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Educational attainment, Mexico

Questionnaire Text

Mexico 1960
Mexico 1970
Mexico 1990
Mexico 1995
Mexico 2000
Mexico 2005
Mexico 2010
Mexico 2015
Mexico 2020
Mexico 1960 — source variable MX1960A_YRSCH2 — Years of primary schooling completed and passed: primary
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19. Does he/she know how to write? Yes or No.

20. Years of elementary education completed and passed (From first to the sixth grade)

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(Very important)

Column 19. If the enumerated declares that they can currently read and write, the word YES should be written in this column. If they declare that they only know how to read, but not how to write, or they only write but do not read, or they declare that they do not know to read nor right, the word No will be written.

Column 20. Your attention is called to the fact that the number of years of primary instruction study (elementary and superior) that the enumerated has finished and approved in official or private schools should be written in this column. Only one of the following numbers will be written in this column: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6, since primary instruction only includes up to 6 years.

Column 21. The number of years of study finished should be written, that is, attained in a school of a higher grade than that of primary. All the years beyond primary should be added up; therefore, the primary years should not be included, since they were [P. 22] asked about this in column 20. The words "Studies finished" in column 21 means years of study attained.

Column 22. This column is earmarked for collecting data about the type and grade of instruction that the enumerated is receiving on the census date, generally, by way of assistance at a school and, in exceptional cases, by way of classes received in their home or by correspondence. Write the type or studies and the year. For example: Primary 3rd, Secondary 1st, Preparatory 2nd, Medicine 2nd, Architecture 3rd, Electronics by correspondence, etc. Be careful not to write down the type of studies or the grade of instruction received previously by the enumerated, but rather only those that they are receiving on the census date.

Mexico 1970 — source variable MX1970A_EDLEV1 — Level of schooling
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For all persons 6 years old or more

9. Level of education

This person passed some year of study?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

How many years did the person pass?

[90] In Elementary School? _____
[80] In Secondary School or Prevocational? _____
[70] In College Preparatory High School or Vocational? _____
In another type of instruction? _____
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Level of instruction

Column 9

In this box, the grade or years finished and passed at each level should be written, and not just the last years finished.

Example: for a person who finished and passed six years of primary, three of secondary, two of preparatory, and five of Law School, the Annotations should be done in the following way. [Depiction of enumeration form; section: "Level of Instruction."]

[P. 37]

Read everything that is in bold type. Even though some people did not attend secondary, prevocational, preparatory, or vocational school, they might have had "other type of instruction."

[Depiction of enumeration form; section: "Level of Instruction."] Example: A person who has finished and passed all of primary and up to the 3rd [year] of Shorthand Secretary.


[Drawing] Remember that this refers to school or academic years finished and approved at each level.

In a special case in which one person carried out two different types of studies, which correspond to the same cycle or level, for example: "Secondary," and "Radio and television technician," or "Economics degree" and "Management degree," the one which is written down will only be the one which the interviewee considers as principle or which was required for the superior studies of the interviewee.

Mexico 1970 — source variable MX1970A_GRADE1 — Grade of schooling achieved
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For all persons 6 years old or more

9. Level of education

This person passed some year of study?

[ ] Yes
[ ] No

How many years did the person pass?

[90] In Elementary School? _____
[80] In Secondary School or Prevocational? _____
[70] In College Preparatory High School or Vocational? _____
In another type of instruction? _____
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Level of instruction

Column 9

In this box, the grade or years finished and passed at each level should be written, and not just the last years finished.

Example: for a person who finished and passed six years of primary, three of secondary, two of preparatory, and five of Law School, the Annotations should be done in the following way. [Depiction of enumeration form; section: "Level of Instruction."]

[P. 37]

Read everything that is in bold type. Even though some people did not attend secondary, prevocational, preparatory, or vocational school, they might have had "other type of instruction."

[Depiction of enumeration form; section: "Level of Instruction."] Example: A person who has finished and passed all of primary and up to the 3rd [year] of Shorthand Secretary.


[Drawing] Remember that this refers to school or academic years finished and approved at each level.

In a special case in which one person carried out two different types of studies, which correspond to the same cycle or level, for example: "Secondary," and "Radio and television technician," or "Economics degree" and "Management degree," the one which is written down will only be the one which the interviewee considers as principle or which was required for the superior studies of the interviewee.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_EDLEVEL — Level of schooling
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Ask only if this person is five years old or more

If the answer is yes ask:

How many grades or years did the person pass in: (Write the number)

Pre-school or kindergarten

_____ years


Technical or commercial studies after finishing elementary school
_____ years

Secondary school

Technical or commercial studies after finishing secondary
_____ years

College preparatory
_____ years

Teacher training
_____ years

_____ years

What is the name of the course of study?
_____Write the name of the course of study


Continue with the questions for person number one in the list

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Questions for persons who are five years old or more

When you ask the questions: 5. Place of previous residency; 6. Indigenous language; 7. Religion; 8. Literacy; 9. School attendance; and 10. Grades completed, you should pay attention to the age of the person about whom you are requesting the information. Remember that these questions are only for persons who are five years old or more.

10. Grades completed

With this question you want to know if the person who is interviewed approved or passed any grade or year of studies, and if he/she did, how many grades or years he/she approved or passed at the various levels of education.

It is important that you are clear that this is about years completed or passed. The years that were failed (repeated), the years that are in progress, or the incomplete years do not count.

If the person approved or passed any grade or year of studies, read to the informant all of the educational levels that are in the question.

-Did you approve or pass any grade or year of studies?


-How many grades or years did you approve or pass in preschool or kindergarten?


-In elementary school?


-Technical or commercial studies with elementary school completed?

I didn't study that.



-Technical or commercial studies with secondary completed?

