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Puerto Rico
1980 Census

1. What is the name of each person who was living here on Tuesday, April 1, 1980, or who was staying or visiting here and had no other home?


If everyone here is staying only temporarily and has a usual home elsewhere, please mark this box [].

Then please:

- Answer the questions on pages 2 through 5 only.
- Enter the address of your usual home on page 20.

List in Question 1

Family members living here, including babies still in the hospital
Relatives living here
Lodgers or boarders living here
Other persons living here
College students who stay here while attending college, even if their parents live elsewhere
Persons who usually live here but are temporarily away (including children in boarding school below the college level)
Persons with a home elsewhere but who stay here most of the week while working

Do not list in Question 1

Any person away from here in the Armed Forces
Any college student who stays somewhere else while attending college.
Any person who usually stays somewhere else most of the week while working there.
Any person away from here in an institution such as a home for the aged or mental hospital.
Any person staying or visiting here who has a usual home elsewhere.

2. How is this person related to the person in column 1 [i.e., head of household]?

Fill one circle.
If "Other relative" of person in column 1, give exact relationship, such as mother-in-law, niece, grandson, etc.

If relative of person in column 1:

[] Husband/wife
[] Son/daughter
[] Brother/sister
[] Father/mother
[] Other relative ____

If not related to person in column 1 (head of household):
[] Roomer, boarder
[] Partner, roommate
[] Paid employee
[] Other non-relative ____

3. Sex
Fill one circle.

[] Male
[] Female

4. What is ____'s age, month, and year of birth?

a. Age at last birthday ____

b. Month of birth ____

[] Jan. - Mar.
[] Apr. - June
[] July - Sept.
[] Oct. - Dec.

c. Year of birth _ _ _ _

5. Which one of the following describes the marital status of ____?

Fill one circle.

[] Now married
[] Consensually married
[] Widowed
[] Divorced
[] Separated
[] Never married

6. Where was ____ born?

If born in a hospital, give residence of the mother, not location of the hospital.
Fill one circle.

[] Puerto Rico ____ (municipality)
[] United States ____ (state)
[] Cuba
[] Spain
[] Dominican Republic
[] Other country ____

7. Since February 1, 1980, has ____ attended regular school or college at any time?

Fill one circle.
Count pre-kindergarten, Head Start, kindergarten, elementary school, and schooling that leads to a high school diploma or college degree.

[] No, has not attended since February 1
[] Yes, public school, public college
[] Yes, private, church-related
[] Yes, private, not church-related

8. What is the highest grade (or year) of regular school ____ has ever attended?

Fill one circle.
If now attending school, mark grade person is in. If high school was finished by equivalency test (GED), mark "12."

Highest grade attended:

[] Pre-kindergarten
[] Kindergarten

Elementary through high school (grade or year)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 12

College (academic year)
[] 1
[] 2
[] 6 or more

[] Never attended school -- Skip to question 9

9. Did ____ finish the highest grade (or year) attended?
Fill once circle.

[] Now attending this grade (or year)
[] Finished this grade (or year)
[] Did not finish this grade (or year)

10a. Where was ____'s father born?

[] Puerto Rico
[] United States: ____ (U.S. state)
[] Other country ____

10b. Where was ____'s mother born?

[] Puerto Rico
[] United States: ____ (U.S. state)
[] Other country ____

11. If this person was born in a foreign country --

11a. Is ____ a naturalized citizen of the United States?

[] Yes, a naturalized citizen
[] No, not a citizen
[] Born abroad from American parents (including Puerto Rican)

11b. When did ____come to the Puerto Rico to stay?

[] 1975 to 1980
[] 1970 to 1974
[] 1965 to 1969
[] 1960 to 1964
[] 1950 to 1959
[] Before 1950

12a. Did ____ live in this house five years ago (April 1, 1975)?

If in college or Armed Force in April 1975, report place of residence there.

[] Born April 1975 or later -- Turn to next page for next person
[] Yes, this house -- Skip to 13
[] No, different house

12b. Where did ____ live five years ago (April 1, 1975)?

(1) Name of municipality, U.S. state, Virgin Islands, or foreign country: ____
(2) Name of barrio or U.S. county ____
(3) Name of city, town or village ____

13a. During the last 10 years did ___ live in the United States at any time for 6 or more consecutive months?

[] Yes
[] No, Skip to 14

13b. When did ___ come or return to Puerto Rico that last time?

