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2010 Population and Housing Census
Long Questionnaire

1. Geographic identification

____ State
____ Municipality, or administrative subdivision in Mexico City
____ Basic geostatistical area
____ City/town
____ Block
____ Section

2. Dwelling and questionnaire check

Dwelling sequence number _ _ _
Questionnaire number in the dwelling _ _
Total questionnaires in the dwelling _ _

3. Dwelling address

Street, avenue, alley, highway, path ____
Exterior number ____
Interior number ____
Suburb, development, neighborhood, housing unit ____

4. Date of interview

Day _ _
Month _ _

5. Name and code of responsible person

Interviewer ____
Supervisor ____
Authenticator ____
Verifier ____

6. Specific dwelling type

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Independent house
[] 2 Apartment in an apartment building
[] 3 Dwelling in tenement building
[] 4 Dwelling in a room on the roof
[] 5 Premise not intended for habitation (go to section II)
[] 6 Mobile dwelling (go to section II)
[] 7 Shelter (go to section II)

7. Packet check

Page in packet _ _ _
Sequential number of the questionnaire in the packet _ _

8. Total number of occupants

Occupants _ _

I. Dwelling Characteristics
[Questions 1-19 were not asked of mobile dwellings, shelter and premises not intended for habitation]

1. Walls
What is the material that most of the walls of this dwelling are made of?

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Waste material
[] 2 Cardboard sheets
[] 3 Asbestos or metal sheets
[] 4 Reeds, bamboo, palm
[] 5 Mud or wattle and daub
[] 6 Wood
[] 7 Adobe
[] 8 Brick, cement block, stone, quarried stone/limestone, cement or concrete

2. Roof
What is the material that most of the roof in this dwelling is made of?

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Waste material
[] 2 Sheets of cardboard
[] 3 Metal sheets
[] 4 Asbestos sheets
[] 5 Palm leaf or straw
[] 6 Wood or shingle
[] 7 Beamed flat roof
[] 8 Tile
[] 9 Concrete slab or beam and block

3. Floor
What is the material that most of the floor in this dwelling is made of?

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Dirt
[] 2 Cement
[] 3 Wood, mosaic tile or other covering

4. Kitchen
Does this dwelling have a kitchen?

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No

5. Bedrooms
How many rooms are used for sleeping, not including the hallways?

Write in digits _ _

6. Rooms
How many rooms total does this dwelling have, including the kitchen? (do not include hallways or bathrooms)

Write in digits _ _

7. Electricity
Is there electric lighting in the dwelling?

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No

8. Availability of water
In this dwelling there is:

Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer, then circle only one code.

[] 1 Piped water inside the dwelling
[] 2 Piped water outside the dwelling but on the property
[] 3 Piped water from a public tap or hydrant (go to 10)
[] 4 Piped water that is transported from another dwelling (go to 10)
[] 5 Water from a truck (go to 10)
[] 6 Water from a well, river, lake, gully or other (go to 10)

9. Water supply

[Question 9 was asked of households that have piped water inside the dwelling or on the property, per question 8.]

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Daily
[] 2 Every third day
[] 3 Twice a week
[] 4 Once a week
[] 5 Every once in a while

10. Toilet
Do they have a toilet or latrine?

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No (go to 13)

11. Do they share the toilet with another dwelling?

[Question 11 was asked of households that have a toilet in the dwelling, per question 10.]

Circle only one code

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No

12. Water discharge
The toilet:

[Question 12 was asked of households that have a toilet in the dwelling, per question 10.]

Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer, then circle only one code.

[] 5 Discharges water directly
[] 6 Has water poured into it from a bucket
[] 7 Can't have water poured into it

13. Drainage system
The drainage system in this dwelling is connected to:

Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer, then circle only one code.

[] 1 The public system
[] 2 A septic tank
[] 3 Pipes that go into a ravine or gully
[] 4 Pipes that go into a river, lake or the sea
[] 5 There is no drainage system

14. Fuel
The fuel most used for cooking is:

Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer, then circle only one code.

