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2001 Census
Population and Housing Census 2001

The National Statistics Institute is legally obligated to carry out, in years ending in 1, the Population and Housing Census, which must be based on the population registries. The National Statistics Institute must also introduce necessary improvements to the enumeration process.

The 2001 Census incorporates many changes to improve its usefulness and facilitate responses, saving time and trouble.

We thank you for your collaboration, which is essential for this important operation to succeed.

Statistical Confidentiality
With the exception of modifications that may be made in the registry information, which INE must send to your municipality, the information requested will neither be published nor given to anyone in a manner that would allow someone to discover, even indirectly, whom the information refers to. In addition, personnel involved in the census work have the express obligation to maintain statistical confidentiality.

Obligation to provide the information
Participation in the Population and Housing Census is mandated by law. If you do not answer or if you intentionally give false information, sanctions can be imposed according to articles 50 and 51 of the Public Statistics Function Law.

If you have any questions, ask your census agent, call the toll-free number (900 15 11 20), or consult the internet site at Also, if you prefer, you can complete the census on-line. To do so, you will need the following access codes:
code 1: 3T4Q6
code 2: 47Y9T

To answer the questions more easily, please read the following instructions carefully:

1. Begin by answering the Housing Questionnaire on the other side of this page:
- For multiple choice questions, mark the correct answer with an X. If you make a mistake, fill in the box completely and make an X in the correct box.

-Write your answers using capital letters and without accent marks. Use one box per letter, and separate the words with one blank space:

S A N _ L O R E N Z O _ D E
L _ E S C O R I A L _ _ _ _

2. Next, verify the Registry Data (the yellow sheets of paper) and:
-If any data are incorrect, provide the correct answers in the spaces found under each question:
[For example]
E L I S A _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Date of birth 16/4/1953
day _ _ month 9 _ year 1 9 6 3

-If anyone on the registry list no longer lives in this housing unit, mark the reason:
Moved to another residence in this municipality []
Moved to another municipality X
Died []
Another reason []

-If any resident is not on the list, write his/her information in a blank row. (If you need more forms, request them from the census agent.)
If you modify any registry information, we will notify your municipality so that they can update their municipal registry. For this reason, it is important that you do not forget to sign the form.

3. When you have verified the registry data, answer the Household questionnaire (the red paper).
Very important: the household questionnaire should list the same persons, in the same order, as the registry data.

4. Lastly, persons age 16 or older who were working or attending school last week should complete the individual questionnaire (the lilac paper).

Use a blue or black pen (never pencil).

[The following five lines contain the names and address of the persons listed in the example case for this form.]
Ascension Chaves Dopico
Silvio Haro Sanjuan
Cristina Haro Chaves
Calle Diego de Torres PO2 C
18802 Colmenar Viejo (Madrid)

The census agent will stop by to pick up the completed forms in this same envelope.

Housing Questionnaire

-Use a blue or black pen (never pencil).
- For multiple choice questions, mark the answer with an X. If you make a mistake, fill in the box completely and make an X in the correct box.
-Write your answers using capital letters and without accent marks. For example:
C A N _ D E _ O N I S _ _

1. Since what year have you lived in this housing unit?
If not all residents arrived in the same year, write the year for the one who moved in first.

Since _ _ _ _

2. Form of occupancy

[] Owned through purchase, totally paid for
[] Owned through purchase, mortgaged
[] Owned through inheritance or donation
[] Rented
[] Provided for free or at minimal cost by another owner, business, or organization
[] Some other arrangement

3. Does your housing have any of the following problems?

Yes/ No
[] / [] Excessive exterior noise
[] / [] Contamination or bad smells caused by industry, traffic, etc.
[] / [] Poor street sanitation
[] / [] Poor communication services [as in poor telephone service or television reception]
[] / [] Few green areas (parks, gardens, etc.)
[] / [] Delinquency or vandalism in the neighborhood
[] / [] Lack of sanitary facilities (toilet, bathtub, or shower) inside the housing unit

4. Services or amenities in the housing unit

Air conditioning (central air conditioning, or mobile appliances, not fans) [] Yes [] No

Heating system
[] Yes, central heating in the building
[] Yes, heating system in the housing unit
[] No, there is no heating system, but there is an appliance that heats one of the rooms (for example: electric radiators)
[] No, there is no heat (skip to question 6)

5. Fuel used for heating

[] Gas (butane, propane, natural gas, etc.)
[] Electricity
[] Petroleum or its derivatives (gas oil, fuel oil, gasoline, etc.)
[] Wood
[] Coal or its derivatives
[] Other

6. How many rooms are in the housing unit?
In addition to the bedrooms, include rooms that measure 4 or more square meters, including the kitchen.
Do not include bathrooms, vestibules, corridors, or open terraces.

_ _ Rooms

7. What is the approximate usable floor-space in the housing unit?
Example: 9 6 _ square meters
Do not include open terraces or gardens. Do not include basements, carports, back patios, etc. that cannot be used for habitation.

