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Portugal 2001 Census of Population and Housing
Enumerator Instructions

2001 Censuses: Enumerator Instructions

[p. 1-8 were not translated and they contain title and index pages only]


1.1 What is the census?

The word census it is used as a short form of the word Recenseamento and as such, both words have the exact same meaning.

Traditionally the censuses are the summation of a country is population to which, on a more recent time, an assessment and description of the housing universe was added.

A Census is a statistical operation designed to collect, on an exhaustive way, data on all the statistical units included in a specific universe to be studied. The statistical units are the individuals, families, dwellings and buildings, as long as they correspond to the definition that was adapted to each one of them.

It is through the Censuses Operations, and by this way only, that the country comes to the knowledge of:

1. How many are we?
2. How are we?
3. Where do we live?
4. How do we live?

The 2001 Censuses include the XIV General Population Census and the IV General Housing Census that will be held in March 2001.

1.2 Why is it done?

Through the censuses it is possible to obtain, for each geographic level, a "picture" of every individual and their housing conditions.

The Censuses are the only renewable source that, by characterizing the population and housing universe, places itself as a valuable instrument of diagnosis, planning and intervention, on a wide range of domains:

1. On the definition of objectives and priorities for the global development policies;
2. Regional and local planning;
3. Market research and opinions surveys;
4. Studies in social sciences.

Therefore, the collected Censuses data, on population and housing, are fundamental to update the government and the local authorities regarding economic and social planning.

The comparison between the results of previous censuses allows the analysis of transformations on the Portuguese society in terms of demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. The censuses data are, for this reason, essential for an analysis to the social and economic structure of our country, its evolution and tendencies allowing, simultaneously, the comparison with other countries.

[p. 10]

1.3 Who does the Censuses?

The execution of a statistical operation of the size of a Census involves many and important resources, human and material simultaneously. The success of this operation is based on an efficient planning, organization and the use of every single bit of these resources.

The National Statistical Institute (NSI) is the organization responsible for the preparation, execution and computation of the 2001 Censuses results and that is why the NSI is Regional Structures will be evolved at their highest possible capacity, together with the Regional Statistical Direction of Madeira (DREM) and the Regional Service of Statistics of Azores (SREA).

Due to the complexity of the 2001 Censuses statistical operation, the NSI must have the collaboration of the local authorities. Therefore the municipalities are responsible for the organization, coordination and control of the censuses tasks within the area of their jurisdiction, in the meanwhile the parish administrative structures assure the execution of the 2001 Censuses operations in their respective areas, under direct orientation of the mayor or by a representative designated by him.

To assure a correct work flow during the entire census operation it is necessary and indispensable to have a well designed executive structure based on a hierarchical model, together with an evolvement of all defined levels. The intervention levels (in the order of decreasing capacity) will be as follow:

2001 Censuses Bureau - NSI: National coordination and technical assistance
NSI Regional Bureaus, SREA and DREM: Coordination, technical assistance and regional supervision
Municipalities: Municipal coordination and supervision
(Municipal Delegate; Municipal Technician)
Head of Parish: Coordination at a Parish level (Coordinator; Sub coordinator)
Enumerator: Working area (Statistical Section)
[p. 11]

According to this, a set of attributed functions were established and assigned to all the different implicated agents:

Regional coordinator: Regional supervision and coordination
1. Promotes the actions with Municipalities regarding the preparation of the census operation;
2. Is responsible for the formation given to the regional and municipal delegates;
3. Oversees the filed work on his area of responsibility.
Regional delegate: Supervision, coordination and technical support to a group of municipalities.
1. Coordinates the census activity in a group of municipalities;
2. Follows the selection and formation of the enumerators that are going to work in every municipality;
3. Oversees the field work on his area of responsibility.
Municipal delegate: Organization and coordination at a Municipal level.
1. Proceeds to the selection and instruction of the municipal agents for coordination and execution of work;
2. Guarantees the technical assistance to the enumerators and is responsible for the quality control of the field work;
3. Evaluates and promotes the resolution of difficult situations that may appear on the organization of the field work;
4. Does, every week, a status report of the works in the municipality.
Municipal technician: Supports the organization at a Municipal level.
1. Promotes, at a municipal level, the dissemination of information regarding the census activities;
2. Receives in the Municipal Headquarters, the 2001 census questionnaires and all other material and distributes it all again to the correspondent parishes;
3. Organizes and assures the payment to every intervenient on the census operation on a municipal level.
Parish Coordinator: Coordination and control to a Parish level.
1. Promotes, at a parish level, the dissemination of information regarding the census activities;
2. Verifies and confirms the arrival to the Parishes of all material to be used on the census.
3. Plans, organizes and coordinates the field work on the parish;
4. Gathers all enumerators to clarify problems that may arise and to make status reposts of the work;
5. Proceeds to the resolution of difficult cases that the enumerators can not solve;
6. Verifies the quality of the filling-in of the questionnaires;
7. Controls the quality of the field work.

Note: The Coordinator functions may have some differences, depending on the existence or not of a sub-coordinator.
Parish sub coordinator (only exists for the highly populated parishes): Supports the coordination and control in the Parish.
1. Collaborates with the coordinator on the planning of the work in the parish;
2. Stays with the enumerators to make sure they are well instructed and also to evaluate the way the work is flowing;
3. Verifies the quality of the filling-in of the questionnaires;
4. Controls the field work quality.
Enumerator: Executes the delivering and collection of the questionnaires
1. Plans the work execution;
2. Does the reconnaissance of his working area regarding its geographic limits;
3. Delivers and collects the questionnaires;
4. Fills-in the questionnaires that are of his responsibility;
5. Verifies if the filling-in of the questionnaires done by the population is totally complete and correct;
6. Supports, when needed, the fill-in process of the questionnaires.

[p. 12]

1.4 Where are the censuses done?

The census is an exhaustive statistical operation that will cover the entire national territory. For statistical purposes, this territory is divided into small areas (statistical sections and subsections).

To each census enumerator one determined working area is endorsed (i.e. and will correspond to a statistical section) in which no person or house must be left without enumerating.

1.5 How are the census done?

On the 2001 Censuses the collection of data will be done using the traditional method of delivering a collecting the questionnaires to and from the population. Therefore a group of individuals is drafted (i.e. Enumerators) and they will go from door to door delivering the questionnaires and the respective filling-in instructions, and later they will pass by the houses to collect the questionnaires after they are filled-in by the population.

On the 2001 Census various types of questionnaires will be used, according to the nature of the statistical unit we want to identify:

Building - This questionnaire model will be used for all buildings, of a permanent nature or not, that contain at least one dwelling (occupied or not).

Dwelling (living quarter) - This questionnaire will be used for all kinds of dwellings, located in classical (conventional) type buildings or not.

Classical family (private household) - This questionnaire model is built in a way that will allow us to list all persons in the family or that are living together with the family, and it also allows us to describe all the family relationships in between the listed individuals.

Institutional family - This questionnaire model is designed to allow the listing of all persons in an institutional family.

Individual - This questionnaire must be filled-in by each person that composes the classical and/or the institutional family and also the persons that are temporarily present in the family dwellings on the census moment.

Collective questionnaire - This questionnaire will be used to list all individuals present but not residents on the collective dwellings.

[p. 13]

1.5.1 Methodology

As we have seen the procedure used for the making of the 2001 Censuses is built upon the data gathering through the classical method of delivering and collecting the questionnaires from the population.

The ideal system for this action is supported on two phases:

1. Distribution of questionnaires during the period that goes from March 1st to March 11th.
2. Questionnaire collection from March 12th to mid April.

Some adjustments will be implemented in the field, according to the situations and difficulties encountered, using sensitivity and the necessary balance in a way to avoid too many exceptions to the established rules.

1.5.2 Census moment

The "Census moment", or data reference date, corresponds to the day and hour in relation to what the data is collected. The reference to this moment it is absolutely fundamental to avoid duplications and omissions on the counting due to the normal displacement of people.

Therefore, the residence and the presence, as well as the larger part of the intended data are referencing to the day March 12th, 2001 at 0:00 hours.

The economical characteristics, on the individual questionnaire, are referring to the last complete week preceding that moment, meaning the week from 5 to 11 of March, 2001.

[p. 14 is blank.]

[p. 15]

2. Cartography

At the beginning of the census operation will be distributed to each enumerator a set of cartographical supports derived from the Geographic Base of Information Reference (BGRI), with a rigorous delimitation of their working area.

In brief, we intend with this initiative that the enumerator:

1. Will have the topographic representation of his working area and will have a precise knowledge of its geographic limits;
2. Will have all the administrative and statistical codes that he must use on the filling-in of the questionnaires;
3. Observe all statistical units (buildings, dwellings, families and individuals) that must in fact be observed.