One year of nursing school, but I dropped out.

-In preparatory or baccalaureate?

No. Then I studied teacher's training for 4 years and then I stopped studying.

-Did you approve or pass any grade or year of studies?


How many grades or years did you approve or pass in preschool or kindergarten?

I didn't go.

-In elementary school?


-Technical or commercial studies with elementary school completed?




-Technical or commercial studies with secondary completed?

I didn't study that.

-In preparatory or baccalaureate?


-Teacher's training?



Well, I went for a few days but I didn't finish any years.

[End of illustration]

If the answer is that the person did not pass any grade or year of studies, continue with the next page where the questions continue for this person.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_GRADE — Years of schooling completed at highest level
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Ask only if this person is five years old or more

If the answer is yes ask:

How many grades or years did the person pass in: (Write the number)

Pre-school or kindergarten

_____ years


Technical or commercial studies after finishing elementary school
_____ years

Secondary school

Technical or commercial studies after finishing secondary
_____ years

College preparatory
_____ years

Teacher training
_____ years

_____ years

What is the name of the course of study?
_____Write the name of the course of study


Continue with the questions for person number one in the list

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Questions for persons who are five years old or more

When you ask the questions: 5. Place of previous residency; 6. Indigenous language; 7. Religion; 8. Literacy; 9. School attendance; and 10. Grades completed, you should pay attention to the age of the person about whom you are requesting the information. Remember that these questions are only for persons who are five years old or more.

10. Grades completed

With this question you want to know if the person who is interviewed approved or passed any grade or year of studies, and if he/she did, how many grades or years he/she approved or passed at the various levels of education.

It is important that you are clear that this is about years completed or passed. The years that were failed (repeated), the years that are in progress, or the incomplete years do not count.

If the person approved or passed any grade or year of studies, read to the informant all of the educational levels that are in the question.

-Did you approve or pass any grade or year of studies?


-How many grades or years did you approve or pass in preschool or kindergarten?


-In elementary school?


-Technical or commercial studies with elementary school completed?

I didn't study that.



-Technical or commercial studies with secondary completed?

One year of nursing school, but I dropped out.

-In preparatory or baccalaureate?

No. Then I studied teacher's training for 4 years and then I stopped studying.

-Did you approve or pass any grade or year of studies?


How many grades or years did you approve or pass in preschool or kindergarten?

I didn't go.

-In elementary school?


-Technical or commercial studies with elementary school completed?




-Technical or commercial studies with secondary completed?

I didn't study that.

-In preparatory or baccalaureate?


-Teacher's training?



Well, I went for a few days but I didn't finish any years.

[End of illustration]

If the answer is that the person did not pass any grade or year of studies, continue with the next page where the questions continue for this person.

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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For people 5 years old or older
[Applies to questions 5.1 to 5.4]

Level of instruction
5.4 What is the last year or grade that (Name) spent or passed in school?

00. None
1. Preschool or kindergarten
2. Primary
3. Secondary
4. Preparatory
5. Basic normal
6. Professional
7. Post graduate
99. Does not know

5.4A Grades ____
5.4B Level ____

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5.1 Illiteracy

The question is directed to the population five years old or older. With it, the ability of the population between six and fourteen years old to read and write is to be known. Also it permits us to distinguish people 15 years older or older who know how to read and write (literate) from those who do not (illiterate).

When the answer is affirmative, circle code 1, in the contrary case, circle code 2.

[p. 102]

A person knows how to read to write when he or she can read and write a message. Not knowing how to read and write is considered when a person can only write his or her name, isolated words, some numbers or can only read ads, signs his or her name and small phrases.

If an informant responds "a little, " "not much," "more or less," "I write with ugly penmanship," it is necessary to know if the person can really read or write. For this, questions are asked like "can you read and write a letter?" or "Can you write something that has happened to you?"

Consider that there are people who know how to read and write and do not necessarily attend or attended school. Also, there are those who attend school yet do not know how to read or write. Because of this, whatever the answer the following questions should not be omitted.

5.4 Level of instruction

The question is asked to all people 5 years old or older with the goal of finding out the highest level of study passed by a person.

Level of instruction is the last grade of studies passed by a person within the formal educational system (preschool or kindergarten, primary, secondary, preparatory, or high school, basic normal, professional and post graduate).

[graphic of the question from the census form]

In this question, only grades or years passed are taking into account, and are written down in column 5.4A, in 5.4B the corresponding code of educational level is registered.

Question 5.4 has the following answer options.

Preschool or kindergarten 1

Register in 5.4A grades or years passed in preschool and in 5.4B code 1 if it is the last level studied by the person.

Primary 2

Code 2 is registered in 5.4B if the person declares those that form this level (from 1st to 4th grade) as the last grade passed. For example, if the response is took the third year of primary, 2 years have been passed, for which 2 grades in level 2 should be written down.

[p. 105]

When a person takes the first year of primary school and declarers to have attended it and
left it not passed and unfinished, ask for the years passed in preschool. If none, register 0 in the grade column and 0 in level. If a person is 12 years old or older go to question 5.5 of Other studies, if younger than this age, continue with the next person on the list.

When it is mentioned "went until fifth," it is important to distinguish if the year mentioned was passed, was not passed or was not finished. The expression "went to fourth" means took the fourth year and, therefore, there are three passed grades in primary school.

For people who mention having completed the six grades of study of primary school in four years, and got their certificate of complete primary school because the plan is structured as such, consider that if they did finish primary school and write down 6 in grades and 2 in level.

On the other hand, when a person has completed primary school in less years then required because of studying in a program of adult education in the system of open education, and received the certificate of complete primary education, register 6 in grades and 2 in level.

