Questionnaire Text

Brazil 1980 Hungary 2001 Mexico 2010 Spain 2001
Brazil 1991 Indonesia 1980 Mexico 2020 Switzerland 2000
Brazil 2000 Indonesia 1985 Nicaragua 1995 Switzerland 2011
Canada 1981 Indonesia 1990 Nicaragua 2005 Trinidad and Tobago 1970
Canada 1991 Indonesia 1995 Pakistan 1973 Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Canada 2001 Israel 1972 Palestine 2017 Trinidad and Tobago 1990
Canada 2011 Israel 1983 Panama 1970 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Dominican Republic 1981 Israel 1995 Portugal 1991 United States 1960
Ecuador 1990 Israel 2008 Portugal 2001 United States 1970
Ecuador 2001 Jamaica 1982 Portugal 2011 United States 1980
Ecuador 2010 Jamaica 1991 Puerto Rico 1970 United States 1990
El Salvador 1992 Jamaica 2001 Puerto Rico 1980 United States 2000
El Salvador 2007 Jordan 2004 Puerto Rico 1990 United States 2005
Germany 1970 Kenya 2009 Puerto Rico 2000 United States 2010
Ghana 2000 Malaysia 1991 Puerto Rico 2005 United States 2015
Greece 1971 Mauritius 1990 Puerto Rico 2010 United States 2020
Greece 1981 Mauritius 2000 Puerto Rico 2015 Venezuela 1971
Greece 1991 Mauritius 2011 Puerto Rico 2020 Venezuela 1981
Greece 2001 Mexico 1990 Saint Lucia 1980 Venezuela 2001
Greece 2011 Mexico 1995 Saint Lucia 1991
Honduras 1988 Mexico 2000 South Africa 2001
Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_HOURSALL — Hours worked in all occupations
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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 10 years or older
[Applies to questions 25 -49]

36. Hours usually worked per week in occupation declared in all occupations

[] 1 less than 15 hours
[] 2 15 to 29 hours
[] 3 30 to 39 hours
[] 4 40 to 48 hours
[] 5 49+ hours

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The following questions will only be filled out for persons age 10 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1970.

[Applies to questions 25-49]

Question 36 - Time regularly worked per week on all the occupations exercised

Record the number of hours the person spends per week on all occupations he or she exercises, including the hours declared in Question 35.
1st case - a doctor who works 30 hours per week at the Federal Health Service (INAMPS) and 20 hours per week at a private office.
Answers: Question 35 - 50 hours
Question 36 - 50 hours
2nd case - a doctor who works at 30 hours per week the Federal Health Service (INAMPS) and 10 hours per week as a college teacher.
Answers: Question 35 - 30 hours

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_HOURWORK — Hours worked per week in main occupation
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54/55. Hours usually worked per week (when only worked in one occupation write in 00 in spot for other occupations)
[] occupation in question 46
[] other occupations

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Question 54/55 - Hours regularly worked per week
The time worked per week will be entered in whole hours, considering thirty minutes or more as one hour and disregarding periods of less than 30 minutes (e.g., 40 hours and 30 minutes will be recorded as 41 hours; 35 hours and 20 minutes will be recorded as 35 hours).
Compute time spent away from the workplace on tasks related to the occupation. For example, the time a teacher spends at home preparing classes or correcting exercises or tests.
Hours worked in the occupation referred to in Question 46 - Record the number of hours worked per week in the occupation declared in Question 46.
When a person exercises the occupation declared in Question 30 at more than one establishment, business, institution, etc., the sum total of the hours regularly worked at all these establishments, businesses, etc. will be recorded.
[p. 91]
Hours worked in other occupations - When the person exercises only the occupation declared in Question 46, record 00. When he or she exercises one or more additional occupations besides that declared in Question 46, record the number of hours worked per week in the other occupation(s).
1st case - A medical doctor who works 30 hours per week at the Federal Health Service (INAMPS) and 20 hours per week at a private office, record:
In the occupation in Question 46 - 50 hours
In other occupations - 00
2nd case - A medical doctor who works 30 hours per week at the Federal Health Service (INAMPS) and 10 hours per week as a college professor.
In the occupation in Question 46 - 30 hours
In other occupations - 10 hours

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_HOURWKOC — Hours worked in other occupations
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54/55. Hours usually worked per week (when only worked in one occupation write in 00 in spot for other occupations)
[] occupation in question 46
[] other occupations

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Question 54/55 - Hours regularly worked per week
The time worked per week will be entered in whole hours, considering thirty minutes or more as one hour and disregarding periods of less than 30 minutes (e.g., 40 hours and 30 minutes will be recorded as 41 hours; 35 hours and 20 minutes will be recorded as 35 hours).
Compute time spent away from the workplace on tasks related to the occupation. For example, the time a teacher spends at home preparing classes or correcting exercises or tests.
Hours worked in the occupation referred to in Question 46 - Record the number of hours worked per week in the occupation declared in Question 46.
When a person exercises the occupation declared in Question 30 at more than one establishment, business, institution, etc., the sum total of the hours regularly worked at all these establishments, businesses, etc. will be recorded.
[p. 91]
Hours worked in other occupations - When the person exercises only the occupation declared in Question 46, record 00. When he or she exercises one or more additional occupations besides that declared in Question 46, record the number of hours worked per week in the other occupation(s).
1st case - A medical doctor who works 30 hours per week at the Federal Health Service (INAMPS) and 20 hours per week at a private office, record:
In the occupation in Question 46 - 50 hours
In other occupations - 00
2nd case - A medical doctor who works 30 hours per week at the Federal Health Service (INAMPS) and 10 hours per week as a college professor.
In the occupation in Question 46 - 30 hours
In other occupations - 10 hours

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_HOURTOT — Total hours worked
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For persons 10 years old or older (born until July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

How many hours do you typically work per week

4.53 In your principal job?

_ _
4.54 In your other jobs? When person only has one job, mark don't have other jobs.
_ _
[] 0 don't have
Go to question 4.56
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For persons age 10 or over (born on or before July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

How many hours do you usually work per week:

Question 4.53 - At your main work?

Question 4.54 - At other work?

Record in whole hours, considering 30 minutes or more as one hour. Disregard periods of less than 30 minutes.

Also compute the hours the person regularly occupied outside the workplace in tasks related to his or her occupation. For example, the hours a teacher normally spent at home preparing classes or correcting exercises, should be added to those actually occupied while teaching.

Do not include periods set aside for meals.

Note: Both questions (main work and other work) should be filled out. For persons who had only one type of work, mark the square Does Not Have in the field referring to the other work.

Canada 1981 — source variable CA1981A_WKHRS — Hours worked in reference week
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[Questions 31-46 were asked of persons age 15+, per question 30.]

39a. Last week, how many hours did you work (not excluding house-work or other work around your home)?

Working for wages, salary, tips or commission,
Working in your own business, farm or professional practice,
Working without pay in a family farm or business.
[] None: Continue with questions 39b to 46.
[] Hours (to the nearest hour): _ _ Go to question 41

Canada 1991 — source variable CA1991A_WKHRS — Hours worked in reference week
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STEP 10: Answer Questions 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over.

30. Last week, how many hours did this person work (not including volunteer work, housework, maintenance or repairs for his/her own home)?

Include as work: working without pay in a family farm or business (e.g., assisting in seeding, doing accounts); working in his/her own business, farm or professional practice, alone or in partnership; working for wages, salary, tips or commission.
Number of hours (to the nearest hour) - go to Question 36 ____
[] None - continue with the next question

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Answer Questions 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over, that is, for each person born before June 4, 1976.

Question 30: Number of hours worked

Enter the total number of hours worked last week. Remember to include the following situations:

Working without pay in a family farm or business

This means working without regular money wages for a spouse or a relative who is a member of the same household, at tasks which contribute to the operation of a farm or business run by the relative (for example, bookkeeping for a farm or business owned by a spouse).

Working in his/her own business, farm or professional practice, alone or in partnership (i.e. self-employed with or without paid help)

Include any fishing, trapping or hunting for profit or for the maintenance of family or community, undertaken with his/her own or rented equipment or with the equipment in which he/she has a share.
The hours worked should include all time spent preparing, maintaining and administering the operation of a farm, business or professional practice. Farmers should include hours spent maintaining farm fences, buildings or machinery, as well as cultivating, sowing or milking. Fishermen should include time spent preparing and maintaining boats, nets, etc. If the number of hours is not known, enter the best estimate.

[p. 9]
Working for wages, salary, tips or commission

Turn to Question 41 in this Guide for more complete definitions of these situations.

Canada 2001 — source variable CA2001A_HRSWKP — Hours worked for pay or in self-employment - in reference week
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23. Answer questions 24 to 51 for each person aged 15 and over.

34. Last week, how many hours did this person spend working for pay or in self-employment?

Include: working for wages, salary, tips or commission; working in his/her own business, farm or professional practice, alone or in partnership; working directly towards the operation of a family farm or business without formal pay arrangements (e.g., assisting in seeding, doing accounts).
Number of hours (to the nearest hour) - go to Question 40 ____
[] None - continue with the next question

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[Questions 34 to 50 collect information on paid work done by people aged 15 and older.]

Retired Persons

All persons who were retired on Census Day (May 15, 2001) and who did not work at any time between January 1, 2000 and May 12, 2001 should answer Questions 34 to 39 only, and then go directly to Question 51 (Income in 2000).
Some retired persons may have returned to the workforce following official retirement. All retired persons who returned to the workforce between January 1, 2000 and May 12, 2001 should answer Questions 34 to 50.

Question 34 -- Hours worked for pay or in self-employment

For persons 15 years and over, enter the total number of hours worked for pay at all jobs last week. Last week refers to the week of Sunday, May 6 to Saturday, May 12, 2001.
Hours spent working directly towards the operation of a family farm or business without formal pay arrangements. This means working for a spouse or another relative who is a member of the same household. Include any work that helped the relative run his or her farm or business. For example, include bookkeeping for a farm or business owned by a spouse.
Hours spent working in one's own business, farm or professional practice, alone or with a partner. This means hours worked by persons who are self-employed, with or without paid help, including: all time spent maintaining and administering the operation of a farm, business or professional practice; fishing, trapping or hunting for profit or to maintain the community, with equipment that is rented, owned or owned in part; for fishers, hours spent preparing and maintaining boats, nets, etc.; for farmers, hours spent maintaining farm fences, buildings or machinery, cultivating, sowing, milking, etc.
Hours spent working for wages, salary, tips or commission. See Question 44 of this guide for examples.
If the number of hours is not known, report the best estimate.

Canada 2011 — source variable CA2011A_HRSWK — Hours of work (in reference week)
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Labour market activities

The next few questions were asked of persons aged 15+ about paid work.

34. During the week of Sunday, May 1 to Saturday, May 7, 2011, how many hours did this person spend working for pay or in self-employment?

Please enter the total number of hours worked for pay or in self-employment at all jobs held during the week of May 1 to May 7.

Working for wages, salary, tips or commission;
Waking, selling or trading arts and crafts;
Running a business;
Trapping, hunting and fishing (except as a leisure activity);
Fixing gear used to hunt, fish or trap;
Working as a guide.
[] Number of hours (to the nearest hour): _ _ _ [Go to question 40.]
[] None [Continue with the next question.]
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Labor market activities
Questions 34 to 45 and 49 to 51 provide information on Canada's workforce including the industries and occupations in which they work, as well as the language used at work. Employment information is used to assess the economic conditions of communities and specific populations such as Aboriginal Peoples and immigrants. Industry and occupation information is used to forecast job opportunities.

Retired persons
All persons who did not work any hours during the week of May 1 to May 7, 2011 (answered 'none' to question 34), should answer questions 34 to 39 even if the reason they did not work was because they retired.

All persons who did any work for pay or in self-employment between January 1, 2010 and May 7, 2011 should answer questions 40 to 51, even if they are retired at the time of the survey.

Recent immigrants
Persons who did not have a job during the week of May 1 to May 7, 2011, but who have worked since January 1, 2010, should answer questions 34 to 39 for the last job they held even if it was in another country and continue with questions 40 to 51.

Question 34 -- Hours worked for pay or in self-employment
For each person 15 years and over, enter the total number of hours worked for pay at all jobs and in self-employment during the week of May 1 to May 7, 2011.


[] Hours spent working for salary, wages, tips or commission
[] Hours spent working in one's own business, agricultural operation or professional practice, alone or with a partner

Include as hours worked:

[] All time spent maintaining and administering the operation of one's own agricultural operation, business or professional practice
[] All time spent fishing, trapping or hunting for profit or to maintain the community, with equipment that is rented, owned or owned in part
[] For fishers, hours spent preparing and maintaining boats, nets, etc.
[] For farmers, hours spent maintaining farm fences, buildings or machinery, cultivating, sowing, milking, etc.
[] Hours spent working directly towards the operation of a family agricultural operation, business or professional practice without pay. This means working for a spouse or another relative who is a member of the same household. Include any work that helped the relative run his or her agricultural operation or business. For example, include bookkeeping for a business owned by a spouse.

If the number of hours is not known, report the best estimate.

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_WKHRSLW — Hours worked during the last week
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For individuals 10 years of age and older[Applies to questions 51-64.]

58. How many hours did you work last week in all of your jobs?
(For those who were ill or on vacation, etc., give the hours normally worked per week.)

____ Number of hours
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For persons 10 years of age and older

Question 58: How many hours did you work in all of your jobs last week?

The number of hours normally worked is recorded for those who were sick or on vacation, etc.

The total number of hours worked during the week is recorded.

