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United States of Mexico

XI General Census of Population and Dwellings, 2000

National Institute of Statistics
Geography and Information

Extended Form

1. Geographic Identification

Federal entity ____ [ _ _ ]
Municipality or delegation ____ [ _ _ _ ]
Code of AGEB [ _ _ - _ ]
Location ___ [ _ _ _ _ ]
Block number [ _ _ _ ]
Segment [ _ ]

2. Control of dwelling and form

Consecutive number of the dwelling [ _ _ _ ]

Number of the household [ _ ]
Total number of households in the dwelling [ _ ]
Total number of forms for the dwelling [ _ ]
Page in the packet [ _ _ _ ]

3. Address of the dwelling

Street, avenue, alley, highway, road ____
Exterior number ____
Interior number ___
Colony (neighborhood or sub-division) ___

4. Control of the packet
Page in the packet [ _ _ _ ]
Consecutive number of the form in the packet [ _ _ ]

5. Class of dwelling (Circle one answer only)

1 Independent house
2 Apartment in a building
3 Dwelling or room in a tenement
4 Dwelling or room on a roof top or terrace
5 Not built for habitation
6 Mobile home
7 Shelter

6. Name of responsible parties

Name of the census taker ___
Name of the Leader of the census takers ____
Representative of AGEB ___
Verifier ___

7. Results of validation

1. Verified [1]

A verification error in:

2. Geographic identification
3. Control of dwelling and forms
4. Number of persons/list of persons
5. Shared budget, number of households/control of dwelling
6. List of persons/ characteristics of the persons
7. Sex, age/number of children
8. International migration

INEGI. Information for the public
Call toll free (01) 800 491 0100. In Aguascalientes, 9 10 53 63.

Characteristics of the dwelling

1. Walls
What material are most of the outer walls made of in this dwelling?
Circle only one answer.

1 Waste material
2 Cardboard sheet
3 Metal or asbestos sheets
4 Reed, bamboo or palm
5 Clay or clay covered sticks
6 Wood
7 Adobe
8 Brick, block, stone or cement

2. Roof

What material is the majority roof of the dwelling made of?
Circle only one answer.

1 Waste material
2 Cardboard sheet
3 Metal or asbestos sheet
4 Palm, tejamanil, or wood
5 Tile
6 Concrete block, wood, brick, or terraced with wood

3. Floors

What material is the majority of the floor made of in the dwelling?
Circle only one answer.

1 Dirt
2 Cement or similar
3 Wood, tile or other covering

4. Kitchen

Does this dwelling have a room for cooking?
Circle only one answer.

1 Yes
2 No (continue with number 5)

Do people sleep in the room for cooking?
Circle only one answer.

3 Yes
4 No

5. Number of Rooms

How many rooms are used for sleeping without counting hallways?

_____ Write the number

Without counting the hallways or bathrooms how many total rooms are in this dwelling? Count the kitchen

_____Write the number

6. Access to water

Read all of the options until you get an affirmative answer.
Circle only one answer.

1 Running water inside the dwelling
2 Running water outside the dwelling but on the land
3 Running water from a public faucet or hydrant
4 Running water that is carried from another dwelling
5 Tanked in by truck
6 Water from a well, river, lake, stream or other

Answers 3, 4, 5, 6 continue with number 8

7. Water supply

How many days of the week is water available?
Circle only one answer.

1 Daily
2 Every third day
3 Twice a week
4 Once a week
5 Occasionally

Answers 2, 3, 4, 5, continue with number 8

When water is supplied: Circle only one answer.

1 All day
2 Part of the day

8. Toilet

Does this dwelling have any of the following: toilet, a pit, a latrine, a black pit, or well?
Circle only one answer.

1 Yes
2 No (Continue with number 11)

9. Exclusive use

Is the toilet for the exclusive use of the persons of this dwelling? Circle only one answer.

1 Yes
2 No

10. Water Connection

For this toilet:
Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response. Circle only one answer.

1 Has a water connection
2 Flushed with water in a bucket
3 Cannot be flushed

11. Wastewater Drain
Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response. Circle only one answer.

Does this dwelling have drains or sewers for black waters?

1 Connected to a public sewer
2 Connected to a septic tank
3 A pipe that feeds into a pit or trench
4 A pipe that feeds into a river, lake or ocean
5 No drain

12. Electricity

Is there an electrical light in this dwelling? Circle only one answer.

1 Yes
2 No

13. Fuel

What fuel is most commonly used for cooking food in this dwelling?
Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response. Circle only one answer.