For people older than 50 years who declare to have finished primary school, but did not receive the corresponding certificate since they only passed three or four years of study because the there was no possibility of continuing due to the lack of teachers of school being far away, write down the years passed since it is not considered complete primary school.

Secondary 3

People who passed the last year of any of the grades of this level, even in general secondary schools, technical or tele-secondary schools are registered.

When a person declares to have studied secondary school in an open system of adult education, equate it as three years, that is, if it was completed in one year, write down 3 in grades and 3 in level.

In the case of people with any disability (cerebral palsy, mental weaknesses, etc) who have passed years of basic education (primary or secondary), in schools of special education, write down the grades passed and the level in the corresponding spaces. If a person has not or did not pass any year, write down 0 in grades and 0 in level.

[p. 106]

Preparatory or high school 4

Here people who passed the last level and grade in preparatory school, high schools, and technical schools that are equivalent are considered. When this is the situation, write down in 5.4A the grades passed and code 4 in 5.4B.

The educational centers that offer studies equivalent to preparatory or high school are the following:

- School of secondary education.
- School of Sciences and Humanities (CCH).
- Center of Secondary Industrial and Service Technology (CBTIS).
- Center of Secondary Agricultural and Livestock Technology (CBTA).
- Center of Scientific and Technological Studies (CECyT), before vocational.
- Center of Studies of the Sea (CETMar).
- Center of Technological Studies of Continental Waters (CETAC).
- Center of Secondary Forestry Technology (CBTF)
- Preparatory schools

It should be mentioned that in this level, studies done in Conlep (National School of Professional Technical Education) and CETI (Center of Technical Industrial Education) are not considered, since they are not studies equivalent to preparatory, but rather they are for technical purposes. When they tell you this type of study, write down the years passed in secondary school in question 5.4 and, later, register in the question in Other studies, the information about the technical career.

Also , if a person finished preparatory school in two years and can request the certificate write down 3 in grades and 4 in level, since it is equivalent to those normally required.

Normal basic 5

This option finds out information about people who take the Normal Basic whose requisite for joining was finish secondary school. If the requisite is preparatory, then they are considered within the professional level and option 6 is written down.

When an informant declares studies of normal basic and preparatory (high school), ask to pick one and register the grades and level in the corresponding spaces.

Professional 6

Include people with studies at the degree level done in universities, technologies, polytechnics, and other institutions of superior education, public or private, whose requisite to join is preparatory or high school.

[p. 107]

Studies done in the CETAS (Center of Technological Studies in Sub-Aquatic Activities) and Unitec (Technological University) since the precedent or requisite is preparatory or high school and they are three year schools and are not granted the level of degree are not considered in level of instruction. If they declare studies done in any of these institutions, register it as years passed in preparatory in question 5.4 and later, write down the information of technical career in the questions of Other studies.

When an informant responds that the person has finished the career, but does not know how many years were passed, register 4 in grades and 6 in level.

If a case is presented in which the preparatory or degree level is divided in trimesters or semesters, make the conversion to the calendar year according to the following information:

Two semesters, three four semesters, four trimesters, or six two month semesters equal a year.

For example, if an informant declares to have taken three semesters of professional, write down 1 in grades and 6 in level and went to the fifth semester, write down 2 in grades and 6 in level.

Some careers are taken in four and a half years, that is, nine semesters; in the case of passing all of them, only register 4 in grades.

For people who studied two degrees, only register the career that the informant selects, or the one where most years were taken.

In cases of careers that last more than eight years (music in the Conservatory), register 8 in grades and 6 in level.

Social service required in all careers and interment in the case of medicine are not considered passed grades. For example, if an informant declares to have taken the medical career in 7 years, ask if social service is being considered, and if the informant says it is, register 5 in grades.

Post graduate 7

This level means the studies of master and doctorate done after completing and having obtained a degree.

In the case of people who have passed any year of doctorate, add it to the years passed in masters and register them in the corresponding columns.

It should be clear that the specialties of doctors, whose duration is three years, can be equivalent to masters. Also, the subspecialty corresponds [p. 108] with the doctorate and they are studies with the duration of one to three years, so when they declare studies of this type, register them in this option.

On the other hand, diplomas and courses of specialization remain exclusively at the level of instruction, since they are not granted and academic grade and their scholarly precedence and duration vary. When they declare this type of studies, ask for the last grade and level passed in the formal educational system.

In the same way, when a person does not know how many years have been studied due to taking it in an open system of education in parts (primary and secondary) or subject matters (preparatory), make the conversion into calendar years, according to the following scheme:

Level / Grades / Level


Finished the first part / 4 / 2
Finished the second part / 6 / 2


Finished the first part / 1 / 3
Finished the second part / 2 / 3
Finished the third part / 3 / 3


From 12 to 23 subject matters passed / 1 / 4
From 24 to 35 subject matters passed / 2 / 4
36 subject matters or more / 3 / 4

When a person declares to be taking the first grade of any level, register the grades passed in the previous level. For example, if the first year of secondary school is being taken, write down 6 in grades and 2 in level, which indicates that primary school was completed; or if the first year of preparatory school is being taken, write down 3 in grades and 3 in the level that corresponds to the finished secondary school.

If any person has studied in the United States, given the closeness with Mexico, make the following equivalents:

[The column to the left is in English]

Elementary School / Primary
Junior High / Secondary
High school / Preparatory or high school
College or University / Professional
Master or Doctor / Post graduate

When a person studied in any other country, ask what educational level corresponds to their studies with the levels included in the question. Also, investigate the total number of years passed.

[p. 109]

Does not know 99

Finally, if an informant does not know the information about any of the people on the list, register 9 in grades and 9 in level (Does not know).

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_EDLEV2 — Academic level and schooling antecedent
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For person five years old or more

17. Educational history

To enter the course of schooling (teaching, technical, commercial or professional) what schooling was a prerequisite? Circle only one answer.

