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Presidency of the Republic's Planning Secretariat
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics Foundation

IX Brazilian General Census 1980

Demographic Census
Enumerator's Instruction Manual

[Pages 1 -15 were not translated into English]


II - Basic concepts


A building is any edifice, occupied or not, built with any kind of material and for any purpose.
Unfinished edifices with outside walls and roof in place will also be considered buildings.
The following will not be considered buildings:

a) rustic edifices in rural areas which are not intended for living quarters and do not have residents; this category includes storehouses, stables, shelters against the rain, etc.;
b) edifices under construction which do not have outside walls and do not have residents; and
c) edifices attached to a main building, intended as living quarters for domestic employees or for persons who are part of the main household; this category includes structures used as garages, shelters for animals or utensils, etc.


A household/dwelling is a structurally independent dwelling consisting of one or more rooms and having a private entrance.
By extension, buildings under construction, boats, vehicles, tents, caves and other places that are serving as living quarters on the date of the Census will also be considered households.

Private Dwelling

A private household is one that serves as living quarters to one, two, or, at the most, three families, even if it is located in an industrial, commercial or other such establishment, etc.
By extension, buildings under construction where up to 5 persons live, even without ties of kinship or domestic dependence, will also be considered Private households.
Rooms in a tenement (cabeças-de-porco, cortiços, etc.) and apartment buildings comprise sets of private households.

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Ranches, plantations, states, mills, plants, etc., also constitute sets of Private households.
The following institutional establishments, such as hospitals, asylums, monasteries, military bases, schools, prisons and other such establishments, will be considered private households:

a) those located in independent buildings occupied by families whose members - one or more - are employees or owners of the establishment;
b) those located in independent buildings occupied by families, whether or not one or more of their members are part of the institution, such as in leper colonies, correctional facilities, etc.; or
c) those located in independent buildings occupied by families, whether or not one or more of their members are part of military establishments or zones.

The basic conditions for characterizing a private household are Separation and Independence.
The term separation is understood as a place for living quarters limited by walls, fences, etc., covered by a roof and which allows a person or group of persons to isolate themselves from others with the purpose of sleeping, preparing and/or consuming their meals, and protecting themselves from the elements.

Independence is understood as access to the place for living quarters without passing through living quarters of other persons.

Bedrooms provided with independent entrances, or edifices attached to other, main edifices and used by members of the household, including domestic employees, provided that the criterion of separation is not characterized, will be considered as integral parts of the household. However, if these persons live in a place which has independent access and prepare their own meals (have their own source of food), they will be considered as residing in a different household, such as a caretaker who lives on the premises of his employer but in a separate residence.

When using the criteria of Separation and Independence to determine the number of private households existing at a given location, it must first be checked whether the person or group of persons live and eat separately from the others and, then, if the person or group of persons have direct access to their place of living quarters without passing through any part of the living quarters of other persons. If the conclusion is that neither of these factors is present, the household will be classified as a single private household.


1) Two families live in a two-story building, one on each floor. If each family lives and eats separately and if the access to one location is not made through a part of the living quarters of the other, we will count two private households. But we will count only one private household if the family on the 2nd floor has to pass through a part of the other family's living quarters or if they both eat and live as a single group, even if they have independent access.
2) Now suppose there is a house where a couple lives, and this couple rents a bedroom to a young man who lives and eats separately from the couple and who has to pass through the couple's living room to get to his bedroom, we have only a single private household in this situation.
3) Two couples rent a house and use a common single living room, bathroom and kitchen and occupy separate bedrooms for each couple. This situation characterizes a single private household.

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Collective Dwelling (Group Quarters)

A collective dwelling is one that is occupied by a Group Living Together and/or a Family where the relationships among the residents are limited to the subordination of administrative order and the compliance with norms and regulations of proper conduct.

Examples of collective dwellings include hotels, boarding houses, retreats, asylums, orphanages, convents, prisons, military bases, military posts, ships, workers' lodgings, etc.

Dwellings which are serving as living quarters for a group of six or more persons without ties of kinship or domestic subordination (Group Living Together) and those where four or more families are living in same household will be considered Collective dwellings.

Buildings under construction where six or more workers live, with or without ties of kinship, will be considered Collective dwellings. A dwelling being remodeled or expanded is not included in this situation.

Fraternity houses and similar housing arrangements for students will always be Collective dwellings, even if they have fewer than six residents.
So-called "high-turnover" hotels and motels, camping sites and other similar places will be recorded on the Permanent Dwelling List Form, but only their actual residents will be enumerated. Persons who are spending the night there will be enumerated only at their own households.

Improvised Dwelling

An Improvised Dwelling is considered one that is located in a non-residential unit (store, factory, etc.) and does not have areas set aside exclusively as living quarters.
The following locations which are serving as temporary living quarters are also considered improvised:

a) buildings under construction, serving as living quarters for the workers;
b) boats, carts, railroad cars, etc.;
c) tents, caves, bridges, railroad yards, marquises of buildings, etc., which are serving as shelter on the date of the Census.

Closed Dwelling

An occupied household whose residents are temporarily absent during the entire period of Census-taking is a Closed Dwelling.
If the residents cannot be located, the Enumerator should ask around the neighborhood to find out whether the absence is only for the day for reasons of work and/or study, and try to find out a time or day when someone able to provide information about the family will be present. If the residents are temporarily absent for reasons of travel on vacation, business, visits to relatives, in the hospital, etc., the Enumerator should make periodic visits to the household until the end of the data collection in order to see if the person or persons have returned and obtain the information needed for filling out the Census Form. If the family continues to be absent, the Enumerator should try to get information from relatives, friends, neighbors, building managers or doormen, if these persons are able to provide at least the names of the residents and answers to Questions 1 to 7.

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If it is impossible to obtain such information, a Census Form (CD 1.01 or CD 1.02, as the case may be) will not be filled out. Entries will be made only on the Permanent Dwelling List Form, entering Closed Dwelling in the Class (Espécie) column.

Occasionally used dwelling

A household (house or apartment) that occasionally serves as living quarters, normally for weekend rest, vacations (or other purposes) and whose residents are not present on the date of the Census is an Occasionally Used Household. In this case, entries will be limited to the Permanent Dwelling List Form, according to the instructions on that form.
When the residents are present in these households, they should be enumerated as Present Nonresidents.

Vacant Dwellings

Dwellings that are vacant on the date of the Census, even if they become occupied later on during the gathering of data, will be considered Vacant Dwellings.


For Census purposes, the following will be considered a family:

a) a group of persons related by ties of kinship or of domestic dependence who live in the same household;
b) a person who lives alone in a private household;
c) a group of five persons, at the most, who live in a private household, although they are not related by ties of kinship or domestic dependence.

Note - Domestic dependence is understood as the situation of subordination of domestic employees, non-paying guests [aggregates], and boarders in relation to the Head of the family.

Multiple families living in a single household

Multiple Families Living in a Single Household are defined as a number of families of at
least two persons each that live in the same Private domicile.
Examples of Multiple Families Living in a Single Household are:

a) parent and child, with their respective families, living in the same household;
b) siblings, with their respective families, living in the same household;
c) relatives, with their respective families living the same household;
d) employers and employees, with their respective families, living in the same household;
e) friends and colleagues, with their respective families, living in the same household.

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Group living together

A group of persons without ties of kinship or domestic dependence but related by ties of discipline or common interests (guests in hotels, personnel on military bases, etc.) who live in the same collective dwelling is considered a Group Living Together.
Groups of six or more persons without ties of kinship or domestic dependence who live in the same private household (which, in this case, will be considered a collective dwelling), are considered Groups Living Together.

Persons who will be enumerated

In private households and collective dwellings, the present residents, the absent residents and the nonresidents present on the night of August 31 to September 1 will be enumerated.
As an exception, at so-called "high-turnover" hotels and motels, camping sites and other similar places, only the residents will be enumerated.
Enumeration will be as follows:

Present resident - a person, relative or not, who regularly lives in the household and who is in it on the date of the Census (the night of August 31 to September 1). A person who was absent from the household on that night because he or she was at a party, night club, funeral or working (watchman, urban transportation worker, on night duty, etc.) is nevertheless considered a present resident. A person present in the household on the date of the Census and who has no other usual place of residence is also considered a present resident.
Absent resident - a person who lives regularly at the household and who was not there on the night of reference, therefore being temporarily absent, although he or she was away for a period not in excess of 12 months from the date of the Census, due to one or more of the following reasons, is considered an absent resident:
a) traveling on business, pleasure or work (including workers in long-distance transportation);
b) away at a boarding school, staying at the home of relatives, or living in a boarding house or student housing (república de estudantes) in order to attend school during the academic school year;
c) temporarily admitted to a hospital or similar establishment;
d) imprisoned without final sentence; or
e) being on board a ship or other boat.

