Fertility, Mortality and Migration Records

Some IPUMS samples include separate data files documenting fertility, mortality or migration events in the period prior to the census. These data do not fit within the data structure of the IPUMS extracts, because they can include multiple observations per household or per woman. Researchers must download the files and link them to data from the IPUMS extract system.

Note: the supplemental data files have the same sample density and correspond to the same households as the regular IPUMS population data available through the extract system. They are intended to be matched to those records.

Sample Type Records Download Description
Benin 1992 Fertility 17,961 SAS Stata SPSS Births to each mother in the previous 12 months (details)
Benin 1992 Mortality 2,661 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Benin 2002 Mortality 4,741 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household since January 1 2001 (details)
Benin 2013 Mortality 5,207 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household since January 1, 2012 (details)
Brazil 2010 Migration 25,353 SAS Stata SPSS Former household members living abroad at the time of the census (details)
Brazil 2010 Mortality 52,393 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Burkina Faso 1996 Mortality 15,126 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Cambodia 2004 Mortality 682 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Cambodia 2008 Mortality 4,437 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Cambodia 2013 Mortality 543 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Côte d'Ivoire 1998 Mortality 15,325 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the last 12 months (details)
Ecuador 2001 Migration 34,472 SAS Stata SPSS Household members who moved abroad in the past 5 years and have not returned (details)
Ecuador 2010 Migration 27,204 SAS Stata SPSS Household members who moved abroad in the past 9 years (since the last census) and have not returned (details)
El Salvador 1992 Mortality 3,548 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household since January 1 1991 (details)
El Salvador 2007 Migration 23,845 SAS Stata SPSS Household members who moved abroad any time in the past and have not returned (details)
El Salvador 2007 Mortality 3,152 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Ethiopia 2007 Mortality 15,802 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Guinea 1983 Fertility 15,244 SAS Stata SPSS Births to each mother in the previous 12 months (details)
Guinea 1983 Mortality 3,672 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Indonesia 1976 Mortality 4,207 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 24 months (details)
Lesotho 1996 Mortality 2,405 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Lesotho 2006 Mortality 4,813 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Malawi 1987 Mortality 11,252 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Malawi 1998 Mortality 20,986 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Malawi 2008 Migration 12,730 SAS Stata SPSS Household members who moved abroad in the past 10 years (details)
Malawi 2008 Mortality 14,871 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Mali 1987 Fertility 35,966 SAS Stata SPSS Births to each mother in the previous 12 months (details)
Mali 1987 Mortality 9,529 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Mali 1998 Fertility 36,592 SAS Stata SPSS Births to each mother in the previous 12 months (details)
Mali 1998 Mortality 9,382 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Mexico 2000 Migration 195,701 SAS Stata SPSS Household members who moved abroad in the previous 5 years and may have returned (details)
Mexico 2010 Migration 156,440 SAS Stata SPSS Household members who moved abroad in the previous 5 years and may have returned (details)
Mozambique 2007 Mortality 35,344 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Nepal 2001 Migration 84,986 SAS Stata SPSS Household members who moved abroad for 6 months or more and have not returned (details)
Nepal 2001 Mortality 13,411 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Rwanda 2002 Mortality 6,623 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Saint Lucia 1991 Migration 171 SAS Stata SPSS Household members who moved abroad in the past year and have not returned (details)
Senegal 2002 Migration 84,986 SAS Stata SPSS Household members who moved abroad in the past 5 years and have not returned (details)
Senegal 2002 Mortality 13,411 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Sierra Leone 2004 Mortality 9,070 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
South Africa 2001 Mortality 36,263 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
South Africa 2007 Mortality 15,303 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
South Africa 2011 Mortality 40,304 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
South Sudan 2008 Mortality 11,744 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Sudan 2008 Mortality 90,023 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Uganda 2002 Mortality 28,683 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)
Zambia 2010 Mortality 16,425 SAS Stata SPSS Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months (details)

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Several IPUMS samples have comparable data organized as a series of variables on the household record. These unharmonized variables can be accessed through the data extract system:

Benin 1992 Fertility

Description: Births to each mother in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL + PERNUM

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
PERNUM Person number of woman
SEQF Sequence number of birth
SEXF Sex of child
MONTHF Month of birth
YEARF Year of birth
ALIVEF Child still alive

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Benin 1992 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
MONTHD Month of death
YEARD Year of death
BIRTHMOD Birth month of deceased
BIRTHYRD Birth year of deceased
AGEDDAY Age of deceased, days
AGEDMO Age of deceased, months
AGEDYR Age of deceased, years
CAUSED Cause of death

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Benin 2002 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household since January 1, 2001.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
BIRTHMOD Birth month of deceased
BIRTHYRD Birth year of deceased
MONTHD Month of death
YEARD Year of death
AGEDDAY Age of deceased, days
AGEDMO Age of deceased, months
AGEDYR Age of deceased, years
BURIAL Burial place
MARSTD Marital status of deceased
PREGD Death during pregnancy (women age 10-55)
CHBIRTHD Death during childbirth (women age 10-55)
POSTBTHD Death within 42 days of delivery due to childbirth

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Benin 2013 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household since January 1, 2012.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
BIRTHMOD Birth month of deceased
BIRTHYRD Birth year of deceased
MONTHD Month of death
YEARD Year of death
AGEDDAY Age of deceased, days
AGEDMO Age of deceased, months
AGEDYR Age of deceased, years
BURIAL Burial place
MARSTD Marital status of deceased
PREGD Death during pregnancy (women age 10-55)
CHBIRTHD Death during childbirth (women age 10-55)
POSTBTHD Death within 42 days of delivery due to childbirth
PLACED Location of death (women age 10-55)

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Brazil 2010 Migration

Description: Former household members were living abroad at the time of the census.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQM Sequence number of migrant
SEXM Sex of migrant
BIRTHYRM Year of birth of migrant
YEARM Year of migration
CNTRYM Country of residence of migrant, July 31 2010
QSEXM Imputation, sex of migrant
QBIRTHYRM Imputation, year of birth of migrant
QYEARM Imputation, year of migration
QCNTRYM Imputation, country of residence of migrant

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Brazil 2010 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of deceased
MONTHD Month of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased, years
AGEMOD Age of deceased, months
MONTHD Imputation, month of death
SEXD Imputation, sex of deceased
AGED Imputation, age of deceased, years
AGEMOD Imputation, age of deceased, months

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Burkina Faso 1996 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of deceased
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGEDCODE Unit in which age is reported
AGEDX Age of deceased in days, months, or years

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Cambodia 2004 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Order number of deceased
SEXD Sex of deceased
RELATED Relationship to head of deceased
AGED Age at death
REGISTERED Death was registered
CAUSED Cause of death
PREGD Death during pregnancy or within 42 days of delivery (women age 15-49)
ATTENDD Health attendant before death, during pregnancy, or within 42 days of delivery (women age 15-49 who died in pregnancy/delivery)

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Cambodia 2008 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
RELATED Relationship to head of deceased
AGED Age of deceased
CAUSED Cause of death
PREGD Death from pregnancy or within 42 days of childbirth (women age 15-49)
PLACED Place of death (women who died in pregnancy/childbirth)
ATTENDD Attendant at death (women who died in pregnancy/childbirth)

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Cambodia 2013 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Order number of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
RELATED Relationship to head of deceased
AGED Age at death
CAUSED Cause of death
REGISTERD Death was registered
PREGD Death during pregnancy or within 42 days of delivery (women age 15-49)
PLACED Location of death during pregnancy or within 42 days of delivery (women age 15-49 who died in pregnancy/delivery)
ATTENDD Health attendant before death, during pregnancy, or within 42 days of delivery (women age 15-49 who died in pregnancy/delivery)

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Côte d'Ivoire 1998 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the last 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGEDYR Age of deceased, years

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Ecuador 2001 Migration

Description: Household members who moved abroad in the past five years and have not returned.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQM Sequence number of migrant
SEXM Sex of migrant
AGEM Age at migration
YEARM Year of departure
REASONM Motive of trip
CNTRYM Destination country

