Sample characteristics: Brazil

Census characteristics
  1960 1970 1980 1991 2000 2010
Title VII Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico de 1960. VIII Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico de 1970. IX Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico de 1980. X Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico 1991. XI Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico 2000. XII Recenseamento Geral do Brasil. Censo Demográfico 2010.
Census agency Servico Nacional de Recenseamento. Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística
Population universe People who spent the night of August 31st to September 1st, 1960, as well as the people who were temporarily absent from the dwelling.

Also included: population in transit (those on ships, planes, trains and buses) and people in collective dwellings. Brazilians residing abroad, even those who were performing official governmental functions, were not enumerated.

The indigenous population was only partially enumerated - only those living in villages in contact with civilization.
People who spent the night of August 31st to September 1st, 1970, as well as the people who were temporarily absent from the dwelling, including minors away at boarding school.

Also included: Brazilians on diplomatic and military missions abroad; crew and passengers of Brazilian ships that were not in domestic ports.

Not included: members of foreign diplomatic or military missions in Brazil who lived in embassies on Brazilian soil; crew and passengers of foreign ships in transit in domestic ports; indigenous population living in tribes without direct and permanent contact with civilization.
People who were present in the country on the data of reference (Census day), including residents who were temporarily absent from the country on the referred date for a period of no more than 12 months.

Also included: Brazilians (and their families) on diplomatic and military missions abroad; crew and passengers of Brazilian ships that were not in domestic ports; indigenous population living in villages, indigenous posts (postos indigenas), and religious missions, or in other areas.

Not included: indigenous population living in tribes without contact with the outside, those preserving their primitive ways of life); foreigners on foreign ships in transit in domestic ports or domestic airports.
People who were present in the country on the date of reference (Census day), including residents who were temporarily absent from the country on the referred date for a period of no more than 12 months.

Also included: indigenous population living in villages, indigenous FUNAI posts (postos indigenas), and religious missions, or in other areas.

Not included: indigenous population living in tribes without contact with the outside (those preserving their primitive ways of life).
All people in dwellings in the country (Territorio Nacional). All residents of private (permanent and improvised) and collective dwellings were enumerated on the reference date.

Also included: people who were absent (for reasons of vacation, education, work, or hospital stays, for less than 12 months) from their dwelling.

Embassies, consulates and Brazilian representatives out of the country are considered National Territory; however, they are not included in the Census (the majority of Brazilian functionaries do not live on the grounds of diplomatic missions).
All people in dwellings in the country (Territorio Nacional). All residents of private (permanent and improvised) and collective dwellings were enumerated on the reference date.

Also included: people who were absent (for reasons of vacation, education, work, or hospital stays, for less than 12 months) from their dwelling.

Embassies, consulates and Brazilian representatives out of the country are considered National Territory; however, they are not included in the Census (the majority of Brazilian functionaries do not live on the grounds of diplomatic missions).
De jure or de facto De jure and de facto De jure and de facto De jure De jure De jure De jure
Enumeration unit Dwelling Dwelling Dwelling Dwelling Dwelling Dwelling
Census day September 1st, 1960 September 1st, 1970 September 1st, 1980 September 1st, 1991 August 1st, 2000 August 1st, 2010
Fieldwork period From September, 1st to December 1960 From September, 1st to November 1970 From September, 1st to December 1980 From September, 1st to December 1991 From August, 1st to December 2001 From August, 1st to October 2010
Enumeration forms Long and short enumeration forms. The short form contains general information about the characteristics of the dwelling and each of persons in the dwelling. The long form contains general and more specific information about the characteristics of the dwelling, families, and each of the people in the dwellings and was applied to a 25% sample of the population. Long and short enumeration forms. The short form contains general information about the characteristics of the dwelling and each of persons in the dwelling. The long form contains general and more specific information about the characteristics of the dwelling, families, and each of the people in the dwellings and was applied to a 25% sample of the population. Long and short enumeration forms. The short form contains general information about the characteristics of the dwelling and each of persons in the dwelling. The long form contains general and more specific information about the characteristics of the dwelling, families, and each of the people in the dwellings and was applied to a 25% sample of the population. Long and short enumeration forms. The short form contains general information about the characteristics of the dwelling and each of persons in the dwelling. The long form contains general and more specific information about the characteristics of the dwelling, families, and each of the people in the dwellings.

