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Commonwealth Caribbean Population and Housing Census
Saint Lucia
Census day -- May 12, 1991

1991 Population and Housing Census

Use a number 2 pencil only (do not use ink or ballpoint pen.)
Completely fill in the oval response.
Erase cleanly any changes you make.
Make no stray marks on this form.

Area number _ _ _ _ _ _
E.D. Number _ _ _ _
Household number _ _ _

Address of household ________
Town/village/district ________

I am the Census Interviewer assigned to this area and I should like to get some information about the household and its members. Here is my identification card. (Show precept)

Record of visits
Interviewer calls: _____
Date: _____
Time started: _____
Time ended: _____
Duration: _____


[] 1 Completed
[] 2 Partially completed, call back
[] 3 Dwelling vacant
[] 4 Address not a dwelling
[] 5 Address not found or non-existent
[] 6 No suitable respondent at home
[] 7 Other (please specify) ____


Name ____
Date ____


Name ____
Date ____


Name ____
Date ____


Name ____
Date ____

Field editor

Name ____
Date ____

Interviewer says:
Please give me the names of all the persons who usually live and share one daily meal with your household.

Surname ______
First name ______

Comments ________

1.1 a. Has anybody from this household gone to live abroad in the past year?

[] Yes
[] No -- Skip to 1.2

b. How many persons?

[Question 1.1b was asked of households who had persons gone to live abroad in the past year, per question 1.1a]

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6

c. Please give me the sex and age of each.

[Question 1.1c was asked of households who had persons gone to live abroad in the past year, per question 1.1a]

[] Male
[] Female

Age _ _

[] Male
[] Female

Age _ _

[] Male
[] Female

Age _ _

[] Male
[] Female

Age _ _

[] Male
[] Female

Age _ _

[] Male
[] Female

Age _ _

Section 1: Housing

Interviewer: Ask this question only if the answer is not obvious. Else, mark the appropriate oval.

1.2. What type of dwelling does this household occupy?

[] Undivided private house
[] Part of a private house
[] Flat/apartment/condominium
[] Townhouse
[] Double house/duplex
[] Combined business and dwelling
[] Barracks
[] Other

1.3 Does this household own, rent or lease this dwelling?

[] Owned
[] Squatted
[] Rented-private -- Skip to 1.5
[] Rented- government -- Skip to 1.5
[] Lease -- Skip to 1.5
[] Rent-free -- Skip to 1.5
[] Other -- Skip to 1.5
[] Don't know / not stated -- Skip to 1.5

1.4 What about the land -- is it freehold, leasehold, or some other type of occupancy?

[Question 1.4 was asked of households who owned or squatted the dwelling, per question 1.3]

[] Freehold
[] Leasehold
[] Rented
[] Permission to work land
[] Sharecropping
[] Squatted
[] Other
[] Don't know / not stated

1.5 What is the construction material of the outer walls?

[] Wood
[] Concrete
[] Wood and concrete
[] Stone
[] Brick
[] Adobe
[] Makeshift
[] Other / don't know

1.6 What is the material used for roofing?

[] Sheet metal (zinc, aluminum, galvanize)
[] Shingle (asphalt)
[] Shingle (wood)
[] Shingle (other)
[] Tile
[] Concrete
[] Makeshift
[] Other / don't know

1.7 In which year was this dwelling built?

[] Before 1960
[] 1960-1969
[] 1970-1979
[] 1980 or later
[] Don't know

1.8 What is the main source of your water supply?

[] Private, piped into dwelling
[] Private catchment, not piped
[] Public, piped into dwelling
[] Public, piped into yard
[] Public standpipe
[] Public well or tank
[] Other

1.9 What type of toilet facilities does this household have?

[] W.C. linked to sewer
[] W.C. cesspit or septic tank
[] Pit latrine
[] Other
[] None -- Skip to 1.11

1.10 Are these toilet facilities shared with another person not of this household or another household?

[Question 1.10 was asked of households that had toilet facilities, per question 1.9]
[] Yes
[] No

1.11 What type of lighting does this household use most?

[] Gas
[] Kerosene
[] Electricity
[] Other

1.12 What type of fuel does this household use most for cooking?

[] Coal
[] Wood
[] Gas
[] Kerosene
[] Electricity
[] Other

1.13 Is your kitchen indoors or outdoors?

[] Indoors
[] Outdoors

1.14 Is the kitchen shared with another person not of this household or another household?

[] Yes, shared
[] Not shared

1.15 How many rooms does your household occupy?

Do not count bathrooms, porches, kitchens, etc.

