Questionnaire Text

Austria 2001 France 1990 Ireland 1996 Switzerland 1990
Canada 1971 France 1999 Italy 2001 Switzerland 2000
Canada 1981 France 2006 Italy 2011 Switzerland 2011
Canada 1991 France 2011 Spain 2011 United Kingdom 1991
Canada 2001 Germany 1987 Switzerland 1970 United Kingdom 2001
Canada 2011 Iraq 1997 Switzerland 1980
Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_EMPST — Activity status (labor force concept)
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11. You are (multiple answers are possible, e.g. retired marginally employed on a part-time basis):
Self-employed, farmers, freelances and liberal professionals, family members helping out in the family business, apprentices and nursing trainees are also considered to be gainfully employed.

[] Gainfully employed full time (32 and more hours a week)
[] Gainfully employed part time (12 to 31 hours a week)
[] Marginally employed part time (1 to 11 hours a week):

[Those who chosen three choices above,]
Please answer questions 12 to 15

[] Looking for gainful employment for the first time (never gainfully employed before)

Thank you, no further questions.

[] Unemployed (was gainfully employed before)
[] On parental or maternity leave

[] Was gainfully employed before the leave
[] Was unemployed before the leave

[For those who chose "Unemployed" and "On parental or maternity leave",] Please answer questions 12 to 14 on the type of work you last did.
If you are also (marginally) gainfully employed, please answer questions 12 to 15 on the work you are currently doing.

[] On compulsory military service or conscientious objector doing non-military service

Please answer just questions 14 and 15 on the route taken to the barracks or place of service.

[] Homemaker
[] Retirement pension from own gainful employment
[] Widow's or widower's pension

[For those who chose three choices above,] If you are also gainfully employed, please proceed to question 12. Otherwise, thank you, no further questions.

[] Pupil or university student: Please answer question 15 regarding the route taken to school.

If you are also gainfully employed (e.g. working a job on the side as a student) please answer questions 12 to 15 regarding this employment.

[] Child not currently attending school

Thank you, no further questions.

[] Other means of livelihood (e.g. public welfare, support payments, supported by relatives, rent revenues):

If you are also gainfully employed please proceed to question 12. Otherwise, thank you, no further questions.

Question 11:
General instructions:
Please put an "X" in all boxes applicable to you and note the references to further questions.
Example: A housewife with marginal part-time employment puts an "X" in both boxes. The note next to "Marginally employed part time" indicates that the person should proceed to questions 12 to 15 and answer them.

Instructions for individual groups of persons:
Gainfully employed persons: Persons over 15 years of age who do paid work at least 1 hour per week or help in a family business without being formally paid are deemed to be gainfully employed.

A person who does just voluntary work is not deemed to be gainfully employed.

Whether you have full-time, part-time or marginally part-time employment depends on how many hours a week you work on average. If you work several jobs, you should add up the total number of hours worked per week and mark the appropriate box

Answer questions 12 to 15 for this gainful employment (if several part-time positions are held, for the job involving the most working hours.)

Exceptions: Teachers with a full-time teaching position and judges put an "X" next to "gainfully employed full time" even if their work week is less than 32 hours. This is also true of workers in businesses with "short-time working" arrangements (i.e. temporarily reduced working hours).

The unemployed: Persons over 15 years of age who were previously employed and who are seeking work or an apprenticeship position are deemed to be unemployed regardless of whether or not they receive unemployment benefits. Seasonally unemployed persons (e.g. waiters who are without a job between the summer season and the winter season) are deemed to be unemployed unless they pursue other work in the intervening period (in the period around May 15) (e.g. helping out on the family farm).

Persons undergoing practical training, e.g. apprentices, trainees, unpaid interns, pupils being trained for police work and for nursing, are deemed to be fully employed.

Persons undergoing vocational retraining put an "X" next to "gainfully employed full time" if they still hold their position or if they have health insurance through the public employment services agency (AMS) but should answer the questions 12 to 15 for their previous occupation (i.e. not "Public Employment Services Agency").

