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Federal Population Census 1990

Personal Questionnaire

Name/Christian name(s) ____

Commune: ____
Census Zone No.: ____
Household No.: ____

Please write in block capitals:

Where the answer is printed, please mark the applicable square with a cross:

1. Population and employment: questions to all persons

1. Date and place of residence at time of birth

Day _ _
Month _ _
Year _ _ _ _

Place of residence at time of birth: ____

Canton resp. foreign country: ____

2. Sex

[] 1 Male
[] 2 Female

3. Marital status

[] 1 Single
[] 2 Married
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

4. Nationality

[] 1 Swiss
[] 2 Foreigner

Questions to foreigners:

What nationality are you?

Type of foreigner's residence permit, residence status:
[] 1 Permanent residence permit (Cat. C)
[] 2 Annual residence permit (with Cat. C)
[] 3 Seasonal permit (Cat. A)
[] 4 Applicant for asylum
[] 5 Permit of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
[] 6 Short stay permit (max. 1.5 years with Cat. B or L) or other status

5. Further place of residence
Do you occupy a further residence (lodging/room) in Switzerland?

(Please do not indicate holiday residences)

[] 1 No
[] 2 Yes
If yes, give the address of this residence/accommodation:
Street/number: ____
Town/commune: ____
For employed persons, schoolchildren and students:
Do you mostly go to work or school from the above address?
[] 1 Yes
[] 2 No

6. Place of residence 5 years ago
Where were you living on 4th December 1985?

[] 1 At the same address as today
[] 2 At a different address in the same commune
[] 3 In another commune, namely: ____
[] Canton resp. foreign country: ____

7. Position in household
Indicate your position in the household:

[] 1 Head of household

[] 1.1 Husband, wife, common-law husband/ wife
[] 1.2 Other head of household

[] 2 Relative of head of household

[] 2.1 Son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law
[] 2.2 Father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law
[] 2.3 Brother, sister
[] 2.4 Other relatives of head of household

[] 3 Other position in household

[] 3.1 Other position in household (e.g. domestic help, foster child, boarder, unrelated joint tenant)

8. Religion
Which church or religious community do you belong to?

[] 1 The Reformed (Protestant) Church
[] 2 The Roman Catholic Church
[] 3 Another church or religions community, namely: ____
[] 4 None

9. Language

Which language do you think in and know best?

(Give one language only)

[] 1 German
[] 2 French
[] 3 Italian
[] 4 Rheto-Romansh
[] 5 Other, namely: ___

Which language(s) do you speak regularly? (More than one answer is possible here)

a. At home with relatives:
[] 1 Swiss-German
[] 2 High German
[] 3 Patois Romand
[] 4 French
[] 5 Ticenese or Grisons-Italian dialect
[] 6 Italian
[] 7 Rheto-Romansh
[] 8 English
[] 9 Others
b. At school, in working life, professionally:
[] 1 Swiss-German
[] 2 High German
[] 3 Patois Romand
[] 4 French
[] 5 Ticenese or Grisons-Italian dialect
[] 6 Italian
[] 7 Rheto-Romansh
[] 8 English
[] 9 Others

10. Current principal occupation, source of income

(More than one answer can be given here)

[] 1 Part-time occupation with single job

Number of hours per week: _ _

[] 2 Part-time occupation with two or more jobs

Total number of hours per week: _ _

[] 3 Fully employed

Number of hours per week: _ _

[] 4 Unemployed at present, but looking for a job
[] 5 Unemployed at present, but future job assured
[] 6 Unemployed at present and not looking for a job
[] 7 Housework in own household
[] 8 Undergoing education (school, studies, apprenticeship)
[] 9 None, under school age
[] 10 Retired, pensioner
[] 11 Other situation, namely ________

11. Education and professional training

Please list all stages of education and professional training:

Undergoing education at present
[] 1 No education or professional training
[] 2 Compulsory schooling (primary, secondary, high school)
[] 3 Apprenticeship or full-time vocational school
[] 4 Grammar school, primary teachers' training
[] 5 Advanced vocational or professional training (with master craftsman's certificate, other higher professional certificate/diploma)
[] 6 Higher vocational schools (e.g. technical college, colleges of further education, school for social workers)
[] 7 University, college
[] 8 Other studies, namely: ____
Studies completed
[] 1 No education or professional training
[] 2 Compulsory schooling (primary, secondary, high school)
[] 3 Apprenticeship or full-time vocational school
[] 4 Grammar school, primary teachers' training
[] 5 Advanced vocational or professional training (with master craftsman's certificate, other higher professional certificate/diploma)
[] 6 Higher vocational schools (e.g. technical college, colleges of further education, school for social workers)
[] 7 University, college
[] 8 Other studies, namely: ____

Profession learnt, qualifications acquired: ____

II. Profession: Questions to employed, unemployed and persons no longer employed

12. Professional status

For employed persons: please indicate your professional status.

For unemployed persons and those no longer employed: please indicate your professional status in your last job:

[] 1 Self-employed (own business, free-lance)
[] 2 Relative employed in family business
[] 3 Employed as apprentice (indentured or not)
[] 4 Employed as manager, executive employee, senior civil servant
[] 5 Employed at middle and lower levels, e.g. as office manager, section head, branch manager/ess, workshop foreman, foreman
[] 6 Employed in another function, e.g. as white-collared worker, blue-collared worker, trainee
[] 7 Other position, namely: ____

13. Professional occupation

For employed persons: What is your present occupation? ________

For unemployed persons and those no longer employed: What was your last occupation? ________

III. Journey to work and transport: Questions to employed, schoolchildren and students

14. Journey to work or school

Where do you work or usually start work?
Where do you go to school?