2.1. Definitions and concepts

2.1.1. B.G.R.I. What it is?

It is a support instrument to the statistical work. The B.G.R.I. is a geographic referencing system supported in topographic cartography or ortophotocartography under a digital format, and it is the result of the division of all Parishes into small territorial units, denominated statistical Sections, statistical Subsections and Places.

2.1.2 B.G.R.I. Geo-referencing units Statistical sections

It is a territorial unit that corresponds to a continuous area within one Parish only, including around 300 housing dwellings. It constitutes a working area of an enumerator.

[p.16.] Statistical subsection

It is a territorial unit that identifies within a statistical section the smallest homogenous area of construction or not. It corresponds to the block on the urban areas and to the place or parts of the place on the rural areas, or to the residual areas that may contain dwellings (isolated) or not. Place

It is the designation for a population agglomeration with ten or more people housing dwellings and having an own name, independently of belonging to one or more parishes.
The employment of this concept is not always easy mainly due to two reasons:
1 - For one side there are agglomerations with an own name, but that have less than 10 dwellings, for this last reason they must never be considered as places.
2 - On the other side there are situations in which there are the tendency to consider as places, areas that are known by a specific name, where, in reality they are simply parts (neighborhoods or only streets) of a larger and more uniform agglomerate that it is in fact a place.
2.2. Working area

A specific working area is assigned to each enumerator (statistical section) in which no building with habitation, dwelling or person should be left without inquiring, neither the correspondent questionnaires should be left without filling-in.

To allow the realization of this work, without coverage duplications, the enumerator will have cartography with the precise delimitation of the statistical section where he is working on, together with the respective subsections, as well as all the correspondent statistical codes that will be printed by the enumerator on the questionnaires.

2.3. Cartographic supports

Regarding the geographic level shown and the scale of representation, the BGRI 2001 cartographic supports are classified in:

1. Parish Panoramic Map
2. Section Panoramic Map

[Contains map]


2.3.1. Parish panoramic map

These cartographic supports will be available at 1/10000 and 1/25000 scales, in some specific cases of parishes with a large surface a scale of 1/50000 will also be available. This will represent the area of the Parish, which will correspond to the working area of one or more enumerators, and must include:

1. Delimitation of the total area of the Parish;
2. Delimitation and identification of the statistical sections;
3. A representation of the territory having as source for this the ortophotocartography or the Portuguese Military Cartography, from which the following elements must be outlined:
a. Road network;
b. Hydrography;
c. High power lines;
d. Construction;
e. Topology
[p. 19]

2.3.2. Statistical section panoramic map

[Contains map.]


These cartographic supports will be available at 1/2000, 1/5000 or at 1/10000 scales and allows a most detailed observation of the area.
Each statistical section Panoramic Map must include:

1. Delimitation and identification of every place in the statistical section;
2. Delimitation and identification of the residual subsections;
3. A representation of the territory having as source for this the ortophotocartography or the Portuguese Military Cartography, from which the following elements must be outlined:
a. Road network;
b. Hydrography;
c. High power lines;
d. Construction;
e. Topology

In the cases in which the statistical section has an area of great dimension and/or disperse places, and the scale of representation does not allows for a detailed reading of the subsection limits, maps of the Places in detail will also be handed.

2.3.3 Used symbols in the 2001 censuses cartography

It represents the correspondence for the symbols used in this specific cartography.

2.3.4 Notions of Scale

In this sub-chapter, a definition of scale together with some exercises, are presented to help understanding the concept.

[p. 21

2.3.5 Coding principles Numbering of the statistical subsections

The numbering of the subsections it is given on through the BGRI work previously done. This way the subsections are identified on the panoramic section or place map that is handed to the enumerator.
The codification number for a subsection is a composite number of 5 digits (3 from the section code plus 2 from the subsection itself).
The subsection numbering sequence inside a section may be interrupted, meaning that on a sequence a number may be missing. Residual subsections

The residual subsections correspond to the part of the section area that does not belong to a determined place. When a residual area of a section is very extensive and/or not continuous several residual subsections may exist. The coding of the residual subsections always corresponds to the last codes in the section.
2.4 Updating the cartography

The update level of the BGRI cartography is highly dependent of the housing construction pressure in the area.
That is why some of the areas may present a consolidated structure while others may still be evolving.
During the census work the codification and the limits that exist in the cartography must be respected at all times, especially during the filling-in of the questionnaires.

[p. 22]

2.4.1 Definition of new statistical subsections that correspond to new blocks, geographic expansion of existing places or new places New blocks

When on the cartography it is verified the existence of new street/roads that imply the creation of new subsections/blocks, these must be drawn on the maps together with the indication of being new subsections. These subsections must be numbered with the subsection code immediately after the last one that existed, being as well given a new code to the subsection from which this new one came from. Geographic expansion of existent places

When one verifies that the perimeter of the place established by the BGRI 2001 it is no longer valid, we must draw a new boundary after consulting the right entity. This procedure of updating the limit of a place will also produce new boundaries to the new statistical subsections created in the process. Their codification will be done on the same way as it was previously explained.
[p. 23] New places

When we spot the existence of a new place, not delimited by the BGRI 2001 panoramic cartography, we must proceed to its identification and location: attribute a name followed by a delimitation and codification, keeping in mind the principles already explained.
All new delimitations, codes and explanations regarding a change in the boundaries or in an existing classification, must be written in the Panoramic Maps handed, so all the changes can be well understood.
2.4.2 Special care on the definition of new places Identification of new places

The new places must be identified with the name by which they are known by the inhabitants of such place, and that should be at the same time the name by which the local authorities recognize it as well. If the place has more than one known name, please use the one that the local authority attributes to it.

[p. 24, description of a map showing how to identify places is not given] Location and definition of the place is limits

Concerning the need for an exact delimitation of a place, the competent local authorities, must always be consulted, in order to get an understanding that can work for all the involved parts on the process.
However, during these contacts with the local administrative authorities the Enumerator must always keep in mind the following rules:
1. Use the symbols defined by the cartography to delimit the new place;
2. The place should preferentially have the limits well supported on the terrain;
3. When needed the imaginary lines must always be used with well defined start and end points located in the terrain;
4. When the places are along the road please define limits using reference points for the beginning and the end of it, making sure that it is easy to identify where it stars and where it ends.
2.4.3 Updating the urban topology

The 2001 BGRI cartography must be updated and completed with all the topology information we can find useful.

2.5. Returning the cartography

After finishing the field work of the census operation, you must return all cartography used. All the information gathered in those maps by the enumerators will be used to update the 2001 BGRI.

[p. 25]

3. Questionnaires and auxiliary tools

3.1 Questionnaire types

On the 2001 Censuses, regarding the different nature of the statistical units to be observed, several types of questionnaires will used, and that is why the filling-in and storage process must be very carefully executed.

Note: It is completely forbidden to fold questionnaires, to use photocopies of the questionnaires, the use of staples, "clips" or rubber bands it also forbidden as well as the use of corrective paint or any other type of material that may damage the questionnaires.

The questionnaire models to be used are:

Building cover - This model will be used for each and every building, where all dwellings that are inside the building will be listed. It also has the function of organizing the building questionnaires and hierarchically the Dwelling, Family and Individual questionnaires that are in this building.
Building - This questionnaire model will be used for all the buildings, of a permanent nature or not, that contain at least one dwelling (occupied or not). As buildings are also considered the non-classical (non-conventional) familiar dwellings, classifying those as other places inhabited. In those cases the dwellings must be occupied on the census moment.
Dwelling (living quarter) - This questionnaire will be used for all dwellings, situated or not in buildings of a classical type. In the case of being in a classical type building they can or not be occupied on the census moment. In the case of dwellings designated as not classical, to enumerated them they must be occupied on the census moment.
Classical family (conventional household) - This questionnaire model it is conceived to list all the persons in the family or that are living with a family, as well as the familiar relations existing between them. The persons present (resident or not) on the census moment must be registered, and we must also register the individuals that reside with the family but are not present in the census moment (they are temporarily absent).
Institutional family - This questionnaire model it is designed to list all persons in an institutional family, meaning all individuals that reside on a collective dwelling.
Individual - This questionnaire will be filled-in by every person in the conventional or institutional family and will also be filled-in in relation to those persons that are temporarily absent of a familiar dwelling at 0:00 o'clock of March 12th.
Collective questionnaire - this questionnaire will used to list all individuals present but not resident on the collective dwellings.
[p. 26]
The Enumerator will also have a Subsection cover (for each subsection) where he must keep all Building covers of that same subsection.
All subsection covers of a determined section will be kept in a card box that will work as a Section cover.