Persons attending vocational or professional preparatory courses put an "X" next to "pupil or university student" and answer the question 10.1 "School currently attended" and question 15.

Persons drawing special emergency relief assistance (Sondernotstandshilfe) are not deemed to be unemployed and put an "X" next to "Other means of livelihood."

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11. You are:
General instructions: Please mark all boxes that are applicable to you and note the references to further questions. Example: A housewife with marginal part-time employment marks both boxes. The note next to "Marginally employed part-time" indicates that the person should proceed to questions 12 through 15 and answer them.

Instructions for individual groups of persons:
Gainfully employed persons: Persons over 15 years of age who do paid work at least 1 hour per week or help in a family business without being formally paid are considered to be gainfully employed.

A person who only works voluntarily is not considered to be gainfully employed.

Whether you are employed full-time, part-time or marginally part-time depends on how many hours a week you work on average. If you work several jobs, you should add up the total number of hours worked per week and mark the appropriate box.

Answer questions 12 through 15 for this gainful employment (if several part-time positions are held, answer the questions for the job involving the most working hours.)

Exceptions: Teachers with a full-time teaching position and judges mark "gainfully employed full time" even if their work week is less than 32 hours. This is also true of workers in businesses with "short-time working" arrangements (i.e. temporarily reduced working hours).

Unemployed: Persons over 15 years of age who were previously employed and who are seeking work or an [p. 91] apprenticeship position are deemed to be unemployed regardless of whether or not they receive unemployment benefits. Seasonally unemployed persons (e.g. waiters who are without a job between the summer season and winter season) are considered unemployed unless they pursue other work in the intervening period (in the period around May 15) (e.g. helping out on the family farm).
Persons undergoing practical training, (e.g. apprentices, trainees, unpaid interns, pupils being trained for police work and nursing) are considered gainfully employed.

Persons undergoing vocational retraining mark "gainfully employed full time" if they still hold their position or if they have health insurance through the public employment services agency (AMS) but should answer questions 12 through 15 for their previous occupation (i.e. not "Public Employment Services Agency")

Persons attending vocational or professional preparatory courses should mark "pupil or university student" and answer the question 10.1 "School currently attended" as well as question 15.

Persons receiving special emergency relief assistance are not considered to be unemployed and should mark "Other means of livelihood."

Question 11 must be answered by every person. Double markings are possible.

The situation in the last weeks before the census is to be considered, in cases of doubt, the situation on May 15, 2001.

Who is gainfully employed?
Anyone who works at least 1 hour per week on average is gainfully employed and answers questions 12 through 15 for this employment.

The following groups of persons are considered gainfully employed, although they often do not identify themselves as such:
Helpers in a family business (especially housewives)
Retirees with a secondary occupation
Working students
Wives of farmers with at least 1 hour per week of yard or field work
Nursing students
Contractors for work and services
Freelance employees
Members of a religious order (e.g. nuns): Questions 12 through 15 should be answered for the secular profession (e.g. Kindergarten teacher, nurse). If no secular profession is available, "Nun" or "monk" is entered for the job title in question 13.
Persons in disabled local units of employment: Questions 12 through 15 are answered for the job that is performed in this local unit of employment.

Below you will find further instructions on the specific characteristics:
Working for the home or family: This box should be marked by persons that devote their work to their own household. If these persons are also gainfully employed, they should mark the appropriate box and answer questions 12 through 15 for this occupation.

Seeking gainful employment for the first time: This box should be marked by persons that have not previously been gainfully employed and are now searching for work or an apprenticeship.

On parental or maternity leave: Questions 12 through 15 should be answered for the occupation practiced before entering parental or maternity leave.

Retirement pension from own gainful employment: This box should be marked by persons that receive their own pension.

[p. 92]

Widow or widower's pension: Persons that receive a widow or widower's pension should mark this box.

Pupil or university student: Persons that currently attend a school, university, etc. should mark this box.

