Sample characteristics: Bangladesh
Census characteristics | |||
1991 | 2001 | 2011 | |
Title of census | Population Census | Population and Housing Census | Population and Housing Census |
Census agency | Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics | Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics | Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics |
Population universe | Everyone who spent the night of March 11 to March 12 in Bangladesh. | Everyone who spent the night of January 22-23 in Bangladesh. | Everyone who spent the night of March 14-15 in Bangladesh. |
De jure or de facto | De facto | De facto | De facto |
Enumeration unit | Household | Household | Household |
Census day | 12 a.m. to 5 a.m., March 12, 1991 | 12 a.m. to 5 a.m., January 23, 2001 | 12 a.m. to 6 a.m., March 15, 2011 |
Field work period | March 12-15, 1991 (enumeration period) | January 23-27, 2001 (enumeration period) | March 15-19, 2011 (enumeration period) |
Enumeration forms used | A single enumeration form requested information on the dwelling and individuals in the household. | A single enumeration form requested information on the household and individuals in the household. Floating households were not asked questions about housing characteristics. | Long and short enumeration forms. |
Type of field work | Direct interview | Direct interview | Direct interview |
Respondent | A responsible person of the household; can be any gender or age. | A responsible person of the household; can be any gender or age. | Head of the houshold or a responsible member of the household that knows all the information about the members of the household. |
Coverage | --- | --- | --- |
Undercount | Completion rate of 93.4%, with a missed rate of 6.6% and erroneously enumerated rate of 2%, resulting in a 4.6% net under enumeration rate (higher in urban areas) | 4.95% | No information available |
Microdata sample characteristics | |||
1991 | 2001 | 2011 | |
Microdata source | Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics | Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics | Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics |
Sample design | Systematic Sample of every 10th dwelling with a random start, drawn by MPC. | Systematic Sample of every 10th dwelling with a random start, drawn by MPC. | Systematic Sample of every 10th dwelling with a random start, drawn by Bureau of Statistics. |
Sample unit | Household | Household | Dwelling |
Sample fraction | 10% | 10% | 5% |
Sample universe | --- | --- | --- |
Sample size (person records) | 10,580,904 | 12,442,115 | 7,205,720 |
Sample weights | Self-weighting (expansion factor=10) | Self-weighting (expansion factor=10) | Self-weighting (expansion factor=10) |
Units Identified in Microdata | |||
1991 | 2001 | 2011 | |
Dwellings | No | No | Yes |
Vacant units | No | No | No |
Households | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Individuals | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Group quarters | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Special populations | Floating population; "other" households | Floating population; "other" households | Floating population; "other" households |
Smallest geography | Upazila/Thana | Upazila/Thana | Upazila/Thana |
Unit Definitions (Census) | |||
1991 | 2001 | 2011 | |
Dwellings | --- | --- | --- |
Households | Person or persons related or unrelated, living together and taking food from the same kitchen. | Person or persons related or unrelated, living together and taking food from the same kitchen. | Person or persons related or unrelated, living together and taking food from the same kitchen. |
Institutional households | The hostels, hospitals, clinics, jails, barracks or orphanages where a person or a group of persons spent the census night. | The hostels, hospitals, clinics, jails, barracks or orphanages where a person or a group of persons spent the census night. | The hostels, hospitals, clinics, jails, barracks or orphanages where a person or a group of persons spent the census night. |
Floating population | The homeless or transient population found on the census night e.g. at railway stations, launch ghats, boats, majars, Mosques etc. Enumeration of this population was completed between 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. on March 12, 1991. | The homeless or transient population found on the census night e.g. at railway stations, launch ghats, boats, majars, Mosques etc. Enumeration of this population was completed between 12 a.m. to 5 a.m. on January 23, 2001. | The homeless or transient population found on the census night e.g. at railway stations, launch ghats, boats, majars, Mosques etc. Enumeration of this population was completed between 12 a.m. to 6 a.m. on March 15, 2011. |
Other households | Offices, residential hotels, religious institutions, educational institutions, and businesses where persons stay overnight. Overnight security guards are included here. | Offices, residential hotels, religious institutions, educational institutions, and businesses where persons stay overnight. Overnight security guards are included here. | Offices, residential hotels, religious institutions, educational institutions, and businesses where persons stay overnight. Overnight security guards are included here. |