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Commonwealth Caribbean Population and Housing Census
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
May 12, 1980
Central Statistical Office

G C 2 Questionnaire Number
_ _ Country/Ward
_ _ _ _ E.D. Number
_ _ _ Household Number

____ Name of respondent _ _ _ _ _ _ _Telephone number
____ Address of household
____ Ward ____ Country/Parish
_ _ _ Building Number _ _ _ Dwelling unit number_ _ _Household number

_ _ Number of persons in household
_ _ Total number of questionnaires
_ _ Questionnaire number
_ _ _ Selected household number (Office use)
___ Scrutinised by ____ Date

Result codes

[] 1 Completed
[] 2 Not at home
[] 3 Deferred
[] 4 Refused
[] 5 Vacant dwelling
[] 6 Closed dwelling
[] 7 Other _______________

____ Supervisor's name ____ Number ____ Date
____ Interviewer's Name ____ Number ____ Date
____ Field editor's name ____ Number ____ Date

____ Editor's number (1st) ____ Signature/initials ____ Date
____ Coder's number ____ Signature/Initials ____ Date
____ Editor's number (2nd) ____ Signature/initials ____ Date

Section 1 Characteristics -- For all persons

1. Name of Residents
What are the names of the persons who live in this household and share at least one daily meal?

Interviewer: Remember to probe for elderly folks, infants, new born babies and persons who are temporary resident and expected to be members of the household at midnight on the 12th May (Census Day)

2. Relationship to head of household
What is the relationship of (N) [the respondent] to the head of household?

[] 1 Head (H)
[] 2 Spouse/Partner of head (S/PH)
[] 3 Child of head/spouse (CH/S)
[] 4 Spouse/partner of child (S/PC)
[] 5 Grandchild of head/spouse (GH/S)
[] 6 Other relative of head (ORH)
[] 7 Domestic employee (DE)
[] Other non-relative (ONR)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)

3. Sex
What is (N) [the respondent's] sex?

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

4. What is (N) [the respondent's] date of birth/age in completed years?

5. Ethnic group
To which ethnic group does (N) [the resident] belong?

[] 1 African
[] 2 Indian
[] 3 Chinese
[] 4 Syrian/Lebanese (S/L)
[] 5 White
[] 6 Mixed
[] 7 Other race (OR)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)

6. Religion
To which religion does (N) [the resident] belong?

[] 1 Anglican (E.C)
[] 2 Baptist (Orthodox)
[] 3 Hindu (Sanatanist)
[] 4 Jehovah Witness
[] 5 Methodist
[] 6 Muslim (ASJA)
[] 7 Pentecostal
[] 8 Presbyterian/Congregational
[] 9 Roman Catholic (RC)
[] 10 Seventh Day Adventist
[] 98 None
[] Other (specify) _____
[] 99 Not stated

Section 2 Migration -- For all Persons

7(a). Where was (N) [the respondent's] place of birth?

[] 1 Trinidad and Tobago
Go to Q.7(b)

[] 2 Foreign/Abroad
Skip to Q.7(c) and Q.7(d)

[] 9 Not stated
Skip to Q.8(a)

Trinidad and Tobago born only

7(b). Address
What is the address of (N) [the respondent] mother when (N) [the respondent] was born?

____ Town/Village
____ Ward/Country
Interviewer: Skip to Q.8(a) after writing the address

Foreign born only

7(c). Country of birth
In which country was (N) [the respondent] born?

[] 11 Barbados
[] 12 Grenada
[] 13 Guyana
[] 14 St. Lucia
[] 15 St. Vincent
[] 16 Other Commonwealth Caribbean
[] 20 India
[] 30 Venezuela
[] 40 UK
[] 50 USA
[] 98 Other
[] 99 Not stated

7(d). Address
How many years has (N) [the respondent] been living in Trinidad and Tobago?


8(a). Usual residence
For both Local and Foreign born
Where do you usually live?

[] 1 This address
Go to Q.9

[] 2 Elsewhere in Trinidad and Tobago
Skip to Q.8(b)

[] 3 Abroad
Skip to Q.10(a)

[] 9 Not stated
Go to Q.10(a)

Section 2 Migration -- For all persons

8(b). What is (N) [the respondent's] place of usual residence?

