Only those people who responded 1, 2 or 3 in question number 13 should answer these questions.
[Questions 14-16 are asked only of persons who responded 1, 2 or 3 to question 13. The questions referred to the activity carried out between Monday and the Sunday before the day of the census.]
15. What does the establishment in which you work primarily do or make? ____
1. In this section of the form, all persons should respond who are [10] years old and [more] (consult the census form).
2. The Census will take place on September 30.
You will ask each person who you are enumerating: What did you do during the majority of the week from September 21 to 26.
The question refers to the week immediately [before] the "Census Day."
3. To complete the following box, consult the census form, question number 13.
The concept of "the majority of last week" refers to [4] normal work shifts, according to the occupation that the person practices, or if he/she worked more than [35] hours a week.
4. Observe that the question number 13 includes ten alternatives that are listed in a column. Once you have read question number 13, without waiting for an answer, begin reading each of the ten choices. If the person answers affirmatively to the choices 1, 2, or 3, you should mark the corresponding box and then continue with the question 14.
Miss Garcia answers "Yes" to choice 2 (Didn't work, but had employment?). You mark [x]2 and move immediately to question number [14].
5. When you enumerate Mr. Pereira you ask: What did you do during the majority of the week from September 21 to 26? Immediately, without waiting for an answer, begin to read the ten possible options. When you read the first (worked?), Mr. Pereira answers, "yes." You mark this answer [x]1, and immediately move on to question number [14].
6. If a person answering the census answers "Yes" to the alternative [1], [2] or [3], you move on to question 14, then mark the respective box.
But if person answering the census answers "Yes" to any of the alternative 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10, you move directly to question number 17.
8. Now let's consider questions number 14, 15, and 16.
These questions will be asked exclusively in the cases in which you marked one of the boxes [1], [2], or [3] in the question number 13.
12. Immediately afterward, you will ask: What is the primary product of the establishment where you work, or what does the primarily do? (question number 15).
The answer to this question should give a clear idea of what the establishment [produces], or what the establishment where the person works [primarily] does.
13. If the principal occupation of Mr. Pereira is that of "vendor of electrical goods" in the business called El Rayo (remember that you already noted "vendor of electrical goods" next to question number 14).
What answer then corresponds to question number 15?
[Sale of electrical goods]
14. Observe that you should avoid noting vague designations such as: business, office, store Fenix, factory Las Violetas.
These names do not give a [clear] idea of what these establishments [produce] or what their primary [activity] is.
For all of the persons 14 years and more
[Questions 10-15 were asked of persons age 14 and older.]
Questions 11, 12, and 13 should be asked only of the person that responded to one of the first three choices in question 10. The answer should refer to the activity carried out between Monday and the Sunday before the day of the census.
[Question 11, 12 and 13 were asked of persons who responded to one of the first three choices in question 10: worked, didn't work but had a job, or looked for work having worked before.]
13. [Place of work]
Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.
You will ask the following questions to all persons 14 years old or older.
13. b). What is done or produced principally in this establishment?
You will give a precise idea of the activity, avoiding general names like commerce, office, etc.
Take into account the examples given in the questionnaire.
If a person is a national provincial, or municipal public employee, of a centralized, decentralized or autonomous organism, you will write down the department where they work.
In the case of individual activities done for their own account; professional, technical, arts and crafts, etc., you should indicate in this question the type of activity that is done.
[Questions 21-24 were asked of persons age 14+ who had a job last week (did formal or informal work or did not work due to sickness, vacation, etc.), per questions 17-19.]
22. What does the establishment or place where the person works do or produce? ____
22. What does the establishment or place where the person works do or produce?
When we say place or establishment we are referring to one physical unit, for example a factory, a business, a school.
One should keep in mind that a company can have one or many establishments. For example, let us suppose that an oven factory has its production plant in San Luis and the administrative offices in the Federal Capital. In this case we have two different establishments and we should register the activity of the establishment where the enumerated person works; "production of ovens" or "central administration of a factory that produces ovens."
There exist persons who do all or a large part of their activities away from the establishment where they work, like for example: chauffeurs by means of transportation, distributors of soft drinks, etc. In these cases equally we want to know what is the economic activity that the establishment carries out which the enumerated person does, for example "automobile transporter of passengers", "production of soft drinks", etc.
In the case of a worker for their own account (without employees or laborers) we register the activity of this job, since it is the same person who constitutes the establishment.
We write in as much detail as possible the response that is given to us trying to go into depth, for example, what is done, what they do, with what primary material, and for what reason or for whom they produce it or make it.
[p. 32]
We see the following examples:
2 -- Production and canning of preservatives, marmalade and jelly (What they do or produce and what is done).
3 -- Sale of articles of clothing (What they do or what is done) to commercial retailers (For whom they do it).
4 -- Railway transportation (What they do, what is done) of passengers (For whom they do it).
[Questions 28-36 were asked about the main job where the person works the most hours.]
[Questions 28-31 were asked of persons age 14+ who worked last week or had a job, per questions 24-26.]
28. In the place or establishment where you work, what activity is the main activity or what the main service rendered? ____
Follow the order of the questions strictly.
Pay attention to the sequence indicated by the arrows and the steps to continue asking the questions.
The questions 20 to 23 refer to the marital status of the persons 14 years old or more.
Questions 24 to 37
These questions ask about the employment of the population. We will now see how some of the questions should be completed.
Carefully observe sequence indicated by the arrows and the steps tom continue asking questions.
Main job is the one where the person answering the census worked the most hours during the week before the census. If the person answering the census has two jobs in which he/she works the same number of hours, you should opt for the one where he/she obtains the greatest income.
Question 28: The place or establishment where he/she works, what it the activity that they do or the service that they offer?
[Questions 26-28 are asked for persons aged 15 years and older who had a job or other income-producing business (per Q25) and were not temporarily present at enumeration (per Q2).]
Q26: What is the type of your main job organization, institution or its branch? ____
Q27: What is your occupation at your main workplace (type of main workplace) ____
Q28: What is your status in your main occupation?
[] 2 Employer
[] 3 Cooperative (industrial) member
[] 4 Entrepreneur
[] 5 Self-employed
[] 6 Family member assisting family business
[] 7 Member of farming household
[] 8 Other
Question 26
What is the character of the activity of your workplace, organization, establishment (or its branch)?
[p. 26]
The answer for this question is filled in for the people who in October 3-9, 2001 had a job or a profitable occupation (for whom code 1 was written in the 25th question). While filling in the answer, it must be remembered that the character of the activity of the replier's workplace, organization, establishment (or its branch) must be defined clearly and accurately for it to be possible to determine the type of the economic activity later during the future drafting of the questionnaires (that is to say when during the summarizing the type of the economic activity written in words is changed into the codes).
Main is considered to be the job/occupation which the replier himself considers to be main for him. If the replier finds it difficult to define the main job then the main can be considered the job where he/ she worked more hours during the week or from where he/she gets more profit.
For those people who in October 3-9, 2001 changed their main job, the type of the work that they did at the end of the week is written.
For those people who worked in a unit that doesn't have a structural subdivision (for example shop, farm, mine and so on); for example for those people who worked in "Kat" specialized dairy retail store, "specialized dairy retail store" is written. For those people who worked in movable tents or in the market and were doing dairy retail trade "dairy retail trade in the movable tent or market" is written. (The later drafting of the information is done according to the international standards using "the classification of the characters of the economic activities" which was approved and put in use by the Armenian State Standard by the instruction N 21-V, 12.07.2001 (NACE). It was approved by the RA National Statistical Service, by the resolution N 58, 24.07.2001)
For those people who worked in the economical unit that had a structural subdivision, where character of activity is different from the character of the economical unit, the main activity of the subdivision where the replier worked is written. For example for the person who works in the cafeteria of the tobacco factory, "the activity of the cafeteria" is written and not that of the tobacco factory. For the doctors (including dentists), who worked in schools, kindergartens and so on "the medical (dentist) activity) is written.
For those people who worked in the organizations who have various types of activities, for example firm group or concern, the type of the subdivision where the replier works is written.
For those people who work in organizations or establishments, the type the activity of the economic unit or subdivision is written and not the type of the work the replier does. For example, for the person who works as a truck driver in the cement factory "cement production" is written.
If the replier finds it difficult to determine the type of the activity of his/her workplace, then the main goods that are produced or the services provided by the organization should be determined and written and the subdivision of the activity in the given organization (the specific weight is the highest in general) should be determined.
If the replier is fired from the job for the organization or establishment of a trade-union, then "trade-union activity" is written.
For those people who work in their own organization or have their own business (without including hired people or without including them time after time), the corresponding economic activity type is written (for example "shoe repairing", "artel of women's shirts").
For those people who work for certain citizens, the corresponding economical type of the activity is written. For example for the seller who does a retail trade of cigarettes "cigarettes retail trade" is written. For those people who are hired personally and who serve in the households (for example secretary, cook, nurse and so on) "household serving" is written.
For those people who are engaged in agriculture, the exact type of the activity is written. For example, "growing melon field cultures," "cattle- breeding, stock-raising" or "the production of cattle-breeding products" and so on.
[p. 27]
For the members of the household or the relatives who work in the organization, establishment, household, farm without payment, the corresponding type of the activity of the organization, establishment, or farm is written.
For those people who are engaged in religious activities, "religious activity" is written.
For those people who work in the religious organizations, the activity type is written according to the produced product or the type of the service. For example; for those people who engaged in the publishing of the religious newspapers and magazines "newspaper and magazine publication".
For those people who serve in the army "serves in the army" is written.
For all the people who are unemployed "no" is written.
Questions 22-24 were asked of those who had a job or income-producing business.
22. Branch of economic activity of main workplace- organization, establishment (or its branch) ____
What is the type of the activity of your main workplace (organization, company or its branch)?
The answer for this question is filled in for the people who had any paid work or profitable job from October 4 to 11 (for whom code "1" was written in the 26th question).
For those people, who have more than one job or activity, as a main one is considered to be the job/activity where he/she worked more hours during the week or from where he/she gets more profit.
For those people who in changed their main job from October 4 to 11, 2011, the type of manufactured product or provided service in the last workplace is written.
While filling in the answer it must be remembered that the character of the type of manufactured product or provided service in the workplace of interviewee, must be defined clearly and accurately to make it possible for further codification.
Shortenings and abbreviations are not allowed to use, with the exception of a very famous ones, as well as some companies' name cannot be written, as the company's economic activity cannot be determined by its name.
While filling in answers about education and health sectors, sub-sectors also should be determined. For example, not just an "Education", but "Elementary education" should be written in, and in case of health, the activity in the hospital, or ambulance should be detailed.
1) For those people who worked in the organizations, which have structural subdivisions engaged in various types of activities, the economic activity of the subdivision, where the interviewee works, is written.
If the respondent is an employer of such an organization, than type of activity, which is the largest in total revenue, or the one that respondent consider as a main, is written.
2) For those people who worked in the economic unite that had a structural subdivision, which character of activity is different from the character of the economic unite, but is aimed to assist the main activity, then the main activity of the subdivision, where the interviewee worked, should be written. For example for the person who works in the cafeteria of the tobacco factory, "the activity of the cafeteria" is written and not that of the tobacco factory.
3) For those people who are engaged in religious activities, "religious activity" is written.
For those people who work in the religious organizations, but are not engaged in religious activity, the activity type is written according to the type of manufactured product or the provided service. For example, for those people who engaged in the publishing of the religious newspapers and magazines "newspaper and magazine publication" should be written.
4) For those people who work in their own organization or have their own business (without hiring people), the full description of the economic activity is written (for example, taxi driver, hairdressing, and etc.).
5) For those people, who work in public administration (ministries, municipalities, any state committee, etc.), than the full name of that organization is written.
6) For those people who are engaged in agriculture the type of produced product is written. If the product belongs to plant growing, than "Perennial (or not perennial) plants growing" should be written. If the main type of activity is animal husbandry, then the exact animal activity should be written (horned cattle, poultry, sheep, bees, etc.).
If both plant growing and animal husbandry is practiced, than "Mixed agriculture" is written.
Hunting, trapping, forestry, gathering of timber and wild crops, as well as fishery should be mentioned as separate subsectors of agriculture.
7) If the respondent is to be hired to work in the family enterprise, the type of manufactured product or provided service by the family enterprise should be written.
For example, if a family enterprise engaged in the production of bakery products, where the respondent is working as a dishwasher, the type of activity "Bakery Production", rather than "Dishwashing" should be written.
8) For those people who are hired personally and who serve in the households (for example secretary, cook, nurse and so on), "household serving" is written.
Exceptions are those people, who work in companies engaged in providing services to the private households, such as landscaping, food supplies, and other similar companies. In such cases the particular type of activity is written.
9) If the replier is fired from the job by the trade union of the organization, establishment, then "trade union activity" is written.
10) For those people who serve in the army, than "serves in the army" is written.
Please note the explanations on page 4 of the household list.
17. Branch of industry, business of your company, specifically your place of work: ________
For Question 17, Economy, Business sector: For civil servants of the federal, agricultural, and community administrations, "public service" should be marked.
11 to 16. If several employments exist, please answer questions 11 to 16 for the job with the most working time. In case of a change of employment at the time of the census, please answer questions 11 to 16 for the situation on May 15, 1991. Persons who both attend a school and have an occupation answer questions 11 to 16, depending on whether they have defined themselves as "employed" or as "pupil, student" in question 10.
11. Status in employment: workers mark "skilled worker", "semi-skilled worker" or "unskilled worker", depending on their collective labor agreement placement in the business they are employed in.
A person is self-employed if he/she is not an employee but instead has a profession in his/her own account.
With/without employee: depending whether persons receiving wages or salaries are employed in the business or not. Self-employed persons whose only employees are family members who are not being formally paid, please mark "without employees".
Unpaid workers in a family business are working in the business of a family member without being formally paid.
12. Exact description of occupation: Your statements will be categorized in one of 300 different occupational groups, and we therefore ask you to be as precise as possible in describing your occupational activity.
Examples of precise description of occupation:
Operator of data processing machines
Adjuster of men's shirts
Plexiglas cutter
Operator of plastic processing machines
Foreman of a dip-varnishing business
Electrician for high-tension transmission lines
Scientific researcher in the field of environmental protection
13. Branch of economic activity of the company or office: the branch of economic activity states to which branch the business or which you are working belongs to. Public service employees enter "federal administration", "provincial administration" or "municipal administration" depending on which government unit they are employed with.
14. Name of company or type of school you are presently attending: persons with several employers, cleaners) enter "several employers".
15 and 16. Address and journey to workplace or school: These questions are designed to describe your journey from your housing unit to your workplace or school. Teachers therefore state the school where they are teaching (school they are based at) and not e.g. School Inspection Authority.
Persons working in their house or on the same piece of property (e.g. janitors, farmers, homeworkers) or who live in the school building, mark the box "this house" for questions 15; these persons skip question 16.
If the workplace (school) is abroad, please state which country.
Persons with changing workplace (e.g. cleaning women, constructions workers) answer question 15 and 16 in accordance with the situation on May 15, 1991.
Persons who marked "not daily" in question 16a) can skip parts b and c.
13, Economic sector:
Please give a precise description:
e.g. "weaving mill," underwear factory," "fabric wholesaler," - not "textile company."
e.g. "dispatcher," "main workshop," "power station of the Austrian National Railway" - not "National Railway."
The economic activity indicates which sector the business for which you work belongs to. Public servants enter "federal administration," state administration" or "municipal administration," depending on which government unit they are employed with.
Enumerator guideline:
The entries in this question are looked up in a dictionary-like directory, in order to be able to correctly code you for the processing with the computer. For a generally held entry such as "metal branch" the processor can not differentiate if it involves a rolling mill, an automobile factory, an artistic metal-working shop or a hardware store. Statements as precise as possible are asked for.
Purpose of the question:
The economic subdivision of employed persons forms, with the characteristics of age and gender, the basis for structural analyses and the projection of the development possibilities of [p. 76] regional and national labor markets. In connection with the economic sector, the industry dependence of individual occupations can be made transparent. In connection with the position in the household, housewives and children can be assigned to the economic class of the provider. With that the portion of the entire population that is affected by a shrinking or rising economic sector, can be indicated. The population census provides (with the help of commuter statistics) information about the economic structure of individual location areas, beyond the only survey, as well as residence-oriented data about the branches in which the employees are active also, for example the dependence of certain regions on the outlying firms.
14. Your place of work:
Examples: Max Mustermann, Hauptschule Kirchdorf, Austrian Federal Railways Train station in Telfs
14.2 Industry (branch of economic activity): ____
Examples: Retail food sales, education, rail transport
Questions 12 to 15:
Persons who marked one of the three "gainfully employed" boxes in question 11 must always answer questions 12 to 15 for this gainful employment regardless of the referrals to other questions. If you hold several jobs, please answer questions12 to 15 for the occupation involving the most working hours. If you are switching jobs at the time of the census, please answer questions 12 to 15 for your situation on 15 May 2001.
Question 12:
The "self-employed" (also freelances and professionals) are individuals who pursue their profession for their own account and are therefore not in an employment relationship as an employee.
Persons "helping in family business" are gainfully employed persons who are working in a business owned by a family member without receiving formal remuneration for this work.
Persons "under contract for work and services, freelance staff" are individuals who perform their work for their own account, similar to the self-employed.
Question 13:
Please select the designation (job title) that best describes your work (where possible, also the degree of responsibility you have within the business or operation).
Accounts clerk
Men's shirts packing machinist
Glas cutter
Foreman at dip painting plant
Manager of retail shop
High voltage line installer
Planing machine operator
Scientific researcher in environmental protection
Question 14:
Please indicate as precisely as possible the name of the business/establishment at which you work for item 14.1, its industry (branch of economic activity) for item 14.2.
Please write in 14.1 the complete company name (e.g. Robert Miller GmbH). If you own a business without a formal company name (e.g. farmer), enter your own name in question 14.1.
Persons with several employers enter the company where they work the most amount of time and answer the remaining questions for this company.
Question 15:
The information from questions 15.1 to 15.6 on going to work or school everyday can be used to determine traffic flows. If you go both to school and to work, you should answer the questions for going to work.
Re 15.1: Persons commuting once a week enter the address of their accommodations at their place of work/school. If you depart both from your main place of residence and other accommodations, please indicate the place from which you depart more frequently. In case of doubt, the situation on the reference date applies.
Re 15.2: Gainfully employed persons with telework positions who visit their company at least once a week should include commuter data for these trips to the company.
Re 15.4: Gainfully employed persons enter the address of their place of work where they start work everyday. In other words, it is not the address of the head office of the company that is to be entered but e.g. for sales staff the address of the branch and for teachers the address of the school (base school) at which they teach. Persons with variable places of work (e.g. traveling salesmen) are kindly asked to enter the address of the place of work where they receive their work assignment.
Re 15.5: Persons who switch the mode of transportation they use day to day should indicate the one most frequently used. In case of doubt, the situation on the reference date should be entered.
Car pools with alternating drivers should indicate the situation on the reference date.
Regarding questions 14 and 15:
Among the goals of the population census are: the determination of the affiliation of the population in the different branches of the economy (industry, services, etc) as well as the depiction of the traffic flows from housing units to the companies, office, schools etc.
The prerequisites for this analysis are composed of the information on name, address, economic sector and company (office, etc.) telephone number. The telephone number corresponds to a critical importance in as much as it, with your help, - number statements are easier to process in the EDV than text - should be possible to relatively quick and inexpensively ascertain the company and its economic sector or exact location in the company registers of Statistics Austria. If that - for example, because of a missing telephone number - is not possible, this information must be gained relatively expensively and time consuming, from the text statements (address, economic sector).
The telephone number will, under no circumstances, be used for further inquiry at the company in question - this is impossible, because the data sets for persons are saved without names in the EDV.
14. Place of work:
Please indicate as precisely as possible the name of the business/establishment at which you work for in item 14.1, its industry (branch of economic activity) for item 14.2.
Please write in 14.1 the complete company name (e.g. Robert Miller GmbH). If you own a business without a formal company name (e.g. farmer), enter your own name in question 14.1.
Persons with several employers enter the company where they work the most amount of time and answer the remaining questions for this company.
Attendants in public service should indicate the name of their agency as precisely as possible in 14.1, yet in 14.2 give an indication of the public service. For example:
14.1 Constabulary post Lienz, 14.2 public security
14.1 Registration office Hallein, 14.2 municipality administration
14.1 Austrian insurance fund for civil or public servants Graz, 14.2 social insurance
[p. 95]
The entries for this question should - provided that automation-support with the telephone number was not possible - be automation-supported coded with the help of systematic listings. For a generally held entry (e.g. "metal industry"), one can not discern if a steel mill or a motor factory, a blacksmith or a hardware store is concerned. Information as precise as possible is requested.
The economic segmentation of the gainfully employed forms, with the characteristics of age and gender, the basis for structural analyses and the projection of the development possibilities of regional and national labor markets. In connection with the economic sector, the industry dependence of individual occupations can be made transparent. Further, the portion of the entire population that is affected by a shrinking or rising economic sector, can be indicated. The population census provides (with the help of commuter statistics) information about the economic structure of individual location areas, beyond an individual survey, as well as residence-oriented data about the branches in which the employees are active also, for example the dependence of certain regions on the outlying firms.
No questionnaire text is available for this sample.
This information is to be collected for each. Someone might have more than one occupation. In this case select the field which the respondent thinks as his main occupation. Works are divided into two groups on the basis of most of the times engaged in last month, so that the data can be collected easily.
Those who are "economically inactive" are classified into two categories:
"Economically active" is divided into 9 sectors:
27. Main field of Profession/work (last one week)
[] 2 Looking for work
[] 3 Household work
[] 4 Agriculture
[] 5 Industry
[] 6 Water/Electricity/Gas
[] 7 Construction
[] 8 Transport/communication
[] 9 Hotel/restaurant
[] 10 Business
[] 11 Service
[] 12 Others
Question 27: Field of Main Activity: Some body may have multiple field of activity. In this case ask the respondent which one he likes as field of main activity. For the convenience of collecting information consider maximum time of engagement for the last week as follows:
ii. Looking for work: Those who do not work but looking for work.
iii. Household work: Those who do the household work and take care of children.
iv. Agriculture: Engaged in agriculture, forest, poultry, livestock raising, bee keeping, raising of worm, nursery and hatchery.
v. Industry: Engaged in industry and factory.
vi. Water/Electricity/Gas: Engaged in water/electricity and gas works.
vii. Construction: Engaged in construction of roads, buildings, bridges, culverts, factories etc.
viii. Transport/Communication: Engaged in mechanized or non-mechanized vehicles, transport and communication. Such as bus, truck, launch boat, rickshaw, airplane, etc.
ix. Hotel/Restaurant: Engaged in hotel or restaurant work.
x. Business: Engaged in wholesale or retail business.
xi. Service: Engaged in work like barber, washerman, advocate, doctor (self employed) house tutor etc. Persons engaged in works like commission agent will include in this categories.
xii. Others: Engaged in works other than the above categories.
25. If employed, field of employment
[] Agriculture
[] Industry
[] Service
Question-25. Field of Work if Employed:
If found employed or working in the earlier question- 24 category them in the three main categories such as agriculture, industry and service.
Person who are engaged most of the time in agricultural work, raising of livestock, fish culture/hatchery and work in the forest department as labour or employer enter cross in the box for agriculture, enter cross in the box for industry if most of time engaged in the [p. 21] industry/factory as labour or employer and enter cross in the box for service if most of the time engaged as a professional, service holder, or engaged in providing services (such as doctor, advocate, barber).
If you have any confusion to understand any question in the individual module from Quest-12 to 25 ask me. (If any question asked explain it initials) Now I shall ask 14 questions to 14 trainees of you (Ask addressing some one) Tell me which name you will enter in the first line of Ques-12? (In this way ask all the questions and evaluate)
(15) Branch of economic activity ____
Column (15): Branch of economic activity
This column, just like the previous one, exclusively concerns the employed and the effectively unemployed from column (13). Ask what the employer, establishment, or company of the interviewed person does and report the main activity of the establishment or company for which the interviewee works.
[Examples are not presented here]
For every person working in an establishment with a clearly defined main activity, report such activity regardless of the interviewee's position.
[Examples are not presented here]
Do not confuse industry with commerce. A person working at the Bata factory [show manufacturing company] shall be classified under: shoe factory, while a salesman in a Bata store shall be classified under: commerce.
It is possible to encounter establishments with several activities. In this case, ask the interviewee what he does or to which type of activity he contributes.
[Examples are not presented here]
Report the names of establishments whose main production activity cannot be specified by the interviewee. This is the case of certain administrative services, for example City Hall.
(21) Branch of activity ____
Columns (17) to (21): These columns are only for persons older than 10 i.e. born before February 1982.
Column (21): Branch of economic activity
This column is for persons of 10 years or more of age who have worked during the reference period.
Write down legibly what the interviewee's firm or employer primarily does.
For example:
Note: A person working at the "Béninoise" or its repositories [stores] shall have the mention "BREWERY," while a person engaged in sales in an independent store shall be classified under the rubric "Commerce."
It is possible to encounter establishments that engage in several activities. In such case, ask the interviewee about the activity in which he partakes.
Example: the personnel of SONICOG can be classified under "food insdustries" or "chemical industries" depending on the case. If he works in the oil mill, he is in the food industry branch and if he works at the soap factory, he is in the chemical industry branch.
Now we would like to ask for information on you and the persons habitually living in your household or currently residing in your home
Residents of 6 years or more of age
[Questions in columns 18 - 22 were asked of residents 6+ years old]
Persons of 10 years or more of age
[Question 23 was asked of persons 10+ years old]
Column (22): Branch of activity
Ask the question: "What is or was the principle activity that [the respondent]'s firm exercises or has exercised?" and write down legibly the type of activity or the name of the establishment on the horizontal line and leave the boxes empty.
Note: A person working or having worked at Sobebra [national brewery company] or in a brewery or in its repositories shall have as branch of activity "brewery," while a person selling in a repository that is not attached to the brewery shall be classified under the rubric "Beverage commerce."
24. Economic activity - What does the establishment in which [the person] works or has most worked primarily do?
The branch of activity corresponds to the activity of the establishment or enterprise where the person has worked for at least 7 days [continuous or not] in the 3 last months preceding the census agent's visit.
This also concerns unemployed persons who have already worked [code "3" of number 21 "unemployed"] of the last branch of activity in which they worked.
Q: "What is/was the main activity that [the respondent] exercises/exercised or the enterprise in which you/[the respondent] work/works?"
Write legibly the declared type of activity on the corresponding line.