1 Elementary completed
2 Secondary completed
3 Preparatory completed

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17. Scholastic History

When, in question 16, schooling, you have written a quantity in the options for teaching school, technical, commercial, or professional major, ask what studies they had to complete in order to enter into this degree and circle the corresponding code.

If, in order to study in a post-secondary teaching school or in some subject specialty, the prerequisite was basic teaching school, circle code 2. Finished secondary.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_SCHYR — School grade completed
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For person five years old or more

How many grades or years did the person pass in school?


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16. Schooling

Record the last year or grade that the person passed in school and circle the code of the corresponding level; keep in mind the following in answering the question:

If the person is attending a grade in school, write down the previous year or grade that they passed.

If the person finished studying in fewer years, register the grades or years passed, as if they had attended the regular or a different schooling system of education. For example, when they have finished secondary school in the National Institute for the Education of Adults (INEA) in one year, record three years in option 3.Secondary.

[Depiction of this completed question on the enumeration form, and a related drawing]

When they declare semesters, trimesters, etc. write the equivalent in years attained; for this, take into account the following equivalencies: 2 semesters, 3 four-month periods, 4 trimesters, and 6 two-month periods each equal 1 year.

For example, if a person is attending the fourth semester of high school this means that they have not yet finished the second year, thus, write one year for this level.

If they mention that the person studies or studied high school and, as part of this study, a technical major, write the number of years passed under option 4.Preparatory or high school.

If they give you the name of a school ("Unitec", "Conalep", technological or other) or that of a degree (accountant, architecture, social work, nursing, etc.), ask if their studies are at a technical or professional level and record the number of years passed in the corresponding option.

Don't count trained hairdressers, special training and specialty courses. Only for medical specialties (pediatrics, cardiology, among others) should the number of years passed be recorded under the option Masters or doctorate.

[P. 74]

-If the person has done some number of years of a doctorate, add these to the number of years that the masters lasted and write the total number of years under this level.

-If the person studied in another country, ask them to tell you what educational level they studied in, as well as the number of years, and record this in the corresponding level.

Mexico 2005 — source variable MX2005A_EDATTAN — Educational attainment
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For people 5 years old or older

3.9 Level of instruction

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Questions 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.9 and 3.10 are asked to people who are 5 years old or older. For this, check the answer that you wrote down in question 3.3 Age.

If a person who you are interviewing is less than 5 years old, go to the next person in the list.

3.9 Level of instruction

The question permits us to know the highest grade passed by the person in the highest educational level.

Register in the corresponding box the educational level declared, grades or years that a person passed.

[To the right of the text is a form for 3.9 Level of instruction.]


They are people who did not pass any grade of studies in school. Include those who only took literacy classes also.


They are people who took classes in any grade in preschool or kindergarten.

Primary school

They are people who passed grades 1 to 6 offered in this level.

Secondary school

They are people who passed grades 1 to 3 in this level.

Preparatory school or high school

They are people who passed grades 1 to 3 offered at this level. Some of the schools that offer equivalent studies are:

- High school.
- National Preparatory School.
- Schools of Sciences and Humanities (CCH).
- Center of Artistic Education (CEDART).
- Center of Technical, Industrial and Services School (CBTIS).
- Center of Agricultural and Livestock Technology School (CBTA).
- Center of Scientific and Technology Studies (CECYT) before vocational.
- Center of Studies of the Sea (CETMAR).
- Center of Technological Studies of Continental Waters (CETAC).
- Center of Forestry Technology Schools (CBTF).
- Center of Technological, Industrial and Service Studies (CETIS).
- National School of Professional Technical Education (CONALEP).


They are people who study or studied to become professors of preschool, primary or secondary schools.

Technical or commercial career

They are people who passed any grade of technical or commercial studies.


They are people with studies for degrees or its equivalent (engineering, medicine, chemistry) done in universities, technological universities, polytechnic or other institutions of superior education.


They are people with any grade passed at this level. Include people with grades passed in any medical specialization.


They are people who passed any grade at this level.

[p. 79]

Take into account the following indications:
- If a person declares the grade being taken, write down the previous grade passed.

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

- If a person stopped studying an educational level in more or less years, register the grade passed as if the system of regular or scholarly education had been taken.

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

[p. 80]
- When the answer is in semesters, trimesters, etc. ask for the equivalent in years passed.

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

- If the name of a school (Unitec, Conalep, Monterrey Technology or others) or the name of a major (accounting, architecture, social work, nursing, etc) is declared to you, ask for the level the studies correspond to and write down the grades passed according to the answer.

- If a person studied in another country, ask for the equivalent level of studies in relation to the answer options and write down the grades passed in the corresponding boxes.

3.10 Academic requirements

This question is a complement to the previous. It is applied when the answer in 3.9 Level of instruction, corresponds to any of the codes from 5 to 9 (normal, technical or commercial career, professional, masters or doctorate).

[Below the text are forms for 3.9 Level of instruction and 3.9 Scholarly objective.]

[p. 81]

Ask the question mentioning the level marked previously.

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

- If for studying the normal they indicate to you that the requirement was normal basic, mark code 3, Preparatory school or high school.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_EDATTAIN — Highest grade and level completed
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For persons age 3 or older
[Questions 12-20 were asked of persons age 3 or older]

18. Education
What is the last year or grade that [the respondent] passed in school?

Write the last grade and circle the level code.