After the number of hours is recorded, the corresponding circles are filled in.

Ecuador 1990 — source variable EC1990A_HRSWORK — Number of hours worked
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For all individuals 8 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 13-18.]

For those who answered 0, 1 or 2 in question 13 and 1 in question 14:
[Applies to questions 15-18.]

16. How many hours did you work last week in the occupation indicated?

Number of hours ____

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Question 16. How many hours did you work at this activity last week?

Write the number of hours worked during the week of the 19th to the 24th of November, in the occupation listed in the previous question. If the information is provided in daily hours, ask how many days he/she works in a week and calculate the hours, writing the hours for the week.

For those persons who were on vacation, ill or off work with permission, write the number of hours worked in the last week when he/she worked.

If the person is unemployed, find out the number of hours worked in the last employment.

How many hours did you work last week in the indicated occupation?

_ _ _ Number of hours

Ecuador 2001 — source variable EC2001A_HRSWORK — Hours worked
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21. How many hours did you work at this activity last week or the last week you worked before you became unemployed?
Number of hours _ _ _

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Question 21.- How many hours did you work last week, or the final week if you were unemployed, in the occupation indicated?

[There is a picture of question 21 from this section of the enumeration form.]

Record the number of hours worked during the week of November 19th to the 24th, or during the last week worked if the person was unemployed, in the occupation indicated in the previous question. If the information is provided in hours per day, ask how many days per week they work and make the corresponding calculation; always record the number of hours per week.

For those people who were on vacation, sick or with permission, you should record the number of hours worked during the last week that they worked.

If the person is unemployed, find out the number of hours per week they worked in their last occupation.

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_HRSWORK — Hours of work last week the person worked
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For persons five years old and older
[Questions 27 to 33 were asked of all people five years and older.]

In the last week or the last week that he/she worked:
[Questions 29-33 were asked of people who reported some kind of work or looking for work in the last week.]

32. How many hours did [the respondent] work last week or the last week that he/she worked?

Total hours _ _ _

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[Section 4]

Step 14: Continue with section 4, information about the population / D: Economic characteristics (annex, pages 41-45)

[A copy of section 4D of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]


  • Follow the sequential order of the questions.
  • Remember that the questions are for people 5 years old and older.
  • (A)The week of reference will be Sunday the 21st to Saturday the 27th of November.
  • Question 27 serves to identify people who did some activity for an income or not.
  • (B)Take into account the leaps of questions 27 and 28.
  • Question 29 is written literally, the activity of the business or company in which the interviewed person works or worked.
  • If the informant mentions having more than one job, you should register the one that he/she considers the principal one.
  • Question 30 is written very literally, what does the interviewed person do or what he/she did where he/she works/worked
  • Question 31 indicates the dependency relation that the person has in the place where he/she works.
  • Question 32 registers the total number of worked hours, at his/her principal work, in the past week or the last week that he/she worked.
  • In question 33, register if the activity that the person does is inside or outside the household.
  • If the person does more than one activity, as for example weave wool clothing in the household and leave to sell in the streets; for the registry of question 33 priority will be given to the production, therefore you will mark x in code 1 (within the home).

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_HRSWORK — Hours worked per week
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V. Information on members of the household

2. Persons age 10 or older
[Questions 14-21 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

20. How many total hours did you work during the last week?

____ Number of hours

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4.5.4 Persons age 10 or older
These questions numbered 14 to 21 will be asked to those who are age 10 or older, males and females. If the person is younger than 10, the interview will end, canceling the corresponding page.

20. Hours
How many hours did you work overall in the last week?

The total hours worked will include extra hours. If the person interviewed has more than one job, the hours occupied will be added up in each one of them. Similarly, for those people who were not paid for the number of hours worked, they will still be recorded. If the person interviewed had a job but didn't work in the week referred to, the number of hours that are normally worked during the week will be recorded. If one person works eight hours daily in a public institution and two hours teaching classes from Monday to Friday in a school or university, that is actually 10 hours daily, making a total of 50 hours per week.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_HRSWORK — Total hours worked in the previous week
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[Questions 13-24 are for persons age 10 or older]

23. How many total hours did you work in the week prior to the beginning of the census, or in your last job? /_/_/

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[Questions 13-24 are for persons age 10 or older. If the person is younger than 10, end the interview and cross out the corresponding page]

Question 23: How many total hours did you work in the week prior to the beginning of the census, or in your last job?

Include overtime in the total number of hours worked. If the person interviewed has more than one job add up the hours spent at each job. Write the number of hours worked for those persons who are not paid in the same way.

If the person interviewed has a job but did not work during the reference week, write the number of hours that he/she normally works during the week. If a person works eight hours per day in a public institution and two hours teaching class Monday through Friday in a high school or university, meaning he/she works ten hours per day, then the total per week is 50 hours.

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_WKHOURS — Usual hours worked per week
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For economically active persons (also self-employed, farmers, family workers)
[Questions 15-18 were asked of economically active persons]

17. How long do you normally work per week?

[] Under 15 hours
[] 15 to 24 hours
[] 25 to 36 hours
[] Over 36 hours

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_WKHOUR — Hours worked last week
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P13 Type of activity: For P13 to P17; answer only for ages 7 years or older. The answer should refer to the 7 days before census night:

[P13c-d were asked of persons who worked for pay or profit or family gain.]

P13c How many days did (name) work for pay or profit or family gain? _ _

Mark the box with X in the column to make up your code.

P13d How many hours did (name) work for pay or profit or family gain? (If 99 hours or more code 99) _ _
Mark the box with X in the column to make up your code
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P13 Type of activity: questions are to be asked of only persons aged 7 years or older; and refer to the seven days before census night

P13d How many hours did (name) work for pay or profit or family gain?

In order not to confuse the respondent, it would be better to find out the number of hours worked each day for the period. The total number of hours could be obtained by adding the hours together for the number of days worked.

If the person has a fixed number of hours worked each day then multiply the answer in P13c (i.e. no. of days worked) by the number of hours worked each day.

Note if the person worked 99 hours or more code 99 and mark.

Greece 1971 — source variable GR1971A_HRSWK — Hours of weekly employment
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The following questions 13-24 should only be completed for persons born in 1960 or earlier.

The following questions (17-20) refer to the person's occupation during the previous week (7-13 March 1971), regardless of whether or not the person usually works.

If he/she worked during the previous week (questions 17-19):

17. How many hours did he/she work?
_ _ Hours

If zero or less than 10 hours, was he/she seeking work?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 3 New worker (seeking first job)

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[Questions 17-20 refer to the person's occupation during the previous week (7-13 March 1971) regardless of whether they usually work or not]

Question 17, Hours worked the previous week [omitted]

174. Those having worked Zero or less than 10 hours the previous of the census taking week must also answer whether they were "seeking work"

The enumerator must be very careful. Many working would rather prefer a different work but this does not mean that are seeking work. Job seeker is considered the person that is not working or will not have work when today has finished his work and so tomorrow is to look for work e.g. whitewasher finishing a room in a day and tomorrow is to seek work.

The worker dismissed from his work and is seeking work etc.

[p. 50]

The enumerated individual not working until the census taking day either as assistant in the family business or at all, but is seeking work is to be recorded as "young", man or woman finishing gymnasium and wishing to work.

Greece 1981 — source variable GR1981A_HRSWK — Hours of weekly employment
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The following questions should be answered only by persons born in 1970 or earlier.

Occupation [Questions 11 to 14]

13. If working (answer 1 in question 11), for how many hours did he/she work during the previous week (8-14 March)? If he/she did not work at all, write the word ZERO.

_ _ hours

If ZERO or less than 15 hours, the reason was:
[] 1 Seasonal work
[] 2 Weather conditions
[] 3 Leave or sickness
[] 4 Other reason ___ (indicate)

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Questions 10-15 should only be completed for persons born in 1970 or before

196. Question 13, "how many hours did he work during the previous week (8-14 March)" must be answered only if the answer to question 11 is working.

The actual sum of hours they worked must be recorded. It is considered that the enumerated has worked as many hours as he was present in his work, e.g. the establishment, enterprise, service or/and outside work, regardless of whether or not during this time he did not worked. So, the shopkeeper opening his shop is considered that worked as many hours as the shop were open regardless of whether or not they were any sales during that time.

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_WKHRS — Hours of weekly employment
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The following questions should only be completed for persons born in 1980 or earlier.

17. If the answer to question 15 was number 1 (working), how many hours did he/she work during the previous week (10-16 March)?
-Record the actual number of hours that he/she worked during the previous week, not the number of hours usually worked.
-If he/she did not work at all, write the word "zero".
-If he/she did not work at all or worked less than 15 hours during the previous week, the reason why must be given by selecting the correct answer from 1-4.

_ _ hours
If zero or less than 15 hours, the reason was:

[] 1 Seasonal work
[] 2 Adverse weather conditions
[] 3 Leave or sickness
[] 4 Other reason ___ (specify)

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The following questions (12-25) were answered only by individuals born in 1980 or before.

12. Level of education
[As in the form, omitted]

[As in the form, omitted]

The question was clear and without problems. In the case of graduates of a foreign educational institution the code of the respective Greek educational institution was checked.

17. How many hours did the working individuals work during the week 10-16 of March?
The actual sum of hours they worked was entered. It was considered that the enumerated individual had worked as many hours as he/she was present in his/her work or and outside work, regardless of whether or not during this time there were hours that he/she did not work. If the individual did not work at all or worked for less than 15 hours ... [as in the form, omitted].

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_HRSWK — Hours of weekly employment
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Questions 15-26 below should only be completed for persons born in 1990 or earlier

20. How many hours did you work during the previous week (March 11- 17)?
(Answer only if the response to question 16 was 1, i.e., "Working.")

If zero or less than 15 hours, the reason was:
[] 1 Seasonal work
[] 2 Weather conditions
[] 3 Leave / Sickness
[] 4 Other ___ (specify)

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Question 20: Write down the actual number of hours worked. Overtime should be included, but not the hours lost due to strike, leave, illness or weather conditions.

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_LSTWKHRS — Number of hours worked last week (May 3-9)
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[Question were asked of all persons that are currently working.]

17. Working hours

B. How many hours did you work during the previous week (May 3-9)?

_ _ hours
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Question 17 "Working hours" (Case 1 of question 13)

a) "How many hours do you usually work?"
Record the number of the individuals' working hours during a week usually. Include all hours that the individual is present at his work.
b) "How many hours did you work during the week 3-9 of May?"
Record the actual total number of the individuals' working hours for all days of the week 3-9 of May.
[p. 27]
We clarify that the enumerated individual worked as many hours as he was present at his work, i.e. shop, business, service or for outdoor business regardless of whether or not during this time he did not worked manually or otherwise. For instance, the shop-keeper opening his shop, has worked as many hours as the shop was open regardless of whether or not there were sales during this period.
More specifically:

- For transport workers, e.g. car drivers, working time is the time spent going to load and unload or parking etc. Also, for rovers, street venders etc. working time is the time spend looking for clients.
- For employees only the actual working time counts from their arrival in their place of work to their leaving it. Also, overtime will count regardless of whether or not are paid for it.
- For teachers, the time spent at home correcting and preparing their lessons is to count for working time.

For certain occupational categories that their clients are visiting them at their home or they are visiting at their clients' home (e.g. dressmakers, hairdressers, teachers etc.) the actual time spent with their clients is to be considered as working time.
There is a chance that the enumerated individual did not work or worked less during the week of the census taking for various reasons. Maybe he worked only in certain days or even at all. If during the previous to the census week he did not work at all in case b of question 17, 00 is to be recorded. If 00 is recorded or the number of hours is less than the hours that he usually works (case a of question 17) then he has to state the reason recorded with X [omitted, the categthe form and examples of recording other reasons].

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_WKHOURS — Hours worked during last week
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C. Economic characteristics

25. How many total hours did you work during last week?

____ Number of hours

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C. Economic characteristics

25. How many total hours did you work during last week?
Write down the number of hours worked [by the person] during the week of May 15-21.

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_HRSWK — Hours worked per week
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Only for those who marked answers 10-11 in question 13
[Questions 15.1 through 18.2 were asked of those who marked answers 10-11 in question 13.]

15.3 How many hours do you usually work?

[] Hours a week _ _
[] 99 Varying

15.3 If you have work contract you have to write in those hours which are put down in the contract. If you are self-employed then you have to write in those hours which are usually necessary to do a given work.

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Question 15.3: How many hours do you work usually?

In case of persons having a working contract (employees) the weekly hours defined in their contract will be entered into the printed boxes. In case of private entrepreneurs, the weekly hours required by their occupation, normal business operation, including the time spent for preparing the productive/service activity should be entered into the boxes.
The entry is not fixed, depending on the assignment" in case the person's weekly hours can not be exactly defined.

Indonesia 1980 — source variable ID1980A_HRSWORK — Numbers of hours worked during the previous week
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[Questions 31-37 were asked of persons who worked for at least one hour last week or had a job to go to, as per questions 27, 28 and 29.]

32. Number of hours worked during the previous week

____ hours

Indonesia 1985 — source variable ID1985A_HRSWORK — Total number of hours worked last week
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(Persons age 10 or older)
[Questions 1-17 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

Q.1 Number of hours worked in the previous week

Day 1 ____ hours
Day 2 ____ hours
Day 3 ____ hours
Day 4 ____ hours
Day 5 ____ hours
Day 6 ____ hours
Day 7 ____ hours
Total ____ hours

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X. Information on household members

A. Block VII: General information on household members
1. The objective of this block is to record information on items such as sex, age, schooling status, and activities conducted during the past week for every household member, starting with the member with serial number "01" and continuing to the last household member.