[] 1 Gas from a cylinder or tank (stationary)
[] 2 Natural or piped gas
[] 3 Wood
[] 4 Coal
[] 5 Electricity
[] 6 Other fuel

15. Trash disposal
Trash in this dwelling is:

Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer, then circle only one code.

[] 1 Collected by a truck or trash cart
[] 2 Thrown into a public dump
[] 3 Thrown into a dumpster or tank
[] 4 Burned
[] 5 Buried
[] 6 Thrown onto an empty lot or into the street
[] 7 Thrown into a ravine or gully
[] 8 Thrown into a river, lake or the sea

16. Tenancy
In this dwelling:

Read the options until you receive an affirmative response and then circle only one code.

[] 1 The owner lives
[] 2 They pay rent (go to 18)
[] 3 It is occupied according to another status (go to 18)

17. Acquisition
The owner of the dwelling:

[Question 17 was asked of dwellings in which the owner lived, per question 16.]

Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer and then circle only one code.

[] 1 Bought it already built
[] 2 Had it built
[] 3 Built it him/her self
[] 4 Obtained it in another way

18. Household equipment
In this dwelling they have a:

Read all the options and circle only one code for each option.

Gas stove

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Wood or coal stove with chimney

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Raised water tank [tinaco]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Hot water heater

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Cistern or underground water tank [aljibe]

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Electric meter

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

19. Goods and computer and communication services
Do they have the following in this dwelling?

Read all the options and circle just one code for each option.


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Washing machine

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Car or truck

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Landline phone

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Cell phone

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No


[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

II. List of persons

Copy the name of each person in the space intended for that purpose in section III and ask for their information.

1. List of persons
Please tell me the names of all persons who normally live in this dwelling, including children, the elderly, and domestic employees who sleep here. Begin with the head of household.

Circle the number of the informant.

Person 1 Head of household ________
Person 2 ________
Person 3 ________
Person 4 ________
Person 5 ________
Person 6 ________

2. Verifying the list of persons
So there are _ _ people who live here?

Circle only one code

If there are more than six persons in the dwelling, use another questionnaire and continue with registration numbers 7, 8, etc.

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No (correct the list of persons)

III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For all persons
[Questions 1-10 are asked of all persons.]

1. Sex

Circle only one code

[] 1 Male
[] 3 Female

2. Age
How old is [the respondent] in completed years?

If less than one year old write "000".

Write the number of years _ _ _

3. Family relationship
What is the relation of [the respondent] to the head of household?

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Head of household
[] 2 Spouse or companion
[] 3 Child
[] 4 Grandchild
[] 5 Child in-law
[] 6 Parent
[] 7 Parent in-law

Write whatever is stated ____

4. Mother's identification
Does [the respondent's] mother live in this dwelling?

Copy the number that corresponds to the mother from the list of persons, or circle code "88".

[] Yes

Who is she? Person number _ _

[] 88 No

5. Father's identification
Does [the respondent's] father live in this dwelling?

Copy the number that corresponds to the father from the list of persons, or circle code "88".

[] Yes

Who is he? Person number _ _

[] 88 No

6. State or country of birth
In what state of the Republic or in what country was [the respondent] born?

Circle only one code or write the state or country.