The long form was applied to a 10% sample of the population in municipalities with estimated populations greater than 15,000 and 20% in the remaining municipalities (Silva e Bianchini 1990).
Long and short enumeration forms. The short form contains general information about the characteristics of the dwelling and each of persons in the dwelling. The long form contains general and more specific information about the characteristics of the dwelling, families, and each of the people in the dwellings.

The long form was applied to a 10% sample of the population in municipalities with estimated populations greater than 15,000 and 20% in the remaining municipalities (Silva e Bianchini 1990).
Long and short enumeration forms. The short form contains general information about the characteristics of the dwelling and each of persons in the dwelling. The long form contains general and more specific information about the characteristics of the dwelling, families, and each of the people in the dwellings.

The long form was applied to a 5% sample of the population in municipalities with estimated populations greater than 500,000; 10% sample of the population in municipalities with estimated populations between 20,000 and 500,000; 20% sample of the population in municipalities with estimated populations between 8,000 and 20,000; 33% sample of the population in municipalities with estimated populations between 2,500 and 8,000; and 50% in the remaining municipalities.
Type of fieldwork Direct enumeration. After a selection process, interviewers and supervisors were hired and trained. Direct enumeration. After a selection process, interviewers and supervisors were hired and trained. Direct enumeration for both short and long form. For the short form, some areas were designated for self-enumeration. Direct enumeration. After a selection process, interviewers and supervisors were hired and trained. Direct enumeration. After a selection process, interviewers and supervisors were hired and trained. Direct enumeration. After a selection process, interviewers and supervisors were hired and trained.
Respondent Interview the person responsible for the dwelling (head of household), or, in that person's absence, interview another person who lives there who has sufficient knowledge to answer all the questions on the forms. Interview the person responsible for the dwelling (head of household), or, in that person's absence, interview another person who lives there who has sufficient knowledge to answer all the questions on the forms. Interview the person responsible for the dwelling (head of household), or, in that person's absence, interview another person who lives there who has sufficient knowledge to answer all the questions on the forms. Interview the person responsible for the dwelling (head of household), or, in that person's absence, interview another person who lives there who has sufficient knowledge to answer all the questions on the forms. Interview the person responsible for the dwelling (head of household), or, in that person's absence, interview another person who lives there who has sufficient knowledge to answer all the questions on the forms. Interview the person responsible for the dwelling (head of household), or, in that person's absence, interview another person who lives there who has sufficient knowledge to answer all the questions on the forms.
Coverage No official estimates No official estimates No official estimates No official estimates No official estimates No official estimates
Undercount No official estimates No official estimates No official estimates No official estimates No official estimates No official estimates

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Microdata sample characteristics
  1960 1970 1980 1991 2000 2010
Microdata source Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística
Long-form sample design Systematic sample selected with the same probability inside each census tract. A sample was taken of individual dwellings and of families or individuals in "grupos conviventes" inside collective dwellings with the same sample fraction for tract of that municipality.

Each collective dwelling had a separate list form - CD 3 - (Lista de Domicílio Coletivo) to select the families or individuals for the sample.

A 25% sample was taken of individual dwellings and of families or individuals in "grupo conviventes".

**NOTE: Several states totaling approximately one sixth of the national population are missing from the long-form microdata, and are thus not included in the 1960 sample data. These states are Rondônia, Acre, Amazonas, Roraima, Pará, Amapá, Maranhão, Piauí, Espírito Santo, Guanabara, and Santa Catarina.
Systematic sample selected with the same probability inside each census tract. A sample was taken of individual dwellings and of families or individuals in "grupos conviventes" inside collective dwellings with the same sample fraction for tract of that municipality.

Each collective dwelling had a separate list form - CD 1.03 - (Lista de Domicílio Coletivo) to select the families or individuals for the sample.

A 25% sample was taken of individual dwellings and of families or individuals in "grupo conviventes".
Systematic sample selected with the same probability inside each census tract. A sample was taken of individual dwellings and of families or individuals in "grupos conviventes" inside collective dwellings with the same sample fraction for tract of that municipality.

Each collective dwelling had a separate list form - CD 1.03 - (Lista de Domicílio Coletivo) to select the families or individuals for the sample.