Other means of livelihood: Persons that live on an orphan pension or accident benefits should also mark this box.
With this questions it is determined, who, and to what extent, is "gainfully employed" (and accordingly who must answer the further questions). The structural data about gainfully employed and commuters are among the most important results of the population census.

The numbers about gainfully employed are needed for calculating general and specific labor force participation rates and find application as a basis for different predictions.

Information about participation in working life is important for labor market analyses and international comparisons. Especially of interest are the type and scope of the gainful employment of older employees, women, youth and foreigners. Data about the extent of gainful employment in connection with information about gender, age and marital status gain increasing weight in the face of growing importance of part time work, especially for family policy and regional levels.

This question further makes it possible to divide the not gainfully employed population into the predominant source of livelihood. This differentiation is of central importance for many economic and socio-political questions, for example: the dependent children and homemakers of gainfully employed persons, the occupation of women in terms of age as well as the numerical proportion of gainfully employed and retired persons.

Canada 1971 — source variable CA1971A_FULLTIME — 1970 work activity
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[Questions 22-40 were asked of persons age 15+, per question 21.]

39. a. In how many weeks did you work during 1970?

b. Was this work mainly full-time or part-time?

[] Full-time
[] Part-time

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(a) Please note that in counting weeks worked during 1970 you should:
(1) count as a week, any week in which you worked, even if you worked only for a few
hours in that week;
(2) include weeks of self-employment, weeks of paid vacation, paid sick-leave, etc.;
(3) fill the circle opposite "49-52" if you are a school-teacher or hold a similar job in which you are paid for the full year, even though you are not actually working at this job for the full year.

(b) Be sure to indicate whether these weeks reported were mainly full weeks of work or mainly weeks in which you worked only part of a week.
(1) If you worked every Saturday during the year, fill the circle opposite "49-52" in part
(a) and fill the circle opposite "Part-time" in part (b).
(2) If you worked full-time for 9 months (39 weeks) and part-time for 4 weeks, fill the circle opposite "40-48" in part (a) and opposite "Full-time" in part (b).

Canada 1981 — source variable CA1981A_WKFULL — Full-time or part-time weeks worked in 1980
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[Questions 31-46 were asked of persons age 15+, per question 30.]

45. a. In how many weeks did you work during 1980 (non including housework or other work around your home)?

Include those weeks in which you: worked full-time or part-time; were on a vacation or sick leave with pay; were self-employed.
[] None: Go to question 46.
[] Weeks _ _

b. During most of those weeks, did you work full-time or part-time?
Mark one box only
[] Full-time
[] Part-time

Canada 1991 — source variable CA1991A_WKFULL — Full-time or part-time weeks worked in 1990
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STEP 10: Answer Questions 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over.

Note: Questions 36 to 42 refer to this person's job or business last week. If this person held no job last week, answer for the job of longest duration since January 1, 1990. If this person held more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours.

44. During most of those weeks, did this person work full time or part time?

Mark one circle only.
[] Full time (30 hours or more per week)
[] Part time (less than 30 hours per week)

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Answer Questions 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over, that is, for each person born before June 4, 1976.

Question 44: Full time/part time

For persons who worked 30 hours or more per week, mark Full time (30 hours or more per week). For persons who worked less than 30 hours per week, mark Part time (less than 30 hours per week).

Canada 2001 — source variable CA2001A_FPTWKP — Full-time or part-time weeks worked in 2000
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23. Answer questions 24 to 51 for each person aged 15 and over.

50. During most of those weeks, did this person work full time or part time?

[Question 50 was asked of persons 15+ who worked in 2000, per question 49.]
Mark "x" one circle only.
[] Full time (30 hours or more per week)
[] Part time (less than 30 hours per week)

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[Questions 34 to 50 collect information on paid work done by people aged 15 and older.]

Question 50 -- Full-time or part-time work

Mark full time for persons aged 15 and over who worked 30 hours or more per week at all jobs during most of the weeks they had worked in 2000.
Mark part time for persons aged 15 and over who worked less than 30 hours per week at all jobs during most of the weeks they had worked in 2000.