[] 1 Here, in this state
[] In another state

Write the name of the state ____

[] 3 In the United States of America
[] In another country

Write the name of the country ____

7. Use of health services
Where is [the respondent] treated when s/he has health problems?

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS)
[] 2 Institute for Social Security and Services for Federal Government Employees (ISSSTE)
[] 3 Institute for Social Security and Services for State Government Employees (ISSSTE estatal)
[] 4 Pemex, Secretary of Defense or Secretary of the Navy systems (Pemex, Defensa, Marina)
[] 5 Secretary of Health (SSA) (Popular Insurance) Health Center or Hospital
[] 6 Social Security Opportunities program (IMSS Oportunidades)
[] 7 Private office, clinic or hospital
[] 8 Someplace else
[] 9 S/he is not treated

8. Entitlement to health services
Does [the respondent] have the right to receive medical services from the following:
Read all the options and circle up to 2 codes

[] 1 Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS)
[] 2 Institute for Social Security and Services for Federal Government Employees [ISSSTE]
[] 3 Institute for Social Security and Services for State Government Employees [ISSSTE estatal]
[] 4 Pemex, Secretary of Defense or Secretary of the Navy systems [Pemex, Defensa, Marina]
[] 5 Popular Health Insurance or Health Insurance for a New Generation
[] 6 A private insurance company
[] 7 Another organization
[] 8 This person does not have the right to medical services

9. Religion
What is [the respondent's] religion?

Write the name of the religion ____

10. Disability
Does [the respondent] have difficulty doing the following activities in his/her daily life:

Read all the options and circle those with an affirmative answer.

[] 10 Walking, moving, going up and down [the stairs]
[] 11 Seeing, even when using glasses
[] 12 Speaking, communicating or conversing
[] 13 Hearing, even when using a hearing aid
[] 14 Getting dressed, bathing or eating
[] 15 Paying attention or learning simple things
[] 16 Has any mental limitations
[] 17 This person does not have any physical or mental difficulties (go to 12)

11. Reason for disability
[The respondent] has difficulty in (answer to 10):

[Question 11 was asked of persons who had disability, per question 10.]

For each option circled in question 10 read the options and circle only one reason code.

[] 1 Because s/he was born that way
[] 2 Due to an illness
[] 3 Due to an accident
[] 4 Due to advanced age
[] 5 For another reason

For persons age 3 or older
[Questions 12-20 were asked of persons age 3 or older]

12. Indigenous language
Now I would like to ask you:
Does [the respondent] speak an indigenous dialect or language?

Circle only one code

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No (go to 15)

13. Name of the indigenous language
What indigenous language or dialect does [the respondent] speak?

[Question 13 was asked of persons age 3 or older who speak an indigenous dialect or language, as per question 12.]

Write the name of the indigenous language or dialect ____

14. Speaks Spanish
Does [the respondent] also speak Spanish?

[Question 14 was asked of persons age 3 or older who speak an indigenous dialect or language, as per question 12.]

Circle only one code

[] 1 Yes (go to 16)
[] 3 No (go to 16)

15. Understanding of indigenous language
Does [the respondent] understand an indigenous language?

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No

16. Ethnic self-identification
Does [the respondent] consider him/her self to be indigenous according to his/her culture?

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No

17. Attendance
Does [the respondent] currently attend school?
Circle only one code.

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No

18. Education
What is the last year or grade that [the respondent] passed in school?

Write the last grade and circle the level code.

Grade level:
[] 00 None (write "0") (go to 21)
[] 01 Preschool (go to 21)
[] 02 Primary (go to 21)
[] 03 Middle school (go to 22)
[] 04 High school (go to 22)
[] 05 Basic certificate in teaching
[] 06 Technical or commercial studies having finished primary school
[] 07 Technical or commercial studies having finished middle school
[] 08 Technical or commercial studies having finished high school
[] 09 Bachelor's degree [licenciatura] in teaching
[] 10 Bachelor's or professional degree
[] 11 Master's
[] 12 Doctorate

19. Educational history
What were the prerequisites for [the respondent] to be admitted to study (teaching, technical or commercial studies, bachelor's degree, master's degree or doctorate):

[Question 19 was asked of persons age 3 or older who had completed teaching, technical or commercial studies, bachelor's degree, master's degree or doctorate, per question 18.]