1 Natural gas
2 Wood
3 Charcoal
4 Petroleum
5 Electricity

14. Ownership

Is the dwelling owned by someone who lives here?
Circle only one answer.

1 Yes

3 Mortgaged
4 Totally paid for
5 Another situation

2 No

6 Rented
7 Loaned, caretakers or another situation

15. Age

How long ago was this dwelling built?

Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response.
Circle only one answer.

1 Less than one year
2 One to five years
3 Six to ten years
4 Eleven to twenty years
5 Twenty-one to thirty years
6 Thirty-one to fifty years
7 Over fifty years

16. Goods in the dwelling

In this dwelling they have:

Read all of the options and circle the code of all answers
[All options have answers yes and no. The first number corresponds to an affirmative answer and the second number corresponds to a negative answer.]

Radio or radio recorder

1 Yes
2 No

3 Yes
4 No

Video cassette
5 Yes
6 No

7 Yes
8 No

1 Yes
2 No

Washing machine
3 Yes
4 No

5 Yes
6 No

Water heater (boiler)
7 Yes
8 No

Car or van or light truck owned by the occupants of the dwelling
1 Yes
2 No

3 Yes
4 No

17. Trash removal

The trash from this household:

Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response.
Circle only one answer.

1 Is picked up by a trash truck
2 Is deposited in a container or a trash can
3 It is thrown in street or empty lot
4 It is thrown in a ravine or gully
5 It is thrown in a river, lake or ocean
6 They burn it or bury it

If answered 5 and 6 continue with section two

How many days of the week does the trash service pick up trash?
Circle only one answer.

1 Daily
2 Every third day
3 Twice a week
4 Once a week
5 Occasionally
6 Never

II. Residents, households and list of persons

1. Number of persons
How many persons normally live in this dwelling counting small children and the elderly? (also count the servants that sleep here)

____ Write the number

2. Common expenses

Do all of the persons who live in this dwelling have a shared budget for food?
Circle only one answer.

1 Yes (Continue with number four, list of persons)
2 No

3. Number of households

How many households, or groups of persons, have separate budgets for food counting your own?

____ Write the number

When the dwelling has more than one household or group of persons, use a form for each household starting with the list of persons.

4. List of persons in the household

Please give the name of the persons who live in your household, beginning with the head of household; include the names of small children and the elderly (include the servants who sleep here):
Person 1 ____ Write the name of the head of household
Person 2 ____
Person 3 ____
Person 4 ____
Person 5 ____
Person 6 ____

If there are more than six persons in the household, use another form and continue the list.

Copy the name of all the persons in the spaces for the name in section three and ask the questions using the name of each of the persons.

III. Characteristics of the person

I am going to ask the questions about (name) person 1_____Write the name of the person.

1. Relationship

What is the relationship with the head of household?
If it is the head of household, confirm it and circle only one answer.

1 Head of household
2 Spouse or companion
3 Son or daughter

_____Write the relationship

2. Sex. Circle only one answer.

1 Man
2 Woman

3. Age

How many years has this person completed?

_____Write the number

If this person is less than one year old write 000

4. Place of birth

In what state of the Republic was this person born?

1 Here in this state

In another state:
_____Write the name of the state

In another country:
_____Write the name of the country

5. Insured

This person has the right to medical service in:
Read all of the answers and circle the affirmative answers.

1 Social security (IMSS)
3 Pemex, defense or navy
Other institution?
_____Write the name of institution

4 No right to medical services

6. Type of disability

This person has limitation for:

Read all the options and circle the affirmative responses.

1 Moving, walking, or needs assistance
2 Using arms and hands
3 Is deaf or uses a hearing aid
4 Is mute
5 Is blind or only sees shadows
6 Has some retardation or mental deficiency
7 Has other physical or mental limitation.
_____Write the limitation.

8 Has no physical or mental limitation (Continue with number 8)

7. Cause of the disability

This person has the disability because:
Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response.
Circle only one answer.

1 Born this way
2 Illness
3 Accident
4 Old age
Another cause.
_____Write the cause.

8. Use of health services
When this person has health problems where does he or she get assistance?
Circle only one answer.

1 In the social security (IMSS)
2 In the ISSSTE
3 In Pemex, defense or navy
4 In the health center (SSA)
5 In the IMSS-Solidaridad
6 In a doctor's office, clinic, or private hospital
7 In another place.
_____Write the name of the place.

