United States of Mexico
National Institute of Statistics
Geography and Information
XI General Census of Population and Dwellings, 1990
This is the [ __ ] form of [ __ ] used to take the census of this dwelling.
State or federal entity ____ [ _ _ _ ]
Municipality or delegation ____ [ _ _ _ ]
Code of AGEB [ _ _ - ]
Page in the packet [ _ _ _ ]
Page of the dwelling [ _ _ ]
Location [ _ _ _ _ ]
Block number [ _ _ _ ]
Name of the Leader of the census takers
Name of the census taker
Address of the dwelling
Street, avenue, alley, highway, road ____
Exterior number ____
Interior number ____
Colony (neighborhood or sub-division) ____
Identification of the dwelling
How many dwellings are in this lot or land?
Type of dwelling. Identify: Mark only one circle with an X
[ ] 2 Apartment in a building or tenement
[ ] 3 Rented room
[ ] 4 Mobile home
[ ] 5 Shelter
Characteristics of the dwelling
1. Walls
What material are most of the outer walls made of in this dwelling? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 Reed, bamboo or palm
[ ] 3 Clay or clay covered sticks
[ ] 4 Wood
[ ] 5 Metal or asbestos sheets
[ ] 6 Adobe
[ ] 7 Brick, block, stone or cement
[ ] 8 Not specified
2. Roof
What material is the majority roof of the dwelling made of? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 Palm, tejamanil, or wood
[ ] 3 Metal or asbestos sheet
[ ] 4 Tile
[ ] 5 Concrete block or brick
[ ] 6 Other materials
3. Floors
What material is the majority of the floor made of in the dwelling? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 Cement or similar
[ ] 3 Wood, tile or other covering
How many rooms in this dwelling are used for sleeping?
In all how many rooms are there in the dwelling not counting the hallways or bathrooms?
Does this dwelling have a room for cooking? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 No
Do people sleep in the room for cooking? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 4 No
Does this dwelling have a toilet? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 No
Does the toilet have running water? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 4 No
7. Running Water
Do the occupants of this dwelling have access to running water?
Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 Outside the dwelling but on the land
[ ] 3 From a public faucet or hydrant
[ ] 4 No access to running water
8. Wastewater Drainage
Does this dwelling have drains? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 Connected to a septic tank
[ ] 3 A drain on the ground, to a river or a lake
[ ] 4 No drain
9. Electricity
Is there and electrical light in this dwelling? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 No
10. Fuel
What fuel is most commonly used for cooking food in this dwelling?
Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 Petroleum
[ ] 3 Natural gas
[ ] 4 Electricity
11. Ownership
This dwelling is: Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 Rented
[ ] 3 In other situation
12. Number of persons in the dwelling
How many persons normally live in this dwelling including small children and the elderly?
13. Families or groups in the dwelling
In the dwelling are there families or groups of persons that cook and purchase their food separately? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 No
Counting your family how many families or groups cook or purchase their food separately?
14. List of persons
Give the names and last names of all the persons that normally live in this dwelling, beginning with the head of household. If there is more than one family or group of persons put them in order always beginning with the head of household for each group
Mark with and X the head of the household.
Person 1 ____ (Write the name and last names)
[Persons 1 through 10]
If there are more than ten persons in the dwelling use another form continue with the list and ask the questions for each one of them
Person number 1 in the list
Now I am going to ask about:
1. Relationship
What is the relationship with the head of household for this person:
Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 Spouse or companion
[ ] 3 Son or daughter
[ ] 4 Servant
[ ] 5 No relationship
[ ] 6 Other relationship?
[ ] 7 The person is alone
2. Sex. Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 Woman
3. Age
How many years has this person completed?
If this person is less than one year old. Mark with an X
4. Place of birth
In what state of the Republic of Mexico was this person born? Mark with an X
In another state:
In another country
Ask only if this person is five years old or more
5. Place of previous residence
Five years ago, in 1985, in what state of the Republic did you live? Mark with an X
In another state
In another country
Does this person speak an indigenous language? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 No
If the answer is yes, ask:
What indigenous language does the person speak?
Does the person also speak Spanish? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 4 No
7. Religion
What is the religion of this person? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 Catholic
[ ] 3 Protestant or Evangelical
[ ] 4 Jewish
[ ] 5 Other
8. Literacy
Does this person know how to read and write a message?
Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 No
9. School Attendance
Does this person go to school? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 No
10. Schooling
Has this person passed or completed any grade or year of studies?
Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 No
How many grades or years did the person pass in: (Write the number)
Pre-school or kindergarten
Technical or commercial studies after finishing elementary school
Secondary school
Technical or commercial studies after finishing secondary
College preparatory
Teacher training
What is the name of the course of study?
Continue with the questions for person number one in the list
Ask only if the person is twelve years old or more
11. Number of children
For women who are twelve years old or more
Have you had a son or daughter born alive? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 No
If the answer is yes ask:
In all how many sons or daughters have you had born alive?
How many are currently alive?
12. Civil Status
What is the current civil status of this person? Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 Married with civil and religious ceremonies
[ ] 3 Married only with civil marriage
[ ] 4 Married only with religious ceremony
[ ] 5 Separated
[ ] 6 Divorced
[ ] 7 Widowed
[ ] 8 Single
13. Principal activity
Last week, this person: Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 Had a job but didn't work
[ ] 3 Looked for work
[ ] 4 Is a student
[ ] 5 Does housework
[ ] 6 Retired
[ ] 7 Permanently incapacitated to work
[ ] 8 Didn't work for other reasons
If the answer was worked [ ] 1 or had a job but didn't work [ ] 2, ask the following questions:
14. Principal Occupation
What is the job or title that the person has in their main work?
What are the tasks or functions that the person does at work?
15. Situation of work
This person at work is: Mark with an X one circle only.
[ ] 2 Day laborer or farm hand
[ ] 3 Self employed
[ ] 4 Boss or business person
[ ] 5 Works without pay in the family business or land
16. Hours
How many total hours did the person work last week?
17. Economic Activity
What is the main activity of the business, land, company, institution or place where the person worked?
Where did the person work?
For example: One the land, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop
18. Income
How much does this person earn for their work? Write the number for only one answer
_____ For two weeks
_____ Monthly
_____ Yearly
[ ] No Income (Mark with an X)
Continue with person two and so on.