2. Method of filling out the form
Circle one of the codes corresponding to the respondent's answer, and then write the code in the box on the right.

Block VIII: Labor force (Persons age 10 or older)

Question 1: Total number of hours spent working at all jobs during the past week.
- The intention here is to obtain the number of hours per day spent on all work by the respondent during the past week.

[The rest of the instructions for Question 1 are missing.]

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_HRSWORK — Total number of hours worked last week
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VII. Activity of persons age 10 or older
Household members age 10 or older
[Questions 24-38.]

24. The main activity done during previous week

[] 1 Working
[] 2 Attending school
[] 3 Housekeeping
[] 4 Other

25. Besides [answers] 2, 3, and 4 [in question 24], also worked at least 1 hour during the previous week

[Question 25 was asked of persons age 10 or older who did not work last week, as per question 24.]

[] 1 Yes (go to question 28)
[] 2 No

28. Number of daily hours worked in the previous week

[Question 28 was asked of persons age 10 or older who worked at least one hour last week, per questions 24 and 25.]

Day 1 _ _ hours
Day 2 _ _ hours
Day 3 _ _ hours
Day 4 _ _ hours
Day 5 _ _ hours
Day 6 _ _ hours
Day 7 _ _ hours

Total _ _ hours

29. Total hours of main work during previous week
[Question 29 was asked of persons age 10 or older who worked at least one hour last week, as per questions 24 and 25.]

_ _ hours

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D. Block VII. Activities of persons age 10 or older

1. Purpose
The purpose of the questions in this block is to collect characteristics on the economic activities of every household member age 10 or older, such as field of work, type of work, work status and number of working days/hours during the past week. The work force of the community age 10 or older is divided into two categories: labor force and not in labor force. The population age 10 or older included in the labor force are those who had a job in the past week, those who are working or temporarily not working due to a certain cause such as waiting for harvesting time, or is on leave, etc. Also included in this group are those who do not have a job but are seeking one, hopefully to obtain a job. Populations that are not in the labor force are those who in the [previous] week only attended school, took care of a household, or others who did not do any activities that could be categorized as working, temporarily not working, or seeking work. There are several questions that are specifically asked to people who are either working or seeking a job. Also there are some [questions] for the non-working force that attends school, takes care of a household or elderly people, or [performs] other activities. In order to gain confirmation of the total population that is or is not included in the labor force, several questions will be asked in this block. Pay attention to the arrows and instructions that arrange the sequence of questions.

Question 25: Did you work at least one hour during the past week?
Circle code 1 if the answer is "Yes" then continue to Question 28. Circle code 2 if the answer is "No" then continue to Question 26.

Question 28: Total working hours from all work, for each day during the past week
Total working hours is the length of time (in hours) spent working, including work conducted during the past week. The estimation starts from a day ago (7th day) 2 days ago (6th day), etc., up to 7 days ago (1st day), then sum up all the working hours.

Method of interviewing
For those who have an irregular job, it is best to ask every day starting from how many hours the day before, two days ago and so on until 7 days ago, then total all the working hours.

Workdays are the days when someone does a working activity for a minimum of 1 (one) hour continuously during the past week.

Working hours are the time period (in hours) used for working.
Move the code into the box as follows:

Box 73 used for entering total working days during past week.
Box 74 and 75 used for entering total working hours during past week.

- For employees who usually have a fixed working time, the calculation of working hours should exclude official break times.
- For workers who do not have a regular work time, the working time is calculated starting from preparation until the series of work is over, minus the number of hours dedicated to break time and visiting a relative/friend's house.

- Total working days = 6
- Total working hours = 46,1 hour and rounded down to become 46.

Maximum number of working hours for each person is 98.

Question 29: Total working hours of main work during the past week
Write the total [number of] working hours for your main work during the past week. Total working hours in Question 29 should be equal to total working hours in Question 28.

Main work
If a person has only one job, that job must be recorded as the main job. If a person has more [than one job], the main job is based on the quantity of time [spent on each job.] If the time spent at each job is the same, the job that contributes the largest income is considered to be the main job. A person has more than one type of job if the management is done separately, except a food crop farmer who works for several food crop farmers (separate management) who categorized as [having] one job.

a. A farmer who plants rice in his own field, [and] also plants rice in another person's field and receives payment is categorized as having two jobs, which are planting rice in his own field and a food crop worker.
b. A teacher teaches in two schools, in the morning in a state high school and in the afternoon in a state secondary school. The teacher is categorized as having two jobs, which are a high school teacher and a secondary teacher, although the work status and field of work are the same.

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_HRSWORK — Number of hours worked
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VI. Economic activity of persons age 10 or older
[Questions 601 to 615]

[Questions 604-608 were asked of persons age 10 or older who are employed, worked at least one hour or held a job but were temporarily absent during the previous week, as per questions 601, 602 and 603.]

604. Number of hours worked every day in the previous week

Day 1_ _
Day 2_ _
Day 3_ _
Day 4_ _
Day 5_ _
Day 6_ _
Day 7_ _
Total _ _
Number of days _
Number of hours _ _

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6.6. Block VI. Activities of household members age 10 or older
This block is used to collect characteristics on the economic activities of every household member who is 10 or older, such as field of business, type and work status and number of working days/hours during the past week.

The work force of the community age 10 or older is categorized into two groups: work force and non-work force. The work force are those who have jobs during the past week, those who are working or temporarily not working due to a certain cause such as waiting for harvest, on leave, etc. Also included in this group are those who do not have a job but are seeking one/hopefully obtaining a job. The non-working force are those who during the week only attended school, took care of a household, and others who do not do any activities that could be categorized as working, temporarily not working, or seeking a job.

There are several questions that are specifically asked to people who are either working or seeking a job, and also some for the non-working force who attends school, takes care of a household, elderly people, or other non-economic activities. Then there are some that confirm the number of people who are categorized as working force and non-working force.

This block consists of 16 questions: P601 to P615, beginning with the most frequent activity conducted during the week through the field of business during the previous year.

Question 604: Total of working days and working hours from the entire work day during the past week
Total working hours is the length of time (in hours) used for working starting from work being conducted during the past week. The estimation starts from a day ago (7th day) up to seven days ago (1st day), then totaling all the working hours. If the respondent is temporarily not working fill in with a dash.

For those who have regular jobs and fixed working times, ask the following questions:

1. How many average hours do you work every day?
2. On Friday/Saturday/Sunday do you work the same average hours?
3. Have you ever been absent from work during the past week?

For those who have irregular jobs, it is best to ask every day starting from how many hours [they worked] yesterday, two days ago and so on until seven days ago, then total all the working hours.


From the information given, the enumerator can fill in the total working hours starting from day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 until the 7th day. Write down the total working hours every day in the past week in Column 1, Column 2, etc., until Column 7 based on the days. The total [number of] workdays during the past week is written in the box "Total working days," and the total working hours during the past week is written in the box "Total working hours".

Workdays are the days when someone does a work activity for a minimum of 1 (one) hour continuously during the past week.

Working hours is the time period (in hours) used for working.

- For employees who usually have fixed working times, the calculation of working hours should subtract the official break times.
- For workers who do not have regular work times, the working time is calculated starting from preparation for a work period until work is over, subtracting a certain number of hours for break times and visiting a relative/friend's house.

Example of a work period is:
A food vendor covers the activities of purchasing basic materials for the market, cooking, and preparation of food merchandise, selling the merchandise and arranging the merchandise utensils.

How to fill in the list:

1. Write down the total working hours from each working day based on the respondent's answer.
2. Add all of the working hours during the past week in one number [including decimals] and fill in the total [number of] working hours into the box on the right in rounded figures.

1 -- 8
2 -- 8
3 -- 7.5
4 -- 7
5-- 0
6 -- 8
7 -- 8
Total -- 46.5

Total work days: 6
Total working hours: 46

Israel 1972 — source variable IL1972A_HRSWORK — Weekly hours of work
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[Questions 1-24 asked only of those 14 years of age or older.]

In questions 13-21, full or part-time work for payment, profit, or other remuneration, and also work of a family member without pay in a family business will be considered as "work". Not considered as "work": work of woman in her own household.

[Questions 14-16 were asked of persons aged 14+ who did not serve in regular or professional military service (not including army reserves) last week, per question 13]

[Questions 17-21 were asked of persons age 14+ who worked and did not serve in regular or professional military service last week, per questions 13, 16]

17. During the weeks that you worked, how many hours weekly did you work in general (including hours that you worked in all places of work)? Mark number of hours. ____

Israel 1983 — source variable IL1983A_HRSWK — Hours of work per week (grouped)
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[Questions 1-28 were asked of household members aged 15 years or older]

[Questions 14-23]

[Questions 17-23 were asked of persons age 15+ who did not serve in professional army last week, per question 14]

[Questions 18-23 were asked of persons age 15+ who did not serve in professional army last week, per question 14, but worked in Israel during the previous 12 months, per question 17]

18. During the weeks you worked in Israel in the past 12 months, how many hours per week did you generally work (in all places of work)? _ _

[Specify] number of hours worked per week

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22. Question 18 -- explanations: Number of working hours in a week

[Instructions refer to a graphic of the census form including question 18.]

[p. 31]

A. In the answer, write the number of working hours the person usually works during a week: if a person worked regularly in a number of working places, write in the answer the total sum of all (weekly) working hours in all workplaces in which the person worked.

B. The sum of working hours should also include:

Overtime hours (usually worked)

Waiting hours (such as by doctor, driver, porter etc.). Include all hours of stay in the workplace but not alertness hours.

Working hours of a person who worked without pay in a farm or business owned by the family.

Preparation hours related to work, even when were not carried out at the workplace.
For example: lesson preparation by teachers or rehearsals by artists.

Israel 1995 — source variable IL1995A_WKHRS — Hours of work per week
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Part C: Anyone 15 years and older is requested to fill-in both pages

[Questions 14-38 were asked of people 15 years or older.]

[Questions 25-33 were asked of persons age 15+ who were not in regular military service last week and worked in Israel at any time during the last 12 months, per questions 21, 24]

25. How many hours per week did you generally work, in all places of employment? Hours a week: _ _

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12. 'Work' definition

Only civilian workers in the civilian or military sector are to supply details regarding their work.
Soldiers in a regular or compulsory service answer that they are serving in the IDF but they are not asked about their work in the army.

In the census questionnaire, work is any full time or part time work for a pay, profit, or any other compensation, and work without pay of a family member in the family business or farm.


12.1 Activities considered as Work

The following activities are considered as work in the census questionnaire:

Students, trainees
-- Work of an apprentice or a trainee -- even if he works without pay;
-- Work of a student in an agricultural school;
-- Work of trainees for a pay, in a professional course;
-- Work of a student in a Kibbutz, not done in school or as a national service;
-- Work of a Yeshiva student, 18 years and over, who teaches in the Yeshiva;
-- Work in a hospital of a student in nurses' school;
-- Work of students as tutors.

Army, air-force, navy
-- Work of a religious girl in her Service-Year (An alternative service to military service);
-- Regular service on the Borders Guard, or work as a policeman in the police;
-- Work of a civilian worker in the military forces;
-- Work of aircrew members in civilian airplanes and of seamen in civilian ships.

Private lessons, babysitter, foster family
-- Providing private lessons for a pay;
-- Babysitting for a pay;
-- Work of a caretaker or a housekeeper who get paid or get accommodation, food and pocket money;
-- Taking care of children within a foster family. If a couple takes care of the children in this arrangement and they are not employed in any other work, only one of them has to be referred to as employed while the other will be considered as unemployed.

-- People who are sent by their workplace for a general or professional course, for up to one week.

Work abroad
-- Work of an Israeli who is abroad less than a year, and is employed by an Israeli institution, factory or business;
Examples: Embassy worker, worker of Keren Kayemett LeIsrael [Jewish National Fund], a worker of a construction company who is sent abroad to work in a construction project.
-- Work of a self-employed, who is abroad less than a year, for his business in Israel.
Example: An owner of a cloths shop who travels abroad to import merchandise.

Other work
-- Work of a prisoner in prison, not for the maintenance of the prison.
-- Civilian work of a soldier in a compulsory service, whose civilian work is in addition to his military service.

[p. 52]

12.2 Activities not considered as work

The following different activities are not to be marked as work in the census questionnaire:

A. Work of a housewife in her house;

B. Volunteering work -- without pay;

C. Work of a student in vocational high school, as part of studying (excluding agricultural school);

D. Work of an Israeli abroad who stays there less than a year and work for non-Israeli institution, factory or business.

E. Inactive partnership in a business or factory.

F. Work of an institution resident for the maintenance of the institution. For example: Work of a prisoner in the prison's kitchen.

17. Question 25

25. How many hours per week did you usually work in all workplaces?

I worked _ _ Hours a week

A. The answer is of the number of hours that a person works usually in a week. If a person worked on a regular basis in several workplaces, write the total number of weekly hours he worked in all workplaces.

B. A person who did not work last week will refer to the last workplace (workplaces) he worked in, in Israel, during the last 12 months.

17.1 Include in 'working hours':

A. Extra working hours in addition to the hours usually worked.

B. Waiting hours to customers (of a physician, driver, porter etc.); include all hours he stays at the workplace. Stand-by hours are not considered as working hours.

C. Preparation hours related to work, even if not done in the workplace; like a teacher checking homework, a dancer in rehearsals.

D. Working hours of a person who worked without pay in the family business or farm.

17.2 Do not include in working hours:

Travel to work and from it, when the travel is not part of work, even if the worker is paid for travel time.