Regardless of the length of time away from the household, persons who cannot be classified into the situations exemplified below will not be considered Absent residents. They will be considered Residents at the places where they usually sleep.

a) permanently living in a mental hospital, asylum, convent or similar establishment;
b) residents in boarding houses who have no other usual place of residence;
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c) prisoners serving final sentence; or
d) workers who emigrated to other regions in search of work and who settled there.

Nonresident present - persons, relatives or not, who do not permanently live in the household but spent the night of August 31 to September 1, 1980 there, except for the cases mentioned in the concept of Present resident (party, funeral or work).

Note - persons who sleep at the household where they work for reasons of convenience or professional necessity, (domestic employees, physicians, nurses, military personnel, workers at construction sites, seasonal farm workers, etc.) and who generally return home on the weekends or every two weeks will be enumerated at their household as present residents if they spent the date of the Census at home. If they slept at their job, they will be enumerated there as Present non-residents and at their homes as absent residents.

Families with two or more homes

It will be necessary to determine where the family is living, because a family cannot be considered a resident at two units at the same time.

a) the procedure will be the following for families that have two fixed homes, as is often the case among ranchers, estate owners and others who have younger children studying in a city:
I - all the members will be enumerated at the household where the majority of the members are present on the date of the Census, and each will be enumerated in Question 2 as either Present resident or Absent resident, as the case may be;
II - only the persons present on the date of the Census will be enumerated at the household where the minority of the family are present, and each will be recorded in Question 2 as Present nonresident.
Note - When both households have the same number of persons, the instruction described in Item I, above, will be applied to the household where the head of the household is present; the instruction in Item II, above, will be applied to the other household.
b) the procedure will be the following for families that have summer homes (country homes or beach homes):
I - If no one spent the night of August 31 to September 1 at the summer home, the household will not be enumerated, and recording will be limited to the Permanent Dwelling List Form, where the dwelling will be entered in Column 5 - "Occasional use" will be entered in Column 5;
II - if the family or part of the family spent the night of August 31 to September 1 at the summer home, those who were there will be enumerated as present non-residents. These same persons will be enumerated as absent residents at the permanent household.

[Pages 22 - 31 were not translated into English]

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IV - Characteristics of the dwelling

Question 1 - Class

Mark boxes 1 or 3X for private households and boxes 5X or 7X for collective dwellings, according to the criteria set down in Chapter II - Basic Concepts - of this manual.
The remaining questions referring to the characteristics of the households will only be filled out for Permanent Private Households.

Question 2 - Type


House - for a private household located in a building with direct access to a thoroughfare, regardless of the material used in its construction, its condition, or the number of floors. Buildings with two or three floors which contain only one household will be considered houses; or
Apartment - for a private household with common areas for more than one household (entrance hall, stairways, corridors, entrance gate and other areas) in buildings of one or more floors, with various units, including rooms in a tenement (cabeça-de-porco), inner-city slum dwellings, etc. Dwellings located in buildings of two or three floors which have at least one household per floor will also be considered apartments. Buildings in which one of the floors is occupied by a non-residential unit are included in these cases.

Question 3 - Walls

Mark one of the boxes, according to the material predominantly used in the construction:

Masonry - for bricks, adobe, stone, concrete slabs or precast concrete (covered or not with plaster), unfinished concrete and lined lathe and plaster. Walls of metal and glass structures and those lined with marble, stone, etc. are included in this case.

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Wood - when any type of finished wood is used, even if not in good condition, except for processed wood from boxes or crates, plywood boards, etc.
Unfinished lath and plaster - when the walls are made of mud or lime and sand with wooden pillars and stakes, indoor partitions, stucco, wattle and dubb, etc.;
Scrap materiall - when material from crates or boxes, plywood boards or empty containers, etc. is used. Wall material already used as such in the past is not considered scrap material.
Straw - when the walls are made of sape grass, leaves, or shells of vegetables, plants, etc.; or
Other - when material that does not fit into any of the above categories has been used.

Question 4 - Floor

According to the material predominantly used on the floor of the dwelling, record:

Wood - for wooden flooring blocks, boards, finished wood, marble, plastic, carpeting, etc.;
Tile - for tiles, mosaics, ceramics, etc.;
Cement - when cement or cement blocks have been used;
Scrap material - when material from crates or boxes, plywood boards, etc. has been used. Material intended for floors but already used in the past is not considered scrap material.
Bricks - when mud or adobe bricks are used;
Dirt floor - when the floor consists of earth; or
Other - when material that does not fit into any of the above categories has been used.

Question 5 - Roof

Mark one of the boxes according to the material predominantly used in the roof of the dwelling:
Concrete slab - when a concrete slab that is pre-fabricated or fabricated on site is used, and in dwellings in buildings with floors separated by concrete slabs;
Clay tiles - when built of any type of baked clay roof tiles;
Cement-asbestos tiles - when cement-asbestos, asbestos-wood or aluminum-wood are used;
Zinc - when zinc or tin plate roof is used;
Wood - when finished wood is used as roofing;
Straw - when built of sape grass, leaves or shells from plants;

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Scrap material - when material from crates or boxes, plywood boards, etc. has been used. Material intended for roofs but already used in the past is not considered scrap material.
Other - when material that does not fit into any of the above categories has been used.

Question 6 - Water supply

With indoor plumbing:

General system - when the dwelling is served with water piped from a general supply system, with indoor plumbing to one or more rooms;
Well or spring - when the dwelling is served with piped water connected to a well or spring, with indoor plumbing to one or more rooms;
Other form - when the dwelling has indoor plumbing but the reservoir (or tank) is supplied from rain water or by truck, etc.;

Without indoor plumbing:
General system - when the dwelling is served with water taken from a general system piped to the premises without there being indoor plumbing in the dwelling;
Well or spring - when the dwelling is served with water from its own well or spring without indoor plumbing; or
Other form - when the water used in the dwelling is obtained from a public font, well, spout, etc. located off the premises without there being indoor plumbing.

If there are different types of water supply, record the most important in the order described above.

Question 7 - Sewage disposal - Drainage

Record, even if the sewage disposal is common to more than one household:

General system - when the toilet is connected to a general sewage system;
Septic tank - when the toilet is connected to a septic tank, even if the septic tank is common to more than one household;
Rudimentary cesspool - when the sewage disposal (whether or not there is a toilet), is connected to rustic sewage lines (black cesspool, well, hole, etc.), even if this cesspool is common to more than one household;
Other - when the sewage disposal (whether or not there is a toilet) is connected to drainage that is neither a sewer system, septic tank nor cesspool, such as a river, lake, etc.; or
Does not have - when there is no sewage disposal for use by the residents.

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Question 8 - Sewage disposal - Use


Only the household - when sewage disposal is for the exclusive use of the household;
Common to more than one - when the sewage disposal is common to more than one household; or
Does not have - when there is no sewage disposal for use by the residents in the household.

Question 9 - Condition of Ownership


Owned and paid for - when the owner or co-owner lives in a dwelling owned by him or her, fully paid for, regardless of whether the land is also owned by him or her;
Owned but not fully paid for - when the owner or co-owner lives in a dwelling owned by him or her but has not yet paid the total price of the property, regardless of whether the land is also owned by him or her;
Rented - when the dwelling is rented, even if the rent is paid by a non-resident, except when paid by the employer of any resident in the household. The dwelling will also be recorded as rented when the employer of any one of the residents pays, as part of the wage, a part in monetary form to subsidize the rent;
Ceded by employer - when the dwelling is ceded by the employer (private or public) of any one of the residents, even if an occupation or maintenance fee is charged. Included in this case are dwellings whose rent is paid directly by the employer of one of the residents;
Ceded by a private party - when the dwelling is ceded free of charge by a private party (a relative, non-relative or institution), but not the employer of any of the residents; or
Other - when the dwelling is occupied in a way different from those described above, such as when the tenant pays a single rent for the dwelling and for the non-residential part (workshop, commercial establishment, etc.) or when the family lives at a leased farming establishment. In this case mark the box Does not pay, in Question 10.

Question 10 - Rent or Monthly Installments


- the amount of the rent, occupation fee or monthly installment that the family paid in the month of August, 1980, for occupying the property (not including condo fees, light, gas, water, taxes, etc., even if they are part of the rent); or
Does not pay - mark this box when no rent, occupation fee or monthly installment is paid. Included in this case are dwellings already paid for, and ceded dwellings where only condo fees, water, light, etc. are paid, and those where the rent includes the non-residential part as well as the dwelling.

