Sample characteristics: Mexico

Census characteristics
  1960 1970 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Title VIII General Population and Housing Census, 1960 IX General Population and Housing Census, 1970 XI General Population and Housing Census, 1990 Population and Dwelling Count 1995 XII General Population and Housing Census, 2000 Count of Population and Dwellings, 2005 2010 Population adn Housing Census
Census agency Direcci�n General de Estad�stica, Secretar�a de Industria y Comercio Direcci�n General de Estad�stica, Secretar�a de Industria y Comercio Instituto Nacional de Estad�stica, Geograf�a e Inform�tica (INEGI) Instituto Nacional de Estad�stica, Geograf�a e Inform�tica (INEGI) Instituto Nacional de Estad�stica, Geograf�a e Inform�tica (INEGI) Instituto Nacional de Estad�stica, Geograf�a e Inform�tica (INEGI) Instituto Nacional de Estad�stica, Geograf�a e Inform�tica (INEGI)
Population universe Mexican residents; foreign born living more than 6 months in Mexico, excluding diplomatic personnel Mexican residents, excluding foreign diplomats; includes Mexican diplomats, military, and sailors, including their families, resident in other countries Mexican citizens, including Mexican diplomats and their families resident in other countries; foreign residents, not including foreigners in diplomatic service or their families. The census sought to enumerate vagrants, the homeless, and transient workers.

The current version of the microdata sample excludes persons living abroad.
Mexican citizens, including Mexican diplomats and their families resident in other countries, as well as foreign residents. The census sought to enumerate vagrants, the homeless, and transient workers.

The current version of the microdata sample excludes persons living abroad and group quarters.
Mexican citizens, including Mexican diplomats and their families resident in other countries, as well as foreign residents. The census sought to enumerate vagrants, the homeless, and transient workers.

The current version of the microdata sample excludes persons living abroad and group quarters.
Mexican citizens, including Mexican diplomats and their families resident in other countries, as well as foreign residents. The census sought to enumerate vagrants, the homeless, and transient workers.

The current version of the microdata sample excludes persons living abroad and group quarters.
Mexican citizens, including Mexican diplomats and their families resident in other countries, as well as foreign residents. The census sought to enumerate vagrants, the homeless, and transient workers.

The current version of the microdata sample excludes persons living abroad and group quarters.
De jure or de facto De jure De jure De jure De jure De jure De jure De jure
Enumeration unit Occupied dwelling Occupied dwelling Occupied dwelling Occupied dwelling Occupied dwelling Occupied dwelling Occupied dwelling
Census day June 8, 1960 January 28, 1970 March 12, 1990 November 5, 1995 February 14, 2000 October 17, 2005 June 12, 2005
Field work period June 8, 1960 Most work was completed on enumeration day March 12-16, 1990 October 23-November 18, 1995 February 7-18, 2000 October 4-29, 2005 May 31-June 25, 2010
Enumeration forms Separate enumeration form for each census block Separate enumeration form for each dwelling Separate enumeration form for each dwelling Long (f1) and short (f2) dwelling enumeration forms; long form was applied to a sample survey. Long (f1) and short (f2) dwelling enumeration forms; long form was applied to a sample survey. Dwelling enumeration and dwelling inventory forms. Long and short dwelling enumeration forms; long form was applied to a sample survey.
Type of field work Direct enumeration Direct enumeration Direct enumeration Direct enumeration Direct enumeration Direct enumeration Direct enumeration
Respondent Householder Householder Householder Persons 15 year of age or older living in the dwelling and knowledgeable about the other residents Persons 15 year of age or older living in the dwelling and knowledgeable about the other residents Persons 15 year of age or older living in the dwelling and knowledgeable about the other residents Head of the household, the spouse, anyone 15 years or older, that is a permanent resident of the dwelling and knows the information solicited.
Undercount No official estimates No official estimates No official estimates No official estimates No official estimates No official estimates 1.3% from post-enumeration survey

