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[pg. 1]

State of Israel
Central Bureau of Statistics
Census of Population and Housing 1972

Stage A Questionnaire (MP/2)
[Questions 1-31]

Data given in this questionnaire will serve for statistical purposes only, except the items: name, address and identity number, which are required by the registration clerks, according to the law of Population Registration- 1965. The answer to the question about a shelter is not required according to the Statistics Ordinance 1947 and will be reported to the civil defense authorities.

For office use
[Personal data below and questions 1-5 were generally preprinted]

____ Surname
____ First name
____ Address
____ Year of birth

1. No. of enumeration district _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. Identity No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _

3. Auxiliary No. _ _ _ _

4. Number of household in enumeration district _ _ _

5. Number of person _ _

6. Relation to household head

[] 1. Household head
[] 2. Spouse of household head
[] 3. Son/daughter
[] 4. Son/daughter in law
[] 5. Grandson/daughter
[] 6. Parent of household head
[] 7. Parent of the spouse
[] 8. Other relation
[] 9. No relative

7. Year of birth _ _ _ _

8. Month of birth _ _

9. Sex

[] 1. Male
[] 2. Female

10. Marital status

[] 1. Married
[] 2. Divorced
[] 3. Widowed
[] 4. Single

11. Is he/she

[] 1. Jew
[] 2. Moslem
[] 3. Greek-Catholic
[] 4. Greek-Orthodox
[] 5. Latin (Catholic)
[] 6. Druze
[] Other Christian ____
[] Other ____

12. Place of birth

[] 1. Israel
[] 2. Abroad

13. [Country of origin]

For Israel-born, [specify] father's country of birth.
For born abroad, [specify] country of birth.

[] 01. Israel
[] 02. Iran (Persia)
[] 03. Bulgaria
[] 04. U.S.S.R
[] 05. Germany
[] 06. Hungary
[] 07. Tunisia
[] 08. Turkey
[] 09. Libya
[] 10. Egypt
[] 11. Morocco
[] 12. Iraq
[] 13. Poland
[] 14. Rumania
[] 15. Yemen
[] Other county ____

14. Year of immigration: 19 _ _

For [those] born abroad.

15. Has he another address besides the stated one (for study, work, therapy, etc.)

[] 1. No
[] 2. Yes; mark address ________

16. Did he stay at the additional address at least 4 nights a week during the last month?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

17. Does the spouse live at the additional address?

For married [persons] only.

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

18. Does not live in the enumeration district; mark cause.

[Question 18 was asked of persons who did not currently live in the enumeration district and therefore did not have to be enumerated.]

[] 1. Deceased
[] 2. Emigrated
[] 3. Abroad more than 1 year
[] 4. Live outside enumeration district; give address ____
[] 5. Other cause ____

19. Different identity number

[Question 19 was asked only in rare cases when person's Identity No. preprinted on the top of the questionnaire was not identical to the PIN in the person's ID card, while other data did match. This question appears to be a selection subset of question 18. It gives another reason for terminating the current enumeration, but unlike question 18, required filling out a new census form.]

[] 6. Mark and fill out another questionnaire.

Fill out for household head only
[Questions 20-27 were asked of household heads]

20. Number of street _ _ _ _

21. Number of house _ _ _

22. Sub-number _

23. Apartment number _ _

24. Number of rooms in apartment _

25. Type of apartment

[] 1. Usual
[] 2. Unusual

26. Total persons in household _ _

27. Is the apartment

[] 1. Uninhabited
[] 2. Apartment whose dwellers are not enumerable

Fill out for first household head at this address
[Questions 28-31 were asked of first household heads in cases when there was more then one household in the same dwelling.]

28. Year of finishing construction: 19 _ _

29. Number of stories _ _

30. [Bomb] Shelter

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No
31. Material of outer walls

[] 1. Stone, brick
[] 2. Concrete blocks, concrete, mortar
[] 3. Tin, earth, wood, asbestos

[pg. 2]

Family Questionnaire Stage B (MP/11)

Dear Resident:

Please fill in answers in the following manner:

Make a circle around the number or corresponding sign to the right of the questions. If there is a square, write down your answer within it. If there is a dotted line, record your answer on the appropriate line. In some questions, there is a note. This note refers only to the question preceding it and not to other questions.

