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Federal Population Census 1970

Person questionnaire

____ Municipality
____ Census zone
____ Household number
____ Questionnaire number

A. Questions to all persons
[Applies to questions 1-15]

1. Surname and Christian names: ________
Street and number or hamlet, farmhouse: ________

2. Date of birth:

____ Day
____ Month
____ Year

3. Sex:

[] Male
[] Female

4. Marital status:

[] Single
[] Married, including separated
[] Widowed
[] Divorced

5. Position in the household:

[] Head of household
[] Spouse of head
[] Son or daughter of head
[] Others (e.g. mother, son-in-law, grand child, domestic help, lodger etc.):


6. Mother tongue (language in which you think and that you know best):

[] German
[] French
[] Italian
[] Rhaeto-Romanic
[] Others i.e.:


7. Religion:

[] Protestant
[] Roman Catholic
[] Others i.e.:


8. Nationality (Swiss/foreign dual nationalities should only indicate their Swiss citizenship):

[] Swiss
[] Foreigner (foreigners specify their nationality in question 27)

For Swiss nationals (citizens of more than one municipality should list the most recent acquired one):

____ Citizen of which municipality
____ Canton (abbreviation)

9. Place of birth (persons born in a hospital indicate the parents' or mother's residence at that time):

[] Municipality of current residency
[] Other municipality

____ Indicate which municipality
____ Canton or State (abbreviation)

10. Residence 5 years ago (1.12.1965) (children under 5 years of age not to be considered):
[] Municipality of current residency
[] Other municipality

____ Indicate which municipality
____ Canton or State (abbreviation)

11. Residence 1 year ago (1.12.1969) (children under 1 year of age not to be considered):

[] Municipality of current residency
[] Other municipality
____ Indicate which municipality
____ Canton or State (abbreviation)

12. Presently attending school (who attends school presently answers also questions 23 to 26):

[] None
[] Primary school
[] Secondary or trade school
[] Higher education school (see examples)
[] School for general or language education
[] Full time professional school (see examples)
[] School for higher technical/professional training
[] College/university

13. Completed stages of education (all completed school levels to be indicated):

[] None
[] Primary school
[] Secondary or trade school
[] Higher education school (see examples)
[] School for general or language education
[] Full time professional school (see examples)
[] School for higher technical/professional training
[] College/university

  • Higher education schools: grammar school, teacher seminars, higher education schools for women.
  • Full time professional schools: schools for pharmacists, laboratory technicians, librarians, social workers, nurses, agriculture, but not mandatory apprenticeship schools.

14. Learned or acquired professions, completed studies (please be specific):

a) First profession learned:



[] Less than 1 year
[] 1 to less than 2 years
[] 2 to less than 3 years
[] 3 years or longer

b) Profession learned later on:



[] Less than 1 year
[] 1 to less than 2 years
[] 2 to less than 3 years
[] 3 years or longer

15. Acquired certificates and diplomas, academic titles:

B. Questions to married women
[Applies to questions 16-18]

16. In which year did your current marriage take place:


17. How many children were born alive in the current marriage (adult children or deceased children are to be included):


18. Were you married before?

[] Yes
[] No

[p. 2]

C. Questions to persons age 13 and over
[Applies to question 19]

19. Present activities and sources of income (please mark all applicable categories):

Partially employed -- working fewer hours than is usual in the branch or firm concerned, e.g. half-days or only on single days a week.

Housewives, pensioner/retired people and pupil/students that have an economic activity will indicate "partially employed" and not "additional occupation".

Main profession, source of income:

[] Fully employed (1)
[] Partially employed (1)
[] Presently unemployed (2)
[] Housewife
[] Pensioner/retired
[] Pupil/student (3)
[] Other sources of income

Additional occupation (besides full time or part time employment):

[] Additional occupation in agriculture (4)
[] Additional occupation in another branch (4)

(1) Persons employed full time or part time answer also questions 20-26.
(2) Unemployed persons indicate in question 21a and 21b their last employment.
(3) Pupils and students answer also questions 23 to 25.
(4) Question 20 needs to be answered as well.

D. Questions to persons who carry out a profession
[Applies to questions 20-22]

20. How many hours do you work usually a week (not including house work):

[Persons with an additional occupation in agriculture or another branch need also to answer question 20]

a) In main profession or part time activity:

[] Under 6 hours
[] 6 to 19 hours
[] 20 to 39 hours
[] 40 hours or more

b) In additional occupation:

[] Under 6 hours
[] 6 to 19 hours
[] 20 to 39 hours
[] 40 hours or more

21. Main profession or part time activity:

[Unemployed persons indicate in question 21a and 21b their last employment]

a) What is your present activity (please specify, possibly in note form, e.g. not just factory worker, but e.g. metal polisher, leather preparer; not just "employee" but e.g. punch card operator, general office work):


b) Occupational status, hierarchical grade (unskilled worker, apprentice, foreman, skilled worker, home worker, chief clerk, office manager, tenant farmer, business owner, family member employed in family business, etc.):


c) Name of employer, firm (persons who work for several employers, e.g. home workers, cleaners, should write 'several' only):


d) Branch, line of business (please specify as accurately as possible, e.g. not just "furniture" but "furniture factory" or "furniture dealer"):


22. Question to self employed (proprietors, farmers, etc.): How many persons work in your firm or business, including the proprietor, members of the family, and part time employees?

