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Presidency of the Republic's Planning Secretariat
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics Foundation
IX Brazilian General Census 1980
Demographic Census
Enumeration Form

1.- [Location]

1. Municipality


For internal use
2. Folder


3. Folder number


Internal Sheets


No. NO CD 1.07/08



[] 1 city or town
[] 3 isolated urban area
[] 5 rural agglomeration
[] 7 rural zone



4. Collection

[] 1 previous distribution
[] 3 interview

5. Sector number


Enumerated persons
6. Male residents


7. Female residents


8. Nonresidents present


For internal use
9. Informant


10. Q-3


11. Q-4


____ Locality
____ Address
____ Number
____ Dependency
____ Name of the Household Head
____ Informer's Signature

2.- Household Questions

1. Class [of dwelling]

[] 1 permanent
[] 3X improvised
[] 5X permanent
[] 7X improvised

(The following questions are only for permanent private households)

2. Type

[] 1 house
[] 3 apartment

3. Walls

[] 2 masonry
[] 4 wood
[] 6 uncoated lathe and plaster
[] 7 scraps of material
[] 8 straw
[] 0 other

4. Floors

[] 1 wood
[] 3 ceramic tile
[] 4 cement
[] 6 scraps of material
[] 7 brick
[] 0 other

5. Roof

[] 1 concrete slab
[] 2 clay tiles
[] 3 asbestos tiles
[] 4 zinc
[] 5 wood
[] 6 straw
[] 7 scraps of material
[] 0 other

6. Water supply

With interior plumbing:
[] 1 general system
[] 3 well or spring
[] 5 other form
With exterior plumbing:
[] 6 general system
[] 7 well or spring
[] 0 other form

7. Sanitation: Sewage installations

[] 2 general sewage system
[] 4 septic tank
[] 6 rudimentary septic tank
[] 0 other
[] 8 don't have

8. Sanitation: Use

[] 1 only for the household
[] 3 common to more than 1 [household]
[] 8 don't have

9. Condition of ownership

[] 1 already paid
[] 3 haven't finished paying
[] 5 - rented
Ceded by:
[] 6 employer
[] 7 private
[] 0 other

10. Monthly rent (in Cr$=cruzeiros)

[] 9 don't pay rent

11. Duration of residence

1 months _ _
3 years _ _

12. Total number of rooms


13. Rooms used as bedrooms


14. For cooking use

[] 1 stove
[] 3 improvised stove
[] 5 brazier
[] 8 don't have

15. Fuel used for cooking

[] 1 bottled gas
[] 2 piped gas
[] 3 wood
[] 4 coals
[] 5 oil or kerosene
[] 6 alcohol
[] 7 electricity
[] 8 don't have

16. Telephone

[] 1 have
[] 8 don't have

17. Electricity

[] 2 have, with meter
[] 4 have, without meter
[] 8 don't have

18. Radio

[] 1 have
[] 8 don't have

19. Refrigerator

[] 1 have
[] 8 don't have

20. Television

[] 1 color
[] 3 color, and black and white
[] 5 black and white
[] 2 don't have

21. Automobile

[] 1 have, private use
[] 3 have, work use
[] 8 don't have

[In Sections 3 and 4, questions appear in columns and there are 5 rows for answers]

3.- These questions are to be completed only after the completion of the enumeration form

Persons 5 to 9 years old, who in this enumeration, worked habitually in the previous 12 months (Sept 1, 1979 to August 31, 1980) (Does not apply to non remunerated domestic chores done in the household)

1. Order number
[Number between 1-5]

2. Number of person on the enumeration form

3. Name

4. Regular occupation

Code _ _ _

5. Hours per week typically worked in the declared occupation

[] 1 less than 15 hours
[] 2 15-29 hours
[] 3 30-39 hours
[] 4 40-48 hours
[] 5 49+ hours

6. Average monthly income received in money in declared occupation (Cr$=cruzeiros)


4.- Persons in the family(ies) who lived in this household and died in the last 12 months (Sept 1, 1979 to August 31, 1980)

1. Order number
[Number between 1-5]
2. Name


3. Sex

1 male
3 female

4. Date of birth: month

_ _

5. Date of birth: year

1 _ _ _

6. Date of death: month

_ _

7. Date of death: year

1 _ _ _

5.- Person - - Name

1. Sex

[] 1 male
[] 3 female

2. Condition of presence

[] Resident:
[] 0 present
[] 1 absent
[] 2 nonresident present

3. Family relationship or relationship with head of dwelling

[] 1 head
[] 2 spouse
[] 3 child or stepchild
[] 4 parents or in-laws
[] 5 son- or daughter-in-law
[] 5 grandchild
[] 5 other relative
[] 6 person who has permanent residence in the domicile, without being a relative, boarder or employee (agregado)
[] 7 boarder
[] 7 visitor/guest
[] 8 domestic servant
[] 9 relative of employee
[] 0 individual