Look at the "Sample Questionnaire" and the explanations, before filling out this questionnaire.

This questionnaire should be filled out with pencil only.

Question on family apartment
[Questions 1-20]

1. In how many rooms does your family live? ____

Do not include: kitchen, lavatory, bathroom and a room serving only for business purposes. Note also half a room.

2. What is the principal arrangement for heating the apartment in the winter?

[] 1. Central or apartment heating
[] 2. Other fixed installation- kerosene stove, gas, fuel oil, heat storage
[] 3. Movable stove (electric, gas, kerosene)
[] 4. No arrangement for heating apartment

3. Is there a kitchen? (not including a cooking corner)

[] 1. Kitchen
[] 2. No kitchen

4. Is there a bath or a shower and is it solely for your use?

[] 1. Bath, solely for the use of the family
[] 2. Bath, used jointly with others
[] 3. Only shower, solely for the use of the family
[] 4. Only shower, used jointly with others
[] 5. No bath and no shower

5. What is the principal arrangement for heating of water in the bath, or shower?

[] 1. Central or apartment heating
[] 2. Solar heater
[] 3. Electric or gas boiler
[] 4. Kerosene, wood, coal, etc.
[] 5. No arrangement for heating water
[] 6. No bath and no shower

6. Do you have a lavatory?

[] 1. There is no lavatory. Mark and pass on to question 9.
[] 2. There are 2 lavatories. Mark and pass on to question 9.
[] 3. There is 1 toilet

[Questions 7-8 were asked of those with 1 toilet, per question 6.]

7. Where is the lavatory located?

[] 1. Inside the building
[] 2. Outside the building

8. Is the lavatory located together with the bath or shower?

[] 1. The lavatory is located together with the bath or shower
[] 2. The lavatory is located separately

9. Is there a telephone in the apartment?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

10. Do you have a television set?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

11. Do you have a washing machine?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

12. Do you have a baking range operated by gas or electricity?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

13. Do you have an air conditioner in the apartment? (Do not include fan.)

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

14. Do you have a car?

Please include private passenger car or closed commercial van with load capacity of up to 1 ton. Do not include tender.

[] 1. Car in possession of family
[] 2. Car for use of family, but not in its possession
[] 3. No car

15. In what year did the first member out of those now living in the apartment move in?

[] Lives in apartment from birth
[] If not from birth, note year of entry: 19_ _

16. Is the apartment in your possession, or is it rented?

[] 1. In possession of the family
[] 2. Rented. Mark and pass on to question 18.
[] 3. Not in possession and not rented. Pass on to next page. [Skip questions 17-20.]

17. At how much do you estimate the value of the apartment? ____

For those living in the apartment in their possession.

Pass on to next page. [Skip questions 18-20.]

[Questions 18 to 20 were asked only of persons in rented apartments.]

18. What is the monthly rent? ____

For those living in a rented apartment.

19. Will you be getting key money (or pay on vacating) should you vacate the apartment?

[] 1. No entitlement to key money. Pass on to next page. [Skip question 20.]
[] 2. Entitlement to key money or pay on vacating (for those living in "Amidar" apartments)
[] 3. Entitled to key money (for those not living in "Amidar" apartments)

20. At how much do you estimate the value of the key money (including the third for the owner of the apartment)? ____

For those living in apartments with key money.

Enumerator: Record the total of members of the family born in 1958 or before: ____

[pg. 3]

Enumerator: Record here data only for those born in 1958 or before:

____ First name
_ _ Number of person in Stage A questionnaire
_ _ Year of birth
____ Sex

The questions in this page and the next page refer solely to the person whose name appears above.

[Questions 1-24 asked only of those 14 years of age or older.]