Canada 2011 — source variable CA2011A_WKFULL — Full-time or part-time work in 2010
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[Questions 51-52 were asked of persons who have worked in 2010.]

51. During most of those weeks, did this person work full time or part time?

Mark "x" one circle only.
[] Full time (30 hours or more per week)
[] Part time (less than 30 hours per week)
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Labor market activities
Questions 34 to 45 and 49 to 51 provide information on Canada's workforce including the industries and occupations in which they work, as well as the language used at work. Employment information is used to assess the economic conditions of communities and specific populations such as Aboriginal Peoples and immigrants. Industry and occupation information is used to forecast job opportunities.

Retired persons
All persons who did not work any hours during the week of May 1 to May 7, 2011 (answered 'none' to question 34), should answer questions 34 to 39 even if the reason they did not work was because they retired.

All persons who did any work for pay or in self-employment between January 1, 2010 and May 7, 2011 should answer questions 40 to 51, even if they are retired at the time of the survey.

Recent immigrants
Persons who did not have a job during the week of May 1 to May 7, 2011, but who have worked since January 1, 2010, should answer questions 34 to 39 for the last job they held even if it was in another country and continue with questions 40 to 51.

Question 51 -- Full-time or part-time work
Mark 'full time' for persons aged 15 and over who worked 30 hours or more per week at all jobs (may be more than one), salaried or self-employed, during most of the weeks they had worked in 2010.

Mark 'part time' for persons aged 15 and over who worked less than 30 hours per week at all jobs (may be more than one), salaried or self-employed, during most of the weeks they had worked in 2010.

Persons who had a part-time job during one part of the year and a full-time job during the other part of the year should answer on the basis of the job for which they worked the most number of weeks.

France 1990 — source variable FR1990A_TRAVTIME — Time spent working
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Questions 8 through 21 are only for those people 14 years old or more

If you work, go to the back of the page (questions 12 to 21)

If you are on sick leave or maternity leave
If you help a member of your family in his or her work without pay
If you are apprenticed under contract, a paid intern (TUC, SIVP..), etc.

17. Do you work

[] 1 Part time?
[] 2 Full time?

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_PARTTM — Part-time
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Questions 9 through 24 are only addressed to people 14 years old or more
[Questions 9-24 were asked only of persons 14 years or older.]

11. What is your situation?

You work
[] 1 Check the box and continue to the back of the page (questions 15 to 24) including if you are on sick leave or maternity leave, if you help a member of your family in his/her work or if you are apprenticed under contract, or a salaried intern. [skip to question 15]
You don't work (or no longer work)
[] 2 Check the box and answer questions 12 to 14

[Questions 15-21 were asked of persons who work per question 11.]

16. Do you work?

[] 1 Full time
Part-time is determined in relation to the average work time in your company.
[] 2 More than part-time
[] 3 Part-time or less

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_FULLTIME — Work time/working hours
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[6. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons age 14 or older.]

[17. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons who are currently working. If you have several jobs, only describe your principal job in questions 18-30]

22. Do you work

[] 1 Full-time
[] 2 Part-time

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_FULLTIME — Work full time
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6) The following portion of the questionnaire is for individuals age 14 or older.

17) The rest of the questionnaire is for individuals who are currently working.
If you have several jobs, describe your main job in questions 18 to 30.

22) Do you work:

[ ] 1 Full time
[ ] 2 Part time

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_FULLTIME — Economically active full time (over 36 hours per week)
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Question 7: Are you economically active, unemployed?
Persons who are part of an employment/service relationship, pursue an independent trade, practice a liberal profession, or work as family workers are considered economically active. Persons participating in programs aimed at further education, retraining/reeducation and rehabilitation and are in possession of a work contract should also mark "economically active". Services performed on an honorary basis are not considered an economic activity.

"Economically active up to 36 hours per week" should also be marked if work is performed by the hour, half days or on certain days of the week only.

Unemployed persons who are earning some money on the side should mark "economically active up to 36 hours per week" in addition to "unemployed, looking for work."