____ Town/Village
____ Ward/Country

9. Number of years lived at place of usual residence
How many years has (N) [the respondent] been living at (N) [the respondent's] place of usual residence?


10(a). Address in Trinidad and Tobago
At what address in Trinidad and Tobago/abroad did (N) [the respondent] previously live?

[] 1 This address
Skip to Q.11

[] 2 Elsewhere
Go to Q.10(b)

[] 3 Abroad
Go to Q 10(b)

[] 9 Not stated
Skip to Q.11

10(b). Address
What was (N) [the respondent's] previous address?

____ Town/Village
____ Ward/Country or Country

Section 3 Education -- For all persons

11(a). Attendance at school/university
Is (N) [the respondent] attending school?

[] 1 Yes
Go to Q.11(b)

[] 2 No
Skip to Q.14(a)

[] 9 Not stated (NS)
Skip to Q.14(a)

11(b). Is (N) [the respondent] attendance

[] 1 Full--time (FT)
[] 2 Part--time (PT)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)

12. Type of school now being attended
What type of school is (N) [the respondent's] attending?

[] 1 Nursery/Kindergarten
[] 10 Private Primary
[] 11 Government and Assisted Primary
[] 20 Junior Secondary
[] 21 Trade/Vocational School
[] 22 Youth Camp
[] 30 Senior Comprehensive
[] 31 Private Secondary
[] 32 Government and Assisted Secondary
[] 33 Composite
[] 34 Technical Institute
[] 60 University
[] 98 Other
[] 99 Not stated

13(a). Address of school
What is the address of (N) [the respondent's] school?

____ Town/Village
____ Ward/Country

13(b). Usual mode of transportation to school
What type of transport does (N) [the respondent] usually use for travel to school?

[] 1 Bus (PTSC)
[] 2 Taxi
[] 3 Private car (PC)
[] 4 Motor cycle (MC)
[] 5 Bicycle (B)
[] 6 Walk (W)
[] 7 Other (O)
[] 8 Not applicable (NA)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)

14(a). Highest level of (non--vocational) educational attainment
What is (N) [the respondent's] highest level of educational attainment (non-vocational)?

[] 1 None
Skip to Q 15

[] 2 Nursery/Kindergarten
[] 3 Primary (P)
[] 4 Secondary (S)
[] 5 University (U)
[] 6 Other
[] 8 Not applicable (NA)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)
Skip to Q.15

14(b). Years of schooling at highest level
How many years of schooling (at the highest level of educational attainment) did (N) [the respondent] have?

[] 0 Less than a year
[] 1 1 year
[] 2 2 years
[] 3 3 years
[] 4 4 years
[] 5 5 years
[] 6 6 years
[] 7 7 years or more
[] 9 Not stated

14(c). Highest examination ever passed
What is the highest exam (N) [the respondent] has ever passed?

[] 01 None
[] 02 School leaving
[] 03 CXC basic
[] 04 GCE 'O'/CXC Gen. Prof. 1 or 2
[] 05 GCE 'O'/CXC Gen. Prof. 3 or 4; S.C Grade III
[] 06 GCE 'O'5 and over; S.C. Grades I, II
[] 07 GCE 'A'/HSC 1 or 2
[] 08 GCE 'A'/HSC 3 and over
[] 09 Diploma/or Equivalent Certificate of Achievement
[] 10 Degree
[] 98 Other
[] 99 Not stated

Section 4 Economic Activity -- For all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

This section deals with the economic activity of all who are 15 years old and over. It relates to the past week as well as the past 12 months. Question 16 to 18 apply to those answering from [10] to [30] in Question 15.
Interviewer: Job seekers and persons wanting work must have responses to Questions 16-18.

