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Work Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
CO2005A_WKLOCP Location of place where he/she worked P Colombia 2005
CO2005A_WKLOCD Department where he/she worked P Colombia 2005
CO2005A_WKFAM Worked complementarily for a family business P Colombia 2005
CO2005A_WKSAL Worked complementarily for sale of products on his/her own account P Colombia 2005
CO2005A_WKMAN Worked complementarily for manufacture of products to sell P Colombia 2005
CO2005A_WKANI Worked complementarily in the fields or animal breeding P Colombia 2005
CO2005A_WKCHO Worked complementarily for household chores P Colombia 2005
CO2005A_WKOTH Worked complementarily for other type of activity P Colombia 2005
CR1963A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Costa Rica 1963
CR1963A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Costa Rica 1963
CR1963A_EMPDUR Months worked last year P Costa Rica 1963
CR1973A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Costa Rica 1973
CR1973A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Costa Rica 1973
CR1984A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Costa Rica 1984
CR1984A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Costa Rica 1984
CR1984A_HRSWORK Hours worked P Costa Rica 1984
CR2000A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Costa Rica 2000
CR2000A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Costa Rica 2000
CR2011A_WKLSTWK Worked last week P Costa Rica 2011
CR2011A_ACTLSTWK Non-employed economic activity last week P Costa Rica 2011
Variable Label
Type Sample
CR2011A_UNEMP Unemployed and inactive persons P Costa Rica 2011
CR2011A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Costa Rica 2011
CR2011A_WORKLOC Place of work P Costa Rica 2011
CR2011A_WKCANTON Canton of work P Costa Rica 2011
CR2011A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Costa Rica 2011
CU2002A_EMPSTAT Job status P Cuba 2002
CU2012A_EMPSTAT Job status P Cuba 2012
CU2012A_EMPSECT Type of employer in main occupation P Cuba 2012
CU2012A_WKLOC Location of workplace P Cuba 2012
CU2012A_PROVWK Province of work location P Cuba 2012
CU2012A_MUNIWK Municipality of work location P Cuba 2012
CI1988A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Côte d'Ivoire 1988
CI1988A_CLASSWK Type of employment P Côte d'Ivoire 1988
CI1988A_IND Industry (1-digit) P Côte d'Ivoire 1988
CI1998A_EMPSTAT Type of activity P Côte d'Ivoire 1998
CI1998A_CLASSWK Current employment status P Côte d'Ivoire 1998
DO1960A_ECONACT Economic activity P Dominican Republic 1960
DO1960A_CLASSWKR Status in employment P Dominican Republic 1960
DO1970A_ECONACT Economic activity P Dominican Republic 1970
DO1970A_EMPSTAT Class of worker P Dominican Republic 1970
Variable Label
Type Sample
DO1981A_WORKLW Worked last week P Dominican Republic 1981
DO1981A_WKLWPAY Received pay for work last week P Dominican Republic 1981
DO1981A_WKLWLOOK Looked for work last week P Dominican Republic 1981
DO1981A_WKNOPAY Performed unpaid work last week P Dominican Republic 1981
DO1981A_PRIACTLW Primary activity last week if not work P Dominican Republic 1981
DO1981A_WORKPAID Ever performed any paid work P Dominican Republic 1981
DO1981A_DURUNEMP Time without employment P Dominican Republic 1981
DO1981A_WKHRSLW Hours worked during the last week P Dominican Republic 1981
DO1981A_EMPTYPE Type of employer last week or last job P Dominican Republic 1981
DO1981A_CLASSWKR Status in employment P Dominican Republic 1981
DO1981A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Dominican Republic 1981
DO2002A_WRKLSTWK Worked last week P Dominican Republic 2002
DO2002A_EARNLWK Earned money last week P Dominican Republic 2002
DO2002A_UNPDLWK Unpaid work last week P Dominican Republic 2002
DO2002A_EVERWORK Has ever worked P Dominican Republic 2002
DO2002A_CLASSWK Professional status P Dominican Republic 2002
DO2002A_SECTOR Type of business P Dominican Republic 2002
DO2002A_NWORKERS Persons employed at workplace P Dominican Republic 2002
DO2002A_LOOKLW Looked for work previous week P Dominican Republic 2002
DO2002A_ACTIVITY Main activity of person not in work P Dominican Republic 2002