Juveniles in their first year of vocational training who do not have a contract of employment/training should mark both "not economically active" and "pupil, student".

For all persons
[Questions 1-8 were asked to all persons]

7. Are you:

Several answers are possible

[] Economically active (1) full-time (over 36 hours (2) per week)
[] Economically active (1) part-time (up to 36 hours (2) per week)
[] Unemployed, looking for work
[] Not economically active
[] Housewife, "houseman"
[] Pupil, student

(1) = Also farmer, family worker, apprentice, soldier, person doing civilian alternative service
(2) = Based on the number of hours normally worked during a week

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_PARTTIME — Economically active part-time (up to 36 hours per week)
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Question 7: Are you economically active, unemployed?
Persons who are part of an employment/service relationship, pursue an independent trade, practice a liberal profession, or work as family workers are considered economically active. Persons participating in programs aimed at further education, retraining/reeducation and rehabilitation and are in possession of a work contract should also mark "economically active". Services performed on an honorary basis are not considered an economic activity.

"Economically active up to 36 hours per week" should also be marked if work is performed by the hour, half days or on certain days of the week only.

Unemployed persons who are earning some money on the side should mark "economically active up to 36 hours per week" in addition to "unemployed, looking for work."

Juveniles in their first year of vocational training who do not have a contract of employment/training should mark both "not economically active" and "pupil, student".

For all persons
[Questions 1-8 were asked to all persons]

7. Are you:

Several answers are possible

[] Economically active (1) full-time (over 36 hours (2) per week)
[] Economically active (1) part-time (up to 36 hours (2) per week)
[] Unemployed, looking for work
[] Not economically active
[] Housewife, "houseman"
[] Pupil, student

(1) = Also farmer, family worker, apprentice, soldier, person doing civilian alternative service
(2) = Based on the number of hours normally worked during a week

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_FULLTIME — Work time
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For persons six years old and more
[Applies to questions 46-52]

51. Work time

[] 1 Full-time
[] 2 Part-time

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51. Work time:
Indicated by the sign (x) in the square opposite to the word (full) if the person works full time and indicated by the sign (x) in the square opposite to the word (part) if the person works part time.
The full time is means the working hours are no less than six hours daily and the part time means the working hours are no less than two hours and a half and less than six hours daily.
Note: All government officials are counted as working full time without paying attention to the working hours for example teachers in primary and high schools.

Ireland 1996 — source variable IE1996A_FULLTIME — Type of work
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[Questions 15-24 were asked of persons 15 years and over]

Q.23 Type of work

If at work, indicate whether the person's usual principal occupation is full-time or part-time.
Insert a check mark in the appropriate box.
[] 1 Full-time
[] 2 Part-time
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Questions which cover persons 15 years and over

Q.23: Type of Work
This Question should be answered in respect of persons aged 15 years or over who are at work (i.e. who ticked box '1' in Q.18). The persons own assessment of whether his/her usual principal occupation is full-time or part time is required.

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_WKFULL — Full-time or part-time work
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Persons over 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 6.
Persons under 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 8.

[Questions 6.1-7.12 were asked of persons over 15 years of age.]

7. Work activity
[Questions 7.1 to 7.12 were asked of those who worked one or more hours of paid work, or as contributing family worker.]

To answer questions from 7.1 to 7.12, refer to the main work activities (activities where the greater number of hours were worked)

7.4 Indicate whether the person has a job

[] 1 Full time
[] 2 Part time

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7. Work activity
Answer question 7.1 and question 7.12 by referring to the main job carried out during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001).
The term main work activities refers to the job where the greatest number of working hours was employed.
Employed persons who, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), did not work because they were on vacation, illness, on income support, on leave of absence etc., must refer to the main job usually performed.
Persons who, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), changed job must refer to their new job carried out at the end of that week.

Question 7.4
Part time: a work relationship, with or without contract, in which the number of hours worked is less than that normally worked by other employees in the same category. It can either be:

a) horizontal: when the work is performed during the entire day but with reduced hours;
b) vertical: when the work is performed on certain days of the week, certain weeks or certain months of the year.