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Entries should be made beyond the vertical line, disregarding the fractions of Cruzeiro.
(e.g., record 2 445 and not 2 445.50).

Note - For families with rent or installments in arrears, record the amount of the rent or installment, which should have been paid in August.

Question 11 - Time of Residence

This question is asked in order to ascertain how long the person has lived in the household. Count the time which has passed between the date of the move to the household and the date of reference for the Census, in full years or months.
The information should refer to the person who has lived in the household for the longest time.
Record with two digits, as the case may be:

1 _ _ - the number of months, when the resident who has lived in the household for the longest time has been there less than 1 year; when he or she has lived there for less than 1 month, record 00 (two zeros). When the person has lived there for over 1 year, there will be no entry in this field; or
3 _ _ - the number of years, when the resident who has lived in the household for the longest time has been there one year or longer - when he or she has lived there for less than 1 year, no entry will be made in this field.

Question 12 - Total Number of Rooms

Record with two digits the total number of rooms existing in the household. All compartments of the household (including bathrooms and kitchens) separated by walls will be considered as rooms, including those on the outside part of the building (as long as they are an integral part of the household), with the exception of corridors, porches, open verandas, garages, warehouses and other compartments used for non-residential purposes.

Question 13 - Rooms Serving as Sleeping Quarters

Record, with two digits, the number of bedrooms and other areas which permanently serve as sleeping quarters, even if they are used as such due to lack of adequate accommodations for this purpose. Dressing rooms, guest rooms, etc. should not be considered.

Question 14 - What is used for cooking:


Stove - any industrialized appliance or a permanent construction is used, proper for cooking, including portable stoves with more than one burner;
Improvised stove - when improvisation is used, such as loose bricks or stones with a metal sheet, pieces of metal, etc.;
Brazier - when a portable one-burner stove is used; or
Does not have - when the household has neither a stove (permanent or improvised) nor a brazier.

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Question 15 - Fuel used for cooking


Bottled gas - when the stove is fueled by liquefied gas (GLP), better known as bottled gas, even when piped in from a central source common to more than one household;
Piped gas - when the stove is fueled by piped gas coming from the street;
Firewood - when the stove is fueled by wood, sawdust, straw or cereal shells;
Coal or charcoal - when it is fueled by coal or charcoal;
Oil or kerosene - when fueled by oil or kerosene;
Alcohol - when fueled by alcohol;
Electricity - when fueled by electric energy; or
Does not have - when the household has neither a permanent nor improvised stove, nor a brazier.
If the household has more than one stove and a different type of fuel is used for each one, mark only the fuel of the stove that is used most.

Question 16 - Telephone


Has - when there is a telephone in the household, or an extension from another household; or
Does not have - when there is no telephone in the household.

Question 17 - Electric power


Has - With meter - for households that have electric power, whether connected or not to a general system, with a gauge or meter which records the household's exclusive consumption;
Has - Without meter - for households which have electric power, whether connected or not to a general system, and do not have a gauge or meter to measure the consumption in the household; or
Does not have - when there is no electric power in the household.

Question 18 - Radio


Has - when the household has some kind of radio (including battery-operated); or
Does not have - when there is no radio in the household.

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Question 19 - Refrigerator


Has - when the household has a refrigerator of some type, not including portable containers for ice; or
Does not have - when the household do does not have a refrigerator or has only a portable container for ice (usually of Styrofoam)

Question 20 - Television


Colored - when the household has only a colored television set;
Colored and black and white - when the household has colored and black-and-white television sets;
Black and white - when the household has only a black-and-white television set; or
Does not have - when the household does not have a television set.

Question 21 - Automobile


Has - Private use - when there is a passenger automobile, vanpickup, or SUV (utilitário)in the household used mainly for leisure or transportation of the members of the household;
Has - For work - when there is a passenger automobile, van, pickup, or SUV (utilitário) in the household used mainly for work (taxi, for freight or private work); or
Does not have - when the household does not have a passenger automobile, van, pickup, or SUV (utilitário).
The term utilitário refers to vehicles such as jeeps, vans and pickup trucks which can be used for transporting passengers, light freight loads, or both.
Households that have only trucks or pickup trucks for freight are not considered as having an automobile.

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V - Individual Characteristics

On CD 1.01, the information referring to each person will be recorded on a page and, on CD 1.02, in a column.

The entries referring to the head of the household must be made on the 2nd page of CD 1.01 and in the 1st column of CD 1.02 - 1st person. On the following pages or columns, as the case may be, the data referring to the other members of the household will be entered, in the following order: spouse, children, parents, parents-in-law, sons-in-law, daughters-in-law, grandchildren, other relatives, stepchildren, boarders, domestic employees, relatives of employees and guests, including children between the ages of 5 and 9 who have worked for some time during the last 12 months.

This order should be respected within each family in a private household inhabited by multiple families living in one household, ordering the families on the basis of the main family, followed by the 1st secondary family in multiple-family household and, finally, the 2nd secondary family in multiple-family household (if there is any).
For collective dwellings one Census Form will be filled out for each family and one Census form for each member of the group living together.


Whenever possible, record the person's full name, such as João Batista Melo, Marco Antonio Torres, Belarmino de Almeida Soares, Rosa de Andrade Ramos, etc. When the name of the person is very long, record at least his or her baptismal name and the last surname.

Question 1 - Sex

Mark the box corresponding to the sex of the person enumerated.

Question 2 - Condition of presence
Mark the box corresponding to the condition of presence according to the criteria described in the chapter on Basic Concepts.

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Question 3 - Kinship or relationship with the head of the dwelling

Question 4 - Kinship or relationship with the head of the household

Kinship or relationship with the head of the dwelling - Mark the box corresponding to the relationship existing between each person and the person responsible for the dwelling.
Kinship or relationship with the head of the household - Mark the box corresponding to the relationship between each member of the household and the person responsible for the household within the dwelling to which it belongs.
The entries regarding condition in the household and condition in the family should comply with the following criteria:

Head - person (man or woman) responsible for the household or family;
Spouse - person (man or woman) who lives conjugally with the Head of the household or Head of the family, whether or not there is a matrimonial bond;
Child or stepchild - including adopted and foster children;
Parents or parents-in-law - including stepfathers and stepmothers;
Son-in-law or daughter-in-law;
Grandchild - including great-grandchild and great-great-grandchild;
Sibling, brother-in-law or sister-in-law - only on CD 1.02; on CD 1.01, record other relative;
Other relative - any degree of kinship, except for those listed above;
Agregado - a person who has fixed residence in the household without being a relative, boarder, domestic employee or relative of the employee, and does not pay for lodgings;
Boarder - a person who, without being relative, has fixed residence in the household and pays lodgings;
Domestic employee - a person who renders remunerated domestic services to the residents of the household;
Relative of employee - relative of a domestic employee, who does not render remunerated domestic services to the residents of the household; and
Guest - a person, relative or not, who does not have fixed residence in the household but is present at the household on the date of the Census (not including domestic employees).
In collective dwellings, Box 0 - Individual - will always be marked for persons do not live in the company of a relative. For families, the relationship or dependence will always be in relation to the Head of the family, in both Questions 3 and 4.

Question 5 - Family to which each person belongs

In private households
Mark the number of the family to which each person belongs, in the following way:

Single family - when the domicile is occupied by just one family;
1st family of multiple-family household - for the members of the family of the head of the household when more than one family live together;

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2nd family of multiple-family household - for the members of the second family in the multiple-family household; or
3rd family of multiple-family household - for the members of the last family in the multiple-family household.

Please note that if more than three families are living together in a multiple-family private household, the household will be considered a collective dwelling, the Census Forms should be filled out according to the respective instructions, and a List for Collective Dwelling - CD 1.03 - should be issued.
In collective dwellings
Mark the box:
In collective dwelling - for persons belonging to a family living in a collective dwelling; or
Individual - on the Census forms referring to persons who live alone in collective dwellings.