1. From what year have you lived in this settlement?

[] Has lived in this settlement from birth
[] If not from birth, mark year of move to this locality: 19_ _

2. Where was your permanent place of residence in May 1967, in other words, before the Six-Day War?

[] In the same house at present.
[] At another address
[] Abroad
[] In Israel; note address ____

3. Did you marry and when?

[] Did not marry. Mark and pass to question 6 [skip questions 4-5]
[] Married once -- Mark year of marriage: 19_ _
[] Married more than once -- Mark years of marriages:

First: 19_ _
Last: 19_ _

Unmarried men and women will pass to question 6. Question 4 and 5 are intended for every married, divorced, or widowed woman.

[Questions 4-5 were asked of married, divorced or widowed women aged 14+]

4. To how many children did you give birth?

Please include all children born alive, even if they are no longer living

[] No children born. Mark and pass to question 6 [skip question 5]
[] Number of children born (Mark 1, 2, 3 and so on) ____

5. How many children of those recorded were born abroad?

[] No children born abroad. Mark and pass to question 6.
[] Number of children born (Mark 1, 2, 3 and so on) ____

Your education
[Questions 6-12]

Considered as schools: studies in evening school, Yeshiva, university, academy of music, etc. Will not be considered schools: courses of under one year, correspondence courses, language courses etc.

6. Do you study or have you studied at a school before?

[] Did not study at all at a school. Mark and pass to question 11 [skip questions 7-10]
[] Studies in a school in the past and does not study at present. Mark and pass to question 8.
[] Studies at present at school. Mark name and type of school and its address.

____ Name and type of school (Full name of school, at which studying at present)
____ Address of school: Settlement Street/Quarter Number of house

7. What is the principal means of transportation for going to school?

[Question 7 was asked of persons aged 14+ who presently study at a school, per question 6]

[] 1. Special bus for conveying pupils
[] 2. Public bus
[] 3. Bicycle
[] 4. Motorcycle, scooter, or bicycle with auxiliary motor
[] 5. Private or commercial vehicle
[] 6. Taxi, including mini-bus
[] 7. Train, or carmelit
[] 8. Other vehicle
[] 9. Walking

[Questions 8-10 were asked of persons aged 14+ who presently study at a school or studied in past, per question 6]

8. How many years altogether did you study at school? ____

If you are studying at present, please include current year of studies. Do not include: kindergarten, an uncompleted year of studies, another year in the same grade, short courses.

9. What is the type of the school you attended last, or where you are studying at present?

[] 1. Primary school, Heder, Kutab
[] 2. Intermediate classes (between primary and secondary schools)
[] 3. Yeshiva, "Madrassa Diniyyah"
[] 4. Vocational, agricultural secondary school
[] 5. Secondary school
[] 6. Teachers training college (post primary)
[] 7. Other post-secondary school, such as school for qualified nurses, surveyors' school
[] 8. University, technion
[] 9. Other school, mark _________

10. What is the highest certificate (degree) that you received?

[] 1. Academic degree
[] 2. Certificate and completion of post-secondary school
[] 3. Matriculation or other certificate [illegible]
[] 4. Other certificate of completing secondary studies
[] 5. None of those certificates

11 Can you write (at least a simple letter)

a. Can you write in Hebrew?

[] Yes
[] No

b. Can you write in Arabic?

[] Yes
[] No

c. Can you write in (another languages)?

[] Yes
[] No

12. What is the language, or languages, that you speak in everyday life?

Do not mark language that you know, but do not use in everyday life.

____ Mark single or principal language
____ Mark second language
____ Mark third language

Your Work
[Questions 13-17]

In questions 13-21, full or part-time work for payment, profit, or other remuneration, and also work of a family member without pay in a family business will be considered as "work". Not considered as "work": work of woman in her own household.

13. Did you work during the last week at least one hour?

[] 1. Served in regular or professional military service (not including army reserves). Mark and pass to question 22.[skip questions 14-21]
[] 2. Worked
[] 3. Did not work.

[Questions 14-16 were asked of persons aged 14+ who did not serve in regular or professional military service (not including army reserves) last week, per question 13]

14. Did you actively look for work during the last week?

For example, through the Labor Exchange, enquiring at various places of work, attempting to set up a business etc.