3.2 Coding/identification system

One of the principal goals of the census operation is to count the number of buildings, dwellings, families and individuals that exist in the entire country, but also in every place, no matter how small and how far it is. We intend to know not only how many but also where is every statistical unit.
To accomplish that objective it is necessary to identify each questionnaire; being this a task for the enumerator, with the help of the cartography assigned to him.

3.2.1 Section and subsection codes to be used on the questionnaires and on the auxiliary tools

During all the distribution and collection work, the questionnaires must be identified following the coding indicated on the section and subsection identifying maps.

The coding of the sections/subsections it is previously given on the BGRI cartographic supports (Point 2.3.5).

The subsection numbering is previously done by the cartography service (the codes and numbering are already placed inside the statistical sections on the maps, from 1 to 99), the statistical sections are also numbered from 1 to 999 within the parishes.
So the codification number of a subsection is a composite number of 5 digits (3 from the section code plus 2 from the subsection itself).

The five reserved spaces on the questionnaires and auxiliary tools for annotation of the Section/subsection number must be filled-in in a way that the subsection will be perfectly coded.

This work is mainly to copy the section and subsection codes from the maps handed, to the correspondent section/subsection fields on the questionnaires.

Note: All questionnaires of the same Subsection will have the exact same codification: The same municipality, parish, place, section and subsection number.

[p. 27]

3.2.2 Hierarchical and sequential numbering

At this point will be treated aspects related with the sequential and integrated numbering of the various questionnaires (Building, Dwelling, Classical Family, Institutional Family, Individual and Collective Questionnaire).

If on one hand the geographic referencing codes are already in place and described on the cartographic supports, on the other hand it is necessary to ensure a numbering that will allow us to have a hierarchical identification of the questionnaires that will allow an easy integration and control of them, being the entire responsibility of this coding from the enumerator.

1. On the first case he must assure the correct transcription of the numbers from the cartography to the questionnaires;
2. On the second case it is necessary to guarantee that the sequence is not interrupted when numbering the questionnaires. Building questionnaire

The buildings must be coded sequentially, from 1 to 999 inside the statistical subsection. This sequential code must never be interrupted.

The building number will be the same in every dwelling of the building.

To complete the location and the identification of the building it is equally fundamental to collect the address of this same building, on the most complete format possible, including the 7 digit postal code.

The enumerator must also respect some address normalization rules that are being implemented for all family surveys in the NSI.

Every time that a building cannot be referenced through an address the name of the reference person from the first contacted family must be used as the identification for the building. Using this name to fill-in the field destined to have the information regarding the address.

In the case of buildings with more than one entrance, the main entrance must be considered as the building address.

The identification of the place must be the one that is in the cartography handed for that statistical section.
[pp. 28-29 are not given and they contain description and abbreviations of geographic locations]

[p. 30] Dwelling questionnaire

You must fill-in the geographic identification of the dwelling, meaning, the name of the parish, that must be the same as the building in which it is integrated. You must also collect the door number, the floor number and side of the dwelling, for those cases where there is more than one dwelling in the building. The avenue, street and postal code must only be filled-in if they are different from the information collected on the building questionnaire.
The municipality, the parish, the place, the subsection code and the building code must be exactly the same that are in the correspondent building questionnaire. The dwellings must be coded sequentially, from 1 to 99 inside the correspondent building questionnaires. This sequential code must never be interrupted.
The dwelling code will always be the same in every family questionnaire for everyone that inhabits this dwelling.
If there is only one dwelling in the building its number will always be 001. Conventional (classical) family questionnaire

You cannot forget to fill-in the geographic identification of the Family questionnaire, regarding its location, meaning the parish name, which will be the same as the one in the building and in the dwelling where the family lives.
The municipality, the parish, the place, the section/subsection code, the building code and the dwelling code must be exactly the same that are in the correspondent dwelling questionnaire.


[Graphics omitted]

The families must be coded sequentially, from 1 to 99 inside the dwelling. This sequential code must never be interrupted

Note: When registering the various persons on the family questionnaire they will be automatically referenced with a sequential order number. This number must be transcribed to the individual questionnaires.

[p. 31]

The person designated as the reference person will be registered with the number one code and must always be a resident in the dwelling when there is at least one resident person in the correspondent family (that can be present or not).

With the number two position must be registered the spouse of the reference person if there is one, followed by the single children, (youngest to oldest), the married sons and sons-in-law, followed by the sons of these last ones (grandsons of the reference person), and than all the other persons that are also part of the familiar relationships and the others that living with the family don't have any familiar relationship with it. Finally register the individuals that are not residents at the dwelling but that for any reason are present there at the census moment. Individual questionnaire

The fields for geographic identification must be filled-in, meaning, the name of the parish, that must be the same as in the dwelling and family questionnaire to which the individual belongs to.

[Graphic omitted]

The section/subsection code, the building code, the dwelling code and the family code must be exactly the same that are in the correspondent family questionnaire.
The individuals must be coded sequentially, from 1 to 99 inside the family, and must correspond to the exact code they have in the family questionnaire. This sequential code must never be interrupted.


We must write in the individual questionnaire the exact same code (number from the column 1 of the family questionnaire) that corresponds to that individual in the family questionnaire. Collective and institutional family questionnaire

The municipality, the parish, the place, the section/subsection, the building number and the dwelling number are exactly the same that are in the correspondent dwelling questionnaire.
In the particular cases of collective dwellings, where there may exist two kinds of families simultaneously (institutional and conventional), there can only exist one numerical sequence (from 01 to 99) for all existing families, independently of the family type.

[pp. 33-35 omitted]

[p. 36]

3.3 Filling-in the questionnaires

3.3.1 Building cover

Every Building questionnaire(s) and correspondent dwelling, household and individual questionnaires shall be organized on a hierarchical order inside a building cover, meaning, the building questionnaire with the number one dwelling questionnaire with the families and individuals that live within, followed by the dwelling number two with it is family and individual questionnaires and thereon.

On the building cover we must inscribe:

The geographic identification (Municipality, Parish, Place, Census block number -section/subsection), building number and correspondent address.

We must also fill-in the District, Municipality, Parish code (dist.conc.freg.) that is shown on the handed support cartography.

In the table referring to the synthesis of the work done on the building, we must write the sum for the following elements regarding the building:

1. Total number of dwelling questionnaires (familiar dwellings + collective dwellings)
a. Number of questionnaires from familiar dwellings
b. Number of questionnaires from collective dwellings
2. Total number of Family questionnaires (classical families + institutional families)
a. Number of questionnaires from classical families
b. Number of questionnaires from institutional families
3. Number of collective questionnaires
4. Number of individuals counted in the collective questionnaires
5. Number of individual questionnaires
6. Number of individuals present and residents, separating the totals for men and women.
7. Number of individuals absent but residents, separating the totals for men and women.
8. Number of individuals present and not residents, separating the totals for men and women.


The sum of the individuals present and resident, resident but absent and present but not resident, men and women, must be equal to the total number of individual questionnaires.

1. Total of individuals younger than 18 years old (with birthday after March 12th. of 1983).

After organizing all questionnaires and after all the adding up is finished you must place the date and name on the space available for that information.

[p. 38]

[Graphic omitted]

3.3.2 Building questionnaire

What is a "Building"?
As for Building we understand all independent construction, including one or more dwellings, rooms or other spaces destined to the inhabitation of persons, covered and included within external walls or division walls, that must go from the foundations to the coverage, independently of its principal purpose being residential, agricultural, commercial, industrial, cultural or as for other services.

Therefore, a building is, as a principle, a distinct construction:

1. Having a main entrance;
2. Usually does not have a communication with other buildings;
3. Has independent circuits of water, electricity, gas and even some specific types of services, as for example a garbage collection system;
4. Has usually an independent door number.

[p. 39] Who must fill-in the building questionnaire?

The building questionnaire must always and exclusively be filled-in by the Enumerator. Do never give this questionnaire to the population.

To accomplish the correct filling-in of this questionnaire you must ask the building proprietary all the questions you may think necessary, or in substitution, ask the doorman, tenants, etc. Which buildings should be enumerated?

All buildings that have one or more dwellings (you must fill-in as many dwelling questionnaires as the number of dwellings that are present in the building).

All constructions destined to the inhabited (houses, apartment buildings, etc.), even if they are vacant or if they are secondary residences;

All constructions, even if they are mainly destined to economic activities, as long as they have at least one dwelling. This is the case of a factory that has in its interior a dwelling for the keeper or a building mainly occupied with offices but where a dwelling is occupied by a doorman;

All the buildings that constitute collective dwellings (hotels, pensions, hospitals, colleges, elderly homes, prisons, etc.).

All shacks, mobile dwellings (tents, boats, caravans, etc.) or other dwellings in places not destined to be inhabited (cases where you are not in presence of a building as earlier described in its definition) as long as in the moment of enumeration its occupied by persons.