Examples of situations regarding condition in the household, condition in the family, and the family to which the person belongs:

Single family
Condition Family to which
each person belongs
In the household In the family
1 - Head 1 - Head 0
2 - Spouse 2 - Spouse
3 - Son 3 - Son
3 - Daughter 3 - Daughter
6 - Non relative 6 - Non relative
8 - Employee 8 - Employee

Two families living in a multiple-family household
Condition Family to which
each person belongs
In the household In the family
1 - Head 1 - Head 1
2 - Spouse 2 - Spouse
3 - Son or daughter 3 - Son or daughter
7 - Boarder 7 - Boarder
8 - Employee 8 - Employee
3 - Son or daughter 1 - Head 2
5 - Daughter-in-law 2 - Spouse
5 - Grandchild 3 - Son or daughter
8 - Employee (Nanny) 8 - Employee

Three families living in a multiple-family household
Condition Family to which
each person belongs
In the household In the family
1 - Head 1 - Head 1
2 - Spouse 2 - Spouse
4 - Father-in-law 1 - Head 2
4 - Mother-in-law 2 - Mother-in-law
5 - Other relative 3 - Other relative
8 - Maid 1 - Head 3
9 - Maid's child 3 - Child

Family in a collective dwelling
Condition Family to which
each person belongs
In the household In the family
1 - Head 1 - Head 4
3 - Son 3 - Son
3 - Daughter 3 - Daughter
5 - Other relative 5 - Other relative

Person living alone in a collective dwelling
Condition Family to which
each person belongs
In the household In the family
0 - Individual 0 - Individual 5

Question 6 - Month and Year of Birth

Record the person's month and year of birth. Do not record the day of birth. When the number of the month of birth is less than 10, complete with a zero the left. The year of birth will be recorded with three digits; for example:
940 and not 1940 or 40; 899 and not 1899 or 99.

[p. 43]

For persons who only know the day and/or month, without knowing the exact year of birth, the year cannot be calculated on the basis of information regard the presumed age.
This Question will remain blank when the person does not inform the date of birth.
Note - On Cd 1.02, the month and year of birth correspond to Question 4.

Question 7 - Presumed Age

This question will only be filled out when the respondent knows his or her date of birth. Presumed age should only be recorded after all attempts at finding out the exact date of birth have been made.
If the age is 1 or older, record the number of years completed in Box - 1 year or older. When the age is less than 10 years, complete with 00 to the left. If the age is between 10 and 99, complete with one 0 to the left.
If the age is less than 1 year, record the number of months completed in Box - Less than 1 year. For babies of less than 1 month, if it is impossible to inform the date of birth, record 000. When the number of months is less than 10, complete with 00 to the left. When 10 or 11 months, complete with 0 to the left.
Please note that the entry of the presumed age for children under the age of 1 should be very rare and admissible only in exceptional cases.
Note - On CD 1.02, the presumed age corresponds to Question 5.

Question 8 - Religion

The entry must identify the sect, cult or branch of the religion professed, such as: Roman Catholic, Orthodox Catholic, Brazilian Catholic, Anglican, Episcopalian, Lutheran, Baptist, Christian Congregation of Brazil, Pentecostal, Adventist, Kardecist, Umbanda, Candomblé, Buddhist, Israelite, Shintoist, Mohammedan, Esoteric, Jehovah's Witness, etc.
Generic expressions such as Catholic, Protestant, Spiritualist, etc. should not be recorded.
For persons who do not profess any religion, No Religion should be recorded.
In cases of doubt as to the definition of the religion of minor children, the mother's religion should be recorded.
The Enumerator should ask the respondent about the religion of each person in the household. The religion cannot be deduced on the basis of the declaration of the Head.

Question 9 - Color

The box corresponding to the declaration of the enumerated person will be marked, considering, however, that the term yellow only applies to a person of the yellow ethnic group. Persons who have yellow skin due to malaria, hookworm disease, etc. should not be considered yellow.
The Box: Brown - will be marked for declarations different from white, black, or yellow, such as: dark, mulatto, mixed, Indian, black, or Native Brazilian, etc.

[p. 44]

Question 10 - Mother is alive

Mark, as the case may be:

Yes - when the person's mother is living;
No - when the person's mother is deceased; or
Does not know - when the person does not know if his or her mother is alive or not.

For census purposes, the enumerated person's stepmother, adoptive mother or foster mother should not be considered mother.

Question 11 - Nationality


Native-born Brazilian - for those who were born in Brazil or for those who, having been born in a foreign country, were registered as Brazilians pursuant to Brazilian law;
Naturalized Brazilian - for those who, having been born in a foreign country, obtained Brazilian citizenship by means of a naturalization process or otherwise pursuant to Brazilian law;
Foreigner - for those who were born outside Brazil or for those who were born in Brazil and were recorded at a foreign representation and who have not become naturalized Brazilians.

Question 12 - State or foreign country of birth

For Native-born Brazilians, record the name of the state or territory where the person was born.
For Foreigners and Naturalized Brazilians, record the name of the country of birth.
If the state or foreign country has changed its name, record the current name.

Question 13 to 18 - Migrations

These questions will only be filled out for Present residents or absent residents, that is, for a person who marked Box 2 or 4 in Question 2.
For the responses to Questions 14 to 18, do not consider as migrant a person who is temporarily absent for reasons of attendance at school, health treatment, assistance to a relative or friend, military service, professional training, scholarship or farm work, who will return shortly, as soon as there is no more reason to be absent.

Question 13 - Was born in this municipality

Also consider as born in the current municipality of residence persons who comply with
the following conditions:

a) they live in the same territorial area where they were born, but this area has since become part of a newly established state or new municipality, or has changed its name; or
b) they were born in a maternity hospital, relatives' home, etc. located outside the municipality of their mother's residence, but returned shortly after birth.

[p. 44]

Question 14 - Where lived in this municipality


Only in the Urban Area - for persons who live in the Urban area (city or village) and never lived in the rural area (ranch, plantation, farm, village, settlement, etc.) in their current municipality of residence;
Only in the Rural Area - for residents of rural areas who never lived in the city or village of the current municipality of residence; or
In the Urban and Rural Areas - for residents of the Urban area who at one time lived in the rural area of the current municipality of residence or residents of the Rural area who have lived in the city or village of the current municipality of residence.

If the person was born and always lived in the Rural area whose situation was changed to Urban area, record - Only in the Urban Area.

Question 15 - Where resided in the municipality formerly lived in

For persons who were born and always lived in the municipality of current residence, mark Box 8 - Was born.
For persons who formerly lived in another municipality, regardless of having been born in the municipality of current residence, mark:

Only in the Urban Area - when the last residence in the municipality prior to moving was located in the city or in a village; or
Only in the Rural Area - when the last residence in the municipality prior to moving was located outside the city or village, such as on a ranch, farm, settlement, etc.

If the situation of the former household has been changed, record the situation at the time of residence.

Question 16 - How many years have you lived in this state

Mark the box corresponding to the number of complete and uninterrupted years that the enumerated person has lived in the current state of residence.
For natives of the state of residence who once emigrated to another state or foreign country and later returned, record how long the person has lived in the state since his or her last return.
If the enumerated person was born and always lived in the current state of residence, even if in another municipality, mark Box 8 - Was born.

Question 17 - How many years has the person lived in this municipality

Mark the box corresponding to the number of complete and uninterrupted years that the enumerated person has lived in the current municipality of residence.
For natives of the municipality who once emigrated to another municipality and later returned, record how long the person has lived in the municipality since his or her last return.
If the enumerated person was born and always lived in the current municipality of residence, mark Box 8 - Was born.

[p. 46]

Question 18 - If the answer to Question 17 was less than 10 years, indicate the name of the municipality and the acronym of the state or foreign country where the person lived before

For persons who were born and always lived in the municipality and for immigrants who have lived ten years or more in the municipality, record seven zeros in the Code field.

For persons who immigrated less than 10 years ago record the name of the municipality and the acronym of the state where he or she lived previously.

When the former residence was a foreign country, record only the name of the country.

Below are the acronyms of the states:

RO - Rondônia
AC - Acre
AM - Amazonas
RR - Roraima
PA - Pará
AP - Amapá
MA - Maranhão
PI - Piauí
CE - Ceará
RN - Rio Grande do Norte
PB - Paraíba
PE - Pernambuco
AL - Alagoas
FN - Fernando de Noronha
SE - Sergipe
BA - Bahia
MG - Minas Gerais
ES - Espírito Santd
RJ - Rio de Janeiro
SP - São Paulo
PR - Paraná
SC - Santa Catarina
RS - Rio Grande do Sul
MS - Mato Grosso do Sul
MT - Mato Grosso (North)
GO - Goiás
DF - Federal District (Brasília)

The following questions will be filled out only for persons age 5 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1975.
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

Question 19 - Knows how to read and write


Yes - persons able to read and write at least a simple note in the language he or she knows;
No - Once knew - persons who learned to read and write but forgot; or

[p. 47]

No - Never knew - persons who never learned to read and write.

Consider a person who is only able to write his or her name as Not knowing how to read and write.

