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Brazil 2010   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BR2010A_QOCC Imputation mark in occupation held from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QIND Imputation mark in Industry of work from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QCLASSWKR Imputation mark in status in employment from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QNEMPS Imputation mark in number of employees in your work place from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QSOCSEC Imputation mark in contributed to social security from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QPAYSRC Imputation mark in source of gross monthly income in main job held in July, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QINCGROSS Imputation mark in gross monthly income in main job held in July, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QINCOTHJB Imputation mark in source of monthly income from other jobs in July, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QINCJB2GR Imputation mark in gross monthly income from other jobs in July, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QHOURS Imputation mark in usual number of hours worked at main job from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QSEEKWORK Imputation mark in looked for job from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QCANWORK Imputation mark in available for job from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QINCRETIR Imputation mark in received retirement income or pension in July, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QINCFAMSS Imputation mark in received income from a social program (bolsa familia or program for the eradication of child labor) in July, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QINCTRAN Imputation mark in received income from other social programs or transfers in July, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QINCOTH Imputation mark in received income from other sources (interest on savings, securities, rental, pension, retirement or private pension fund, etc.) In July, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QINCVALUE Imputation mark in total income received from other sources of income in July, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QWHEREWK Imputation mark in municipality/state or country where worked from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QWKSTATE Imputation mark in state where worked from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QWKMUNI Imputation mark in municipality where worked from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
Brazil 2010   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BR2010A_QWKCNTRY Imputation mark in foreign country where worked from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QHOMQDAY Imputation mark in commuting to home every day from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QCOMMUTE Imputation mark in time spent in travel from home to work from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QEVERBORN Imputation mark in children born alive as of July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QCHBORNM Imputation mark in males born alive as of July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QCHBORNF Imputation mark in females born alive as of July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QCHBORN Imputation mark in total number of children born alive as of July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QCHLIVE Imputation mark in any children still alive on July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QCHSURVM Imputation mark in male children still alive on July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QCHSURVF Imputation mark in female children still alive on July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QCHSURV Imputation mark in total children still alive on July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QLBTHSEX Imputation mark in sex of the last child born alive as of July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QLBTHAGE Imputation mark in age of the last child born alive on July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QCHLIVEYR Imputation mark in last child born alive still alive on July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QCHDEADYR Imputation mark in date of death of last child born alive P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QCHDTHMO Imputation mark in month of death of last child born alive P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QCHDTHYR Imputation mark in year of death of last child born alive P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QSTILLBTH Imputation mark in ever had stillbirths as of July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QNSTILLB Imputation mark in number of male stillbirths as of July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QSTILBNF Imputation mark in number of female stillbirths as of July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
Brazil 2010   (continued)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BR2010A_QSTILBNM Imputation mark in total number of stillbirths as of July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QRESPOND Imputation mark in person who provided information for this person P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QRESPNUM Imputation mark in number of order of the respondent (another resident) P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QNSTILBTH Imputation mark in total number of children born alive and stillbirths as of July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QRELIG Imputation mark in religion P Brazil 2010