Israel 2008 — source variable IL2008A_WKHOURS — Usual number of weekly work hours
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Questions on education and work
[Questions 43-58 asked of persons aged 15 or older]

57. How many hours a week do you usually work in all your work places? ____

A person who answered "Don't know" or "Refused" will go to Question No. 58. Otherwise, will go to Question No. 59.
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Part H: Work

3. Instructions for answering questions :
Questions for examining work in 2008:
The first group of questions about 'work' helps determine whether a person worked in 2008 and allows us to estimate the amount of labor force at the household's disposal.

Questions for examining the scope of employment
This group of questions allows us to estimate the scope of de facto work performed by those who did work in 2008. The information is received from the questions: number of work months in 2008, work in December and number of weekly work hours.

h. Weekly work hours
This question provides information on the number of hours a person works during a week, in all workplaces. If a person cannot estimate how many hours he usually works, ask him if he works more or less than 35 hours a week.
Question 7.70 - How many hours do you usually work during a week, in all workplaces?

- Type the number of weekly hours a person usually works, and not necessarily the number of hours he worked during the week that ended on 12/27/2008.
- If a person regularly worked in several workplaces, type the total number of weekly hours the person worked in all workplaces.
- Work hours of teachers and artists also include preparation hours.
- If the person worked an irregular number of weekly hours, type '99'.
- If a person did not work in the week that ended on 12/27/2008, refer to the last main workplace in Israel where he worked in 2008.
- A list of the hours that are included and the hours that are not included under 'work hours' can be found further on in this chapter, in paragraph 4.d.
4. Detailed definitions

d. Examples of work hours that should be included in the question 'How many hours do you work in a week'
Include in work hours:

All work hours in all workplaces.
Overtime hours which a person usually worked.
Waiting hours of a doctor, driver, porter, etc. for their clients. Include all waiting hours in workplace, but not standby hours.
Preparation hours related to work, even if not done at the workplace. For example: teachers checking homework and preparing classes, actor rehearsing and trainings.
Work hours of a person who worked without pay in a family business or farm.
A person who is in fact working all day, such as: a woman who cares for children as a 'foster parent' or a live-in domestic worker. Do not write more than 8 work hours a day for these people, even if they say they work more than that.

Do not include in work hours:

Standby hours outside the workplace. For example: the hours a doctor is outside the hospital but is available for work.
Commuting hours, if the commute itself is not part of the job, even if the worker gets paid for these hours (for example, a worker who drives from his home to the office and back).

Jamaica 1982 — source variable JM1982A_HRSWORK — Hours worked during past week
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Section 6: Economic activity
[All persons age 14 and older]

[Questions 25-29 refer to the past week]

26. Hours worked during the past week: _ _

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Section 6 - Economic Activity

5.47 General
Section 6 is comprised of Questions 25 to 31 and should be asked of persons 14 years and over. The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals were in the working force of the country at some time during the week preceding Census Day. The most difficult and perhaps important of the concepts here is that of 'work.' It is essential, therefore, that Census Takers understand fully the precise definition of the term 'work' in this context and that this meaning should be made clear to respondents by the method of questioning them. The Census Taker and all persons working on the Census must, therefore, understand and remember the following carefully:

5.48 Definition of Work
Work includes:

(a) Work with Pay that is:
(i) Work for others for a wage or salary including commission or tips. Work may be done either in the employ of the Government a business organization, some private or public organization, or an individual.


(This corresponds to Worked for Others Government or Non-Government in Question 27).
(ii) Work as trainee (such as nurses in training) or apprentice (persons at trade). (This also might be applicable at alternative 1 or 2 in Question 27).
(iii) Work for self in One's own business or farm which is run for profit or fees, but does not employ paid help. (This corresponds to Has Own Business or Farm - W/Out Paid Help at Question 27).
(iv) Running for profit or fees one's own business or farm which employs paid help. (This corresponds to Question 27 - Has Own Business or Farm - With Paid Help).

(b) Work Without Pay in a business or farm which is run for profit, that is:
(i) Work without pay in a business or farm run for profit, (usually by a relative), in cases where the individual is either supported by the owner or obtains some benefits other than cash from the running of the business (See Unpaid Worker at Question 27).
(ii) Work as an unpaid helper in a business or other organization, in cases where the respondent is learning a trade or profession in this way, with a view to engaging in work for pay (See Unpaid Worker at Question 27).

Do not include in "Working", those persons who:
(i) worked without money or pay for a relative or other person at tasks which did not contribute to the operation of a farm or of a business e.g. housework, gardening, odd jobs around the house or yard such as painting the fence, etc.
(ii) worked without pay assisting a relative or friend in his duties as an employee.
(iii) worked without pay either in cash or in kind as a volunteer worker for service organizations or church groups - such as the Red Cross, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Society for the Blind, Operation Workshop, etc.

Note also that 'Work' must relate to work in Jamaica. It includes, however, those persons who are residing in the territory but are working on boats, ships, airplanes etc. which may operate outside of the territory, as well as travelling salesmen, consultants, etc. Also included are persons going as contract workers to the U.S.A. for a few


months to work on farms there during the crop season. Other persons who live and work outside of the country should not be classified as having worked with respect to the time they were resident outside of the country.

Question 26 - Hours worked during the past week

[Image omitted here]

Ask the question this way:

"How many hours did you (he/she) work during the week between June 1 and the 7th, that is the week before Census Day." You are required to record here, the actual number of hours worked during the week preceding the Census by persons who, at Question 25, were classified as Worked.

Note that the term Work refers to actual work done or paid for. For persons on paid vacation or sick leave enter "00" Record the number of hours actually worked or paid for including overtime. For persons working in their own business, record the time they were actually engaged in working or in being at the place of work for business. For persons not classified as 'Worked' at Question 25, score "99" at Question 26.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_HRSWORK — Hours worked last week
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Section 6: Economic activity
[Persons age 14 and older]

[Go to Question 8.1 for persons younger than 14 years]

6.2. How many hours did you / did [the respondent] work during the first week of April? _ _

If not stated, record "99".

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Section 6 - Economic Activity

5.63 General
Section 6 is comprised of Questions 6.1 - 6.9 and should be asked of persons 14 years and over. The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals were in the WORKING FORCE of the country at some point in time. Questions 6.1 - 6.6 and Question 6.9 relate to the week preceding the census while Questions 6.7 - 6.8 relate to the preceding twelve months. The most difficult and perhaps important of the concepts here is that of WORK. It is essential therefore that you understand fully the precise definition of the term WORK in this context and that this meaning should be made clear to respondents by the method of questioning them.

5.64 Definition of Work
(a) Work includes:
Work with pay, that is:
(i) Work for others for a wage or salary including commission or tips. Work may be done either in the employment of the government, a business organization, some private or public organization or an individual. (This corresponds to the categories - Paid Employee of Government, Private Enterprise or Private Home - Q6.3).
(ii) Work as trainee (such as nurses in training) or apprentice (persons at trade)
(iii) Work for self in one's own business (including farm) which is run for profit or fees but does not employ paid help.
(This corresponds to Own Business Without Paid Employee - Q6.3)
(iv) Work for self in one's own business (including farm) which is run for profit or fees and employs paid help.

(This corresponds to Own Business With paid Employees - Q6.3).


(b) Work without pay in a business or farm which is run for profit, that is:
(i) Work without pay in a business or farm run for profit (usually by a relative), in cases where the individual is either supported by the owner or obtains some benefits other than cash from the running of the business (see Unpaid Worker at Q6.3).
(ii) Work as an unpaid helper in a business or other organization, in cases where the respondent is learning a trade or profession in this way, with a view to engaging in work for pay (see Unpaid Worker at Q.6.3).

Do not include in "working" those persons who:
(i) Work without money or pay for a relative or other person at tasks which did not contribute to the operation of a farm or of a business e.g. housework, gardening, odd jobs around the house or yard such as painting the fence, etc.
(ii) Work without pay assisting a relative or friend in his duties as an employee.
(iii) Work without pay either in cash or in kind as a volunteer worker for service organizations or church groups - such as the Red Cross, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Society for the Blind, Operation Workshop, etc.

Note also that WORK must relate to work in Jamaica. It includes, however, those persons who are residing in the territory but are on boats, ships, airplanes, etc., which may operate outside of the territory, as well as travelling salesmen, consultants, etc. Also included are persons going as contract workers to the U.S.A. for a few months to work on farms there during the crop season. Other persons who live and work outside of the country should not be classified as having worked with respect to the time they were resident outside of the country.

5.66 Question 6.2 Hours Worked During First Week of April
This question is applicable only to those persons who at Q6.1 were classified as "Worked". Note that the term work refers to actual work done or paid for, so this refers to the number of hours actually worked or paid for including overtime. For persons working in their own business, record the time they were actually engaged in working or in being at the place of work for business.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_HRSWORK — Number of hours worked last week
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[Questions 4.1 - 4.8 for persons age 14 and older]

4.5 How many hours did you/did [the respondent] work during the first week of September 2001?

_ _
[] Not stated

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Section 4: Economic activity
[Persons age 14 and older]

5.73 General
Section 4 is comprised of Questions 4.1 through 4.20, and should be asked to persons age 14 and older. The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals were in the working force of the country at some point in time.

This section is included in the sample coverage because it requires much more probing than should be undertaken for the short form. Economic activity in Jamaica has undergone some amount of transformation within the past two or three decades, whereby there has been a significant development of what has come to be regarded as the "Informal sector". People have in many instances moved away from the traditional jobs in the public and private sectors and have ventured into their own small scale businesses, some of which are being operated within homes.

You must pay close attention to the skip instructions at all times to ensure that you ask relevant questions. You will also need to pay close attention to the different reference periods stated. Questions 4.1 through 4.4 seek to identify the persons who worked. As we know that work means different things to different people, we try in these questions to establish clearly whether an individual worked or not within a particular week. These questions relate to the week preceding the Census date, as do Questions 4.5 through 4.13. Question 4.14 asks for a specific date. Questions 4.15 and 4.16 relate to the past twelve months, while questions 4.17 and 4.18 refer to the past 5 years. Questions 4.19 and 4.20 are relevant to persons of pensionable age and seek to determine the type of social welfare benefits or pension being received. Even if the person has never worked, he/she can be in receipt of social welfare benefits (as the beneficiary of a spouse).

It is important that the concept of work be fully understood.

Work includes:

(a) Work with pay, that is:
(i) Work for others for a wage or salary including commission or tips. Work may be done either in the employment of the government, a business organization, some private or public organization, or an individual. These correspond to the categories "Paid employee of government", "Private enterprise", or "Private home" in question Q4.6).

(ii) Work as trainee (such as nurses in training) or apprentice (persons at trade). This could also correspond to the same categories at is point (i).

(iii) Work for oneself in one's own business (including farm), which is run for profit or fees but does not employ paid help. This corresponds to "Self-employed without Employees" in question Q4.6. For example: odd job, hustling, buying and selling etc.

(iv) Work for oneself in one's own business (including farm), which is run for profit or fees and employs paid help. This corresponds to "Self-employed with employees" in question Q4.6.

(b) Work without pay in a business or farm which is run for profit that is:
(i) Work without pay in a business or farm run for profit (usually by a relative), in cases where the individual is either supported by the owner or obtains some benefits other than cash from running of business (see "Unpaid employee in agriculture" or any type of business in question Q4.6).

(ii) Work as an unpaid helper in a business or other organization, in cases where the respondent is learning a trade or profession in this way, with a view to engaging in work for pay (see "Unpaid employee in agriculture" or any type of business in question Q4.6).

Do not include as "working" those persons who:
(i) Work without money or pay for a relative or other person on tasks that did not contribute to the operation of a farm or of a business: e.g., housework, gardening, odd jobs around the house or yard, such as painting the fence, etc.

(ii) Work without pay assisting a relative or friend in his duties as an employee.

(iii) Work without pay either in cash or in kind as a volunteer worker for service Society for Blind, Operation Workshop.

Note also that "work" must relate to work in Jamaica. It includes, however, those persons who are residing in the territory but are on boats, ships, airplanes, etc., which may operate outside of the territory, as well as travelling salesmen, consultants, etc. Informal commercial importers who travel to the Cayman Islands buying and selling are to be included. Do not include the work done by persons going as contract workers to North America for a few months to work on farms there during the crop season. Other persons who live and work outside of the country should not be classified as having worked with respect to the time they were resident outside of the country.

5.75 Question 4.5: Hours worked during the first week of September 2001
[Persons who are identified as having a job]

Note that the term "work" refers to actual work done or paid for, so this [question] refers to the number of hours actually worked or paid for, including overtime. For persons working in their own business, record the time they were actually engaged in working or in being at the place of work for business. Remember hours reported is for the job reported on Q4.4: i.e., main employment.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_WKHOUR — Total number of hours worked in all jobs
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227. Total number of hours worked by [name] in all jobs during the week ended in October 1st 2004 _ _
[Question 227 was asked of persons age 15+ who worked or were temporarily absent from work during the week ended in October 1st 2004, per Questions 225 and 226.]

Kenya 2009 — source variable KE2009A_HRSWKWK — Hours worked in the last 7 days
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E: Labour force particulars
Economic activity
[Question 42 was asked of all individuals age 5+.]

For those who worked or held a job (including those on leave/sick leave).
[P-43 and P-44 were asked of all individuals age 5+ who worked or held a job in the 7 days preceding the census night.]

P-44. How many hours did [person] work in the last 7 days preceding the census night? _ _

Code "99" for not applicable.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

- Section E: Labor force particulars. This section covers columns p42 to p44 and should be asked of all persons 5 years old and above.