[Page 70]
Example 1:
Attention: In certain cases, a domestic worker or a household personnel [cook, driver, guard, etc.] can be appointed to the service of high level official [minister, general manager of a public or private company] while being paid by the employer or the company that employs the official. In such case, the person is not a household personnel but a salaried employee or that employer or enterprise. For this category of personnel, write down the name of the hiring employer or enterprise.
Example 2:
Example 3:
Only for those 7 years of age and older
[Questions 13, 14 and 15 should be answered only by those who marked boxes 1, 2 or 3, per Question 12]
14. What does the place, establishment or business where you carried out that job primarily produce or do?
Ex, write: Tin mining, raises agricultural crops, dairy, shoe making, radio repair, automotive passenger transportation, retail sales, public sector service, etc.
Question 14. What does the place, establishment or business of your indicated occupation produce or do principally?
If the response is in vague or imprecise terms, insist that the informant give you more details. For example, do not accept factory, workshop; they should indicate exactly the type of activity that is done in this establishment.
Examples of annotation:
Tin mining operations
Footwear storage
Insurance company
Medical consulting
Furniture factory
Wool fabrics factory
Textile factory
Beauty shop
Livestock ranch
Ministry of finances
Chicken farm
Automobile mechanic garage
17. What does the establishment where you work (or worked if unemployed) produce or do? For example: Tin mine, shoe manufacture, Ministry of health, farm, retail sales, etc.
47. What does the establishment where you work produce or sell, or what is the primary activity of the establishment?
Question 47. What does the establishment where you worked produce or sell? Or, to what did it dedicate itself?
This is a question with an open answer in which the interviewed person should be asked about the activity in which the establishment, company, institution, or place of work participates. The good produced or sold or the service provided is indicated.
[p. 70]
For example:
Retail sales in a neighborhood store.
The form is filled out as follows:
[The instructions refer to a graphic of the census form with the description of the industry written in the boxes.]
Some examples of industries and their correct annotation in the census form:
[The chart of industries is omitted.]
44. What is the principal thing produced or sold by the place you work, or what is its principal economic activity? ____
The criteria for collecting economic data about the population are:
The population's economic characteristics being researched in the census are the type of activity, the principal occupation, the branch of economic activity, and the occupational category or job position (see Appendix).
44. Branch of activity
Branch of economic activity means the activity of the establishment where the person worked in the week before Census Day.
The question about the branch of activity is an open-ended question, and the answer should be written down as clearly as possible in the appropriate line. Branches of activity include: tin mine, manufacture of shoes, ministry of health, poultry farm, growing of potatoes, and retail sales in a neighborhood store.
15. What was the main product, service/activity of (the person)'s place of work?
(12 years and over)
12. During the past 30 days did [the respondent] work for cash?
13. Then what did [the person] do during the last 30 days?
15. Industry
What was the main product, service or activity of [the respondent]'s place of work?
The industry identifies the main kind of product produced or the main service provided by the establishment or the work unit in which the individual works. It is important to understand the difference between industry and occupation. An occupation summarizes the tasks performed by an individual who is working. The industry has to do with the products or services, or main functions or activities, of the workplace. For example, a woman may be an Accounts Clerk who is employed by a Dairy Farmer. Her occupation is "Accounts Clerk" and the industry in which she works is "Farming". If the same person were employed by a mine, the occupation would still be "Accounts Clerk" but the industry would be "Mining". A man working in the same mine might be a Mine Sampler - his occupation would be "Mine Sampler" or "Miner", but he also belongs to the Mining industry. Clearly, an industry may include a number of different occupations, and the same occupation may be found in many different industries.
Probing for better industry information: You will usually have to probe the respondent to get good information about the industry in which a person works. Some general tips for probing are given below, and specific examples of how to probe are given on page 34.
General Tips:
In the sample questionnaire on page 26, James works for DeBeers. Since the name of the business is known, it is written in the unshaded area of column A15. Anne works on the lands· since she is engaged in the economic activity of fanning on the lands (as opposed to making baskets, for example), this information is included in the unshaded area. The question does not apply to Mimi or Molelo because they under 12 years old, nor to Anthony, because he is a student. Dashes are entered for these three. David drives his own taxi, so his industry can be recorded as "taxi driving". Thembe is retired, so a dash is entered in column A15 for her.
If the person is female, go to column A16 after completing column A15. If the person is male, put dashes m columns A16 - A21 and continue on to the next person listed in column A1.
Specific examples of how to probe for better industry information:
[Column headings:]
(A) Response
(B) Suggested probing questions
(A) Factory
(B) What is the name of the factory? What kinds of goods does the factory make?
(A) Manufacturing
(B) What is the name of the company? What kinds of goods does the company manufacture?
(A) Construction
(B) What is the name of the company? What does the company build? (houses, roads, buildings, electrical plant, dams, etc.)
(A) Government
(B) Does [the respondent] work for Central Government or Local Government? In which department or ministry?
(A) Transport
(B) Does [the respondent] work for a transport company? If so, what is the name of the company? What kind of transport does the company provide? (rail, air, truck, combi, taxi) If [the respondent] does not work for a company, what kind of transport does [the respondent] provide? (driving a taxi, truck, tractor, etc.)
(A) Education
(B) Is [the respondent] a teacher? If so, at what level does [the respondent] teach? If not, what does [the respondent] do in the school?
(A) Business
(B) What is the name of the business? What kinds of goods does the business provide? What kinds of services does the business provide? (see page 32 for examples)
(A) Mining
(B) In which mine does [the respondent] work? What kind of mine is it? (diamonds, copper/nickel, coal, soda ash/salt)
(A) Farming
(B) What is produced on the farm? Are the crops or livestock sold for profit or used mostly for consumption by the family?
(A) Domestic, private Mrs. or Mr. family
(B) What is [the respondent] doing for the private household or individual? (gardening, minding children, cleaning house, cooking, working as a night watchman) If none of the above, what is the main activity of the household or individual for which [the respondent] works? (building a house, making baskets, brewing beer, selling beer, collecting wood, cutting poles, sewing, driving a taxi, threshing, stamping mealie, etc.) What is [the respondent] doing to help the household or individual in this activity?
(A) Cattle post, lands, farm
(B) What is [the respondent] doing at the cattle/post/lands/farm? Do not assume that the activity is farming - if the person is making baskets, for example, the economic activity may be "making baskets".
(A) Self
(B) Does [the respondent] have a company or shop? What is the name of the company or shop? What kind of shop? What kinds of goods does [the respondent] make/sell? What services does [the respondent] provide? (see page 32)
(A) Bread, fat cakes, beer, clothes
(B) Did [the respondent] make or sell this product? If [the respondent] sold the product, was it sold in a shop? If not, where did [the respondent] sell the product? If [the respondent] made the product, did [the respondent] also sell it? Whenever the respondent mentions a finished product such as food, clothing or manufactured goods as the industry, ask similar questions.
(A) Poles, wood, thatch, water, maize
(B) Did [the respondent] sell this item? Did [the respondent] gather/cut/collect/stamp this item? For whom did [the respondent] work? What was the item used for, and by whom was the item used? Did [the respondent] grow the item? Whenever the respondent mentions an agricultural product or other raw material (wood, thatch, water, etc.), find out whether the person was growing, gathering, cutting, or otherwise processing the item.
A26. (Industry) What was the main product, service or activity of [the person's] place of work?
(Probe as necessary, use two or more words to describe the industry)
115. Column A25: Industry
Q: What was the main product, service or activity of [the person's] place of work?
The industry identifies the main kind of product produced or the main service provided by the establishment or the work unit in which the individual works. It is important to understand the difference between industry and occupation. An occupation summarizes the tasks performed by an individual who is working. The industry has to do with the products or services, or main functions or activities, of the workplace. For example, a woman may be an Accounts Clerk who is employed by a Dairy Farmer. Her occupation is "Accounts Clerk" and the industry in which she works is "Farming". If the same person were employed by a mine, the occupation would still be "Accounts Clerk" but the industry would be "Mining". A man working in the same mine might be a Mine Sampler - his occupation would be "Mine Sampler, but he also belongs to the Mining industry. Clearly, an industry may include a number of different occupations, and the same occupation may be found in many different industries.
If the respondent can give you the name of the company for which an individual works or the name of a self-employed person's business, then the Central Statistics Office will often be able to identify the industry from the company name. However, you should still try to find out what goods or services are produced by the company or individual. Record both the name of the company (abbreviate if necessary, then write out the name in full in the comments box) and the goods or services produced.
Probing for Better Industry Information: You will usually have to probe the respondent to get good information about the industry in which a person works. Some general tips for probing and the Botswana Standard Industrial Classification -- Revision 3 are given below:
General Tips:
1. Examples of goods produced: bread, traditional beer, biltong, textiles, tinned meat, glass, bricks, tiles, metal tools, shoes, leather bags, rope, books, baskets, clothing, fat cakes, brooms, newspapers, plastic pipes, kgotla chairs, boilers, mats, pots, wooden spoons, plastic pipes, vaccines, maize flour, milk, soap
2. Examples of services provided: repairing cars, repairing shoes, repairing watches, cleaning houses, guarding houses, taking care of children, typing, hawking goods, driving a taxi, cutting and styling hair, treating illnesses, teaching, selling property, selling airline tickets, renting videos, dry-cleaning clothes, selling beer, running a restaurant, running a shop
3. Examples of types of businesses or economic activities: building houses, building roads, wholesale trade, general retailer, hotel, restaurant, butchery, petrol station, airline, railway, selling cars, transporting goods, bank, insurance, real estate, prospecting, architectural services, church, school, hospital, clinic, local government, brigades, traditional farming, fishing, hunting, blacksmith, traditional healing, performing at nightclubs, travel agency, employers' organisation, labour union, co-operative, electrical construction, law firm, accounting firm, market stall, dairy farming, commercial farming
[Specific examples of how to probe for better industrial information and the Botswana Standard Industrial Classification -- Revision 3 are omitted here]
Economic activity
24. What was the main product, service, or activity of [the respondent's] place of work?
[Go to question 25 for female, else go to next question]
145. Column A18-A25
These questions apply only to persons aged 12 and years and over. If the person is less than 12 years of age, then when you reach column A16 you should put dashes in the shaded areas for columns A16-A31 and proceed to the next listed person in the household.
153. Column A25: Industry
Q. What was the main product, service, or activity of the respondent's place of work?
The industry identifies the main kind of product produced or the main service provided by the establishment or the work unit in which the individual works. It is important to understand the difference between industry and occupation. An occupation summarises the tasks performed by an individual who is working. The industry has to do with the products or services, or main functions or activities, of the workplace. For example, a woman may be an accounts clerk who is employed by a dairy farmer. Her occupation is "accounts clerk" and the industry in which she works is "dairy farming". If the same person was employed by a diamond mine, the occupation would still be "accounts clerk" but the industry would be "diamond mining". A man working in the same mine might be a mine sampler - his occupation would be "mine sampler, but he also belongs to the mining industry. Clearly, an industry may include a number of different occupations, and the same occupation may be found in many different industries.
If the respondent can give you the name of the company for which an individual works or the name of a self-employed person's business, then the Central Statistics Office will often be able to identify the industry from the company name using available records within the CSO. However, you should still also try to find out what goods or services are produced by the company or individual. Records both the name of the company (abbreviates if necessary, and then write out the name in full in the comments box) and the goods or services produced.
You will usually have to probe the respondent to get good information about the industry in which a person works. Some general tips for probing and the Botswana Standard Industrial Classification ? Revision 3 are given below.
General Tips:
[Table omitted]
X. Class and location of activity (sector) in which occupation declared in question V (see codes; only write the name of the activity class (sector) if you don't find it in Code List 4)
____ Code list 4
Question X - Class and place of activity where the occupation declared in Question V was exercised.
The purpose of asking for class and place of activity is to ascertain the sector of economic activity in which the person exercised the occupation declared in Question V. Therefore, there should be a distinction between these items of information. For example, a bookkeeper may exercise his or her occupation at a cattle ranch, a coffee plantation, a stone quarry, a textile factory, a radio equipment store, a private school, a construction company, etc. Depending on the case, the class of activity to be recorded will be cattle breeding, coffee growing, rock extraction, textile manufacturing, electric equipment trade, private education, civil construction, etc. Likewise, a physician might practice medicine at a private clinic, a public hospital or a cookie factory. Depending on the [p. 38] case, the doctor will declare Private medical clinic, Public health care or food industry as his or her class of activity.
It should also be kept in mind that the intention is not to find out whether the respondent works at large company or a small establishment, or if he or she exercises a technical or administrative function, is a subordinate or in authority. Thus a waiter in a small cafe and the manager of a large restaurant work in the same class of activity: Work in hotels, bars, cafes, etc. Likewise, a stonemason, an accountant and a driver, all three working in a construction company, although having different functions, are occupied in the same sector of industry - civil construction - which is therefore the class of activity to be recorded for all of them.
After obtaining the respondent's answer, the enumerator will consult the list of codes found on the side left of the questionnaire (Code 4 for Question X), and will record the code corresponding to the class of activity. The enumerator should write out the information in full only if the declaration and respective code are not shown on the list.
The objective of asking where (the place) the respondent exercises the activity is to obtain information that will enable the correct specification of class of activity. For this reason, the responses should characterize the activity carried out by the establishment or other organization where the person exercised the occupation declared in Question V, and not the address of this establishment, institution or organization.
Examples: coffee plantation, livestock farm, floral nursery, small fruit farm, small sugar cane plant, coal mine, gold mine, lime pit, quarry, charcoal works, rubber plantation, fishing boat, foundry, brick factory, tannery, sawmill, copper works, furniture factory, baggage factory, gunpowder factory, match factory, pharmaceutical laboratory, textile factory, garment works, shoe factory, cracker factory, butter factory, sugar mill, brewery, alcohol plant, cigarette factory, building in construction, cardboard factory, pencil factory, tire factory, doll factory, gasworks, printing shop, newspaper editorial room, gasoline station, general store, butcher shop, bakery, cigar store, cloth store, shoe store, variety store, furniture store, tapestry shop, hardware store, china shop, drugstore, paint store, stationery store, radio store, street market, newspaper stand, sales office, bank, insurance company, lottery agency, bus company, taxi, garage, streetcar, railroad, merchant ship, docks, airline, post office, telegraph agency, telephone company, radio station, pier, hotel, restaurant, barber shop, tailor shop, fashion studio, watchmaker's shop, blacksmith's shop, convent, doctor's office, dentist's office, public hospital, private hospital, orphanage, private school, public school, notary's office, senate, [p. 39] vehicle inspection office, street cleaning department, cemetery, slaughterhouse, water department, income tax department, state tax collector's office, embassy, employer's home, domestic chores, etc.
The enumerator will record the place only when the class of activity has not been encoded.
24. Class of activity in which occupation declared in #23 was part of
32. Function or activity class of the establishment, organization, institution, etc, where exercised occupation in question 30
Question 32 - Objective or field of business of the establishment, organization, institution, etc., where the occupation declared in Question 30 is exercised
This question is aimed at determining the objective or field of business of the organization, company or firm to which the enumerated person is subordinated, or the nature of the activity exercised by self-employed persons.
In most cases, the class of activity is not directly related to the occupation. Therefore, a driver may exercise his or her occupation in Highway freight transportation (driver for a transportation company), or at a Textile company (driver for a cloth factory); a doorman may exercise his occupation in Hotel services (hotel doorman) or in the Entertainment industry (doorman at a movie theater); a medical doctor may exercise her occupation for the Federal Health Department (doctor at INAMPS) or at a Private medical service, (doctor at a private hospital or a private office), or at a Steel company (doctor at the Volta Redonda Steel Plant), etc.
In farming establishments (crops or animals), record the main crop or animal at the establishment.
Generic answers should be avoided which do not make it possible to correctly characterize the activity of the establishment or business of the workers being enumerated, such as Agriculture, Commerce, Industry, Public service, etc.
For orientation, a list of the most common activities is presented below, where countless occupations are exercised. It should be made clear that the entry does not have to be one of the expressions on the list; it should characterize the activity of the organization where the occupation is exercised.
[List of occupation sectors was not translated into English]
4.46 What was the principal activity in business, company, firm, institution or organization where you worked during the week of July 23-29, 2000?
Question 4.46 - What was the main activity of the company, firm, institution or organization where you worked during the week of July 25 to 31, 2000?
In this question:
[pg. 124]
It is essential that the record clearly express the objective of the main activity of the enterprise, firm, company, institution or organization.
Therefore, generic entries such as the following should be avoided:
Department is a generic entry. The correct entry would be municipal department of education, state treasury department, etc.
Commerce, or trade, is a generic entry. The correct entry would be cloth trade, paint trade, candy peddler's trade.
Do not record company names, acronyms, etc.
Work and earnings
For persons aged 10 years or older
[Questions 6.41 to 6.59 were asked for persons 10 years of age or older.]
[Questions 6.45 to 6.53 were asked for persons who reported working for pay, being temporarily away from a paid job, or helping another member of the household with a paid job during the reference week.]
Questions 6.46 to 6.49 should refer to the single or main job that the person had during the reference week.
6.47 What was the main activity of the enterprise (business, firm, company, institution, authority, etc.) in which you were employed?____
Questions 6.46 to 6.48 refer to the main or only work that the person had on the week in reference.
6.47 - What was the main activity of the enterprise (business, firm, company, institution, organization, etc.) at your work?
This question intends to identify the main activity, i.e., the main purpose or main branch of the enterprise (business, firm, institution, company or entity) in which the person had worked on the week in reference.
For employees (with or without a contract, military or public service), record the main activity of the enterprise in which the person was hired or in which she/he works.
For employers and self-employed workers, record the main activity of the business.
For unpaid workers, record the main activity of the enterprise for which the person worked without payment.
For workers in the production of goods for their own consumption, record the main activity as dedicated to the purpose of producing food for own household consumption.
Question 6.46 asks about the occupation a person had on the week in reference, and now the following questions will ask about the activity. Do you know if the two are connected? Look carefully at the following explanation.
[page 250]
The main duty or occupation is a characteristic related to a worker and the activity is a characteristic related to the enterprise where the person is employed or has his/her employees, as described before. Some occupations are typical of certain activities, but not exclusively. For example, a truck driver can perform his/her occupation in the city transportation system or in a different industry; a top-level nurse can perform his/her occupation in a hospital or a company outside of the area of health.
As a general rule for recording the activity
Record the activity of the enterprise (business, firm, institution, company or entity) to which the person is bound. In the case of an enterprise with more than one activity, the record must refer to the main activity, i.e., register only a single activity.
[page 251]
In the case of activities carried out in educational endeavors, you must specify the level of education in which the enterprise works on (daycare, preschool, elementary, middle school, higher education). In the case of enterprises that had more than one level of education, record:
[page 252]
In the case of health areas the record must identify if the enterprise includes or not hospitalization.
In the case that an enterprise operates in different sectors, the record should be:
[page 253]
Attention to the following situations:
[page 254]
[page 255]
Do not register company's name, initials, acronyms, etc.
It is essential that the record of the work place clarifies the purpose of the business, firm, company, institution or entity. Thus, you should avoid generic records. See the examples below.
[Table with examples of generic and specific records, omitted]
Type of economic activity:
P21. What is the primary activity of the company for which [person] works/worked?
___ 19 Industry, Trade or Service (Nature of Industry, Trade or Service)
Columns 16 to 20
99. Information in these Columns should be filled-in only for a person who is employed (Code 1 in Column 15) or unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in Column 15. For unemployed (not employed before) i.e. Code 3 in Column 15 and inactive population i.e. any Code from 4 to 8 in Column 15, no information can be furnished in Columns 16 to 20 and hence enter dash (--) in each of these Columns for these persons. Following are the instructions for filling-in Columns 16 to 20 for a person for whom Code 1 or 2 is given in Column 15. The information to be filled-in will relate to employment details of the employed person (Code 1 in Column 15). In the case of unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in Column 15, the information to be filled-in will relate to last employment held by that person.
Column 19: Nature of Industry, Trade or Service
103. You have to record here the sector of economy in which a person worked. Examples are: Cultivation, fishing, livestock rearing, selling of vegetables, automobile repairs, manufacture of toys, transport service, school or educational service, sale of clothes (retail), manufacture of eatables etc. If a person works as a sales assistant in a Gas Station his occupation is sales assistant and the nature of his trade is selling petrol (retail). The broad sectors of economy are: (i) Cultivation, fishing, livestock rearing, (ii) Mining or quarrying (iii) Manufacturing, processing, servicing (iv) Repairing (v) Construction (vi) Electricity, gas or water supply (vii) Transport and communication (viii) Trade and Commerce and (ix) Services like domestic service, public service etc. Do not be content with answer like Reaksmey Angkor and Co., Bayon and Co. etc., since from these names alone you cannot record the nature of activity of the Company. Ask probing questions to get information regarding the kind of product ( e.g. manufacture of cigarette) or the kind of trade (e.g. Newspaper selling) or the kind of service (e.g. hair dressing) in which the establishment or company is engaged in. If a person is working in a company with several activities, report the nature of the branch of the company in which the person is working. If the person is employed in a Government office or institution, the name of the office, bureau, school, etc., may be given (e.g. Ministry of Planning, Directorate of Agriculture, High court, Phnom Penh High School etc.).
[22] Industry, trade or service ____ _ _ _
79. Column 22: Nature of industry, trade or service
You have to record here the sector of economy in which a person worked. Examples are: Cultivation, fishing, livestock rearing, selling of vegetables, automobile repairs, manufacture of toys, transport service, school or educational service, sale of clothes (retail), manufacture of eatables etc. If a person works as a sales assistant in a Gas Station his occupation is sales assistant and the nature of his trade is selling petrol (retail). The broad sectors of economy are: (i) Cultivation, fishing, livestock rearing, (ii) Mining or quarrying (iii) Manufacturing, processing, servicing (iv) Repairing (v) Construction (vi) Electricity, gas or water supply (vii) Transport and communication (viii) Trade and Commerce and (ix) Services like domestic service, public service etc. Do not be content with answer like Reaksmey Angkor and Co., Bayon and Co. etc., since from these names alone you cannot record the nature of activity of the Company. Ask probing questions to get information regarding the kind of product (e.g. manufacture of cigarette) or the kind of trade (e.g. Newspaper selling) or the kind of service (e.g. hair dressing) in which the establishment or company is engaged in. If a person is working in a company with several activities, report the nature of the branch of the company in which the person is working. If the person is employed in a Government office or institution, the name of the office, bureau, school, etc., may be given (e.g. Ministry of Planning, Directorate of Agriculture, High court, Phnom Penh High School etc.).
Columns 17 to 21
100. Information in these Columns should be filled in only for a person who is employed (Code 1 in Column 16) or unemployed (employed before) (Code 2 in Column 16). For unemployed (not employed before) (Code 3 in Column 16) and mainly inactive population (any Code from 4 to 8 in Column 16), no information can be furnished in Columns 17 to 21 and hence enter dash (-) in each of these Columns for these persons. The following are the instructions for filling in Columns 17 to 21 for a person for whom Code 1 or 2 is given in Column 16. The information to be filled in will relate to employment details of the employed person (Code 1 in Column 16). In the case of unemployed (employed before) (Code 2 in Column 16), the information to be filled in will relate to last employment held by that person.
Column 20: Nature of Industry, Trade or Service
104. You have to record here the sector of economy in which a person worked. Examples are: Cultivation, fishing, livestock rearing, selling of vegetables, automobile repairs, manufacture of toys, transport service, school or educational service, sale of clothes (retail), manufacture of eatables, etc. If a person works as a sales assistant in a gas station, his occupation is sales assistant and the nature of his trade is selling petrol (retail). The broad sectors of economy are: (i) Cultivation, fishing, livestock rearing; (ii) Mining or quarrying; (iii) Manufacturing, processing, servicing; (iv) Repairing; (v) Construction; (vi) Electricity, gas or water supply; (vii) Transport and communication; (viii) Trade and Commerce; (ix) Services like domestic service, public service, etc. Do not be content with answer like Reaksmey, Angkor and Co., Bayon and Co., etc., since from these names alone you cannot record the nature of activity of the Company. Ask probing questions to get information regarding the kind of product (e.g. manufacture of cigarettes) or the kind of trade (e.g. Newspaper selling) or the kind of service (e.g. hair
dressing) in which the establishment or company is engaged in. If a person is working in a company with several activities, report the nature of the branch of the company in which the person is working. If the person is employed in a Government office or institution, the name of the office, bureau, school, etc., may be given (e.g. Ministry of Planning, Directorate of Agriculture, High court, Phnom Penh High School etc.).
[Question 20 to 24 were asked of persons who have ever worked, as per question 19]
23. Industry, trade or service: ____ _ _ _
These questions should be asked of all persons irrespective of age. These columns relate to the economic characteristics of population, both male and female. Information is proposed to be collected on economic characteristics of population. Economically active population includes those who are employed and unemployed (including those available for work or seeking work). Economically inactive population includes home makers; full time students; dependents; rent-receivers, retired people and other categories of income recipients; and others who are neither employed nor unemployed and also do not come under any of the inactive categories mentioned. The reference period for this is the one year or 12 months before the survey night, that is from 4 March 2012 to 3 March 2013. This is also referred to as last year or last one year in this instruction manual.
74. Columns 20 to 24
Information in these columns should be filled-in only for a person who is employed (Code 1 in column 19) or unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in column 19. For unemployed (not employed before) i.e. Code 3 in column 19 and inactive population i.e. any code from 4 to 8 in column 19, no information can be furnished in columns 20 to 24 and hence enter dash (-) in each of these columns for these persons. Following are the instructions for filling-in columns 20 to 24 for a person for whom code 1 or 2 is given in column 19. The information to be filled-in will relate to employment details of the employed person (Code 1 in column 19). In the case of unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in column 19, the information to be filled-in will relate to last employment held by that person.
[p. 33]
78. Column 23: nature of industry, trade or service
You have to record here the sector of economy in which a person worked. Examples are: cultivation, fishing, livestock rearing, selling of vegetables, automobile repairs, manufacture of toys, transport service, school or educational service, sale of clothes (retail), manufacture of eatables etc. If a person works as a sales assistant in a Gas station his occupation is sales assistant and the nature of his trade is selling petrol (retail). The broad sectors of economy are: (i). Cultivation, fishing, livestock rearing, (ii) Mining or quarrying (iii) Manufacturing, processing, servicing (iv) Repairing (v) Construction (vi) Electricity, gas or water supply (vii) Transport and communication (viii) Trade and commerce and (ix) Services like domestic service, public service etc. Do not be content with answer like Reaksmey angkor and Co., Bayon and Co. etc. since from these names alone you cannot record the nature of activity of the company. Ask probing questions to get information regarding the kind of product (e.g. manufacture of cigarette) or the kind of trade (e.g. Newspaper selling) or the kind of service (e.g. hair dressing) in which the establishment or company is engaged in. If a person is working in a company with several activities, report the nature of the branch of the company in which the person is working. If the person is employed in a Government office or institution, the name of the office, bureau, school, etc., may be given (e.g. Ministry of planning, Directorate of agriculture, High court, Phnom Penh High School etc.).