For employees, part time is established based on a formal agreement between the employer and the worker.
Self-employed persons can also work part time (for example, a storekeeper who only works mornings or afternoons works part time).

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_WKFULL — Type of job
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6. Vocational or non-vocational status

[These questions are asked of individuals aged 15 years and over]

In your answers to question 6.6 through 6.12 refer to your primary work activity only. If you are not working at present, refer to your most recent job.

6.9 Your job is (was)

[] 1 Full time
[] 2 Part time
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

In your answers to questions 6.6-6.12:

- Individuals with more than one job should answer in reference to their primary work activity only. Primary work activity is the job with the most work hours or the one (if you work an equal number of hours for different jobs) that provides the most income.
- Employed individuals who did not work during the week prior to the survey date (October 02nd-08th) because of a holiday, illness, CIG, leave of absence, etc., should refer to the job that usually represents their primary work activity.
- If you are not working at present, refer to the last job you had.
Question 6.9
Part time: a work relationship (with or without a contract) that involves fewer than the normal number of work hours for other workers in the same category. It can be:

a) horizontal: work is performed every day, but for fewer hours;
b) vertical: work is concentrated in a few days of the week, a few weeks of the month, or a few months of the year;
c) mixed: work that includes both horizontal and vertical elements.

For employees, part-time work is based on a formal agreement between employer and employee.
Self-employed workers may also working part-time (e.g. a shopkeeper who only works in the morning or afternoon works

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_CONTRACT — Full-time or part-time work
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1.D.1 Current relation with the activity

This variable allows a classification of the population with relation to economic activity, establishing the groups of active and inactive and their main collectives. It is a variable of basic classification in the census operation.

The temporary reference of this variable is the week previous to the census reference.
It is asked of all those people that are 16 years of age or older.

Categories of this variable:


Unemployed having worked before
Unemployed seeking his/her first employment
Person with permanent labor disability
Retired, pre-retired, pensioned, or rentier
Other situation

Switzerland 1970 — source variable CH1970A_HRSWORK — Time worked (hours)
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D. Questions to persons who carry out a profession
[Applies to questions 20-22]

20. How many hours do you work usually a week (not including house work):

[Persons with an additional occupation in agriculture or another branch need also to answer question 20]

a) In main profession or part time activity:

[] Under 6 hours
[] 6 to 19 hours
[] 20 to 39 hours
[] 40 hours or more

b) In additional occupation:

[] Under 6 hours
[] 6 to 19 hours
[] 20 to 39 hours
[] 40 hours or more

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Question 19: Present occupation, livelihood
Farmer wives and other adult persons, who work on the farm in addition to their housework, should enter "housewife" as well as "full time or part time employed". In question 20 they should enter only the time which they spend normally at farm work.
Persons age 16 and over who are dependent on their relatives, as long as they are not un-employed, housewives or students, mark the field "other sources of livelihood".
Other sources of livelihood are also alimony, scholarships, support payments, etc.

Switzerland 1980 — source variable CH1980A_HRSWORK — Time worked (hours)
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D. Questions to persons who carry out a profession (Numbers 18-20) and housewives (only Number 18c)

18. How long do you usually work a week? (in hours)

a. In main profession or part-time activity?

[] Under 6
[] 6 to under 15
[] 15 to under 25
[] 25 to under 30
[] 30 to under 40
[] 40 to under 43
[] 43 to under 45
[] 45 to under 47
[] 47 and more

b. In additional occupation

[] Under 6
[] 6 to under 15
[] 15 to under 25
[] 25 to under 30
[] 30 to under 40
[] 40 to under 43
[] 43 to under 45
[] 45 to under 47
[] 47 and more

c. In own household

[] Under 6
[] 6 to under 15
[] 15 to under 25
[] 25 to under 30
[] 30 to under 40
[] 40 to under 43
[] 43 to under 45
[] 45 to under 47
[] 47 and more

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Question 18: How long do you work normally per week?