As for "places not destined to be inhabited" we understand any construction that as been conceived from scratch for an economical activity (factories, warehouse, offices, windmills, barns, etc.) or any other place that is inhabited at the census moment (garage, cave, stairways, building entrances, or an area under a bridge, where an homeless might be found, etc.) as long as these places have not received any transformation for inhabitation purposes.

[p. 40] What are the buildings that shall not be enumerated?

All those being exclusively destined to economic activities. But you will only be sure of that after if you check it. Keeping that in mind you must contact all buildings, even in those cases where you "are sure" (sometimes a guard, an employee or even the manager himself might live there).

a. All those buildings still in construction and that are not ready to be occupied;
b. All those being in ruins and not occupied;
c. Buildings totally occupied with embassies. Particular cases of buildings

In the case of constructions in a block fashion, a building is assigned to each independent entrance.

In the case of constructions in "circles" or in "rectangle" we should consider one or more buildings according to what its structure indicates and taking into account the independent entrances.

In the case of "private condominiums" the above defined criteria also applies.

In the case of certain "rural houses", where doubts may arise concerning that the "house and its annexes" might be considered as just one building, or in the other hand filling in one questionnaire for the main house and another questionnaire for each one of the annexes, we should consider the first option. When there are annexes inhabited by families, we should consider those annexes as independent buildings.

[p. 41] Filling-in instructions

Question 3 - Type of building

Conventional building, in the sense that its structure and the materials used to build it are permanent.

Other type of inhabited construction should be chosen when in the presence of a shack or other improvised construction, tent, caravan, boat, natural shelter, etc.

Note: If the later building type is chosen the filling-in of this questionnaire is over.

[p. 42]

Question 4 - Type of utilization
Exclusively residential building, where all the usable area of the building is used for human habitation. Any building that, in the ground floor or any floor below the ground, has garages and/or storage rooms for the exclusive use of its occupants is classified in this category.
This category also comprises buildings that are totally occupied with collective dwellings designed as hotels, elderly homes, asylums, religious housing or student dormitory, etc.
Mostly residential building, this category comprises buildings in which more than half of its usable area (50% to 90%) is used for human habitation, and commercial activities or services exist in the ground or other floor.
Mostly non residential building, this category comprises buildings in which the part for human habitation corresponds to less than half (up to 49%) of the usable area, and the majority of the area is occupied with offices, commerce or other economic activities. Buildings which have just one dwelling occupied by a night-guard, an employee or the manager himself are considered in this category.

[p. 43-44] [Picture description of residential houses omitted]

Question 5 - Accessibility of the building to disabled persons:
With access ramps - fill-in this category whenever there are ramps outside and/or inside the building which facilitate the access to people with limited mobility if its inclination is not over 6% and its width is not less than 150cm..
Without access ramps but accessible - fill-in this category if the building is accessible without access ramps given the fact that are no steps or there is just one easily over come; this category also comprises building with steps in the access to other floors but in which there is an elevator capable of carrying a wheelchair (1,10m. x 1,40m. or above).
Without access ramps and not accessible - this category applies to buildings which have ramps with an inclination above six degrees and less than 150cm. of width, or the building is inaccessible to people with limited mobility due to the existence of steps or other obstacles or when there is no elevator capable of carrying a wheelchair (less than 1,10m. x 1,40m.).

Question 6 - Number of floors
Include all inhabitable or usable levels regardless of being below or above ground.
There should be considered as floors the ground floor, the habitable basements and attics which are used as complements to the living quarter. This applies to garages, storage rooms, etc.

Note: If you filled-in the "1 Floor" options go to question 9.

[p. 45]

Question 7 - This building has a lift

Yes or no answer.

Question 8 - Ground floor configuration
Similar to the upper floors (for instance there is a living quarter at ground level similar to the upper floors, or if the ground floor has other usages the areas are still similar to the upper floors).
With open space in most of the area (for instance those used for big stores or parking space, different from the upper floors)
With isolated columns in most of the area (the building is supported by isolated columns with walls existing only in limited areas, for instance the building entrance)
In the cases where the surrounding terrain is not at the same level in the entire building perimeter we should consider as ground floor the one at the highest level of the terrain.

[p. 46]

Question 9 - The building is isolated or five times higher than the adjacent buildings
Yes or no answer.

Note: If you filled-in the option "Yes" go to question 12.
This variable has the objective to distinguish the isolated buildings from those that are next to others. The most common isolated buildings are the "house" type or the "tower" constructions, meaning that they don't have any other building next by.
We must also consider as isolated the buildings that clearly outstand in height from the neighbor buildings. In these cases the rule applied is to consider as isolated buildings the ones in which the number of floors not connected to other buildings is five times superior to the number of floors that are next to the neighbor buildings.
Likewise we must consider as isolated buildings the ones that having the same height of the buildings next to them, have a contact area that does not exceed ¼ of its own dimension in blueprint in that correspondent direction.

[p. 47]

Question 10 - The building is a corner or edge building
Yes or no answer.
With this variable we intend to identify, for the not isolated buildings, each ones are in a corner or in the building edge, making a distinction of those from the ones in between buildings.

[p. 48]

Question 11 - The building is taller (more than 2 floors) than any of the adjacent buildings
Yes or no answer.
With this variable we will try to understand if the building, that wasn't considered as an isolated, is or not clearly higher than any other that is attached to it.

Question 12 - Number of living quarters
The objective of this question is to count the number of dwellings, meaning, places or distinct and independent spaces, delimited by walls and covered, that exist in every building and permit the residence of one or more individuals. This number must correspond to the number of dwelling questionnaires for the building where they are at.

Note: Do not count as a dwelling a place built for habitation that on the census moment is being totally used for other purposes different from residential.

[p. 49]

Question 13 - Period of construction

By period of construction we understand:
The period of construction of the building as said, or the period of construction of the main part of the building, meaning the support structure, when different parts of a building correspond to different periods of construction.
The period of reconstruction, for buildings that have undertaken complete transformation.
To collect the correct information you must enlighten yourself about the year or period of construction you must ask the proprietary, the doorman or any of the older residents.
In cases where persons (due to old age) might have some difficulties remembering the exact period of construction ask for comparisons with some milestones (i.e. before or after the 1st world war, etc.)
In cases of persisting doubt decide by using information of similar and next by buildings.

Note: If a reconstruction was undertaken please use that works period as the information and not the original construction period.

[p. 50]

Question 14 - Main structural material
With respect to the main structural material of the building you must identify the organization and constitution of the building is resistant elements. The resistant elements are the pavements and the elements that support them (pillars, isolated or not, or the walls itself).
The usage of Structural concrete on the construction of buildings starts from 1935/40, being in 1955 the mains solution, especially in the main urban centers. So, from this date on the buildings legally constructed in the urban areas have structural concrete as their main structural material.
In buildings with mortared masonry walls you must consider those in which the walls support vertical loads and are constructed with stone, bricks or concrete blocks united with cement. These are typically anterior to 1950/55. On general terms these buildings do not go over 5 or 6 floors above ground.
The buildings with mortared masonry walls are subdivided in buildings with walls with concrete slabs and without concrete slabs.
The buildings with walls with concrete slabs are those in which the pavements are made with structural concrete. Typically built between 1935 and 1955.
The buildings with walls without concrete slabs are those where the floors pavement are done with structural concrete, normally they use wood floors. Typically built between 1930/1935.
The buildings with adobe, earth or rubble walls are those with walls of very weak quality. Mainly this classification will only apply to very small buildings and of a very old construction period mostly in the rural areas.
In the case old a building that used different types of structure, please consider the mainly used, giving that as an answer, and always giving just one answer.

[p. 51-52]

Question 15 - Main material used in external wall covering
Only one answer should be given, identifying the main material used on the larger part of the walls coverage.
By selecting Concrete (with or without painting) we must understand the situations in which the largest part of the exterior façade is made with concrete, where paint can or not be applied.
The Ceramic tiles or mosaic are pre-made materials, such as tiles or any other type of identical ceramics, normally with inferior dimensions to those of tiles, and are used on walls as a finishing touch.
The coverage with Stone refers to situations blocks of any type of stone that are applied over the walls. You also classify here the walls made of stone that have the stone uncover by any other material.
Traditional rendering or terrazzo refers to the situations in which the coverage is made of cement applied to the walls and can or not be painted.
On the "Others coverings" (timber, slate boards, glass, etc.), there will be classified all situations not included on the above options.

[p. 53]

Question 16 - Type of roof and materials used

The answer can be, on the majority of cases, to be found by just simple observation.
First identify if the coverage is flat, inclined or mixed. If the cover is inclined identify if it is covered with tiles or covered with other materials

Question 17 - Repair need
The objective is to know the needs of repairs that a building might have at the census moment.
The type of repairs observed are in the following building components: Structure, roof and external walls, grading those repair needs by none, small, medium, large and very large.