[] 1980
[] 1979
[] 1978
[] 1977
[] 1976
[] 1975
[] 1974
[] 1973
[] 1970 to 1972

13c. How long did ___ live in the U.S. the last time?

[] 6 months up to 1 year
[] 1 to 2 years
[] 3 to 4 years
[] 5 years
[] 6 to 9 years
[] 10 or more years

13d. For the last 6 months that ___ lived in U.S., he/she was ___ --

(1) Working at a job or business (full-time or part-time)?

[] Yes
[] No

(2) In the Armed Forces?

[] Yes
[] No

(3) Attending school or college?

[] Yes
[] No

14. Does ____ know how to read and write (in any language)?

[] Yes
[] No

15a. Can ___ speak Spanish?

[] Yes
[] No

15b. Can ___ speak English?

[] Yes, easily
[] Yes, with difficulty
[] No, not at all

16. Enumerator - Mark when this person was born.

[] Born before April 1965 -- Ask questions 17 - 33. (Omit question 17 if born between April 1960 and March 1965.)
[] Born April 1965 or later -- Turn to next page for next person

[Questions 17 through 33 asked of persons aged 15 and above.]

17. In April 1975 (five years ago), he/she was: --

17a. On active duty in the Armed Forces?

[] Yes
[] No

17b. Attending college?

[] Yes
[] No

17c. Working at a job or business?

[] Yes, full time
[] Yes, part time
[] No

18a. Is ____ a veteran of active-duty military service in the Armed Forced of the United States?

[] Yes
[] No-Skip to 19

18b. Was active-duty military service during --

Fill a circle for each period in which this person served.

[] May 1975 or later
[] Vietnam era (August 1964 - April 1975)
[] February 1955 - July 1964
[] Korean conflict (June 1950 - January 1955)
[] World War II (September 1940 - July 1947)
[] World War I (April 1917 - November 1918)
[] Any other time

19. Does ____ have a physical, mental, or other health condition which has lasted for 6 or more months and which:

19a. Limits the kind or amount of work this person can do at a job?

[] Yes
[] No

19b. Prevents ____ from working at a job?
[] Yes
[] No

19c. Limits or prevents ____ from using public transportation?

[] Yes
[] No

20. If this person is a female --
How many babies has she ever had, not counting stillbirths?
Do not count her stepchildren or children she has adopted.

[] None
[] 1
[] 2
[] 12 or more

21a. Has ____ completed the requirements for a vocational training program at a trade school, business school, hospital or some other kind of school for occupational training?
[Does not include academic college courses]

[] Yes
[] No -- Skip to 22

21b. At which kind of school was the training received?
[] Business school, trade school, or junior college
[] High school vocational program
[] Training program at place of work
[] Other school: ____

22a. Did ____ work at any time last week?

[] Yes
Fill this circle if this person worked full time or part time.

[] No -- Skip to 25
Fill this circle if this person did not work.

22b. How many hours did ____ work last week (at all jobs)?

Subtract any time off; add overtime or extra hours worked.

____ Hours

23. At what location did ____ work last week?

If ____ worked at more than one location, print where he or she worked most last week.

a. Address

____ (Number and street)

b. Name of city, town, village, etc.

c. Barrio

d. Municipality

e. ZIP Code

24a. Last week, how long did it usually take ____ to get from home to work (one way)?

____ Minutes

24b. How did this person usually get to work last week?

If ___ used more than one method, give the one usually used for most of the distance.

[] Private car
[] Truck
[] Van
[] Bus
[] Public car
[] Launch
[] Taxi cab
[] Walked only
[] Worked at home
[] Other: specify ____

If private car, truck or van in 24b, go to 24c. Otherwise, skip to 28.

24c. When going to work last week, did ____ usually --

[] Drive alone -- Skip to 28
[] Share driving
[] Drive others only
[] Ride as passenger only

24d. How many people, including ____, usually rode to work in the vehicle last week?

[] 2
[] 3
[] 4
[] 5
[] 6
[] 7 or more

After answering 24d, skip to 28.

25. Was ____ temporarily absent or on layoff from a job or business last week?

[] Yes, on layoff
[] Yes, on vacation, temporary illness, labor dispute, etc.
[] No

26a. Has ____ been looking for work during the last 4 weeks?

[] Yes
[] No -- Skip to 27

26b. Could ____ have taken a job last week?