A 25% sample was taken of individual dwellings and of families or individuals in "grupo conviventes".
Systematic sample selected with the same probability inside each census tract. A sample was taken of individual dwellings and of families or individuals in "grupos conviventes" inside collective dwellings with the same sample fraction for that tract in the municipality (for instance, in large municipalities, 1 in 10 dwellings or, within collective dwellings, 1 in 10 families, or 1 in 10 individuals of "grupos conviventes").

There were two distinct sample fractions: a 10% sample in municipalities with an estimated population of greater than 15,000 inhabitants and a 20% sample of the remaining municipalities.
Systematic sample selected with the same probability inside each census tract. A sample was taken of individual dwellings and of families or individuals in "grupos conviventes" inside collective dwellings with the same sample fraction for that tract in the municipality (for instance, in large municipalities, 1 in 10 dwellings or, within collective dwellings, 1 in 10 families, or 1 in 10 individuals of "grupos conviventes").

There were two distinct sample fractions: a 10% sample in municipalities with an estimated population of greater than 15,000 inhabitants and a 20% sample of the remaining municipalities.
Systematic sample selected with the same probability inside each census tract. A sample was taken of individual dwellings and of families or individuals in "grupos conviventes" inside collective dwellings with the same sample fraction for that tract in the municipality (for instance, in large municipalities, 1 in 10 dwellings or, within collective dwellings, 1 in 10 families, or 1 in 10 individuals of "grupos conviventes").

There were five distinct sample fractions: a 5% sample of the population in municipalities with estimated populations greater than 500,000; 10% sample of the population in municipalities with estimated populations between 20,000 and 500,000; 20% sample of the population in municipalities with estimated populations between 8,000 and 20,000; 33% sample of the population in municipalities with estimated populations between 2,500 and 8,000; and 50% in the remaining municipalities.
MPC sample design Systematic sample of every fifth dwelling from the long-form sample Systematic sample of every fifth dwelling from the long-form sample Systematic sample of every fifth dwelling from the long-form sample Systematic sample of every second dwelling from the long-form sample Systematic sample of every second dwelling from the long-form sample Systematic sample of every 2.13 households from the long-form sample
Sample unit Household (called "dwelling" in original sample) Household (called "dwelling" in original sample) Household (called "dwelling" in original sample) Household (called "dwelling" in original sample) Household (called "dwelling" in original sample) Household (called "dwelling" in original sample)
Sample fraction 5% (but excluding certain states; see above) 5% 5% 5.8% (approx.) 6.0% (approx.) 5%
Sample size (person records) 3,001,439 4,953,759 5,870,467 8,522,740 10,136,022 9,693,058
Sample weights Weight field unreadable. Within rural and urban, there is a very close match to published tabulations.

The MPC sample assumes a weight appropriate to the theoretical 25% sample density for the long-forms. Because the MPC sample includes every fifth dwelling from the long-form data, all persons and households receive a weight of 20, suggesting a 5% sample.
Ratio estimators were used to expand correctly to the level of the municipality. These rates were fixed for the 46 control groups at the municipality level.

When necessary, some control groups were added together (i.e., when the expansion factor was greater than 16 or the control group universe was less than 100).

Each person received an integer weight such that final mean of the sample attained the true fraction of the universe. For example, if 140 people were in the universe, 42 people would be included in the sample, which gives an overall sampling ratio of 3.333. 28 persons were randomly selected to receive a weight of 3 and 14 received a weight of 4 such that a final mean of 3.333 was attained.

For estimates of family characteristics, the weight used is that attributed to the head of the family; for estimates of household characteristics, the weight used is that attributed to the head of dwelling.

The MPC takes every 5th dwelling for its sample, and therefore multiplies all weights by 5.
Post-stratification employed by age groups, by sex, by rural/urban, and by other characteristics asked of the universe (short form). This generated a matrixes of 48 lines by 15 columns, one for the universe and one for the sample. In an iterative way, a weighting matrix was generated which was the matrix whose weights are associated with each stratus.

Matrix marginals were used to calculated the ratio estimators (rather than those for each cell).

Each person received an integer weight such that the final mean of the sample attained the true fraction of the universe, as in 1970.