Street, number: ____
Town commune: ____
Canton resp. foreign country: ____
Name of the firm, business or school: ____

15. Time required for the journey to work or school

How much time do you normally require for one journey to work or school?

[] 1 None, I live where I work/go to school
[] 2 Up to 15 minutes
[] 3 From 15 to 30 minutes
[] 4 From 30 to 45 minutes
[] 5 From 45 minutes to 1 hour
[] 6 Over 1 hour

How often do you normally make the journey there and back?

[] 1 Once a day
[] 2 Twice a day or more often

16. Means of transport
What means of transport do you usually use for one journey to work or school? (If you sue several means of transport, please list all of these)

[] 1 None, I go the whole way on foot
[] 2 Bicycle
[] 3 Moped
[] 4 Motorcycle, scooter
[] 5 Private car as driver
[] 6 Private car as passenger
[] 7 Firm bus, school bus
[] 8 Train (SFR, private railways)
[] 9 Post-office bus, coach
[] 10 Tram, municipal bus, trolleybus
[] 11 Others (e.g. boat, cable railway)

Explanations for the personal questionnaire

1. In the case of hospital births, please indicate the mother's domicile at the time of the birth rather than where the hospital is.

3. Legally separated persons are to be listed under "married".

4. For Swiss-foreign dual nationals, please mark "Swiss".
Foreigners with multiple nationality are to indicate the country in which they last acquired citizenship.

Passports and identity cards are not regarded as foreign residence permits within the sense of this question. The permit categories A, B and C are printed on the permit in capital letters.

Wives and children listed in their husband's or father's permit indicate this permit.

Stateless persons and refugees indicate their former native country.

5. Holiday residences, accommodation in military schools and courses as well as rest cures of less than six months' duration are not be mentioned.

7. Lodgers belong to the household if they have one main meal daily with the landlady or landlord. Otherwise, lodgers are counted as households in their own right and require their own envelope with a personal questionnaire (obtainable from the counter of the local authorities).

9. For children that cannot yet speak, indicate the mother's language.
Persons of Friulian or Ladin mother tongue do not mark "Italian" but "Rheto-Romansh".

10. Part-time employed means during 80 per cent at the most of working hours customary in the firm or branch, e.g. on 4 days a week, half-days or single days a week. However, employment must amount to at least 1 hour a week.

Teachers do not indicate the length of time taught, but the total time used for school per week.

Persons on short hours should give the situation in their firm at full employment.

Unemployed should be listed under sections 10.4 or 10.5: "At present unemployed".

For persons on military service, the civilian circumstances are relevant.

11. Discontinued courses of training are not to be listed.

Apprenticeships: Professional training in a firm and attendance of an industrial, applied arts, commercial, agricultural or other vocational school; general nursing school.

Full-time vocational schools: e.g. apprenticeship workshop, commercial college, medical assistants' school, school for enrolled nurses.

12. Unemployed persons that have never been employed should not answer this question.

13. Begin by writing your answer on the first line even if you are no longer employed. Please indicate your present resp. last occupation as exactly as possible, e.g.:
"Building fitter", not "Fitter"; "Electrician", not "Factory worker"; "Sales assistant" or "General office work", not "Employee"; "Mechanical engineer" not "Engineer", "Court clerk" not "Bachelor of law".

Should this not be possible, please describe your occupation briefly in note form; you may use all four lines.

If you have several occupations, only indicate the most important.

Unemployed persons that have never been employed should not answer this question.

14. Drivers, railway officials, building workers, etc., should indicate the place where they start work.

Commercial travelers mark 'travelling'.

If you work for several employers, e.g. in the case of outwork, cleaning, please indicate the most important job.

Employed students refer their answers to their place of work.

15. Refer your answer to your journey to the address indicated in question 14.

16. Refer your answer to your journey to the address indicated in question 14.

Envelope for Private Households

To be filled in by a member of the household

This envelope is to be used for the return of the Personal Questionnaire to the counter.

Address of the household

Street, Number ____
Postal code: _ _ _ _
Town: ____

Please include in the following list all the persons living here or belonging (in a broader sense) to your household. List persons with one residence only in part a); those with several residences either under b) or c). Such persons require a questionnaire at each place of residence.

Lodgers belong to the family if they have one meal daily with the landlord/lady (boarders). Otherwise lodgers count as a household of their own and require an envelope with a Personal Questionnaire (obtainable from the counter or the local authorities).

List of persons
a) All persons living here with only one place of residence. Those temporarily absent at the time of the census (e.g. on holiday, on military service, on a visit, in hospital) are also to be listed.

Name/Christian name(s): ________

b) Persons officially registered here but living elsewhere (e.g. as weekly residents, at a boarding school, old person's home, etc.).

Name/Christian name(s) ________

c) Persons living here but whose official domicile (1) is elsewhere. Persons only temporarily staying here (e.g. as visitors) are not to be included and do not need a questionnaire.

Name/Christian name(s) ________

(1) The official domicile is generally the commune in which a person is "registered", where his papers are deposited, where he exercises his right to vote or pays his taxes.

To be filled in by the local authorities or the counter

Municipality: ____
Census Zone Number: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Household Number: _ _ _