15. Economic activity past week
What did (N) [the respondent] do during the past week?

[] 10 Had a job, worked (HJ/W)
[] 11 Had a job, did not work (HJ/NW)
[] 20 Seeking first job (SFJ)
[] 21 Other seeking work (OSJ)
[] 30 Wanted work and available past three (3) months (WW)
[] 40 Student (S)
[] 41 Home duties (HD)
[] 42 Retired (R)
[] 43 Disabled (D)
[] 44 Old age pensioner (OAP)
[] 45 Did not want work (DNWW)
[] 98 Other
[] 99 Not stated (NS)

Interviewer: For those answering categories [] 40-- [] 99 skip to Q.22

16. Type of worker
What type of worker status applies to (N) [the respondent]?

Worked for Others
[] 0 Government -- Public Service (GPS)
[] 1 Government -- Public Enterprise (GPE)
[] 2 Non--Government (NG)
[] 3 Unpaid (U)
[] 4 Learner (L)
Has own business/farm
[] 5 No paid help (NPH)
[] 6 With paid help (WPH)
[] 7 Never worked (NW)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)

Interviewer: Persons responding to [] 20 in Question 15 tick [] 7, and those responding to [] 21 and [] 30 in Question 15 classify by last status held

17(a). Main kind of occupation/work
What kind of work was (N) [the respondent] doing (job held) during the past week? E.g. secondary school teacher, accounts clerk, automobile mechanic


17 (b). Job title
What was (N) [the respondent] job title? E.g. teacher II, accounts clerk I, automobile mechanic Grade 'A'.

Interviewer: [] 20 First seekers: classify by kind of job last applied. For [] 21 and [] 30 classify by job last held

18(a). Industry
What is the name of the Government department or establishment in which (N) [the respondent] worked/had a job? E.g. Ministry of Health (St. Ann's Hospital), Pete's Advertising Agency.


18(b). Type of business
What kind of business is carried on there? E.g. psychiatric hospital, creative designs of advertisements for media.

Interviewer -- For persons who are ticked:
[] 20 Classify by industry of last application
[] 21 and [] 30 Classify by last place of employment

19. Address
What is the address of the department or establishment?

____ Town/Village
____ Ward/Country

20. Transportation
What type of transportation does (N) [the respondent] usually use to travel to work?

[] 1 Bus (PTSC)
[] 2 Taxi
[] 3 Private car (PC)
[] 4 Motor cycle (MC)
[] 5 Bicycle (B)
[] 6 Walk (W)
[] 7 Other (O)
[] 8 Not applicable (NA)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)

21. Hours worked past week
How many hours did (N) [the respondent] work during the past week, including overtime?

[] 0 Less than 1 hour
[] 1 1-8 hours
[] 2 9-16 hours
[] 3 17-24 hours
[] 4 25-32 hours
[] 5 33-40 hours
[] 6 41 hours and over
[] 9 Not stated
Interviewer: Applicable only to those ticking 10 in Q.15

22. Main activity during the past twelve months
What did (N) [the respondent] do most during the past twelve months?

[] 10 Had a job/worked (HJ/W)
[] 11 Had a job, did not work (HJNW)
[] 20 Seeking first job (SFJ)
[] 21 Other seeking work (OSW)
[] 30 Wanted work and available (WW)
[] 40 Student (S)
[] 41 Home duties (HD)
[] 42 Retired (R)
[] 43 Disabled (D)
[] 44 Old age pensioner (OAP)
[] 45 Did not want work (DNWW)
[] 98 Other
[] 99 Not stated (NS)

23. Number of months worked
23(a). Did (N) [the respondent] work for any length of time during the past twelve months?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No
[] 9 Not stated (NS)

23(b). How many months did (N) [the respondent] work during the past twelve months?

[] 0 None
[] 1 Under 2 months
[] 2 2-3 months
[] 3 4-5 months
[] 4 6-7 months
[] 5 8-9 months
[] 6 10-11 months
[] 7 Full year (FY)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)

Section 5 Highest level of Training -- for all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

24(a). Special training completed
Has (N) [the respondent] completed any special training to fit him/her for employment?

[] 1 Yes
Skip to Q.24(c)

[] 2 No
Go to Q.24(b)

24(b). Is (N) [the respondent] now undergoing any special training to fit him/her for employment?

[] 1 Yes
Go to Q.24(c)

[] 2 No
Skip to Q.28

24(c). Field or occupation of highest level of training
What is the Field/Occupation for which the highest level of training was completed/undergoing?


25. Main method of highest level of training
In (N) [the respondent] field/occupation of highest level which was the main method/type of schooling used?

[] 0 On the job (J)
[] 1 Private study (PS)
[] 2 Secondary School (SS)
[] 3 Vocational School, Trade School, Commercial (VTCS)
[] 4 Technical Institute (TI)
[] 5 Other Institutional Training (OIT)
[] 6 University (U)
[] 7 Other
[] 9 Not stated (NS)

26. Period of training at highest level (Q.24(c))
26(a). Has (N) [the respondent] training been completed/on going (in field mentioned in Q42c)?