[p. 54]

[Graphic omitted]

When a building has more than one classification possibility regarding the level of repair needs we must identify the higher level needed.
[p. 55]

Question 18 - Solid waste disposal system:
Yes or no answer.
We will give a yes answer to this question when the building is served by a collection of solid waste, when the production the building is covered by a public system of waste collection even if the trash bins are not near the building.

[p. 56]

3.3.3 Dwelling (living quarter) questionnaire

What is a "Dwelling"?
As for dwelling we understand every distinct and independent inhabited place, that by the way that it was constructed, reconstructed, enlarged or transformed is destined to be inhabited by persons and on the census moment it was not being used entirely for other purposes.

By distinct and independent we understand:

Distinct means that it is surrounded by walls of a conventional type or of some other type, it is covered and allows that an individual or group of individuals may sleep, prepare meals and to take cover from bad weather, separated from other members of the population.

Independent means that their occupants do not have to cross other dwellings to get in their own. Who should fill-in the dwelling questionnaire?

The dwelling questionnaire it is filled-in by the enumerator down to question 3 (inclusively), from that question on the questionnaire must be filled-in by an individual resident in the dwelling. It will be counted as dwellings:

The mobile installations, shacks, and the ones improvised in places not destined to be inhabited, but that on the census moment were occupied as habitation places;
All installations that at the beginning were not built, reconstructed or transformed for habitation and that on the census moment were occupied as habitation places;
The collective installations (hotels, pensions and similar, elderly homes, prisons, etc.) as long as they are functioning on the census moment, even if they are empty. Will not be counted as dwellings:

All places constructed for habitation that on the census moment are being totally used for other purposes different from residential.

[p. 57] Special situations of observation

The dwelling will be composed by the following spaces:
The contiguous compartments of an habitation being used for inhabitation purposes by a family that uses them;
The isolated compartments, but closes, that were constructed to be part of the dwelling and are destined to the habitation of the family (bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, etc.). Filling-in instructions

Question 2 - Type of living quarter:

The observation of this variable will permit to classify the dwellings according to the nature of the group of individuals that are occupying them.
As Familiar dwelling we understand all dwellings that by the way they were constructed, or by the way it is being used, it is destined to shelter, usually, only one family, even knowing that several may leave in that space.
The familiar dwellings can be of the following two types:

Conventional familiar dwelling

Division or set of divisions and their annexes that by making part of a classical building, meaning on a permanent structure, or being structurally separated of that, and by the way that it was constructed, reconstructed, enlarged or transformed is destined to be inhabited and on the census moment it was not being used entirely for other purposes.
The conventional familiar dwelling must also have an independent entrance give access to the street or to a common area in the building.

Non-Conventional dwelling

Place that on the census moment it is inhabited by individuals and that by the precarious construction type does not entirely satisfies the requirements to be a conventional familiar dwelling.
We include in this type:
Shacks, rudimentary wooden houses, mobile housing units, dwellings in a permanent building not designed for habitation and other inhabited places.
As collective living quarters we understand every place that by the way it was constructed or transformed it is destined to shelter more than one family and on the census moment it is occupied by one or more individuals being residents or just presents and not residents.
In the collective dwellings we can include two types of Dwelling: Hotel or similar and Institutions.
In this last type we can identify the following sub-types of dwellings according to their purposes: Social support, Education, Health, Religious, Military, Prison, Work or other types.

Note: If you are in presence of a collective living quarter, identify its type and the filling-in of the questionnaire is over.

[p. 58-61]

Question 3 - Occupancy status

First of all, in this question, we have to identify if the familiar dwelling is occupied or is vacant.
If it is occupied we will need to identify if it is used as usual place of residence or if it is used as seasonal or for secondary use.
If the dwelling is vacant we will need to identify if the dwelling is for sell, for rent, for demolition or if it is some other case.

Note: If you have identified a situation different from an usual place of residence, you finished the filling-in of the questionnaire.
From this point the dwelling questionnaire must be filled-in by one of individuals present in the dwelling.

[p. 62-63]

Question 4 - Phone number / cell phone:
Collect the information regarding the phone number for contact if needed.

Question 5 - Does the housing unit have electricity?

Yes or no answer.
We intend to know if the dwelling has any electricity power supplied by a private or public network (include private generator).

Question 6 - Water supply system:

We intend to know if the dwelling has a water supply system, and if yes we must know what kind of system.
The possible modalities for this question are:

Piped water available in the housing unit

From a community scheme
From a private source

Piped water available within the building but outside the housing unit

No piped water available but providing from:
Public drinking fountain
Well, private hole

Special cases of observation

When a dwelling has an annex with piped water we must consider as having this situation as having piped water available within the building but outside the housing unit.
When a dwelling has piped water in the yard but not in room of the house we must considered it as having piped water available within the building but outside the housing unit.
When a dwelling does not have any kind of piped water in its interior, or even inside the building, and for that reason it is used another source of water supply, and it is possible to have various sources of water supply. In those cases you must consider the one that is used the most for cooking and for hygiene purposes.

[p. 64]

Question 7 - Toilet facilities

With this question we must observe the coherence between the answer we have here and the ones given on the previous question. One can not have a flush toilet if it goes to a fountain for water.

[p. 65]

Question 8 - bathing facilities

We intend to know if the dwelling has or not bathing facilities. A simple existence of a lavatory does not mean that the dwelling has a bathing facility. To be considered as a bathing facility it must be connected to a sewage system.

Question 9 - Sewage disposal system

As for sewage disposal system we understand all permanent installation that allows the evacuation of residual waters of a dwelling.
The following modalities were considered:

Housing unit with sewage disposal system

Connected to a public sewage disposal plant
Connected to a private sewage disposal plant (septic tank, etc.)
Other arrangements

Housing unit without sewage disposal system

[p. 66]

Question 10 - Type of heating

Every time you find a dwelling with various types of heating systems we must identify only the one mainly used.

Note: the following questions of this questionnaire should only be answered on conventional familiar dwellings occupied as an usual residence. If not the filling-in of this questionnaire is over.

Question 11 - Availability of kitchen

This question intents to identify the presence of a kitchen (and correspondent available area) or kitchenette in the dwelling.

[p. 67]

Question 12 - Number of rooms in the dwelling

By room we understand the space in a dwelling, delimited by walls, having at least 4 square meters and with 2 meters of height on the majority of the space.
Even knowing that they can correspond to the definition the following are not counted as rooms:

The kitchen;
Corridors, balconies;
Bathrooms, dispensary, halls;
Spaces exclusively destined to economical activities.

The rooms that are simultaneously used for an economic activity but not exclusively are counted as rooms in this question.

[p. 68]

Note: The following 13 and 14 questions should only be answered by the proprietary or co-proprietary of the dwellings.

Question 13 - Do you have a mortgage or loan resulting from the purchase of this dwelling

Yes or no answer.
We understand that one of the occupants is proprietary of the dwelling and has financial obligations with the mortgage or loan of this dwelling when the financial obligations are in respect to the acquisition of the dwelling only and not related to works of any kind done within.
The modality "No" is used only when the dwelling, no matter the way of acquisition, is completely paid for.

Note: in the case of proprietary that answers no to this question the filling-in of his questionnaire ends here.

[p. 69]

Question 14 - Please indicate the size to which corresponds the monthly mortgage charge
This monthly mortgage charge reports to the one supported last month in relation to the census moment.
The monthly mortgage charge includes the amortization of capital and interests in debt.
The classes presented refer to an average monthly charge, so if the periodicity of the supported charge is not monthly we will have to do the math and calculate the average amount for every month.

Note: Questions 15, 16, 17 and 18 that follow, are destined only to the tenants of conventional dwellings, so if you answer the question 14 the filling-in of the questionnaire is over.

Question 15 - If you are a tenant, please indicate the form of lease

This question is only for dwellings where none of the occupants is proprietary or co-proprietary of the respective dwelling.
We must distinguish the form of contract:
Rented dwelling with a:

Contract for 3 or 5 years
Contract without term
Social rent contract
Sub-rented dwelling
Other situation (granted, etc)

If the dwelling is sub-rented the question 16 shall not be answered, continuing to answer in the question 17.
If the dwelling is under any other situation the questions 16 and 17 can not be answered, you shall continue to answer in the question 18.

[p. 70]

Question 16 - Period of the lease contract
The period of the original contract must be registered, independently of any change and update that this contract could suffer during following years.