[] No, already has a job
[] No, temporarily ill
[] No, other reasons (in school, etc.)
[] Yes, could have taken a job

27. When did ____ last work, even for a few days?

[] 1980
[] 1979
[] 1978
[] 1975 to 1977
[] 1970 to 1974 -- Skip to 31d
[] 1969 or earlier -- Skip to 31d
[] Never worked -- Skip to 31d

28-30. Current or most recent job activity

Describe the chief job activity or business at which ____ worked the most hours last week (or the last job or business since 1975)

28a. For whom did ____ work?
If now on active duty in the Armed Forces, print "AF" and skip to question 31.

(Name of company, business, organization, or other employer)

28b. What kind of business or industry was this?

Describe the activity at location where employed.


(For example: hospital, shirt manufacturer)

28c. Is this mainly:

(Fill one circle)

[] Manufacturing
[] Wholesale trade
[] Retail trade
[] Other -- (agriculture, construction, service, government, etc.)

29. Occupation

29a. What kind of work was ____ doing?

(For example: registered nurse, maintenance mechanic)

29b. What were ____ most important activities or duties?

(For example: patient care, repair machines in plant)

30. Was ____
(Fill one circle)

[] Employee of private company, business, or individual, for wages, salary, or commissions.
[] Federal government employee
[] Commonwealth government employee
[] Municipal government employee
Self-employed in own business, professional practice, or farm --

[] Own business not incorporated
[] Own business incorporated

[] Working without pay in family business or farm

31a. Last year (1979), did ____ work, even for a few days, at a paid job or in a business or farm?

[] Yes
[] No -- skip to 31d

31b. How many weeks did ____ work in 1979?

Count paid vacation, paid sick leave, and military service.

[Look at the instructions for question 22a to see what to count as work.]

____ Weeks

31c. During the weeks worked in 1979, how many hours did ____ usually work each week?

____ Hours

31d. Of the weeks not worked in 1979 (if any), how many weeks was ____looking for work or on layoff from a job?

____ Weeks

32. Income in 1979 --

During the entire year 1979, did ____receive any income from the following sources?

If "Yes" to any of the sources below, ask "How much?" If net income in 32b, 32c or 32d was a loss, write "Loss" above the dollar amount.

32a. Wages, salary, commissions, bonuses, or tips from all jobs before deductions for taxes, etc.

[] Yes --

$ ____ .00 (Annual amount -- Dollars)

[] No

32b. Own nonfarm business, partnership, or professional practice

Report net income after business expenses.

[] Yes --

$ ____ .00 (Annual amount -- Dollars)

[] No

32c. Own farm

Report net income after operating expenses.

[] Yes --

$ ____ .00 (Annual amount -- Dollars)

[] No

32d. Interest, dividends, royalties, or net rental income

Report even small amounts credited to an account.

[] Yes --

$ ____ .00 (Annual amount -- Dollars)

[] No

32e. Social Security or Railroad Retirement

[] Yes --

$ ____ .00 (Annual amount -- Dollars)

[] No

32f. Public assistance or public welfare payments

[] Yes --

$ ____ .00 (Annual amount -- Dollars)

[] No

32g. Unemployment compensation, veterans' payments, pensions, alimony or child support, or any other sources of income received regularly

Exclude lump-sum payments such as money from an inheritance or the sale of a home.

[] Yes --

$ ____ .00 (Annual amount -- Dollars)

[] No

33. What was ____ total income in 1979?

Add entries in questions 32a through 32g; subtract losses. If total amount was a loss, write "Loss" above amount.

$ ____ .00 (Annual amount -- Dollars)

[] None

Household questions

H1. Did you leave anyone out of Question 1 because you were not sure if the person should be listed?
For example, a new baby still in the hospital, a lodger who also has another home, or a person who stays here once in a while and has no other home?

[] Yes -- determine whether to add persons.
[] No

H2. Did you list anyone in Question 1 who is away from home now?
For example, on a vacation or in a hospital?

[] Yes -- determine whether person should remain listed.
[] No

H3. Is anyone visiting here who is not already listed?

[] Yes -- determine whether to add persons.
[] No

H4. Do you enter your living quarters

[] Directly from the outside or through a common or public hall
[] Through someone else's living quarters

H5a. Is there hot and cold piped water in this building?

[] Yes, hot and cold piped water in this building
[] No, only cold piped water in this building
[] No piped water in this building

H5b. Is there a bathtub or shower in this building?

[] Yes, for this household only
[] Yes, but also used by another household
[] No bathtub or shower

H5c. Is there a flush toilet in this building?

