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Migration: Global Variables -- PERSON    (Group continued on next page...)    [top]
Variable Label
Type Sample
JM1982A_PREVPAR Last parish of residence P Jamaica 1982
JM1982A_PARISHN Number of parishes ever lived in P Jamaica 1982
JM1991A_USUALPAR Parish or country of usual residence P Jamaica 1991
JM1991A_YRPARISH Year moved to current parish P Jamaica 1991
JM1991A_PREVPAR Parish of last residence P Jamaica 1991
JM2001A_YRPAR Year moved to live in parish of residence P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_PREVPAR Parish of last residence P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_AWAY5YR Residence outside of Jamaica for 5 years or more P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_PREVCTRY Country of last residence P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_YRRETURN Year returned to Jamaica P Jamaica 2001
JM2001A_REASRET Reason for returning to Jamaica P Jamaica 2001
JO2004A_RESABR Reason for residence in either Jordan or abroad P Jordan 2004
JO2004A_RESDUR Duration of residence in current place (Jordanians) and in Jordan (non-Jordanians) in years P Jordan 2004
KE1979A_PREVRES District or country of residence in August 1978 P Kenya 1979
KE1989A_RESPREV Previous residence P Kenya 1989
KE1999A_PREVRES Previous residence P Kenya 1999
KE1999A_DURMONTH Month moved to current residence P Kenya 1999
KE1999A_DURYEAR Year moved to current residence P Kenya 1999
KE2009A_MEMBERHH Usual member of household P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_PREVRES Country or district of residence one year ago P Kenya 2009
Variable Label
Type Sample
KE2009A_RESDURMO Month when person moved to current district P Kenya 2009
KE2009A_RESDURYR Year when person moved to current district P Kenya 2009
KG1999A_PERRESID Residing permanently since birth P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_YRMOVE Year moved P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_RESPREV District or country of previous residence P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG1999A_MOVEURB Moved from urban or rural area P Kyrgyzstan 1999
KG2009A_GEOGAWAY Location of absent persons P Kyrgyzstan 2009
KG2009A_AWAYTIME How long have absent persons been away P Kyrgyzstan 2009
KG2009A_WHYAWAY Reason for absence P Kyrgyzstan 2009
KG2009A_RESSTATUS Absent on census night P Kyrgyzstan 2009
KG2009A_MOVED Residing from birth in current settlement P Kyrgyzstan 2009
KG2009A_YRMOVED Year moved to current settlement P Kyrgyzstan 2009
KG2009A_WHYMOVED Reason for moving P Kyrgyzstan 2009
LA1995A_CNTRY10YR Country of residence in March 1985 P Laos 1995
LA1995A_PROV10YR Province of residence in March 1985 P Laos 1995
LA1995A_DIST10YR District of residence in March 1985 P Laos 1995
LA2005A_RESCNTRY Country of residence in March 1995 P Laos 2005
LA2005A_RESPROV Province of residence in March 1995 P Laos 2005
LA2015A_RES10YR Place of living at last census 2005 P Laos 2015
LA2015A_PROV10YR Province of living in the last census 2005 P Laos 2015
Variable Label
Type Sample
LA2015A_DIST10YR District of living in the last census 2005 P Laos 2015
LA2015A_CNTRY10YR Country of living in the last census 2005 P Laos 2015
LA2015A_MIGREAS Main reason for moving P Laos 2015
LA2015A_MOVE1YR Moved into household in the past 12 months P Laos 2015
LA2015A_RES1YR Place of residence in the past 12 months P Laos 2015
LA2015A_PROV1YR Province of previous residence P Laos 2015
LA2015A_DIST1YR District of previous residence P Laos 2015
LA2015A_MIGREAS1YR Reason for moving into current household P Laos 2015
LS1996A_STATUS Residential status P Lesotho 1996
LS1996A_RESCNTRY Country of stay P Lesotho 1996
LS1996A_ABSDUR Duration of residence outside Lesotho (years) P Lesotho 1996
LS1996A_RES10YR District or country of residence in April 1986 P Lesotho 1996
LS1996A_RESDUR Duration of residence in current village or town (since 1986) P Lesotho 1996
LS2006A_STATUS Residency status P Lesotho 2006
LS2006A_RESCNTRY Country of residence P Lesotho 2006
LS2006A_ABSDUR Years residing abroad P Lesotho 2006
LS2006A_RES10YR District or country of residence in 1996 P Lesotho 2006
LS2006A_RESDUR Years of residence in the village P Lesotho 2006
LR1974A_LNGTHRES Length of residence in years P Liberia 1974
LR2008A_RESLENG Length of residence in Liberia in completed years P Liberia 2008