Individual particulars
[This section except for questions 6 and 8 are to be completed by all persons]
[Questions 17-22 of this section are to be answered by persons aged 5 years and older]
21. Agriculture, industry, trade, or service
33. Line of business
In what industry, business or service is the person working? _ _ _
See code list
33. Business sector
The business sector corresponds to the establishment or the firm where the person worked for the 7 days before the visit from the surveying agent in the household. It is also about the people without work already having worked (code 02 of Q28), of the last business sector in which they worked.
Q. What does the enterprise in which you/ ______ work or worked?
-For salaried individuals, clearly write the name of the firm, company, the employer, or the service of the surveyed person.
[Examples omitted]
Attention: In certain situations, a domestic or house servant (cook, chauffeur, gardener, etc) can be in the service of a high level individual (Governors, Director of a semipublic or private company, President of the Administrative Counsel, Prefect, Sub prefect/District Head or all other high positions of the State) all while being paid by the employer or company which employees this high level individual. In this case, the person is not a household employee, but a salaried employee of that employer or of that company. For the category of this personnel, mark the name of the employer or the company.
[Examples omitted]
For salaried individuals of the public administration and of public administrative establishments, mark the name of the Minister or of the establishment for which the person worked.
[Example omitted]
For the Health and Social action sectors, do not mark the name of the health facility or the establishment. Instead, reference the following terms.
Example 4:
-Medical or dental practice (dentist's office, doctor's office, etc)
-Activities of a traditional healer
-Activities of GIC Health for people working or having worked a communal health interest group
-Activities for human health not otherwise classified
-Veterinary activities for people working or having worked on animal health (veterinary pharmacies, veterinary clinics,?)
-Social action for people working or having worked in orphanages, community center for children or distressed individuals, boarding house (nursing home, etc)
NB. This is regarding the current businesses sector for the people who worked during the seven days before the survey agent's visit to the household, and the last business sector for people without work but who have already worked.
Questions 33-38 refer to your job or business last week. If none, answer for your job of longest duration since January 1, 1970.
[Questions 33-38 were asked of persons 15+ who worked in 1970 or 1971, per question 32.]
35. Industry: What kind of business, industry or service was this?
35. Write a complete description of the business, industry, or service in which the employer, named in Question 34, is mainly engaged. Usually more than one word is required. Indicate the general nature of the business by using such terms as manufacturing, service, wholesale, retail, etc. Indicate the commodity or service by such words as paper, grocery, clothing, hospital. Some examples of complete and incomplete entries are given below:
Electrical appliance repair shop
Lumber wholesale
Retail gasoline station
Municipal waterworks
Electrical work
Lumber company
Oil company
Public utility
Note: Questions 41 to 44 refer to your job or business last week. If none, answer for your job of longest duration since January 1, 1980. If you held more than one job last week, answer for the job at which you worked the most hours.
41. a. For whom did you work?
Department, branch, division, section or plant ____
41. b. What kind of business, industry or service was this?
42. At what address did you work? If no usual place of work, see Guide.
[] Worked at home (includes living and working on the same farm)
[] Worked outside Canada
[] Worked at address below (please specify)
Street ____
If street address is not known, give the building name, shopping centre or street intersection, etc.
Important: If you worked in a suburban municipality within a large urban area, specify that municipality, not the main city.
Province or territory ____
Note: Questions 36 to 42 refer to this person's job or business last week. If this person held no job last week, answer for the job of longest duration since January 1, 1990. If this person held more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours.
36. For whom did this person work?
Department, branch, division, section or plant ________
37. What kind of business, industry or service was this?
Kind of business, industry or service ________
_ _ _ _
Question 36: Name of employer
For persons whose wages are paid by an agency which hires out their services, enter the name of the agency.
For persons who work as employees in a private household, enter the name of the family for whom they work and enter private household.
Question 37: Kind of business
For example, rather than: agriculture, auto parts, furniture, school, aluminum, police. A more complete response would be: wheat farm, motor vehicle parts manufacturing, retail household furniture and appliance store, secondary school, aluminum rolling, casting and extruding, municipal police department [respectively].
Remember, these questions are only for persons aged 15 and over.
Note: Questions 40 to 48 refer to this person's job or business last week. If this person held no job last week, answer for the job of longest duration since January 1, 2000. If this person held more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours.
[Questions 40-50 were asked of persons who have worked for pay after 2000, per question 39.]
40. For whom did this person work?
Name of firm, government agency, etc. ________
Section, plant, department, etc. (if applicable) ________
41. What kind of business, industry or service was this?
Kind of business, industry or service ________
_ _ _ _
42. What was this person's work or occupation?
Occupation ________
43. In this work, what were this person's main activities?
Main activities ________
_ _ _ _
39. When did this person last work for pay or in self-employment, even for a few days?
[Questions 40-52 were asked of persons age 15+ who last worked for pay or in self-employment in 2011 or 2010, per question 39.]
41. What kind of business, industry or service was this? ____
Labor market activities
Questions 34 to 45 and 49 to 51 provide information on Canada's workforce including the industries and occupations in which they work, as well as the language used at work. Employment information is used to assess the economic conditions of communities and specific populations such as Aboriginal Peoples and immigrants. Industry and occupation information is used to forecast job opportunities.
Retired persons
All persons who did not work any hours during the week of May 1 to May 7, 2011 (answered 'none' to question 34), should answer questions 34 to 39 even if the reason they did not work was because they retired.
All persons who did any work for pay or in self-employment between January 1, 2010 and May 7, 2011 should answer questions 40 to 51, even if they are retired at the time of the survey.
Recent immigrants
Persons who did not have a job during the week of May 1 to May 7, 2011, but who have worked since January 1, 2010, should answer questions 34 to 39 for the last job they held even if it was in another country and continue with questions 40 to 51.
Question 39 -- Last date of work
Include only:
Do not include:
For example, 'automotive brake linings manufacturing' would be a more complete response than 'auto parts'; and 'road and highway construction' would be a more complete response than 'construction'.
17. Industry ____
Specify clearly the type of establishment in which the employed person works or, if unemployed, the last place of employment, such as:
Boys' school, wool blanket factory, commercial bank, general store, nail factory, livestock ranch, children's hospital, postal and telegraph office, armed forces, police, etc.
Avoid vague terms such as: factory, office, workshop, etc.
16. Industry:
For those who answered 0, 1 and 2 in question number 13.
What does the establishment, industry, factory, workshop, service, etc. where you work or worked before do?
(Examples: poultry farm, gasoline pumping station, etc.)
13. Describe what the establishment, company, business, factory, etc is primarily dedicated to where you work (or worked, if you are unemployed)
14. Describe the principal activity or product of the establishment, company, business, factory, etc. where you work (or where you worked if unemployed). Examples: Shirt factory, hospital, Government ministry, livestock ranch, bank, supermarket, radio and tv studio, etc.
[3 blank lines for answer]
32. What does the establishment where you work (or worked, if unemployed), principally do?
Examples: ____ factory; sales of prepared food; livestock ranch; canned goods company; supermarket; repair shop; bank, etc.
[Questions 17, employment status]
[Question 18, industry]
This question relates to the activity carried out by the establishment or place where the employed person worked during the week prior to the census (Monday, April 10, to Sunday, April 16, 2017).
For example, when someone who works as a janitor in a supermarket is recorded for the census, he or she should say "supermarket retail sales." It is important for the activity to be detailed as specifically as possible, using at least three words.
[Figure omitted, image of question 18 from questionnaire]
Case 1: Imprecise response
Josefina works in a casino gaming hall in the city of Valdivia. When asked question 18, she responds: "Casino." Because the Spanish term "casino" can refer to a gaming hall or a canteen/cafeteria, this response is ambiguous.
As a census-taker, you must probe to clarify the information, using at least three words. In this sense, you should ask the following question: What type of "casino" do you work in?
Josefina says: "casino gaming hall" and it gets entered as shown to the right.
[Figure omitted, image of question 18 fill with the words: "casino gaming hall"]
Case 2: Self-employment
Pedro has had a shoe store for 20 years. On question 18, he responds: "self-employment with shoes." Given this response, we do not know if Pedro makes, sells or repairs shoes. As Pedro is self-employed, you must probe to get a more specific response.
For example: "About the shoes?do you sell, make or repair them?" Pedro responds: "I work in shoe repair." Therefore, you must enter the following on the questionnaire: "repair of shoes."
[Figure omitted, image of question 18 fill with the words: "repair of shoes"]
Important: In all cases where people respond "self-employed" without further specifying, you will need to probe to get more information.
VIII. Industry
_ _ _
10. Industry: _ _
The following questions reflect economic characteristics of the population.
R17 through R24 apply to persons who are 15 years or older.
R19. Industry
It refers to the type of production and business activities or social economic activities that a person engages with. It should be filled in with detailed company name, types of product or business domain. This question should be answered by persons who replied 1 or 2 for R17.
China currently defines 16 industries that include 92 major categories. Each major category has sub-categories.
The 5th Population Census Enumeration uses unit of industrial activity to distinguish different industries. Therefore, each census-registered unit should be a unit of industrial activity. Unit of industrial activity is defined by 1) a geographic location for the purpose of at least one economic activity; 2) independent organization of production, management, and business activities; and 3) independent accounting and evaluation - this is the most important criterion.
If one geographic location has two or more types of economic activity, or the same economic activity happens at various locations, as long as each unit has accounting capacity, they should be considered as separate units of industrial activity.
Closely associated to the unit of industrial activity is the notion of legal unit. A legal unit must demonstrate three characteristics: 1) established legally with a name, an organizational institution, and a geographic location, and capable of independently fulfilling civil responsibility; 2) independently possess and utilize (or being authorized to utilize) assets, capable of assuming outstanding debt and signing contracts; and 3) independent accounting and capable of compiling balance sheet - this is the most important criterion. The unit of industrial activity is interior to the legal unit.
Persons who work for corporate, enterprise, government, social organizations, and their subsidiaries should report the full name of their employer organization or the primary domain of business. Please note:
16. What is the principal economic function of the business, factory, or agricultural business where you worked? ____
Question No. 16. Activity of the company
[Below the text is a form.]
Fill out this question for persons 10 years old or older who belong in the alternatives 1, 2 or 3 of question 14.
Write down clearly and without writing in the shaded space, the activity of the business, factory, exploitation, or establishment in which a person did their principal job, craft or profession.
To fill out this question correctly take into account the following criteria:
If the company where a person works their principal occupation has many branches, agencies or establishments that do different activities that which the establishment does where the person works will be written down. So, if someone worked in the store of a company that produces dresses, "wholesale commerce of dresses" will be written down.
[p. 53]
If an establishment does many activities, write down only the principal activity.
Do not accept vague responses like "exploitation", "business", "company", "factory", "agency", or simply write down the name of a product or company. When they give you this type of response ask for more details.
Examples of correct responses are: livestock worker, exploitation of sugar cane, coal mine, wooden furniture factory, retail furniture commerce, passenger transportation.
38. What does the company where he/she work produce or what is the principal activity of the company?
b. ____
38. What does the company or establishment where [the respondent] works or worked produce or what activity is done?
Read the question word for word and write in the lines a and b, the key or most important words and phrases that describe the activity of the company where the person works. Because of this take into account the following considerations:
[Below the text is a form.]
This question makes reference to the activity which a company (factory, office, workshop or farm) does where a person works or worked and not the occupation they have in it.
This activity is determined by the goods produced or the service rendered collectively; for example: commerce, transportation, fabrication of leather wallets, tourist services.
This question requires an inquiry, since the responses of persons can be diverse and not refer to the activity of the company where they work, but rather to the occupation that they carry out.
If a person is a worker for their own account, or has a business in their house or manages a profession or trade independently, you should write down the activity that the person does as if it belonged to a company.
In order to give a clear and exact description of the activity, you should indicate a general and a specific function. For example: repair of electric domestic appliances, production of sweaters, production of homemade candy, sale of clothes, business of real estate.
[p. 172]
Let us look at two examples:
If a lawyer works in his profession independently, the activity is "provision of lawyer services" or "independent lawyer"; but if he is employed by a company like Ecopetrol, the activity that you should put is "refining of petroleum".
Let us suppose that in your route you find yourself with the following case: one person who responds to you "I am a zoo technician in Colanta"' another who says, "I am a boss of sales in Colanta"; another person, "I drive a truck in Colanta" and finally one who responds "I clean and serve drinks in Colanta".
You should ask these persons what they do in Colanta. That is like, for all the activities of the companies where they work "process of milk" or "producer of lactose products".
48. What is the economic activity of the business, establishment, company or farm where [the respondent] worked? (expanded) ____
Items 15 - 18 are only for "employed" and "unemployed"
16. Industry
Line No. 16.- Branch of activity [Industry]
Ask this question only for the case of "Employed" and "Unemployed".
This question is intimately related to the previous, you should write down the branch of activity that corresponds to the occupation written down in it, that is to say, the type of industry, business, institution, agricultural operation, public dependence, etc., in which the person did their occupation. Write down expressions like: car repairs, shoe factory, Ministry of Government Work, local store, bar, magistrate, hospital, bank, Ministry of Health, shoe store, pharmacy, etc. Here also you should avoid generic terms such as: workshop, factory, government, commercial establishment, etc., which say nothing about what is wanted to be known.
When it concerns a commercial establishment, specify if it is "Wholesale" or "Retail".
If a person works for a company that manages more than one activity, write down the one that you are informed is most important.
Only for those who "worked" or "did not work"
[Applies to questions 18-20]
19. Industry
If the status was "did not work," write the type of establishment in which the most recent occupation was pursued. Do not forget to write the answer according to the instructions on page 47 of the Enumerator's Manual.
____ _ _ _ _
15. Industry
____ [4 blank lines]
Question 15: Industry
The economic industry is determined by the activity of the establishment in which the person had the occupation selected as principal occupation, or worked the last time if the person is unemployed.
[Below the text is a form.]
You should ask: What is done in the place of work or where you worked last? You should write down in clear and specific terms the activity that the establishment does, what the person did; a school teacher would answer: Public Education Center, of primary education. You should avoid generic terms like "work shop", "factory", "club", "store", etc. [omitted phrase: "se trata"] [p. 56] The name of the place is of help in the description: Warehouse (Estanco) of the National Committee of Production, etc.
Below you can see the "incorrect" and "correct" forms of doing the enumeration in this case.
[Below are two columns, one marked Incorrect and one marked Correct. I am going to translate them without using two columns.]
[For the first category there is nothing in the Incorrect column]
Automobiles repair Workshop
Dental Mechanic Workshop
Taylor Workshop
Shoe factory
Woman's clothes factory
Plastic wrap factory
Cardboard box factory
Grocery store
Wholesale store
Clothing store
Food industry
Textile industry
Electronic industry
Automobile industry
Dental laboratory
Clinical laboratory
Chemical-Pharmaceutical laboratory
[Nothing in this column]
Football club
Social club
Night club
Wood warehouse
Construction materials warehouse
Liquor warehouse
Sports equipment store
Fishing equipment store
Department store (La Gloria, La Universal, El Globo, etc.)
Ministry of Public Works
Ministry of Education
Ministry of Culture
If the person works for a company that manages more than one activity in which she performs the occupation written down before. When it concerns a commercial establishment, specify if it is Wholesale or Retail.
For the principal job
[Applies to questions 15-18]
16. What does this place of work principally do?
Question 16: Industry
The interest of this question is to be able to determine the principal economic activity of the place where the person works. This permits, at the same time, knowing the composition of the employed according to the branch of economic activity.
[To the right of the text is a form.]
For this question you should investigate and write down in detail, the class of products or services that the company, business or farm principally produces or sells for which the person works the principal job. If the activity consists of a service to another company, for example, service of guard in a bank, the branch of economic activity that should be written down is that which corresponds to the establishment or company that hired the person, and not to the company where the service is done. In the example it would be "private guard" and not "financer" or "bank".
Generic terms should be avoided like workshop, factory, store, etc, for which we will give some examples of incorrect and correct forms of writing down this response.
[To the right of the text is a picture of a building.]
[Below are two columns, one marked "Incorrect Annotation" and one marked "Correct Annotation". I am going to translate them without using two columns.]
Correct Annotation
Workshop for the repair of automobiles
Workshop of a thresher mechanic
Incorrect Annotation
Correct Annotation
Leather shoe factory
Plastic wrap factory
Cardboard box factory
Incorrect Annotation
Sale of Products
Correct Annotation
Retail sale of groceries and articles (local store, supplier, supermarkets)
Wholesale of clothes
Incorrect Annotation
Correct Annotation
Clinical laboratory
Chemical-Pharmaceutical laboratory
[p. 71]
Correct Annotation
Wood warehouse
Construction materials warehouse
Incorrect Annotation
Correct Annotation
Sports equipment store
Boutique or Bazaar
Gloria, CEMACO, El Globo, etc.
Incorrect Annotation
Correct Annotation
Ministry of Public Works and Transportation
Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports
Incorrect Annotation
Correct Annotation
Production of milk and dairy products
Production of coffee and sugar cane
About the main job
[This question is asked of persons who worked for an hour or more, had employment or helped with family business or farm]
27. What does the company, institution, or business where [the respondent] works produce? ____
For question 27 from Block IV, about the branch of activities, you can initiate with responses such as: cultivation of?, fabrication of ..., furniture, construction of?, retail sale of.?, wholesale of?, domestic services, sale of repair parts for..., ground transportation of..., fabrication of..., repairs of..., elementary education, secondary education.
Questions 24 to 29: Determine the characteristics of the people's main work
This refers to the characteristics of the main job, that to which the person habitually dedicates the most number of hours or that which generates the greatest income.
About the main job
Question 27: Branch of activity
_____ 27. What does the company, institution, or business where [name] works produce?
The "branch of activity" allow us to locate the business, establishment, company, or farm, within an economic sector, according to the class of goods or services that it produces. You must note the branch of the activity of the establishment in which the person works in his/her main occupation.
So, if it deals with a business of the commercial sector you must indicate as well the type of product that they sell, and if it deals with retail sale or wholesale; if it deals with an agricultural farm you must specify the type of animals or crops that are produced in the farm, in the case of industrial manufacturer you must describe the kind of goods that are produced are developed in the business or factory, or if it deals with businesses that provide services to others, you must specify the kind of service offered.
Upon noting this you should avoid generic terms such as workshop, factory, warehouse, farm, laboratory that by themselves do not allow for a classification of the branch of economic activity.
Below some examples of correct and incorrect annotations used when assigning this information are shown, which will surely help one understand what is being asked:
For no reason leave questions 24 "main occupation" and 27 "branch of activity" blank for those declared employed.
[p. 166]
[The left-hand side is the general but incorrect type of branch of activity; examples of more specific and correct identification of industry activity follow to the right]
Sale of construction materials: wholesale of tubes, cement, paint
Transportation: transportation of ground passengers, transportation of aerial passengers, transportation of maritime passengers, transportation of ground cargo, transportation of aerial cargo, transportation of maritime cargo
Repairs: computer repair, appliance repair, building and structure repair
Agricultural activities: cleaning of terrain for planting, collection of coffee, cleaning of farms
Information activities: web page design, software development, office of information technologies
Farm: production of milk and milk products, production of sugar cane and coffee, recreation estate
Bakery: elaboration of baked good, sale of baked goods
Cultivation of agricultural products: yucca cultivation, sugar cane cultivation
17. What did you do during the week before September 7?
[] 02 Had a job, but did not work - Continue with question 18
[] 03 Looked for work because he/she had lost his/her job
[] 04 Looked for work for the first time
[] 05 Retired or receiving a pension
[] 06 Collects rents or receives economic support
[] 07 Household chores
[] 08 Student
[] 09 Incapacitated for work
[] 10 Does not carry out any economic activity
[] 11 In the hospital, in an asylum, or recluse who does not work
[] 12 Other situation
For answers 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12: end of interview.
19. What is the name of the place where you were affiliated in this week?
*Examples: Cattle ranching, clothing repairs, public food, housing services, etc.
According to the classifier _ _
b. What did you do in said place?
(Examples: Cattle production, clothing repair, public food preparation, housing services, etc.)
[ _ _ ]
(according to the classifier)
You should try to write the answer declared by the interviewee on the spaces taking into account the following suggestions for part A). Answers for Part A):
You should avoid / You should write:
School / Elementary School Batalla de Guisa
Hospital / Maternity Hospital Inés Maria
Cooperative / Cooperative Vitalio Acuña
In the case of Part B) you will write, on the lines provided for this purpose, the answers given by the interviewee, but you should always clarify that it is the primary activity of the place, which may not coincide with the activity of the person.
In this question, you should leave the space that corresponds to the codification blank.
In regard to the workers who are employed provided services to Census, for question 18 and 19 the enumerator should write the habitual occupation of the person, as well as the habitual work place and the activity that the person does in the work place and not the activity of the Census.
For persons 15 years and older
(End of interview for persons under this age.)
[Questions 17-23 were asked of persons age 15 and older.]
19B) Which work is primarily performed in said workplace? ____
For persons 15 years and older (end of interview for those under this age)
Question 19. What is the name of your employer during the reference week?
This question will find the name of the workplace where the interviewee worked as well as the kind of work done there. There are two parts or subsections; the first of which refers to the name of the place where the person worked and the second asks for the primary activity performed in that place.
You must attempt to write the interviewee's response in the blanks provided, keeping the following suggestions in mind for subsection A).
[Description of generic terms has been omitted]
In the case of subsection (B), the answers that the interviewee provides will be written in the blanks, always clarifying that we are referring to the primary activity carried out in the workplace, not necessarily the work that the interviewee performs.
You must leave the blank for the code empty (according to CNUO Classifier).
[Figure omitted]
33. Work sector _
To complete the inside of the questionnaire, you must have:
- Read and fully understand the contents of this manual.
- If any points are unclear to you, ask your team leader for an explanation.
- Know the definitions perfectly and the meaning of the abbreviations used.
- The presence of the person you are surveying to obtain reliable information. If the head of the household is absent, speak with his representative to get the necessary information.
- Ask each person to be surveyed to present an identification document (national identification card, birth certificate, passport, driver's license, etc.) in order to quickly obtain answers to questions regarding first and last names, date of birth, etc.
Carefully follow all instructions you have been given, especially regarding how to ask the questions.
Question for persons age 6 and older.
Question 33: Work sector
This question concerns the activity of the establishment or company where the surveyed individual works. This activity corresponds to the type of goods and/or services produced by that establishment.
Example: Masonry, education, brewery, research, bakery, library, police, customs, finance, etc.
32. Economic sector
Special case: For any child who is a resident (present or absent) and was born in 1992, without the month being specified, questions 26-32 apply. For resident children (present or absent) to whom questions 26-32 do not apply, draw a slash through column 26 and the following columns.
Question 32: Industry sector
The industry sector pertains to the type of economic activity carried out by the Government, a public body, a public undertaking, a state-owned company, an industrial, artisanal, commercial, agricultural, or service company or production unit, a workshop, family farm, etc., in which the worker conducts or has conducted his or her own economic activity.
For example, a driver who works for the Ministry of Agriculture, a driver who works for Sococe, a driver who works for the BIAO-CI, a driver who works as a "taxi driver," and a driver who works for the Ivory Coast Electricity Company are not classified in the same industry, even though they all engage in the same type of economic activity or occupation. Indeed:
Conversely, all employees of the same company, government body, or business must be classified in the same industry, regardless of the occupation or occupation that each of them practices within this unit of production. Thus all workers of the Autonomous Port of Abidjan are classified in the maritime transport sector, regardless of the occupation or trade they practice there. Similarly, all workers of the Ivory Coast Electricity Company (commercial engineer, drivers, laborers, cooks, accountants, electrical engineer, chemists, masons, welders, administrator, director, etc.) are classified in the "production and distribution of electricity" sector.
Other examples: A physician working in a clinic or hospital has "health care" listed as his or her industry sector, while a physician working at the office of the Ministry of Health is in the "government" sector.
For a secretary working at Gonfreville establishments, enter "textile industry"; for a secretary working at the Biao, write "bank"; for a secretary working at Air Afrique, write "air transportation"; for a secretary working at the Ministry of Planning and Development, write "government"; for a domestic worker who works for a given household, write "service to private individuals."
The industry sector of individuals working in specialized services is the service or good produced by the establishment; in the case of informal sector activities, it is necessary to describe what the person produces or sells.
All of these examples serve to show you that an individual's knowledge of the profession or occupation is not sufficient to determine the industry sector.
How to conduct the interview about the industry sector?
Ask: "What does the establishment or company for which you work do?" Legibly write the response provided by the respondent outside the coding grid.
16. Place of work.
It may be difficult to obtain accurate answers due to the nature of this information. Great care should be taken to ensure that the annotation reflects the desired information.
Reference period
65. The information recorded in the spaces mentioned above (14, 15, 16, 17, and 18) refers to the following period of time: from January 1st to August 7th, 1960. In other words, the time that has passed since the beginning of the year to the date of the census. Whenever the "reference period" is mentioned, it is to be interpreted as the period of time between the two dates mentioned above.
Total time worked
Place Of Work
73. Question 16. The type of industry, educational institution, government office, farm, business, establishment, etc., where the enumerated person carries or carried out the occupation declared and recorded in line 15 is recorded in this line.
In the majority of cases, asking the following question will provide an adequate answer:
It is imperative that the information be obtained with precision and exactness.
14. Industry. In what activity does the business, industry, office or farm where the enumerated person works engage? (Examples: agricultural enterprise, sugar production). For those unemployed, write the type of industry of the business, etc. where last employed.
60. What does the organization, company, business or agricultural enterprise in which you work (or worked) do?
Question 60: What does the organization, enterprise, business, or farm where you work or worked dedicate itself to? [industry]
A precise answer that exactly indicates the activity of the place of work should be requested of the person.
If the answer given is vague, the enumerator should insist that the informant give more detail.
The enumerator should not write just "factory", rather "soap factory"; not "company", rather "transportation company".
The attached page 73 is a guide for recording the industry.
