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Work Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PE2017A_WKDEPT Department where workplace is located P Peru 2017
PE2017A_WKPROV Province where workplace is located P Peru 2017
PE2017A_WKDIST District where workplace is located P Peru 2017
PE2017A_WKCNTRY Country where workplace is located P Peru 2017
PH1990A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Philippines 1990
PH1990A_WRKPROV Province of work P Philippines 1990
PH1990A_WRKAVAIL Availability for work P Philippines 1990
PH1990A_WRKLOOK Looking for work P Philippines 1990
PH1990A_WHYNOT Reason for not looking for work P Philippines 1990
PH1995A_TRADE Trade skill P Philippines 1995
PH1995A_TRADEAC How was trade skill acquired P Philippines 1995
PH1995A_ECONACT Engaged in economic activity P Philippines 1995
PH1995A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Philippines 1995
PH2000A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Philippines 2000
PH2010A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Philippines 2010
PH2010A_WKPROV Province of work location P Philippines 2010
PH2010A_WKMUNI Municipality of work location P Philippines 2010
PH2010A_WKLOC Work outside province or municipality of residence P Philippines 2010
PL1978A_ECONPOS Economic position in the household P Poland 1978
PL1978A_CLASSWK First type of employment (of person providing support) P Poland 1978
Variable Label
Type Sample
PL1978A_CLASSWK2 Second type of employment (of person or secondary person providing support) P Poland 1978
PL1988A_CLASSWK Main employment type P Poland 1988
PL1988A_CLASSWK2 Secondary employment type P Poland 1988
PL2002A_SEEKWRK Seeking employment P Poland 2002
PL2002A_ABLEWRK Ability to start employment P Poland 2002
PL2002A_DURSEEK Duration of seeking employment P Poland 2002
PL2002A_ACTIVITY Economic activity P Poland 2002
PL2002A_FARMUSR Farm users P Poland 2002
PL2002A_WRKFARM Number of months worked in own agricultural farm during the lat 12 months P Poland 2002
PL2002A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Poland 2002
PL2002A_NEMPLOY Employment according to the number of workplaces P Poland 2002
PT1981A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Portugal 1981
PT1981A_CLASSWK Professional situation P Portugal 1981
PT1981A_INCSRC Source of livelihood P Portugal 1981
PT1981A_HRSWK Hours worked in a specific profession during the indicated week P Portugal 1981
PT1981A_WKLOC1 Place of work or study: Same or different municipality P Portugal 1981
PT1981A_WKLOC2 Place of work or study: Geographic location P Portugal 1981
PT1981A_TRANMODE Main mode of transport P Portugal 1981
PT1991A_WKPLEU EU subregion of work or study P Portugal 1991
PT1991A_WKPL Place of work or study P Portugal 1991
Variable Label
Type Sample
PT1991A_TRANS Main mode of transportation to work or study P Portugal 1991
PT1991A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Portugal 1991
PT1991A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Portugal 1991
PT1991A_WKHRS Usual number of hours worked per week P Portugal 1991
PT1991A_INCSRC Source of livelihood P Portugal 1991
PT1991A_EMPSZ Size of place of employment P Portugal 1991
PT2001A_WKPLAC Place of work or study P Portugal 2001
PT2001A_WKPLACN Place of work or study P Portugal 2001
PT2001A_TRANS Main mode of transportation to work or study P Portugal 2001
PT2001A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Portugal 2001
PT2001A_CLASSWK Employment condition P Portugal 2001
PT2001A_WKHRS Usual number of hours worked per week P Portugal 2001
PT2001A_INCSRC Source of livelihood P Portugal 2001
PT2001A_EMPSZ Size of place of employment P Portugal 2001
PT2011A_WKPL Place of work or study P Portugal 2011
PT2011A_WKPLNUTS3 NUTS3 place of work or study - geography 2002 P Portugal 2011
PT2011A_TRANS Main mode of transport P Portugal 2011
PT2011A_HRSWK Working hours P Portugal 2011
PT2011A_CLASSWK Professional status P Portugal 2011
PT2011A_ESTABSZ Number of employees at workplace P Portugal 2011