[] Only the proprietor
[] 2 to 9 persons
[] 10 to 19 persons
[] 20 or more persons

E. Questions to employed, school children and students
[Applies to questions 23-26]

23. Where do you work? (full or part time; drivers, railway employees construction workers indicate the place from where they start their work; commercial travelers write 'traveling'). Where do you attend to school?

________ Exact address
________ Municipality
________ Canton or state

24. Duration of one way commute to work or to school:

[] Place or work or location of school is on the same property
[] Up to 15 minutes
[] Over 15 to 30 minutes
[] 30 to 60 minutes
[] Over 1 hour

25. Do you usually make the commute between your residence and place of work/school once or twice daily (journey there and back together -- once):

[] Once
[] Twice

26. Most important means of transportation:

If several, indicate the one which is used for the longest distance.

[] On foot
[] Train
[] Streetcar or bus
[] Vehicle of employer (e.g. bus)
[] Private car
[] Motorcycle/scooter
[] Bicycle/moped
[] Other (e.g. funicular, ship)

F. Questions to foreigners
[Applies to questions 27-28]

27. Foreigners with valid passport or home certificate: citizenship


Without papers, stateless, refugees: last citizenship.

28. Type of foreigner certificate:

[] Certificate A (seasonal)
[] Certificate B or D (annual)
[] Certificate C (landed)
[] Special certificate (e.g. international officials or expatriates)
[] Without certificate

[p. 3]

Dwelling questionnaire
(Every head of household has to complete one questionnaire)

____ Municipality
____ Census zone
____ Household number

1. Owner or tenant

____ Name and first name
____ Street and number or hamlet, farmhouse
____ House number
____ Floor number
Since when do you occupy this dwelling?
Year: ____
[Notes to question 1]
Floor number: lower level = U; ground floor/1st floor = P; 2nd floor = 1; 3rd floor = 2; etc. Several floors: e.g. P/1, 1/2, P/1/2; single family house = C.

2. Ownership status: do you occupy this dwelling as?

[] House owner
[] Condominium owner
[] Other co-owner of house
[] Lessee
[] Tenant
[] Member of a co-operative
[] Company dwelling
[] Free dwelling

[Notes to question 2]
Member of a co-operative are members of a building co-op who at the same time occupy a dwelling therein.

Company dwellings are provided by employers to employees according to an employment contract.

Free dwellings are dwellings provided for free by other than employers (e.g. relatives).

3. Kitchen, kitchenette

a) Does the dwelling have?

[] Own kitchen
[] Own kitchenette
[] Shared kitchen with other dwellings
[] No kitchen

b) How does the kitchen stove works?

[] Wood
[] Coal
[] Electrical
[] Gas
[] Other

[Notes to question 3]
a) The kitchen must have at least 4 square meters. Spaces below that used for cooking and dishwashing are regarded as kitchenettes. A shared kitchen must be shared with at least one other household.

b) The question applies also to stoves not provided by the landlord.

4. Number of rooms in dwelling (including those rented out):

a) Rooms (living-, working-, bed-rooms, without kitchen, bath, hall, veranda): ____

b) Hall-cum-living-room: ____

c) Other rooms belonging to dwelling (attic rooms, rooms in basement or neighboring houses): ____

d) Rooms rented additionally: ____

e) Number of rooms in a) to d) rented out:

(1) To lodgers: ____
(2) To other persons, businesses: ____

[Notes to question 4]
a) Half sized rooms are to be counted as such.
b) Hall-cum-living-rooms are finished dining or work spaces in halls which receive sunlight through a window.

5. Dwelling is equipped with

a) Bath or shower:
[] Own bath or shower
[] Shared with other dwellings
[] No bath nor shower

b) Hot water through:

[] Central service
[] Electrical boiler
[] Gas fired boiler
[] Wood fired boiler
[] No hot water

c) Flushing toilet:
[] Yes
[] No

d) Heating:

[] Distance heating
[] Central heating in house
[] Central heating on floor
[] Separate stoves
[] No heating

e) Heated by:

[] Wood
[] Coal
[] Oil
[] Electricity
[] Gas

f) Appliances owned or provided by landlord:
[] Yes
[] No
[] Yes
[] No
Automatic washing machine:
[] Yes
[] No

[Notes to question 5]
a) Baths or showers must have a tub or shower facility with running hot water supply. They do not have to be in separate rooms.

b) A central hot water service provides several dwellings with hot water. Electrical instantaneous water heaters are counted as electrical boilers. Gas fired boilers include all gas fired hot water heaters.

d) Distance heating are heating systems serving two or more buildings. Hot air heating in single family houses is counted as central house heating.

f) Freezer compartments in refrigerators are not to be counted as freezers. An automatic washing machine has water heating and all functions performed automatically.

