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Work Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
RO2002A_HRSWORK Number of hours worked on current activity during the reference period (March 11-17, 2002) P Romania 2002
RO2002A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Romania 2002
RO2002A_WKLOC Location of the working place P Romania 2002
RO2002A_WKOWN Ownership structure of working place P Romania 2002
RO2002A_DURUNEMP Duration of unemployment P Romania 2002
RO2002A_BENUNEMP Benefits related to being unemployed P Romania 2002
RO2002A_EMPYEAR Employment status most of preceding year P Romania 2002
RO2002A_EMPSTATU Usual employment status in preceding year P Romania 2002
RO2002A_CLASSWKU Usual class of worker during preceding year P Romania 2002
RO2011A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Romania 2011
RO2011A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Romania 2011
RO2011A_WKHOURS Hours worked in main occupation (during reference week) P Romania 2011
RU2002A_WORK Worked last week P Russia 2002
RU2002A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Russia 2002
RU2002A_WKLOC Location of work P Russia 2002
RU2002A_WKLOC2 Region or country of work P Russia 2002
RU2002A_WKLOOK Job search P Russia 2002
RU2010A_WORK Worked last week P Russia 2010
RU2010A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Russia 2010
RU2010A_WKREG Region or country of work P Russia 2010
Variable Label
Type Sample
RU2010A_WKLOC Location of work P Russia 2010
RU2010A_WKSCND Second job P Russia 2010
RU2010A_WKLOOK Looking for work P Russia 2010
RW1991A_EMPSTAT Type of economic activity P Rwanda 1991
RW1991A_CLASSWK Work status within the occupation P Rwanda 1991
RW2002A_EMPSTAT Employment status (situation in economic activity) P Rwanda 2002
RW2002A_CLASSWK Work status P Rwanda 2002
RW2002A_ECONSECT Sector of economic activity P Rwanda 2002
RW2012A_WORK Worked at least one hour (previous week) P Rwanda 2012
RW2012A_WKREAS Reason not working in previous week P Rwanda 2012
RW2012A_WKTYPE Work done in previous week P Rwanda 2012
RW2012A_WKNOW Ready to work P Rwanda 2012
RW2012A_WKSEEK Seeking work P Rwanda 2012
RW2012A_CLASSWK Status in employment P Rwanda 2012
RW2012A_WKSECTOR Sector of employment P Rwanda 2012
LC1980A_TRAINED Trained or receiving training in occupation P Saint Lucia 1980
LC1980A_TRAINMETH Method by which trained for occupation P Saint Lucia 1980
LC1980A_TRAINST Training status P Saint Lucia 1980
LC1980A_TRAINPER Training period P Saint Lucia 1980
LC1980A_EMPSTATYR Main activity during the past 12 months P Saint Lucia 1980
Variable Label
Type Sample
LC1980A_SECTOR Occupational status P Saint Lucia 1980
LC1980A_WORKMO Months worked in the pasrt 12 months P Saint Lucia 1980
LC1980A_EMPSTAT Economic situation during last week P Saint Lucia 1980
LC1980A_WORKHR Number of hours worked last week P Saint Lucia 1980
LC1991A_EMPSTAT Activity last week P Saint Lucia 1991
LC1991A_EMPSTATYR Activity last year P Saint Lucia 1991
LC1991A_CLASSWK Employment type P Saint Lucia 1991
LC1991A_WORKED Ever worked P Saint Lucia 1991
LC1991A_WORKHR Number of hours worked last week P Saint Lucia 1991
LC1991A_BUSMOVE Moving business P Saint Lucia 1991
LC1991A_WORKMO Number of months worked last year P Saint Lucia 1991
LC1991A_TRAINOTH Any other training P Saint Lucia 1991
LC1991A_PAYPER Pay period P Saint Lucia 1991
LC1991A_TRAINM Mode of training P Saint Lucia 1991
LC1991A_TOURISM Tourism activity P Saint Lucia 1991
LC1991A_WORK Activity last week P Saint Lucia 1991
LC1991A_WORKYR Any work last year P Saint Lucia 1991
LC1991A_TRANSWK Transport to work P Saint Lucia 1991
SN1988A_EMPSTAT Employment status (past 12 months) P Senegal 1988
SN1988A_CLASSWK Work status (past 12 months) P Senegal 1988