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

15. Do you have a job, a business, or an agricultural farm that you were absent from in the last week (for reasons of leave, sickness, army reserve duty, or other cause)?
[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

16. For how many weeks did you work in Israel in all places of work during the last 12 months?

A "working week" is considered to be a week during which you worked even one day only, or during which you worked part-time. Include in the number of weeks annual leave, sickness leave, and service in the army reserve. Do not include in the "working week" periods in compulsory or regular army service

[] 00. Did not work for a single day. Mark and pass to question 24.[skip questions 17-23]
[] If worked less than one year, indicate for how many weeks worked: ____
[] 99. Worked the whole year

[Questions 17-21 were asked of persons age 14+ who worked and did not serve in regular or professional military service last week, per questions 13, 16]

17. During the weeks that you worked, how many hours weekly did you work in general (including hours that you worked in all places of work)? Mark number of hours. ____

Your place of work
[Questions 18-21]

If you worked last week, please mark details of your main work. If you did not work last week, but worked in Israel during the last 12 months, give details of your last work.

18. Where did you work?

a. Name of place of work (name of enterprise, institution, or employer) ____
Samples: "Jerusalem Municipality", "R. Cohen - Greengrocer", Eshkoli Factory", "Ministry of Labor", "Yefe Nof Primary School", "Private Clinic of Dr. Levy"

b. Description of principal activity of the place of work ____
Samples: Retail sale of shoes; ladies' hairdresser; manufacture of office furniture; teaching languages; raising poultry.

c. Branch or division (if existing) in which you work ____
Samples: Division of manufacture of children's wear; Division for production of refrigerators; Water department at municipality; Public works department; Antiquities department.

d. Address of your place of work

Write down the address you reach first on coming from home

____ Settlement
____ Street/Quarter
____ Number of house (or identifiable adjacent place)

19. What is the principal means of transportation by which you reach the above place of work?

[] 1. Bus
[] 2. Private or commercial vehicle
[] 3. Taxi, including mini-bus
[] 4. Motorcycle, scooter, or bicycle with auxiliary motor.
[] 5. Bicycle
[] 6. Truck
[] 7. Train, or carmelit
[] 8. Other vehicle
[] 9. Not traveling

20. What is the principal work at your place of work?

A. Describe your work ____

Examples: owner of grocery; filing; directing a team of carpenters; recording goods; aircraft maintenance technician; surgeon

B. Description of position (if existing) ____

Samples: Director of Finance Division; Secretary (female) of board of directors; Chief Sanitary Inspector; Head of team of Technicians

21. What is your position at the place of work?

[] 1. Employee (receiving wages and salary)
[] 2. Self-employed, not employing hired personnel
[] 3. Self-employed, employing 1-2
[] 4. Self-employed, employing 3 and more
[] 5. Member of a cooperative
[] 6. Member of qibbuz (not employee)
[] 7. member of family working without pay in family business or farm

[Questions 22-24]
[illegible]; if no income in a given section - mark "0".

[Questions 22-23 were asked of persons aged 14+ who worked or served in regular or professional military service (not including army reserves) last week, per question 13]

22. What was your gross income (before deductions) from wages and salary in all places of work?

To be also included: income as a soldier, a cooperative member, [illegible], "thirteenth month salary", vacation pay, payments for professional literature, sickness pay, army reserve pay.

A. Last month ____

B. In the last 12 months ____

C. Is the last amount noted gross?

[] 1. Yes
[] 2. No

23. What was your gross income in 1970/71 from your work as self-employed? ____
Record the income before withdrawals from the business for private needs and personal taxes

24. What were your and your family's income not from work during the last 12 months? ____

[Question 24 was asked of persons aged 14+]

Record: regular income. Do not record: one-time income, such as: inheritance, severance pay, lottery win, etc.

A. Pensions, locally and from abroad. ____

B. Assistance, or allowances such as: national insurance, ministry of defense, Malben. ____

C. Assistance by relatives who do not live with you. ____

D. Gross income, from letting apartment, leasing property, interest, dividends, and non-active partnership in a business. ____

E. Other current income, not marked above. ____