Rooms _ _

1.16 How many bedrooms are there in this dwelling unit?

Bedrooms are rooms used mainly for sleeping and exclude makeshift and temporary sleeping quarters.

Count all bedrooms including spares not occupied.

Bedrooms _ _

1.17 Now I would like some information on the ownership or rental of such facilities as television sets, videos and radios by members of the household.

a. How many radios are owned or rented by members of this household?

Radios __

b. How many television sets are owned or rented by members of this household?

TV sets __

c. How many video recorders are owned or rented by members of this household?

Video recorders __

1.18 Is there a telephone service in this home?

[] Yes
[] No

Section 2: Characteristics

For all persons

2.1 Please fill in this person's assigned number.
Number: _ _

2.2 What is ____'s relationship to the head of household?

[] Head
[] Spouse/partner
[] Child
[] Son/daughter-in-law
[] Grandchild
[] Parent/parent-in-law
[] Other relative
[] Non-relative

2.3 Interviewer: Mark the appropriate oval. For persons not seen ask: Is ____ male or female?

[] Male
[] Female

2.4 What is ____'s date of birth?

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _

If not known, ask:
How old was ____ on his/her last birthday?
Age _ _

2.5 To what ethnic, racial or national group do you think ____ belongs?

[] African/Negro/Black
[] American Indian/Caribbean
[] East Indian
[] Chinese
[] Portuguese
[] Syrian/Lebanese
[] White
[] Mixed
[] Other (please specify) ____
[] Don't know / not stated

2.6 What is ____'s religion?

[] Anglican
[] Baptist (Spiritual)
[] Brethren
[] Church of God
[] Jehovah Witness
[] Methodist
[] Moravian
[] Pentecostal
[] Presbyterian / Congregational
[] Roman Catholic
[] Salvation Army
[] Seventh Day Adventist
[] Hindu
[] Muslim
[] Rastafarian
[] Other (please specify) ____
[] None
[] Not stated

Section 3. Disability
For all persons

3.1 Does ____ suffer from any long-standing illness, disability or infirmity?

[] Yes
[] No (skip to q. 4.1)

3.2 What type of disability or impairment does ____ have?

(More than one oval may be marked)

[Question 3.2 is asked of persons who have long-standing illness, disability or infirmity, per question 3.1]

[] Sight
[] Hearing
[] Speech
[] Upper limb (arm)
[] Lower limb (legs)
[] Neck and spine
[] Slowness at learning or understanding
[] Mental retardation
[] Other (please specify) ____

3.3 In which of the following ways are ____'s activities limited compared with most people your/his/her age?

(More than one oval may be marked)

[Question 3.3 is asked of persons who have long-standing illness, disability or infirmity, per question 3.1]

[] Self-care
[] Mobility
[] Communication
[] Schooling
[] Employment
[] Other
[] None

Section 4: Birthplace and residence
For all persons

4.1 Where was ____ born?
Interviewer: Remember what is required is the mother's normal residence at the time of birth, and not the hospital or place where the birth took place.

[] In this country
[] Abroad -- Skip to 4.3
[] Not stated -- Skip to 4.5
[] Don't known -- Skip to 4.5

4.2a In what part of the country is that? ____

[Question 4.2a was asked of persons who were born in Saint Lucia, per question 4.1]

[] Don't know

4.2b Have you/has ____ ever lived in another country?

[Question 4.2b was asked of persons who were born in Saint Lucia, per question 4.1]

[] Yes -- Skip to 4.5
[] No/ don't know -- Skip to 4.6

4.3 In what country was that? ___

[Question 4.3 was asked of persons who were born abroad, per question 4.1]

[] Don't know

4.4 In what year did ____ last come to live in this country?

[Question 4.4 was asked of persons who were born abroad, per question 4.1]

19 _ _
[] Don't know

4.5 In what country did ____ last live?

[Question 4.5 was asked of persons who lived abroad, per question 4.2b]

[] Don't know

Section 4. Birthplace and residence
For all persons

4.6 In what town, village or district in ____ did he/she last live?

[] Don't known
[] Never moved -- Skip to 5.1

4.7 In what year did ____ come to live in this town, village or district?

[Question 4.7 was asked of persons who have moved from birthplace, per question 4.6]