34. Section E: Labor force participation

[Questions 42 to 44 are asked of all persons 5 years old and over.]

34.1 Column P42 to P44:

This section involves collection of labor statistics, mainly used for employment policies and programs and for projecting future labor force. The questions are asked to all persons aged 5 years and above and refer to the last seven days preceding the Census night. However, the reference period for those who held a job (on leave or on sick leave) falls outside the last seven days.

34.4 Column P44: Hours of work

This question applies to respondents whose response in column P42 is code 1? 7 and code 15. Hours usually worked is the typical value of hours actually worked in a job per short reference period such as one week, over a long observation period of a month, quarter, season or year that comprises the short reference measurement period used. The hours usually worked provides a way to obtain regular hours worked above contractual hours. The enumerator in this case should seek to establish usual hours worked in the last seven days. If a person has worked 5 hours per day for six days in the last 7 days, then the enumerator should record 30 hours (for a 6 days worked period). Note that for those who did not work in the last seven days but held a job, the enumerator should ask "How many hours does [the respondent] usually work in a week?" The week in this case is refers to the last seven days.

Malaysia 1991 — source variable MY1991A_WORKHRS — Number of hours worked during the last 7 days
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
[Questions C1-27 were asked of persons who live in their households on Census Days.]

For person aged 10 years and above (Date of birth before/on 14 of August, 1981)
[Questions 18-27 are asked of those who lived in their households on Census Days and 10 years old or above.]

C24. How many hours did you work during the last 7 days? _ _ ____

[Questions C24 was asked of persons who worked at least 1 hour during the 7 days. (Yes was chosen in Question C18 or C19.)]

(Including additional work, secondary jobs, etc.)

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Questions C18-C27

General Guidelines

Who should be asked?
(i) These questions (C18-C27) should be asked for persons aged 10 years and above, that is, those who were born before or on 14 August 1981.
Refer to Question C5 to find out the date of birth. For persons whose birth dates are 14 August 1981 or earlier, Questions C18-C27 must be asked.
If no information is provided for C5, refer to Question C6. For persons who are 10 years or more, Question C18 - C27 must be asked.

(ii) For Questions C25 and C26, if possible, obtain the information from the household members directly so that more detailed information may be given.

Reference Period
The reference period for Question C18-C27 refer to the 7 days prior to the day of the interview.

To determine the reference period, refer to the calendar provided in Document 7 (Thank You Card).

If the interview was conducted on 15 August 1991, the information required should be based on the period 8-14 August 1991.

Question C24
[The enumeration form is not presented here.]

This question is to determine the number of hours worked during the last 7 days.

Number of hours worked refer to the time spent on the main job, additional work, secondary jobs, overtime work, etc.
For teachers, include also the time spent before/after school hours on activities such as preparing notes and checking work books.


How to ask the question

Ask the question as follows:
"How many hours did ____ (member's name) work during the last 7 days?"

How to record the answer
Write the number of hours in the boxes provided and go to Question C25.
Ensure that recorded number of hours worked refers to the number of hours worked during the period of the last 7 days.
As an example, if a person has regular work hours, that is, works 6 hours a day for 5 1/2 days a week, you should enter "33" (i.e., 6 hours * 5 1/2 days) in the boxes provided.

Mauritius 1990 — source variable MU1990A_WKHOURS — Hours worked last week
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In strict confidence
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Central Statistical Office

Population Census

Night of 1-2 July 1990

For persons aged 12 years and over:

24 Type of activity ____

How many hours in all did the person work for pay, profit or family gain during the past week from Monday 25 June to Sunday 1 July 1990?
Include self-employment with or without employees; work without pay in a family enterprise or farm, but exclude housework in your own home.
If worked for less than 1 hour during the whole week, enter 00 and continue with col. 25.
Otherwise, enter number of hours (to the nearest hour) and go to col. 29.
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Stop at column 18 for children under 2 years of age
Note that columns 19-21 are for persons aged 2 years and over

Column 24
Hours worked during the past week
For the purposes of the Census, work is defined as any work except volunteer work and housework in the person's own home. It includes:

(i) work done for wages, salaries, commissions, fees, and piece-rate payments;
(ii) work done for payment in kind, e.g. services rendered by a member of a religious order who is provided with lodging or food or other supplies;
(iii) work done by a self-employed person (alone or in partnership} in his/her own enterprise, trade, business, farm or professional practice, whether alone or with employees;
(iv) work done without pay in a family enterprise, plantation or farm owned by a member of the same household or another relative;
(v) work done by apprentices, whether paid or unpaid.

For every person aged 12 years or over, indicate the number of hours worked for pay, profit or fami1y gain during the past week, from Monday 25 June to Sunday l July. You should include any time spent on activities such as shopkeeping; growing vegetables, or other crops; livestock or poultry keeping; fishing; making and repairing fishing boats, nets and basket traps; curing and preserving fish and octopus; making baskets, hats, mats and bags; making handicraft products; preparing food products like 'dholl puree' for sale; construction and repair of own dwelling and buildings used for agricultural, commercial and industrial purposes; keeping tea shops; street vending, etc.

Insert the actual number of hours worked by the person, irrespective of whether it is less or more than his/her normal hours of work per week. If the person did not work during the past week for any reason whatsoever, or if he/she worked for less than one hour, write '00'.

[Next Page]

If the person did several kinds of work, Insert the total number of hours worked at all jobs. For example, if, during the past week, a person worked for 36 hours as teacher, 6 hours giving private tuition, and another 7 hours assisting in the family shop, write '49 hours'.

Report also the number of hours, if any, worked during the past week, by a student, an old age pensioner or a worker retired from a previous employment.

Skip to column 29 if person worked for one or more hours

Mauritius 2000 — source variable MU2000A_WKHOURS — Hours worked during previous week
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[Population census form]

For persons aged 12 years and over:
[Column 22 to 34 were asked of persons aged 12 years and older.]

Type of activity
[Questions 23 through 26 relate to the type of activity a person is involved with. These questions were asked of persons aged 12 year and older.]

23. How many hours in all did the person work for pay, profit or family gain during the past week from Monday 26 June to Sunday 2 July 2000? _ _

Include self-employment with or without employees; work without pay in a family enterprise or farm, but exclude housework in the person's own home. If worked for less than 1 hour during the whole week, enter '00' and continue with column 24. Otherwise, enter number of hours (to the nearest hour) and go to column 28.
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7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form

Column 23 - Hours worked during the past week
For the purposes of the Census, work is defined as any work, except volunteer work and housework in the person's own home. It includes:

(i) work done for wages, salaries, commissions, fees and piece-rate payments;
(ii) work done for payment in kind, e.g. services rendered by a member of a religious order who is provided with lodging or food or other supplies;
(iii) work done by a self-employed person (alone or in partnership) in his/her own enterprise, trade, business, farm or professional practice, whether alone or with employees;
(iv) work done without pay in a family enterprise, plantation or farm owned by a member of the same household or another relative;
(v) work done by apprentices and trainees, whether paid or unpaid.

For every person aged 12 years and over, indicate the number of hours worked for pay, profit, or family gain during the past week from Monday 26 June to Sunday 2 July 2000.
You should include any time spent on activities such as shop­keeping; growing vegetables or other crops; livestock or poultry keeping; fishing; making and repairing fishing boats, nets and basket traps; curing and preserving fish and octopus; making baskets, hats, mats and begs; making handicraft products; preparing food products like 'dholl puree' for sale; construction and repair of own dwelling and buildings used for agricultural, commercial and industrial purposes; keeping tea shops; street vending, etc.
Insert the actual number of hours worked by the person, irrespective of whether it is less or more than his/her normal hours of work per week. Please include overtime hours and short rest periods such as tea breaks; but exclude lunch hours as well as period of sick leave, casual leave, time off, etc.
If the person did several kinds of work during the past week, insert the total number of hours worked at all jobs. E.g: if during the past week, he/she has worked for 36 hours as a teacher, 6 hours giving private tuition, and another 7 hours assisting in the family shop, write "49 hours".
Report also the number of hours, if any, worked during the past week, by a student, an old age pensioner, a worker retired from a previous employment or a home-maker who has worked outside his/her home.
For a person who did not work during the past week for any reason whatsoever, or if he/she worked for less than one hour, write "00".

Mauritius 2011 — source variable MU2011A_WKHOURS — Hours worked last week
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Individual form

[Question P23 to P34 for persons aged 12 years and over]

P24. Number of hours worked during reference week _ _

Write the total number of hours, the person worked for pay, profit or family gain during the week from Monday 27 June to Sunday 3 July 2011. (If worked for 1 hour or more, go to P29) _ _
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P24, P25, P26 and P27 - Current Activity
The questions on type of activity during the past week (current activity), coupled with others, provide detailed information on the geographical distribution and characteristics of the employed and unemployed population. The information is of fundamental importance for making manpower projections and for formulating programs aimed at making the most effective use of the human resources of the country.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P24 - Hours worked during the past week
[figure omitted]

For the purposes of the Census, work is defined as any work, except volunteer work and housework in the person's own home. It includes:

(i) work done for wages, salaries, commissions, fees and piece-rate payments;
(ii) work done for payment in kind, e.g. services rendered by a member of a religious order who is provided with lodging or food or other supplies;
(iii) work done by a self-employed person (alone or in partnership) in his/her own enterprise, trade, business, farm or professional practice, whether alone or with employees;
(iv) work done without pay in a family enterprise, plantation or farm owned by a member of the same household or another relative;
(v) work done by apprentices and trainees, whether paid or unpaid.

For every person aged 12 years and over, indicate the number of hours worked for pay, profit or family gain during the week from Monday 27 June to Sunday 3 July 2011.

Time spent on activities such as shop-keeping; growing vegetables or other crops; livestock or poultry keeping; fishing; making and repairing fishing boats, nets and basket traps; curing and preserving fish and octopus; making baskets, hats, mats and bags; making handicraft products; preparing food products for sale; construction and repair of own dwelling and buildings used for agricultural, commercial and industrial purposes; keeping tea shops; street vending, etc. should also be included in the total number of hours worked.

Insert the actual number of hours worked by the person, irrespective of whether it is less or more than his/her normal hours of work per week. Include overtime hours and short rest periods such as tea breaks; but exclude lunch hours as well as period of sick leave, casual leave, time-off, etc.

If the person did several kinds of work during the past week, insert the total number of hours worked at all jobs. E.g. if during the past week, he/she has worked for 36 hours as teacher, 6 hours giving private tuition, and another 7 hours assisting in the family shop, write "49" hours in the boxes provided as shown below:
[figure omitted]

Report also the number of hours, if any, worked during the past week, by a student, an old age pensioner, a worker retired from a previous employment or a home-maker who has worked outside his/her home.

For a person who did not work during the past week for any reason whatsoever, or if he/she worked for less than one hour, write "0" in the boxes:
[figure omitted]

Note: If the person worked for one or more hours during the past week; go to P29.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_WORKHRS — Hours worked during the week
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Ask only if the person is twelve years old or more

16. Hours

How many total hours did the person work last week?

_____Write the number

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Questions for persons who are twelve years old or more.

Questions: 11. Number of children; 12. Civil status; 13. Principal activity; 14. Principal Occupation; 15. Labor situation; 16. Hours; 17. Economic activity and 18. Income, will only be asked if the person about whom you are requesting information is 12 years old or more. If the person is a man, continue directly with the question about civil status. If the person is a woman, ask question 11. Number of children.

16. Hours

With this question, we want to know how many hours in total the person worked in the week before the census. If the person had more than one job, you should add up the hours worked at each job and write the total number of hours.

If the informant only knows the number of hours a day, you should ask, How many days of last week did you work?, do the multiplication and write the answer.

If the week before the census the person worked extra hours, you should add them to to get the total number of hours worked.

For the persons who had a job, but did not work the week of March 5 to 11, 1990, you should write 0 [zero] hours worked with the number 0.

-I worked 8 hours a day from Monday to Saturday.
-Then, 8x6=48, you work 48 hours a week.

16. Hours
How many hours total did you work last week?

Write the number
[End of illustration]

I work as a flower vendor. I do not have an employer, I am self-employed. I work everyday, Monday through Sunday, from 8 in the morning until 6 P.M.. I sell my flowers in the street, on the street called "September 16", and I make about two hundred thousand pesos biweekly.

14. Principal occupation
What is the job, post or position that you have at your principal occupation?
Flower vendor
Write the name.

What are the tasks or functions that you do in your job?
Sell flowers
Write the tasks.

15. Work situation
The person in his/her work is?
Mark only one circle
Employee or worker? [ ] 1
Day laborer or salaried laborer? [ ] 2
Self-employed? [x] 3
Employer or businessman [ ] 4
Unpaid worker in a family business or property? [ ] 5

16. Hours
How many hours total did you work last week?

Write the number

17. Economic activity
What is the primary activity of the business, lot, company, institution or place where you worked?

To sell flowers
Write the primary activity

Where did you work?
For example: in the fields, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop

In the street
Write the place where he/she worked

18. Income
How does this person earn for his/her work?
Write only one answer in numbers

Weekly [__] 1
Biweekly [200,000] 2
Monthly [__] 3
Yearly [__] 4
Mark with an x
Does not receive income [ ] 0

-I am a seamstress, I make dresses and blouses for my clients here in my house. I work six hours a day and I rest on Saturdays and Sundays. I make about eighty thousand pesos a week.

14. Principal occupation
What is the job, post, or position that you have at your principal occupation?
Seamstress of dresses and blouses
Write the name.