54. What does the firm, business or institution in which [the respondent] works (or last worked) do?
Question 54: What is the goal of the business, company or institution where (NAME) works (worked in the last instance)?
In this question you should record the specific activity or goal that the business, company or institution carries out, and where the person works or worked. For example: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, AGRICULTURAL SERVICES, TOBACCO INDUSTRY, SHOE INDUSTRY, OIL REFINERY, ETC.
54. What is the goal of the business, company or institution where [the respondent] works (or last worked)?
X. Economic Characteristics
Shoemaker's workshop
Construction of houses
Mechanic's workshop
Questions 14 - 16 are only for those who answered 1, 2, or 3 in question 13.
15. What does the establishment where you engage in the occupation indicated primarily do?
____ [In addition to the space for the response, a blank, 3-character box also appears in the corner of this item.]
Question 15. What does the establishment where you performed the indicated occupation primarily do?
If the answer is given in vague or imprecise terms, insist that the informant give you greater details. Don't accept information such as factory or workshop; you should indicate exactly what type of activity is done in the establishment.
Examples of how to record:
Doctor's office
Textile factory
Livestock ranch
Shoe store
Insurance company
Automotive mechanics workshop
Furniture factory
Beauty salon
Government ministry
Poultry farm
For those who answered 0, 1 or 2 in question 13 and 1 in question 14:
[Applies to questions 15-18.]
17. What does the place, establishment or business where you perform the occupation indicated above principally do or produce? For example: Primary education, textile production, street vending, livestock production, etc.
In the last week or the last week that he/she worked:
[Questions 29-33 were asked of people who reported some kind of work or looking for work in the last week.]
29. To what is the business or company where [the respondent] works or worked dedicated or what does it do?
For the use of INEC: Branch of activity _ _ _ _
Step 14: Continue with section 4, information about the population / D: Economic characteristics (annex, pages 41-45)
[A copy of section 4D of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]
8. Economic characteristics
Branch of economic activity:
This is the diversification of the economic activities that allows for the classification of the establishment where the person works or worked, within a sector of the economy, according to the class of goods or services that are produced.
Persons six years and over
[Questions 8-11 asked of persons six years and over.]
11. Industry ____
11. Industry ____
12. Main economic activity (in details) ________
15. Economic activity for the establishment
This question is to be completed as follows:
First: for members (6 years or older) who are working or who are currently unemployed but have previously worked (codes (2) to (7) for employment status):
b. The economic activity is written out on the line located below the squares.
Second: for the rest of the members (6 years or older) who are not in the work force or the unemployed who have never worked before (codes (8) to (15) for employment status), "not working" is recorded on the line below the squares.
Third: for members who are younger than 6 years, "below age" is recorded on the line below the squares.
2. Persons age 10 or older
[Questions 14-21 were asked of persons age 10 or older]
[Questions 16-20 were asked of persons age 10 or older with employment or who performed some other activity, per questions 14 and 15.]
17. What does the establishment where you work or where you worked for the last time do or make?
_ _ _ _
17. Economic activity
What do you do or produce or what company do you work for, or did you work for most recently?
20. What is your job or what do you or the company you work for or last worked for produce?
Question 20: What is your job, or what do you or the company you work for or last worked for produce?
Indicate clearly if the establishment:
Plants rice, corn, beans or sorghum
Plants coffee
Raises livestock
Makes filled tortillas [pupusas]
Produces milk
Makes shoes
Electric company
Corn business
Commercial firm
Clothing sales
Fruit sales
Product exportation
Construction materials
Private security
Correct way to write
Corn farming for sale
Growing coffee for sale
Raises and finishes cattle for meat production
Produces filled tortillas [pupusas] for export
Produces and bottles milk products
Produces leather shoes for export
Food products factory
Electricity generation and distribution
Wholesale grain sales
Retail sale of home furnishings
Women's retail clothing sales
Retail fruit for sale in a market
Agency which exports agricultural products
Transportation of stone by truck for construction
Private security and investigation agency
In order to fill column 35 it is important to ask the person where or in which industry he/she works and then what the organization produces, distributes /wholesale or retail trade/ or what kind of service it provides. In this column the type of product, service or trade must be recorded clearly.
The following listing shows types of products, trade or services and they have to be understood.
Based on the example mentioned above, major production or trade or service the organization where the person works in will be recorded in the space provided in column 35. Nothing will be entered in card columns 64-66.
[Questions 30-32 were asked for person's age 10+ who were engaged in economic activity, unemployed with previous work experience, or had work but did not work in the last 12 months.]
31. Major product or service of establishment
Column 31: Major product or service of the establishment
To record the major product or service for a person under consideration, first enquire a person where he/she works and then the type of products or service produced or given by the establishment.
An establishment definition is relaxed here in order to capture those do not have fixed places, like; micro enterprises who operates on street side or open markets. For example, a person is working in his/her residence house weaving, tailor service, selling tella or katikala, etc., even though the work is not in organized manner, considered as an establishment and the product or service is recorded in this column.
As explained under column 30, whenever we face with enterprise producing different products or services, the major one will be recorded. For example, a tobacco factory produces matches as an additional product. In such case, we record cigarette since it is the major product. Similar products take same code irrespective of the owner of the factory/ establishment (private or public) or mode of production (modern or traditional). Details of some products/ service are given below.
Farm products; cereal, vegetables, chat, coffee, etc. (sometimes together with draught animals).
Livestock; cow, ox, camel, sheep, goat, poultry, etc. (in some cases together with vegetables on small plots)
Farm and livestock products; producing both products.
Agricultural service; crop and livestock extension service, providing agricultural machineries.
Hotel; bed room service (can serve food and drinks)
Bar; without room service.
Tella (local drink) house; place where the local drink tella served.
Teji (local drinks) house; place where the local drink teji is served.
Producing local teji and selling to retailers.
Education sector administration; service activities in the ministry of education or regional bureaus or woreda offices.
Elementary school; teachers or administration staff in the school.
Agricultural sector administration; service activities in the ministry of agriculture or regional bureaus or woreda offices.
Types of major products or services recorded in column 31 are listed below. The list is presented here to give some idea on types of products or services registered under this column.
For skilled unemployed persons, the type of major products or service they used to work in will be recorded. Note that: Do not ask the organizations or institutions they served in, enquire only the major products or service produced or rendered by the organizations or institutions in which they employed.
Pg 74
[Examples of major products have been removed, pages 77-79]
Agricultural Occupations
47. In Fijian Village: A Fijian, living in his village and sharing in the communal life of the
village at the time of the enumeration, should be described as "Villager" with a further qualification according to whether or not he produces some particular crop or commodity for sale. Depending on which produce he sells, he may, therefore, be described in the following terms:
(b) Villager, cuts copra for sale.
(c) Villager, grows sugarcane for sale.
(d) Villager, grows bananas for sale.
(e) Villager, grows rice for sale.
(f) Villager, grows vegetables for sale.
(g) Villager, raises cattle for sale.
In a description such as (f), there is no need to specify which vegetables are being grown; the
word "vegetables" can be used to cover dalo, kumalas, yams, tapioca, potatoes, yaqona, tobacco, etc. Similarly, if a man raises cattle or pigs or goats, either for sale of the animals for meat or for the sale of their milk, cream or ghee, a description such as (g) will suffice.
48. Apart from Fijian Villagers, the majority of people engaged in agriculture (including Fijian "galala") cultivate one of the two main crops of the Colony -- coconuts and sugarcane and one or other of these will constitute their principal crop or activity. In addition to these, there will be some persons whose principal activity is growing bananas or shipping bananas; some whose principal crop will be rice or other grain crops, and some will grow various types of vegetables and fruits for sale. Some may be engaged principally in raising cattle or pigs or goats, others in dairy farming. In many cases you will find that people engage in more than one of these various activities, but in describing the work done by a man engaged in agriculture, you should pick out first his principal crop or activity, the one to which he devotes the greater part of his time and which he considers is the more important to him as a source of income. If his principal crop is either coconuts or sugar-cane, you should then ask whether he cultivates any other crop or produce which he sells and which he ranks as next in importance to his principal crop. Such will constitute his subsidiary crop.
49. Coconuts as Principal Crop: On a coconut plantation or estate there will usually be an owner or a lessee or a manager, one (or more) overseer or foreman, book-keeper, timekeeper or weight-checker, together with wage-earning labourers and piece-workers. For each of these people, the answer to the question "for whom and where do they work?" is "on copra estate" and some descriptive terms for the work each may do have been suggested above. If you cannot specify exactly what work the wage-earning labourers do - such as "vate attendant on copra estate" or "kiln attendant on copra estate" - they should be described as "worker on copra estate".
50. If there is some subsidiary crop cultivated on a coconut plantation or estate, or if cattle or pigs or goats are raised, either for sale of the animals for meat or for the sale of their milk, cream or ghee, you should indicate such facts in your description by adding "with bananas" or "with rice" or "with vegetables" or "with cattle", etc., after the words "on copra estate".
51. Sugar-Cane as Principal Crop: A sugar-cane farm or estate is usually owned or leased by one person, who may employ other members of his family, or persons not related to him, to help him cultivate the land. The term "cane farmer" should be used only for the person who owns or leases the land on which sugar-cane is grown; other persons working on such a cane farm should be described as "worker on cane farm" (even if the land is owned or leased by a father or older brother) unless there is some specific description such as "foreman" or "overseer" or "cane-cutter" (provided he is not a registered cane grower) for the work which they are doing at the time of the Census.
52. When some subsidiary crop or produce is cultivated on a cane farm or estate, you should indicate this by adding the words "with rice'" or "with vegetables" or "with cattle", etc., after your initial description.
53. All Other Principal Crops: For persons engaged in all other forms of cultivation, where neither coconuts nor sugar-cane constitutes the principal crop, the answer to the question "for whom and where does he work?" should show clearly which is the principal crop or commodity produced from the land, whether it be bananas or pineapples or other fruits, rice or maize or vegetables such as dalo, tapioca, yams, kumalas, tobacco, yaqona, etc. etc. A description such as "rice farmer" or "banana grower" should be used only for persons who own or lease the land on which these crops are grown. Failing any more specific description of their work, persons employed to assist in the cultivation or harvesting of such crops should be described as "workers on rice farm" or "worker on banana plantation", etc. etc.
54. Dairy Farming: The answer to the second part of Question 12 for all people engaged in dairying is "on dairy farm" , and you should state whether each person concerned is the owner or manager or foreman or overseer or book-keeper or herdsman or dairy-hand, etc. etc. Failing any more specific description for a person in paid employment on a dairy farm, he may be described as "worker on dairy farm". If a dairy farm is run in conjunction with a butter factory, you should distinguish between workers in each of these; "in butter factory" being the place of work for all people employed in the butter factory as distinct from those working on the dairy farm.
55. Cattle, Stock and Poultry Raising: Apart from persons working on dairy farms, there may be some who are engaged principally in the raising of cattle, or horses or pigs or goats or poultry, either as the owners or managers of herds or estates or farms, or as paid employees, tending the animals. In your description of their work, you should indicate which animals are their principal concern by stating whether their place of work is "on cattle farm" (or "on cattle estate"), "on pig farm", "on poultry farm", etc. etc.
56. Forestry and Sawmilling: Persons engaged in logging or felling trees, or in cutting firewood, may be described simply as "logger of trees" or "feller of trees" or "fire-wood cutter" respectively. People who haul the logs from the forest to the sawmill may be described as "hauler of logs", or, depending on whether bullocks or tractors are used for hauling, as "bullock-driver hauling logs" or "tractor-driver hauling logs'.
57. If a man works at a sawmill, you should state whether he is the owner or manager or foreman or overseer or book-keeper or sawyer or benchman or other paid worker at the sawmill, "at sawmill" being the answer to the question "for whom and where does he work?"
58. Mining and Quarrying: The place of work for people engaged in mining will be either "in gold mine" or "in manganese mine", and whichever is applicable should be added to your description of the work each person does. A person employed in quarrying, either for road metal or for building stone, should be shown simply as "quarry-man".
Occupations in Townships and Urban Areas
59. Industrial and Commercial occupations. For persons engaged in either making or repairing or selling goods, you should state their particular trade or occupation and the name of the shop or factory or company which employs them, adding where necessary the nature of its business. This is the general rule to be followed for people in all business or commercial organizations or offices.
60. Just before the Census, persons working for the South Pacific Sugar Mills Limited, either on their estates or in their mills or on their railways, will be given a card showing their name, and their "occupational classification" which will consist of a number and a descriptive term for the work they do. When you are recording such a person on a schedule, you should copy the "occupational classification" directly from the card, adding the initials "S.P.S.M. Ltd" after it.
61. Government Departments: For persons working in the various departments of Government you should record their exact title or position and the name of the department or branch of the administration in which they are working.
62. It is only necessary for occupations to be given for people aged 15 years or over. Where children are attending school, this should be stated in this column. If a child is too young to attend school, you should draw a line diagonally across this Column to indicate this. If someone aged 15 years or over is still going to school, write "student".
63. Some women aged 15 years or over may have jobs, such as clerks, and will, therefore, be described as explained above. Most women, however, look after their homes and children and their occupation should be given as "home duties". A similar description should be given to any daughters of the household who do not attend school and whose only occupation is to assist their mother in these household duties.
64. General: Since it is not possible to detail all the classes of work which you may encounter in your Area, the following are some general rules for your guidance, particularly in those instances which have not been specifically mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs.
(b) Except for a man who owns or leases land for cultivation, the work which you record for each person should be the work they are engaged upon at the time of the Census.
(c) If a person is doing more than one job, you should record the one to which he devotes the greater part of his day, the only exceptions to this being those agricultural occupations mentioned in paragraphs 48 to 52.
(d) Persons who have retired from some occupation or profession, either because of age or illness, should be described as "Retired". Anyone who has suffered a serious injury (such as losing an arm or leg) and cannot work, should be recorded as, "Incapacitated through injury"
(e) If a person is doing no particular work at the time of the Census and is neither retired from some occupation or profession, nor a pensioner, nor an inmate of an institution, you should record him as "unemployed". (This may apply to some Fijians who are living away from their villages and to other persons who perform casual work from time to time but are not actually so engaged at the time of the enumeration.)
(f) Amongst women, the term "Home Duties" should be used only for those who look after their homes and children, or for daughters or elderly female relatives who may assist them. A servant living in (or away from) a private household should be described as "Domestic Servant". For all other women in paid employment the rules (a) to (e) above apply.
14. Industry last week
Write name of company, firm, organization if person is employed. If large company or government department state branch or section.
Write "self" if own business or farm.
16. Industry
If self-employed, what is the person's trade or business?
D16. Industry
State activities, services, product of your place of work. Who does the person work for? Section if large company or government department
If self-employed, what is person's trade or business?
Question D14 - Type of activity last week
142. Question 14[a]
Did this person do any work for money last week?
A wage and salary job.
Business, shop, taxi/carrier business, repair shop
Grow things for sale
Raise animals for sale
Catch fish, collect shells for sale
You should write 'M' against money work. Include also persons who had a job but were either sick or on leave or did not attend work for some other reason.
For persons who did not work for money last week write 'NO' in this box.
145. For those persons responding with 'M' in D14[a], you should also complete
D14[c] Did the person do any subsistence work as well
D15 Describe the task performed last week.
D16 The type of activity, service or product produced at place of work.
D17 How was the person paid
fortnightly/monthly salary
by sale of crops, livestock
for job done
unpaid family worker
Question D16 - Industry
156. You have described the person's own job, which is his occupation. We have next to consider the kind of business, product or service produced by the worker and his/her fellow workers. For example, a person may be a typist working for
in a building contractors office
in a hotel
for a bus company
in a department store
for the government
The person's occupation is 'typist' but the product, business or service is different in each case.
157. Ask,
'Who does this person work for?'
or 'Where does this person work?'
Some large companies make, produce or sell more than one kind of product and the same is true of large departments of government. In such cases state the branch or section for which the person works.
For example, a large company like Carpenters engages in many kinds of activity and you should distinguish the branch for which the person works by writing - 'Carpenters Shipping', - Carpenters Travel', - or as the case may be.
Similarly, large government departments such as the PWD engage in different kinds of work and you should distinguish this by writing - 'PWD roads', - 'PWD mechanical workshops', 'PWD Water' or -as the case may be, but not just 'PWD'.
158. If the person is self-employed, or works in a family business.
'What is this person's trade or business?'
159. Write in two or three words what kind of business or activity is carried on:
what services are provided
what goods are sold
what crops are grown.
160. Be precise. Avoid vague answers.
For example:
Good Answers--Bad Answers
'making furniture'--'factory'
'bus company'--'business'
'retail store'--'private enterprise'
'car repairs'--'self-employed'
We must know what is repaired, what the factory makes, what kind of business, what sort of private enterprise, what the self-employed person makes or sells.
Questions D20-D23 for money or other compensation workers only.
D21.a. Who does [the person] work for?
_ _ _ _
b. What are the activities, services, products of this workplace?
[D15b] What are the activities, services, products of this workplace? _ _ _ _
The role of persons working at a similar job, which is based on the content of the work made for income acquisition purposes and in some cases on the education completed by the person.
In the employment statistics, the classification of occupations is based on occupational titles derived from various registers and given by employers to employees, which titles are classified into different occupational codes mainly according to industry, education, occupational status and sector. The occupational title is sometimes also called a job title, function or official title. Some of the occupational codes of the employment statistics (cf. industry-specific occupational codes with occupational titles) are derived already classified from the statistics on wages and salaries. Statistics Finland's national classification of occupations valid at each time is used for describing occupation. One occupational group can contain several occupational titles. On the other hand, the same occupational title can be classified into several occupational groups.
Occupations are produced for employed persons primarily based on the person's main employment relationship in the last week of the year. The data are collected from several different sources, such as the registers of employment relationships of central and local government, statistics on wages and salaries, and data collections from enterprises.
15. Business (industrial, commercial or other), farm, etc. that you manage or that employs you:
15a. Name (or corporate name) and address:
Street (or locality): ____ Number:____
For Paris, Lyon and Marseille, add the city district [arrondissement]
State [departement]: ____
15b. Activity of the business:
Be specific; Examples: wholesale wine sales, retail grocery, construction of metal girders, cotton milling, overland transportation for travelers, market gardening, private secondary-level teaching [enseignement prive du second degree], etc.
15c. If you don't work at the same address as the business noted above, indicate your normal work place:
This question is not for farmers, nor is it for household help or V.R.P. Traveling personnel of the French National Railroad [S.N.C.F.], bus drivers, minors, etc., should indicate the station, depot, mineshaft, etc. where they normally work.
12. Main profession: Indicate the profession or the occupation which you are currently practicing (even if you are still only an apprentice or if you are working by helping a member of your family in his/her work.) A woman who is taking care of her home should answer "no profession".
Be specific: Examples: auto repair mechanic, clothing producer, steel worker, draftsman, electrical engineer, grain broker, wine-producer, driver of large trucks, swine breeder, hairdresser, shorthand typist, etc.
16. Where do you work?
Street (or place name) ____
City (for Paris, Lyon, Marseille, specify the district) ____
County: ____
If, during your work, you needed to move (situation of bus drivers in the S.N.C.F., etc.) indicate the place where you ordinarily go to start your work (train station, depot, etc.)
If you did not always go to work in the same place (the case for business travelers for example), answer "variable"
c. Activity of this institution:
Be specific: Examples, commerce of whole-sale wine production, retail grocery store, manufacture of steel structures, cotton mill, highway transport of passengers, truck farmer, etc.
d. Address of this institution, if it is different than the one declared in question 16a :
Street (or place name) ____
City (for Paris, Lyon, Marseille, specify the district) ____
County: ____
Question 16: Where do you work?
This question affects each person who has declared a profession in question 11, including employees of public services, of local communities and government employees who should indicate in 16b the name of the administration which employs them.
Some people have several employers (housemaids working for several individuals). In this case, indicate the main employer (this is to say the individual where the person completes the most number of hours).
In some cases, the address of the workplace (question 16a) can coincide with that of the home (merchants especially): it is necessary nevertheless to write it down again.
14. Where do you work?
Street Number ____
Street or place name [lieudit] ____
Town or city and state [département] ____
(For Paris, Lyon and Marseille, indicate the district within the city [arrondissement])
b. Name (or corporate name) of establishment (industrial, commercial, administrative, agricultural, etc.) which employs you or which you direct: ____
c. Activity of the business:
Be specific. Examples include: Wholesale wine dealer, metal framework manufacture, cotton spinning, supplier of overland transportation for travelers, etc.
d. Address of the business, if different than stated above in question 14a:
Street Number ____
Street or place name [lieudit] ____
Town or city and state [département] ____
(For Paris, Lyon and Marseille, indicate the district within the city [arrondissement])
If you work, go to the back of the page (questions 12 to 21)
If you help a member of your family in his or her work without pay
If you are apprenticed under contract, a paid intern (TUC, SIVP..), etc.
15. Where do you work?
Number ____ street or lieudit [a place usually deep in the countryside, with no address but named after its function or by the landmark it is close to] name
County: (for Paris, Lyon, and Marseille specify city neighborhood) ____
Department (or country): _ _ ____
b) Name (or corporate name) of the establishment which employs you or which you yourself direct:
c) Activity of this establishment:
Be very precise. Examples: wholesale wine business, manufacturing of steel structures, highway transport of passengers, etc.
d) Address of this establishment, if it is different from the one declared in question 15a.
11. What is your situation?
[] 1 Check the box and continue to the back of the page (questions 15 to 24) including if you are on sick leave or maternity leave, if you help a member of your family in his/her work or if you are apprenticed under contract, or a salaried intern. [skip to question 15]
You don't work (or no longer work)
[] 2 Check the box and answer questions 12 to 14
[Questions 15-21 were asked of persons who work per question 11.]
20. Are you:
[] 2 Salaried head of company PDG, minority manager of SARL, co-manager
[] 3 Salaried employee, including salaried family assistance
Questions 22 to 24 are only for employees and salaried interns
[Questions 22 to 24 were asked only of persons who work per question 11 and who are employees and salaried interns per question 20.]
24. Indicate the main function of your work
[] 2 Installation, regulating, repair, maintenance
[] 3 Gardening, cleaning, domestic cleaning
[] 4 Handling equipment, storage, transportation, logistics
[] 5 Secretariat, ticket booths, data entry, switchboard operating, reception
[] 6 Managing, accounting, administrative function, organization
[] 7 General director or adjunct director, staff
[] 8 Commerce, sales, technical-commercial
[] 9 Research, study, methods, computers
[] 0 Teaching, training, health, social work, news, advertizing, arts, shows, sports
8. What is your legal marital status?
[] 2 Married (or separated, but not divorced)
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced
19. What does this company do?
30. What is your principal role at your job?
[] 2 Installation, repair, maintenance
[] 3 Management, accounting
[] 4 Reports, research
[] 5 Other: commercial, secretarial, logistical, etc.
17) The rest of the questionnaire is for individuals who are currently working.
If you have several jobs, describe your main job in questions 18 to 30.
19) In what business sector is this establishment?
Be very specific (for example: "auto repair"). If it is a farm, specify the type of products (vineyard, poultry farming, etc.).
15. Branch of business (branch of economy, line) of the establishment (firm, agency) ____
8.b. Workplace activity
Question 8: Occupational data
Question 8a: Name and address of the place of work
Employees of construction firms state the name and address of the construction firm for which they are employed at a construction site in this question.
Persons employed in a sales outlet enter the exact designation of the sales outlet next to the address.
Cooperative sales outlet manufactured goods
Pritzerbe, Puschkinstrasse 12
Employees that are temporarily employed in another firm through deputations, delegations and the like, state the full address of the place of work that carried out the deputation or delegation.
Home workers state the address of the place of work for which they work.
Members of production cooperatives that are temporarily employed (for example, in a sugar refinery or in road work) at the time of the census indicate only the address of the production cooperative as the place of work.
Family workers that work in the personal home economy of a production cooperative member but are not members of a production cooperative themselves, enter "Personal home economy" in question 8a.
8b. Job done at work (members of administration list their position title): ________
To question 8: Employment
No questionnaire text is available for this sample.
For economically active persons
[Questions 15-18 were asked of economically active persons.]
16. To which line of business (branch of economic activity, government agency) does the establishment (firm, office) at which you are working belong? _______
[P14-P17 were asked of persons who did not work for pay or profit or family gain and P13b=1 or 2.]
P15 Industry: In what kind of industry was (name) mainly working? (for unemployed, last kind of work) Describe and refer to appendix 6 for code list
Description ________
P15: Industry -- In what kind of industry was (name) mainly working? (For unemployed, last kind of work) describe and refer to appendix 6 for code list.
Industry refers to the main economic activity of the establishment where the person/ respondent works; or if unemployed his/her last work or job. Establishment applies not only to big enterprises such as Pioneer Biscuit Factory, Ghana Commercial Bank, etc. but also to the small ones as well, e.g. Kwesi Nimo's farm, place of petty trading in market or Fati's Kiosk "under the tree." Note that it is the economic activity Fati carries on under the tree that is to be specified.
[p. 45]
The following examples may help you understand what industry is about and what you must write or describe in the spaces which have been provided. Code according to appendix 6.
b. A carpenter gives Novotel as the name of the establishment where he/she worked. You must write catering or hotel services as the major economic activity of the establishment.
c. The major economic activity of all educational institutions e.g. University of Ghana, Ghana Secondary, Government Technical School, is education even though the persons employed in these institutions may be doing different types of jobs.
d. For a craftsman who is employed by a construction company which is undertaking a contract with an educational institution, you must write down building construction but not education.
e. A self-employed who lays blocks is classified under construction.
Note that the answer you put down must be the same for all persons employed by the same establishment or in the case of a multi-purpose establishment a department of it.
Examples of such multi-purpose establishments are City and Municipal Assemblies, SSNIT, UNILEVER, etc. A Metropolitan Assembly, for instance, may have the following functions: local administration, education services, health services, etc. Similarly, UNILEVER, may have departments with the following as the main economic activity - wholesale or retail trade, repair of motor vehicles, transports services, textile printing, etc.
Thus for a respondent employed by such big establishments, you must record the main economic activity of the particular branch/department in that establishment where the respondent worked.
Another example is the market place. Different economic activities are carried on at such places, for example cloth selling, food selling, dressmaking/tailoring/embroidering, corn milling, chop bar activities, hairdressing/barbering, etc. You must specify the economic activity of the respondents at the market.
Below are examples of some economic activities that fall under agriculture, forestry, trade, and hotels and restaurants.
Agriculture and Animal Husbandry -- Growing of crops -- food crops and cash crops; cereals and grains; vegetables and horticultural products; fruits, nuts, coffee, cocoa and others; harvesting, weeding and other activities.