[] 19_ _
[] Don't know

4.8 Where does ____ usually live?

[Question 4.8 was asked of persons who have moved from birthplace, per question 4.6]

[] At this address -- Skip to 5.1
[] Elsewhere in this country
[] Abroad -- Skip to 5.1
[] Don't know -- Skip to 5.1

4.9 In what part of the country is that?

[Question 4.8 was asked of persons who have moved from birthplace, per question 4.6]

[] Don't know

Section 5. Education and training
For all persons

5.1 Is ____ attending any school or educational institution now, whether full-time or part-time?

[] Yes
[] No -- Skip to 5.6
[] Don't know -- Skip to 5.6

5.2 Are you/is/he/she attending full-time or part-time?

[Question 5.2 was asked of persons who attend school or educational institution now, per question 5.1]

[] Full-time
[] Part-time
[] Don't know

5.3 What type of school or institution are you/is/he/she attending?

[Question 5.3 was asked of persons who attend school or educational institution now, per question 5.1]

[] Nursery/infant/kindergarten/pre-school
[] Primary
[] Senior school or secondary dept. of primary school
[] Junior secondary
[] Senior secondary, general secondary, high school comprehensive or composite school
[] Trade/vocational school
[] Technical institute
[] Community college/sixth form college
[] University
[] Other (please specify) ____
[] Not stated

5.4 Please give the name and address of the school or institution. ________

[Question 5.4 was asked of persons who attend school or educational institution now, per question 5.1]

5.5 What is your/his/her main mode of travel to the school or institution?

[Question 5.5 was asked of persons who attend school or educational institution now, per question 5.1]

[] Walk
[] Bicycle
[] Private car or vehicle
[] Public vehicle (bus, etc.)
[] Hired transport (taxi, maxi-taxi, minibus)
[] Don't know/ not stated
[] Other

5.6 What is the highest level of education that ____ has reached?

[] None -- Skip to 5.9
[] Nursery/kindergarten -- Skip to 5.9
[] Primary
[] Secondary -- Skip to 5.8
[] Pre-university/post-secondary -- Skip to 5.8
[] University -- Skip to 5.8
[] Other (please specify) ______ -- Skip to 5.9
[] Not stated -- Skip to 5.8

5.7 What grade/standard did you/he/she reach?

[Question 5.7 was asked of persons whose highest level of education reached is primary, per question 5.6]

[] First standard
[] Second standard
[] Third standard
[] Fourth standard
[] Fifth standard
[] Sixth standard
[] Seventh standard or higher
[] Don't know

5.8 What is the highest certificate, diploma or degree that you/he/she earned?

[Question 5.8 was asked of persons whose highest level of education reached is higher than primary, per question 5.6]

[] None
[] School leaving
[] Cambridge School Certificate
[] GCE 'O' levels or CXC

Number of subjects:
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9 or more
[] Not stated

[] GCE 'A' levels

Number of subjects:
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4 or more
[] Not stated

[] Higher School Certificate
[] Diploma (post-graduate)
[] Degree
[] Other (please specify) ____
[] Not stated

5.9 Interviewer: Mark the appropriate oval. (See Q. 2.4)

[] Under 15 -- Skip to 8.1
[] 15 years and over

For persons 15 years and over
[Questions 5.10 through 5.12 were asked of persons 15 years and older.]

5.10 Has ____ pursued any course of formal training for at least 3 months?

[] Yes
[] No -- Skip to 6.1
[] Don't know -- Skip to 6.1

5.11 How was this training received?

[Question 5.11 was asked of persons who have pursued courses of formal training for at least 3 months, per question 5.10]

[] Corresponding course
[] On the job
[] Apprenticeship
[] Institution
[] Other (please specify)
[] Don't know

5.12 For what occupation does this training prepare you/him/her? ________

[Question 5.12 was asked of persons who have pursued courses of formal training for at least 3 months, per question 5.10]

Section 6. Marital status, union status and fertility
For persons 15 years and over
[Questions 6.1 through 6.14 were asked of persons 15 and older.]

6.1 What is ____'s legal marital status- that is, are you/is he/she married, divorced, legally separated, widowed or never married?

