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Brazil 1980   [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
BR1980A_NJOB Job situation last week P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_HOURSALL Hours worked in all occupations P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_INCOTHER Monetary gross income in other occupations P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_SECOCC Secondary occupation P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_INDSEC Industry of secondary occupation P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_CLASSWK2 Employment status in secondary occupation P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_INCPENS Income received from pension P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_INCRENT Income received from rent P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_INCDONAT Income received from donations P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_OTHERINC Other income received P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_MENALIVE Male children born alive P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_WOMALIVE Female children born alive P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_MENDEAD Male children born dead P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_WOMDEAD Female children born dead P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_MENSURV Male children living P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_WOMSURV Female children living P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_MONTHBTH Month of birth of last child born alive P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_YEARBTH Year of birth of last child born alive P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_AGECHILD Age of last child born alive P Brazil 1980
BR1980A_PREVSTATE State of previous residence P Brazil 1980