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Brazil 2010    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BR2010A_RESPOND Person who provided information for this person P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_RESPNUM Number of order of the respondent (another resident) P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_LABFORCE Economic activity from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_EMPSTAT Employment status from July 25 to July 31, 2010 (Definition 1: among economically active) P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_EMPSTAT2 Employment status from July 25 to July 31, 2010 (Definition 2: all persons age 10 and over) P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_CLASSWK2 Class of worker in main job among economically active and employed P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_CONTRACT Type of work contract for employees and military and civil servants P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_RELIG Religion P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QRELATE Imputation mark in relationship to head of household P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QSEX Imputation mark in sex P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QAGEYRMO Imputation mark in age in years or months P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QMOTHALIV Imputation mark in mother alive P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QRACE Imputation mark in color or race P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QBIRTHREC Imputation mark in birth record P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QDISSEE Imputation mark in permanent difficulty seeing P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QDISHEAR Imputation mark in permanent difficulty hearing P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QDISMOB Imputation mark in permanent difficulty walking P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QDISMNTL Imputation mark in permanent mental/intellectual disability P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QBORNMUNI Imputation mark in born in this municipality P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QBORNSTAT Imputation mark in born in this state P Brazil 2010
Brazil 2010   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BR2010A_QNATION Imputation mark in nationality P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QMOVEYR Imputation mark in year moved to Brazil P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QBPL Imputation mark in state or foreign country of birth P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QBPLSTATE Imputation mark in state of birth P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QBPLCTRY Imputation mark in foreign country of birth P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QYRSSTATE Imputation mark in number of years living in this state P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QYRSMUNI Imputation mark in number of years living in this municipality P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QPREVRES Imputation mark in previous municipality/state or country of residence P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QPREVSTAT Imputation mark in former state of residence P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QPREVMUNI Imputation mark in former municipality of residence P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QPREVCTRY Imputation mark in former country of residence P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QRES5YR Imputation mark in state/municipality or foreign country of residence in July 31, 2005 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QSTATE5YR Imputation mark in state of residence in July 31, 2005 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QMUNI5YR Imputation mark in municipality of residence in July 31, 2005 P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QCNTRY5YR Imputation mark in country of residence 5 years ago P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QLIT Imputation mark in can read and write P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QSCHOOL Imputation mark in attending school or daycare P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QEDLEVEL1 Imputation mark in level of school attending P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QGRADE1 Imputation mark in elementary grade/year attending P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QGRADE2 Imputation mark in high school grade attending P Brazil 2010
Brazil 2010   (continued)    (Group continued on next page...)   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BR2010A_QCOLLEGE Imputation mark in completion of undergraduate studies P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QEDATTAIN Imputation mark in highest level of education attended P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QEDCOMPL Imputation mark in have you completed the highest level of education attended P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QDEGTYP Imputation mark in type of highest degree P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QUNDERGRD Imputation mark in field of study in undergraduate studies P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QMASTERS Imputation mark in field of study in master's degree P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QDOCTORAL Imputation mark in field of study in doctoral degree P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QEDLOC Imputation mark in municipality/state or country where attended school P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QEDSTATE Imputation mark in state where attended school or daycare P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QEDMUNI Imputation mark in municipality where attended school/daycare P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QSCHCTRY Imputation mark in country where attended school/daycare P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QLIVESP Imputation mark in live with spouse/partner P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QSPLOC Imputation mark in number of spouse/partner for females living in indigenous areas or not recognized as spouses/partners in question on relationship to head P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QUNION Imputation mark in nature of union P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QMARST Imputation mark in marital status P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QWKLSTWK Imputation mark in paid work from July 25 to July 31, 2010 (for at least one hour) P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QPAIDAWAY Imputation mark in paid work from July 25 to July 31, 2010 while temporarily away from job P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QWKNOPAY Imputation mark in helped without payment with other resident's paid work from July 25 to July 31, 2010 (for at least one hour) P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QSUBSIST Imputation mark in worked for household subsistence from July 25 to July 31, 2010 (for at least one hour) P Brazil 2010
BR2010A_QNJOBS Imputation mark in number of jobs held from July 25 to July 31, 2010 P Brazil 2010