of the employer, detailed | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKURBAN2 | Urban or rural region of the employer | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKTYPELEG | Legal form of the employer's enterprise | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SECTORCOMP | Economic sector of the employer's | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_COMPSIZE | Size of the employer's enterprise in full-time equivalents | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_SECTORUNIT | Economic sector of the employer (local units) | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_UNITSIZE | Size of the employer in full-time equivalents | P | Switzerland 2011 | |
CH2011A_WKLOC | Workplace location | P | Switzerland 2011 |