Rearing of animals -- sheep, cattle, poultry, pigs, hunting and trapping of game.
Forestry -- Planting and growing of trees; conserving of forest and forestry management; logging and felling of trees, charcoal burning, etc..
Gathering wild forest materials -- snails, mushrooms, firewood and charcoal burning.
Vehicles and motorcyles - Sale of new and used vehicles; repairs and maintenance; sale of parts and accessories; car washing and polishing.
Retail of fuels and lubricants -- sale of kerosene, petrol, diesel, engine oils from fuel filling stations.
b. Wholesale Trade
Bulk sale of all goods -- food and agricultural materials, textiles, household goods, etc.
[p. 46]
Re-sale (sale without transforming) of new and used goods to the general public for personal or household use by shops, markets, hawkers, peddlers and auctioneers. Sale by department stores, supermarkets, food and beverage shops, pharmacies and drug stores, hardware and paint shops; textile trading; selling in markets, along pavements and on veranda.
Hotels and Restaurants
b. Restaurants, bars and canteens -- sale of prepared food and drinks for immediate consumption on the premises or as take-aways -- restaurants, chop bars, fast foods, catering activities, drinking bars, canteens.
Economic activity -- P13-P17: Should be related to the past 7 days preceding census night
[P13 to P17 were asked of all persons age 5 years or older.]
[Questions P14-P17 were asked of persons age 5 or older who were engaged in an activity for pay in the 7 days prior to the census (per question P13a) or had worked before and were seeking work or had been engaged in voluntary work without pay in the 7 days prior to the census (per question P13b).]
P15a. Industry.
Economic activity questions cover P13a, P13b, P13c, P14, P15, P15a, P16 and P17. All these questions should be related to the period of 7 days preceding Census Night. They should be asked only for persons aged 5 years and older.
P15. and P15a.
These should be asked of persons who answered:
Industry in P15a refers to the main industrial activity i.e. the main products made or service rendered by the establishment where the respondent works; or if unemployed his/her last place of work. Establishment applies not only to big enterprises such as a biscuit factory, meat factory, financial institutions, etc. but also to the small ones, e.g. hairdressing saloon, roast plantain joint, beer bar, street hawking, etc.
The guiding principle for recording industrial activity is that the main product or service must be the same for all persons employed directly by the same establishment even though they may be doing different type of jobs.
The following examples may help you understand what industrial activity is and what you are required to write down.
a) All persons (lecturers, professors, hall porters, registrar, vice-chancellor, research assistants, gardeners, cleaners, etc.) employed by University of Cape Coast should have university education as their industry.
b) The industrial activity of a self-employed brick layer is brick making. However, the industrial activity of a brick layer employed by a building construction company is construction of houses.
c) For a carpenter who makes window frames and is employed by a firm which builds houses, the major industrial activity you must write down is construction of houses, not window frames, since houses are built by the establishment where the construction carpenter works. If a hotel contracts a building construction company to build some chalets for them, the main product or service of the employees of the building construction company is building of houses and not hotel services.
d) In the same way, if a carpenter is employed by a building construction company which is undertaking a contract for a secondary school, you must write down building construction and not secondary education.
e) For a construction carpenter who is employed directly by a hotel, you must write hotel services as the major industrial activity of the establishment.
f) The major industrial activity of educational institutions, both public and private, are as follows [table]:
This means that when recording main service for persons employed in educational institutions, you should indicate precisely whether respondents work in primary schools, secondary schools, polytechnics, universities, etc.
g) Human health activities
In the same way, a more detailed description of the service offered is required for those employed by health institutions (i.e. hospitals, clinics, etc.). You should differentiate between health facilities which offer both in-patient and out-patient services and those which offer only out-patient services. For health institutions like the Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital, Ridge Hospital, Kaneshie Polyclinic, Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital which have both in-patient and out-patient facilities, the main service will be "hospital activities". For those clinics which have only out-patient facilities, the main service is medical and dental activities.
h) Insurance
You should also make a clear distinction between respondents who work in insurance companies which deal with life insurance and those who cover non-life insurance e.g. marine, fire, aviation, property, health, etc.
i) Wholesale trade
In wholesale trade, distinction should be made between trading in specialized and non-specialized goods. This means dealing in one type of goods e.g. textile clothing and footwear; electronic and telecommunication equipment and parts or dealing in a variety of goods without any particular specialization.
[Below the text there is a graph showing the types of wholesale trade and the correspondent codes.]
j) Retail trade
Similarly, for retail trade, distinction is required first by type of sale outlet i.e. retail trade in stores and retail trade not in stores. For retail trade in stores, further distinction is required between specialized (i.e. range of items sold) and non-specialized retail trade.
Retail trade not in stores is classified by forms of trade e.g. retail sale in stalls and markets, door to door, mail order, by vending machines, on the street, in front of houses, etc.
[Below the text there is a graph showing the types of retail trade and the correspondent codes.]
k) At the market place, different economic activities are carried out. For example, cloth selling, food selling, dressmaking/tailoring/embroidery, corn milling, chop bar activities, hairdressing/barbering, etc. You must specify the actual economic activity of the respondent in the market. Do not record vague terms like 'market activities.'
These distinctions are necessary because they are classified under different industrial groups.
The following questions (17-20) refer to the person's occupation during the previous week (7-13 March 1971), regardless of whether or not the person usually works.
If he/she worked during the previous week (questions 17-19):
___ _ _ _ 18. b) In what type of establishment, farm, enterprise, or service was he/she working?
Questions 18, Type of work and establishment of work [omitted]
Question 19, Occupational status [omitted]
Question 20, Reason for not working [omitted]
Occupation [Questions 11 to 14]
12. If he/she was working or seeking work (answer 1 or 2 in question 11) Answers to questions a and b must be specific. For question c, put an X in the appropriate space. If the person was seeking his or her first job, write "new worker" for questions a and b, and do not answer question c.
___ _ _ _ b) In what type of establishment, enterprise, farm, service, etc. do they work (or did they work, the last time they worked)?
c) What is their occupational status in this job (or in the last job that they held)?
[] 2 Self-employed
[] 3 Assistant in the family business or farm
[] 4 Employee or wage-earner
186. If the respondent is working or seeking work then he has to answer the following questions:
[Omitted, a), b) and c) as in the form]
187. The type of work he is or was doing the last time he worked must be very clear so as to be coded according to the occupational codes.
If his answer is general or vague, e.g. "technician", "employee" or "merchant" or "public servant", more questions are needed so as to clarify e.g. "what kind of technician', "what kind of employee", "what kind of trade, whole sale or retail" etc.
[Bottom of p. 60 and p. 61 omitted]
[p. 62]
190. Question (b) "what is the type of establishment, enterprise, agricultural land, service etc. he works (or was the last time he worked)" refers to the type of economic activity (industry branch) of the establishment, enterprise etc. the enumerated is working or if he is seeking work to the establishment, enterprise etc. he was working last. If seeking work for the first time as before "young" will be recorded.
191. The answer to this question must not be general or vague as e.g. "shop" or "factory" or "company" but must clarify the economic activity of the establishment or service he is working (or was working last). [Examples omitted]
[p. 63 omitted]
[p. 64]
194. Question (c) "occupational status" the enumerated must answer whether he is (or was) employer, self-employed, assistant in the family business or agricultural land, or employee or wage earner.
These categories are clarified as following:
ii) Self-employed is the one that works in his own work without employing salaried or wage earning staff apart maybe a member of his family as unpaid assistant.
iii) Assistant in the family business or agricultural land is the family member working in the family business or agricultural land without pay, except his livelihood, within the time limits defined in paragraph 181.
iv) Employee or wage earner is the person who for his work is having a salary or a day's wage or by contract or percentage on the sales.
195. The employee or wage earner that works on contract but has the materials or is working with percentages on the profits is not to be considered as employee or wage earner. In these cases, he will be considered as employer (if he employs staff) or self-employed (if not employing staff).
16. For those that answered 1 or 2 in question 15 (i.e., those who were working or were looking for work during the previous week) must describe:
a. The type of work they were doing the previous week (or did the last time they worked) question a1.)
___ a1. Type of work
___ _ _ _ a2. What were their activities, duties or obligations in this work?
___ _ _ _ b. In what type of establishment, enterprise, service, etc. did they work during the previous week (or during the last time they worked)?
c. Their class of work in this job (or in the job in which they last worked).
-Answers to questions a1 and b must be specific. For example, for an employee who worked as a salesman in a shoe store during the previous week (or during the last job), the answer should be written as follows: for question a1: "Occupation: shoe salesman"; for question b: "Establishment: shoe store." For question a2, the person's duties, obligations, or activities in this job must be described in detail.
-If, during the previous week, they were seeking work for the first time: write "NEW WORKER" in questions a1, a2, and b, and do not answer question c.
-Do not fill in the three spaces supplied for subsequent coding.
[] 2 Self-employed
[] 3 Employee or wage-earner
[] 4 Assistant in the family business or family farm
12. Level of education
[As in the form, omitted]
[As in the form, omitted]
The question was clear and without problems. In the case of graduates of a foreign educational institution the code of the respective Greek educational institution was checked.
16. For the individuals having answered that they were working or seeking work describe the type of work, the type of the establishment, enterprise etc., as well as their occupational status.
The type of work referred to the enumerated individual's occupation or of that he/she worked last. For those that were seeking work for the first time it was entered the word "young". The coding of the occupation was based on the 3 digits ISCO 68 [88?].
The type of establishment, enterprise etc. referred to the type of economic activity (industry branch) of the establishment where the enumerated individual was working or for those that were seeking work, of that they worked last. For those that were seeking work for the first time it was entered the word "young".
For the coding of the economic activity STAKOD was used, based on the 3 digits NACE Revision 1.
For their occupational status [answers as in the form, omitted].
17. In what type of establishment, enterprise, etc, did you work during the previous week or the last time you worked? (Answer only if the response to question 16 was 1 or 2, i.e., "Working" or "Looking for Work.")
Give a full description (e.g., wool mill).
14. In what type of establishment, enterprise etc., did you work during the previous week or the last time you worked?
Occupational situation in the month before the census
22. Branch of economic activity: In what establishment, shop, office, etcetera, did the person work during the last four weeks before the census? ____
These questions should be asked exclusively of the persons who have informed that they are seven years old or older.
Economic characteristics of the population
The questions oriented to find out which were the economic activities of the population (questions 19 to 26) will only be asked of persons who are seven years old or older. Therefore, for every child who is six years old or younger, you should make an X in the respective spaces across the columns.
Questions 19 to 26 are of great significance, and therefore we request that the enumerator pay the greatest attention possible to the instructions that are given on the following pages for filling them in.
The questions contained in this section of the form have a certain relationship to each other, and therefore, if you do not put special care in completing them, you run the risk of obtaining incompatible information that will cause enormous damage to the posterior process to which the form will be subjected.
In general, the research of the economic characteristics of the population will refer not to the day of the census, but to the month previous to the census, which will be from March 17th to April 17th, 1964.
Question 22: Branch of economic activity (class of establishment, workshop, office, etc.)
As in the previous case, this question should be asked of persons who are seven years old or older who have been working or looking for work during the past four weeks before the census.
This question is closely related to question 21, for which you should write the branch of economic activity (type of establishment, workshop, office, etc.), in which the person carried out the declared occupation, indicating, for greater clarity, the article that is produced or the services that are provided. For example: sugar cane farm, food store, electric company, automobile repair shop, municipality, insurance and finance company, direction of public works, private house, shoe shop, tinsmith's shop, wood furniture factory, etc. You should also avoid the use of vague words, such as workshop, factory, government, commercial establishment, which do not say anything about what we want to know. You should add words that indicate the nature of the establishment that is noted, being always necessary to insist upon the nature of it, the article that is sold or produced, the material that it is made from, etc.
Neither is it enough for the census to note the name of the establishment, for example: "The Occidental" factory, since the activity of the same would not be known. It could well be a factory for shirts, as well as for noodles, or one that makes dresses for women.
In the case of the municipal workers or those of the government, you should note the name of the dependency: general direction of roadways, municipal electrical company, etc.
In the case of persons who work in two or more different establishments, performing the
same occupation (the accountant who works as such in commercial and industrial establishments), you must report the establishment from which you derive the highest income. In case of the income was the same in both parts, you should note the one in which the person spend more time.
In the case of persons who work in an enterprise that does different activities, you should note the branch of economic activity with which the persons are directly connected. If an employee works in a factory that produces soaps and cosmetics, the worker who works in that soap factory should report this establishment, while the person who works in the second activity should inform cosmetics factory. When the same person works in two or more different activities, for example, a teacher who teaches in the morning and in the afternoon attends a commercial establishment, you should note the activity from which he or she obtains the highest income. If the separation of the activities is not possible, you should report the one that he or she considers the most important.
17. Branch of activity
Ask questions 15-19 only for those aged ten (10) years or older.
Question 17: branch of activity
1. How to ask the question:
[p. 79]
Ask, "What is the activity of the enterprise, company, factory, workshop, service, etc. where you are or were employed?"
2. How to record the information:
Write in the space provided the principal activity of the farm or establishment (manufacturing, service, etc.) in which the person performed the work declared in question 16.
Do not use general terms such as factory, ranch, workshop, etc. when you record the information. Do not write the name of the company or enterprise, such as Santa Inés Factory, The Artisan, etc., except if it is a government institution. The following examples illustrate this point:
[The original document includes a table below.]
[Column headings:]
(A) Incorrect answer for branch of activity
(B) Correct answer for branch of activity
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: Santa Luisa farm
Correct answer for branch of activity: raising and finishing beef cattle.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: "my" store
Correct answer for branch of activity: grocery sales.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: stall 13 in the central market
Correct answer for branch of activity: fruit and vegetable sales.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: Aviateca
Correct answer for branch of activity: air transport of passengers and cargo.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: Guastatoya
Correct answer for branch of activity: ground transport of passengers and cargo.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: dress-making shop
Correct answer for branch of activity: manufacture of women's dresses.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: factory
Correct answer for branch of activity: shirt factory.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: workshop
Correct answer for branch of activity: radio repair.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: estate
Correct answer for branch of activity: coffee farm.
3. Example:
[This box contains question 17 of the section VI, "people in the census household."]
Only for those who answered 1, 2, or 3 in question 16
[Questions 17 - 20 are asked for persons who responded 1, 2, or 3 in question 16]
18. Branch of activity
Note: questions 17-20 are only presented to those who answered 1, 2, or 3 for question 16. For those answering 4-9, an "X" is marked in all of the spaces for questions 17-20.
Question 18: industry
1. How to formulate the question
What does the establishment do where you carried out the principal occupation identified?
2. How to record the data
The industry of the establishment where the principal occupation declared in question 17 (manufacturing, service, etc.) is recorded in the space provided.
Generic terms, such as factory, plantation, workshop, etc., should not be used to describe the industry. The name of the establishment should not be used: e.g. Santa Inés Fabric, El Artesano, etc. However, in cases of public sector institutions: central government, semi-autonomous and decentralized entities (IGSS, INDE, etc.), the name should be used. To better illustrate this, the following examples are presented:
[The original document includes a table below.]
[Column headings:]
(A) Incorrect answer for branch of activity
(B) Correct answer for branch of activity
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: farm
Correct answer for branch of activity: raising and fattening cattle.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: store
Correct answer for branch of activity: grocery sales.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: stall 13 in the market
Correct answer for branch of activity: fruit and vegetable sales.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: SAHSA
Correct answer for branch of activity: air transport of passengers and cargo.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: Guastatoya
Correct answer for branch of activity: ground transport of passengers and cargo.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: dress-making shop
Correct answer for branch of activity: manufacture of women's dresses.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: factory
Correct answer for branch of activity: shirt factory.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: workshop
Correct answer for branch of activity: radio repair.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: Santa Luisa farm
Correct answer for branch of activity: coffee farm.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: El Huerto deposit
Correct answer for branch of activity: sale of basic products.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: to produce statistics
Correct answer for branch of activity: General Direction of Statistics
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: repair of roads
Correct answer for branch of activity: General Direction of Roads.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: classification of positions
Correct answer for branch of activity: National Office of Civil Service.
[p. 86]
3. Example:
[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 18 of the census form]
18. Branch of activity
18. Branch of economic activity
Branch of economic activity is the activity of the company in which the person worked during the reference work, or in his/her last job. That is, the branch of activity refers to what the factory, industry, workshop, farm or company where the person works, or worked at his/her last job, does during the reference week.
[A graphic of box 18, "branch of economic activity," is reproduced on the right-hand side of the page.]
[p. 65]
Ask, "What is the branch of economic activity of the factory, workshop, office or establishment where the person was or is employed?"
Write the activity of the company in which the enumerated person performed his/her principal occupation, as declared in question set 17, "principal occupation," in the appropriate spaces.
When describing the branch of activity do not use general terms such as factory, ranch, workshop, store, etc. Do not write the name of the establishment or operation, such as El Ángel Coffee Processing Plant, Las Ilusiones Factory, etc., unless it is a government institution, such as the central government, a semi-independent state agency (IGSS, INDE, etc., including autonomous bodies such (USAC, municipalities, etc.). In those cases, write the name of the entity.
Branches of activity
[The original document includes a table below.]
[Column headings:]
(A) Incorrect answer for branch of economic activity
(B) Correct answer for branch of economic activity
Incorrect answer for branch of economic activity: factory.
Correct answer for branch of economic activity: shirt factory, shoe factory, chocolate factory, food-products factory, factory making traditional woven clothing, wooden furniture factory.
Incorrect answer for branch of economic activity: store.
Correct answer for branch of economic activity: grocery sales.
Incorrect answer for branch of economic activity: workshop.
Correct answer for branch of economic activity: women's dress manufacture, vehicle repair and maintenance.
Incorrect answer for branch of economic activity: Santa Luisa farm.
Correct answer for branch of economic activity: Coffee farming, corn farming, vegetable farming, sugar cane farming, cardamom farming, tobacco farming, etc.
Incorrect answer for branch of economic activity: company.
Correct answer for branch of economic activity: customs-processing office, real-estate office.
[p. 66]
It is important to understand the information about the branch of activity of the person's job to know the production structure of the country, which is important for economic planning. There should always be an answer if the person has a job. Do not leave this area blank!
For persons of age 7 years and older
[Questions 12 to 20 are for persons of age 7 years and older]
[Questions 18 to 20 are asked of persons who worked or experienced unemployed]
20. What is the primary activity of the factory, workshop, office, farm or establishment where you worked or work? ________
This section records individual information for a maximum of ten people - those listed in section 6, "total number of persons in the household." If there are more than ten people in the census household use as many additional forms as necessary.
[A graphic of the "individual characteristics", located at the top of section 7 of the census form, is included here.]
Person number: In the grid spaces on the upper left side of the form, write the number that corresponds to the person according to the order from the list of persons in section VI. The head of household is number 1.
Name: In the appropriate space, write the name of each of the persons who make up the household according to the order in which they appear on the list in question 3 of section VI. Begin with the head of household and continue writing according to the order established.
Information supplied by respondent: This is when the person interviewed gives information about his/her own self. Fill in the appropriate oval according to the information you receive.
Questions 1-11 should be asked for all permanent residents of the household in the dwelling.
Questions 12-20 are for persons aged seven or older.
The reference period for questions 16-20 is the week preceding the census date (from Sunday November 17 to Saturday November 23, 2002).
20. Branch of economic activity
Ask, "In what branch of economic activity is the factory, workshop, office or establishment where the person was or is employed?"
[A graphic of question 20, from section 7 of the census form, is included here.]
Avoid using general terms such as factory, ranch, workshop, store, etc. when you write down the activity.
Write the establishment's branch of activity. Do not write the name of the establishment or operation, such as El Ángel Coffee Processing Plant, Las Ilusiones Factory, etc., unless it is a government institution, such as the central government, or state or local governments (IGSS, INDE, USAC, municipalities, etc.). In those cases, write the name of the entity.
The following are examples of correct/incorrect way to record responses:
[The original document includes a table below.]
[Column headings:]
(A) Incorrect answer for branch of activity
(B) Correct answer for branch of activity
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: Factory.
Correct answer for branch of activity: Shirt factory, shoe factory, chocolate factory, food-products factory, factory making traditional woven clothing, wooden furniture factory.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: Store.
Correct answer for branch of activity: Grocery sales.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: Workshop.
Correct answer for branch of activity: Women's dress manufacture, vehicle repair and maintenance.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: Santa Luisa Farm.
Correct answer for branch of activity: Coffee farming, corn farming, vegetable farming, sugar cane farming, cardamom farming, tobacco farming, etc.
Incorrect answer for branch of activity: Company.
Correct answer for branch of activity: Customs-processing office, real-estate office.
17. Economic activity branch ___
Write the economic activity branch in which the person currently is occupied, or was previously occupied, for instance: Food crops farming, Retail shop, Shoe factory, Administration, etc.
Column (17): Branch of economic activity
137. Ask questions and record very precisely the institution (company, establishment, workshop) for which the person:
-worked, if they are unemployed (ST)
For example, you will write:
-Private jewelry shop or carpenter's workshop, etc., depending on the situation
-Photo studio for a photographer working with his apprentice(s);
-Road transport for a taxi driver [or] private carrier;
-TUC or COTRA for an employee of the TUC enterprise or of COTRA;
-BNDA (National Bank for Agricultural Development) for an employee of this bank;
-Ministry of Health Office for anyone working in the office of the Ministry of Health (regardless of his/her profession). However, for others workers [whose jobs come] under the Ministry of Health, specify according to the case: Ignace Deen Hospital, 'X' Clinic, 'Y' Maternity Hospital, the National Health Institute, etc.
This distinction should be made for all Ministries, giving as much detail as possible about the place of work.
-Family plot/field for an Agricultural Worker (farmer, stockbreeder) and the members of his household who work with him.
-CER November 22nd for any CER worker, whether it be an orderly, professor, CER director or driver.
-ENTA for anyone who works for the National Tobacco and Match Company in whatever capacity.
-Buildings and TP for all workers responsible for the construction of buildings, bridges, roads, etc. These workers should be distinguished from those of the Office of the TP Ministry and the Office of the Ministry of Urbanism. These latter are classified in the Branch of Economic Activity: "Public Administration and National Defense."
-SNE for all employees of the National Electric Company in whatever capacity, whether in Conakry, Kindia, Boké or Labé.
138. The enumerator is asked to indicate as precisely as possible the place of work to allow an easy breakdown of employed (OCC) and unemployed (ST) in the various economic branches of the nation.
Residents of 6 years or more
[Questions P22- P25 were asked of resident persons age 3 or more.]
P25. Sector of activity
20. Branch of work: What does this person's company make/do?
Question 20: Branch of activity
81. The branch of activity refers to the activity of the establishment or company where the person has worked for most of the period of reference.
Clearly record what the business or employer does in general (for example, manufacture of shoes, bike repair, retail of cloth, subsistence crops, etc.)
Write down "government" for all employees and government employees of the state.
In the case where the employee is a maid at an individual's home, write down "domestic service".
For a typist working in a building company, write down "building construction".
24. What is the principal type of goods produced or services provided by the company where this person worked (or by the person him/herself if this person is independent)?
17. Where do you work or did you work most recently?
Write the type of establishment, business, workshop, or farm were [the person] worked most of the time during the year.
Columns 17, 18, and 19: The last three questions are asked to all those who worked or sought employment; that is, to all those who have an answer in column 16 and those who despite not having worked all year, claimed to be seeking work.
Column number 17: Where do you work or where did you work most recently?
This question is designed to find out the type of establishment or other place where the person works. The name of the establishment or place is written down: e.g. own farm, private home, clothing factory, brick factory, pharmacy, carpentry shop, mechanic?s workshop, shoe store, company farm, own house, etcetera.
For those who are not working at the time of enumeration, record the name of the establishment where they worked most of the time during the year between May 1, 1960 and April 30, 1961.
In the rare case where a person has a permanent employment but is working in another activity at the time of enumeration, the name of the establishment where the person permanently works is written down. For example: a person who works as a typist in the offices of Standard Fruit Co is on vacation or suspended from work at the time of enumeration and is working as a salesclerk in a store, the enumerator will write down "typist in Banana Co." and not the name of the store.
If a person works in a store as a salesclerk, the correct annotation is "salesclerk in a store", "salesclerk in a pharmacy" or "salesclerk in a bookstore". The type of establishment should be written down.
For those who work in more than one establishment, such as for example; an accountant for a commercial firm who also works as a teacher in a school, write down the profession that brings in the highest income or the one to which more time is dedicated.
For those who have never worked and have been seeking employment in the last month, "new worker" is written down in this column and dashes (--) are written into columns 18 and 19.
(For all individuals 10 years of age and older)
17. (For those who answered 1, 2 or 3 in question 14)
The answers in question set 14 are the basis for categorizing the population aged ten and older as economically active (employed and unemployed) and economically inactive (students, domestic work (unpaid), those who live from rental or investment income, retired workers and the disabled).
The questions in this section refer to the situation in the week immediately preceding the census date (the week of February 25-March 2).
Question set 17: Where did you/the person work the week of February 25 - March 2, or during the last employment that you/the person had?
This is only for persons who stated an occupation (question set 15).
The ultimate goal of this question is to find out where the person performs or performed the occupation stated in question 15. To obtain information that is as exact as possible, ask the name of the principal activity of the establishment, business or office.
Write the type and name of the establishment, agricultural establishment, business or office and its principal activity in the designated space. Note the following before you fill out this question set:
A) If the person who worked during the week of February 25 -March 2 worked for the government, or if the last time he/she worked it was for the government, write the name of the office or institution and do not fill in the space for "Principal Activity." For example:
B) If the person worked during the week of February 25 - March 2 for a private enterprise or, if the last time he/she worked it was for a private enterprise, write the type, name and principal activity of the enterprises/establishment where the person works or last worked.
The original document includes a table below.]
[Column headings:]
(A) Name of the establishment
(B) Main activity
C) If the person worked by himself/herself during the week of February 25 - March 2, either with or without employees or a family employee, or if the last time he/she worked it was by himself/herself, write the name and the principal activity of the business. If the business does not have a name, write a horizontal line and just write the principal activity of the business.
[p. 46]
In some cases, it is impossible to determine the name of the establishment or company where the enumerated person works or worked. In these cases write in the space intended for principal activity as follows:
If the person works or worked on a farm without a name, or a name that the respondent does not remember, write Farm.
If the person works or worked in a family's house as a domestic employee, cook, nanny, washerwoman, ironer, gardener, etc., write Family house.