8 Does not get help

Ask only if this person is five years old or more

9. Place or country of residency in 1995

Five years ago, in January of 1995, in what state of the Republic or country did you live?

1 Here in this state (Continue with number 11)

In another state
_____Write the name of the state

In another country
_____Write the name of the country

10. Reason for emigration

Why did this person move away from____(The place or country in question number 9?)
Circle only one answer.

1 Went to look for work
2 Went to join the family
3 Changed place of work
4 Went to study
5 Got married or formed a consensual union
6 For health reasons
7 Because of violence or insecurity
8 Other cause

11. Municipality of residency in 1995

In what municipality did this person live in 1995?

2 Here in this municipality

Other municipality
_____Write the name of the municipality

12. Indigenous language

Does this person speak a dialect or indigenous language?
Circle only one answer.

1 Yes
2 No

If the answer is No continue with question number 13

What dialect or indigenous language does the person speak?

_____Write the name of the language

Does the person also speak Spanish? Circle only one answer.

3 Yes
4 No

13. Literacy

Does this person know how to read and write a message? Circle only one answer.

3 Yes
4 No

14. Attendance

Does this person go to school? Circle only one answer.

1 Yes [1] (Continue with question number 16)
2 No [2]

For persons five to twenty-nine years old

15. Reasons for dropping out of school

What was the main reason that this person stopped going to school? Circle only one answer.

0 Has never gone to school (Continue with question number 19)
1 Didn't want to or didn't like to study
2 Lack of money or had to work
3 Got married or formed a consensual union
4 School was very far away or there was no school
5 Family did not allow this person to study or because he or she had to help in the household activities
6 Finished studies
7 Other reason
_____Write the reason

For person five years old or more

16. Schooling

How many grades or years did the person pass in school?


Write the number of the last grade attained and circle the level code.

0 None (write 0) ____
1 Pre-school or kindergarten_____
2 Elementary _____
3 Secondary school _____
4 College preparatory _____
5 Teacher training _____
6 Technical or commercial studies _____
7 Professional _____
8 Post-graduate_____

Answers 0, 1,2,3,4 continue with question number 19; answers 5, 6, 7 continue with question 17.

17. Educational history

To enter the course of schooling (teaching, technical, commercial or professional) what schooling was a prerequisite? Circle only one answer.

1 Elementary completed
2 Secondary completed
3 Preparatory completed

18. Name of the field

What is the name of the course of study (education, technical, commercial, professional, masters, or doctorate)?

_____Write the name of the course of study.

19. Religion

What is the religion of this person? Circle only one answer.

1 None
2 Catholic
3 Other religion
_____Write the name of the religion

20. Ethnic identity

This person is Nahuatl, Maya, Zapotec, Mixtec, or other indigenous group?
Circle only one answer.

1 Yes
2 No

For persons twelve years old or more

21. Marital Status

Currently this person is:
Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response. Circle only one answer.

1 Consensual union
2 Separated
3 Divorced
4 Widowed

5 Only with civil marriage
6 Only with religious ceremony
7 With civil and religious ceremonies

8 Single

22. Economic activity status

Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response.
Circle only one answer.

Last week, this person:

1 Worked (Continue with question 24)
2 Had a job but didn't work (Continue with question 24)
3 Looked for work
4 Is a student
5 Does housework
6 Retired
7 Permanently incapacitated to work (Continue with question 31)
8 Didn't work

23. Verification of economic activity

Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response.
Circle only one answer.

In addition to (answer to question 22), Last week this person:

1 Helped in a family business
2 Sold some product
3 Made some product to sell
4 Helped working in the field or with animal husbandry
5 In exchange for pay the person did another type of activity? For example washed or ironed someone else's clothing or watched cars
6 Did not work (Continue with question 31)

24. Occupation or job

What did this person do in his or her work last week?

____ Write the activities or tasks

What is the name of his or her occupation, work or job title? For example: farm laborer, elementary school teacher, traveling sales person
_____ Write the occupation work or job title.

25. Work condition

Read all of the options until you receive an affirmative response.
Circle only one answer.

1 Employee or laborer
2 Day laborer or peasant
3 Boss (hires workers)
4 Self-employed
5 Unpaid laborer in a family business or land

Answers 3, 4, 5 continue with question 27

26. Work benefits

Does this person receive for his or her work?