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Primary
[] 2 Middle school
[] 3 High school
[] 4 Bachelor's or professional degree
[] 5 Master's degree

20. Name of degree/course of studies
What is the name of the degree or course of studies (teaching, technical or commercial studies, bachelor's degree, master's degree or doctorate) that [the respondent] is studying or studied?

[Question 20 was asked of persons age 3 or older who had completed teaching, technical or commercial studies, bachelor's degree, master's degree or doctorate, as per question 18.]

Write the name ____ (go to 22)

For persons age 5 or older
[Questions 21-23 were asked of persons age 5 or older]

21. Literacy
Can [the respondent] read and write a message?

[Question 21 was asked of persons age 5 or older who had not completed beyond primary education, as per question 18.]

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No

22. State or country of residence in 2005
In what state of the Republic or in what country was [the respondent] living five years ago in June 2005?

Circle only one code or write the name of the state or country.

[] 1 Here, in this state
[] In another state

Write the name of the state ____

[] 3 In the United States of America (go to 24)
[] In another country

Write the name of the country ____ (go to 24)

23. Municipality of residence in 2005
In what municipality or administrative subdivision of Mexico City was [the respondent] living in June 2005?

[Question 23 was asked of persons age 5 or older who were living in Mexico five years ago, as per question 22.]

Circle the code or write the municipality or administrative subdivision.

[] 1 Here, in this municipality (administrative subdivision)
[] In another municipality (administrative subdivision)

Write the name of the municipality or administrative subdivision ____

For person age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

24. Marital status
Currently, [the respondent]:

Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer and then circle only one code.

[] 1 Cohabits with his/her partner [free union]
[] 2 Is separated (go to 26)
[] 3 Is divorced (go to 26)
[] 4 Is widowed (go to 26)
Is married:

[] 5 Married in a civil ceremony only
[] 6 Married in a religious ceremony only
[] 7 Married in both civil and religious ceremonies

[] 8 Is single (go to 26)

25. Identification of partner
Does the partner or spouse of [the respondent] live in this household?

[Question 25 was asked of persons age 12 or older who are currently married or cohabit with a partner, per question 24.]

Copy the number corresponding to the partner from the list of persons or circle code "88".

[] Yes

Who is s/he?
Person number _ _

[] 88 No

26. Activity status
Now I'm going to ask you about employment status.
Last week, [the respondent]:

Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer and then circle only one code.

[] 1 Worked (for at least one hour) (go to 28)
[] 2 Had a job but didn't work (go to 28)
[] 3 Looked for work
[] 4 Receives a pension or is retired
[] 5 Is a student
[] 6 Does housework
[] 7 Has a permanent physical or mental disability which prevents him/her from working (go to 35)
[] 8 Had a status other than those listed above

27. Verification of activity status
Even though you told me that [the respondent] (answer to 26), last week did [the respondent]:
[Question 27 was asked of persons age 12 or older who did not work last week and were not disabled, per question 26.]

Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer and then circle only one code.

[] 1 Help in a business (family or non-family)?
[] 2 Sell a product?
[] 3 Make a product for sale?
[] 4 Help in field work or raising animals?
[] 5 Do any other type of activity for pay? Examples are washing or ironing for someone else, or childcare.
[] 6 Was an apprentice or completing his social service?
[] 7 Did not help or work (go to 35)

28. Occupation or trade
What did [the respondent] do in his/her work last week?

[Question 28 was asked of persons age 12 or older who worked or helped in economic activity last week, per questions 26 and 27.]

Write what s/he did ________

So, what is the name of the occupation, trade or position of [the respondent]? Examples are electrical technician, primary school teacher, fruit seller or bricklayer.
Write the occupation or trade ________

29. Position at work
In his job last week was [the respondent] a/an:

[Question 29 was asked of persons age 12 or older who worked or helped in economic activity last week, per questions 26 and 27.]