4. Family relationship or relationship with head of household

[] 1 head
[] 2 spouse
[] 3 child or stepchild
[] 4 parents or in-laws
[] 5 son- or daughter-in-law
[] 5 grandchild
[] 5 other relative
[] 6 person who has permanent residence in the domicile, without being a relative, boarder or employee (agregado)
[] 7 boarder
[] 7 visitor/guest
[] 8 domestic servant
[] 9 relative of employee
[] 0 individual

5. Belong to which family

[] 0 single family
Multiple family (convivente):
[] 1 1st
[] 2 2nd
[] 3 3rd
[] 4 Collective dwelling
[] 5 Individual

6. Month and year birth (do not register the day)

Month _ _
Year 1 _ _ _

7. Presumed age (If don't know the month and/or year of birth, indicate number of years thought to have; if less than one year, indicate number of months
1 or more years
[] 20 years _ _
Less than 1 year
[] 40 months _ _

8. Religion

____ Code

9. Color

[] 2 white
[] 4 black
[] 6 yellow
[] 8 mixed (parda)

10. Have living mother

[] 1 yes
[] 3 no
[] 5 don't know

11. Nationality

[] 2 Brazilian native
[] 4 naturalized Brazilian
[] 6 foreigner

12. State or foreign country of birth

____ Code

Only for residents present or absent (Question 2 codes 2 or 4)
[Applies to questions 13 - 18]

13. Born in this municipality

[] 1 yes
[] 8 no

14. In this municipality, lived :

[] 2 only in urban zone
[] 4 only in rural zone
[] 6 urban and rural zones

15. In the municipality where previously lived (If born or always lived in the municipality, respond Born)

[] 1 only in urban zone
[] 3 only in rural zone
[] 8 born

16. How many years lived in this state (If born or always lived in the state, respond Born)

[] 0 less than 1 year
[] 1 1 year
[] 2 2 years
[] 3 3 years
[] 4 4 years
[] 5 5 years
[] 6 6-9 years
[] 7 10 years or more
[] 8 born

17. How many years lived in this municipality (If born or always lived in the municipality, respond Born)

[] 0 less than 1 year
[] 1 1 year
[] 2 2 years
[] 3 3 years
[] 4 4 years
[] 5 5 years
[] 6 6-9 years
[] 7 10 years or more
[] 8 born

18. If in Question 17, responded Less than 10 years, indicate the name of the municipality and the abbreviation of the state or the foreign country where lived previously (If responded 10 years or was born in municipality, mark seven zeros 0000000 in the code field)

____ [Municipality]
____ Abbreviation
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Code

The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 5 years or older
[Applies to questions 19 - 24]

19. Know how to read and write

[] 2- yes
[] 4- no, did know
[] 6- no, never knew

For the person who is attending school (if not attending, mark 0)
[Applies to questions 20 - 22]

For the person who attends graded courses (if not attending, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 21 - 22]

20. Grade attending (for courses that are credited, in periods, in semesters, or supplemental)

[] 1 1st grade
[] 2 2nd grade
[] 3 3rd grade
[] 4 4th grade
[] 5 5th grade
[] 6 6th grade
[] 7 7th grade
[] 8 8th grade
[] 0 none

21. Level of the grade attending

[] 1- primary or elementary
[] 2- middle/junior school
[] 3- first level
[] 4- 2nd level
[] 5- senior high or middle school
Supplemental general education:
[] 6- 1st level
[] 7- 2nd level
[] 8- higher
[] 0- none

22. For the person who is attending non-graded courses (if attending graded course, mark the 0 box)

[] 1- preschool
[] 2- adult literacy course
Supplemental, attending school:
[] 3- 1st level
[] 4- 2nd level
Supplemental via radio or TV:
[] 5- 1st level
[] 6- 2nd level
[] 7- college entrance exam
[] 8- masters or doctorate
[] 0- none

For the person who is not attending school (if attending school or never attended school, mark the 0 boxes)
[Applies to questions 23 -24]

23. Last grade passed

[] 1 1st grade
[] 2 2nd grade
[] 3 3rd grade
[] 4 4th grade
[] 5 5th grade
[] 6 6th grade
[] 7 7th grade
[] 8 8th grade
[] 0 none

24. Last level passed (For adult literacy courses, masters or doctorate, mark the box -none- in question 23)

[] 1 adult literacy course
[] 2 primary or elementary
[] 3 middle/junior school
[] 4 1st level
[] 5 2nd level
[] 6 senior high or middle school
[] 7 higher
[] 8 masters or doctorate
[] 0 none

The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 10 years or older
[Applies to questions 25 -49]