[] 1 Completed
[] 2 Under going training/on going

26(b). How much time did (N) [the respondent] spend being trained for his field/occupation of highest level of training or how much time completed to date on training?

[] 0 Under 3 months
[] 1 3 to less than 6 months
[] 2 6 months to less than 1 year
[] 3 1 to less than 1.5 years
[] 4 1.5 years to less than 2 years
[] 5 2 to less than 3 years
[] 6 3 to less than 4 years
[] 7 4 years and over
[] 9 Not stated

27. Qualification received on completion of training
What qualification did (N) [the respondent] receive on completion of training?

[] 1 None
[] 2 Certificate with examination (CWE)
[] 3 Certificate without examination (CNE)
[] 4 Diploma (DIP)
[] 5 Degree (DEG)
[] 6 Other
[] 9 Not stated (NS)

Section 6 Marital Status - For persons 14 years and over

28. What is (N) [the respondent] marital status?

[] 1 Never married (NM)
[] 2 Married (M)
[] 3 Widowed (W)
[] 4 Legally separated (LS)
[] 5 Divorced (D)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)
Interviewer: This question applies only to persons fourteen years and over and NOT attending Primary or Secondary school full time.

Section 7 Fertility -- For females 14 years old and over and not attending Primary or Secondary School full time

29. Number of births ever had
How many live births has (N) [the respondent] ever had?

Interviewer: If none, skip to Q.31

30. Age at of first live born child
What is (N) [the respondent's] age when she had her first live born child?


31. Number of live births/still births past twelve months
31(a). How many live births did (N) [the respondent's] have during the past twelve (12) months?

[] 0 None
[] 1 One
[] 2 Two
[] 3 Twin (TW)
[] 4 Three and over (THR+)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)

31(b). How many still births did (N) [the respondent's] have during the past twelve (12) months?

[] 0 None
[] 1 One
[] 2 Two and over (TWO+)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)

32. Union status at present or at age 45
What is (N) [the respondent's] union status? Or what was (N) [the respondent's] union status when she was 45?

[] 1 Married (M)
[] 2 Common--law (CL)
[] 3 Visiting (V)
[] 4 No longer living with husband (NLH)
[] 5 No longer living with common-law partner (NLCP)
[] 6 Never had a husband nor partner (NH/P)
[] 9 Not stated (NS)

Section 8. Income For all persons (15) years old and over

33(a). Last pay/income period
What was (N) [the respondent's] last pay/income period?

[] 1 Weekly (W)
[] 2 Fortnightly (F)
[] 3 Monthly (M)
[] 4 Quarterly (Q)
[] 6 Other (specify) __________
[] 7 None
Skip to Q.34(a)

[] 8 Non applicable (NA)
Skip to Q.34(a)

[] 9 Not stated (NS)

33(b). Gross income (nearest dollar)
What was (N) [the respondent's] gross income from all sources during the last pay period?

Interviewer: For self-employed persons obtain "Net Income" i.e. receipts less business expenses

Section 9 Census Night -- For all persons

34(a). Where did (N) [the respondent's] spend Census Night?

[] 1 This household (H)
Skip to Section 10 (heads of households only)

[] 2 Elsewhere in Trinidad and Tobago (E, T and T)
Go to Q.34(b)

[] 3 Institution (INST)
Go to Q.34(b)

[] 4 Abroad
[] 5 Other
Go to Q.34(b)

[] 9 Not stated (NS)

34(b). Address
What is the full address of where (N) [the respondent's] spent Census Night?