_ _ _ square meters

8. Does this household tend to use another housing unit (whether owned, rented, or available free-of-charge) for vacations, weekends, or as a second residence?

[] Yes
[] No (skip to question 11)

9. Where is this second housing unit?
(If more than one is in use, refer to the one that is used more often.)

[] In this municipality
[] In another municipality
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[] In another country

10. How many days per year, approximately, is this second housing unit used by a member of the household?

_ _ _ days

11. Does this household have a car or mini-van that is used primarily for personal transportation?

[] Yes, one
[] Yes, two
[] Yes, three or more
[] No

Thank you for your collaboration.
Now, turn the page to verify, or answer, the personal data (on the yellow page).
Household Questionnaire

[In the question section, the first row provides the questions and the subsequent rows provide space for each person's answer. The first row is meant for the householder.]

Note: It will be easier if you fill in all the answers for person number 1, then for person number 2, and so on.

_ _ Person
___ [Name]
Date of Birth:
_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ day/month/year
If this person does not normally reside here, continue on to the next person.

[1] Marital status
Indicate legal marital status, regardless of whether it corresponds with the person's current status.

[] Never married
[] Married
[] Widowed
[] Separated
[] Divorced

2. Relationship to person 1.
Example: If person number 3 is the son of person number 1, you should mark the second box.

[for the first person]
[] Person 1 [Householder]

[for other persons]
[] Spouse or partner
[] son or daughter, son-in-law or daughter-in-law
[] Brother or sister, brother-in-law or sister-in-law
[] Father or mother; Father-in-law or mother-in-law
[] Other relative
[] Nonrelative

3. Highest level of education completed.
Look for the numbers in Table 3 and mark the corresponding box.

[] 1 Does not know how to read or write.
[] 2 Knows how to read and write, but attended school for less than five years.
[] 3 Attended school for five years or more, but did not complete EGB, ESO, or basic baccalaureate degree [EGB, educación general básica, basic general education / Educación Superior Oficial, Official higher Education]
[] 4 Basic Baccalaureate degree, EGB, or ESO completed (School graduate)
[] 5 Higher Baccalaureate degree, BUP, Bachelors LOGSE, COU, PREU
[BUP, Bachillerato Unificado y Polivalente, integrated upper secondary education, a 3-year course of university-preparatory education for 14 to 17 year old students, which also prepares students for employment. COU, Curso de Orientación Universitaria, a one-year college preparatory program.]

[If answer is 1-5] Go on to question 5.

[] 6 Technical Training, mid-level; Official industrial training, or equivalent
[] 7 Technical Training, second level; advanced Technical Training; Industrial master's degree or equivalent
[] 8 Diploma, Architecture or Technical engineering, 3 years completed of a bachelor's degree, or the first three years of an engineering or architecture degree
[] 9 Completed degree in Architecture or Engineering, Bachelor's degree, or equivalent
[] 10 Doctorate

4. Field of study completed
Look on Table 4 and mark the correct box.

[] 1 Law
[] 2 Education, child development
[] 3 Social sciences (Administration, Psychology, Economics, Journalism)
[] 4 Arts and Humanities (History, Languages, Art and Music, etc. )
[] 5 Computer science
[] 6 Engineering
[] 7 Technical and Industrial Training (Mechanics, Metallurgy, Electricity, Drafting, Clothing design, Food sciences, etc.)
[] 8 Sciences (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, etc.)
[] 9 Architecture or Construction
[] 10 Agriculture, Cattle ranching, Fishing, Veterinary science
[] 11 Health, Social Services (Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Social Work, etc.)
[] 12 Other services (Tourism, Hotel management, Hairdressing, Naval education, Military)

5. Since what year have you resided in the following places? (answer even if it is since birth):

_ _ _ _ Spain
_ _ _ _ This Autonomous community
_ _ _ _ This municipality
If you previously resided in another municipality or country, write it below:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

6. In what municipality (or country) did you reside on March 1, 1991?

[] In this municipality (or not yet born)
[] In another municipality or country
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Province (supply only if you resided in another municipality in Spain)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7. Which of the following describes your situation last week?
Review all the options in Table 7 and mark all of the boxes that apply.

[] 1 Receiving some type of schooling (including schooling via nursery school, academies, businesses, etc.)
[] 2 Working (worked at least 1 hour) or temporarily absent from work.

[If answers 1 or 2 apply] Please fill an individual questionnaire.

[] 3 Unemployed, looking for a first job
[] 4 Unemployed, having worked previously
[] 5 Receiving a pension because handicapped or disabled
[] 6 Receiving a widow's or orphan's pension
[] 7 Receiving a retirement or pre-retirement pension
[] 8 Doing volunteer work
[] 9 Unable to do basic activities without assistance (bathing, getting dressed, moving around)
[] 10 Doing or helping with household chores
[] 11 Some other situation (children too young to attend school, persons living off rental income, etc. )

[The following comment refers to the questions that follow]

Remember: This questionnaire should only be completed if the person is at least 16 years old and was studying or working last week.