What are the tasks or functions that you do in your job?
Sew and cut blouses and dresses
Write the tasks.

15. Work situation
The person in his/her work is?
Mark only one circle
Employee or worker? [ ] 1
Day laborer or salaried laborer? [ ] 2
Self-employed? [x] 3
Employer or businessman [ ] 4
Unpaid worker in a family business or property? [ ] 5

16. Hours
How many hours total did you work last week?

Write the number

17. Economic activity
What is the primary activity of the business, lot, company, institution or place where you worked?

To cut and sew blouses and dresses
Write the primary activity

Where did you work?
For example: in the fields, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop

At home
Write the place where he/she worked

18. Income
How does this person earn for his/her work?
Write only one answer in numbers

Weekly [80,000] 1
Biweekly [__] 2
Monthly [__] 3
Yearly [__] 4
Mark with an x
Does not receive income [ ] 0

[End of illustration]

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_WKHR — Hours in the job
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For people 12 years old or older
[Applies to questions 7.3 to 7.11]

7.6 How many hours did (Name) work at the job(s) (activity (activities)) last week?

98. 98 hours or more
99. Does not know

Hours ____

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VII Economic characteristics

In this section some of the economic characteristics of the population of work age (12 years old or older) are found out; which are related to socio-demographic and cultural information about the population, that permit us to know the socioeconomic situation of people and households.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The information obtained in this section permits us to know, in a specific reference period (the week before the interview), how the work force [p. 119] in the country is formed, that is, who worked or looked for work; about the first jobs, what is done in the occupation, how many hours are worked, what are the incomes, the relation with the employer, etc.

Also in the population of 12 years old or older it is meant to distinguish who receives income by different sources at the job and the importance of these perceptions.

7.6 Hours

This question has the objective of knowing the total number of hours that a person worked in the week before the date of the interview.

[p. 132]

Hours are understood to be the time that a person does the job or an economic activity, as it can be the sale of merchandise, making of products, rendering of a service, etc.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

Write down the hours that an informant tells you. If a person has two or more jobs, ask the question in the following manner: "How many hours did Pedro work at his jobs last week?"

Consider the following within hours worked:

Extra hours worked in the reference week.

Time dedicated to buying materials used in the activity or job, that is, buying primary material for doing an activity done in the established work schedule, is counted within the work week. Also time used by self employed workers for the buying, production and sale of articles, clothes, food, etc is counted here.

Do not consider the following aspects as hours working:

The time a person uses to eat. For example, employees who work a discontinued schedule (from 9 to 2 and 4 to 8 hours) who use one or two hours eating.

[p. 133]

The time that a person uses going from place of residence to work and the return to the dwelling.

For a person who in question 7.1 Condition of activity, indicated not working but had a job (code 2) the reference week, ask the number of hours that are habitually worked.

In cases where they declare only the schedule of work or the hour of arriving and leaving work, calculate with the informant the hours worked daily and the days worked, to get the total number of hours worked the week before the interview.

When an informant gives as an answer "works from time to time" or "does not have a schedule," which is the case of people who do not have a fixed place to work or they work in their own home, investigate the estimated daily time and the number of days worked in the week before the interview.


Interviewer: How many hours did María work at her activity last week?
Informant: She works a little while during the day, then she only watches animals in the afternoon.
Interviewer: Approximately how much time does she watch them?
Informant: About two hours.
Interviewer: How many days last week did she go to watch the animals?
Informant: Only three days
Interviewer: So she worked six hours last week?
Informant: Yes, that's right.

When the total number of hours that people work is equal to or higher than 98, write down 98 in the corresponding fields.

If after exhausting all possibilities to get an estimation, an informant does not know the hours worked, write down 99.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_WKHR — Hours worked
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

27. Hours worked

In total, how many hours did this person work last week?
_____Write the number

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27. Hours Worked

[Depiction of this completed question on the enumeration form, and a related drawing]

If the person only states the hours that they worked per day, ask how many days they worked last week in order to obtain the total number of hours worked.

If the person did more than one job, sum up the hours dedicated to each one of them and record the total.

Include the time the person spent on activities related to their job as part of the hours worked. For example, buying materials, preparing the food that they sell, or promoting the sale of some product or service to clients.

When there is some doubt in determining the number of hours that a person worked, ask what time they arrive at work, what time they leave, and the number of days that they worked; if their work schedule is not continuous, don't include the time that the person takes to eat.

In all cases, always record an answer, even if it is approximate or an average.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_HRSWORK — Hours worked last week
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For person age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

31. Hours worked
How many hours did [the respondent] work last week?

[Question 31 was asked of persons age 12 or older who worked or helped in economic activity last week, per questions 26 and 27.]

Write the hours _ _ _

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For persons age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 are for persons age 12 or older]

31. Hours worked
This question finds out the time that the person dedicated to the work activities.

When the informer has a doubt about specific total hours, ask:

  • "What days did he/she work?"
  • "At what time did the person enter and leave work? And how many days did he/she work last week?"
  • For the type of schedule, if it is continuous, sum the hours from when he/she enters until he/she leaves; but if it's discontinuous, do not sum the time that he/she uses to go out to eat.
  • When it is a person who sells some product or food, ask that he/she also counts the time it took to prepare it.

Add the hours worked when the person has carried out more than one job the week before the data collection.

Solicit an approximated amount or an average, when he/she doesn't remember the hours worked or doesn't know the specific information.

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_HRSWRK — Hours spent at work last week
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37. Hours worked: How many hours did [the respondent] work last week:

_ _ _ Write the hours
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15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

37. Worked hours
This question asks the number of hours the person spent at work in the week prior to the interview.

Read the question, wait for the answer, and record the number of hours indicated by the respondent.

- For a regular schedule, the worked hours correspond to the time of arrival until the time of departure, without considering the lunch hour.
- If the person is self-employed, ask him/her to include the hours spent in the operation of his/her business, the hours used for materials or supplies purchase and the preparation of what he/she sells or manufactures.
- If the respondent is in doubt or mentions that he/she does not know, ask for an approximate figure.

Do not consider commuting time from their home to the workplace; this information is recorded in question 42. Commuting time to work.

The worked hours question is presented to the census manager as follows:

[Figure omitted: images with text]

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_HRSWORK — Hours of work last week
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For persons age 10 or older
[Questions 12-18 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

Hours worked
18. How many hours does/did the person work last week? _ _

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Questions only for persons who are age 10 or older
The goals of these questions are to know the current marital status of the persons and the principal economic characteristics of the population that participated in the production of goods and services, as well as those who are dedicated to non-economic activities, such as: household chores, studying, etc.

If the person is younger than 10, continue with the next person.

Question 18: Hours worked
With this question we want to know how many total hours the person worked in the week before the census. If the enumerated person worked at more than one job, you should add up the hours worked in each job and note the total hours worked.

If the informant does not know the hours that the person works per week, you should ask how many days the person worked the week before, do the corresponding multiplication and note the answer.

If the enumerated person had work, but did not work during the reference week, you will note the normal number of hours that the person works per week.

If during the week before the census the person worked extra hours, you should add them up to obtain the total number of hours worked.

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_HRSWORK — Hours of work last week
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[Questions 19-31 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

31. How many hours did [the person] work during the past week or the last week in which s/he worked? _ _

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For persons age 10 or older (Questions 19-31)

Question 31. How many hours did [the person] work during the past week, or the last week in which s/he worked?

Use two digits to write the number of hours s/he worked last week or the last week in which s/he worked. Put a "0" in front of numbers 1-9.

If the person performed more than one job, add the hours worked in each one and write down the total number of hours. For example, if the informant says that in the last week s/he worked 5 hours washing for others and 3 hours selling bread, write the answer as follows: "08".

Pakistan 1973 — source variable PK1973A_WORKHR — Hours of work
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For those who answered yes in Col. 15

19. How many hours did he/she work during the last week? ____

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7.31 Enter the hours here as the respondent worked last week. If a man spent time on more than one jobs, the spending hours as whole on profession/sub-profession will be written here. If a man had job but he did not work last week, the enumerator will has to enter 'NIL' in that case.

7.32 Generally, exaggeration is made in telling the timing of work during the last week while the respondent is working in agriculture or doing his own business, in this case, general response is that he/she has been working from morning to evening. In such case the enumerator should judge the correct time spent by the respondent on his job. The time spent on eating, rest and others matters should not be included in this case (in working time).

Palestine 2017 — source variable PS2017A_ACTIVITY — Activity status
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Labor force status in the past week previous to the reference night (18--24/11/2017) (persons 7 years and over)
[Questions 74 to 82 asked to persons aged 7 years and older]

74. Type of labor force status

[] 1. Worker 1 -- 14 hours
[] 2. Worker 15 -- 34 hour
[] 3. Worker 35 -- 45 hours
[] 4. Worker 46 hours and more
[] 5. Sought work during the last 4 weeks (doesn't work but want to work -- worked before)
[] 6. Sought work during the last 4 weeks (doesn't work but want to work -- not worked before or doesn't work and not want to work)
[] 7. Studying/training
[] 8. Housekeeping
[] 9. Disability/aging/illness
[] 10. Having another source of income
[] 11. Retirement
[] 12. Other

[If answered response 6 through 12, go to question 83.]
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Persons aged 7 years and over who were work at least one hour during the reference period, or who were not at work during the reference period, but held a job or owned business from which they were temporarily absent (because of illness, vacation, temporarily stoppage, or any other reason). The employed person is normally classified in one of two categories according to the number of weekly work hours, i.e. 1-14 work hours and 15 work hours and above. Also the absence due to sick leave, vacation, temporarily stoppage, or any other reason.

Labour force status:
A person?s work status in terms of being inside or outside the labour force and also classified as follows:

1. Employed 1-14 work hours: Persons aged 7 years and over who were at work for at least one hour or were not at work during the reference week but held a job or owned a business from which they were temporarily absent and usually working hours 1-14 hours per week.

2. Employed 15-34 work hours: Persons aged 7 years and over who were at work for at least one hour or were not at work during the reference week but held a job or owned a business from which they were temporarily absent and usually working hours 15-34 hours per week.

3. Employed 35-45 hours or more: Persons aged 7 years and over who were at work during the reference week and held a job or owned a business from which they were temporarily absent and usually working hours 35-45 hours per week.

4. Employed 46 hours or more: Persons aged 7 years and over who were at work during the reference week and held a job or owned a business from which they were temporarily absent and usually working hours 46 hours or more per week.

5. Does not work but want to work - Ever employed actively seeking a job during the last 4 weeks: Those individuals aged 7 years and over who worked for more than two weeks continuously during the past reference period, i.e. this individual did not work even for one hour during the reference week (last week that precedes the night of reference period), although he wants to work and actively seeking a job during the last 4 weeks preceding the interview, by one method of the following: registration at employment office, or registration at a labour union, or asking friends or relatives, or a personal visit to the premises, or reading the newspaper in order to obtain jobs, or searching for a building or land or machinery or equipment in order to establish a private project or seek financial resources. Note: this category is those who worked in the previous two weeks continuously for the last three years.

6. Does not work and wants to work - never employed actively seeking a job during the last 4 weeks: Those individuals aged 7 years and over who did not work at all during the last period, were not absent from a job, were available for work and actively seeking a job during the last 4 weeks preceding the interview, by one method of the following: registration at an employment office, or registration at a labour union, or asking friends or relatives, or a personal visit to the premises, or reading the newspaper in order to obtain jobs, or searching for a building or land or machinery or equipment in order to establish a private project or seek financial resources.
Does not work and does not want to work:
Individuals aged 7 years or over for whom the concept of employed or unemployed does not apply, are classified outside the labour force in the sense that this individual did not work even one hour during the reference period, nor is looking for work and does not wish to work and falls under this definition:

7. Full-time studying / training: Individuals aged 7 years and above who regularly study in order to obtain a qualified skill and not linked to work during the reference period. It should be noted here that household chores and hobbies are excluded from the concept of employment.

8. Full-time housekeeping: Females aged 7 years and above not working and not looking for work and not attending regular study and aims to serve the household. This does not include the servicing other households for payment in kind or cash.

9. Disabled /old age /illness: An individual aged 7 years and above who cannot do any kind of work due to chronic illness or disability. This category also includes all individuals who are unable to work because of old age.

10. The existence of income: If an individual is able to work but does not work and did not wish to work nor look for work because there is revenue or a source of income.

11. Retirement: If an individual is able to work but does not work and did not wish to work nor look for work because of his retirement.

12. Other: Includes any individual for which all the previously stated did not apply, such as a prisoner, or individual capable of work but not wishing or looking for work and who has no income, such as sons and daughters who are not attending school and do not apply to any situation mentioned previously.

Panama 1970 — source variable PA1970A_HRSWK — Hours worked
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C. Economic Characteristics

[Questions 13 - 18 were asked of persons 10 years of age and older.]

18. How many hours did you work last week?

(Only for those who worked) Write the number of hours worked during the last week in the job performed.

Hours ____

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C. Economic Characteristics

(Only for persons 10 years old or older)

Keep in mind that questions 13-18 of this section correspond only to persons 10 years old or older.
The answers obtained in question 13 are the basis for classifying the population of persons 10 years old or older as economically active (employed or unemployed) and as not economically active (homemaker, student, retired, pensioned, rentier, or other inactive persons).
The questions relating to the section are applied to the situation existing in the week immediately before the day of the Census (reference week).
Definition of reference week or "last week": It is the complete calendar week from Sunday to Saturday that for census purposes goes from May 3 to May 9, 1970.

Question 18 How many hours did you work last week?

