Canada 1981 (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
CA1981A_DWNUM | Dwelling number | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_PERNUM | Person number (within household) | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_CMA | Census metropolitan area (CMA) | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_HHTYCOLL | Household classification | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_HHTY | Household type | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_HHSIZE | Household size | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_INCHH | Total household income | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_MORT | Owner's major payments | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_RENTG | Gross rent | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_RENTC | Monthly cash rent | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_AGEHM | Age of the head of household | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_SEXHM | Sex of the head of household | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_MARAGEHM | Age at first marriage of the head of household | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_RELATEHM | Household status of the head of household to Person 1 | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_EDLEVHM | Highest level of education of the head of household | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_LANGHM | Mother tongue of the head of household | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_TENURE | Tenure | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_TENUREC | Tenure - Condiminium | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_SEASDW | Seasonal/marginal dwelling | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_STRTY | Structural type | H | Canada 1981 | |
Canada 1981 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
CA1981A_DWCOND | Condition of dwelling | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_OCCDUR | Length of occupancy | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_BLTYR | Period of construction | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_DWVAL | Value of dwelling | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_HEAT | Main type of heating equipment | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_FUELH | Principal heating fuel | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_FUELW | Principal water heating fuel | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_BATHSN | Complete bathrooms | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_BATHSHN | Half bathrooms | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_ROOMS | Number of rooms | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_PERROOM | Number of persons per room | H | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_ECFAMST | Economic family status | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_PERNEF | Number of persons in the economic family | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_FAMTY | Census family status and living arrangements | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_FAMSIZE | Number of persons in the census family | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_INCFTY | Major source of census family income | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_INCFAM | Total census family income groups | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_RELATE | Relationship to the head of household | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_AGE | Age | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_BIRYR | Year of birth | P | Canada 1981 | |
Canada 1981 (continued) (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
CA1981A_BIRMO | Month of birth | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_SEX | Sex | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_MARST | Marital status | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_MARAGE | Age at first marriage | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_MARYR | Year of first marriage | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_MARMO | Month of first marriage | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_CHBORN | Number of children ever born | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_WKPLACECSD | Place of work (CSD status) | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_WKPLACE | Place of work | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_MOBSTAT | Mobility status (Place of residence on June 1, 1976) | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_RESPPROV | Province of residence 5 years ago | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_EMPSTAT71 | Labour force activity (based on 1971 definition) | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_EMPSTAT | Labour force activity | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_WKHRS | Hours worked in reference week | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_LASTWK | When last worked | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_WKWEEK | Weeks worked in 1980 | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_WKFULL | Full-time or part-time weeks worked in 1980 | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_CHPRES | Presence of children | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_OCC | Occupation (1981 classification basis) | P | Canada 1981 | |
CA1981A_OCC71 | Occupation (1971 classification basis) | P | Canada 1981 |