Start by completing this personal data:

Individual Questionnaire for:
___ Name (example: Juan G. M.)

Date of Birth:
_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ day/month/year

INE Document Protected by Statistical Confidentiality
2001 Census INE

To Be Completed by Agent NORD _ _

1. Where is your workplace or school?
If the person both works and goes to school, refer to the place where he/she worked last week.

[] In my own home (skip to question 5)
[] In several municipalities (commercial traveler, truck driver, etc.) (skip to question 5)
[] In this municipality
[] In another municipality:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
[] In another country
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. How many round trips do you normally make daily from this residence to your workplace or school?

[] None (because I have a second residence, from which I leave to travel to work or school) (skip to question 5)
[] One daily (meaning, one trip there, one trip back)
[] two or more

3. How do you normally travel from home to your workplace or school?
If you use more than one means of transportation, mark the two that cover the greatest distance.)

[] In a car or mini-van, as a driver
[] In a car or mini-van, as a passenger
[] In a bus, streetcar, or mini-bus
[] Subway
[] Motorcycle
[] Walk
[] RENFE (intercity train or suburban train)
[] Other trains
[] Bicycle
[] Another mode of transport

4. How long does it normally take you to travel from your home to your workplace or school?

[] Less than 10 minutes
[] Between 10 and 20 minutes
[] Between 20 and 30 minutes
[] Between 30 and 45 minutes
[] Between 45 minutes and 1 hour
[] Between an hour and an hour and a half
[] More than an hour and a half

5. Were you enrolled in any course of study last week?

[] No: please skip to question 6.
[] Yes: What type? (Review all the options and mark up to 3 boxes.)

[] Basic adult education (literacy, basic education)
[] Social Welfare Programs
[] ESO (Educación Superior Oficial, meaning Official higher Education); Secondary education for adults
[] Basic Baccalaureate, BUP, COU
[BUP, Bachillerato Unificado y Polivalente, is an integrated upper secondary education, a 3-year course of university-preparatory education for 14 to 17 year old students, which also prepares students for employment. COU, Curso de Orientación Universitaria, is a one-year college preparatory program.]
[] Official language schools
[] Elementary and mid-level artistic education
[] Technical training, mid-level or equivalent
[] Technical training, second level; advanced Technical training; or equivalent
[] University Diploma, Architecture, engineering, or equivalent
[] Post-graduate, master's, MIR, or similar
[] Doctorate

Other training courses:
[] Training via INEM centers, workshops, or other courses for unemployed persons
[INEM, Instituto de Empleo Servicio Público de Empleo Estatal, is the Institute of Public Service for State Employment]
[] Occupational training provided by businesses (only for those who are employed)
[] Other courses not listed above (computer training, job search training program, language academies, cultural or recreational courses, etc. )

6. Were you working (for at least one hour) or temporarily absent from work last week?

[] No: Your questionnaire is finished. Thank you for your collaboration.
[] Yes: What was your occupation?
Note: We are not asking for your title based on your level of education (college graduate, doctor, etc.), nor your class/sector of work (government official, businessman, etc.), nor your work category (official, apprentice, etc.). We are asking about the type of work that you did.
Look in the Table of Occupations (on the white sheet, with a yellow title) and write the letter and number that corresponds to your occupation:

_ Letter _ Number
If you did not find your occupation or you are not certain, write your occupation below:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

7. What is your class of work?
Business owner, professional, or self-employed worker

[] self-employed
[] not self-employed

Salaried, employed by someone else
[] Full-time or indefinite contract
[] occasional or temporary worker

Other situations:
[] Employed in family business
[] member of a cooperative

8. What is the principal activity of the business or place where you work?

Look in the Activities Table (on the white sheet with a red title) and write the corresponding number.
_ _ _
If you did not find an activity that matches the one in your workplace or you are uncertain, write the activity below:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

9. How many hours do you normally work each week?

_ _ Do not count overtime, vacations, or time off.

Thank you for your collaboration.
On the other side of this page, there is another questionnaire to be used if needed because of additional household members.

Registry Data

Note: If the data are correct, you should not fill in an answer.
Do not forget to sign in the box below.

_ _ Person

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
First Last Name
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Second Last Name
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Date of birth
_ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _ day / month / year

If he/she does not reside here, indicate the reason:

[] Moved to another residence in this municipality
[] Moved to another municipality
[] Died
[] Another reason

Place of birth: Province
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Municipality (or country)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Type of identification document

[] DNI [Documento Nacional de Identidad, National Identification Document]
[] Passport
[] Residency Card
Number / Letter
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / _

[] Male
[] Female

School or academic degree
Look for the meaning of the number in the table below. If this number is not correct, change it.

Country of nationality
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Signature of those who are of legal age
1 ___
2 ___
3 ___
4 ___

1. Does not read or write
2. Certificate of elementary studies, Certificate of Schooling, or without schooling
3. School graduate, Basic elementary, First-level technical training, or equivalent
4. Higher Baccalaureate, BUP [note: see explanation above], Second-level technical training, or equivalent or more advanced degrees