This question is asked only to the person who claimed to have work last week in Question 13 and is classified in Question 15 as: Government Employee, Private Company Employee or Panama Canal Zone Employee (boxes 1, 2 or 3 respectively).
Write down in the corresponding space the total number of hours worked last week (the reference week: May 3 to May 9). For salaried farm workers try to get this information with as much precision possible. For those persons who were on vacation, were sick or on leave last week (the reference week) write down the number of hours worked during the last work week or that is before going on vacation or on leave or getting sick. Include overtime worked during the reference week always when they refer to the occupation declared in Question 14.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_WKHRS — Usual number of hours worked per week
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

[Questions 18-28 were asked of individuals of age 12+]

[Questions 21-24 were asked of individuals who currently have a job (answers 1 and 2 in question 19) and to those not having a job at the moment, but express the desire to work (answers 1 to 8 from question 20.2)]

22.1. Indicate the usual number of hours you work each week in the occupation you stated in question 21:

[] 1 1-4
[] 2 5-14
[] 3 15-29
[] 4 30-34
[] 6 35-39
[] 7 40-44
[] 9 45 or more

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Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Note: Individuals younger than 12 years old end the filling-in of the questionnaire after question 17.
[Applies to questions 18-28]

Attention: Questions 21 to 24 are only for individuals who currently have a job (answers 1 and 2 in question 19) and to those not having a job at the moment express the desire to work (answers 1 to 8 from question 20.2).

Question 22.1: Indicate the usual number of hours you work each week in the occupation you stated in question 21.

We must choose the answer indicating the interval of hours that correspond to the number of hours worked weekly with the main occupation.

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_WKHRS — Usual number of hours worked per week
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[Questions 10-24 were asked of persons born before December 31, 1999, who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 9]

[Questions 17 to 23 were asked of persons age 15+ who ever attended school at a level higher then pre-primary, and consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 13]

23. Please answer the questions 23.1 to 23.6 if you are employed or looking for a new job. If it is not the case, go to 24.
[Questions 23.1-23.6 were asked of persons age 15+ who are employed or looking for a new job, ever attended school at a level higher then pre-primary, and consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3, 13, and 19]

23.3. Indicate the usual number of hours you work each week in the occupation you stated in question 23.1:

[] 1 1-4
[] 2 5-14
[] 3 15-29
[] 4 30-34
[] 5 35-39
[] 6 40-44
[] 7 45 or more

Question 23.3 - Indicate the usual number of hours you work each week in the occupation you stated in Question 23.1:

Tick the box whose time size matches the number of weekly working hours in your main occupation. Count the number of hours you usually work each week, including overtime. Include the time spent at the workplace performing such tasks as the preparation of service equipment, the preparation and maintenance of tools, etc.

If you were unemployed during the reference week, indicate the number of hours you worked in the last job you had.

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Question 23.3 - Indicate the usual number of hours you work each week in the occupation you stated in question 23.1.

We must indicate the answer indicating the interval of hours that correspond to the number of hours of weekly work with the main occupation.
Will be counted the weekly hours that usually work, but we also must include the extra time hours worked if they have a regular character. Also include the time spent on the place of work preparing tools and the work space.
If the individual was unemployed on the reference week indicate the number of hours that worked on the last job he had.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_HRSWK — Working hours
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Individual questionnaire

Answer the questions 29 to 35 if you are employed, if you are unemployed and have already worked (use as reference the last occupation held. If you are not in one of the previous situations, go to question 36.

31. Indicate the number of hours you usually work per week in the occupation indicated

[] 1 1-4
[] 2 5-14
[] 3 15-29
[] 4 30-34
[] 5 35-39
[] 6 40-44
[] 7 45 or more
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7.2.4. Individual

Questions 29-35 must be answer with reference to the same job

Question 31- Indicate the number of hours you usually work per week in the occupation indicated?
[There is an image of question 31]
Whenever a person has more than one occupation you must respond according to the main profession.
You should choose the option with the number of hours corresponding to the number of hours the person works in one week in their main job.
You must count the weekly hours that the person works regularly, including extra hours, whenever they occur regularly. Also include time spent at work performing tasks such as preparing work equipment, preparation and maintenance of tools.
If the person was unemployed or looking for work during the week of reference, you should indicate the number of hours that the person worked in their last job.

Puerto Rico 1970 — source variable PR1970A_HRSWORK2 — Hours worked last week, intervalled
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26.a. Did this person work at any time last week?
Include part-time work such as a Saturday job, home needlework, or helping without pay in a family business or farm; and active duty in the Armed Forces. Do not include own housework.
[] Yes (Continue with 26b)
[] No (Skip to 27)

b. How many hours did he work last week (at all jobs)?

[] 1 to 14 hours
[] 15 to 29 hours
[] 30 to 34 hours
[] 35 to 39 hours
[] 40 hours
[] 41 to 48 hours
[] 49 to 59 hours
[] 60 hours or more

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_UHRSWORK — Usual hours worked per week
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16. Enumerator - Mark when this person was born.
[] Born before April 1965 -- Ask questions 17 - 33. (Omit question 17 if born between April 1960 and March 1965.)
[] Born April 1965 or later -- Turn to next page for next person

[Questions 17 through 33 asked of persons aged 15 and above.]

31c. During the weeks worked in 1979, how many hours did ____ usually work each week?

____ Hours

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_UHRSWORK — Usual hours worked per week
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[Questions 17 through 34 are for individuals aged 15 and over]

32c. During the weeks worked in 1989, how many hours did [respondent] usually work each week?

____ Hours

Puerto Rico 2000 — source variable PR2000A_UHRSWORK — Usual hours worked per week
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[Questions 19 through 32 asked of persons aged 15 and over.]

30.c. During the weeks worked in 1999, how many hours did this person usually work each week?

_ _ Usual hours worked each week

Puerto Rico 2005 — source variable PR2005A_UHRSWORK — Usual hours worked per week
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[Questions 33-34 are asked if the person last worked, even for a few days, within the past 12 months.]

34. During the past 12 months, in the weeks worked, how many hours did this person usually work each week?

Usual hours worked each week ____

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[Housing Question 17-42 should be asked only of individuals 15 and older.]

34. If the hours worked each week varied considerably in the past 12 months, give an approximate average of the hours worked each week.

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_UHRSWORK — Usual hours worked per week
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[Questions 39 ? 40 were asked of all persons.]

40. How many hours did this person usually work each week?

During the past 12 months (52 weeks), in the weeks worked

Usual hours worked each week: _ _ _
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Answer person questions 19 through 48 if this person is 15 years old or over.

40. If the hours worked each week varied considerably in the past 12 months, give an approximate average of the hours worked each week.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_UHRSWORK — Usual hours worked per week
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K Answer questions 35-38 if this person did not work last week. Otherwise, skip to question 39a.

40. During the past 12 months, in the weeks worked, how many hours did this person usually work each week?

Usual hours worked each week
_ _ _
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Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. (Questions 1-6 appear on pages 2, 3, and 4 of the questionnaire.)

Answer person questions 19 through 48 if this person is 15 years old or over.

40. If the hours worked each week varied considerably in the past 12 months, give an approximate average of the hours worked each week.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_UHRSWORK — Usual hours worked per week
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41. During the past 12 months, in the weeks worked, how many hours did this person usually work each week?

Usual hours worked each week _ _ _
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Person questions 36-41

Answer questions 36-39 if this person did not work last week. Otherwise, skip to question 39a.

P41. If the hours worked each week varied considerably in the past 12 months, give an approximate average of the hours worked each week.

Saint Lucia 1980 — source variable LC1980A_WORKHR — Number of hours worked last week
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Persons age 15 years and over [Questions 23-29]

[Questions 28-29: in the past week]

28. Economic activity during the past week

[] Worked
[] With job not working
[] Looked for work
[] Home duties
[] Student
[] Retired
[] Disabled
[] Other
[] Not stated

29. Total number of hours worked (including overtime) during the past week

[] 0
[] 10
[] 20
[] 30
[] 40
[] 50
[] 60
[] 70
[] 80
[] 90

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9

Saint Lucia 1991 — source variable LC1991A_WORKHR — Number of hours worked last week
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Section 7. Economic activity
For persons 15 years and over
[Questions 7.1 through 7.17 were asked of all individuals over the age of 15.]

7.8 How many hours did you/he/she work last week?

[Question 7.8 was asked of persons 15 and older who worked, per question 7.7]

Hours _ _
[] Don't know

South Africa 2001 — source variable ZA2001A_HRSWRK — Hours worked during the 7 days before October 10
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Ask for all persons aged 10 years and older (born before 10 October 1991)

Had work

P-19d. Hours worked (If yes to P-18)

_ _ How many hours did (the person) work in the seven days before 10 October? If (the person) was absent from work those seven days, but usually works, write the number of hours s/he usually works.

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Question P-19d -- Hours worked

"How many hours did (the person) work in the seven days before 10 October?"

Remember to include overtime and to add hours worked at a secondary place of work, if any.

If the person was absent from work those seven days, but usually works, indicate the number of hours s/he usually works, including overtime.

Write two digits. Nine hours = 09, 30 hours = 30.

If the respondent says the number of hours he/she works, ask if it is per day or per week. If it is per day multiply the number of hours by the number of days worked during that week.

If a person reports 70 hours per week or more, probe. A normal working week is 5 x 8 hours = 40 hours, or thereabouts. Even including the weekend 7 x 8 would be 56 hours.

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_WKHRS — Hours of work per week
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Remember: This questionnaire should only be completed if the person is at least 16 years old and was studying or working last week.

9. How many hours do you normally work each week?

_ _ Do not count overtime, vacations, or time off.

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_HRSFULL — Number of weekly hours: full-time work
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Questions 12, 13 and 14 are intended for those aged 15 and over

13. Occupation: present situation

Please tick everything that applies.

'In employment' means persons:
Who work one hour or more a week against payment
Who work in a family business without payment
Who are currently ill, on paid maternity leave or military service but are otherwise in employment.
Casual jobs should also be counted.

Apprentices should select both 'In employment' and 'Undergoing training'. The appropriate number of hours must be given for both categories.

[] In (full-time) employment

Average number of hours a week: _ _ hours

[] In (part-time) employment (at least one hour a week)

Average number of hours a week: _ _ hours

[] Several (part-time) jobs

Average number of hours a week: _ _ hours

[] Unemployed
[] Not in employment but seeking a job
[] Not in employment but future job guaranteed
[] Not employed and not looking for a job
[] Undergoing training (school, studies, apprenticeship) _ _ hours
[] Retired, pension, beneficiary (old-age, disability, etc.)

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_HRSPART — Number of weekly hours: part-time work
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Questions 12, 13 and 14 are intended for those aged 15 and over

13. Occupation: present situation

Please tick everything that applies.

'In employment' means persons:
Who work one hour or more a week against payment
Who work in a family business without payment
Who are currently ill, on paid maternity leave or military service but are otherwise in employment.
Casual jobs should also be counted.

Apprentices should select both 'In employment' and 'Undergoing training'. The appropriate number of hours must be given for both categories.

[] In (full-time) employment

Average number of hours a week: _ _ hours

[] In (part-time) employment (at least one hour a week)

Average number of hours a week: _ _ hours

[] Several (part-time) jobs

Average number of hours a week: _ _ hours

[] Unemployed
[] Not in employment but seeking a job
[] Not in employment but future job guaranteed
[] Not employed and not looking for a job
[] Undergoing training (school, studies, apprenticeship) _ _ hours
[] Retired, pension, beneficiary (old-age, disability, etc.)

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_WKHOURS — Number of hours worked per week
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Personal questionnaire

11. What is your current labour market situation?

Please tick everything that applies (more than one answer is possible). Casual jobs should also be entered. Tick ''in employment'' if:
- You work at least one hour per week for payment, or;
- You work in a family business without payment, or
- You are temporarily away from work (on holiday, sick leave or paid maternity leave, military / community service) but are otherwise employed or self-employed.

Apprentices should select both ''in employment'' and ''undergoing training.''

[] 1 In full-time employment
[] 2 In part-time employment
[] 3 In several part-time employments
[] 4 Seeking a job (whether or not registered for unemployment insurance)
[] 5 Undergoing training (school, studies, apprenticeship)
[] 6 Looking after home or family
[] 7 Disabled or partially disabled (e.g. person in receipt of Federal Disability Insurance)
[] 8 Retired (in receipt of AHV (retirement) or other pension), or pensioner in receipt of benefit other than disability insurance
[] 9 Other non-employed situation

[If 1, 2, or 3 is chosen,] average number of hours worked per week: _ _
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3.3 Structural statistics

3.3.2 Basic output
The structural statistics provide additional information on the basic statistics, together with base information for the analysis of the thematic statistics of the census system. They cover the resident population, excluding people who live in institutional households. The information on dwellings relates to occupied dwellings. The structural statistics provide annual results on the following topic areas:

T4 Information provided by the structural statistics

Topic area "work"
Occupation/participation in the labour market          
- Employment status
- Current occupation
- Status in occupation
- Socio-professional category
- Economic branch, legal status, and size of the enterprise
- Number of hours worked per week, work-time percentage


- Labour market status
- Unemployment rate

Trinidad and Tobago 1970 — source variable TT1970A_WKHOURS — Hours worked (past week)
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Section VI. Economic Activity

[Questions 23-29 asked of all persons 10 years and over.]

29. Total number of hours worked (including overtime) during past week _ _

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F. Section VI - Economic activity

One of the main purposes of this section is to determine which individuals have been in the working force of the country at any time during the 12 months preceding Census Day. It is essential that the enumerator understands the definition of the term work as given in question 2.3 and makes use of it in his interviews. Generally work done
outside of the country is not relevant to the Census, but work done under contract on U.S. farms by residents is to be included, as also is work on ships and aircraft operating outside of the country.