Read the options until you receive an affirmative response and then circle only one code

[] 1 Employee or worker
[] 2 Day worker or laborer
[] 3 Helper
[] 4 Employer (hires employees) (go to 31)
[] 5 Self employed (does not hire employees) (go to 31)
[] 6 Unpaid family worker (go to 31)

30. Employee benefits
Does [the respondent] receive the following from his work?

[Question 30 was asked of persons age 12 or older who worked or helped in economic activity last week and were not employers, self-employed or unpaid family workers, per questions 26, 27 and 29.]

Read all the options and circle only one code per option.

Health care benefits (social security [IMSS, ISSSTE] or other)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Thirteenth month obligatory bonus

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Paid vacations

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Profit sharing or obligatory vacation bonus

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Retirement savings (Retirement Savings System [SAR] or Retirement Fund Management Company [AFORE])

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Other benefits

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

31. Hours worked
How many hours did [the respondent] work last week?

[Question 31 was asked of persons age 12 or older who worked or helped in economic activity last week, per questions 26 and 27.]

Write the hours _ _ _

32. Income from work
Can you tell me how much pay [the respondent] receives from his job?

[Question 32 was asked of persons age 12 or older who worked or helped in economic activity last week, per questions 26 and 27.]

Circle only one code and write the amount.

Time period

[] 1 Weekly
[] 2 Bi-weekly
[] 3 Monthly
[] 4 Yearly
[] 5 Doesn't receive income

Write in pesos $_ _ _, _ _ _

33. Economic activity sector
Where did [the respondent] work last week? Examples are on a ranch, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop, in a transportation company.

[Question 33 was asked of persons age 12 or older who worked or helped in economic activity last week, per questions 26 and 27.]

Write the place where s/he worked ________

What does the business, company or place where s/he worked do?
Write what it does ________

34. Municipality, state or country of work
In what municipality (administrative subdivision in Mexico City [delegaciĆ³n]) is the business, company or place where [the respondent] worked last week located?

[Question 34 was asked of persons age 12 or older who worked or helped in economic activity last week, per questions 26 and 27.]

Circle only one code or write the municipality (administrative subdivision in Mexico City)

[] 1 Here, in this municipality (administrative subdivision in Mexico City) (go to 35)
[] In another municipality (administrative subdivision in Mexico City). Write the name of the municipality (administrative subdivision in Mexico City) ________

In what state (or country)?

[] 3 Here, in this state

[] In another state or country. Write the name of the state or country ________

35. Other sources of income
Does [the respondent] receive money from the following?

Read all the options and circle only one code for each option.

Government programs (Oportunities, Procampo, grants, assistance for single mothers or elderly adults, etc.)

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Retirement or pension income

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Assistance from persons who live in another country

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Assistance from persons who live in the country

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Other sources

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

For females age 12 or older
[Questions 36-41 were asked of females age 12 or older]

36. Number of children
How many total live-born children has [the respondent] had?

If none, write "00" and go to the next person or section IV.

Write in digits _ _

37. Deceased children
Of [the respondent's] live-born children, how many have died?

[Question 37 was asked of females age 12 or older who have had live-born children, per question 36.]

If none, write "00".

Write in digits _ _

38. Surviving children
How many of [the respondent's] children are currently alive?

[Question 38 was asked of females age 12 or older who have had live-born children, per question 36.]

If none, write "00".

Write in digits _ _

39. Date of birth
What was the month and year of birth of [the respondent's] last live-born child?

[Question 39 was asked of females age 12 or older who have had live-born children, per question 36.]

Write the month _ _
Write the year _ _ _ _

40. Survival
Is this last live-born child of [the respondent] still alive?

[Question 40 was asked of females age 12 or older who have had live-born children, per question 36.]

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Yes (go to the next person or section IV)
[] 3 No

41. Age at death
How old was the child when s/he died?

[Question 41 was asked of females age 12 or older whose last live-born child is not still alive, per question 40.]

