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Work Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
MX2010A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Mexico 2010
MX2010A_CLASSWK Position at work P Mexico 2010
MX2010A_HRSWORK Hours worked last week P Mexico 2010
MX2010A_STATEWRK State or country of work P Mexico 2010
MX2010A_MUNIWRK Municipality of work P Mexico 2010
MX2015A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_CLASSWK Position at work P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_WORKSTAT State or country of job location P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_WORKMUN Municipality or country of job location P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_TRANTIMWORK Transportation time from the dwelling to the workplace P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_TRANWORK1 Usual type of transport from the dwelling to the workplace P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_TRANWORK2 Second type of transport from the dwelling to the workplace P Mexico 2015
MX2015A_TRANWORK3 Third type of transport from the dwelling to the workplace P Mexico 2015
MX2020A_EMPSTAT Employment status last week P Mexico 2020
MX2020A_CLASSWK Position at work P Mexico 2020
MX2020A_HRSWRK Hours spent at work last week P Mexico 2020
MX2020A_WKMUN Municipality or country of job location P Mexico 2020
MX2020A_WKSTAT State or country of job location P Mexico 2020
MX2020A_TRANTIMWORK Transportation time from dwelling to the workplace P Mexico 2020
MX2020A_TRANWORK1 Usual transport from dwelling to the workplace (first response) P Mexico 2020
Variable Label
Type Sample
MX2020A_TRANWORK2 Usual transport from dwelling to the workplace (second response) P Mexico 2020
MX2020A_TRANWORK3 Usual transport from dwelling to the workplace (third response) P Mexico 2020
MN1989A_INCSRC Income source P Mongolia 1989
MN2000A_EMPLOYED Current employment P Mongolia 2000
MN2000A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Mongolia 2000
MN2000A_UNEMP Reason for not working P Mongolia 2000
MA1982A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Morocco 1982
MA1982A_DAYSWORK Number of days worked since 7/23/82 P Morocco 1982
MA1982A_WHYNOWK Reason for not working P Morocco 1982
MA1982A_CLASSWK Work status P Morocco 1982
MA1994A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Morocco 1994
MA1994A_CLASSWK Work status P Morocco 1994
MA2004A_EMPSTAT Employment status P Morocco 2004
MA2004A_CLASSWK Work status P Morocco 2004
MA2014A_ACTIVITY Activity status P Morocco 2014
MA2014A_CLASSWK Class of worker P Morocco 2014
MA2014A_WKLOC Place of work or study P Morocco 2014
MA2014A_WKTRAN Means of transportation to work or study P Morocco 2014
MZ1997A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Mozambique 1997
MZ1997A_DOMLAB Domestic labor P Mozambique 1997
Variable Label
Type Sample
MZ1997A_SECTOR Sector P Mozambique 1997
MZ1997A_HOURSWK Hours per day worked in the past week P Mozambique 1997
MZ2007A_EMPSTAT Economic activity P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_DOMESTWK Type of domestic work P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_SECTOR Sector P Mozambique 2007
MZ2007A_HRSWK Hours worked per day during the past week P Mozambique 2007
MM2014A_ACTIVITY Activity status P Myanmar 2014
NP2001A_ACTIVITY Usual activity during last 12 months P Nepal 2001
NP2001A_MTHSECON Months of economic work during last 12 months P Nepal 2001
NP2001A_MTHSEXEC Months of extended economic work during last 12 months P Nepal 2001
NP2001A_MTHSSEEK Months seeking economic work during last 12 months P Nepal 2001
NP2001A_MTHSNEC Months of no economic work during last 12 months P Nepal 2001
NP2001A_CLASSWKR Status in employment P Nepal 2001
NP2001A_WKREASON Reason for not usually doing economic work during last 12 months P Nepal 2001
NP2011A_WKAGR Number of months worked in agriculture in past 12 months P Nepal 2011
NP2011A_WKWAG Number of months worked for salary or wage in past 12 months P Nepal 2011
NP2011A_WKSELF Number of months worked on own non-agricultural business in past 12 months P Nepal 2011
NP2011A_WKEXT Number of months worked on extended economic activities in past 12 months P Nepal 2011
NP2011A_WKSEEK Number of months spent looking for work in past 12 months P Nepal 2011
NP2011A_HHWK Number of months worked on household non-economic activities in past 12 months P Nepal 2011