The MPC takes every 5th dwelling for its sample, and therefore multiplies all weights by 5.
The expansion of the sample used Generalized Minimum Least Squares in two stages (see Silva, Bianchini e Albieri 1993). This method is based on a multivariate procedure in two stages developed by Bankier (1990). This procedure is similar to that developed by Statistics Canada used to weight the sample of the 1991 Canadian census.

Each dwelling in the sample has its own weight, so each person of the dwelling has the same weight as the dwelling's weight.

The weights are not necessarily integers and they must not be substituted with integers because one would violate the consistence of the restrictions employed for adjustment.

The MPC takes every 2nd dwelling for its sample, and therefore multiplies all weights by 2.
The expansion of the sample used Generalized Minimum Least Squares with the imposition that the final weight could be no less than 1 and no greater than 25 or 50, depending on the sampling fraction, (20% and 10% samples, respectively).

This method is based on a multivariate procedure in twostages developed by Bankier (1990).

Each dwelling in the sample has its own weight, so each person of the dwelling has the same weight as the dwelling's weight.

The weights are not necessarily integers and they must not be substituted with integers because one would violate the consistencies of the restrictions employed for adjustment.

Note: In order to obtain consistency with the published Census tables, it is necessary that the estimates are calculated in each table cell and that the row and column totals and subtotals are obtained by summing the corresponding basic estimates, after they have been rounded. A consequence of this procedure is that the total for the same characteristics could vary slightly from one table to another because of summing rounded numbers from the cells. In the same way, the estimates for Brazil could differ from the value obtained through summing the corresponding published estimates for each state in the union.

The MPC takes every 2nd dwelling for its sample, and therefore multiplies all weights by 2.
Each dwelling unit selected in the sample of the 2010 Census was associated with an expansion factor or weight. This weight was obtained by adjusting an initial weight given by the inverse of the effective sampling fraction. The weight obtained for a given housing unit was also assigned to each of its residents. For households surveyed, means the occupied private households and families and people living alone, living in a collective household.

The expansion of the sample used Generalized Minimum Least Squares with the imposition that the final weight could be no less than 1 and no greater than five times the initial weight of the effective level of a balancing area.

This method is based on a multivariate procedure in twostages developed by Bankier (1990).

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Units identified
  1960 1970 1980 1991 2000 2010
Dwellings No (dwellings in original sample are interpreted as households in IPUMS) No (dwellings in original sample are interpreted as households in IPUMS) No (dwellings in original sample are interpreted as households in IPUMS) No (dwellings in original sample are interpreted as households in IPUMS) No (dwellings in original sample are interpreted as households in IPUMS) No (dwellings in original sample are interpreted as households in IPUMS)
Vacant units Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Smallest geography State State Municipality Municipality and metropolitan regions Municipality and metropolitan regions Municipality
Households Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Individuals Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Group quarters Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Indigenous population Yes, with exceptions (see above). Yes, with exceptions (see above). Yes, with exceptions (see above). Yes, with exceptions (see above). Yes Yes

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Unit definitions
  1960 1970 1980 1991 2000 2010
Households Structurally independent living quarters, consisting of one or more rooms with a private entrance, serving up to three families. Structurally independent living quarters, consisting of one or more rooms with a private entrance, serving up to three families. Structurally independent living quarters, consisting of one or more rooms with a private entrance, serving up to three families. Structurally independent living quarters, consisting of one or more rooms with a private entrance, serving up to five families. Structurally independent living quarters, consisting of one or more rooms with a private entrance. Structurally independent living quarters, consisting of one or more rooms with a private entrance.
Families Group related by kinship; individuals living alone; or group of no more than 5 persons living together in a private household.
The sole "Relationship to head" question is expressed relative to the head of family, not the head of household.
Group related by kinship; individuals living alone; or group of no more than 5 persons living together in a private household.
The sole "Relationship to head" question is expressed relative to the head of family, not the head of household.
Group related by kinship; individuals living alone; or group of no more than 5 persons living together in a private household.
Group quarters Group living together under relations of administrative subordination; group of six or more persons not related by kinship; or a dwelling with more than 3 families. Group living together under relations of administrative subordination; group of six or more persons not related by kinship; or a dwelling with more than 3 families. Group living together under relations of administrative subordination; group of six or more persons not related by kinship; or a dwelling with more than 3 families. Group living together under relations of administrative subordination; or a dwelling with more than 5 families. Group living together under relations of administrative subordination. Group living together under relations of administrative subordination.

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