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Work Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PR2010A_PWPUMAS Super-PUMA of work P Puerto Rico 2010
PR2010A_ARRIVES Time of arrival at work P Puerto Rico 2010
PR2010A_TRANTIME Travel time to work P Puerto Rico 2010
PR2010A_UHRSWORK Usual hours worked per week P Puerto Rico 2010
PR2010A_DEPARTS Time of departure for work P Puerto Rico 2010
PR2015A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_LABFORCE Labor force status last week P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_OCCSCORE Occupational income score P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_SEI Duncan socioeconomic Index P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_CLASSWKR Class of worker P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_WKSWORK2 Weeks worked last year, intervalled P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_WORKEDYR Worked last year P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_ABSENT Absent from work last week P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_LOOKING Looking for work P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_AVAILBLE Available for work P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_PWTYPE Metropolitan status of place of work P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_PWSTATE2 State or country of work location P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_CARPOOL Carpooling P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_RIDERS Vehicle occupancy P Puerto Rico 2015
Variable Label
Type Sample
PR2015A_WRKLSTWK Worked last week P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_WRKRECAL Informed of work recall P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_PWPUMA00 PUMA of work location (2000 onward) P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_ARRIVES Time of arrival at work P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_TRANTIME Travel time to work last week (in minutes) P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_UHRSWORK Usual hours worked per week P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_DEPARTS Time of departure for work P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_PWCOUNTY County of work location P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2015A_WKMET Metropolitan area of work location (2013 delineations) P Puerto Rico 2015
PR2020A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_LABFORCE Labor force status last week P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_OCCSCORE Occupational income score P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_SEI Duncan Socioeconomic Index P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_CLASSWKR Class of worker P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_WKSWORK1 Weeks worked last year P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_WKSWORK2 Weeks worked last year, intervalled P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_WORKEDYR Worked last year P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_ABSENT Absent from work last week P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_LOOKING Looking for work P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_AVAILBLE Available for work P Puerto Rico 2020
Variable Label
Type Sample
PR2020A_PWTYPE Metropolitan status of place of work P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_PWSTATE2 State or country of work location P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_TRANWORK Means of transportation to work P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_CARPOOL Carpooling P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_RIDERS Vehicle occupancy P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_WRKLSTWK Worked last week P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_WRKRECAL Informed of work recall P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_PWPUMA00 PUMA of work location (2000 onward) P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_ARRIVES Time of arrival at work P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_TRANTIME Travel time to work last week (in minutes) P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_UHRSWORK Usual hours worked per week P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_DEPARTS Time of departure for work P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_PWCOUNTY County of work location (ICPSR code) P Puerto Rico 2020
PR2020A_PWMET13 Metropolitan area of work location (2013 delineations) P Puerto Rico 2020
RO1977A_SECTOR Socio-economic sector of supporter P Romania 1977
RO1977A_WKACT Activity category P Romania 1977
RO1992A_EMPSTAT Economic status in reference week P Romania 1992
RO1992A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Romania 1992
RO1992A_SECTOR Ownership structure of workplace P Romania 1992
RO2002A_EMPSTAT Employment status in week of census P Romania 2002