If the person works or worked in his/her own home as a seamstress, tailor, washerwoman, ironer, seller of fried food products, etc. write: In his/her own home.
If the persons works or worked for himself/herself in the street as a car washer, street seller, garden or courtyard cleaner, shoe shiner, etc. write In the street.
For fishermen who work or worked for themselves "at sea," write At sea.
Special cases: If a person works or worked at the same occupation for more than one establishment, business or office, for example, as an accountant who does or did the books for a factory and a department store, write the name of the business and the principal activity for which he/she receives or received the most money.
For persons 7 years old or more
[Questions 12-16 were asked of persons aged 7 years or older]
16. What is the principal activity of the business, institution, or place where the person last worked or works? For example: corn farming, furniture factory, passenger transportation, etc.
Question 16: What is the principal activity or production of the business, institution, or place where the person last worked or works?
Obtain from the informant a precise answer about the activity of the institution where [the person] works or worked last time.
Activity is what the business, workshop, institution, or organization produces or does; it is what all of the workers do as a group to produce a product, to provide a service, or to sell a good.
You should specifically describe the product that the business cultivates, the product that it manufactures or prepares, the product that it sells or the services that it provides.
The activity should never be written:
Below we describe some examples of activity and the form for writing them on the form:
[First column]
[Second column]
You should take into account that in many cases, the occupation is identical to the activity, specially in those small businesses or when the person carries out an activity in artisan form in his or her dwelling.
For example: [The original document includes a table below.]
[Column headings:]
(A) Occupation
(B) Activity
To strengthen knowledge, it is necessary that during the training you make a list of the most frequent occupations that exist in the villages and the municipalities.
17.1 Your employer's name
____ Main activity
____ Address
17.2 Name of your workplace
____ Main activity
17.1 You have to fill in the registered name, main activity and address of the enterprise or organization at which you carry on your occupation in question 15.1.
17.2 Fill in your enterprise or organization workplace where you actually work (factory, shop, office, etc.)
The entry is the official denomination of the business organization (undertaking, enterprise, social security establishment, non-profit organization, etc.) where the enumerated person (as employee or working member of the undertaking) works, which is marked in question 15.1 as the person's employer.
In cases of professional and civilian members, civil servants working for the armed forces -- with the exemption of the elected and nominated civil servants of the Ministry of Defense -- the entry are always "armed forces" and the questions relating to the main activity of the employer and to the actual address will not be answered.
In case of professional and civilian members, civil servants working for the security services (police, professional fire service of the municipalities, civilian security services, detention services, excise and duty offices) -- with the exemption of the elected and nominated civil servants of the Ministry of Interior -- the entry is always "security services" and the questions relating to the main activity of the employer and to the actual address will not be answered.
The elected and nominated employees of the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Interior respectively should mark the respective ministry as employer. In cases of the persons in civilian security service the workplace is the one where the given person fulfils his/her duties.
In cases of private entrepreneurs and their family helpers, the proper entry is the description of the activity of the person (e.g. repairing motorcars as private entrepreneur).
In cases of persons working for a private household (e.g. as domestic help), it is sufficient to mark "private household" and the question 17.2 (main activity and exact address of the employer) will not be answered.
In cases of institutions in the authority of the local municipalities (schools, health organizations, etc.), the employer instead of the mayor's office is the appropriate establishment (school, hospital etc.).
Main activity?
The main activity of the employer marked above is the business/production activity which ensures the highest revenue or in which activities the majority of the staff members are employed.
The main activity of the employer should be marked even in case the denomination of the company indicates it.
IV. Occupation, workplace and transport
30. Name the typical activity of your employer or enterprise or description of the activity of your employer or enterprise (current or last employer): ________
30. Name the typical activity of your employer or enterprise, OR description of the activity of your employer or enterprise (current or last employer):
The company, enterprise (factory, unit, premises, shop, school, etc.) where the respondent actually works must be indicated as the employer. For those who are in employment relationship with a company hiring manpower must indicate the enterprise where he/she is actually working and not the agency as employer. Beside the name of the employer, the main activity has to be indicated by all means (e.g. Kontroll Kft, tax consultancy, Magveto Kiadó, book publisher, Lakópark Kft., building dwellings, József Attila Primary school, basic education). If the respondent does not want to give the name, he/she should provide detailed answers which enable to establish the activity, tasks of the enterprise (factor making preparatory work for printing office, manufactory producing food, book publishing, impatient service, private road goods transport). In case the firm has more activity, write the most typical one.
In the employer is a private household, it is enough to write 'private household'.
IV. 10 years or older
18. Did you do any work last week?
[] No
23. Industry (write completely)
I. Industry
The industry of the company/institution/corporation where a person works or has worked before.
Coal mining, gas and oil mining
Food manufacturing, household appliance manufacturing
Electricity, gas, water purification
Trade, restaurant, hotel, inn, café
Navy, marine, army, communications
Banking, insurance, services
Government, defense, social services, entertainment, etc.
8.1.2. Filling procedure for Questions 18 to 23
The accuracy of the answer for these Questions depends on the enumerator's ability to ask the questions. To obtain the best results, follow these directions:
6. Question 23
If the answer for Question 18 [Have you worked in the past week?] is "Yes", ask for Question 23:
"What is the industry of your work?"
If the answer for Question 20 [Have you ever worked?] is "Yes", ask for Questionnaire 23:
"What was the industry of your previous work?"
Write the complete answer for Question 23. Use the example of industry from the previous page. Do not write only the name of the company, but also the activity of the company.
D3-D7. Primary occupation during the past week
[Questions D3-D8 were asked of persons age 10 or older who worked at least one hour during the past week, as per questions D1 and D2.]
D4. Industry
In what industry was that work?
Coded by central office: _ _
Primary activity during the past week
For those who worked or ever worked during the past week, the first thing to investigate is the primary activity. If during the past week someone, besides engaging in his primary activity also engages in a side line or additional work, the investigation here is only concerned with the main activity whereas the side line or additional work will be asked about later. For those whose main activity was not work but had ever worked (at least 1 hour), then the work they did for at least 1 hour will be considered their main activity. What will be asked here is occupation, field of work, status, place of work, and duration of the work during the past week.
Column (6) Field of industry/activity.
What is intended here is the field of industry/activity of the job/work/business/institution where someone worked or ever worked during the past week.
Coal mining, oil and gas exploration, etc.
Food processing, clothing industry, furniture maker, paper maker, etc.
Electricity, gas, steam, water purification.
Wholesale, retail merchandising, restaurant, coffee shop, hotel, motel, etc.
Land transport, water transport, air transport, communications.
Financial institutions, insurance, real estate and service industry.
Government and the military, social and community services.
Tourist and entertainment services, individual services, etc.
Filling in the form
The way to ask the question should be as follows:
Write the respondent's answer as completely as possible like the examples given above. Thus, in this column
do not just write the name of the company, but the field of industry/activity and also the corporate name.
Do not fill in the code for column (7); it will be filled in at C.B.S.
35. Type of industry in which primary activity of the previous week was carried out
Q.5 Describe the type of activity/field of work of the working place/company/office of the [respondent's] main occupation
Block VIII: Labor force (Persons age 10 or older)
Question 5: Type of activity/field of industry of the place of work/business/office.
Write clearly and completely the type of activity/field of industry of the place of work/business/office of the primary occupation; to facilitate in the coding:
[pg. 68]
Type of activity/field of industry of the place of work/business/office is the field of activities of the place of work/business/company/institution where someone works.
Type of activity/field of industry of the place of work/business/office:
a. "Agriculture covers food crops, commercial crops, animal production, forestry, fishery and hunting, including agricultural services".
Examples of food crops:
Examples of plantation crops: tobacco, tea, eucalyptus, coffee, chocolate, palm oil, pepper, nutmeg, vanilla, kapok, quinine, clove, sugar cane, agave, and rubber.
Non-plantation crops include: orchids, jasmine, roses, flowers, and other decorative plants.
[pg. 69]
(v) "Forestry and logging" is the activity/field of industry that covers forestry enterprises, harvesting forest products, logging, including forest services to meet the needs of forest management which are carried out on a contract basis.
"Forest enterprise" is the activity/field of industry that covers re- planting, trans-planting and cultivation efforts and moving different types of plants for example teak, pines, mahogany, sandalwood, and others.
"Harvesting forest products" is the activity/field of industry that covers activities such as collecting resin, rubber sap, rattan, bark, foliage, flowers, roots, honey, bird nests, and charcoal making.
"Logging" is the activity/field of industry that covers cutting the forest wood to produce raw logs or planks from bamboo and various types of wood (types of wood: meranti, pulai, keruing, meramin, kayu besi, kayu hitam).
[pg. 70]
(vii) "Ocean/sea fishing" is the activity/field of industry that covers the capture and extraction of marine products such as fish, prawn, crab, mussels, pearls, seaweed, coral, jellyfish and others. This category also includes support services of marine fishery on the basis of contracts for services such as sorting, grading, and preparation of marine products for auction.
(viii) "Fish farming" is the activity/field of industry that covers the breeding, fish nursery, capture of fish/prawn either in brackish or fresh water environments. This category also includes support services of fish farming on the basis of contracts for services such as sorting and grading of fish farm products, maintenance and improvements of fish ponds, pest eradication, fertilizing, and management of water irrigation systems for fish farming.
b. "Mining and quarrying" is the activity/field of industry that covers the extraction of coal, petroleum, and gas, metal ore, stone, clay, sand, salt, other minerals, chemicals and fertilizers materials, gypsum, asphalt, and limestone.
c. "Manufacturing/crafting (including industry services)" is the activity/field of industry that covers the processing of raw materials into intermediate/finished goods; the process changes the form of the goods from those with a lower value to those with a higher value.
d. "Electricity, gas and water"
[pg. 71]
(iii) "Water treatment, supply and distribution" is the activity/field of industry that covers the water collection, treatment, and distribution to households, industry, and other commercial uses.
e. "Construction" is the activity/effort of industry that covers building/improving/demolishing buildings/houses, roads and bridges, railroads and rail bridges, tunnels, dams and canals, airport runways, dock and ports, parking lots, sport fields, electric power generation stations, power transmission and distribution facilities, and communication network facilities. Also included here is the installation of pumps, drilling of wells, etc.
f. "Trade" is the activity/field of industry that covers buying and selling of goods or services; also included in this category are restaurants, cafes, catering, railway food services, cafeterias, canteens, food stalls, and accommodation facilities (hotels, motels, hostels and inns).
g. "Transportation, storage, and communication"
(ii) "Storage" is the activity/field of industry that covers the storage with all the required facilities such as cold storage for goods that require refrigeration, bonded warehousing.
(iii) "Communication" is the activity/field of industry that covers public communication services such as post, telephone, telex or radio.
[pg. 72]
h. "Financial institutions, insurance, real estate activities, and related services"
Also included in this category are pawn shops, security transactions, stock exchanges, money changers, and savings and loans institutions.
(ii) "Insurance" is the activity/field of industry that provides life and health insurance, insurance for shipping accidents, goods/property, and marketable securities. Also included in this category are insurance services, insurance agents, insurance consultants, and pension funds.
(iii) "Real estate activity" is the activity/field of industry that covers rental, purchase, and sale of real property, real estate brokers, agents and managers who manage the buying, selling, and appraising of buildings/land on a service contract basis. This category includes legal, accounting, architectural, data processing and tabulation, market research services, building services, and services for the rental of machines and equipment. Rental of machinery and tools for agriculture and construction with the operators are included in the agricultural and construction industry categories respectively.
i. "Social and personal services" is the activity/field of industry that covers institutions such as legislative bodies, governments, defense and security, international agencies and other agencies. In this category are also services for education, health, hygiene, entertainment and culture, social welfare carried out by the government or the private sector. Personal and household services include private tutoring, shaman, laundries, barbers, repair services, doctors in private practice, midwives, welders, beauty salons, masseuses, photography studios, maids, etc.
[pg. 73]
j. "Other" is any activity/field of industry that cannot be classified into one of the fields above (items a through i) or that is unclear or has not yet been defined.
Example: Field of industry, occupation, and status of employment
2. Madun is a rice farmer who is assisted by his wife and child. Mrs. Siti makes mats to sell by herself. Sutoyo is a private driver for Mrs. Prayogo. Marred does sewing and is helped by her spouse and when necessary hires someone else to help. Tarnin is a driver at a factory producing local herb drinks (jamu). Mami looks for wood in the forest by himself which he later sells.
[pg. 74]
The following is a table showing the information that should be recorded for example 1 [table]:
[Column headings:]
(A) Name
(B) Field of industry
(C) Occupation
(D) Status of employment
Name: Firman
Field of industry: Shoe manufacturing
Occupation: Manager of a shoe factory
Status of employment: Employer with permanent employees
Name: Firdaus
Field of industry: Shoe manufacturing
Occupation: Treasurer
Status of employment: Family worker
Name: Wagino
Field of industry: Shoe manufacturing
Occupation: Buys raw materials
Status of employment: Employee
Name: Yanto
Field of industry: Shoe manufacturing
Occupation: Supervisor
Status of employment: Employee
Name: Fenty
Field of industry: Shoe manufacturing
Occupation: Typist
Status of employment: Employee
Name: Anton
Field of industry: Shoe manufacturing
Occupation: Driver
Status of employment: Employee
Name: Diman
Field of industry: Shoe manufacturing
Occupation: Shoe maker
Status of employment: Employee
Name: Ramli
Field of industry: Shoe manufacturing
Occupation: Office boy
Status of employment: Employee
The following is a table showing the information that should be recorded for example 2 [table]:
[Column headings:]
(A) Name
(B) Field of industry
(C) Occupation
(D) Status of employment
Name: Madun
Field of industry: Rice farming
Occupation: Rice farmer
Status of employment: Self-employed assisted by family workers
Name: Mrs. Siti
Field of industry: Mat making
Occupation: Mat maker
Status of employment: Self employed
Name: Sutoyo
Field of industry: Personal services
Occupation: Driver
Status of employment: Employee
Name: Marred
Field of industry: Personal services (tailor)
Occupation: Seamstress
Status of employment: Self-employed assisted by family workers and temporary workers
Name: Tarnin
Field of industry: Herb medicine manufacturing
Occupation: Driver
Status of employment: Employee
Name: Mami
Field of industry: Forestry
Occupation: Collects wood from the forest
Status of employment: Self-employed
24. The main activity done during previous week
[] 2 Attending school
[] 3 Housekeeping
[] 4 Other
25. Besides [answers] 2, 3, and 4 [in question 24], also worked at least 1 hour during the previous week
[] 1 Yes (go to question 28)
[] 2 No
26. Having a job/business but temporarily not working during previous week
[] 1 Yes (go to question 30)
[] 2 No
31. Field of main work during previous week (write down completely)
Question 24: Most frequent activity conducted during the past week
A week ago is a time period of 7 consecutive days that ends a day before the date of the enumeration. For example, if the enumeration was conducted on October 14, the week before began from October 7 until October 13.
Activity covers the activity of working, attending school, a homemaking and others (for example, actively seeking a job, join courses, sports, or recreation). Those who are incapable of working are categorized as "Other".
Most frequent activity is the most time consuming activity compared to the others.
The most time consuming activity is calculated by comparing the time used for work, school, household work and others (actively seeking a job, incapable of conducting an activity, courses or sports). Leisure time used for relaxing, resting, sleeping and planting for working people, attending school, or taking care of a household are not used as a comparison.
Working is an activity of conducting work in order to obtain income or profits at least for one hour during the previous week. Working for an hour has to be conducted consecutively and continuously, including those who have a job but is temporarily not working. Earnings or profits cover salary/wages including all allowances, bonus and earnings from leasing, interests and profits in the form of cash or goods.
b. A person who conducts activities that produce goods (not rice or a second crop) for self-consumption such as sewing one's own clothes, painting for a private collection, cooking for one's own family and fishing for pleasure, is not considered to be working.
c. Household members who help the work of the household head or that of other members, for example in the rice field, stall/shop, etc. are considered to be working, although they do not receive salary/wages ("Unpaid worker")
d. A person who hires machines/farm machinery, industrial machines, party equipments, transportation vehicle or others is categorized as "Working".
e. Housemaid/servant is categorized as "Working", whether or not they are a member of their employer's household.
f. A prisoner who conducts activities such as planting, making furniture or other is not considered to be working.
g. A person who rents his farm to another person and shares the products is categorized as "Working" if he/she is responsible or is managing the farm.
Attending school is attending classes in a formal school at the primary level or other levels (secondary and high), including those on vacation. For those who also go to school and work, the activity during the past week is the one which is the most time consuming.
Taking care of the household is the activity of doing household work/helping without receiving salary/wages.
A housewife, or her children who help with household activities, is categorized as "Taking care of a household". A helper who does the same activities but receives salary/wages is not categorized as "Taking care of a household", but rather is categorized as "Working".
"Other" are activities besides working, such as attending school, household work, those who are incapable of conducting activities, such as elderly people, handicapped or those who obtain pension and do not work anymore.
Circle one of the appropriate codes based on the respondent's answer; if the answer is Code 1 continue the interview to Question 28.
Question 25: Did you work at least one hour during the past week?
Circle code 1 if the answer is "Yes" then continue to Question 28. Circle code 2 if the answer is "No" then continue to Question 26.
Question 26: Employed but temporarily not working during the past week?
Circle code 1 if the answer is "Yes" then continue to Question 30. Circle code 2 if the answer is "No" then continue to Question 27.
Those who are categorized as employed but are temporarily not working are those who have a job but during the past week did not work because of several causes such as illness, waiting for harvest, or on strike. Also [include] those who had a job but did not start work in the previous week.
b. A civil worker or a private worker who is not working because on leave, sick, on strike, or is temporarily relieved because the establishment has stopped its activities due to for example: machinery problems, lack of raw material, etc.
c. A farmer who is not working because he/she is sick or waiting for a next job, such as waiting for harvest or the rainy season to work at the rice field.
d. A person who is in the process of waiting to be selected as a worker or has received a letter from the company (although has not started working).
Question 31: Field of main work during the past week
Please write down the field of the main work during the past week.
Field of work is the activity undertook by the establishment/institution where a person works.
Field of work in the agriculture sector covers food crop agriculture, field, forestry, livestock, fishery and hunting, including agriculture services.
Grain: rice, corn, wheat, and other grains.
Tuber: cassava, sweet potato, potato and other tuber
Beans: peanut, soybean, mung bean, and other beans
Vegetables: spinach, swamp cabbage, cabbage, pumpkin, carrot, spring onion, celery, cucumber, eggplant, etc.
Fruits banana, papaya, mango, rambutan, oranges, avocado, durian, snake fruit, mangosteen, apple, pineapple, etc.
2. Other agricultural products is the undertaking of the preparation/planting, cultivation of seedlings, seedbed, maintenance and harvesting food crop. Other agriculture products are categorized into plantation crops and other plants besides plantation crops.
Other plantation crop products such as: orchid, jasmine, rose, bougainvillea and other garden plants.
3. Husbandry is the undertaking of raising large livestock, small livestock, poultry, bees, silk worms, including the breeding of livestock.
Small livestock such as: goat, lamb, pig and rabbit.
Poultry such as: chicken, broiler chicken, duck, manila duck, swan, quail, doves and turkey.
4. Farming and husbandry services is undertaking the development of soil, fertilizing, seed planting, harvesting, pruning, sorting and gradation of farming products. Also including skinning, grinding, packaging, irrigation, farming machines rental with operator, health services for husbandry, fur/wool shearing, services on grass for feed and the development of husbandry that is conducted based on fringe benefits or contract.
5. Forestry and timber industry is undertaking the plantation of forest wood, collecting forest products and forest wood. Also includes activities to fulfill forestry needs and based on fringe benefits or contract.
Collecting forest products is an activity that includes seeking damar, forest rubber, rattan, bark, leaves, flowers, roots, honey, seagull nests and charcoal production in the forest.
Timber industry is an activity that includes wood chopping, which produces logs or rough wood such as meranti, meramin, pulai, keruing, iron wood, and black wood including bamboo.
6. Hunting/catching wild animals, hunting with traps, breeding animals is an activity that includes hunting/catching wild animals with traps and breeding animals such as snakes, crocodile etc.
7. Sea fishery is an effort on cultivation, catching and taking sea products such as fish, shrimp, crab, shell fish, pearl, seaweed, reefs, jelly fish etc, including the services of sea fishery conducted based on fringe benefits or contract, such as sorting, gradation and preparation of fish auction.
8. Freshwater fishery is an effort on the cultivation, seedling fish/shrimp, fishing in salty water or fresh water, including the effort on services of freshwater fishery based on fringe benefits or contract such as sorting, grading the freshwater fishery products. Also [includes] the maintenance and reparation of fish ponds, pest control, fertilizing and the implementation of the watering system for fishponds.
9. Mining and quarrying is undertaking the field of mining and quarrying such as coal mining, oil and natural gas, iron ore, stone mining, clay, sand, mining and quarrying of salt, mineral mining, chemical materials and fertilizer materials also the mining of gypsum, asphalt and limestone.
10. Handicraft industry (including industrial services) is undertaking the conversion of basic materials into ready-made commodities or half made commodities, or of commodities with less value into commodities with a higher value.
Electricity, gas and water
2. Gas is an activity on the production and distribution of natural gas, to be sold to households, industries and others for commercial use.
3. Water purification, provision and water distribution is an activity pertaining to the reservoir, purification and distribution of water to household industries and others for commercial use.
Construction is undertaking works of construction, repairs, building demolition, roads and bridges, roads and train bridges, tunnels, airplane runway, dock building, parking lot, sport field, electric power plants, transmission and distribution network, and network communication. Included in this category is the installation of water pumps, digging water well/WC, rental of machinery/construction equipment including the operator, etc.
Trading is undertaking activities of selling/ purchasing goods or services, including restaurants, diners/bar, caterer, restaurant on trains, cafeteria, stalls, an accommodation (hotels, motels, hostels and inns).
Transportation, storage and communication
2. Storage is the undertaking of storage of commodities in a warehouse with its facilities, also the storage of commodities in a cold storage and a warehouse for commodities in a certain area.
3. Communication is the undertaking of communication services for the public through postal, telephone, telegram/telex or a pager device.
Finance, insurance, included the undertaking of the rental of buildings, land and establishment services.
2. Insurance is the undertaking of insurance, such as life insurance, services, accidents, health, and commodities including insurance services, insurance agencies, and consultant for insurance and pension funds.
3. Lease/sell and purchase land, building, and establishment services are undertaking the lease/selling and purchasing of real estate, real estate agency, broker and manager who organize the rent, transportation rental business on land/water/air without the operator, purchase, selling and property/building valuation based on fringe benefits or contract. This also includes legal services, accounting services and book keeping architectural services and techniques, advertising service, data processing services and tabulation, building services, marketing research and machinery rental services. The rental of machinery/agriculture instruments and construction including the operator is categorized in the agriculture and building sector.
Community, social and individual services is the undertaking of a legislative institution, highest state institution, defense and security, international corporation and other extra territorial corporation including education services, health, sanitary, entertainment and culture, social welfare organized by the government or private. Also individual services and households such as private tutors, native healer, laundry, barber, repairmen, doctor who has private practice, midwife, welder, beauty salon, photo studio, masseur, helper, etc.
Other is undertaking of an individual or institution not included in one of the sectors mentioned above or is not clearly defined, such as scavengers and beggars.
Please write clearly and complete the field of work/establishment/office of the main work to ease the coding by the BPS-Statistics. Do not use the local language such as mracang, warung sampah if there are no terms in the Indonesian language to define the field of work.
[Questions 604-608 were asked of persons age 10 or older who are employed, worked at least one hour or held a job but were temporarily absent during the previous week, as per questions 601, 602 and 603.]
607. Type of industry in primary activity during the previous week
Question 607: Industry of main work during the past week
Please write down the field of the main work [done] during the past week. The coding will be conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics/Type A Statistic Office.
Field of work is undertaking activities of an occupation/establishment/an institution where a person works.
Field of work in the agriculture sector covers food crop agriculture, field, forestry, livestock, fishery and hunting, including agriculture services.
5. Forestry and timber industry is undertaking the plantation of forest wood, collecting forest products, forest wood, including those activities to fulfill forestry needs based on fringe benefits or contracts.
7. Sea fishery is an effort on cultivation, catching and taking sea products such as fish, shrimp, crab, shell fish, pearl, seaweed, reefs, jelly fish, etc., including the services of sea fisheries conducted based on fringe benefits or contracts, such as sorting, gradation and preparation of fish auctions.
8. Freshwater fishery is an effort on the cultivation, seedling fish/shrimp, fishing in salt water or fresh water, including the effort on services of freshwater fishery based on fringe benefits or contracts such as sorting, grading the freshwater fishery products, the maintenance and reparation of fish ponds, pest control, fertilizing, and the implementation of the watering system for fishponds.
Mining and quarrying is undertaking the field of mining and quarrying such as coal mining, oil and natural gas, iron ore, stone mining, clay, sand, mining and quarrying of salt, mineral mining, chemical materials and fertilizer materials, the mining of gypsum, asphalt and limestone.
Handicraft industry (including industrial services) is undertaking the conversion of basic materials into ready-made commodities or converting commodities if lesser value into commodities with a higher value.
Electricity, gas and water
2. Gas is an activity on the production and distribution of natural gas, to be sold to households, industries and other commercial use.
3. Water purification, provision and water distribution is an activity pertaining to the reservoir, purification and distribution of water to household industries and other commercial use.
Construction is an undertaking of construction, repairs, building demolition, roads and bridges, roads and train bridges, building tunnels, airplane runway, dock building, parking lot, sport field, electric power plants, transmission and distribution networks, network communication building, installation of water pumps, digging water wells/WC, rental of machinery/construction equipment including the operator, etc.
Trading is undertaking activities of selling/purchasing goods or services, including restaurants, diners/bars, caterers, restaurants on trains, cafeterias, stalls, and accommodation (hotels, motels, hostels and inns).
The sector of transportation, storage and communication
b. Storage is the undertaking of storage of commodities in a warehouse, cold storage, or other certain areas.
c. Communication is the undertaking of communication services for the public through postal, telephone, telegram/telex or a pager device.
The sector of finance, insurance, including undertaking the rental of buildings, land and establishment services.
b. Insurance is the undertaking of insurance such as life insurance services, accidents, health, and commodities including insurance services, insurance agencies, insurance consulting, and pension funds.
c. Lease/sell and purchase land, building, and establishment services are undertaking the lease/sale and purchase of immovable property, such as real estate agent, broker and manager who organizes the rent, transportation rental business on land/water/air without the operator, purchase, sale and property/building valuation based on fringe benefits or contracts. Also included are legal services, accounting services, book keeping, architectural services and techniques, advertising services, data processing services and tabulation, building services, marketing research and machinery rental services. The rental of machinery/agricultural instruments and construction that include the operator is categorized in the agriculture and building sector.
