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Work Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
SV2007A_CLASSWK Work situation in the previous week P El Salvador 2007
SV2007A_HRSWORK Total hours worked in the previous week P El Salvador 2007
SV2007A_WORKLOC Location of the workplace P El Salvador 2007
SV2007A_EMPSTAT Status in economic activity P El Salvador 2007
SV2007A_WORKDEPT Department of work in previous week P El Salvador 2007
SV2007A_WORKPLACE Place of work in previous week P El Salvador 2007
ET1984A_WKURBAN Days of work last week P Ethiopia 1984
ET1984A_WKRURAL Worked most of the last 12 months P Ethiopia 1984
ET1984A_WHYNOWK Reason for not working P Ethiopia 1984
ET1984A_CLASSWKR Status in employment P Ethiopia 1984
ET1994A_ECONACT Economically active P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_WORKRUR Worked in the last 12 months (rural areas only) P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_WORKURB Number of days worked in the last week (urban areas only) P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_WHYNOWORK Reason for not working (last 12 months) P Ethiopia 1994
ET1994A_CLASSWK Status in employment P Ethiopia 1994
ET2007A_ACTWK Any economic activity (at least 4 hours during the last 7 days) P Ethiopia 2007
ET2007A_WKAVAIL Available to work next month P Ethiopia 2007
ET2007A_ACTW2MO Economic activity (for most of last 2 months) P Ethiopia 2007
ET2007A_CLASSWK Class of worker (main job) P Ethiopia 2007
FJ1966A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Fiji 1966
Variable Label
Type Sample
FJ1976A_EMPSTAT Employment status in past week P Fiji 1976
FJ1976A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Fiji 1976
FJ1986A_EMPSTAT Type of activity last week P Fiji 1986
FJ1986A_CLASSWK Employment status P Fiji 1986
FJ1996A_WORK Activity in the past week P Fiji 1996
FJ1996A_DAYSWRK Days working for money in the past week P Fiji 1996
FJ1996A_SUBSIST Subsistence P Fiji 1996
FJ1996A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Fiji 1996
FJ1996A_CLASSWK Employment status P Fiji 1996
FJ2007A_WKLASTWK Person did any work last week P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_WORKTYPE Type of work done last week P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_WORKLOC Location of workplace P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_CLASSWKR Employment status P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_PAYFREQ Payment method P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_LOOKWORK Looking for work last week P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_NONACTIV Reason not looking for work P Fiji 2007
FJ2007A_AVAILABL Person available for work last week P Fiji 2007
FJ2014A_TRANMODE Mode of transport to main daily activity P Fiji 2014
FJ2014A_WORK Work last week P Fiji 2014
FJ2014A_WKMONEY Work for money P Fiji 2014
Variable Label
Type Sample
FJ2014A_WKSALES Work to produce goods for sale P Fiji 2014
FJ2014A_WKCONS Work to produce goods for consumption P Fiji 2014
FJ2014A_CLASSWK Employment status P Fiji 2014
FJ2014A_WKPAID Frequency of work payment P Fiji 2014
FJ2014A_WKLOOK Actively looking for work P Fiji 2014
FJ2014A_WKREAS Reason for not looking for work P Fiji 2014
FJ2014A_WKAVAIL Available to work P Fiji 2014
FJ2014A_WKLOC Workplace location P Fiji 2014
FJ2014A_WKTYPE Payment type P Fiji 2014
FI2010A_CLASSWK Occupational status P Finland 2010
FI2010A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Finland 2010
FI2010A_WKMUN Municipality of workplace P Finland 2010
FR1962A_EMPSTAT Type of activity P France 1962
FR1962A_CLASSWK Class of worker P France 1962
FR1962A_WORKQUAL Qualification of worker P France 1962
FR1962A_WORKREG Region of the workplace P France 1962
FR1962A_SACTIVIY SAPHIR type of activity P France 1962
FR1962A_SCLASSWK SAPHIR class of worker P France 1962
FR1962A_SWORKREG SAPHIR region of the workplace P France 1962
FR1968A_CATPOPD Category of the population in detail P France 1968