Questions 20, 21 and 22 - For persons who attend school

Consider as attending the school not only those who take regular courses, but also those attending Pre-school, Adult literacy course, General Education (attending class on the radio or television), College entrance exam course, Master's degree or Doctor's degree.
Also consider as attending school persons who, are duly registered but, on the date of reference, are temporarily unable to attend for reasons of illness, etc.
Do not consider as attending school persons who, on the date of the Census, are attending only short courses for professional specialization or cultural extension, such as sewing, dancing, typing, etc.

Question 20 - Grade currently attended

For persons who attend courses in grades/years, mark the grade/year they attend.
If the course attended is not organized by year, but according to a credit system, academic periods, semesters, phases, modules, etc., these credits, periods, etc. should be converted into the traditional grades or years. Therefore, the 5th period of credits at a university is usually equivalent to the 3rd year; each phase or division of schooling generally corresponds to a grade or year in regular courses.
For persons who attend non-graded courses or who do not attend school. Box 0 - None - will be marked.

Question 21 - Level of the grade or year attended

For persons who recorded a grade or year in Question 20, indicate the level of the course attended, marking:

Primary or elementary - for persons who attend a grade or year of the primary course or its equivalent at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5692) has not yet been implemented;
Junior high school (Ginasial ou médio 1º ciclo) - for persons who attend a grade or year of junior high school (curso ginasial) or other equivalent level at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5692) has not yet been implemented;
1st level [Grades 1-8] - for persons who attend a grade or year in the 1st level course at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5.692) has been implemented;
2nd level [Grades or years 8-11] - for persons who attend a grade or year in a 2nd level course at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5.692) has been implemented;
Senior high school - 2nd cycle (Colegial ou Médio 2º ciclo) - for persons who attend a grade in a scientific, classical or other equivalent high-school course at a school where the educational reform (Law No. 5.692) has not yet been implemented;

[p. 48]

General Education - 1st level [Grades 1 to 8, Supletivo 1º grau] - for persons who attend a 1st-level grade or phase of a graded General Education course;
General Education - 2nd level [Grades 9-11, Supletivo 2º grau] - for persons who attend a 2nd-level grade or phase of a graded General Education course;
Higher education - for persons who attend a grade or credit period in a university course or other course of higher education; or
None - for persons who attend a non-graded course or do not attend school.

Question 22 - For persons who attend a non-graded course

For persons who attend a non-graded course, mark:

Pre-school - a course for training children under the age of 7, that is, pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, literacy class (C.A.);
Adult literacy course - for teaching reading and writing to persons over the age of 14, such as that administered by MOBRAL or similar institution;
General Education 1st level [Grades 1-8, Supletivo] Attending school - for persons who attend a preparatory course for the 1st-level General Education examinations (Supletivo ou Madureza, de 1º grau);
General Education 2nd level [Grades 9-11, Supletivo] - Attending school - for persons who attend a preparatory course for the 2nd-level General Education examinations (Supletivo ou Madureza de 2º grau);
General Education 1st level [Grades 1-8, Supletivo] - On Radio or Television - for persons who attend classes conducted by radio or television in preparation for 1st-level General Education examinations;
General Education 2nd level [Grades 9-11, Supletivo] - On Radio or Television - for persons who attend classes conducted by radio or television in preparation for 2nd-level General Education examinations;
College Entrance Exam Course (Vestibular) - for persons who attend a preparatory course to take college entrance examinations. Persons who are attending the 3rd year of senior high school (3ª série do 2º grau ou Médio 2º Ciclo) and simultaneously taking the college entrance exam course should inform only about the regular course in Questions 20 and 21;
Master's or Doctor's - for persons who are attending a master's or doctorate levels. Persons who are preparing theses without attending a course, if registered or enrolled, should also be considered as attending school; or
None - for persons who attend a graded course or do not attend school.

Questions 23 and 24 - For persons who do not attend school

For persons who concluded or discontinued the course they were attending, mark, in Question 23, the last grade or year concluded in the highest level course and, in Question 24, the level of this course, according to the designation in effect at the time of the interruption or conclusion.
The criteria and concepts for entering the course that was concluded or interrupted are the same as those indicated for the courses attended, ministered in Questions 20 and 21. Consider recording master's degree or doctor's degree only when the person has earned the respective title or approval of thesis.

[p. 49]

For persons who are attending school or who never attended school, mark Box 0 in these two questions.
Only if the person is attending a course at the same level or on a level lower than one already concluded or interrupted, should there be, besides the information about the course they are attending (Questions 20, 21 and 22), information about the highest level course concluded or interrupted (Question 23 and 24).

The following questions will only be filled out for persons age 10 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1970.

[Applies to questions 25-49]

Question 25 - Class of the highest course concluded with approval

Record the class (espécie) of the highest level course concluded with approval by the enumerated person. The information should be complete and according to the designation in effect at the time of conclusion in order to allow characterization of the level, class and specialization. A person who did not conclude any course should record None.
To enter response regarding Master's degree or Doctor's degree, there must have been approval of a thesis or the person must have received the title.
Examples of declaration: Primary, 1st level (1º grau), Junior High School (Ginasial), Scientific, 2nd Level Normal School, Accounting, 1st level Nursing, 2nd level Nursing, Electronics technician, Civil Engineering, Dentistry, Doctor's Degree in Mathematics, Master's Degree in Nuclear Physics, etc.

Question 26 - 1st part - If the person lives in the company of his or her spouse, indicate the nature of the marriage bond

Civil and religious marriage - for persons who live in the company of a spouse to whom they are married civilly and religiously, including for those who, although having had only a religious ceremony, have valid documents pursuant to the legislation in effect;
Only civil marriage - for persons who live in the company of a spouse to whom they are married only civilly;
Only religious marriage - for persons who live in the company of a spouse to whom they are married only religiously, in any sect or religion; or
Other - for persons who live in the company of a spouse without having carried out a civil or religious marriage with this spouse.

Question 26 - 2nd part - If the person does not live in the company of a spouse, indicate if he or she is

Single - a person who has not contracted a civil or religious matrimony and does not live in the company of spouse;
Separated - a married person (married civilly, civilly and religiously, or only religiously) who has separated without a legal separation or a ratified divorce and does not live in the company of another spouse;
Legally separated - a person whose separation has been and does not live in the company of another spouse;

[p. 50]

Divorced - a person who has had this marital status ratified by a legal decision and does not live in the company of a spouse; or
Widow or widower - a person whose spouse has died and who was united to this person by marriage (civil, civil and religious, or only religious) or by a common-law marriage, and does not live in the company of another spouse.

Question 27 - Municipality where works or studies

For persons who work or study outside the municipality where they live, record the name of the municipality where they work or attend class.
If a person works and studies in different municipalities and both are outside the municipality of residence, record the municipality where he or she works.
For persons who neither work nor study or for persons who work and study in the municipality of residence, record seven zeros in the Code field.
Also record seven zeros for persons who only work or only study and do so in the municipality of residence.
For persons who stated Present non-resident - Question 2, Code 6, seven zeros will also be recorded in the Code field.

Question 28 - Worked during the last 12 months (9/1/1979 to 8/31/1980)

This question is intended to identify if the person worked during the last 12 months, that is, between September 1, 1979 and August 31, 1980.
Yes will be marked for persons who, during the entire preceding 12-month period or part of same, exercised work for monetary remuneration and/or products or merchandise, including persons on paid leave with remuneration for illness (receiving temporary pension from the Federal Social Security Institute [INAMPS], scholarship, etc., and those without remuneration who regularly worked 15 hours or more per week in an economic activity, helping a person with whom he or she resided or an institution of charity or a cooperative, or as an apprentice, trainee, etc.
The following will also answer Yes:

a) persons who exercised seasonal or intermittent work during the last 12 months, as is the case of farm workers who only worked during planting, cutting or harvesting time, pickers, gatherers or breakers of extractive plant products, etc.
b) women who, having worked during any part of the last 12 months, ceased to work due to marriage, childbirth, etc.; or
c) persons retired during the last 12 months even if they currently do not exercise an economic occupation.

The box no will be marked for persons who, during the entire period between 9/1/1979 and 8/31/1980, had only one or more of the following situations: exercised domestic chores in the home, studied, lived on earnings from retirement or from investment of capital, were imprisoned and serving sentence, sick or invalid without being on leave from work, unemployed without having found work, or did not work because they did not want to.


