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Population Census of Germany, 1970 (10%)

____ Name
____ Christian name

____ Community
____ District
____ Street / house no.
_ _ _ _ Enumeration district

Private telephone in dwelling (no.) ____

1. Sex

[] Male
[] Female

2. Date of birth

____ Day
____ Month
____ Year

3. Marital status

[] Single
[] Married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced

4. Position in the household

Head of household (HH) can be: a) Both spouses b) One of the spouses alone, unless both consider themselves as HH c) Every other person having a separate house-hold or one jointly with others.

[] Head of household (HH)
[] Wife/husband of HH
[] Son (in-law), daughter of HH *)
[] Grandchild, great-grandchild of HH *)
[] Father, mother of HH *)
[] Grandfather, grandmother of HH *)
[] Another person related to HH by blood or marriage
[] Person not related to HH

*) Also of wife/husband of HH

5. Religious denomination

[] Protestant Church (excl. Free Church)
[] Free Protestant Church
[] Roman-Catholic Church
[] Other Christian communities

If others, which? ____

[] Jewish religious community
[] No community
[] Other religious communities

If others, which? ____

6. Citizenship

[] German
[] Non-German

If not German, which ____

7. Do you have another dwelling or accommodation?

[] No
[] Yes

If yes:

a. Do you go to work or school/university from the other dwelling/accommodation?

[] Yes
[] No

b. Do you live most of the time in the other dwelling/accommodation?

[] Yes
[] No

c. Are you officially registered in the other dwelling/accommodation?

[] Yes, as main domicile
[] Yes, as secondary domicile
[] Not registered

d. Is this other dwelling/accommodation abroad?

[] Yes
[] No

8. What is your main source of livelihood?

[] Economic activity
[] Unemployment benefits or relief
[] Own pension etc.
[] Support by parents, husband, etc.
[] Own property, letting, interest, farm annuity
[] Social assistance and other benefits

9. Are you at present attending school? If so, which?

[] Primary school
[] Compulsory part-time vocational school
[] Intermediate school
[] High school
[] Full-time or advanced full-time vocational school *)
[] Engineering school
[] University

*) Also school for technicians

10. Did you complete a school? If so, which?

[] Primary school
[] Compulsory part-time vocational school
[] Completed 10th grade
[] Final high school examination
[] Full-time or advanced full-time vocational-school *)
[] Engineering school
[] University (also teacher training)

*) Also a school for technicians

11. Are you:

[] Economically active
[] Farmer
[] Unpaid family worker
[] Unemployed/looking for work
[] Not economically active
[] Housewife
[] Regular soldier

For economically active persons (also self-employed, farmers, family workers) as well as pupils and students.
[Questions 12-14 were asked of economically active persons]

12. Where do you work or go to school, university?

Name of establishment or school/university ____

Community and district of establishment, branch, building site or school ____

Street ____

House number ____

13. Which means of transport do you mainly use (longest distance) on your way to work or school/university?

[] No means of transport (walk)
[] Train
[] Tramway
[] Metropolitan, underground, elevated railway
[] Factory bus, school bus
[] Public or private regular bus
[] Motorcycle, moped
[] Bicycle, other means of transport (excl. car)

[] Driver
[] Passenger

If car is used, distance (one way):

[] up to 10 km
[] over 10 km

14. How much time do you normally need for your way to work or school/university?

[] Does not apply as on same premises
[] Under 15 minutes
[] 15 to under 30 minutes
[] 30 to under 60 minutes
[] 60 minutes and more

For economically active persons (also self-employed, farmers, family workers)
[Questions 15-18 were asked of economically active persons]

15. Branch of business (branch of economy, line) of the establishment (firm, agency) ____

16. Are you:

[] Wage earner/homeworker
[] Industrial apprentice
[] Salaried employee
[] Commercial, technical, administrative apprentice
[] Official/judge
[] Self-employed
[] Unpaid family worker

17. How long do you normally work per week?

[] Under 15 hours
[] 15 to 24 hours
[] 25 to 36 hours
[] Over 36 hours

18. Do you pursue any further activities?

[] Agricultural activity
[] Other activity

Page 2

This page to be completed by persons with German citizenship only

For all persons [of German citizenship]
[Questions 19-21 were asked of all persons of German citizenship]