[] Yes, for this household only
[] Yes, but also used by another household
[] No

If "No", what type of toilet?
[] Privy
[] Other or none

H6. How many rooms do you have in your living quarters?

Count living rooms, dining rooms, kitchens, and bedrooms, but do not count bathrooms, balconies, foyers, or halts.

[] 1 room
[] 2 rooms
[] 3 rooms
[] 4 rooms
[] 5 rooms
[] 6 rooms
[] 7 rooms
[] 8 rooms
[] 9 or more rooms

H7. Are your living quarters

[] Owned or being bought by someone in this household
[] Rented for cash rent
[] Occupied without payment of cash rent

H8. Is this apartment (house) part of a condominium?

[] No
[] Yes, a condominium

H9. Which best describes this building?

Include all apartments, flats, etc., even if vacant.

[] A mobile home or trailer
[] A one-family house detached from any other house
[] A one-family house attached to one or more houses
[] A building for 2 families
[] A building for 3 or 4 families
[] A building for 5 to 9 families
[] A building for 10 to 19 families
[] A building for 20 to 49 families
[] A building for 50 or more families
[] A boat, tent, van, etc.

H10. If this is a one-family house:

H10a. Is the house on a property of 3 or more cuerdas?

[] Yes
[] No

H10b. Is any part of the property used as:

1. A commercial establishment

[] Yes
[] No

2. A medical office
[] Yes
[] No

3. Other type of office
[] Yes
[] No

H11. If this is a one-family house or a condominium unit which you own or are buying:

What is the value of this property, that is, how much do you think this property (house and lot or condominium unit) would sell for if it were for sale?

[] Less than $2,000
[] $2,000 to $2,999
[] $3,000 to $ 3,999
[] $4,000 to $4,999
[] $5,000 to $7,499
[] $7,500 to $9,999
[] $10,000 to $12,499
[] $12,500 to $14,999
[] $15,000 to $17,499
[] $17,500 to $19,999
[] $20,000 to $22,499
[] $22,500 to $24,999
[] $25,000 to $27,499
[] $27,500 to $29,999
[] $30,000 to $32,499
[] $32,500 to $34,999
[] $35,000 to $37,499
[] $37,500 to $39,999
[] $40,000 to $44,999
[] $45,000 to $49,999
[] $50,000 to $59,999
[] $60,000 to $74,999
[] $75,000 to $99,999
[] $100,000 or more

H12. If you pay rent for your living quarters:

What is the monthly rent?

If rent is not paid by the month, see Questionnaire Reference Book on how to figure a monthly rent.

[] Less than $30
[] $30 to $39
[] $40 to $49
[] $50 to $59
[] $60 to $69
[] $70 to $79
[] $80 to $89
[] $90 to $99
[] $100 to $109
[] $110 to $119
[] $120 to $129
[] $130 to $139
[] $140 to $149
[] $150 to $159
[] $160 to $169
[] $170 to $179
[] $180 to $189
[] $190 to $199
[] $200 to $224
[] $225 to $249
[] $250 to $299
[] $300 to $349
[] $350 to $399
[] $400 or more

H13a. Is this building

[] On a city or suburban lot (Skip to H14)
[] On a place of 3 cuerdas
[] On a place of 3 or more cuerdas

H13b. Last year, 1979, did sales of crops, livestock and other farm products from this place amount to

[] $1 to $99
[] $100 to $199
[] $200 to $299
[] $300 to $499
[] $500 or more
[] None

H14. Do you get water from

[] A public system
[] An individual well
[] A cistern, tanks, or drums
[] Spring or other source (river, irrigation canal, etc.)

H15. Is this building connected to a public sewer?

[] Yes, connected to public sewer
[] No, connected to septic tank or cesspool
[] No, use other means

H16. When was this building originally built?
Mark when the building was first constructed, not when it was remodeled, added to, or converted.

[] 1979 or 1980
[] 1975 to 1978
[] 1970 to 1974
[] 1960 to 1969
[] 1950 to 1959
[] 1940 to 1949
[] 1939 or earlier

H17. When did the person listed in column 1 move into this house (or apartment)?

[] 1979 or 1980
[] 1975 to 1978
[] 1970 to 1974
[] 1960 to 1969
[] 1950 to 1959
[] 1949 or earlier
[] Always lived here

H18. Does this housing unit have electric lighting?

[] Yes
[] No

H19. What type of energy does your water heater (tank type) use most?
If there is a shower heat only, mark "No tank type water heater".