Read all of the options and circle the number according to the answer.
[Circle the first number if the answer is yes, circle the second number if the answer is no]

Paid vacations

1 Yes
2 No

Christmas bonus
3 Yes
4 No

Profit sharing
5 Yes
6 No

Medical services (IMSS, ISSSTE, or other)
7 Yes
8 No

Pension or retirement savings (SAR or AFORE)
1 Yes
2 No

27. Hours worked

In total, how many hours did this person work last week?

_____Write the number

28. Income from work

In total how much money did this person earn or receive for his or her work?
Write the amount received in pesos and the period. If he or she did not receive income write 0 in the space for period.


1 Weekly
2 Bi-weekly
3 Monthly
4 Yearly

$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount

[ _ ] Write the period

29. Economic activity

Where did the person work last week? For example in the field, in a factory, in a mechanic shop.

______Write where the person worked.

What is the main activity of the business, land, company, institution or place where the person worked?
_____Write the activity

30. In what municipality is the business, company or place where the person worked located?

1 Here in this municipality (Continue with question 31)

In another municipality

_____Write the municipality

In what state (or country)?

3 Here in this state

In another state or country

_____Write the state or country

31. Other income

In total how much money did this person earn for:

Read all of the options and circle the code according to the answers. In the affirmative categories, ask "How much did you earn" and write the amount received in pesos and the period.


1 Weekly
2 Bi-weekly
3 Monthly
4 Yearly

[Circle the answer, the first number is affirmative, the second number is negative]

Retirement or pension
1 Yes
2 No

How much?
$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount
____ Write the period

Help from relatives who are in another country [3-4]
3 Yes
4 No

How much?
$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount
____ Write the period

Help from relatives who are in this country [5-6]
5 Yes
6 No

How much?
$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount
____ Write the period

Procampo or Progresa
7 Yes
8 No

How much?
$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount
____ Write the period

Other types of scholarships, investments or bank interest
1 Yes
2 No

How much?
$ _ _ _ , _ _ _ Write the amount
____ Write the period

For women who are twelve years old or more

32. Number of children

In total how many sons or daughters have you had that were born alive?
If none, write 00 and continue with the next person

_____Write the number

33. Children who have died

Of the children that were born alive, how many have died?
If none write 00

_____Write the number

34. Surviving children

How many of the daughters or sons are still alive?
If none write 00

_____Write the number

35. Date of birth

In what month and year was the last son or daughter born (live birth)?
Write the month and year

____ Month
____ Year

36. Surviving children

Is the last son or daughter that was born still alive? Circle only one answer.

1 Yes (Continue with the next person)
2 No

37. Age at death

At what age did the son or daughter die? Write only one answer in days or months or years

If the son or daughter lived less than one day, write 00 in days

Years _____

IV. International migration

1. Condition of international migration

In the last five years, which means from January 1995 to the present, has a person who lives or lived with you (in this household) gone to live in another country? Circle only one answer.

1 Yes
2 No (End of the interview)

2. Number of persons

How many people?
_____Write the number

3. Migrant persons

Give the names of each of the persons that went to live in another country from January 1995 to the present. Write the name of each person in the space for question four, list of persons


4. List of persons

Person 1

_____Write the name

5. Condition of residency

When this person left, did he or she live with you? Circle only one answer.

1 Yes
2 No (Continue with the next person)

6. Sex

Was this person a woman or a man? Circle only one answer.

1 Man
2 Woman

7. Age

How many years had this person completed when he or she left the last time?
If he or she was less than one year old write 000

_____Write the number

8. Place of origin

In what state of the Republic did this person live when he or she left the last time?

_____Write the state

9. In what month and year did this person leave to live in another country for the last time?
Write the month and year


10. Destination country

What country did this person go to?

1 United States of America
Another country
_____Write the country

11. Country of residency

In what country does the person currently live?

_____Write the country

If the country is not Mexico, continue with the next person

12. Date of return

In what month and year did the person return to the Republic of Mexico?
Write the month and year


[Same questions to person 3, 4 and so on]

If there are more than four international migrants in the household use another form and continue.


According to the dispositions of Article 38 of the Law of Statistical and Geographical Information currently in effect, " the data and information that individuals provide for statistical uses or that are provided by administrative or civil registries, will be managed, for the effects of this law, under the principles of confidentiality and reserve and cannot be communicated, in any case, in list or individualized format, nor will they be used as proof by any administrative or fiscal authority, in or out of any court."

According to Article 42, first paragraph of the Law of Statistical and Geographical Information currently in effect, "the interviewees will be obliged to provide correct and timely data and information that is requested by competent authorities for statistical, census, and geographical uses, and to assist and cooperate with said authorities."