Sample characteristics: Hungary

Census characteristics
  1970 1980 1990 2001
Title of census 1970 Population census 1980 Population census 1990 Population census Population census 2001
Census agency Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office
Population universe Resident population in private and collective living quarters Resident population in private and collective living quarters Resident population in private and collective living quarters Resident population in private and collective living quarters
De jure or de facto De jure De jure De jure De jure
Enumeration unit Housing unit Housing unit Housing unit Housing unit
Census day January 1, 1970 January 1, 1980 January 1, 1990 February 1, 2001
Field work period January 1-12, 1970 January 1-14, 1980 January 2 - February 3, 1990 February 1-21, 2001
Enumeration forms used Housing questionnaire (short and long forms); person questionnaire (short and long form); questionnaire for institutional households; PES (post-enumeration survey) questionnaires Housing questionnaire; questionnaire for group quarters; questionnaire on holiday-home units; personal questionnaire; housing questionnaire and personal questionnaire for subsequent checking (PES) Dwelling questionnaire (short and long form); person questionnaire (short and long form); questionnaire for institutional households; PES (post enumeration survey) questionnaires Dwelling questionnaire, person questionnaire, institutional building's and household's questionnaire
Type of field work Interview by enumerator Interview by enumerator Interview by enumerator Interview by enumerator
Respondent Head of household or any other adult in the household Head of household or any other adult in the household Head of household or any other adult in the household Head of household or any other adult in the household

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Microdata sample characteristics
  1970 1980 1990 2001
Microdata source Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office Hungarian Central Statistical Office
Sample design Systematic sample of every 20th dwelling after a random start; drawn by the national statistical office Systematic sample of every 20th dwelling after a random start; drawn by the national statistical office Systematic sample of every 20th dwelling after a random start; drawn by the national statistical office Systematic sample of every 20th dwelling after a random start; drawn by the national statistical office
Sample unit Housing unit (dwelling) Housing unit (dwelling) Housing unit (dwelling) Housing unit (dwelling)
Sample fraction 5% 5% 5% 5%
Sample size (person records) 515,119 536,007 518,240 510,502
Sample weights Self-weighting (expansion factor = 20) Self-weighting (expansion factor = 20) Self-weighting (expansion factor = 20) Self-weighting (expansion factor = 20)

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Units Identified in Microdata
  1970 1980 1990 2001
Dwellings Yes Yes Yes Yes
Vacant units Yes Yes Yes Yes
Households Yes Yes Yes Yes
Individuals Yes Yes Yes Yes
Group quarters Yes Yes Yes Yes
Settled/Unsettled Population No No No No
Special populations No No No No
Smallest geography Type of locality Type of locality Type of locality Type of locality

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Unit Definitions (Census)
  1970 1980 1990 2001
Dwellings Architecturally connected units (living-, cooking-, hygienic- etc. rooms) built originally or transformed later for residential purposes and having\ direct access from outside (i.e. from a street). A unit of places and rooms of specified functions (living rooms, cooking places, sanitary places etc.) generally connected with each other architecturally and built originally for human accommodation. A unit of places and rooms with specific functions (living rooms, cooking places, sanitary places etc.) generally architecturally connected to each other and intended for human accommodation.
Households The sphere of persons living together in a common dwelling or in a part of it, having a common meal at least once a week, and commonly bear the costs of living. A group of persons living together in a common housing unit or in a part of it, sharing the costs of living partly or totally, and having their meals together on one or more days of the week. A group of persons living together in a common dwelling or in one of its parts, bear together partly or completely the costs of living, and having their meals together on one or several days of the week.
Group quarters
Unsettled population

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