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Migration: Global Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
PH1990A_MOVEMON Month moved to current city/municipality P Philippines 1990
PH1990A_MOVEYR Year moved to current city/municipality P Philippines 1990
PH1995A_OVERSEAS Overseas worker [discrepancies: none] P Philippines 1995
PH2000A_OVERSEAS Overseas worker P Philippines 2000
PH2000A_PROV5YR Province of residence 5 years ago P Philippines 2000
PH2000A_PROV5YRMIG5 Province of residence 5 years ago for migration P Philippines 2000
PH2000A_MUN5YR Municipality of residence 5 years ago P Philippines 2000
PH2000A_PROV10YR Province of residence 10 years ago P Philippines 2000
PH2000A_PROV10YRMIG10 Province of residence 10 years ago for migration P Philippines 2000
PH2000A_MUN10YR Municipality of residence 10 years ago P Philippines 2000
PH2010A_PROV5YR Province of residence five years ago P Philippines 2010
PH2010A_MUNI5YR Municipality of residence five years ago P Philippines 2010
PH2010A_RES5YR Resided in different province or municipality 5 years ago P Philippines 2010
PL1978A_RESID Residence status P Poland 1978
PL1978A_REASRESID Reason for absence P Poland 1978
PL1988A_ABSENCE Reason for the absence P Poland 1988
PL2002A_CNTRYSTAY Country of staying or previous residence P Poland 2002
PL2002A_ABSENT Duration of absence or temporary stay P Poland 2002
PL2002A_YRTSTAY Year of departure or arrival to temporary stay P Poland 2002
PL2002A_EMIGRANT Time spent abroad P Poland 2002
Variable Label
Type Sample
PL2002A_VOV1YR Voivodship of residence one year ago P Poland 2002
PL2002A_CNTRY1YR Country of residence one year ago P Poland 2002
PL2002A_YRLOC Time living in locality P Poland 2002
PL2002A_YRARR Year of arrival to the locality P Poland 2002
PL2002A_RESPREV Previous place of residence P Poland 2002
PL2002A_VOVPREV Voivodship of previous place of residence P Poland 2002
PL2002A_RURALPREV Type of the locality of previous place of residence P Poland 2002
PL2002A_CNTRYPREV Country of previous residence P Poland 2002
PT1981A_RESP73A EU subregion of usual residence on December 31, 1973: NUTS 3-digit [modified] P Portugal 1981
PT1981A_RESP73B Place of usual residence on December 31, 1973 P Portugal 1981
PT1981A_RESP79A EU subregion of usual residence on December 31, 1979: NUTS 3-digit [modified] P Portugal 1981
PT1981A_RESP79B Place of usual residence on December 31, 1979 P Portugal 1981
PT1991A_RES Place of usual residence on December 31, 1989 P Portugal 1991
PT1991A_RESC Country of usual residence on December 31, 1989 P Portugal 1991
PT1991A_RESN EU subregion of residence on December 31, 1989 P Portugal 1991
PT1991A_RESPR Place of usual residence on December 31, 1985 P Portugal 1991
PT1991A_RESPRC Country of usual residence on December 31, 1985 P Portugal 1991
PT1991A_RESPRN EU subregion of usual residence on December 31, 1985 P Portugal 1991
PT2001A_RES Place of usual residence on December 31, 1999 P Portugal 2001
PT2001A_RESN NUTS-3 region of usual residence on December 31, 1999 P Portugal 2001
Variable Label
Type Sample
PT2001A_RESC Country of usual residence on December 31, 1999 P Portugal 2001
PT2001A_RESP Place of usual residence on December 31, 1995 P Portugal 2001
PT2001A_RESPN NUTS-3 region of usual residence on December 31, 1995 P Portugal 2001
PT2001A_RESPC Country of usual residence on December 31, 1995 P Portugal 2001
PT2011A_RES1 Place of usual residence 1 year ago P Portugal 2011
PT2011A_RES1CTRY Country of residence 1 year ago P Portugal 2011
PT2011A_RES5 Place of usual residence 5 years ago P Portugal 2011
PT2011A_RES5CTRY Country of residence 5 years ago P Portugal 2011
PR1970A_MIGRATE5 Migration status, 5 years P Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_MIGPLAC5 State or country of residence 5 years ago P Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_MIGTYPE5 Metropolitan status 5 years ago P Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_MOVEDIN When occupant moved into residence P Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_USADURR Length of last stay in U.S. P Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_USARESID Residence in the United States for 6 months or more P Puerto Rico 1970
PR1970A_USAYRRET Year of return to Puerto Rico from U.S. P Puerto Rico 1970
PR1980A_MIGRATE5 Migration status, 5 years P Puerto Rico 1980
PR1980A_MIGPLAC5 State or country of residence 5 years ago P Puerto Rico 1980
PR1980A_MIGTYPE5 Metropolitan status 5 years ago P Puerto Rico 1980
PR1980A_WORK5YR Working 5 years ago P Puerto Rico 1980
PR1980A_MILIT5YR Armed forces 5 years ago P Puerto Rico 1980