Community, social and individual services are the undertaking of legislative institutions, state institutions, defense and security, international corporations and other extra territorial corporations including education services, health, sanitary, entertainment and culture, social welfare organized by the government or private institutions. Also included are individual services such as private tutors, native healers, launderers, barbers, repairmen, doctors who have private practices, midwives, welders, beauticians, photo studio workers, masseurs, helpers, etc.
Other is undertaking of an individual, institution not included in one of the sectors mentioned above, or not clearly defined, such as scavengers and creditors.
Please write clearly and complete the field of work/establishment/office of the main work to ease the coding by the Central Bureau of Statistics/Type A Provincial Statistic Office. Do not use the local language such as mracang, warung sampah; use Indonesian language to define the field of work.
12. If Q11 code 1, type of main industry
[] 2 Plantation
[] 3 Fishery
[] 4 Animal husbandry
[] 5 Other agriculture
[] 6 Manufacturing
[] 7 Trade
[] 8 Services
[] 9 Transportation
[] 0 Others
Question 12: Main industry
Main industry is based on the activity of the enterprise/corporation/institution where the respondent works or previously worked. If the respondent works in more than one industry, the industry recorded is the industry where the respondent works for the longest time. If the work time is distributed evenly at all types of jobs held by the respondent, please choose the one that is the highest paid. Moreover, if the salary level and time work is evenly distributed across all types of main industries, then the answer is based on the respondent's preference.
1. Food crops
2. Plantation
3. Fishery
4. Animal husbandry
5. Other agriculture
6. Manufacturing
7. Trade
8. Services
9. Transportation
10. Others
1. Food crops is the undertaking of preparation/planting, cultivation of seedlings, seedbed, maintenance and harvesting food crops, which covers: cereal, herbs, vegetables, beans, fruits.
2. Plantation is the undertaking of preparation/planting, cultivation of seedlings, seedbed, maintenance and harvesting plantation crops. Other agricultural products and other plants are categorized into plantation crops. Plantation crops include: tobacco, tea, coffee, eucalyptus, palm oil, nutmeg and rubber. Other plants include: orchid, jasmine, rose, bougainvillea and other garden plants.
3. Fishery sector includes sea fishery and freshwater fishery production.
Freshwater fishery is an effort in cultivation, seedling fish/shrimp, fishing in salty water or fresh water, including the services of freshwater fisheries based on fringe benefits or contracts such as sorting and grading the freshwater fishery products. Also included are the maintenance and reparation of fish ponds, pest control, fertilizing, and the implementation of the watering system for fishponds.
4. Animal husbandry is the undertaking of raising large livestock, small livestock, poultry, bees, and silk worms, including the breeding of livestock.
Small livestock such as: goats, lamb, pigs and rabbits.
Poultry such as: chickens, broiler chickens, ducks, manila ducks (entok), swans, quails, doves and turkeys.
Minimum numbers for husbandry (MBH) in livestock/poultry
[Livestock]/Poultry type - MBH
Milking cow - 1 head
Cow - 2 heads
Buffalo - 2 heads
Horse - 2 heads
Pig - 3 heads that are age 2 months or older
Goat - 6 heads
Sheep - 6 heads
Local chickens - 30 heads
Broiler chicken for egg production - 12 heads
Broiler chicken for meat production - 12 heads
Duck + manila duck (entok) - 15 heads
Specific for poultry production, the age must be at least 1 (one) month.
If the household has more than one type of poultry/livestock, then do not apply MBH. Also, if the output production value is more than Rp. 200,000, it should be included into husbandry production.
5. Other agriculture:
Collecting forest products covers activities that include seeking dammar, forest rubber, rattan, bark, leaves, flowers, roots, honey, seagull nests and charcoal gathering in the forest.
Timber industry covers activities that include wood chopping which produces logs or rough wood such as meranti [shorea], ramin, pulai, keruing, iron wood, and black wood including bamboo.
iii) Agriculture and husbandry services sector covers activities that include preparation/planting, cultivation of seedlings, seedbed, maintenance and harvesting food crops and husbandry, including packaging, sorting, irrigation, agricultural operation, provider of poultry/livestock food services, and shepherding by contract or on freelance basis.
6. Manufacturing (including industrial services) is the conversion of basic materials into ready-made or half-made commodities, or those that provide a value-added product.
7. Trading covers activities that include selling/purchasing goods or services, including restaurants, diners/bars, caterers, restaurants on trains, cafeterias, stalls, and accommodation (hotels, motels, hostels and inns).
8. Community, social and individual services sector covers activities in legislative institutions, higher state institutions, defense and security, international corporations and other extraterritorial corporations including education services, health, sanitary, entertainment and culture, private or government sponsored social welfare. Also included are individual and household services such as private tutoring, native healing, laundry, barbershops, repairmen, personal practice doctors with a private practice, midwife, welder, beauty salon, photo studio, masseur, domestic worker, etc.
9. Transportation, storage and communication sector:
ii) Storage is undertaking the storage of commodities in a warehouse facility, cold storage, or specific areas.
iii) Communication is undertaking activities in communication services for the public through postal, telephone, telegram/telex or a pager device.
10. Others sector covers the activities of an individual in an institution not included in one of the sectors mentioned above or is not clearly defined, such as scavengers and creditors.
ii) Electricity, gas and water:
b. Gas covers the activities in the production and distribution of natural gas to be sold to households, industries and for other commercial use.
c. Water purification, provision and water distribution covers the activities pertaining to reservoirs, purification and distribution of water to household industries and for other commercial use.
iv) Financial institution, insurance, leasing/selling and purchasing land, building, and establishment services sector
b. "Insurance" covers the activities in the businesses such as life insurance, services, accidents, health, and commodities, including insurance services, insurance agencies, and insurance consulting and pension funds.
c. "Leasing/selling and purchasing land, building, and establishment services" covers the activities of leasing/selling and purchasing stationary building such as real estate agencies, brokers and managers who manage the rentals, transportation rental business on land/water/air without the operator, and purchasing, selling and property/building valuation based on fringe benefits or contracts. Also included are legal services, accounting services, book keeping architectural services and techniques, advertising services, data processing services and tabulation, building services, marketing research and machinery rental services. Rentals of machinery/agricultural instruments and construction including the operator are categorized in the agriculture and building sector.
Pak Mardani is a postman and his working hours are 08.00-16.00. He also has a business at a small retail shop that sells cigarettes only at his home during 18.00-21.00. He would be categorized into the "Transportation, storage and communication" sector (code 9).
Imam (the oldest son of Mr. Mardani) is self-employed in the poultry business with working hours from 8.00-14.00 (6 hours) and income Rp. 150,000 monthly. During 17.00-23.00 (6 hours) he works in a personal transportation service by motorcycle with income on average Rp. 750,000 monthly. Total working hours of each employment are the same, but the level of income in both of his jobs are different. Because of this, Imam would be included into the "Individual services" sector (code 8) since the level of income for personal services is greater than for husbandry.
[Questions 627 - 629 were asked of persons age 10 or older who had work in the past week, as per question 626]
627. Main industry of your work.
Filled by CBS _ _ _
Question 627: Industry of main job
The way to determine whether the activity is the main job or not is as follows:
A person is considered to have more than one job if the work is carried out separately. Casual farm workers who work for several farmers are considered as having only one job.
2. If someone is on leave and while on leave he/she carries out several other jobs, then one of his/her other jobs is considered his/her main job.
[p. 112]
b. During the past week a doctor at the general hospital was on leave, and during his leave he helped his wife sell sports equipment; this doctor's main job during the past week is selling sport equipment.
c. During the past week a farmer who in addition to working on his own farm also helped plant rice in another farmer's field and received payment. This farmer is classified as having two jobs within the same field of industry, which is agriculture. The job where he spent more time is considered his main job. If the time is the same, then the job that earned the most is considered his main job.
d. If a person works in the morning to plant rice and works in the evening for a different farmer to plant vegetables, then this person is classified as having one job, that is: planting food crops.
Field of industry/work is the field of activity of the work/business/office where the person works.
The Industrial Classification used is the Indonesian Standard Industrial Classification 2000 (KBLI 2000) which no longer classifies the economic activities in Indonesia based on sector/field of activity (nine sectors), but uses category (18 categories) and major group (63 major groups).
Method of filling in the form: write the field of industry of the main job during the past week as completely as possible in order to facilitate the processing, in particular during coding at the BPS central office.
[p. 113]
Example of filling in field or work:
[Questions 217-218 were asked of persons age 10 or older who worked or were on temporary leave during the previous week.]
217. What was the type of main industry of [the respondent] during the previous week?
Filled by Kortim in the field:
[] 01 Agriculture, rice, corn, other grains
[] 02 Agriculture, horticulture (vegetables, fruits, etc.)
[] 03 Agriculture, estate (palm, tea, tobacco, rubber, etc.)
[] 04 Agriculture, fishery (fishing, fish cultivation, etc.)
[] 05 Agriculture, animal husbandry (animals farming, dairy, etc.)
[] 06 Agriculture, other (forestry, hunting, etc.)
[] 07 Mining and quarrying
[] 08 Manufacturing
[] 09 Electricity and gas
[] 10 Construction (buildings, roads, bridges, etc.)
[] 11 Trade (wholesale and retail)
[] 12 Hotel and restaurant
[] 13 Transportation and storage
[] 14 Information and communications
[] 15 Finance and insurance
[] 16 Educational services
[] 17 Health services
[] 18 Other services (government, private, and individual)
[] 19 Others (real estate, water supply, etc.)
Questions 216 through 218: Labor Force
The objective of Q216 and Q218 is to obtain information about the labor force situation which covers activities carried out during the previous week, the main industry of that work, and the employment status of that main work activity.
Question 217: Industry/Field of Work of Primary Job
The objective of this question is to obtain detailed information on the industry/field of economic activity/work of the household member, which is carried out by asking place of work, what is the activity or the activity of the company where he/she works, and what is the product or what is produced by this company (product or service). It is expected that by asking the questions in this way, the detailed answers of the household member obtained about the industry of his/her work/economic activity can be categorized more precisely.
[p. 135]
[Note within graphic box:] Field of activity is the field of work or activity carried out by the business/endeavor/institution at the place where the respondent works.
Ask and then write clearly and in detail the field of activity of the primary job of the respondent. Putting a mark in the oval for one code in the list of field of activity of the main job will be carried out by the Team Coordinator.
The way to determine the primary job/economic activity is as follows:
2. If the household member during the previous week had more than one job, then the job which required the longest amount of time or the most time is recorded as the primary job. If the amount of time is the same, then the job which has the largest income is recorded as the primary job. If the time and the income are the same, then the primary job is whichever the respondent considers to be his/her primary job.
3. A household member is considered to have more than one job if carrying out these jobs is done separately. A farm worker, even though he/she works for several farmers (carries out the work separately) is categorized as having only one job.
[Note from graphic box:] For a person who has more than one job during the previous week, the primary job is the one which requires the most time.
[p. 136]
2. A household member is currently on leave and while on leave he/she does some other work; this other work is considered his/her primary job. For example, a person works in a wood furniture making factory; during the previous week during his leave or vacation he helps his wife sell clothing in the market. The job of this person is "helped wife sell clothing in the market."
2. During the previous week a farmer, in addition to planting rice on his own field, also planted rice on someone else's field for a fee. This farmer is categorized as having two jobs which are planting rice on his own field and a farm worker planting food crops even though the industry is the same, that is, agricultural food crops.
[Note from graphic box:] Record the industry/field of activity as completely and as clearly as possible.
Various examples follow; hopefully these examples will give a true understanding of the intention of this question.
2. The response that is expected is not simply driver, but driver of a private car, or driver in company making traditional herbs, or city transport driver. The answer is still a driver, but if the respondent's answer is detailed, then the classification of the industry/field of activity can be made with greater accuracy. For a driver of a private car, the industry is Other Services of an individual who serves a household. For a driver who works in a company making traditional herbs, the industry is Pharmaceutical and Herbal Industry, whereas for the city transport driver, the industry is Transportation and Storage.
[p. 137]
3. The response that is expected is not simply operates a business (entrepreneur), but sells household goods in a retail store. If only businessman/entrepreneur is recorded, it will be difficult to determine the industry, but a more complete response will aid in selecting the correct industry classification. For this example, the industry is Trade (Retail).
[Graphic box providing correct and incorrect examples for properly recording industry of main job is not presented here.]
25. Main activity of the work place ________
23. Occupation, Industry, "Employment status", Columns 24, 25 and 26
Fill these columns for any 10 years old and above member of the household who have worked in the last 7 days, or have a job but have not worked in the past 7 days for specific reasons (codes 1 and 2 in column 23) and leave it blank for other members.
- For those who have worked in another field other than their usual job in the past 7 days (code 1 in column 23), fill these columns based on the person's field of work in the last 7 days.
- For those who have worked in more than one field in the past 7 days, fill these columns based on what they give you as their main job. If the respondent fails to indicate the main job, consider the one they have allocated more time to during the past week, and if the timing was even for all the jobs, consider the one that they have more work experience in.
23.2. Industry, Column 25
For those who received code 1 or 2 in column 23, define the financial activity of the work place or the related activity to the job and write it down in this column.
Note that all the mentioned activities in response to this question will be coded based on international standard categorization. Therefore, it is necessary to define people's main activity of the work place based on the following explanations and write it out.
- For those who work in ministries, organizations, institutions, public associations and Islamic revolution foundations, in case the name of the work place expresses the activity, put down the name of the organization, institution or foundation in this column; such as ministry of agriculture, department of education, department of ports and inland water transport, elementary school, Imam Khomeini's Relief Foundation, etc. Otherwise, in addition to the name of the work place, include the explanation of the main activity in parenthesis; such as Tavanir company (production and distribution of energy), Aseman company (airline services), Iran Tanker (transporting goods), etc.
- For those who have a contract with the private sector (human and legal entities) but work in public institutions, municipalities, etc., indicate their main activity of the work place as that of the human and legal entity and write in column 25.
- In some cases, their activities are such that they do not have a permanent work place, like construction works, taxi driving, peddling, etc. In these cases, write down the name of the activity they are occupied with as the main activity of work place, such as construction, taxi driving, peddling, etc.
- For wholesale trades, include the word "wholesale" along with the name of the sold good.
- In importing and exporting goods related activities, make sure to mention the words "import" and "export" along with the name of the good.
- For activities related to "production" or "maintenance" of a good, make sure to mention the word "production" or "maintenance" along with the main activity of the work place, because the production and maintenance of some goods each have their individual codes, such as fixing computers and producing computers. In some cases that the production and maintenance are completed together, put the phrase "production and maintenance" with the name of the good, such as tractor-production and maintenance. See the following examples.
Job code: 7422
Main activity of the work place: Shoe production
Activity code: 1920
Job title: Machine-made shoemaker
Job code: 8266
Main activity of the work place: Shoe production
Activity code: 1920
Job title: Shoe repairing
Job code: 7442
Main activity of the work place: Shoe repair
Activity code: 5262
Job code: 6111
Main activity of the work place: Rice - production
Activity code: 0111
Job title: Rice grinder
Job code: 8273
Main activity of the work place: Rice grinding - rice hulling
Activity code: 1531
Job title: Farmer
Job code: 6111
Main activity of the work place: Planting wheat
Activity code: 0111
Job title: Farmer
Job code: 6111
Main activity of the work place: Cultivation of summer crops
Activity code: 0112
Job title: Farmer
Job code: 6111
Main activity of the work place: Planting provender
Activity code: 0111
Job title: Gardener - horticulturist
Job code: 6113
Main activity of the work place: Cultivating ornamental plants
Activity code: 0112
Job title: Gardener - horticulturist
Job code: 6113
Main activity of the work place: Cultivating damask rose for rose water production
Activity code: 0113
Job title: Gardener - arboriculturist
Job code: 6112
Main activity of the work place: Cultivating fruit trees
Activity code: 0113
Job title: Animal husbandry
Job code: 6121
Main activity of the work place: Raising sheep in industrialized manner - Animal husbandry
Activity code: 0123
Job title: Animal husbandry
Job code: 6121
Main activity of the work place: Raising sheep in traditional manner - Animal husbandry
Activity code: 0124
Job title: Animal husbandry
Job code: 6121
Main activity of the work place: Raising horse - Animal husbandry
Activity code: 0125
Job code: 2411
Main activity of the work place: Central bank
Activity code: 6511
Job title: Cashier
Job code: 4212
Main activity of the work place: Saderat bank
Activity code: 6512
Job title: Member of the board of directors
Job code: 1410
Main activity of the work place: Ghavvamin finance and credit institute
Activity code: 6513
Job code: 7442
Main activity of the work place: Shoe repair
Activity code: 5262
Job title: Machine-made shoemaker
Job code: 8266
Main activity of the work place: Shoe production
Activity code: 1920
Job title: Raising hens and roosters
Job code: 6122
Main activity of the work place: Raising chicken
Activity code: 0126
Job title: Typist
Job code: 4111
Main activity of the work place: Typing and printing company
Activity code: 7497
Job title: Hand-made carpet weaver
Job code: 7501
Main activity of the work place: Carpet weaving
Activity code: 1724
Job title: Machine-made carpet weaver
Job code: 8262
Main activity of the work place: Machine-made carpet - production
Activity code: 1726
Job title: Farmer
Job code: 6111
Main activity of the work place: Planting wheat
Activity code: 0111
Job title: Shepherd - simple worker
Job code: 9211
Main activity of the work place: Raising sheep
Activity code: 0124
Job title: Florist
Job code: 6113
Main activity of the work place: Floriculture
Activity code: 0112
Job title: Elementary teacher
Job code: 2331
Main activity of the work place: Elementary school
Activity code: 8012
Job title: Veterinarian
Job code: 2223
Main activity of the work place: Veterinary
Activity code: 8520
Job title: Dentist
Job code: 2222
Main activity of the work place: Dentistry
Activity code: 8514
Job title: Branch manager
Job code: 1427
Main activity of the work place: Iran Melli bank
Activity code: 6512
Job title: Bus driver
Job code: 8323
Main activity of the work place: Transporting passengers with public transit
Activity code: 6021
Job title: Military service
Job code: 0112
Main activity of the work place: Garrison
Activity code: 7522
Job title: Military (personnel)
Job code: 0111
Main activity of the work place: Ministry of defense
Activity code: 7522
Job title: Disciplinary (personnel)
Job code: 5162
Main activity of the work place: Police station
Activity code: 7523
Job title: General or professional surgeon
Job code: 2221
Main activity of the work place: Shohada hospital
Activity code: 8511
Job code: 9152
Main activity of the work place: Tehran's water and sewer department
Activity code: 4100
Job title: Operator
Job code: 4223
Main activity of the work place: Hotel
Activity code: 5511
Job title: Teller
Job code: 4211
Main activity of the work place: Carpet - wholesale
Activity code: 5177
Job title: Legal consultant
Job code: 2429
Main activity of the work place: Rey's concrete factory
Activity code: 2694
Job title: Topographer - technician
Job code: 3112
Main activity of the work place: State's planning and management department
Activity code: 7511
Job title: Cartographer
Job code: 3118
Main activity of the work place: Municipality
Activity code: 7511
Job title: Typist
Job code: 4111
Main activity of the work place: Statistical center of Iran
Activity code: 7511
Job title: Janitor
Job code: 9141
Main activity of the work place: Printing - house
Activity code: 2221
Job title: Janitor
Job code: 4142
Main activity of the work place: Car factory
Activity code: 3410
Job title: Cook
Job code: 5122
Main activity of the work place: Ministry of foreign affairs
Activity code: 7521
Job title: Tax collector
Job code: 4215
Main activity of the work place: Fruits - wholesale
Activity code: 5126
Job title: Warehousing
Job code: 4134
Main activity of the work place: Textile - wholesale
Activity code: 5161
Job title: Accountant
Job code: 3435
Main activity of the work place: Central office of lead quarry
Activity code: 9600
Job title: Servitor
Job code: 5123
Main activity of the work place: Government's office
Activity code: 7511
Questions 26-28 for those who are working, doing unpaid work in the household business, or are temporarily absent from work
26. Main activity of the work place (It should be avoided to write general titles such as office, company, factory, supermarket, shop ...) _____
48. Economic activity ____
16. Employer and employer's business______
If self employed, state nature of business in which engaged
If a farmer, state the area and total ratable valuation of the farm on which working
If a farm worker, state the area of the farm on which working
If out of work, state the name, address and nature of the business of last employer.
Question 16 - Employer and employer's business.
This question, which should be answered for all persons aged 14 years or over who have a job or who are out of work, is required for the purpose of classifying persons to the industry or service with which their work is connected. What is required here is the nature of the business carried on by the firm or undertaking for which they are working. If the employer has several different businesses the one required is that in which the person carries on the occupation stated in Column 14. For example, in the case of a Clerk employed by C.I.E. it is important to distinguish whether he is in Rail Transport, Road Transport, in a Garage or Workshop or in an Hotel. The address to be stated is that at which the person is actually working. Column 16 must be completed in respect of all self-employed persons - whether with or without employees - the type of business carried on being stated. Particular care should be taken to ensure that, in the case of farmers, the area and valuation of the farm on which working is inserted. In the case of other farm workers, the area - but not the valuation - of the farm is required.
Question 18: Employer and employer's business
(a) For a person at work:
(ii) if self-employed, state the nature of the business carried on.
(iii) if a farmer or a farm worker, state also the area (in statute acres) of the land farmed (i.e. including land taken and excluding land let).
The nature of business carried on should be described fully indicating the type of goods made or dealt with, or type of service rendered; for example, use descriptions such as "Shirt factory worker", "Shoe manufacturer", "Cattle dealer", "Wholesale tea merchant", "Import agent (textiles)", etc. Descriptions such as "Factory worker", "Manufacturer", "Dealer", "Merchant", "Agent", should not be used alone.
Q.18: Employer and employer's business
The answer should relate to the occupation given at Question 16. This Question should be answered for every person in Category 1 or 3 at Question 15. Answers for other persons should be ignored. The information is required for the purpose of classifying persons to the industry or service with which their work is connected. What is needed here is the nature of the business carried on by the firm or undertaking for which the person is working.
If the employer has several different businesses, the one required is that in which the person carried on the occupation stated at Question 16. For example, in the case of a clerk employed by C.I.E. it is important to distinguish whether he is in Rail Transport, Road Passenger Transport, or a Hotel, etc. This question must be completed in respect of all self-employed persons - whether with or without employees - the type of business carried on being stated. Particular care should be taken to ensure that, in the case of farmers, the area of the farm on which working is inserted. In the case of other farm workers, the area of the farm on which working is also required.
Q.20: Agricultural holdings
The entries given are meant to cover all agricultural holdings for which the person is the actual occupier irrespective of the location of the holdings and of the occupation of the person. Land held under the eleven months' system or in conacre or in commonage should not be included.
There should be an entry here in all cases where the occupation "farmer" is entered at Questions 16 or 18. If not clarify that the land farmed is entirely taken.
Q.19 Employer and employer's business _____
Question 19: Employer and employer's business
Q. 19: Employer and employer's business
The answer should relate to the Occupation given at Question 16. This Question should be answered for every person in Category 1 at Question 15. Answers for other persons should be ignored. The information is required for the purpose of classifying persons to the industry or service with which their work is connected. What is needed here is the nature of the business carried on by the firm or undertaking for which the person is working.
If the employer has several different businesses, the one required is that in which the person carried on the Occupation stated at Question 16. For example, in the case of a clerk employed by
C.I.E., it is important to distinguish whether he is in "Rail transport", "Road passenger transport", or "Hotel", etc. This question must be completed in respect of all self-employed persons -- whether with or without employees -- the type of business carried on being stated. Particular care should be taken to ensure that, in the case of farmers, the area of the farm on which working is inserted.
In the case of other farm workers, the area of the farm on which working is also required.
Q.22 Employers and employer's business ___
Question 22: Employer and employer's business
Q.19 through Q.23: Employment
The questions on the person's position in regard to employment (Questions 19-23) are the most difficult to check and require the most careful study. These questions should be answered for all persons aged 15 years and over (i.e., born on or before 21 April, 1976). Answers in respect of persons aged younger than 15 should be ignored.
Q.22: Employer and employer's business
The answer should relate to the occupation given at Question 20. This question should be answered for every person in Category 1 or 3 at Question 19. Answers for other persons should be ignored. The information is required for the purpose of classifying persons to the industry or service with which their work is connected. What is needed here is the nature of the business carried on by the firm or undertaking for which the person is working.
If the employer has several different businesses, the one required is that in which the person carried on the Occupation stated at Question 20. For example, in the case of a clerk employed by CIE, it is important to distinguish whether he is in "Rail transport", "Road passenger transport", or a hotel, etc. This question must be completed in respect of all self-employed persons -- whether with or without employees -- the type of business carried on being stated.
Q.21 Employers and employer's business ________
[Questions 15-24 relate only to persons aged 15 years and over]
Question 21 - Employer and employer's business
Q.21: Employer and Employer's Business
This Question should be answered for every person who ticked 1 or 3 at Question 18. Persons should specify the nature of the business (i.e. what is being made or what service is being provided) by the firm or undertaking for which the person is working. If the employer has several different business activities such as a transport company, a hotel and shops the actual activity the person is engaged in should be stated as well as the name of the firm or company.
25 If you are:
Answer the following questions about your main job or your last main job if you are not currently employed. Otherwise skip to Q32.
31 What is (was) the business of your employed at the place where you work(ed) in your main job?
Describe the main product or service provided by your employer.
For example, making computers, repairing cars, secondary education, food wholesale, making pharmaceuticals, contract cleaning, software development and support.
Is (was) the business of your employer mainly?
[] 1 Manufacturing
[] 2 Wholesale trade
[] 3 Retail trade
[] 4 Other (agriculture, building, services, government, etc)
29. What is (was) the full name of the Organisation you work(ed) for in your main job?
31. What is (was) the business of your employed at the place where you work(ed) in your main job?
27. If you are:
Answer the following questions about your main job or your last main job if you are not currently employed. Otherwise, skip to Q34.
33. What is (was) the business of your employer at the place where you work(ed) in your main job? If you are (were) self-employed answer in respect of your own business. Describe the main product or service provided by your employer. For example, "Making computers", "Repairing cars", "Secondary education".