Grade level:
[] 00 None (write "0") (go to 21)
[] 01 Preschool (go to 21)
[] 02 Primary (go to 21)
[] 03 Middle school (go to 22)
[] 04 High school (go to 22)
[] 05 Basic certificate in teaching
[] 06 Technical or commercial studies having finished primary school
[] 07 Technical or commercial studies having finished middle school
[] 08 Technical or commercial studies having finished high school
[] 09 Bachelor's degree [licenciatura] in teaching
[] 10 Bachelor's or professional degree
[] 11 Master's
[] 12 Doctorate

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For people age 3 or older.
[Questions 12-20 are for persons age 3 or older]

18. Education
Record the last year or grade that the person passed in school and circle the level code that corresponds.

Keep in mind the following considerations:

  • If the person at the moment of the interview is enrolled in some grade or school year, note the previous year or grade that he/she passed.
  • If he/she finished studying in less years in the System of Open Education, record the years passed as if he/she had passed in the regular education system.

  • If he/she finished the elementary school in the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA) in a year and a half, record six years and circle level 2 code.
  • If he/she finished middle school in the INEA in a year, record 3 years and circle the level 3 code.
  • When the response is a bimestre, trimester, quarter, semester, circle the number equivalent to the years passed as follows:
  • 2 semesters, 3 trimesters, 4 quarters, 6 bimestres -- is equal to one year. But if the year has not concluded, record the last grade finished.
  • Record the last grade passed and circle the level 4 code if he/she studied in high school and technical school and the same time.

[p. 103]

  • If he/she studied in the teacher training college, ask if it was a basic teacher training college -- if so, ask the grades or years passed and circle the level 5 code. If the response is an undergraduate teaching training college, write the grades and years passed and circle option 9.
  • When trades are declared such as: carpentry, blacksmith work, beautician work, cooking, plumbing, sewing, electricity, among others, or technical or commercial careers such as: auto mechanic, bilingual secretary, private accountant, computer technician, food technician, among others, investigate what prerequisite was needed to enroll (elementary or middle school), record the years passed in the career, and circle the level code in the corresponding option.

It is important that you consider the grade passed that the informer mentions, since this determines the level in which you should record it (consult the equivalency table aforementioned).

For example:
Interviewer: "What is the last year that Carlos passed in school?"
Informer: "He studied private accounting".
Interviewer: "How much time did his schooling last and what education did he need to enter the career?"
Informer: "Two years and he needed middle school".

  • Record in the level 8 code the last grade of technical or commercial studies passed with high school finished. When the response is Superior University Technician, record the last grade passed and circle that same level.
  • Investigate if the career is technical (1 to 2 years) or at the undergraduate level (3 or more years). If it is a technical career, record the grade passed and circle the level 8 code. Note the last grade passed and circle the level 8 code. Note the last grade that the person passed and circle level 10 if he/she declares a university degree.
  • Also consider as a masters the medical concentration (general surgery, internal medicine, pediatrics, etc.), record the grade, and circle the level 11 code. In the same way, record and circle the years passed in the level 12, 'Doctorate' for the different concentrations and subspecialties of medicine (cardiovascular surgery, cardiology, pediatric cardiology, etc.)
  • If he/she studied in another country, ask that he/she signals the equivalency of the studies, such as the years passed, and record them in the level that corresponds.
  • If the response is that the person is on vacation, note the age or grade and education level that he/she has just finished or concluded.

[p. 104]

  • Note the years passed in the level code that corresponds if the response is the name of the school where he/she studied (UNITEC, CONALEP, CBESTIS, etc.), or the name of the major that he/she finished or is studying (accounting, architecture, social work, nursing, etc.) -- in these cases ask to what level the studies correspond and record the corresponding option.

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_EDLEVEL — Educational level completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
22. Level of schooling
What was the last year or grade in school completed by [the respondent]?
[Record the grade and circle the level code]

[] Level 0: None [record "0"] ____
[] Level 1: Preschool or kindergarten ____
[] Level 2: Elementary ____
[] Level 3: Secondary ____
[] Level 4: Preparatory or High School ____
[] Level 5: Technical High School ____
[] Level 6: Technical or commercial studies with elementary finished ____
[] Level 7: Technical or commercial studies with secondary finished ____
[] Level 8: Technical or commercial studies with high school finished ____
[] Level 9: Teacher Education with elementary or secondary finished ____
[] Level 10: Teacher Education for High School ____
[] Level 11: Bachelor?s degree ____
[] Level 12: Professional degree ____
[] Level 13: Master?s ____
[] Level 14: Doctorate ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
22. Level of schooling
This question identifies the last grade (year) and educational level of the population in the National Educational System (SEN by its acronym in Spanish) or equivalent and it considers studies from kindergarten to doctorate.

[Figures are omitted]

Because the last degree approved by the person is information of interest, when the person is studying a year or grade level at the time of the interview, record the year or grade already completed, not the current one.

To properly register people according to the latest educational level approved, taking into account the following criteria:

[] None. Include in this option people who have never been to school, people who only learned to read and write and did not complete any school year. Also include in this option to children who are enrolled in the first year of preschool at the time of the survey.
[] Preschool or kindergarten. Include in this option people who completed preschool or kindergarten. Because some children do not attend the first or second year of preschool and enter directly to third year, record the previous year to the year that are studying although they did attend that year or the degree completed.
[] Primary. Register here people who have completed primary education. If the person finished studying in fewer years in the Open Educational System, record the number of approved years as if he/she had studied in the regular system of education. For example, if the person finished elementary at the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA, for its acronym in Spanish) in three years, recorded six years and circle code 2 "Primary".
[] Secondary. Include in this option people who have completed secondary education. If the person finished studying in fewer years in the Open Educational System records the number of approved years as if he/she had studied in the system of regular education. For example, if the person finished high school at the National Institute for Education Adults (INEA, for its acronym in Spanish) in one year, recorded three years and circle the code 3 "Secondary".
[] Preparatory or General Baccalaureate. Register in this option people who just completed their studies or are studying in high schools or general baccalaureate. When the answer is expressed in semesters, trimesters, quarters, or two-months period, you must round it to the equivalent in approved years.
One year equals to:
[] 2 semesters
[] 3 quarters
[] 4 quarters
[] 6 two-month periods
If the person finished studying in fewer years in the Open Education System, record the number of approved years as if he/she had studied in the system of regular system of education. For example, if he/she finished high school in open system in one year, record three years and circle the code 4 "Preparatory or general baccalaureate".
[] Technical Baccalaureate. Classify in this level people who studied simultaneously the baccalaureate and technical studies, at the same school. Also, circle this option when the person mentions that studied at:
[] CBTIS. Center for Baccalaureate of Technology, Industrial, and Services.
[] CBTA. Center for Baccalaureate Technology Agricultural.
[] CECYT. Center for Scientific and Technological Studies, also called Vocational Studies.
[] CETMAR. Center for Sea Studies.
[] CETAC. Centre for Technological Studies of Inland Water.
[] CBTF. Center for Baccalaureate of Technological Forestry.
[] CETIS. Center for Studies of Industrial Technology and Services.
[] CONALEP. When studies include baccalaureate.
When the answer is expressed in semesters, trimesters, quarters, or two-month periods, the answer must be rounded to the equivalent in approved years.
[] Technical or commercial studies with primary or secondary completed. Register here people who are currently studying or studied a technical degree. To place them in the correct level, ask to the person which studies were requested to enter in that program.

If the person is pursuing a technical career simultaneously to primary, secondary, or preparatory, do not register him/her in this category, instead record him/her in primary, secondary, or technological baccalaureate, respectively.

Consider that technical studies with completed primary are also called job training. Furthermore, technical studies with completed preparatory are also called as technical college degree (TSU for its acronym in Spanish) or associated professional.

[] Education degree with completed primary or secondary, and Education degree in college. Register here people who are studying or studied Education, you must ask what requirements they needed to enter to place them in the correct level.
[] Degree. Circle this option when people claim to have or to study any baccalaureate, for example, Engineering, General Medicine, Actuarial Sciences, Architecture, among others.
[] Specialty. This course last at least one year, which is taken after the degree and goes in depth the knowledge on a specific topic. Therefore this category includes people with medical specialties (General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, among others) and subspecialties (Cardiovascular Surgery, Cardiology, Pediatric Cardiology, among others); there are also specialties in other areas. Certification programs or language courses are not included in this option.

When the answer is "baccalaureate with specialty" asks whether specialty studies were taken at the end of the baccalaureate or at the same time. If the specialty was at the same time, it must be recorded as baccalaureate; if it was after concluding the baccalaureate, it is recorded as a specialty.

[] Master's degree. Register in this category people with studies after the degree, it lasts at least two years.
[] Doctorate. This is a study subsequent to the degree or master's degree; and it lasts at least two years. Classify in this category people who declare it, as well as people who mention having a postdoc.

If the person studied in another country, ask what educational level is equivalent to his/her studies, as well as the number of years approved, and register this information at the corresponding level. If the person studied in the United States of America, to make conversions use the conversion table which is in the Annex.

When the person is on vacations, record the degree that just passed and circle the corresponding educational level.

If the respondent states that has no an educational level, preschool or primary, continue with question 23 "Literacy"; if his/her educational level is secondary or more pass to question 24 "Municipality of residence in 2010".

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_GRADE — Grade completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
22. Level of schooling
What was the last year or grade in school completed by [the respondent]?
[Record the grade and circle the level code]

[] Level 0: None [record "0"] ____
[] Level 1: Preschool or kindergarten ____
[] Level 2: Elementary ____
[] Level 3: Secondary ____
[] Level 4: Preparatory or High School ____
[] Level 5: Technical High School ____
[] Level 6: Technical or commercial studies with elementary finished ____
[] Level 7: Technical or commercial studies with secondary finished ____
[] Level 8: Technical or commercial studies with high school finished ____
[] Level 9: Teacher Education with elementary or secondary finished ____
[] Level 10: Teacher Education for High School ____
[] Level 11: Bachelor?s degree ____
[] Level 12: Professional degree ____
[] Level 13: Master?s ____
[] Level 14: Doctorate ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
22. Level of schooling
This question identifies the last grade (year) and educational level of the population in the National Educational System (SEN by its acronym in Spanish) or equivalent and it considers studies from kindergarten to doctorate.

[Figures are omitted]

Because the last degree approved by the person is information of interest, when the person is studying a year or grade level at the time of the interview, record the year or grade already completed, not the current one.

To properly register people according to the latest educational level approved, taking into account the following criteria:

[] None. Include in this option people who have never been to school, people who only learned to read and write and did not complete any school year. Also include in this option to children who are enrolled in the first year of preschool at the time of the survey.
[] Preschool or kindergarten. Include in this option people who completed preschool or kindergarten. Because some children do not attend the first or second year of preschool and enter directly to third year, record the previous year to the year that are studying although they did attend that year or the degree completed.
[] Primary. Register here people who have completed primary education. If the person finished studying in fewer years in the Open Educational System, record the number of approved years as if he/she had studied in the regular system of education. For example, if the person finished elementary at the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA, for its acronym in Spanish) in three years, recorded six years and circle code 2 "Primary".
[] Secondary. Include in this option people who have completed secondary education. If the person finished studying in fewer years in the Open Educational System records the number of approved years as if he/she had studied in the system of regular education. For example, if the person finished high school at the National Institute for Education Adults (INEA, for its acronym in Spanish) in one year, recorded three years and circle the code 3 "Secondary".
[] Preparatory or General Baccalaureate. Register in this option people who just completed their studies or are studying in high schools or general baccalaureate. When the answer is expressed in semesters, trimesters, quarters, or two-months period, you must round it to the equivalent in approved years.
One year equals to:
[] 2 semesters
[] 3 quarters
[] 4 quarters
[] 6 two-month periods
If the person finished studying in fewer years in the Open Education System, record the number of approved years as if he/she had studied in the system of regular system of education. For example, if he/she finished high school in open system in one year, record three years and circle the code 4 "Preparatory or general baccalaureate".
[] Technical Baccalaureate. Classify in this level people who studied simultaneously the baccalaureate and technical studies, at the same school. Also, circle this option when the person mentions that studied at:
[] CBTIS. Center for Baccalaureate of Technology, Industrial, and Services.
[] CBTA. Center for Baccalaureate Technology Agricultural.
[] CECYT. Center for Scientific and Technological Studies, also called Vocational Studies.
[] CETMAR. Center for Sea Studies.
[] CETAC. Centre for Technological Studies of Inland Water.
[] CBTF. Center for Baccalaureate of Technological Forestry.
[] CETIS. Center for Studies of Industrial Technology and Services.
[] CONALEP. When studies include baccalaureate.
When the answer is expressed in semesters, trimesters, quarters, or two-month periods, the answer must be rounded to the equivalent in approved years.
[] Technical or commercial studies with primary or secondary completed. Register here people who are currently studying or studied a technical degree. To place them in the correct level, ask to the person which studies were requested to enter in that program.

If the person is pursuing a technical career simultaneously to primary, secondary, or preparatory, do not register him/her in this category, instead record him/her in primary, secondary, or technological baccalaureate, respectively.

Consider that technical studies with completed primary are also called job training. Furthermore, technical studies with completed preparatory are also called as technical college degree (TSU for its acronym in Spanish) or associated professional.

[] Education degree with completed primary or secondary, and Education degree in college. Register here people who are studying or studied Education, you must ask what requirements they needed to enter to place them in the correct level.
[] Degree. Circle this option when people claim to have or to study any baccalaureate, for example, Engineering, General Medicine, Actuarial Sciences, Architecture, among others.
[] Specialty. This course last at least one year, which is taken after the degree and goes in depth the knowledge on a specific topic. Therefore this category includes people with medical specialties (General Surgery, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, among others) and subspecialties (Cardiovascular Surgery, Cardiology, Pediatric Cardiology, among others); there are also specialties in other areas. Certification programs or language courses are not included in this option.

When the answer is "baccalaureate with specialty" asks whether specialty studies were taken at the end of the baccalaureate or at the same time. If the specialty was at the same time, it must be recorded as baccalaureate; if it was after concluding the baccalaureate, it is recorded as a specialty.

[] Master's degree. Register in this category people with studies after the degree, it lasts at least two years.
[] Doctorate. This is a study subsequent to the degree or master's degree; and it lasts at least two years. Classify in this category people who declare it, as well as people who mention having a postdoc.

If the person studied in another country, ask what educational level is equivalent to his/her studies, as well as the number of years approved, and register this information at the corresponding level. If the person studied in the United States of America, to make conversions use the conversion table which is in the Annex.

When the person is on vacations, record the degree that just passed and circle the corresponding educational level.

If the respondent states that has no an educational level, preschool or primary, continue with question 23 "Literacy"; if his/her educational level is secondary or more pass to question 24 "Municipality of residence in 2010".

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_EDLEVEL — Educational level completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
22. Level of education: What is the last year or grade [the respondent] passed in school?

Convert to years or grades, write the last on passed, and circle the level code

Grade level
[] 0 None (write 0 and go to 24)
[] 1 Preschool (go to 24)
[] 2 Elementary school (go to 24)
[] 3 Middle school (go to 25)
[] 4 High school (go to 25)
[] 5 Technological high school
[] 6 Technical or commercial studies with completed elementary school
[] 7 Technical or commercial studies with completed middle school
[] 8 Technical or commercial studies with completed high school
[] 9 Teacher college with completed elementary or middle school
[] 10 Teacher college with bachelor's degree
[] 11 Bachelor's degree
[] 12 Specialization
[] 13 Master's degree
[] 14 Doctorate
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

22. Schooling
This question identifies the last grade (year) of the highest level of education attained by people who are of 3 years of age or older, in the National Education System (NES) or its equivalent; it considers studies from preschool to doctorate.

[p. 342]

Read the question mentioning the name of the person, record the grades or years passed in the box, and circle the code of the corresponding level.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

When the person is in any school year or grade at the time of the interview, write down the previous year or grade that he/she passed.

If the answer is in semesters, quarters, trimesters, or two-month periods, convert them to years. Please refer to the following table:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

[p. 343]

If the answer is given in academic credits, modules, subjects, or others, ask the person who informs you to provide it in grades or years.

If the person is on vacation due to the end of the school year, write down the grade and level he/she has just passed.

In order to correctly record the highest level passed, also consider that:

- None. This includes people who have never been to school and those who only learned to read and write and did not complete any level of education. It also includes children who are in the first year of preschool at the time of the interview. Circle code 0.

- Preschool. Classify here people who attended preschool or kindergarten. Keep in mind that some children do not attend the first or second year of preschool or kindergarten and enter directly into third grade, so write down the year prior to the one they are in, even if they have not attended it. If they attend a daycare center, ask if they are in preschool (kindergarten); if so, record it in this option.

- Elementary. Record the people who study or studied in an elementary school at this level. If the person completed fewer years of study in the Open Education System, record the years passed as if he/she had completed them in the regular or school education system. For example, if he/she completed elementary school at the National Institute for Adult Education (NIAE), record 6 years.
[p. 344]
- Junior high school. Record the people who are or have been in junior high school in this option. If the person finished studying this level in fewer years in the Open Education System, remote education, or through the Special Certification Program, record the years passed as if he/she had studied them in the regular or school education system. For example, if he/she completed junior high school at the National Institute for Adult Education (NIAE), record 3 years.