[] Electricity
[] Solar energy
[] Other fuels
[] No tank type water heater

H20. Which fuel is used most for cooking?

[] Gas: from underground pipes serving the neighborhood
[] Gas: bottled, tank, or LP
[] Electricity
[] Fuel oil, kerosene, etc.
[] Charcoal
[] Wood
[] Other fuel
[] No fuel used

H21. What are the costs of utilities and fuels for your living quarters?

a. Electricity

Average monthly cost $ ____.00

[] Included in rent or no charge
[] Electricity not used

b. Gas

Average monthly cost $ ____.00

[] Included in rent or no charge
[] Gas not used

c. Water

Average monthly cost $ ____.00

[] Included in rent or no charge

d. Oil, coal, kerosene, wood, etc.

Average monthly cost $ ____.00

[] Included in rent or no charge
[] These fuels not used

H22. Do you have complete kitchen facilities?

Complete kitchen facilities are a sink with piped water, a range or cooking stove, and a refrigerator.

[] Yes
[] No

H23. How many bedrooms do you have?

Count rooms used mainly for sleeping even if used also for other purposes.

[] No bedroom
[] 1 bedroom
[] 2 bedrooms
[] 3 bedrooms
[] 4 bedrooms
[] 5 or more bedrooms

H24. How many bathrooms do you have?

A complete bathroom is a room with flush toilet, bathtub or shower, and wash basin with piped water.

A half bathroom has at least a flush toilet.

[] None
[] Only half bathrooms
[] 1 complete bathroom
[] 1 complete bathroom, plus half bath(s)
[] 2 or more complete bathrooms

H25. Do you have a telephone in your living quarters?

[] Yes
[] No

H26. Do you have air conditioning?

[] Yes, a central air-conditioning system
[] Yes, 1 individual room unit
[] Yes, 2 or more individual room units
[] No

H27. How many automobiles are kept at home for use by members of your household?

[] None
[] 1 automobile
[] 2 automobiles
[] 3 or more automobiles

H28. How many vans or trucks are kept at home for use by members of your household?

[] None
[] 1 van or truck
[] 2 vans or trucks
[] 3 or more vans or trucks

H29. Which best describes the type of construction of this building?

Fill one circle.
Masonry walls (poured concrete, concrete blocks, stone, ornamental blocks, etc.)

[] With concrete slab roof
[] With wood frame roof

Wood frame walls
[] With masonry foundation, poured concrete, etc.
[] With wood stilt foundation
[] Mixed masonry and wood walls
[] Other type of construction

H30. Condition of this housing unit - fill from observation.

a. Original construction

[] Adequate
[] Inadequate

b. If "adequate", present condition is:
[] Sound
[] Deteriorating
[] Dilapidated

H31 - H32. Ask questions H31 and H32 if this unit is owned or being bought by a member of this household.

H31. Is the owner of this housing unit also owner of the land or it this land being rented?

[] Owns or is buying the land
[] Pays rent for the land
[] Does not pay cash rent for the use of the land

H32. If the land is being rented, what is the monthly rent for the land?
Average monthly cost $ ____.00 (nearest dollar)

Please ask H33 - H35 if this is a one-family house that is being owned or being bought, unless, this is:

A mobile home or trailer
A house on 3 or more cuerdas
A condominium unit
A house with a commercial establishment or medical office on the property

(If any of these or if the unit is being rented or this is a multi-family structure, skip H33 to H35 and turn to page 6.

H33. What were the real estate taxes on this property last year?

$ ____.00 (nearest dollar)
[] None

H34. What is the annual premium for fire and hazard insurance on this property?
$ ____.00 (nearest dollar)
[] None

H35a. Do you have a mortgage or similar debt on this property?

[] Yes, mortgage, or similar debt
[] Yes, contract to purchase
[] No -- Skip to page 6

H35b. Do you have a second or junior mortgage on this property?

[] Yes
[] No

H35c. How much is your total regular monthly payment to the lender?

Also include payments to purchase holding second or junior mortgages on this property.

$ ____.00
[] No regular payment required -- Skip to page 6

H35d. Does your regular monthly payment (amount entered in H35c) include payments for real estate taxes on this property?

[] Yes, taxes included in payment
[] No, insurance paid separately or no insurance

H35e. Does your regular monthly payment (amount entered in H35c) include payments for fire and hazard insurance on this property?

[] Yes, insurance included in payment
[] No, insurance paid separately or no insurance