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Ecuador 2010 Migration

Description: Household members who moved abroad in the past 9 years (since the last census) and have not returned.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQM Sequence number of migrant
SEXM Sex of migrant
AGEM Age at migration
YEARM Year of departure
CNTRYM Current country of residence
REASONM Principal reason for migration

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El Salvador 1992 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household since January 1, 1991.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of death
MONTHD Month of death
YEARD Year of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased

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El Salvador 2007 Migration

Description: Household members who moved abroad any time in the past and have not returned.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQM Sequence number of migrant
SEXM Sex of migrant
AGEM Age at migrant (current)
YEARM Year of departure
CCNTRYM Country of current residence of migrant

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El Salvador 2007 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of death
AGED Age of deceased
SEXD Sex of deceased
CAUSED Cause of death

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Ethiopia 2007 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL
Note: Only for households receiving the long-form questionnaire (20%). Variables:

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased
PREGD Death during pregnancy or within 2 months of childbirth (women age 12-49)

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Guinea 1983 Fertility

Description: Births to each mother in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL + PERNUM
Note: A small fraction of cases match to men or to women with inappropriate ages. Variables:

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
PERNUM Person number
SEXF Sex of child
AGEF Age of mother

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Guinea 1983 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased

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Indonesia 1976 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 24 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL
Note: Data are weighted.

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEXD Sex of deceased
RELATED Relationship to head of deceased
AGED Age of deceased
MONTHD Month of death
YEARD Year of death
WTMORT Mortality weight

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Lesotho 1996 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age at death
PREGD Death during pregnancy or within 1 month of childbirth

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Lesotho 2006 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age at death
CAUSED Cause of death

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Malawi 1987 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased

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Malawi 1998 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased

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Malawi 2008 Migration

Description: Household members who moved abroad in the past 10 years.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL
Note: Malawi citizens only.

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEXM Sex of migrant
AGEM Age of migrant
CNTRYM Country of destination of migrant
YEARM Year of migration
ACTIVTYM Activity abroad

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Malawi 2008 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased
PREGD Cause of death, pregnancy (females age 12-49)
CHBIRTHD Cause of death, childbirth (females age 12-49)
PTERMD Cause of death, pregnancy termination (females age 12-49)

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Mali 1987 Fertility

Description: Births to each mother in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL + PERNUM
Note: A substantial number of cases match to men, indicating significant noise in the data. Variables:

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
PERNUM Person number
SEQF Birth sequence number
SEXF Sex of child
AGEF Age of mother

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Mali 1987 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGEUNITD Unit for age of deceased
AGED Age of deceased (days, months or years)

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Mali 1998 Fertility

Description: Births to each mother in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL + PERNUM
Note: A substantial number of cases match to men, indicating significant noise in the data. Variables:

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
PERNUM Person number
SEQF Birth sequence number
SEXF Sex of child
AGEF Age of mother
URBANF Urban-rural status of birth

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Mali 1998 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased (days, months, years)
AGEUNITD Unit for age of deceased
URBAND Urban-rural status of death

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Mexico 2000 Migration

Description: Household members who moved abroad in the previous 5 years and may have returned.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQM Sequence number of migrant
SEXM Sex of migrant
AGEM Age when migrated
STATEM State of residence before migration
MONTHM Month migrant last lived abroad
YEARM Year last lived abroad
COUNTRYM Country of destination of migrant
COUNTRYR Country of current residence of migrant
MONTHRET Month migrant returned to Mexico
YEARRET Year migrant returned to Mexico

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Mexico 2010 Migration

Description: Household members who moved abroad in the previous 5 years and may have returned.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQM Sequence number of migrant
SEXM Sex of migrant
AGEM Age when migrated
MONTHM Month migrant last lived abroad
YEARM Year last lived abroad
STATEM State of residence before migration
COUNTRYM Country of destination of migrant
COUNTRYR Country of current residence of migrant
MONTHRET Month migrant returned to Mexico
YEARRET Year migrant returned to Mexico
RESIDM Current residence status of migrant
WTMIG Migration weight
PSUM Primary sampling unit
SIZEPLM Size of locality
LONGFM Long form questionnaire applied to municipality
HDIM Municipality with a lower index of human development (HDI)