The purpose of this question is to measure better the working time of persons employed part time. In particular, housewives should clearly distinguish between time taken for working (18a) and time taken for doing housework (18c).

Switzerland 1990 — source variable CH1990A_HRSWORK — Time worked (hours)
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10. Current principal occupation, source of income
(More than one answer can be given here)

[] 1 Part-time occupation with single job

Number of hours per week: _ _

[] 2 Part-time occupation with two or more jobs

Total number of hours per week: _ _

[] 3 Fully employed

Number of hours per week: _ _

[] 4 Unemployed at present, but looking for a job
[] 5 Unemployed at present, but future job assured
[] 6 Unemployed at present and not looking for a job
[] 7 Housework in own household
[] 8 Undergoing education (school, studies, apprenticeship)
[] 9 None, under school age
[] 10 Retired, pensioner
[] 11 Other situation, namely ________

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_HRSWORK — Time worked (hours)
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Questions 12, 13 and 14 are intended for those aged 15 and over

13. Occupation: present situation

Please tick everything that applies.

'In employment' means persons:
Who work one hour or more a week against payment
Who work in a family business without payment
Who are currently ill, on paid maternity leave or military service but are otherwise in employment.
Casual jobs should also be counted.

Apprentices should select both 'In employment' and 'Undergoing training'. The appropriate number of hours must be given for both categories.

[] In (full-time) employment

Average number of hours a week: _ _ hours

[] In (part-time) employment (at least one hour a week)

Average number of hours a week: _ _ hours

[] Several (part-time) jobs

Average number of hours a week: _ _ hours

[] Unemployed
[] Not in employment but seeking a job
[] Not in employment but future job guaranteed
[] Not employed and not looking for a job
[] Undergoing training (school, studies, apprenticeship) _ _ hours
[] Retired, pension, beneficiary (old-age, disability, etc.)

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_EMPSTATAGG2 — Labor market status, full-time or part-time
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Personal questionnaire

11. What is your current labour market situation?

Please tick everything that applies (more than one answer is possible). Casual jobs should also be entered. Tick ''in employment'' if:
- You work at least one hour per week for payment, or;
- You work in a family business without payment, or
- You are temporarily away from work (on holiday, sick leave or paid maternity leave, military / community service) but are otherwise employed or self-employed.

Apprentices should select both ''in employment'' and ''undergoing training.''

[] 1 In full-time employment
[] 2 In part-time employment
[] 3 In several part-time employments
[] 4 Seeking a job (whether or not registered for unemployment insurance)
[] 5 Undergoing training (school, studies, apprenticeship)
[] 6 Looking after home or family
[] 7 Disabled or partially disabled (e.g. person in receipt of Federal Disability Insurance)
[] 8 Retired (in receipt of AHV (retirement) or other pension), or pensioner in receipt of benefit other than disability insurance
[] 9 Other non-employed situation

[If 1, 2, or 3 is chosen,] average number of hours worked per week: _ _

25. In the following columns, enter all persons except for person 1 from question 24, keeping the same numbers for each person.

Person 1 is the person who completed the personal questionnaire

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

Person 2
1. First name: ____
2. Year of birth: (YYYY): _ _ _ _
3. Month of birth: (MM): _ _
Person 3
1. First name: ____
2. Year of birth: (YYYY): _ _ _ _
3. Month of birth: (MM): _ _
[Same questions are repeated for persons 4 - 6 and omitted from this form]

30. What is the person's occupational status?

Only one answer.

[Asked only of those who do not live alone in question 23.]

Only to be completed by persons in employment (incl. apprentices). Refer to the person's main occupation.