6. Amount of rent (only for dwellings or single family homes which are rented unfurnished and or not connected with a commercial or agricultural firm):

Rent only (i.e. without costs for heating, hot water, garage)

In Fr.: ____

Inclusive rent (if the above costs cannot be separated)

In Fr.: ____


[] Monthly
[] Quarterly
[] Semi-annually
[] Annually

If inclusive rent, which costs are included:

[] Heating
[] Hot water
[] Garage

[Notes to question 6]
Only one type of paying rent should be chosen. Members of co-operatives do not deduct rebates; share certificate payments are not part of the rent.

[p. 4]

Building questionnaire

A building for the purpose of the census is free standing or separated from other buildings by fire walls and suitable for human occupancy. In the case of row and other attached buildings, each part counts as one building if fire walls exist extending from ground floor to the attic.

A building questionnaire is to be completed (by the owner or administrator if he lives in the building, otherwise by the enumerator or the municipality):

For every residential building (single family house, multiple family house, farm, apartment building), even if it is occupied only part of the time or is unoccupied presently.
For other buildings (factory-, office-, commercial-buildings, schools, institutions, hotels) if they have dwellings used for residential purposes or contain at least one vacant dwelling.
For other accommodations (barracks, mountain farms, buildings slated for demolition or not occupied because of their remoteness, wagons, trailers, ships), if they are occupied at census day.

____ Municipality
____ Census zone
____ Street and number or hamlet, farmhouse

1. Owner of building

____ Name
____ Address

____ Name of the building administration
____ Address

2. Type of building

a) Is the building a:

[] Single family house
[] Two families house
[] 3 or more families house
[] Other type of building

b) Are there commercially or agriculturally used spaces (stores, work shops, restaurants, barns, etc.)?
[] Yes
[] No

c) When was the building constructed?

[] Before 1947
[] 1947 -- 1960
[] After 1960

[Notes to question 2]
a) Motor homes, ships, emergency shelters are to be indicated as such.

b) For farms, question 2b is to be answered "Yes" even if living spaces and agricultural spaces are separated.

c) In case of extensions and renovations the year of the original construction is to be chosen; in case of complete rebuilding, the year of rebuilding.

3. Building features

a) Number of floors (without basement or "Estrich" [type of large entrance hall])


b) Person elevator:
[] Yes
[] No
c) Air raid shelter:
[] Yes
[] No
d) Heating through combination boiler:
[] Yes
[] No
e) Connected to sewer:
[] Yes
[] No

[Notes to question 3]
a) Finished earth- or lower level floors as well as other floors even if they are not serving living needs are to be counted. The "Estrich" [type of large entrance hall] is to be counted when it is finished at least half for living purposes.

c) To be included are rooms which are available on an interim basis as air raid shelters.

e) By sewer is meant the sewer network provided by the municipality as well as a privately operated sewer system [e.g. septic tank]. A cesspool without overflow into pipes is not a sewer as defined here.

List of all dwellings in building

Here, all dwellings in the building are to be listed. Vacant or part time occupied dwellings are only to be included if they have their own kitchen or kitchenette.

As vacant dwellings are those dwellings to be counted which are habitable, have a kitchen or kitchenette, are vacant at the time of the census, but are offered for rent or sale. Such category includes single family houses which are vacant.

Second homes/dwellings (occupied dwellings without inhabitants = BWOB) include vacation and weekend apartments and houses which are used by the owners themselves or are rented for short periods, but are not used for permanent occupation.

As second home are considered also those dwellings which have kitchens or kitchenettes and which are not occupied by their owners at census time (e.g. mountain- and valley-, city- and country homes or because of stays in foreign countries or hospitals) as well as dwellings which are rented out already for later occupancy and are unoccupied at the time of the census.

Floor number: lower level = U; ground floor/1st floor = P; 2nd floor = 1; 3rd floor = 2; etc. Several floors, e.g. P/1, 1/2, P/1/2; single family house = E.

"List of dwellings in building" [table]:
[each row represents one dwelling]

[Columns headings:]
(A) Number (1 to 45)
(B) Dwelling is situated on which floor:


(C) If dwelling is occupied: indicate name of the head of household.


If dwelling unoccupied: indicate vacant, or BOWB.


(D) With own kitchen
(E) With own kitchenette

[p. 5]

If necessary, use second building questionnaire and mark "continuation".