Question 29 - If the person answered yes in Question 28, mark Box 0 (zero) and go on to Question 30. If he or she answered no, indicate the appropriate situation or occupation, following the numbered order, and then go on to Question 46

When the answer to Question 28 is yes, the Box - Worked - will be marked and the following questions will be answered.
When the answer to Question 28 is no, one of Boxes 1 to 9 will be marked, as the case may be; Question 46 will then be asked, and Questions 30 to 45 will be left blank.
If the person can be classified into more than one of the situations presented, the first in the order presented will be marked. For these, consider:

Looking for work - Already worked - a person who had worked before 9/1/1979, is willing to work, and has taken some measure in the last 2 months to find work, specifically: made contact with employers, employment agencies, labor unions or the like; asked relatives, friends or colleagues; looked for a job in want ads, etc.; this category includes those who have found work and are waiting to be called or who have signed up for a selection process;
Looking for work - Never worked - a person who never worked but is willing to work and who, in recent months, took at least one of the measures described in the preceding item;
Retired or pensioner - a person who receives income resulting from retirement from work which he or she exercised at an earlier date (retired, etc.) or who receives a pension from a government pension or social assistance fund left upon the death of a person upon whom he or she was dependent. A person who, retired during the reference period (9/1/1979 to 8/31/1980), should not be considered as retired. In this case yes will be marked in Question 28, - the declared [occupation], and the occupation exercised upon retirement, in Question 30.
Lives on earnings - a person who lives only on earnings arising from use of capital or property of which he or she has usus fructus, such as rent from real estate, movable items, etc., interest from stocks and bonds, dividends, etc.;
Prisoner - serving sentence, even if he or she exercises an occupation in the prison;
Student - a person who did not work nor looked for work, does not live on earnings, nor was a prisoner, and was attending some course among those listed in Questions 21 or 22;
Sick or invalid - a person who cannot work due to illness or permanent disability, but is not on leave from work, retired, living on earnings, in prison or a student;
Domestic chores - a person who only works caring for the house where he or she lives; or
No occupation - a person who does not want to work or who, although desiring to work, stopped looking because he or she failed to find any job and does not fit into any of the above categories.


Question 30 - What occupation, profession, position, function, etc. the person regularly exercised during the last 12 months

This entry will be for the usual occupation that the enumerated person exercised between 9/1/1979 and 8/31/1980.
Usual occupation is considered that exercised during most of the referred period.
When a person has changed occupations and intends this change to be permanent, the occupation he or she exercised last will be recorded, regardless of the time spent on each during this period. Included in this case are persons who changed occupations or functions due to promotion or change in career, such as:

1st case - a farm worker who immigrated to the city and went to work as a Hod Carrier in the construction of a building;
2nd case - a billing Clerk in an industrial company who was promoted to Accounting Technician;
3rd case - an office helper at a bank who was promoted to the position of Cashier.

When the person has changed occupations, but the change is transitory due to circumstantial or seasonal factors, the usual occupation will be entered and not the transitory occupation, such as:

1st case - for a farm worker who, during the time between planting and harvesting, worked in a village as a stone mason, woodcutter, etc., record, as the case may be, Hoe worker, Cotton picker, etc.;
2nd case - for a farm worker who sometimes works with a machine at a sugar plant, etc., the occupation of farm worker will be recorded;
3rd case - for a driver who, unable to work in his or her profession, is exercising some other occupation until he is again able to work as a driver, the occupation of Driver will be recorded;
4th case - for a specialized worker who, when unable to find a placement in his or her profession, is exercising another occupation, Welder, Cabinet maker, Weaver, etc. will be recorded, as the case may be.

When the person simultaneously exercises different occupations, the main occupation should be recorded.
Main occupation is considered that which occupies the greatest number of the person's hours per week or, if this number is the same, that which provides the highest income, such as:

  Occupation Hours Income
Main Professor 24 18,000.00
Secondary Doctor 12 30,000.00
Main Journalist 21 20,000.00
Secondary Lawyer 21 15,000.00


For persons on vacation or on leave, even if they were exercising another occupation, the usual occupation will be recorded and not that exercised temporarily during vacation or leave.
Occupation should not be confused with professional specialization. For example, for a commercial director with a degree in economics, or a high school teacher with a degree in medicine, the entries will be, respectively: Commercial director and High school teacher.
Vague or generic answers which do not correctly characterize the person's occupation should not be recorded.
Some examples are given below:

Incorrect entry: Agent
Correct entry: Railroad station agent, travel agent, advertising agent, etc.

Incorrect entry: Assistant
Correct entry: Office assistant, kitchen assistant, stock assistant, etc.

Incorrect entry: Bank worker
Correct entry: Bank cashier, file clerk, accountant, etc.

Incorrect entry: Commercial worker
Correct entry: Shop attendant, invoice clerk, merchandise placer, etc.

Incorrect entry: Government employee
Correct entry: Attendant, administrative official, stock clerk, etc.

Incorrect entry: Mechanic
Correct entry: Automobile mechanic, mechanic for calculators, aircraft mechanic, etc.

Incorrect entry: Factory worker
Correct entry: Carpenter, welder, hod carrier, etc.

Incorrect entry: Teacher
Correct entry: Primary teacher [Grades 1-8], high school teacher [grades 9-11], university teacher or professor, gym teacher, etc.

Incorrect entry: Farm worker
Correct entry: Hoe worker, cotton picker, sugar cane cutter, etc.

For employees and for persons who are self-employed or without remuneration, the occupation, profession, position, function, etc., which they exercised, will be recorded.
If the person is engaged in farming, either individually or only with the help of a resident of the household who is not paid for the work, record respectively Field hand or Animal raiser.
If the person has a commercial establishment, individually or only with the help of a non-remunerated person, record Commercial businessman.
Liberal professionals (Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, Engineers, etc.), who employ up to 2 attendants or nurses in their offices should record their profession.


For Employers (partners or tenants) who are owners of establishments, firms or companies where they work (condition of being owner and employer), the entry should indicate this condition, such as Ranch owner, Chicken-farm owner, Owner of industry, Store owner, Barbershop owner, Clinic owner, Transportation company owner, etc
Below are some examples to better clarify these situations:

Situation: Barber, barbershop employee
Correct entry: Barber

Situation: Barber, barbershop owner, working only with the help of a non-remunerated son or daughter
Correct entry: Barber

Situation: Barber, working with his father without receiving remuneration
Correct entry: Barber

Situation: Barber, owner of a barbershop, working with the help of employees
Correct entry: Barbershop owner

Question 31 - Establishment, business, institution, etc., where the occupation declared in Question 30 was exercised

This item has the purpose of characterizing the type of establishment, business, institution, etc., where the occupation declared in Question 30 is exercised.
When the declared occupation is exercised at more than one establishment, business, institution, etc., the place where the person usually occupies the greatest number of hours per week will be recorded; if the number is the same, record the occupation that provides the highest income.

Note - The answers to Questions 31, 32, 33 and 40 will be recorded according to the criterion set forth above.

Some examples of declaration are shown below:

Coffee plantation
Small cotton farm
Small flower farm
Cattle ranch
Poultry farm
Rubber plantation
Fishing boat
Coal mine
Salt works
Factory of electrical material
Cigarettes factory
Cloth factory
Pharmaceutical laboratory
Building under construction
Water Company
Shoe store
Street fair
Banco do Brasil
Insurance company
Bus Company


Navigation Company
Telephone Company
Post office
Mechanic's garage
Tailor's shop
Security Company
Radio station
Law office
Presbyterian Church
Public hospital
Doctor's office
Private school
City council
Ministry of Agriculture
Military police
Civil police
Fire department
Consulate, etc.

When a person is an employee of an establishment, company, institution, etc., and exercises his or her occupation at another establishment, company, institution, etc., record the type of establishment where he or she is employed.

1st case - A Security guard who works at a Bank, Supermarket, Ministry, etc.

a) If the person is an employee of the establishment or institution itself where he or she works, the entry will be: Bank, Supermarket, Ministry, etc.;
b) If the person merely renders services to these establishments or institutions but is an employee of a security company, the entry will be Security Company;

2nd case - Cleaning servant who exercises his or her occupation at a Bank, Hospital, Ministry, etc.

a) If the person is an employee of the establishment or institution itself where he or she works, the entry will be: Bank, Hospital, Ministry, etc.;
b) If the person merely renders services to these establishments or institutions but is an employee of a company that renders cleaning and maintenance services, the entry will be: Cleaning and Maintenance Company.

3rd case - A Stone mason, Painter, or Hod carrier who exercises his or her occupation at a school, industrial company, city hall, etc.

a)If the person is an employee of the establishment or institution itself where he or she works, the entry will be: School, Industrial company, City Hall, etc.;
b)If the person merely renders services to these establishments or institutions but is an employee of a construction company or a maintenance company, the entry will be: Construction company.


