Contextual Data: Precipitation

The table below lists some of the more commonly cited sources of precipitation data. Researchers are encouraged to explore other resources and identify those data that best address their research questions. The precipitation sources are all composed of raster (grid-cell) data. An excellent resource for exploring other precipitation datasets is the National Center for Atmospheric Research.

A Jupyter notebook and python script detailing how CHIRPS data can be combined with IPUMS geography data can be downloaded here

Precipitation Data Sources

Dataset Spatial extent Temporal extent Spatial resolution (highest) Temporal resolution (highest) Source
CHIRPS - Climate Hazards InfraRed Precipitation with Station data (version 2) GLOBAL 1981 - Present1 Multiple
(0.05°x 0.05°)
Funk et al. (2015)
CHELSA - high-resolution land surface temperature and precipitation GLOBAL 1979 - Present 30 arc sec Monthly Karger et al. (2021)
GPCC - Global Precipitation Climatology Centre GLOBAL 1891 - Present Multiple
(0.50° x 0.50°)
Scham et al. (2016)
APHRODITE: Asian Precipitation - Highly-Resolved Observational Data Integration Towards Evaluation of Water Resources ASIA 1951 - Present Multiple
(0.25° x 0.25°)
Daily Hamada et al. (2012)
  1. "Present" indicates that the dataset is still actively being updated. For certain datasets, however, very recent years may not yet be available.