25. Type of the highest course passed

_ _ Code

26. If living with a partner - spouse, companion, etc indicate the nature of the union.

[] 1 civil and religious marriage
[] 2 civil marriage only
[] 3 religious marriage only
[] 4 other

If not living with a partner spouse, companion, etc indicate if person is:
[] 5 single
[] 6 separated
[] 7 abandoned (desquitado)
[] 8 divorced
[] 9 widowed

27. Municipality where person works or studies (If he/she does not work nor study or work or study in a Municipality different from that of residence, register seven zeroes - 0000000 - for Code. Register 7 zeroes as well for resident that is absent. - Question 2 Code 6)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Code

28. Worked in last 12 months (Sept 1, 1979- Aug 31, 1980)

[] 1- yes
[] 3- no

29. If responded yes in question 28 mark 0 box and go to question 30. If responded no in question 28, indicate the situation or occupation in the correct place and skip to question 46

[] 0 worked
Seeking work:
[] 1x has worked
[] 2x never worked
[] 3x retired or prisoner
[] 4x live on rent
[] 5x imprisoned
[] 6x student
[] 7x sick or invalid
[] 8x homemaker
[] 9x no occupation

30. Occupation, profession, task, function, etc, that was exercised for the longest time
(If changed occupations definitively note current occupation)

_ _ _ Code

31. Establishment, business, institution, etc, where exercised occupation in question 30


32. Function or activity class of the establishment, organization, institution, etc, where exercised occupation in question 30


33. Position in the establishment, organization, institution, etc declared in question 31

Migrant agricultural worker:
[] 1 with broker
[] 2 without broker
Partner or half-owner:
[] 3 employee
[] 4 employer
[] 5 self-employed
[] 6 employed
[] 7 employer
[] 8 self employed
[] 9 without remuneration

34. Is contributor to social security

[] 2 federal
[] 4 state
[] 6 municipal
[] 8 isn't a contributor

35. Hours usually worked per week in occupation declared in question 30

[] 1 less than 15 hours
[] 2 15 to 29 hours
[] 3 30 to 39 hours
[] 4 40 to 48 hours
[] 5 49+ hours

36. Hours usually worked per week in occupation declared in all occupations

[] 1 less than 15 hours
[] 2 15 to 29 hours
[] 3 30 to 39 hours
[] 4 40 to 48 hours
[] 5 49+ hours

37. Monthly gross income, received in money in the occupation declared in question 30

____ Cr$

38. Monthly gross income received in products or merchandise, for the occupation declared in question 30

____ Cr$

39. Monthly gross income received in all occupations done regularly except those declared in question 37 and question 38

____ Cr$

40. If in question 33, responded employee or partner employee, how many annual salaries person received

[] 2 12
[] 3 13
[] 4 14
[] 5 15
[] 6 16 or more
[] 0 not employed

41. Last week (August 25-31, 1980) person was: (If box 3 is marked, go to question 42, if box 1x, 2x, 4x, 5x, or 6x marked, skip to question 46)

[] 1x only working in occupation listed in Q30
[] 2x working in occupation listed in Q30 and an(other occupation(s)
[] 3x only working in occupation different from main one
[] 4x unemployed looking for work
[] 5x was retired and didn't work
[] 6x neither working nor looking

42. If during the week of August 25-31, 1980, person was working in an occupation different than usual one, what occupation was exercised

_ _ _ Code _ _ _

43. Establishment, business, institution, etc, in which occupation exercised in the occupation declared in question 42


44. Function or activity class of the establishment, organization, institution, etc, where exercised occupation in question 30


45. Position in the establishment, organization, institution, etc declared in question 43

Migrant agricultural worker:
[] 1 with broker
[] 2 without broker
Partner or half-owner:
[] 3 employee
[] 4 employer
[] 5 self-employed
[] 6 employed
[] 7 employer
[] 8 self employed
[] 9 without remuneration

46. Monthly gross income received from retirement (FUNRURAL, reform, retirement, etc) from Pensão de Instituto, Caixa de Assisténcia Social o Fundo de Pensão, from Abono, Permanéncia [varias pension funds], and, divided by 12 the 14th minimum salary received from PIS or PASEP

____ Cr$

47. Average monthly earnings from rent or rentals of property, furniture, vehicles, machinery, etc, including subleases

____ Cr$

48. Average monthly earnings received as donations in money, monthly allowance from person not a resident in this household or food allowance

____ Cr$

49. Average monthly earnings from investments, received in the last 12 months (see instructions for allowable earnings)

____ Cr$

The following questions are only for women 15 years and older
[Applies to questions 50 - 57]

50./51. Children had born alive

[1] male _ _ female _ _

52./53. Children had born dead

[6] male _ _ female _ _

54./55. Children alive on date of census

[8] male _ _ female _ _

56./57. Month and year of birth of last child born alive

month _ _
year 1 _ _ _