Write only one answer in days, months or years.
If the child lived for less than one day, write "00" in the "Days" grid.

Days _ _
Months _ _
Years _ _

Go to the next person or, if it's the last person on the list, go to Section IV "International migration".

IV. International migration

Now I am going to ask you questions on another topic.

1. International migration status
In the last five years, i.e., from June 2005 to today's date, did anyone who lives or was living with you (in this dwelling) go live in another country?

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No (go to section V)

[Questions 2-11 were asked of households that had someone who lived with them in their dwelling who had gone to live in another country in the last five years, as per question 1.]

2. Number of persons
How many persons?

Write in digits _ _ _

3. Migrants
Please tell me the name of each of the persons who went to live in another country between June 2005 and today's date.

Write the name of each person in the space in question 4 "List of persons".

4. List of persons

Write the name ____

5. Residency status
When [the emigrant] left the last time, was s/he living with you?

Circle only one code

[] 1 Yes
[] 3 No (go to the next person or section V)

6. Sex

Circle only one code.

[] 1 Male
[] 3 Female

7. Age
How old was [the emigrant] when s/he left last time?

If younger than 1 year, write "000".

Write the age _ _ _

8. Emigration date
In what month and year did [the emigrant] last go live in another country?

Write the month _ _
Write the year _ _ _

9. Place of origin
In what state of the Republic was [the emigrant] living the last time s/he left?

Write the state ____

10. Country of destination
What country did [the emigrant] go to?

Circle the code or write the country.

[] 1 United States of America
[] Other country, write the country ____

11. Country of residence
[The emigrant] currently lives in:

Read the options until you receive an affirmative answer and then circle only one code.

[] 1 The United States of America (go to the next person or section V)
[] 2 Another country (go to the next person or section V)
[] 3 Mexico

[Questions 12-13 were asked of households that had someone who lived with them in the dwelling go live in another country during the last five years, but is currently living in Mexico, as per questions 1 and 11.]

12. Date of return
In what month and year did [the emigrant] return to the Republic of Mexico?

Write the month _ _
Write the year _ _ _ _

13. Current residency status
Does [the emigrant] currently live here, in this dwelling?

[] 1 Yes
(Copy the number corresponding to this person from the list in section II and go to the next person or section V.)

Person number _ _
[] 3 No (Go to the next person or Section V)

If there are more than four international migrants in the dwelling use another questionnaire and continue.

V. Access to food

1. Access to food
Did any of the following occur in the last three months due to a lack of food or resources?

Read all the options and circle only one code for each option.

Someone in this dwelling ate only once per day

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

Someone in this dwelling didn't eat for an entire day

[] 3 Yes
[] 4 No

Did you ever not have any food?

[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No


Legal framework
In compliance with article 40 of the National Statistics and Geographic Information Law, those responding to the census are notified of the following:

1. The census is obligatory and free for citizens. (Paragraph 4, article 5 of the political constitution of the United States of Mexico).

2. The information given for statistical purposes is strictly confidential and under no circumstances may it be used for any other purpose. (Article 37 of the National Statistics and Geographic Information Law).

3. Those responding are required to provide truthfully and in a timely fashion the information requested by the competent authorities for statistical, census and geographical purposes, and give assistance to the same. (Article 45 of the National Statistics and Geographic Information Law).

4. The respondents may exercise their right to correct [the information] according to the terms indicated by article 41 of the National Statistics and Geographic Information Law.

5. Confidentiality in the administration, handling and distribution of the information is guaranteed as indicated in articles 42, 43, 46 and 47 of the National Statistics and Geographic Information Law.

6. When information must be revealed is will be aggregated in such a manner that respondents cannot be identified, as per the terms indicated by paragraph 2, article 38 of the National Statistics and Geographic Information Law.

7. The period in which to provide the 2010 Population and Dwelling Census information is from May 31 to June 25 for the information-gathering phase and June 26 to July 9 for the backlog stage.