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Botswana 1991   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BW1991A_NOROOMS Number of rooms H Botswana 1991
BW1991A_WATERSUP Principal source of water supply H Botswana 1991
BW1991A_TOILET Type of toilet facility H Botswana 1991
BW1991A_ROOF Material used for construction of the roof H Botswana 1991
BW1991A_WALLS Material used for construction of the walls H Botswana 1991
BW1991A_FLOOR Material used for construction of the floor H Botswana 1991
BW1991A_FUELCK Principal fuel used for cooking H Botswana 1991
BW1991A_LIGHT Principal fuel used for lighting H Botswana 1991
BW1991A_TOUTSD Number of absent members H Botswana 1991
BW1991A_WMINES Number of absent members who are working in mines H Botswana 1991
BW1991A_WFARMS Number of absent members who are working in farms H Botswana 1991
BW1991A_WDOMES Number of absent members who are working as a domestic servant H Botswana 1991
BW1991A_OEMPL Number of absent members who have other employment H Botswana 1991
BW1991A_MORTN Number of deaths since Independence Day 1990 H Botswana 1991
BW1991A_STRATA Strata H Botswana 1991
BW1991A_RELATE Relationship to head of household P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_SEX Sex P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_AGE Age at last birthday (years) P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_CITIZEN Country of citizenship P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_USURES Place of usual residence P Botswana 1991
Botswana 1991   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BW1991A_RES1YR Place of residence 1 year ago P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_VISITSTAT Visitor status P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_DISBLIND Disability seeing P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_DISHEAR Disability hearing P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_DISSPEAK Disability of speech P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_DISLEGS Disability of the legs P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_DISARMS Disability of the arms P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_IDSMENTAL Mental disability P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_CITIZENCO Continent of citizenship P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_SCHOOL School attendance P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_EDATTAIN Years completed at school P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_MARST Marital status P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_CASHACT Work for cash during the last 30 days P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_ECONACT Work status during the last 30 days P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_OCCGROUP Occupation group (last 30 days) P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_IND Industry P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_INDGROUP Industry group P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_ECONSTA Economic status P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_EMPSTAT Working status P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_CHBORN Number of children ever born alive P Botswana 1991
Botswana 1991   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BW1991A_CHLDLVMOT Number of children living with the mother P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_CHLDLVELS Number of children living elsewhere P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_CHLDIED Number of children who have died P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_BMALE Number of males born since Independence Day 1990 P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_BFEMALE Number of females born since Independence day 1990 P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_MIGSTATUS Migratory status 1 year ago P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_DISTNOW District of usual residence P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_ZONECODE Urban or rural usual residence P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_DISTYEAR District of residence 1 year ago P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_ZONECODE2 Urban or rural residence 1 year ago P Botswana 1991
BW1991A_OCC Occupation (last 30 days) P Botswana 1991