[p. 71]

Question 17 - If you pay rent, please indicate the size to which corresponds the monthly amount
By rent we understand the monthly payment due by the occupation of a dwelling in leasing regime.
The options presented in the questionnaire as answer options for this question refer to a monthly amount paid by the tenant. The classes presented refer to an average monthly charge, so if the periodicity of the supported charge is not monthly we will have to do the math and calculate the average amount for every month.
The monthly charges due to loans for acquisition of dwellings are not considered here (they should be considered only in questions 13 and 14).

[p. 72]

Questions 18 - Dwelling ownership

Ascendants or descendants on a first or second degree - parents, sons, grandparents or grandsons.

[p. 73]

3.3.4. Classical (conventional) family questionnaire

What is a "Classical family" (private household)?
As for classical family we understand the group of persons that reside in a same dwelling and have family relationships in between them, "de jure" or "de facto", and they may occupy the totality or part of the living quarter; or an independent person that occupies part or the totality of a dwelling. Who should fill-in the classical family questionnaire?

The classical family questionnaire it is filled-in by the enumerator on the collection moment. To who is intended the classical family questionnaire?

This questionnaire is destined to all persons that are considered as integrant part of a classical family.
In the dwellings with more than one family, one classical family questionnaire must be filled-in for each existing family in the dwelling. Do not forget that one family can be composed by only one independent person. Will be included in the classical family

The individuals that, not having any family relationship, have in common with the family (other than the living quarter) the meals or the subsistence;

The domestic servants that live with the family, as long as they don't go every week to the residence of their own family;

Persons in health institutions, prisons or similar at less than a year ago, as long as they have family with which they usually live. They must be accounted for with those families.

They will not be integrated in a classical family the guests without meals if they don't have any relationship with the members of the family (these should constitute independent classical families).

When a dwelling is occupied by resident persons without any family relationship in between them, and not having any kind of meal arrangements, each person will constitute a family.

Individuals present but not residents:

They must be included in the family questionnaire, with the correspondent code in relationship with the family reference person, existing or not.

In the case of existing more than one family in the dwelling, they will be integrated with family they relate the most;

When the dwelling is occupied only by nonresident families a classical family questionnaire must be fill-in identically to the others;

If the dwelling is occupied only by individuals present but not residents, without any family relationship in between them (either "de jure" or "de facto") everyone will constitute one classical family.

[p. 74] Filling-in instructions

Question 2 - Family (Private Household) composition

In this question we have to fill-in a table with several codes to establish the relation of the private household members and the reference person.

Every classical family must have a reference person.

And as for reference person we understand the family member that is considered as such by the other members, has to be a resident in the dwelling, must be 18 or older and preferentially is the responsible for the dwelling.

This reference person must always be a dwelling resident, but may be absent on the census moment.

In the families where these conditions don't apply use the oldest person as the reference person.

On the Column 2 you must collect the complete name of the reference person and the first and last name of all the others.

On the Column 3 you must apply the correspondent relationship code to every individual in relation to the reference person.

The codes available to fill-in this column are:

Codes to be used in the relationship description

01 - Reference person
02 - Spouse
03 - Son/daughter not married
04 - Son/daughter married
05 - Foster son/daughter not married
06 - Foster son/daughter married
07 - Stepson/stepdaughter not married
08 - Stepson/stepdaughter married
09 - Father or Mother
10 - Father-in-law or mother-in-law
11 - Daughter-in-law or son-in-law
12 - Brother or sister
13 - Grandson or granddaughter/great-grandson or great-granddaughter
14 - Grandfather or grandmother / Great-grandfather or great-grandmother
15 - Other relative person
16 - Domestic servant
17 - Other

[p. 75]

The Column 4 should only be used for married individuals or living as such with the correspondent spouse number (column 4) in column 1.

The columns 5 and 6 are only filled-in for individuals that have a father or a mother resident in the dwelling, with the correspondent code number of the father (column 5) and the mother (column 6), using for that purpose the code number that is in column 1.

To correctly fill-in the family questionnaire you must ask:

1. What are the family relationships of each person in the household with the reference person;
2. Who is the spouse if the reference person is married or is living as such;
3. Who are the parents, for those cases where the parents live together with the reference person.

[p. 76]

3.3.5 Institutional family questionnaire

What is an institutional family?
As for institutional family we understand the group of individuals resident in a collective dwelling, and independently of the family relationship between them, they benefit from the institution is objectives and they are ruled by an interior or exterior entity to the group. Who should fill-in the institutional family questionnaire?

Enumerator is the one that has to fill-in the institutional family questionnaire completely. To whom is intended the institutional family questionnaire?

It is intended to all residents in a collective dwelling, and independently of the family relationship between them, they benefit from the institution is objectives and they are ruled by an interior or exterior entity to the group.

[p. 77] Filling-in instructions
The filling in of the institutional family questionnaire it is done by listing the names of all individuals that compose the family.
Every person included in the institutional family questionnaire must fill-in an individual questionnaire , where the family number and the individual number must correspond to the number (coding) that is apply in the institutional family questionnaire.
3.3.6 Individual questionnaire To whom is intended the individual questionnaire?

The questionnaire must be filled-in by the individual himself, by a familiar or a friend.
In case of some kind of difficulty from the individuals the Enumerator can be asked to help with the filling-in of the questionnaire.
The Enumerator must fill-in the identification table in the questionnaire, where he will identify the parish, the census section code (the census block), the sub-section code, and building, dwelling, family and individual codes.
[p. 78] Which individuals must be enumerated?

All Portuguese and foreigners that reside in national territory on the census moment.
All residents abroad that on the census moment are in Portugal in familiar dwellings.

We must fill-in one individual questionnaire for:

All persons resident in a dwelling, even if they are temporary absent, excluding the children that were born after the census moment and including the people that died after that date.
All individuals that, not being residents, are temporarily present in the dwelling on the census moment.

Do not answer to the questionnaire:

All foreigners' members of a diplomatic body and their families if living in their embassy, all foreigner militaries and families living in their barracks stationed in national territory.
All individuals that on the census moment are in collective dwellings and do not reside there. Filling-in instructions

Question 1 - Name
We must collect one name and one surname for every individual.
This information will not be available for use or identification of individuals. It is collected only for field work purposes, mainly to avoid duplications.

[p. 79]

Question 2 - Sex

Just answer Male or Female.

Question 3 - Where is your usual residence
As for usual place of residence (dwelling) where the individual spends the mostly of the year, normally together with the direct family, and this is the place where the totality or most of his belongings are.
The individuals with more than one place of residence are counted in the one where they spent most of the year.

The following situations are expected:
Resides in this living quarter and lives here the most of the year - individuals that live in this dwelling the most part of the year.

Resides in this living quarter but does not lives here the most of the year due to studies, illness, etc. - individuals that may eventually live the most of the year outside of the dwelling but this is still their place of usual residence. Examples:
1. The student that lives faraway from the family and does not have a paid activity and that on the census moment is present on boarding school or on private house as a guest. However if the student has a paid activity he must be considered resident in the place where he lives most of the year;
2. Person living outside the family dwelling due to work, but maintains the familiar residence to which he returns regularly (i.e. weekly or every other week);

3. Individual on board of ships if they have been absent at more than six months and less than a year;

4. Individuals interned on health or rehab institution, inmates in prison at more than six months and less than a year;

5. Individual doing the compulsory military service for more than 6 months;

6. Emigrant, if he has gone abroad at more than six months and less than a year ago.
Reside elsewhere, just staying here temporarily - all persons that do not have their usual place of residence in the dwelling where by any reason they were on the census moment and on top of those we still have the following cases:
1. Foreigners members of the Diplomatic Body and their families, as long as they live outside the embassies and foreigner militaries and their families if they are living outside of the barracks, as long as they are stationed in national territory.

2. Foreigners that are in Portugal at less than year;

3. Foreigners traveling in Portugal by doing tourism, business or work.

4. Emigrants at more than a year, who are in Portugal for a short period of time (less than a year)
Note: The individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.

Question 3.1 - What is your situation on 12 march, at 00:00 hours?
Present at this living quarter - for everybody that are resident at the dwelling and is present on the census moment, or returns until 12 o'clock that same day.

Absent - for everybody that are resident at the dwelling but is absent on the census moment and not returning until 12 o'clock that same day.

Question 4 - Date of birth

This question cannot be left blank. (Day-month-year)

Question 5 - Marital status

We must collect the real situation the individual is in ("de facto" situation), even if is not the same as the legal situation.


Options available in this question:

Married : with register
Married: without register - Status where a person, independently of their legal status, is living with a person of the opposite sex in a situation similar to the marriage but without the legal arrangements.
Separated - Every person that after marrying or living together with other person had left the spouse even if the separation has no legal recognition.
Divorced - Every person that had a legal dissolution of a marriage.

[p. 84]

Question 6 - Place of residence of the mother at the time of birth

If the mother of the individual was living in Portugal he has to give us information in which municipality and parish.
If the mother was living abroad he has to identify the country where.