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Mozambique 2007 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased
PREGD Death during pregnancy (women age 12-50)
DELIVD Death during birth delivery (women age 12-50)
POSTNATD Death within 2 months of pregnancy or delivery (women age 12-50)

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Nepal 2001 Migration

Description: Household members who moved abroad for 6 months or more and have not returned.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQM Sequence number of migrant
SEXM Sex of migrant
AGEM Age when migrated
DURM Duration of absence
REASONM Reason for migration
CNTRYM Country of destination of migrant

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Nepal 2001 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased
YEARD Year of death
MONTHD Month of death
CAUSED Cause of death

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Rwanda 2002 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Death sequence number
SEXD Sex of deceased
MONTHD Month of death
YEARD Sex of death
AGED Age at death

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Saint Lucia 1991 Migration

Description: Household members who left to live abroad in the past year.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQM Sequence number of migrant
AGEM Age of migrant
SEXM Sex of migrant

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Senegal 2002 Migration

Description: Household members who moved abroad in the past 5 years and have not returned.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQM Sequence number of migrant
SEXM Sex of migrant
AGEM Age when migrated
RELATEM Relationship to head of migrant
CNTRYM Country of destination of migrant
REASONM Reason for migration

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Senegal 2002 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased
VITALD Vital registration
MATERND Maternal death

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Sierra Leone 2004 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased
CAUSED Cause of death

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South Africa 2001 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
MONTHD Month of death
YEARD Year of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased
CAUSED Accidental or violent death
PREGD Deceased was pregnant
QMONTHD Imputation flag: month of death
QYEARD Imputation flag: year of death
QSEXD Imputation flag: sex of deceased
QAGED Imputation flag: age of deceased
QCAUSED Imputation flag: accidental death
QPREGD Imputation flag: deceased was pregnant

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South Africa 2007 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Sequence number of deceased
MONTHD Month of death
YEARD Year of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased
CAUSED Cause of death natural
PREGD Deceased was pregnant
QMONTHD Imputation flag: month of death
QYEARD Imputation flag: year of death
QSEXD Imputation flag: sex of deceased
QAGED Imputation flag: age of deceased
QCAUSED Imputation flag: cause of death natural
QPREGD Imputation flag: deceased was pregnant

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South Africa 2011 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL
NOTE: The mortality dataset is a distinct sample from the population data; therefore, only 10% of the cases (4,084) match records produced by the extract system. Variables:

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
MONTHD Month of death
YEARD Year of death
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased
CAUSED Cause of death
PROVD Province
DISTD District
ETHNICD Majority population group of household
WTMORT Mortality weight

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South Sudan 2008 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL
Note: Data are weighted. Use WEIGHTD when unit of analysis is the death.

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Death sequence number
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased
ACCIDD Death by accident or violence
PREGD Death by pregnancy or within 2 months of delivery (females age 12-54)
WEIGHTD Mortality weight

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Sudan 2008 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL
Note: Data are weighted. Use WEIGHTD when unit of analysis is the death.

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Death sequence number
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased
ACCIDD Death by accident or violence
PREGD Death by pregnancy or within 2 months of delivery (females age 12-54)
WEIGHTD Mortality weight

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Uganda 2002 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Death sequence number
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased
QSEQD Imputation flag: sequence number
QSEXD Imputation flag: sex of deceased
QAGED Imputation flag: Age of deceased

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Zambia 2010 Mortality

Description: Deaths in the household in the previous 12 months.
Match to IPUMS data using: SAMPLE + SERIAL

SAMPLE Sample identifier
SERIAL Household serial number
SEQD Death sequence number
SEXD Sex of deceased
AGED Age of deceased
CAUSED Cause of death
PREGD Deceased was pregnant (females age 12-49)
CHBIRTHD Death occurred in childbirth (females age 12-49)
POSTNATD Death occurred within 6 weeks of delivery (females age 12-49)

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