Work Variables -- PERSON (Group continued on next page...) [top] | ||||
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
AR1970A_ECONACT | Employment status | P | Argentina 1970 | |
AR1970A_CLASSWKR | Class of worker | P | Argentina 1970 | |
AR1970A_MAINWAGE | Principal wage-earner resident in household | P | Argentina 1970 | |
AR1980A_EMPSTAT | Employment status | P | Argentina 1980 | |
AR1980A_CLASSWK | Class of worker | P | Argentina 1980 | |
AR1980A_INDCAT | Type of establishment | P | Argentina 1980 | |
AR1980A_ESTSIZE | Establishment size | P | Argentina 1980 | |
AR1991A_CLASSWK | Labor relation | P | Argentina 1991 | |
AR1991A_EMPSTAT | Activity status | P | Argentina 1991 | |
AR1991A_NUMEMP | Number of employees in work establishment | P | Argentina 1991 | |
AR1991A_PUBEMP | Jurisdiction [of public employment] | P | Argentina 1991 | |
AR2001A_WKSIZE | Size of establishment | P | Argentina 2001 | |
AR2001A_EMPSTAT | Employment status | P | Argentina 2001 | |
AR2001A_OCCCAT | Class of worker | P | Argentina 2001 | |
AR2010A_WK1HR | Worked at least 1 hour last week | P | Argentina 2010 | |
AR2010A_WKINF | Informal work last week | P | Argentina 2010 | |
AR2010A_WKAWAY | Did not work but had work | P | Argentina 2010 | |
AR2010A_WKLOOK | Looked for work last 4 weeks | P | Argentina 2010 | |
AM2001A_WORKED | Had a job the week before the census | P | Armenia 2001 | |
AM2001A_OCCAG | Occupation in agriculture | P | Armenia 2001 | |
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
AM2001A_CLASSWK | Class of worker | P | Armenia 2001 | |
AM2001A_LOOKWK | Searched for work | P | Armenia 2001 | |
AM2001A_READYWK | Available for work in two weeks | P | Armenia 2001 | |
AM2001A_LOOKFIR | Looking for work the first time | P | Armenia 2001 | |
AM2001A_WHYNOT | Reason for not looking for work | P | Armenia 2001 | |
AM2011A_WKLSTWK | Job or income-producing business | P | Armenia 2011 | |
AM2011A_CLASSWK | Class of worker | P | Armenia 2011 | |
AM2011A_LOOKWK | Looked for work during last 4 weeks | P | Armenia 2011 | |
AM2011A_FIRSTWK | Seeking first job | P | Armenia 2011 | |
AM2011A_WKSOON | Available for work | P | Armenia 2011 | |
AM2011A_WHYNOWK | Reason for not seeking work | P | Armenia 2011 | |
AT1971A_EMPSTL | Activity status (livelihood concept) | P | Austria 1971 | |
AT1971A_EMPL | Whether employed or unemployed (livelihood concept) | P | Austria 1971 | |
AT1971A_ECACTL | Whether economically active (livelihood concept) | P | Austria 1971 | |
AT1971A_CLWK2 | Status in employment of supporter | P | Austria 1971 | |
AT1971A_CLWK3 | Status in employment (grouped) of supporter | P | Austria 1971 | |
AT1971A_INDSE | Economic activity of supporter: sector | P | Austria 1971 | |
AT1971A_WKPLR | Region of place of work or school enrollment (NUTS3) | P | Austria 1971 | |
AT1981A_EMPSTL | Activity status (livelihood concept) | P | Austria 1981 | |
AT1981A_EMPL | Whether employed or unemployed (livelihood concept) | P | Austria 1981 | |
Variable |
Variable Label |
Type | Sample | |
AT1981A_ECACTL | Whether economically active or not (livelihood concept) | P | Austria 1981 | |
AT1981A_CLWK2 | Status in employment (of supporter) | P | Austria 1981 | |
AT1981A_CLWK3 | Status in employment 2 (of supporter) | P | Austria 1981 | |
AT1981A_SOCEC2 | Socio-economic group (of supporter) in recent/last occupation | P | Austria 1981 | |
AT1981A_INDSE | Economic activity of supporter: sector | P | Austria 1981 | |
AT1981A_WKPLR | Region of place of work or school enrollment (NUTS3) | P | Austria 1981 | |
AT1981A_WKPLC2 | Country of place of work or school enrollment | P | Austria 1981 | |
AT1991A_EMPSTL | Activity status (livelihood concept) | P | Austria 1991 | |
AT1991A_EMPL | Whether employed or unemployed (livelihood concept) | P | Austria 1991 | |
AT1991A_ECACTL | Whether economically active or not (livelihood concept) | P | Austria 1991 | |
AT1991A_CLWK1 | Status in employment (of supporter) | P | Austria 1991 | |
AT1991A_CLWK2 | Status in employment 2 (of supporter) | P | Austria 1991 | |
AT1991A_CLWK3 | Status in employment 3 (of supporter): grouped | P | Austria 1991 | |
AT1991A_SOCEC1 | Socio-economic group (of supporter) | P | Austria 1991 | |
AT1991A_INDSE | Economic activity of supporter: sector | P | Austria 1991 | |
AT1991A_WKPLR | Region of place of work or school enrollment (NUTS3) | P | Austria 1991 | |
AT1991A_WKPLC2 | Country of place of work or school enrollment | P | Austria 1991 | |
AT2001A_EMPST | Activity status (labor force concept) | P | Austria 2001 | |
AT2001A_EMP | Whether employed or unemployed (labor force concept) | P | Austria 2001 | |
AT2001A_ECACT | Whether economically active or not (labor force concept) | P | Austria 2001 |