[p. 85]

Question 7 - What is your citizenship?

The options of answer to this question are:

Portuguese only
Double citizenship
Portuguese and other
Other cases
Foreign, from country indicated in question 6
Foreign, from another country, please write in.

If the enumerated individual has a citizenship acquisition process going on, he must indicate the citizenship he was at the moment and not the one he is applying for.

[p. 86]

Question 8 - Do you have any disability

Disability means any loss or change in a structure or in a psychological, physiological or anatomic function.

This question only applies to persons with a permanent disability. If you have a temporary disability (for example, if you use crutches or a wheel chair because you broke your leg or if you suffer from a partial detachment of the retina which forces you to wear an eye patch), the answer is "No".

Hearing - Complete or significant loss of hearing. This includes individuals with a complete or significant loss of the ability to hear a conversation spoken in a normal voice and who have to resort to sight to communicate; this also includes individuals who, under the above conditions, can hear with the help of a hearing aid.

Visual - Complete or significant loss of sight. This includes persons who are unable to or experience extreme difficulty in performing tasks requiring distance or peripheral vision or in performing fine detail tasks such as reading, writing, distinguishing TV images at a distance of 2 metres, see the time on a wristwatch or recognize faces, even when wearing glasses or contact lenses. Not included are individuals who, wearing glasses or contact lenses are capable of performing the above tasks.

Physical - Disability characterized by the difficulty or impossibility of performing activities requiring control of movement or the ability to manipulate objects. Included in this group are individuals who find it impossible or extremely difficult to walk or handle objects without the aid of an assistant device (for example, a wheel chair, walker, crutches, prostheses and outhouses for the members or trunk). Included in this group are individuals in the conditions referred to above and who suffer from, for example, enclosing sodalities, spinal bifida, poliomyelitis, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, paramyloidosis (Wohlvill-Corino Andrade syndrome), cranio-encephalic trauma.

Mental - Intellectual and psychological disability. Included in this group are persons suffering from mild, moderate or severe mental retardation or other development problems characterized by a significantly lower-than average intellectual ability, such as autism or Down is syndrome (mongolism). It does not include psychotic or serious, degenerative diseases coming under the general classification of psychiatric disorders.

Cerebral palsy - Brain damage causing paralysis and affecting movement and posture. Individuals with cerebral palsy display limited, uncoordinated and uncontrolled movements, difficulty in maintaining their balance, problems of co-ordination and speech. Individuals suffering from cerebral palsy should be mentioned in this group and not in the group for motor impairment.

Other - Disabilities not included in any of those mentioned above. By way of example, persons suffering from kidney failure, hemophilia, lupus, aphasia, dyslexia, mutism, speech disorders, ostomates, deaf -blind.
If you have more than one disability, state the main one, that is, the one causing you the greatest degree of incapacity.

Note: if the answer is No, you must go to question 9.

Question 8.1 - Due to the disability you have indicated in the previous question, has any competent authority ascribed you no incapacity degree?
The evaluation of incapacity degrees is calculated according to the national table of incapacities, being this attribution entirely responsibility of a board of doctors created just for this function.

[p. 87]

Question 9 - Where was your place of usual residence on December 31, 1999?

If the enumerated was living in Portugal he has to give us information in which municipality and parish.
If the enumerated was living abroad he has to identify the country where.

Note: for the individuals that weren't yet born the questionnaire ends here.

Question 10 - Where was your place of usual residence on December 31, 1995?

If the enumerated was living in Portugal he has to give us information in which municipality and parish.

If the enumerated was living abroad he has to identify the country where he was living.

Note: for the individuals that weren't yet born the questionnaire ends here.

[p. 88]

Question 11 - Literacy

The following options are available:
1. Able to read and write
2. Not able to read and write - even if he only knows how to write his name.

Question 12 - Are you attending or have ever attended school?

We admit the following modalities:

No, never attended - people that never enrolled in a school or teaching establishment, even if they know how to read and write. Also applies to children that didn't yet reach school age.

Attending - to select this option it is not enough to be enrolled in a school. Rather, one has to attend school regularly.

Attended, but no more - chooses this option who doesn't attend school anymore, either because one is not enrolled anymore or because he ended the course or quitted school.

Note: if the individual never attended an educational institution, he goes to question 16.

[p. 89]

Question 13 - Highest education level that you attend or have attended

If the individual doesn't study anymore but has studied, please indicate the highest education level attended even if he didn't complete it.

If the individual is studying, please indicate the education level that he is attending.

Pre-Primary - education level given to children to 3 years old or younger and that are not on compulsory school age.

Basic - 1st degree - corresponds to the first four years of school.

Basic - 2nd degree - includes the fifth and sixth year of school.

Basic - 3rd degree - includes the seventh, eighth and ninths year of school.

Secondary - includes the tenth, eleventh and twelfth year of school.

Post-secondary - includes those situations of old courses of medium degree, like for example primary school teacher, old commercial studies, etc.)

Tertiary - 1st degree (Bac.) - Bachelor degree

Tertiary - 2nd degree (Lic.) - Licentiate degree

Tertiary - 3rd degree (Master) - Master degree

Tertiary - 4th degree (Phd) - Philosophy doctor degree

Note: For individuals that signed Pre-Primary and have less than 6 years old the filling-in of the questionnaire is over.

[p. 90]

Question 14 - Did you complete the education level indicated in the previous question?

Yes or no answer.

[p. 91]

Question 15 - If you are a tertiary level graduate, please write in the name of your field of education

This question should only be answered by individuals with a higher education level completed.

When the enumerated has more than one higher course he must indicate the one with higher degree. In the case they are of the same degree indicate the one with the closest relation with the profession he has.

Note: Only the employed people and students after the first year of the first degree can answer to the question 16.1.

Question 16.1 - Indicate whether your place of work or study is

If the enumerated does not have a usual or fixed place of work he must consider the place of the company to who he is working for.

Note: Questions 16.2 and 16.3 are only answered by individuals that live in the dwelling mostly of the year and have a job or are studying.

[p. 92]

Question 16.2 - How long does it take you on average to travel to your place of work or study?
He must choose the option that represents the average time spent from the moment he leaves home until he arrives to the place of work or study.

The individuals that don't have a fixed place of work must answer according to the main office of company (the place where they go if they need something from the company).

If the individual does work and study is he must answer in relation to the place of work.

[p. 93]

Question 16.3 - What is the main mode of transport you use to travel to your place of work or study?

The individual must indicate the principal mode of transportation that he uses daily during the most part of the way to work or to the place of study.

The enumerated must signed only one mode of transport used, only the one he uses the most.

If the enumerated is student and works he must answer according to the place of work.

Note: Individuals less than 15 years old end here the filling-in of the questionnaire.

Question 17 - What is your main source of livelihood?

For main source of livelihood we understand the main source from where the individual extracted the subsistence for the last 12 months.

If he has various sources chose only one (the main one).

Work - includes people that live from their work, being paid or not.

Temporary benefits:

Sickness, accident, etc.
Others - due to accidents, hilliness, maternity leave, etc.

[p. 94]

Guaranteed minimal income - Monthly payment from social security to face minimum necessities of these persons and their families.


Property or entrepreneurial income

Social support - All individuals that receive support from the State, Public Organizations or from other institutions without profit purposes.

Household support - individuals that live supported by the rest of the elements of the family (i.e. students, elderly without any pension, etc.)

Other cases - If you encounter a case that doesn't fit in any of the other modalities please chose this answer (for example: scholarship grants)

Note: The individuals that work without receiving payment on a familiar economical activity can chose the option "Household support" and not "Work" as their answer if they agree that their work is not sufficient to cover for all expenses that the family has with them. This is a situation we may encounter on the rural area.

Question 18 - In the week of 5-11 March, did you work, even if for only 1 hour, and receive (cash or any other form of) payment for this work?
[p. 95]
Yes or no answer.
Answer "Yes" in the following cases:
1. The individuals that worked at least one hour being paid for that, in money or goods;
2. The non-paid familiar workers that worked for at least 15 hours;
3. If the enumerated is doing the compulsory military service;
4. If the enumerated is an apprentice and worked at least one hour and received payment in money or goods;
5. If the enumerated is a student, home keeper, is retired or is in a situation of pre-retirement but worked at least one hour.
Answer "No" in the following cases:
1. The enumerated was attending a professional course with a duration superior to 35 hours, even if he is keeping a job.
2. If the enumerated has any kind of liaison with an employer but didn't work for temporarily reasons, such as hilliness, holydays, accidents, etc.
3. All unemployed individuals, students, home keepers, retired and incapacitated people that didn't work in the reference week.
Note: if the answer was Yes go directly to Question 23.