[] 1 Married
[] 2 Widowed -- Skip to 6.3
[] 3 Divorced -- Skip to 6.3
[] 4 Legally separated -- Skip to 6.3
[] 5 Never married -- Skip to 6.3
[] 6 Not stated -- Skip to 6.3

6.2 Are you/is he/she living with your/his/her husband/wife now?

[Question 6.2 was asked of persons 15 and older who were married, per question 6.1]

[] Yes -- Skip to 6.6
[] No

6.3 Are you/is he/she living with a partner now?

[Question 6.3 was asked of persons 15 and older who were either not married or not living with their spouse, per questions 6.1 and 6.2]

[] Yes -- Skip to 6.6
[] No

6.4 Interviewer: If question 6.3 is shaded 2 (No) and q. 6.1 is shaded 2, 3 or 4 then skip to question 6.6.

6.5 Have you/has he/she ever lived together with a partner in a common law relationship?

[Question 6.5 was asked of persons 15 and older who were not living with their partner, per question 6.3]

[] Yes
[] No -- Skip to 6.7

6.6 How old were you/he/ she when you/he/she were/was first married or lived with a partner?

[Question 6.6 was asked of persons 15 and older who had ever lived together with a partner in a common law relationship, per question 6.5]

Age _ _

6.7 Interviewer: Mark the appropriate oval. (See questions 2.3, 2.4, 5.1, 5.2, 5.3)

[] 1 Male -- Skip to 7.1
[] 2 Female- 65 years and over -- Skip to 7.1
[] 3 Female under 65 years attending school -- Skip to 7.1
[] 4 Female under 65 years not attending school

6.8 How many live births has ____ ever had?

(If zero, enter 00 and skip to question 7.1)

[Question 6.8 was asked of females between 15 and 65 years not attending school, per question 6.7]

Live births _ _

6.9 How old were you/was she when you/she had the first liveborn child?

[Question 6.9 was asked of females between 15 and 65 years not attending school, per question 6.7]

Age _ _

6.10 How old were you/was she at the birth of your/her last liveborn child?

[Question 6.10 was asked of females between 15 and 65 years not attending school, per question 6.7]

Age _ _

6.11 How many live births did you/she have in the last 12 months?

[Question 6.11 was asked of females between 15 and 65 years not attending school, per question 6.7]

[] None -- Skip to 7.1
[] One
[] Two separate births
[] Twins
[] Three or more

6.12 What is/are the sex(es) of this child/these children?

[Question 6.12 was asked of females between 15 and 65 years not attending school and had live births in the last 12 months, per questions 6.7 and 6.11]

Number of boys:

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5

Number of girls:

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5

6.13 Of these, have any of the babies died?

[Question 6.13 was asked of females between 15 and 65 years not attending school who had live births in the last 12 months, per questions 6.7 and 6.11]

[] Yes
[] No -- Skip to 7.1

6.14 How many have died?

[Question 6.14 was asked of females between 15 and 65 years not attending school and had live births in the last 12 months, per questions 6.7 and 6.11]

[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5

Section 7. Economic activity
For persons 15 years and over
[Questions 7.1 through 7.17 were asked of all individuals over the age of 15.]

7.1 What did ____ do most during the past 12 months--for example, did you/he/she work, look for a job, keep house or carry on some other activity?

[] Worked-- Skip to 7.4
[] Had a job but did not work -- Skip to 7.4
[] Looked for work
[] Wanted work and available
[] Home duties
[] Attended school
[] Retired
[] Disabled, unable to work
[] Other (please specify) ____
[] Not stated

7.2 Did you/he/she do any work at all in the past 12 months? Include work at home, for example, piece work, smocking, etc.

[Question 7.2 was asked of persons 15 and older who did not have a job during the past 12 months, per question 7.1]

[] Yes -- Skip to 7.4
[] No
[] Don't know

7.3 Have you/he/she ever worked or had a job?

[Question 7.3 was asked of persons 15 and older who did not work during the past 12 months, per questions 7.1 and 7.2]

1 Yes
2 No -- Skip to 7.5

7.4 How many months did you/he/she work in the past 12 months?

[Question 7.4 was asked of persons 15 and older who ever worked during the past 12 months, per questions 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3]

Number of months

[] 0
[] 1
[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7
[] 8
[] 9
[] 10
[] 11
[] 12

7.5 What did ____ do most during the past week -- for example, did you/he/she work, look for a job, keep house or carry on some other activity?