Question 32 - Objective or field of business of the establishment, organization, institution, etc., where the occupation declared in Question 30 is exercised

This question is aimed at determining the objective or field of business of the organization, company or firm to which the enumerated person is subordinated, or the nature of the activity exercised by self-employed persons.
In most cases, the class of activity is not directly related to the occupation. Therefore, a driver may exercise his or her occupation in Highway freight transportation (driver for a transportation company), or at a Textile company (driver for a cloth factory); a doorman may exercise his occupation in Hotel services (hotel doorman) or in the Entertainment industry (doorman at a movie theater); a medical doctor may exercise her occupation for the Federal Health Department (doctor at INAMPS) or at a Private medical service, (doctor at a private hospital or a private office), or at a Steel company (doctor at the Volta Redonda Steel Plant), etc.
In farming establishments (crops or animals), record the main crop or animal at the establishment.
Generic answers should be avoided which do not make it possible to correctly characterize the activity of the establishment or business of the workers being enumerated, such as Agriculture, Commerce, Industry, Public service, etc.
For orientation, a list of the most common activities is presented below, where countless occupations are exercised. It should be made clear that the entry does not have to be one of the expressions on the list; it should characterize the activity of the organization where the occupation is exercised.

[List of occupation sectors was not translated into English]

[p. 59]

Question 33 - Position in the establishment, business, institution, etc., declared in Question 31

This question asks about the position occupied by the person in his or her labor relationship, considering;
Migrant farm worker - With a middleman - a person without a steady job who works at one or more farming or plant extraction establishments, paid per task, per day, or per hour, contracted or recruited by a middleman from whom he or she receives payment;
Migrant farm worker - Without a middleman - a person without a steady job who works at one or more farming or plant extraction establishments, paid per task, per day or per hour, who offers his or her labor directly to the person responsible for the establishment, and receives payment from this person;
Depending on the region, migrants with or without a middleman are known as Migrants, Illegals, Migrant Middlemen, Bóias-frias, Calungas, Turmeiros, etc.;
Sharecropper (Parceiro ou meeiro) - a person who is engaged in or exercises an economic activity (farming, cattle raising, plant extraction, fishing or gold mining) and receives part of the production for the work or pays for the use of the land with part of the production.
When a sharecropper has no employees and is free to cede the partnership to whomever he or she wishes, mark Self-employed sharecropper (parceiro).
When the sharecropper (parceiro ou meeiro) is helped by one or more employees, mark Employer sharecropper (Parceiro empregado).
When the sharecropper has no employees and is not free in terms of to whom he or she cedes the partnership, mark Employed sharecropper.
Employee - a person who has a steady job and works for an employer, with remuneration that is either solely monetary or monetary and in products. Apprentices and trainees, remunerated or not, will also be considered Employees, as well as domestic employees who receive only in benefits (housing, food, clothing, etc.);
Employer - a person who is engaged in an economic activity with the help of one or more employees. Persons who have only domestic employees will not be considered employers;
Self-employed - a person who exercises an activity individually or with the help of one or more non-remunerated persons who are residents in the household; or
Without remuneration - a person who exercises an economic activity without remuneration and works at least 15 hours per week helping a member of the household or who helps a religious or charitable institution.
Note: priests, church ministers, rabbis, friars and nuns will be considered employees when they receive monetary remuneration. If they receive only benefits, they will be classified as Without remuneration.

[p. 60]

Question 34 - Is a contributor to Federal Social Security

Considering all the occupations exercised, mark:

Federal - for persons who contribute to a Federal Social Security Institute - IAPAS (INPS, INAMPS, IPASE, SASSE, etc.);
State - for persons who contribute to a state social security institute, including members of the police forces or military auxiliaries;
Municipal - for persons who contribute to a municipal social security institute, including members of the auxiliary police or military forces; or
Is not - for persons who are not contributors to any social security institute. Also mark no for persons who are only contributors to private social security and for military members of the army, navy or air force.

If the person contributes to more than one social security institute, record that which corresponds to the occupation declared in Question 30.
Contributions to the FUNRURAL system are made by employers as legal entities and, for this reason, should not be considered.

Question 35 - Time regularly worked per week in the occupation declared in Question 30

The time worked per week will be entered in whole hours, considering thirty minutes or more as one hour and disregarding periods of less than 30 minutes (e.g., 40 hours and 30 minutes will be recorded as 41 hours; 35 hours and 20 minutes will be recorded as 35 hours).
Compute time spent away from the workplace on tasks related to the occupation. For example, the time a teacher spends at home preparing classes or correcting exercises or tests.
When a person exercises the occupation declared in Question 30 at more than one establishment, business, institution, etc., the sum total of the hours regularly worked at all these establishments, businesses, etc. will be recorded.

Question 36 - Time regularly worked per week on all the occupations exercised

Record the number of hours the person spends per week on all occupations he or she exercises, including the hours declared in Question 35.
1st case - a doctor who works 30 hours per week at the Federal Health Service (INAMPS) and 20 hours per week at a private office.
Answers: Question 35 - 50 hours
Question 36 - 50 hours
2nd case - a doctor who works at 30 hours per week the Federal Health Service (INAMPS) and 10 hours per week as a college teacher.
Answers: Question 35 - 30 hours

[p. 61]

Question 37 - Average monthly gross income, received in monetary values from the occupation declared in Question 30

For Employees (including migrant farm workers), the entry will be the gross monetary remuneration earned in the month of August, 1980, including the amount of income tax withheld, social security contributions, labor union fees, etc. If the person did not work during the month of August, 1980, record the gross income for the last month worked. When remuneration is variable, the average of the last 12 months, or the average of the months worked, for those who worked less than 12 months, will be recorded. Examples of variable earnings are commissions on sales or brokerage, tips, overtime, etc.
Do not compute the 13th-month wage or shares in profits received by employees, even when paid in the form of monthly wages (14th, 15th, 16th month, etc.).
For Employers, divide by 12 the total income received during the last 12 months, either under the form of per task payment, fixed monthly payment, expense account, etc.
For Self-employed workers, divide by 12 all income received during the last 12 months related to the free exercise of a liberal profession, services, representation, brokerage, profits from individual work, from work agreements of any nature and payment for any other permanent or occasional self-employed work. All usual and normal expenses necessary for the exercise of the activity should be deducted from the income.
For Employers or Self-employed who have worked for less than 12 months, divide the total income by the number of months worked.
When the income is partly fixed and partly variable, the sum total of such income will be recorded according to the criteria established above.
When a person exercises the occupation declared in Question 30 at more than one establishment, business, institution, etc., the sum total of the income received at these establishments, businesses, institutions, etc. will be recorded.
Note - For all questions referring to income, entries will be made in Cruzeiros, ignoring centavos. When there is no income to declare, record trace.

Question 38 - Average gross monthly income earned in the form of products or merchandise, deriving from the occupation declared in Question 30

Amounts will only be entered when the person has received payment in products or merchandise for work carried out. If he or she receives part in monetary form and part in products or merchandise, the part in monetary form will be recorded in Question 37 and the value of the part in products or merchandise will be recorded in this Question.
The real or estimated average monthly value of the products or merchandise sold over the last 12 months (market value) received through the occupation declared in Question 30 will be recorded.
Do not compute the value of the production used for the family's or person's own consumption.

[p. 62]

Question 39 - Average gross monthly income from other occupations regularly exercised, not including that declared in Questions 37 and 38

This question refers to gross monthly income from another occupation which the person exercises simultaneously with that declared in Question 30.
The criteria for recording are the same as those established for Questions 37 and 38.
When the person exercises only the occupation declared in Question 30, trace will be recorded in this Question.

Examples of declarations for Questions 37 to 39:

1st case - A medical doctor who works at the Federal Health Service (INAMPS) and earns Cr$ 23,000.00 and also works at a private office earning Cr$ 30,000.00
Answers: Question 37 - 53,000.00
Question 38 -__
Question 39 -__

2nd case - A medical doctor who works at the Federal Health Service (INAMPS) earning Cr$ 23,000.00 and as college professor receiving Cr$ 18,000.00
Answers: Question 37 - 23,000.00
Question 38 - __
Question 39 - 18,000.00

3rd case - A Self-employed sharecropper (Parceiro conta própria) who sold the products received during the 12 months between 9/1/1979 and 8/31/1980, for Cr$ 48,000.00
Answers: Question 37 - __
Question 38 - 48,000.00
Question 39 - __

Question 40 - If the person answered Employee or Employed sharecropper (parceiro empregado) in Question 33, how many annual wages does he or she receive

This question is to ascertain whether the person receives more than 12 times the minimum annual wage, for persons who declared they were Employees or Employed sharecropper in Question 33.
For Migrant workers, Self-employed persons, persons Without remuneration, and Employers, mark Box 0 - Is not an employee.