Person 2
[] 1 Self-employed or owner of the stock corporation or plc
[] 2 Relative employed in family business
[] 3 Employed as director or board member
[] 4 Employee with managerial responsibility
[] 5 Employee without managerial responsibility (including apprentice)
[Same questions are repeated for persons 3 - 6 and omitted from this form]
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3.3 Structural statistics

3.3.2 Basic output
The structural statistics provide additional information on the basic statistics, together with base information for the analysis of the thematic statistics of the census system. They cover the resident population, excluding people who live in institutional households. The information on dwellings relates to occupied dwellings. The structural statistics provide annual results on the following topic areas:

T4 Information provided by the structural statistics

Topic area "work"
Occupation/participation in the labour market          
- Employment status
- Current occupation
- Status in occupation
- Socio-professional category
- Economic branch, legal status, and size of the enterprise
- Number of hours worked per week, work-time percentage


- Labour market status
- Unemployment rate

United Kingdom 1991 — source variable UK1991A_EMPSTATP — Economic position (primary)
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Answer to the remaining questions are not required for any person under 16 years of age (born after 21st April 1975)
[Applies to questions 13 - 19]

13. Whether working, retired, looking after the home etc. last week
Which of these things was the person doing last week?

Please read carefully through the list and tick all the descriptions that apply.

Casual or temporary work should be counted at boxed 1, 2, 3 or 4. Also tick boxes 1, 2, 3 or 4 if the person had a job last week but was off sick, on holiday, temporarily laid off or on strike.
Boxes 1, 2, 3 and 4 refer to work for pay or profit but not to unpaid work except in a family business.
Working for an employer is part time (box 2) if the hours worked, excluding any overtime and mealbreaks, are usually 30 hours or less per week.

[] 1 Was working for an employer full time (more than 30 hours a week)
[] 2 Was working for an employer part time (one hour or more a week)
[] 3 Was self-employed, employing other people
[] 4 Was self-employed, not employing other people
[] 5 Was on a government employment or training scheme
[] 6 Was waiting to start a job he/she had already accepted
[] 7 Was unemployment and looking for a job (Include any person wanting a job but prevented from looking by holiday or temporary sickness)
[] 8 Was at school or in other full time education (Do not count training given or paid for by an employer)
[] 9 Was unable to work because of long term sickness or disability
[] 10 Was retired from paid work
[] 11 Was looking after the home or family
[] Other, please specify ________

[Identification header here]

Please read A below, tick the box that applies and follow the instruction by the box ticked. This will tell you which questions to answer for each person.

[Question A. applies to people who were full or part-time employees or self-employed, with or without employees]
A. Did the person have a paid job last week (any of the boxes 1, 2, 3 or 4 ticked at question 13)?
[] Yes. Answer questions 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 about the main job last week, then go on to question 19. Answer B

B. Has the person had a paid job within the last 10 years?
[] Yes. Answer questions 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 about the most recent job, then go on to question 19.

United Kingdom 2001 — source variable UK2001A_EMPSTAT — Economic activity (last week)
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[Questions 16 - 35 were asked of people age 16 to 74.]

18. Last week, were you doing any work:
- as an employee, or on a Government sponsored training scheme,
- as self-employed/freelance, or in your own/family business?

[Check] 'Yes' if away from work ill, on maternity leave, on holiday or temporarily laid off.
[Check] 'Yes' for any paid work, including casual or temporary work, even if only for one hour.
[Check] 'Yes' if you worked, paid or unpaid, in your own/family business.

[] Yes -- Go to 24
[] No -- Go to 19

[Questions 19 - 23 were asked of persons who were not doing any work last week.]

19. Were you actively looking for any kind of paid work during the last 4 weeks?

[] Yes
[] No

20. If a job had been available last week, could you have started it within 2 weeks?
[] Yes
[] No

21. Last week, were you waiting to start a job already obtained?
[] Yes
[] No

22. Last week, were you any of the following?

[Check] all boxes that apply.

[] Retired
[] Student
[] Looking after home/family
[] Permanently sick/disabled
[] None of the above

23. Have you ever worked?

[] Yes, please write in the year you last worked _ _ _ _ -- Go to 24
[] No, have never worked -- Go to 36

[Questions 24 - 35 were asked of persons who are currently working or have ever worked.]

25. Do (did) you work as an employee or are (were) you self-employed?

[] Employee
[] Self-employed with employees
[] Self-employed/freelance without employees