19. Residence on 1 Sept. 1939 (outbreak of war)

For persons born later than 1 Sept. 1939: Residence of father on 1 Sept. 1939, or, if residence of father is unknown, residence of mother

[] Federal Republic incl. Berlin (West)
[] Soviet zone/East Berlin
[] Eastern territories of Germany
[] Czechoslovakia (incl. Sudeten territory)
[] Eastern neighbor countries, South-Eastern Europe
[] Other regions

20. Did you arrive after the end of the war from the Soviet-occupied zone of East Berlin?

[] Yes
[] No

21. Do you have a Federal Expellee Identity Card or a Federal Refugee Identity Card? If so, which?

[] Identity Card A
[] Identity Card B
[] Identity Card C

For economically non-active persons over 14 years (also housewives, recipients of pensions)
[Questions 22-23 were asked of economically non-active persons over 14 years]

22. Have you formerly been economically active?

[] Yes
[] No

23. In which year did you give up your economic activity? 19 _ _

For economically active persons (also self-employed, farmers, family workers)
[Questions 24-26 were asked of economically active persons]

24. Kind of activity pursued?

a) Occupation (for officials, state title) ____

b) Description in condensed form (operation, material or commodity etc. handled) ____

25. When doing your work are you mainly operating

[] Automatic/semi-automatic machine
[] Another machine
[] No machine

26. What monthly net income do you derive from your economic activity?

(Not to be answered by self-employed in agriculture and by unpaid family workers.)

[] Under 300 DM
[] 300 to under 500 DM
[] 500 to under 800 DM
[] 800 to under 1,200 DM
[] 1,200 to under 1,800 DM
[] 1,800 to under 2,500 DM
[] 2,500 DM and more

For persons in managerial or supervisory positions (excl. self-employed)
[Question 27 was asked of persons in managerial or supervisory positions]

27. Are you:

[] Supervisor, factory master, master of trade, etc.
[] Foreman etc.
[] Director, manager, member of the board of directors, etc. of an enterprise or establishment
[] Working in another managerial or supervisory position

For self-employed
[Questions 28-29 were asked of self-employed persons]

28. How many persons are employed in your establishment? ____

(Incl. working proprietors, managers, unpaid family workers)

29. Are some of them wage or salary earners?

[] Yes
[] No

For owners or tenants of agriculturally used areas. Garden land not under 0.5 ha (5,000 m^2)
[Question 30 was asked of owners or tenants of agriculturally used areas]

30. How large is the total area?

(Incl. area taken on lease, but excl. area let on lease)

____ Ha
____ Ar
____ M^2

For persons over 14 years
[Questions 31-32 were asked of persons over 14 years]

31. Have you completed any practical vocational training? (Apprenticeship, on-the-job training, etc.)

[] No
[] Yes

If yes, length in years: _____

32. For which occupation was this training intended? ____

For persons who completed a vocational school or university (also teacher training)
[Questions 33-36 were asked of persons who completed a vocational school or university]

33. Which of the following schools did you attend and complete?

(Not a compulsory part-time vocational school)

[] School for technicians
[] Other full-time or advanced full-time vocational school
[] Engineering school
[] University (incl. teacher training)

34. How many years did the entire education take at the schools mentioned [in question] 33 until the last level was completed?

Number of years ____

35. Main branch of studies of last level completed? _____

36. Year of completion of last level? 19 _ _

For married, widowed and divorced persons
[Questions 37-38 were asked of married, widowed and divorced persons]

37. When was your present or last marriage contracted? 19 _ _

38. Have you ever been married before?

[] Yes
[] No

For women
[Question 39 was asked of women]

39. Birth years of all legitimate children born alive

[] No children

1st child 19 _ _
2nd child 19 _ _
3rd child 19 _ _
4th child 19 _ _
5th child 19 _ _
6th child 19 _ _
7th child 19 _ _
8th child 19 _ _
9th child 19 _ _
10th child 19 _ _
11th child 19 _ _
12th child 19 _ _