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Microdata sample characteristics
  1960 1970 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Microdata source CELADE INEGI. Constructed from a sample of enumeration forms to obtain preliminary results for the census INEGI. Constructed from the 100% microdata file INEGI INEGI. Constructed from 100% of long form questionnaires INEGI INEGI
Sample design Representative sample of individuals. Systematic sample of every hundredth dwelling, after a random start. Systematic sample of private dwellings. Geographically sorted by population size (municipality and locality) to increase precision. Samples executed independently for each federal entity. Stratified cluster design; stratified geographically by similar socio-economic characteristics. Clusters are defined as enumeration areas (AGEB). About fifty dwellings within a cluster are included in the sample. Sample fraction depends upon demographic heterogeneity of municipalities. The sample was designed to yield representative statistics for all dwellings. Stratified cluster design; stratified geographically by municipality and urban area. Clusters are defined as enumeration areas (AGEB), blocks of dwellings or localities. All dwellings within a cluster are included in sample. Sample fraction depends upon demographic heterogeneity of municipalities. The sample was designed to yield representative statistics for all localities with 50,000 inhabitants or more. Systematic sample of every tenth private dwelling after a random start. Selection was accomplished by a register of private dwellings maintained by INEGI. Where the field worker encountered a building that was no longer occupied, the immediately following occupied dwelling was substituted. One stage stratified cluster sample by municipality. Enumeration areas (blocks of dwellings within a locality) selected by simple random sampling within strata.
Sample unit Individuals Dwellings Dwellings Primary Sampling Unit (UPM) composed of one or more enumeration areas (AGEB) Enumeration areas (AGEB/block of dwellings/locality) Dwellings Dwellings
Sample fraction 1.5% 1% 10% 0.4% 10.6% 10% 10%
Sample size (person records) 502,800 483,405 8,118,242 332,061 10,099,182 10,284,550 11,938,402
Sample weights Self-weighting.

Expansion factor = 66.7.

Expansion factor = 100.

Expansion factor = 10.
Weights computed by census agency should be used for most types of analysis. Weights computed by census agency should be used for most types of analysis. Self-weighting.

Expansion factor = 10.
Weights computed by census agency should be used for most types of analysis.

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Units identified
  1960 1970 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Dwellings Not available in microdata sample No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Vacant dwellings No No No No No Yes No
Households Not available in microdata sample Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Individuals Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Group quarters Not identified Not identified Not available in microdata sample Not available in microdata sample Not available in microdata sample Not available in microdata sample Not available in microdata sample
Special populations Non-resident migrants are not included in the current version of the microdata.
Smallest geography State State Municipality Municipality Municipality Municipality Municipality

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Unit definitions
  1960 1970 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Dwelling Occupied dwelling with independent entryway used for shelter Occupied dwelling with independent entryway used for shelter Occupied dwelling with independent entryway used for shelter Occupied dwelling with independent entryway used for shelter Occupied dwelling with independent entryway used for shelter Occupied dwelling with independent entryway used for shelter This is the space generally delineated by walls and roofs of any material, with an independent entrance, that was constructed for the habitation of people, or that at the moment of data collection is used to live- that is, to sleep, prepare food, eat, and protect oneself from the environment. The independent entrance permits the occupants to enter from and go out to the street, the field, or rather the space common to other dwellings, like a hallway, patio, or stairs, without passing through the rooms of another dwelling.
Private household Group of persons, related or not, who live together under the same roof and share food expenses Group of persons, related or not, who live together under the same roof and share food expenses Group of persons, related or not, who live together under the same roof and share food expenses Group of persons, related or not, who live together under the same roof and share food expenses Group of persons, related or not, who live together under the same roof and share food expenses Group of persons, related or not, who live together under the same roof and share food expenses Group of persons, related or not, who live together under the same roof and share food expenses
Group quarters Not defined Not defined Building used to shelter people for reasons of assistance, health, education, religion, confinement or service Building used to shelter people for reasons of assistance, health, education, religion, confinement or service Building used to shelter people for reasons of assistance, health, education, religion, confinement or service Building used to shelter people for reasons of assistance, health, education, religion, confinement or service This is a premise intended to provide housing for large groups of people that submit themselves to living and behavior norms based on motives of health, education, discipline, religion, work, and social assistance, amongst others, and that in the moment of the data collection has habitual residents.

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