Question 41 - In the last week (8/25/1980 to 8/ 31/1980) the person was:

Mark, as the case may case, Box:

1x -for persons who, during the week of reference, were only exercising the occupation declared in Question 30, even if on vacation or leave;
2x - for persons who, during the week of reference, were exercising the occupation declared in Question 30 and had some other [p. 63] usual occupation or were also exercising a temporary occupation;
3x - for persons whose occupation declared in Question 30 was not exercised during the week of 25/8 to 31/8/1980, since it is seasonal or intermittent, and is exercising a different occupation from the usual. This category does not apply to persons who were on vacation or leave from their usual occupation to exercise a temporary occupation, which will not be exercised when they return to their usual occupation. For such persons, Box 2x will be marked;
4x - for persons who worked for some period during the last 12 months but were unemployed and looking for work during the week of reference or, if they found work, were waiting to be called or who had signed up for a selection process;
5x - for persons who worked for some period during the last 12 months, became retired, and were neither exercising work nor looking for work during the week of reference (in this case do not declare the retirement income in Question 46); or
6x - for persons who worked for some period during the last 12 months, have stopped working and, during the week of reference, were not looking for work.

Questions 42 to 45 - Occupation during the week prior to the date of the Census (25/8 to 31/8/1980)

For persons who marked Box 1x, 2x, 4x, 5x or 6x in Question 41, record trace in Questions 42 to 44.
For persons who marked Box 3 in Question 41, that is, were exercising only an occupation different from the usual during the week prior to the date of the Census, follow the instructions for Questions 30 to 33.

Question 46 - Average gross monthly income received from Retirement (FUNRURAL, Military Retirement, Teachers' Retirement, etc.), from a pension paid by a Federal Social Security Institute, the Social Welfare Fund or a Pension Fund, or from a Continuance Bonus and, divided by 12, the 14th wage received from the PIS or PASEP Tax Funds

The entry will be the sum total of the income for the month of August deriving from:

a) work exercised previously (retirement, including FUNRURAL and other forms of retirement, etc.);
Note: For persons who retired during the last 12 months (9/1/1979 to 8/31/1980) the income from retirement will not be recorded, since they already declared the income from the occupation exercised upon retirement.
b)a pension left by a person of whom the respondent was a beneficiary, paid by a Social Security Institute, Welfare Fund or Social Security Institute. Do not include alimony (spontaneous or legally demanded);
c) longevity bonus (Pé-na-cova); and
d)the amount of 1/12 (divided by 12) of the 14th wage received from the PIS/PASEP Tax Fund, as well as other types of aid received from an Institute or Fund, such as childbirth allowance, disability benefits, etc.

Do not include income deriving from contributions paid in the past to private funds or wage supplementing funds (CAPEMI, MONGERAL, GEBOEX, Montepio da Família Militar, SIAS, etc.).

[p. 64]

Question 47 - Average monthly income deriving from rentals or leasing of real estate, furniture, vehicles, machines, etc., including sub-letting

Record the average of the last 12 months of the income deriving from letting, sub-letting, leasing or subleasing, sale of right to use of real estate (house, apartment, land, pasture, winter pasture, factory, store, etc.), vehicle, machine or other movable property. Maintenance, collection and condominium expenses should be deducted from the income, as well as taxes and fees levied directly on the property through which the income was obtained (property tax, trash collection fee, etc.).
In this question, do not consider income deriving from the business where the person works, rentals of vehicles, machines, real estate, etc. This income will be recorded in Question 37 or 39, as the case may be (income from work).

Question 48 - Average monthly income regularly received, deriving from monetary donations, allowance from non-residents of the household, or alimony

Only amounts should be recorded that were received regularly from donations or benefits, paid by a non-resident of the household being enumerated, and without corresponding work being carried out.
Any rent or installment normally paid by a non-resident of the household should be considered a donation, unless the household has been ceded.
Benefits or donations received from residents in the household will not be included in the questions on income.

Question 49 - Monthly average of other income received during the last 12 months and deriving from investment or other use of capital

The average (total divided by 12) income from capital received during the last 12 months will be recorded, including:

a) profits earned by owners (or partners) of limited liability companies when such profits are distributed by the owner of the shares in the form of dividends or new shares;
b)income derived from investments in savings accounts, exchange bonds, housing-financing notes, bonds of public debt, fixed-duration deposits, debentures, stocks, shares, etc. in the form of interest, monetary correction, deductions, premiums, etc.;
c) pension received by the respondent himself or herself resulting from participation in pension funds;
d) pension left by a person of whom the person enumerated was beneficiary, paid by a pension fund; and
e) wage supplement paid by an insurance organization.

Note - Donations, inheritances, compensation, funds received from the Worker's Severance Fund (FGTS) and monetary prizes won in lotteries, contests or drawings will not be included in the questions on income.

[p. 65]

The following questions will be filled out only for women age 15 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1965.
[Applies to questions 50 - 57]

Questions 50/51 - Children born alive

Record, according to sex, the number of children born alive. Note that a child that died in the first few hours of life should be recorded as born alive.
When the number to be recorded is lower than 10, complete with one zero to the left. When the respondent has never had any children, record two zeros.

Questions 52/53 - Stillborn children

Record, according to sex, the number of stillborn children. Do not consider fetuses of less than 7 months as stillborn.
When entering the information, observe the instructions provided in the preceding questions.

Questions 54/55 - Living children on the date of the Census

Record, according to sex, the number of children still alive on the date of the Census, even those who are not residents of the household.
When entering the information, observe the instructions provided in the preceding question.

Questions 56/57 - Month and year of birth of the last child born alive

Record the month and the year when the respondent had her last child born alive. Do not record the day.
If the month being expressed has only one digit, complete with one zero to the left. Record only the last three digits in the information regarding the year.
If the person does not know the date of birth, make an estimate for the year and record 20 in the boxes referring to the month.
If the respondent has not had any children born alive, record zeros in all the boxes of these questions.

[p. 66]

VI - Persons aged 5 to 9 enumerated in the inside part of the census form, who worked regularly during the last 12 months

In this part, only information referring to persons ages 5 to 9 who worked during the last 12 months (9/1/1979 to 8/31/1980) and who were enumerated on the Census Form will be provided. For this reason, this part can only be filled out after the conclusion of the enumeration of all the persons in the household.
It is important to note that the information about persons ages 5 to 9 will not be limited to these questions. The questions in Part 5 - Name, Sex, Condition of presence, etc. will be asked for persons ages 5 to 9, whether or not they have worked.
To define whether the person has worked during the last 12 months, follow the instructions presented in Question 28 of this manual.
Each person will be recorded on a different line, starting on Line Number 1, following the order in which each was enumerated on the Census Form.
When there are no persons ages 5 to 9 in the household who have worked in the last 12 months, all of Grid 3 will be annulled with two lines crossed in the form of an X.
In filling out the lines, following instructions should be followed:

Column 2 - Person's number on the Census Form

Record the number of order printed or written at the top of the column in which the person was enumerated and that comes before his or her name.
For example, 3rd PERSON - João de Souza
Record 3, in Column 2

Column 3 - Name

Record the name of the person enumerated in the inside part of the Census Form.

Column 4 - Usual occupation

The instructions presented in Question 30 of this manual should be followed for entering the usual occupation.

[p. 67]

Column 5 - Hours usually worked per week in the declared occupation

The box corresponding to the number of hours usually worked per week will be marked, according to the recommendations in Question 35 of this manual.

Column 6 - Average monthly income received in monetary form from exercising the declared occupation

To record the income from the declared occupation, the instructions referring to Questions 37 and 38 of this manual should be observed.

[p. 68]

VII - Persons in the family(ies) who lived in this household and died during the last 12 months

Deceased persons

This part of the Census Form is reserved for recording the members of the family(ies) living in the household on the date of reference (relative, agregado, boarder or employee) who lived there, and who died during the last 12 months, that is, between September 1, 1979 and August 31, 1980, regardless of whether the death occurred at the household, in a hospital, a relative's house or anywhere else.

If the family moved after the death of one of its members, the deceased person should be recorded, even though he or she did not live in the current dwelling. If the family moved and separated, the entry will be recorded in the spouse's household in the case of married persons; if single, the deceased person will be recorded in the household on which he or she was dependent.
Each person will be recorded on a separate line, in order of the date of death.

When more than 5 persons in a household have died, cut out this field from another Census Form and glue it after the 5th person, renumbering Column 1 as starting at Number 6.

When no person in the household died during the last 12 months, the entire Grid 4 will be annulled with two lines crossed in the form of an X.

Note - These instructions apply both to private households and collective dwellings.