[] 1 Worked -- Skip to 7.8
[] 2 Had a job but did not work -- Skip to 7.8
[] 3 Looked for work
[] 4 Wanted work and available
[] 5 Home duties -- Skip to 7.7
[] 6 Attended school -- Skip to 7.7
[] 7 Retired -- Skip to 7.7
[] 8 Disabled, unable to work -- Skip to 7.7
[] 9 Other (please specify) ____ -- Skip to 7.7
[] 10 Not stated -- Skip to 7.7

7.6 What sort of work did you/he/she look for or want? ________

[Question 7.6 was asked of persons 15 and older who were looking for work and wanted work and available, per question 7.5]

7.7 Did you/he/she do any work at all last week for any length of time, including helping in a family business/farm, street vending or work at home?

[Question 7.7 was asked of persons 15 and older who did not work or did not have a job, per question 7.5]

1 Yes
2 No -- Skip to 7.9

7.8 How many hours did you/he/she work last week?

[Question 7.8 was asked of persons 15 and older who worked, per question 7.7]

Hours _ _
[] Don't know

7.9 What sort of work did you/he/she, do you, does he/she do in your/his/her main occupation?

Please specify in detail. _______
[] Never worked -- Skip to 7.18

7.10 Would you consider this job to be completely dependent, partially dependent or not dependent on tourism?

[Question 7.10 was asked of persons 15 and older who have ever worked, per question 7.9]

[] 1 Completely dependent
[] 2 Partially dependent
[] 3 Not dependent at all
[] 4 Don't know / not stated

7.11 What type of business is/was carried on at your/his/her workplace? Please specify in detail.

[Question 7.11 was asked of persons 15 and older who have ever worked, per question 7.9]

7.12 What is the name and address of you/his/her present workplace?

[Question 7.12 was asked of persons 15 and older who have ever worked, per question 7.9]

[] No present workplace -- Skip to 7.18

7.13 How do you/does he/she travel to work?

[Question 7.13 was asked of persons 15 and older who have a present workplace, per question 7.12]

[] Work at home
[] Walk
[] Bicycle
[] Private car or vehicle
[] Public vehicle (bus, etc.)
[] Hired transport (taxi, minibus, maxi taxi, etc.)
[] Other
[] Don't know/not stated

7.14 Did you/he/she carry on your/his/her own business, work for a wage or salary or as an unpaid worker in a family business?

[Question 7.14 was asked of persons 15 and older who have a present workplace, per question 7.12]

[] Paid employee- government -- Skip to 7.16
[] Paid employee- private -- Skip to 7.16
[] Unpaid worker -- Skip to 7.18
[] Own business with paid help (employer) -- Skip to 7.16
[] Own business without paid help (own account)
[] Don't know / not stated -- Skip to 7.18

7.15 Do you/does he/she move all your/his/her goods every night; e.g., fruits, nuts, lottery tickets, clothing/shoes, etc.?

[Question 7.15 was asked of persons 15 and older who have own account, per question 7.14]

[] Yes (informal trader)
[] No

7.16 What was _____'s last pay/income period?

[Question 7.16 was asked of persons 15 and older who are paid, per question 7.14]

[] 1 Weekly
[] 2 Fortnightly
[] 3 Monthly
[] 4 Quarterly
[] 5 Annually
[] 6 Other (please specify) ____
[] 7 None
[] 8 Not stated

7.17 What was ____'s gross pay/income during the last pay period; that is, before income tax or other deductions?

(present flash card)
[Question 7.17 was asked of persons 15 and older who are paid, per question 7.14]


Interview: For self-employed persons obtain "net income," i.e., receipts less business expenses.
Income group: _ _
Don't know

7.18 Do you/does he/she receive any money from family and/or friends abroad?

[] Yes
[] No -- Skip to 8.1

7.19 Approximately how much money did you/he/she receive last year (1990) from family and/or friends abroad? (present flash card)

[Question 7.19 was asked of persons 15 and older who receive money from family and/or friends abroad, per question 7.18]

Income group _ _
Don't know

Interviewer: If interview conducted before census day, ask on return visit immediately after Census day: if interview conducted after Census day, ask as part of the full interview:

Section 8. Where spent census night
For all persons

8.1 Where did ____ spend Census night?

[] At this address (end interview)
[] Elsewhere in this country
[] Abroad (end interview)

8.2 What part of the country was that? If known, please specify. __________________
Interviewer: Write as full an address as possible.