- High school or general high school education. Record people who only finished their studies or are studying in high school institutions. If he/she completed fewer years of study in Open Education, remote learning, online, or through the Special Certification Program, record 3 years as if he/she had completed them in the regular or school education system and select this level.

- Technological high school. People who are studying or have studied high school whose program offers, simultaneously, a technical career, are classified in this level. Also when they mention that they studied in:

[Figure omitted: image with text]

- CBTIS. Technological, Industrial, and Services High School.
- CBTA. Agricultural and Livestock Technological High School.
[p. 345]
- CECyT. Center for Scientific and Technological Studies, formerly called vocational.
- CETMAR. Center for Technological Studies of the Sea.
- CETAC. Center for Technological Studies of Inland Waters.
- CBTF. Forestry Technological High School.
- CETIS. Center for Technological, Industrial and Service Studies.
- CONALEP. When the career includes a high school diploma.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

- Technical or commercial studies with elementary school completed and Technical or commercial studies with junior high school completed. Record the people who study or have studied a technical career here. To place them in the correct level, ask what studies they were required to enter that career. Circle code 6, if you were asked to have completed elementary school as a requirement; or code 7 if you were asked to have completed junior high school.

If he/she is taking or has taken the technical career at the same time as elementary or junior high school, do not record him/her here, but in 2. Elementary o 3. Junior high school, respectively.

[Figure omitted: images with text]

[p. 346]

For example:

Interviewer: What is the last year or grade Camila passed in school?

Respondent: She is a childcare technician.

Interviewer: How long did her studies last and what level of education did she need to enter the career?

Respondent: Three years and she needed to finish junior high school.

Technical or commercial studies with completed high school. Here are recorded the people who study or have studied a technical career and for which they were asked to have completed high school as a requirement; they can be: Higher University Technician (HUT), Associate Professional, and Professional License.

Please note that these careers are generally taught in technological or polytechnic universities. TSU and Associate Professional studies last from 2 to 3 years, while the Professional License can last one more year after completing the HUT degree. None is equivalent to a bachelor's degree. Remember that if he/she is taking or has taken the technical career simultaneously with high school, do not record him/her here, but in 5. Technological high school.

Normal with completed elementary or junior high school and Normal Bachelor's degree. Record the people who study or studied at the normal school here, ask them what studies they were required to enter, and record them at the correct level. If elementary or junior high school was a requirement, circle code 9; but if he/she states that it is a bachelor's degree, circle code 10. Normal undergraduate.

[Figure omitted: images with text]

If the answer is "normal superior", ask for the level of education completed at the normal superior, which may be a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree, and circle the appropriate code.

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_GRADE — Grade completed
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
22. Level of education: What is the last year or grade [the respondent] passed in school?

Convert to years or grades, write the last on passed, and circle the level code

Grade level
[] 0 None (write 0 and go to 24)
[] 1 Preschool (go to 24)
[] 2 Elementary school (go to 24)
[] 3 Middle school (go to 25)
[] 4 High school (go to 25)
[] 5 Technological high school
[] 6 Technical or commercial studies with completed elementary school
[] 7 Technical or commercial studies with completed middle school
[] 8 Technical or commercial studies with completed high school
[] 9 Teacher college with completed elementary or middle school
[] 10 Teacher college with bachelor's degree
[] 11 Bachelor's degree
[] 12 Specialization
[] 13 Master's degree
[] 14 Doctorate
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

Bachelor's degree. Select this option when people are studying or have studied a bachelor's degree, for example: Bachelor's Degree in Audiovisual Communication, Bachelor's Degree in Human Geography, Industrial Biochemical Engineering, Bioelectronic Engineering, General Medicine, Stomatology, Nursing, Architecture, and so on.

If he/she passed a bachelor's degree in a single exam, ask how many years he/she would have taken it in the education system, and record the answer.

[Figure omitted: images with text]

Specialty. These are studies that broaden knowledge on a specific subject, which are taken after the bachelor's degree.

In this option, medical specialties and subspecialties are not recorded, since they will be perceived as master's and doctoral studies.

When the answer is "bachelor's degree with specialization", inquire whether the studies were done at the end of the bachelor's degree or while studying it; if it was at the same time, record the person in code 11. Bachelor's degree; if it was after completion, it is recorded as 12. Specialty. Diplomas or language courses are not considered as an educational level and are not included in this option.

Master's degree. These studies require the completion of a bachelor's degree or its equivalent. Record the people who declare so in this level. Also, record medical specialties here such as Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Otolaryngology, etcetera.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

Doctorate. These are studies subsequent to the bachelor's or master's degree. Record those people who state so and those who mention that they have a postdoctorate or a medical subspecialty in this level; the latter one can be identified by having names composed of two specialties: Cardiovascular surgery, gynecologic oncology, etcetera.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

If the person answers the name of a career, for example, Nursing or Social Work, ask what educational requirement the person was asked to enter and place them in the correct level, or if they mention the name of the school, for example: UNITEC, CCH SUR, Normal, ask to which level it corresponds.

If the person studied in another country, find out what educational level his/her studies are equivalent to, as well as the years passed, and record them in the corresponding level; if he or she studied in the United States of America, use the equivalences shown in this table.

[p. 349]

[Figure omitted: image with text]

If the person's level of education is none, preschool or elementary school, continue with question 24. literacy; if it is junior high or high school or general high school and the person is of 5 years of age or older, continue with question 25. State or country of residence in 2015.

The information for the question schooling is recorded as shown in the following images:

[Figure omitted: images with text]

[p. 350]
[p. 351]

Click on the image below to watch the video on the level of education.