____ Town/Village
____ Ward/County

Section 10 Housing -- Head of household only

_ _ Identification: County/Ward
_ _ _ _ E.D. Number
0 0 0 P.N.
_ _ _ Building _ _ _ Dwelling Unit _ _ _ Household No. _S.H. _ R
____ Name of Head of Household
____ Name of Respondent

Characteristics of Building

35. Type of building
What category of the type of buildings listed below does this belong?

[] 1 Mainly residential
[] 2 Residential and Commercial
[] 3 Commercial
[] 4 Industrial
[] 5 Community service -- Private/Government
[] 6 Other
[] 9 Not stated

36. Material of outer walls
What is the major construction material of outer walls?

[] 1 Brick (plastered or unplastered)
[] 2 Concrete
[] 3 Wood or concrete
[] 4 Wood and brick
[] 5 Wood
[] 6 Wattle/Adobe/Tapia
[] 7 Other
[] 9 Not stated

37. Year when building was built
In what year was the building originally built?

[] 1 1980
[] 2 1979
[] 3 1978
[] 4 1977--1970
[] 5 1969--1961
[] 6 1960 or earlier
[] 7 Don't know
[] 9 Not stated

Characteristics of Dwelling Unit

38. Major household in dwelling unit
Is the head of this household the person who owns or rents the entire dwelling unit?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

39. Living arrangement
How do you enter your living quarters?

[] 1 Separate entrance
[] 2 Common landing or passage away
[] 3 Through someone else's living quarters
[] 9 Not stated

40. Dwelling unit
40(a). Is any part of the dwelling unit in which you live occupied by another or other household either for a rent, rent--free or by some other arrangement?

[] 1 Yes
Go to Q.40(b)

[] 2 No
Skip to Q.41

40(b). How many other households occupy this dwelling unit with your household?
Number of other households in this dwelling unit

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4 and over
[] 9 Not stated

41. Size of household
How many persons are members of your household?

Interviewer: This information can be confirmed from Q.1

42. Tenancy
What type of tenancy do you hold?

[] 1 Owned
[] 2 Rented private
[] 3 Rented government
[] 4 Leased
[] 5 Rent free
[] 6 Squatted
[] 7 Other
[] 9 Not stated

43. Type of dwelling
In what type of dwelling are you living?

[] 1 Separate house
[] 2 Flat/apartment
[] 3 Condominium
[] 4 Double house/duplex
[] 5 Part of commercial/industrial building
[] 6 Barracks
[] 7 Out--room
[] 8 Other private dwelling
[] 9 Group dwelling
[] 10 Other
[] 11 No fixed abode
[] 99 Not stated

44. Water supply
What is your water supply?

[] 1 Public piped into dwelling
[] 2 Public piped into yard
[] 3 Private piped into dwelling
[] 4 Private catchment not piped
[] 5 Public standpipe
[] 6 Truck borne (and not piped into dwelling)
[] 7 Spring/River
[] 8 Other
[] 9 Not stated

45. Toilet facilities
45(a). What type of toilet facilities does the household have?

[] 1 Pit
[] 2 WC linked to sewer
[] 3 WC not linked to sewer
[] 4 Other
[] 5 None
[] 9 Not stated

45(b). Are these facilities...

[] 1 Shared
[] 2 Not shared
[] 8 Not applicable
[] 9 Not stated

46. Type of lighting
What type of lighting do you use most?

[] 1 Electricity (Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission)
[] 2 Electricity (Private)
[] 3 Kerosene
[] 4 Other
[] 9 Not stated

47. Number of rooms
How many rooms are there in your dwelling unit? (Do not count bathrooms, porches, kitchens, etc.)

[] 1 1
[] 2 2
[] 3 3
[] 4 4
[] 5 5
[] 6 6
[] 7 7
[] 8 8 and more
[] 9 Not stated

48. Number of bedrooms
48(a). How many bedrooms are there in this dwelling? (Count all bedrooms including spares not occupied. Bedrooms are rooms used mainly for sleeping and exclude makeshift and temporary sleeping quarters.)

[] 0 0
[] 1 1
[] 2 2
[] 3 3
[] 4 4
[] 5 5 and more
[] 9 Not stated

Interviewer: Question 48(b) applies only to heads of households living in dwelling units occupied by more than one household. Check Q.40(a) and Q.40(b) for evidence of "more than one household occupying one dwelling unit".
48(b). How many bedrooms are occupied/available for use by your household?

[] 0 0
[] 1 1
[] 2 2
[] 3 3
[] 4 4
[] 5 5 and more
[] 9 Not stated

49. Monthly rent of dwelling unit
[For households renting/leasing only.]
What is the actual monthly rent paid?

_ _ _ _ Nearest dollar


General Comments of enumerator/supervisor________
____Enumerator's signature ____Supervisor's signature

Specific comments related to individual members of household ________