Question 19 - You did not work in the week 5-11 march because
We have the following modalities available to answer this question:
On holiday, temporary illness, license, etc - if the enumerated didn't work for temporarily reasons, not losing the job due to this fact.

Permanently unable to work - if the enumerated didn't work because he is permanently incapable of working either if he is receiving a pension for that reason.
[p. 96]
Unemployed - gathers all individuals younger than 15 years old, that are not attending the official education program, and that on the reference week, was unemployed with or without payment, and simultaneously was available to work being pad or not.

Retired - if the enumerated did not work and receives due to such a fact a retirement pension, a pre-retirement pension or other of the same kind and purpose.

Student - if the enumerated is attending any kind of school and does not have a profession, is not doing any compulsory military service neither he considers him self as unemployed. If you are student and simultaneously you are responsible for house work (homemaker) identify your self as student.

Homemaker - If the enumerated occupies himself mainly of the house works (homemaker) of his own home.

Other reason - when the enumerated does not fit within any of the other modalities of this question.

Question 20 - Have you ever worked, even if for only 1 hour, and received (cash or some other form of payment) for the work?
Yes or no answer.

Answer "Yes" even for those cases where you worked for a very short period of time or only occasionally.

Question 21 - Are you seeking or have you sought a job?
If the individual looked for a job he must indicate how long ago he did that.

When the individual is enrolled in an unemployment centre he must consider the last time of contact with the centre to answer this question.

[p. 97]

Question 22 - In the week of 5-11 march, were you available for work, that is, did you want to work and could you have done so if you had found work or work had been offered to you?
Yes or no answer.

Answer Yes for the individuals that wanted to work and were immediately available to do it.

Answer No for the individuals that didn't wanted to work, or that wanted to work but weren't available to do it, meaning that they had some kind of occupation that would keep them away from to do so.

Note: if the answer is no go directly to question 2.
Only answer the questions 23.1 to 23.6 the individuals employed and unemployed looking for a new job.

Question 23.1 - What is your main occupation?
As for main occupation we understand the type or modality of work developed by the individual during the reference week.

Be precise, for example, instead of engineer, textile employer and teacher, be precise and write: civil engineer, textile fiber preparatory worker, primary education teacher, etc. instead of generic designations like engineer, teacher, office worker, etc.

The occupation is a complex notion; it contains three dimensions to be considered: the individual is specialization, the working sector in which he works and the professional function/category he has on the job.

If the individual has more than one profession indicates the one where he spent most time during the reference week.

If during that reference week the individual had a very different occupation than from usual (by being on vacation for example) he must indicate the usual occupation.

If the individual was unemployed on the week of reference indicates the last occupation he had.

[p. 98]

Question 23.2 - What are the main tasks you perform in the occupation you indicated in the previous questions?
The objective of this question is to complement the information from the answer to the previous question.

[p. 99]

Question 23.3 - Indicate the usual number of hours you work each week in the occupation you stated in question 23.1.

We must indicate the answer indicating the interval of hours that correspond to the number of hours of weekly work with the main occupation.
Will be counted the weekly hours that usually work, but we also must include the extra time hours worked if they have a regular character. Also include the time spent on the place of work preparing tools and the work space.
If the individual was unemployed on the reference week indicate the number of hours that worked on the last job he had.

Question 23.4 - Indicate the status in employment in the occupation you stated in question 23.1.

With this question we intend to know the condition of who is working towards their own work.

If the individual was in more than one type of condition during the week of reference he must indicate the one that occupied him the most.

If the enumerated was unemployed on the week of reference he must indicate the situation he was in on the last profession he had.

Employer - is the owner, partner or major share owner and has his main occupation in the company or agricultural exploration.

Own-account worker - Is the individual that works on his own and usually does not have any employee.

Employee - Is the individual that works for other and for that receives payment.

Contributing family worker - Is an individual that worked on a familiar economic activity without payment for 15 hours or longer on the week of reference.

If a family individual worked longer than 15 hours without payment on a familiar economic activity, being a student or a home maker he must sign in that situation.

Compulsory military service - If he is doing the compulsory military service.

Member of a producers co-operative - If is a partner of a cooperative of good production and if you work on it as with your main occupation. The workers that work in a co-operative being paid for that but not being partners sign them selves has employees.

Other situation - when the enumerated does not fit within any of the other modalities of this question.

[p. 100]

Question 23.5 - What is the main activity of the company or entity where you practice the occupation you stated in question 23.1?

As for main activity we understand the type of economical activity developed by the company or entity where the individual had practiced his main occupation during the reference week.

The answer must be precise. For example: pre-primary education, tribunal, hospital, Municipal Council, preparation and spinning of textile fibers, fish preparation and conservation, bread manufacture, clothing retail sale, road construction, etc.

If the enumerated was unemployed on the week of reference he must indicate the activity of the last company to whom he worked.

[p. 101]

Question 23.6 - Number of persons regularly working in the company where you practice the occupation indicated in question 23.1.

The main objective of this question is to know the number of workers of a company or similar unit where the individual works (with his main occupation if he has more than one).

If the enumerated was unemployed on the week of reference he must indicate the number of persons that usually work for the last company to whom he worked.

[p. 102]

Question 24 - What is your religion?

This is a free question and answering this same question implies the data processing authorization.

If the individual did not answer please don't try to obtain an answer.

3.3.7 Collective questionnaire Who should fill-in the collective questionnaire?

The responsible person for the collective dwelling, manager, proprietary or to whom one of these delegates in to is the competent person to answer. However, if that isn't possible, this questionnaire must be filled-in by the enumerator. To whom is this questionnaire destined to?

The collective questionnaire is exclusively destined to the persons that on the census moment are in collective dwellings as presents not residents. Filling-in instructions

The filling in of the collective questionnaire consists only in listing the names and sex of all individuals present and not resident at the collective dwellings.
[p. 103]
The collective dwellings of hotel and similar type must be enumerated on the very exact day that corresponds to the census moment.

We must distinguish:
1. Clients and hotel personnel that reside on the hotel or similar for which we must fill-in an individual questionnaire for each person together with the correspondent family questionnaires.

2. Clients that are only present and not residents (this is the most common case), a collective questionnaire must be filled-in for with every client on this situation.

3. Personnel on duty on the night of the census moment (if they are not returning home before t 12 o'clock of the census day), must be included in the collective questionnaire.

Type of institutions:

Health institutions - All patients interned at the institution as well as the service personnel if not returning to their houses before 12 o'clock of the census day.
If the health institution has personnel residing there they should not go in to a collective questionnaire but in a classical family questionnaire, if they constitute a classical family (in these cases the correspondent individual questionnaires must be filled-in).

Educational institutions and other student institutions - For all students that stay in school overnight a collective questionnaire must be filled-in.

For residents, filled-in a classical or institutional family questionnaire, depending on the situations, not a collective questionnaire, and in those cases also fill-in the correspondent individual questionnaires.

Prison establishments - All individuals in prison at less than a year ago, as long as they have family with whom to live usually, they must considered residents with their family, being inscribed in the collective questionnaire because they are considered present but not resident.

The individuals in prison at more than a year, or without family with whom to usually reside, must be considered residents in the prison establishment and make part of institutional family. For all these ones we must fill-in an institutional family questionnaire and correspondent individual questionnaires.

Military institutions - This enumeration will be done by the military structure itself.

[p. 104]

3.4 Auxiliary tools

3.4.1 Field work control sheet

This field work control sheet as an objective to facilitate the work plan and organization.

[p. 105]

3.4.2 Statistical subsection cover

The statistical subsection cover is to contain all the collected questionnaires in one subsection and must be filled-in only when the enumeration of that subsection is completed. The building covers must be organized on a sequential mode (from 1 to n) inside the subsection covers.

On the superior part of the sheet and on a very legible fashion the names of the municipality, the parish and (if it is the case) the name of the Place must be inscribed.
As well as the correspondent geographic codes that will identify the statistical subsection.

When a subsection is concluded the enumerator together with the coordinator and sub-coordinator must fill-in the correspondent subsection cover.

Note: the statistical subsection cover must be filled-in for every subsection, either containing buildings or not. When they don't have buildings the fields for values must be filled-in with zeros.

[p. 106]

3.4.3 Statistical section cover

For each statistical section there is a box, inside which the correspondent subsection covers must be placed. The subsection covers must be placed on a sequential order, from 01 to 99 inside the box.

For identification there are pre-printed forms on the sides of the boxes.

We have to fill-in those forms with the identification codes for the statistical section and some summarized values that are achieved by adding up subsection values (for example: total number of buildings, total number of individuals by sex, etc.).

[The next three chapters are only of logistic and administrative information regarding the organization of the field work and the relationship between the NSI and the enumerators]

[The rest of the document was not translated into English]