62. Question 29 - Number of hours worked

You are required to record here the actual number of hours worked during the week preceding enumeration by persons who at question 28 were classified as worked. The term work refers to actual work done, and does not, as in some questions, include paid vacation, or sick leave. For persons working, record the number of hours actually worked, including over-time. For persons working in their own business, record the time they were actually working.

Trinidad and Tobago 1980 — source variable TT1980A_WKHOURS — Hours worked in the past week
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Section 4 Economic Activity -- For all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

This section deals with the economic activity of all who are 15 years old and over. It relates to the past week as well as the past 12 months. Question 16 to 18 apply to those answering from [10] to [30] in Question 15.
Interviewer: Job seekers and persons wanting work must have responses to Questions 16-18.

21. Hours worked past week
How many hours did (N) [the respondent] work during the past week, including overtime?

[] 0 Less than 1 hour
[] 1 1-8 hours
[] 2 9-16 hours
[] 3 17-24 hours
[] 4 25-32 hours
[] 5 33-40 hours
[] 6 41 hours and over
[] 9 Not stated
Interviewer: Applicable only to those ticking 10 in Q.15
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Section 4 - Economic Activity, questions [15] to [23]
The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals have been engaged in economic activity, that is the production of goods and services for sale during the week preceding enumeration and at any time during the past twelve [12] months and, those who were not so engaged. It is essential that the enumerator understands the concept of the term work as given in question [15] and makes use of it in his interviews. Generally, work done outside Trinidad and Tobago is not relevant to the census, but work done under contract on Canadian farms by residents is to be included, as also is work by resident crew on ships and aircraft operating outside of the country.

It should be noted that priority is given to work over all other activities. Also, economic activity holds precedence over non-economic.
Question [15] - Economic activity during the past week
This question aims at classifying persons according to their economic activity during the week preceding enumeration. It is also intended to distinguish between persons who worked [i.e. were economically active] and those who did not work. The possible responses and definitions are given hereunder.
Question 21 - Hours worked during the past week for person[s] with jobs coded [10] in question 15.
You are required to record in this question the actual number of hours worked including overtime whether paid for or not during the week preceding enumeration. The term work refers to actual work done and does not as in some previous questions, include paid vacation, or sick leave.

For persons working, record the number of hours actually worked, including overtime. Persons operating their own business either as self-employed or employers should be enumerated by the time they were actually working. Note that for persons who are paid by the "day" but work "task", the enumerator should record the hours for which they were paid. Time taken to and from work is not counted unless payment is made for such hours. Finally, as a guide in difficult cases, some estimate should be made for "hours" normally worked per week in the pre-coded categories.

Trinidad and Tobago 1990 — source variable TT1990A_WKHOURS — Hours worked during the past week
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Section 4. Economic activity - For all persons 15 years old and over

This section deals with the economic activity of all who are 15 years old and over. It relates to the past week as well as the past 12 months. Questions 16 to 18 apply to those answering from 10 to 30 in Question 15.

Interviewer: Job seekers and persons wanting work must have responses to Questions 16-18

[Question 20 was asked of those who had a job and worked the past week, per question 15.]

20. How many hours did [the respondent] work during the past week, including overtime?

Interviewer: Applicable only to those ticking 10 in Q.15

[] 0 Less than 1 hour
[] 1 1 - 8 hours
[] 2 9 - 16 hours
[] 3 17 - 24 hours
[] 4 25 - 32 hours
[] 5 33 - 40 hours
[] 6 41 hours and over
[] 9 Not stated
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Section 4 - Economic activity-questions [15] to [21]
The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals have been engaged in economic activity, that is the production of goods and services for sale during the week preceding enumeration and at any time during the past twelve [12] months and, those who were not so engaged. It is essential that the enumerator understands the concept of the term work as given in question [15] and makes use of it in his interviews. Generally, work done outside Trinidad and Tobago is not relevant to the census, but work done under contract on Canadian farms by residents is to be included, as also is work by resident crew on ships and aircraft operating outside of the country.
It should be noted that priority is given to work over all other activities. Also, economic activity holds precedence over non-economic.

Question 20 - Hours worked during the past week for person[s] with jobs coded [10] on question 15

You are required to record in this question the actual number of hours worked, including overtime whether paid for or not, during the week preceding enumeration. The term work refers to actual work done and does not as in some previous questions, include paid vacation, or sick leave. For persons working, record the number of hours actually worked, including overtime. Persons operating their own business either as self-employed or employers record the time they actually worked. Note that for persons who are paid by the "day" but work "task", the enumerator should record the hours for which they were paid. Time taken to and from work is not counted unless payment is made for such hours. Finally, as a guide in difficult cases, some estimate should be made for "hours" normally worked per week in the pre-coded categories.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_WKHOURS — Hours worked last week
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Section 6. Economic activity - For all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

[Question 29 was asked of those who had a job and worked the past week, per question 22]

29. Hours worked past week
How many hours did (N) [the respondent] work during the past week, including overtime?

[] 01. Under 1 hour
[] 02. 1 - 8 hours
[] 03. 9 - 16 hours
[] 04. 17 - 24 hours
[] 05. 25 - 32 hours
[] 06. 33 - 40 hours
[] 07. 41-50 hours
[] 08. 51-60 hours
[] 09. 61-70 hours
[] 10. 71+ hours
[] 99. Not stated

Interviewer: Applicable only to those ticking 10 in Q.22
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Section 6 - Economic activity

The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals have been engaged in economic activity, that is, the production of goods and services during the week preceding enumeration and at any time during the past 12 months and those who were not so engaged. It is essential that the enumerator understands the concept of the term work as given in question (22) and makes use of it in his interviews.

Question 28 (a) - Address of place of work (main job)

Give the full address of the business / firm where (N) is working/ worked or looked for work.

Question 28(b) - Transport

Tick the box, which illustrates the mode of transport used most often to travel to and from work.

Question 29 - Hours worked

Here you should enter the number of hours that the individual actually worked, which should include the following:

Hours actually worked during normal periods of work.

Time worked in addition to hours worked during normal periods of work and paid at higher rates than normal rates (overtime).

Time spent at the place of work, on work such as the preparation of the work place, repair and maintenance, preparation and cleaning of tools, and the preparation of receipts, time sheets and reports.

Time spent at place of work waiting or standing by for such reasons as lack of supply of work, break down of machinery or accidents.

Time corresponding to short rest periods including tea and coffee breaks.

Hours actually worked should exclude:

Hours paid for but not worked such as paid annual leave, paid public holidays, paid sick leave.

Meal breaks.

Time spent on travel from home to work and vice versa.

Hours spent on welfare and union activities.

Any time spent on travel from the entrance of the establishment to the place of work.

Time necessary to wash and change clothes.

For persons who worked at more than one job, record the number of hours worked on all jobs.

Persons paid by time, in particular salaried employees, the number of hours should relate to the normal working hours for which they are paid. It should not include extra time worked for which no additional pay is received.

United States 1960 — source variable US1960A_HRSWORK2 — Hours worked last week, intervalled
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P21. When was this person born?

[] Born before April 1946

Please go on with questions P22 to P35. Answer the questions regardless of whether the person is a housewife, student, or retired person, or a part-time or full-time worker.

[] Born April 1946 or later

Please omit questions P22 to P35 and turn the page to the next person.
Space for any notes about the entries for this person.


[If Yes] P23. How many hours did he work last week at all jobs? (If exact figure not known, give best estimate)

[] 1 to 14 hours
[] 15 to 29 hours
[] 30 to 34 hours
[] 35 to 39 hours
[] 40 hours
[] 41 to 48 hours
[] 49 to 59 hours
[] 60 hours or more

United States 1970 — source variable US1970A_HRSWORK2 — Hours worked last week, intervalled
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23. When was this person born?
[] Born before April 1956 - Please go on with questions 24 through 41.
[] Born April 1956 or later - Please omit questions 24 through 41 and go to the next page for the next person.

Questions 29 through 41 are for all persons born before April 1956 including housewives, students, or disabled persons as well as part-time or full-time workers.


29a. Did this person work at any time last week?

[] Yes - Fill this circle if this person did full- or part-time work. (Count part-time work such as a Saturday job, delivering papers, or helping without pay in a family business or farm; and active duty in the Armed Forces.

[] No - Fill this circle if this person did not work, or did only own housework, school work, or volunteer work. Skip to 30

b. How many hours did he work last week (at all jobs)?
Subtract any time off and add overtime or extra hours worked.

[] 1 to 14 hours
[] 15 to 29 hours
[] 30 to 34 hours
[] 35 to 39 hours
[] 40 hours
[] 41 to 48 hours
[] 49 to 59 hours
[] 60 hours or more

United States 1980 — source variable US1980A_UHRSWORK — Usual hours worked per week
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31a. Last year (1979), did this person work, even for a few days, at a paid job or in a business or farm?
[] Yes

31b. How many weeks did this person work in 1979?

Count paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service.

[Look at the instructions for question 22a to see what to count as work.]

____ Weeks

[Count every week in which the person did any work at all, even for an hour.]

31c. During the weeks worked in 1979, how many hours did this person usually work each week?

____ Hours

[If the hours worked each week varied considerably, give the best estimate of the hours usually worked most weeks.]

[] No -- Skip to 31d

United States 1990 — source variable US1990A_UHRSWORK — Usual hours worked per week
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31a. Last year (1989), did this person work, even for a few days, at a paid job or in a business or farm?
[] Yes
[] No -- Skip to 32

[Look at the instructions for question 21a to see what to count as work.]

31b. How many weeks did this person work in 1989?
Count paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service.

____ Weeks

[Count every week in which the person did any work at all, even for an hour.]

31c. During the weeks worked in 1989, how many hours did this person usually work each week?

____ Hours

United States 2000 — source variable US2000A_UHRSWORK — Usual hours worked per week
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18. Was this person under 15 years of age on April 1, 2000?
[] Yes [Go on to question 33]
[] No

30. c. During the weeks worked in 1999, how many hours did this person usually work each week?

_ _ Usual hours worked each week

United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_UHRSWORK — Usual hours worked per week
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[Q.33-34 are asked if the person last worked, even for a few days, within the past 12 months.]

33. During the past 12 months, how many weeks did this person work?

Count paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service.

Weeks ____

34. During the PAST 12 months, in the weeks worked, how many hours did this person usually work each week?

Usual hours worked each week ____

United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_UHRSWORK — Usual hours worked per week
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b) How many weeks did this person work, even for a few hours, including paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service?
[] 50 to 52 weeks
[] 48 to 49 weeks
[] 40 to 47 weeks
[] 27 to 39 weeks
[] 14 to 26 weeks
[] 13 weeks or less 40.

During the past 12 months (52 weeks), in the weeks worked, how many hours did this person usually work each week? Usual hours worked each week: _____

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_UHRSWORK — Usual hours worked per week
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40. During the past 12 months (52 weeks), in the week worked, how many hours did this person usually work each week?

Usual hours worked each week _ _ _
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40. If the hours worked each week varied considerably in the past 12 months, give an approximate average of the hours worked each week.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_UHRSWORK — Usual hours worked per week
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41. During the past 12 months, in the weeks worked, how many hours did this person usually work each week?

Usual hours worked each week _ _ _
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Person questions 36-41

Answer questions 36-39 if this person did not work last week. Otherwise, skip to question 39a.

P41. If the hours worked each week varied considerably in the past 12 months, give an approximate average of the hours worked each week.

Venezuela 1971 — source variable VE1971A_WORKHRS — Hours worked per week
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Only for individuals 15 years of age and older

26. How many hours did [the respondent] work during the last week in all jobs (or, how many hours were regularly worked per week in the last job held?)

____ Hours

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8.25. Hours per week worked (Q - 26).

This question refers to the actual number of hours worked in the last week and not the usual number of hours or the number of hours the person should or should have worked. Therefore, the number of hours not worked during the week due to leave, illness, vacation, or other reasons are excluded from the total number of hours worked.

For those who were unemployed and were looking for work during the last week, this question refers to the total number of weekly hours, full or part-time, worked at the last job or jobs.

For those who did not work during the last week because of illness, vacations, inclement weather, etc., this question refers to the number of weekly hours normally worked at the [current] job.

If the person had more than one employment during the last week, all of the number of hours worked in all of the jobs should be totaled, including extra hours.

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_HRSWORK — Hours worked per week
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(Only for people 12 years of age and older.)

24. How many hours did you work last week (or regularly work per week) in all of your jobs (or how many hours did you regularly work per week in your last job)?

____ Total hours

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Question 24

-- How many hours per week did the person work (or how many hours per week are usually worked) in all of his/her jobs (or how many hours per week were worked regularly for the last job or employment)?

This question requests the following:

a) Ask the person who answered "working" for question 18 the number of hours worked in the last week for all jobs.

b) Ask the person who answered "not working but employed" for question 18 the number of hours usually worked during the week.

c) Ask the person who answered question 19 affirmatively the number of hours per week dedicated to this activity.

d) Ask the person who answered question 20 affirmatively the number of hours per week dedicated to this activity.

e) Ask the person who answered "up to 6 months" or "between 6 and 12 months" for question 23 the number of hours per week worked in the person's last job.

For the person who worked more than one job "last week", the number of hours worked for each job should be added up and the total recorded in the space provided.

Once the number of hours is recorded, proceed to question 25.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_WRKHRS — Hours worked

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.