Question 33 will provide information that will be used to determine the industrial sectors in which people work. The categories are compared over time to show trends and rates of change in industry type.
33 What is (was) the business of your employer at the place where you work(ed) in your main job?
Guidelines on answering question 33:
[Q32-34 were asked for persons who were working or unemployed.]
32. What is (was) the business of your employer at the place where you work(ed) in your main job?
Persons who are working should answer questions 29, 30, 32 and 34.
Persons who are retired should answer questions 29 and 30 only.
Persons who are unemployed should answer questions 29, 30 and 32 only.
All other persons should not answer any of the questions 29, 30, 32, 33 or 34.
Question 32. Question 32 will provide information that will be used to determine the industrial sectors in which people work. The categories are compared over time to show trends and rates of change in industry type.
Guidelines on answering question 32
Questions 24 to 33 should be answered only by persons 15 years and over
Persons who are working should answer questions 29, 30, 32 and 34.
Persons who are retired should answer questions 29 and 30 only.
Persons who are unemployed should answer questions 29, 30 and 32 only.
All other persons should not answer any of the questions 29, 30, 32, 33 or 34.
[Question 32: What is (was) the business of your employer at the place where you work(ed) in your main job?]
Question 32 will provide information that will be used to determine the industrial sectors in which people work. The categories are compared over time to show trends and rates of change in industry type.
Guidelines on answering question 32
[The original document includes a table below.]
[Column headings:]
(A) Inadequate response
(B) Possible correct response
Inadequate response: Computers.
Possible correct response: Making computers.
Inadequate response: Cars.
Possible correct response: Repairing cars.
Inadequate response: Education.
Possible correct response: Primary education.
Inadequate response: Food.
Possible correct response: Bread wholesaler.
Inadequate response: Pharmaceuticals.
Possible correct response: Making pharmaceuticals.
Inadequate response: Cleaning.
Possible correct response: Software development and support.
Inadequate response: Software.
Possible correct response: Repairing cars.
Inadequate response: Education.
Possible correct response: Primary education.
Inadequate response: Recreation.
Possible correct response: Swimming pool.
Inadequate response: Local authority.
Possible correct response: Local authority cleaning department; local authority library service; local authority housing department.
In questions 13-21, full or part-time work for payment, profit, or other remuneration, and also work of a family member without pay in a family business will be considered as "work". Not considered as "work": work of woman in her own household.
[Questions 17-21 were asked of persons age 14+ who worked and did not serve in regular or professional military service last week, per questions 13, 16]
If you worked last week, please mark details of your main work. If you did not work last week, but worked in Israel during the last 12 months, give details of your last work.
18. Where did you work?
b. Description of principal activity of the place of work ____
c. Branch or division (if existing) in which you work ____
d. Address of your place of work
____ Settlement
____ Street/Quarter
____ Number of house (or identifiable adjacent place)
[Questions 14-23]
[Questions 17-23 were asked of persons age 15+ who did not serve in professional army last week, per question 14]
[Questions 18-23 were asked of persons age 15+ who did not serve in professional army last week, per question 14, but worked in Israel during the previous 12 months, per question 17]
19. Place of work:
If you did not work last week but you did work during the past 12 months -- describe your last work.
____ Street
____ House number (or nearby landmark)
[Questions 14-38 were asked of people 15 years or older.]
28. Place of work's main activity (a description of the activity, products, or services): ____
29. Name the department or division in which you were employed (if exists): ____
30. Describe your work:
28. Main activity of the workplace (Description of activities, products or services):
Examples: Importing food products, manufacturing refrigerators, car body-work, wholesale cloths sale, elementary school, rehabilitation hospital ________
21.1 Activity of the workplace
Describe the activities of the workplace (not the activities of the person in the workplace).
B. A person working as a printing worker in advertisement office will write "advertisement office".
21.2 Exact writing
Write the exact activity of the workplace.
(Wrong) Electricity work, (Right) Sub-contracting and electricity work in buildings
(Wrong) Electricity works, (Right) Fixing electric home appliances
(Wrong) Cloths, (Right) Manufacturing children's cloths
(Wrong) Government office, (Right) Agriculture Office
21.3 Workplace engaged in several [economic] activities
People who work in a factory that produces products of different types, or is dealing with different kind of activities -- will write the main activity of the factory, institution or agricultural farm.
[p. 60]
C. A person who works in a shoemaker's workshop that manufactures and repairs shoes, where most of the workers manufacture shoes -- will write "Shoes manufacturing".
If it is impossible to determine what activity of the workplace is the main one -- write them all.
B. A person who works in a company that provides security services and cleaning services - will write "Security and cleaning services".
21.4 Daughter company
A person works in a daughter-company that is engaged in activities different from the mother company (main company), will write the activity of the daughter company.
22. Question 29
29. Name of department or division (if there is) that you have worked in ____
22.1 There is a division to units [in the organizational structure]
In many workplaces there is a division to different [organizational] units.
A. Write the name of the unit (department or division) the person works in.
2. A person who works in plastics factory in the department that manufactures children toys will write "Manufacturing department of children toys".
B. A person who works in several departments or divisions will write the one he worked in most of the hours last week.
22.2 There is no division to units
If there is no division to units or the person does not know what department he belongs to, skip over this question and write nothing in it.
[p. 61]
23. Question 30
30. Description of your work
In this question you have to write the actual activities performed by the person at his workplace. This description of activities in the workplace gets, in the data processing stage, a code (number). Each code represents a specific occupation.
Examples: Electric practical engineer is coded "120"and a tailor is coded "741".
It is important to specify exactly the activities of the worker in his work place in order to enable the interpretation of the written answer to a code.
23.1 Description of the work (part a of the question)
A. Write a detailed description of the work.
(Wrong) Worker, (Right) Electronics worker
(Wrong) Farmer, (Right) Chicken farmer
(Wrong) Driver, (Right) Bus driver
(Wrong) Lecturer, (Right) Bio-chemistry lecturer
(Wrong) Nurse, (Right) Operation room nurse
[p. 62]
B. If the person performs several work types in the same workplace -- refer to the work he invests most of the time in.
Example: A person who works in a book store as a cashier and also sells book, if most of the time he sells books, write: books seller.
C. Write the actual work the person does in his workplace.
Do not write a profession he learned but is not practicing.
- A jurist who works as a tax collector in the IRS will not write "Tax collection clerk".
23.2 Specification of the activities (part b of the question)
A. In this section the respondent has to elaborate on the main work activities he is doing in his workplace.
In order to distinguish between the different types of work, the answer in part a of question 30 is not enough. There is a need for detailed description of the activities done within the framework of the job. The reason for that is that people can do different activities under the same job definition.
2. Air conditioners repairman: One can repair car AC, the second, home AC, while the third repair industrial air conditioners.
In the above cases, each type of activity will get a different code, therefore maximum details are required.
[p. 63]
B. The following examples present detailed activities to be written in part b:
If the work described in Part a is "Chicken farmer", Specified activities in Part b is "Orders chicks, check the quality, instruct the workers and make marketing decisions".
If the work described in Part a is "Bus driver", Specified activities in Part b is "Checks the bus, sells tickets to the passengers, and drives the bus between stations".
If the work described in Part a is "Operation room certified nurse", Specified activities in Part b is "Assists the surgeons during the operations".
If the work described in Part a is "Computers technical assistant", Specified activities in Part b is "Advise the customers with the model that suits their needs".
If the work described in Part a is "Construction worker", Specified activities in Part b is "Roof sealing".
If the work described in Part a is "Construction worker", Specified activities in Part b is "Pouring cement".
If the work described in Part a is "Construction worker", Specified activities in Part b is "Floorer".
62. What is the main activity of your workplace? ____
3. Instructions for answering questions :
Questions for examining work in 2008:
The first group of questions about 'work' helps determine whether a person worked in 2008 and allows us to estimate the amount of labor force at the household's disposal.
k. Main activity of the workplace
The description of the main activity of the workplace is an important variable for correctly classifying the workplace. There are many cases in which the 'workplace name' does not provide us any information on the activity performed at the workplace, and therefore the person is asked to describe the main activity performed there. For example, 'A.A. Moshe and sons' - we cannot conclude what this company does just from its name: industry, agriculture, etc. Therefore, the person is asked to accurately describe the activity performed at the workplace.
Question 7.100 - What is the main activity of the workplace?
7. Work activity
[Questions 7.1 to 7.12 were asked of those who worked one or more hours of paid work, or as contributing family worker.]
To answer questions from 7.1 to 7.12, refer to the main work activities (activities where the greater number of hours were worked)
7.11 Indicate the sector to which pertain the exclusive or main activities of the plant, office, organization, farm, shop, professional office, etc. where the person works or which he owns.
Agriculture and Fishing
[] 01 Agriculture, hunting and forestry
[] 02 Fishing, fish-breeding and related services
[] 03 Extraction of coal, crude petroleum, minerals, etc
[] 04 Food, drink and tobacco industry
[] 05 Textile, clothing, fur and leather industry
[] 06 Wood, wood products (except furniture), paper, press and publishing industry
[] 07 Cookery, refinery, chemical and pharmaceutical industry, rubber and plastics industry
[] 08 Processing of non-metallic minerals (cement, glass, ceramics)
[] 09 Iron and steel industry, engineering industry, electronics industry and manufacture of transportation vehicles
[] 10 Furniture manufacture and other manufacturing industries including recuperation and preparation for recycling
[] 11 Production and distribution of electricity, water and gas
Construction and System Installation
[] 12 Building construction, public works and installation of services in buildings
Commerce, repairs, public practices, transportation and communications
[] 13 Commerce, maintenance and repair of vehicles and motorcycles, sale of traction fuel
[] 14 Wholesale trade, and sales representatives, except for vehicles and motorcycles
[] 15 Retail sales, except vehicles and motorcycles, repair of personal goods and goods for the house
[] 16 Hotels, camping areas, bars, restaurants, etc
[] 17 Transportation (public and private), warehousing, post and telecommunications
Banking, insurance and other production and/or consumer services
[] 18 Bank, insurance, monetary and financial brokerage
[] 19 Computer and related activities, research and development
[] 20 Professional consulting activities, real estate and rentals (legal, planning, market, accounting offices, surveillance, cleaning)
Social and people services
[] 21 Central and local public administration (e.g. Ministries, ANAS, regional, provincial, municipal administrations, mandatory social security)
[] 22 Public and private education and training (including schools, colleges and military academies)
[] 23 Health and public and private social assistance (pubic and military hospitals, doctor studios, out patients clinics, rest homes)
[] 24 Political and union member organizations (Italian Manufacturer's Association, Chamber of Commerce)
[] 25 Recreational, cultural and sports activities (cinema, museums)
[] 26 Other service oriented activities (dry cleaners, beauty salons, parking, garbage collection)
[] 27 Live-in domestic help (in this sector belong, for example, domestic helpers, baby-sitters, drivers, custodians, gardeners)
International organizations and organizations of other countries
[] 28 Extra-territorial organizations and representations (UN, FAO, Embassies in Italy)
Question 7.11
Cross the box that corresponds to the business field in which you believe your factory, farm, shop, professional studio, office or organization classifies itself. In particular:
Condition 05: This category includes the fur industry, manufacture of travel accessories, bags, harnesses, saddles and shoes;
Condition 06: This category also includes industries that produce cork and straw products and weaving materials;
Condition 09: This category also includes manufacture of electrical, electronic and optical machinery and equipment and repair of railroad carriage materials;
Condition 10: This category also includes the manufacture of jewelry, musical instruments, games, etc.;
Condition 13: Trade includes both retail and wholesale;
Condition 17: This category includes, telephones, Internet providers, etc.;
Condition 19: Includes computer repairs; 23
Condition 20: This category also includes services to companies, call centers, advertising, etc.;
Condition 21: This category also includes INPS (National Institute for Social Security);
Condition 24: Also includes religious organizations;
Condition 25: Entertainment and shows, press offices, libraries, zoos, etc. all come under recreational, cultural and sports activities.
[These questions are asked of individuals aged 15 years and over]
In your answers to question 6.6 through 6.12 refer to your primary work activity only. If you are not working at present, refer to your most recent job.
6.11 What is the economic activity sector of the factory, organization, business, etc., where you work(ed) or that you own(ed)?
In your answers to questions 6.6-6.12:
-Category 01: includes cultivation of permanent and non-permanent agricultural crops, plant reproduction and livestock raising, including the forms associated with agricultural cultivation, hunting and capture of wild animals, forestry and the use of forest areas, fishing and aquaculture;
-Category 02: includes extraction of natural minerals found in solid, liquid or gaseous state (e.g. mining and/or extraction of coal, crude oil, natural gas, stones, sand, torba clay, salt, mining of ferrous and non-ferrous minerals such as uranium and thorium). Extraction may involve a variety of different methods, such as underground or open-air mining, well-drilling, ocean mining, etc. This category also includes specialized mining support services (exploration services involving sample gathering, boring, petroleum and gas platform construction, washing, blow-down, mine pumping and drainage, etc.);
-Category 03: includes processing, production and preservation of all types of foodstuffs, the tobacco and textile industries, production and packaging of clothing and leather goods, manufacturing of furniture, straw-based and woven goods, paper, cardboard and related goods, coke and petroleum derivatives, chemicals and pharmaceuticals, paints, varnishes and enamels, rubber items and plastics, glass, porcelain and ceramic products, construction materials, metal goods, computers and electronics, optical and electrical products, vehicles of transport, jewelry, musical instruments, sporting goods, toys, and medical tools and supplies. This category also includes the publication of newspapers, books, periodicals, commercial printing and other materials as well as correlated support activities such as bookbinding, the preparation of printing plates and the electronic processing of texts and images and the repair, maintenance and installation of related machinery and equipment;
-Category 04: includes production, transmission and distribution of electricity, natural gas, steam, hot water and air conditioning through permanent infrastructures (networks or grids) through power lines, pipes or conduits. This grouping does not include the separate management of pipelines, which falls under category 08 because they tend to extend across long distances in order to connect gas producers to gas distributors or urban centers;
-Category 05: includes waterworks (collection, treatment and distribution), sewer system management, waste water collection and treatment, solid and non-solid (hazardous and non-hazardous) waste disposal and treatment, recovery and recycling preparation of metal waste, plastic materials, solid urban, industrial and biomass waste, decontamination services for sites and buildings, ground soil, surface water and underground water;
Category 06: includes construction of buildings, roads, railway lines, subways and airport runways, bridges and tunnels, waterworks and public utilities for electricity and telecommunications, demolition and preparation of construction sites, installation of electricity and plumbing systems and installation of materials for casings, fixtures, flooring, etc.;
-Category 07: includes wholesale and retail commerce of all types of goods. This category also covers the repair and sales of automobiles and motorcycles. It does not include the serving of food or drink for immediate consumption or the sale of take-away food (restaurants, bars, pizzerias, pubs, etc.), which fall under category 09;
-Category 08: includes freight or passenger transport (regularly scheduled or otherwise) by rail, pipelines, roads, waterways or by air, plus related support activities including terminal services, parking area and vehicle storage management, logistics centers (interports) and storage of goods, etc., in addition to vehicle rentals with drivers. It also includes postal and courier services;
-Category 09: includes hotel and short-term accommodation activities for visitors and travelers (hotels, tourist villages, hostels, campsites, etc.), restaurant activities that provide full meals and/or drinks for immediate consumption, whether in the form of traditional restaurants, self-service or take-away establishments or in permanent or temporary kiosks, with or without seating (ice cream parlors, pastry shops, dining halls and catering facilities, bars, pubs, brewpubs, etc.). The deciding factor is the serving of meals for immediate consumption, regardless of the specific type of facility involved;
-Category 10: includes all types of publishing activity, including software, production of films, videos, television programs, radio broadcasts, musical and audio recordings, telecommunications (fixed, mobile and satellite), computer consulting and all IT-related services (internet-based search engines, data processing and hosting, database management, etc.) and publishing agencies and information agencies that supply information, images, and special communication-related services;
-Category 11: includes financial intermediation, including insurance, reinsurance and retirement funds (excluding compulsory social insurance), as well as support activities (promoters, agents, mediators and procurers of financial products, postal banking activities, money transfer services, etc.);
-Category 12: includes the activities of landlords, agents and/or mediators in one or more of the following sectors: real estate sales and purchase, real estate rentals, provision of other real estate services, such as property assessment and estate agent activity on behalf of third parties. Activities in this category can apply to personally-owned or rented properties as well as third parties;
-Category 13: includes specialized professional, scientific and technical services. These types of activities require extensive training and preparation to provide clients with specialized knowledge and capacities. They include the activities of law firms as well as commercial, tax and account auditing firms, corporate management and management consulting, technical studios (architecture, engineering, project development, site inspections, surveying and mapping and activities related to physical, chemical and other types of inspections), research and development in the fields of natural sciences, engineering, human and humanistic sciences, advertising (conceptualization of advertising campaigns), market research and opinion surveys, specialized design activities (graphic designers, technicians, etc.), photographic activities (production of photographic services, photojournalists, aerial photography), translation and interpreting and agricultural consulting. This category also includes the activities of veterinarians in veterinary clinics or on farms, at kennels and animal hospitals, and at outpatient clinics and others (including animal ambulance services);
-Category 14: includes the renting and leasing of intangible, non-financial goods plus a wide range of material goods, such as vehicles without drivers or operators, air or sea transport vehicles, office equipment (furniture, computers, photocopiers, etc.), sports and recreational equipment, videocassettes and DVDs, equipment for farming, construction work and civil engineering. This category also includes the search, selection and placement of personnel, travel agencies and tour operators, detective agencies, private surveillance and surveillance systems (e.g. satellite radio-control of means of transport), cleaning and disinfestation services (for buildings, industrial machinery, cisterns for transport by road or sea), landscaping care and maintenance (including parks, gardens and planters in buildings and public and private residences), incoming and outgoing call center activities, telephone-based help centers, the organization of conventions and trade fairs and a variety of business support activities (e.g. credit recovery agencies, requests for certifications and dispatch of applications, etc.);
-Category 15: includes government activities typically performed by public administrations. This includes general public administration activities (e.g. executive, legislative, financial, etc., at all levels of government), foreign affairs, defense, public law and order, justice department, fire departments and civil defense, compulsory social insurance (INPS, INAIL, etc.);
-Category 16: includes education (both public and private) at all levels for all professions and occupations. The activity can take place through oral or written lessons via radio, television, and internet or by correspondence. It includes all of the different levels of education offered by the different institutions within the national school system as well as adult education, literacy campaigns, etc. It also includes military schools and academies and schools within the prison system. This category also includes education intended primarily for sports or recreational purposes (teaching tennis, swimming, acting lessons, dance, etc.) and driving schools (driving schools, airplane pilot schools and nautical schools);
-Category 17: includes the provision of health services and social assistance (residential or non-residential for senior citizens and the disabled and assistance structures for mental disturbances and drug abuse). This category includes medical checkups and treatments by general physicians, specialists, dentists, etc. The activities may take place in private offices, out-clinics involving groups of physicians and hospital clinics that provide outpatient treatment at businesses, schools, rest homes and union organizations as well as house-calls for the sick;
-Category 18: includes a wide range of activities addressing a variety of different cultural interests, public entertainment and recreation, including live shows, museum management, libraries, historical monuments, nature reserves, zoos, gambling and betting facilities (casinos, bingo halls, game rooms, etc.), sports and recreational activities (sports facilities, sports clubs, gyms, hunting and fishing reserves, board-game clubs and toy libraries, dance halls, swimming centers, etc.). The activities of individual artists are included here;
-Category 19: includes the activities of employers and economic trade associations, employee unions, political parties and religious organizations, repair services for personal and domestic goods, personal services (laundry, dry-cleaning, hairdressers and aesthetic treatments, etc.). This includes computer repair and industrial laundry services;
-Category 20: includes family and cohabitation activities (including condominiums), such as work providers for domestic workers such as domestic assistants, cooks, valets, butlers, launderers, gardeners, doormen, drivers, custodians, baby- sitters, etc.;
-Category 21: includes the activities of international organizations, such as the United Nations and their specialized agencies, the EU, the OECD, the IMF, the World Bank, etc.
For clarification, call the toll-free number 800-069701.
[Questions 25-29 refer to the past week]
29. Industry or type of business during past week/in last job: _______
5.54 Question 29 - Industry or Type of Business during past week/In last job
[Image omitted here]
What is required here is the type of business in which the individual worked for the longest period during the week preceding the Census. It must relate to the Occupation entered at Question 28. Ask the question this way: "With reference to the occupation just mentioned, in what type of business were you (was he/she) employed or engaged?"
Write in the type of business by giving a short description of the activity. For example, Manufacturing, Cane Growing, Building Construction, Personal Services, Making of Bread and Cakes. Terms such as Shipping are inadequate. Instead state Steamship Agents or Wharf operators or Ship repairing, etc.
In instances where you cannot adequately describe the industry, you may give the name of the business or firm also.
In the case of persons engaged by local or central government, give the name of the office or department in which they are employed.
For domestic servants and other personal service workers who work as paid employees in private homes, write in Industry as Private Home.
6.5. What type of business is/was carried on at the work place?
5.69 Question 6.5 Industry or Type of Business During First Week of April/In Last Job
What is required here is the type of business in which the individual worked for the longest period during the week preceding the Census. It must relate to the occupation entered at Q6.4.
Write in the type of business by giving a short description of the activity. For example, Manufacturing, Cane Growing, Building Construction, Making of Bread and Cakes.
In instances where you cannot adequately describe the industry, you may give the name of the business or firm also.
In the case of persons engaged by local or central government, give the name of the office or department in which they are employed.
For domestic servants and other personal service workers who work as paid employees in private homes, write in Industry as 'Private home'.
4.8 What type of business is/was carried on at the work place?
_ _ _ _
[] Not stated
5.78 Question 4.8: Industry of type of business in present/last job
In the case of persons engaged by local or central government, give the name of the office or department in which they are employed.
For domestic servants and other personal service workers who work as paid employees in private homes, the industry is "Private home". For persons who indicate odd jobs or hustling, you will need to identify the nature of such activity in order to accurately record the industry. For someone selling biscuits, the industry would not be the same as the person who assist travelers to the buses.
As for occupation, do not attempt to score any codes in the four boxes in the right.
15.1 Place of work and activity type of an enterprise, organization (detailed name of activity)
Subquestion 15.1. Economic activity of the enterprise/ organization where the person works (full name of the activity).
The enumerator is to determine the main economic activity of the enterprise(organization) or its structural subdivision, but not the specific activity performed by the person questioned and record in the dedicated section a full name of the enterprise, institution, organization of the person's primary employment. For instance: not the LLC "Bereke", but the LLC cafe "Bereke", not the JSC "Yntymak", but JSC clothing manufactory "Yntymak", not OJSC "Ak-sut", but OJSC creamery "Ak-sut". In selected cases only the branch or the kind of production may be specified, e.g.: "glass manufacturing plant", "brick works" or "chemical factory". For persons working in workshops, ateliers, and service centres, a full name of a given enterprise should be recorded: "Sewing workshop", "Shoe-repair store."
Names of enterprises or institutions should not be recorded as abbreviations (e.g., it is impermissible to specify JPF instead of "Joint peasant farm"). Only well-known abbreviations can be admitted (e.g., ??? (TPP), ???? (Civil Registry Office)).
For persons working at canteens, medical stations, barbershops, etc., located at enterprises or companies, the names of those canteens, medical stations or barbershops should be indicated, but not the name of an enterprise or company the workers of which they serve (e.g., "Canteen at the worsted cloth manufacture").
For persons engaged in own farming, "agriculture" is to be recorded with specification of a specific area (crop production, animal husbandry, etc.) or the kind of work done, etc.
Military servicemen and wage and salary workers of military units and institutions living outside closed territories are to provide answers in accordance with their authorities' instructions. If those military servicemen, wage or salary workers are not able to provide an answer for any reason (e.g., they failed to attend a briefing meeting), the response "institution" is to be recorded as their place of work.
For ministers of religion, as well as for other persons engaged in religious faith sphere, the name of their churching is to be specified (mosque, church, synagogue, etc.).
For persons having permanent employments and, at the same time, receiving a pension, benefit, scholarship or engaged in developing own subsidiary plot, the name of enterprise where they work and its activity type are to be recorded.
[Answer questions 15-16 for codes 01-07 in question 14]
16. In what industrial sector was [the respondent] mainly working during the last twelve months?
Three different questions are asked to collect labour market information. The questions are interrelated and the purpose of each question must be clearly understood. Explain to the respondent that you will start by asking information on his/her employment status, then his/her profession and lastly about the sector s/he was working in.
Question 16: In which industrial sector was [the respondent] mainly working during the last twelve months?
The purpose of this question is to collect information on the industrial sector the respondent was working in.
This question is put to persons coded 01 to 07 in question 14, i.e. paid employees, employers, own account workers and unpaid family workers. Record "N/A" for all others.
Industrial sector refers to the activity performed, that is what is made or done at the work place (by the establishment) where the person mainly worked during the last 12 months, irrespective of the occupation of the person. Where a company has multiple activities (makes or does many things), the main activity should be determined. This is done by determining the activity which occupies most persons at that workplace.
For persons working at more than one place during this period, record the industrial sector where s/he spends most of the time.
Write a short description of what is made or done at the workplace where the person worked for most of the last twelve months preceding the census night. The activity should be recorded as fully as possible, e.g. primary school teaching, retail trade of clothes, motor car repair, rice growing. Avoid unclear descriptions as teaching, trading etc. If the industrial sector in very rare cases is not known, write "99".
17. In what industrial sector was [the respondent] mainly working during the last 12 months?
Question 17: In which industrial sector was [the respondent] mainly working during the last twelve months?
The purpose of this question is to collect information on the industrial sector the respondent was working in.
This question is put to persons coded 01 to 07 in question 15, i.e. paid employees, employers, own account workers and unpaid family workers. Use the tick-box "N/A" to indicate that the question is not applicable for all others.
Industrial sector refers to the activity performed that is what is made or done at the work place (by the establishment) where the person mainly worked during the last 12 months, irrespective of the occupation of the person. Where a company has multiple activities (makes or does many things), the main activity should be determined. This is done by determining the activity which occupies most persons at that workplace.
For persons working at more than one place during this period, record the industrial sector where s/he spends most of the time.
For persons working in the Farming sector, use the tick-box to indicate this. For all others, tick the "other" alternative, and write a short description of what is made or done at the workplace where the person worked for most of the last twelve months preceding the census night. The activity should be recorded as fully as possible, e.g. primary school teaching, retail trade of clothes, motor car repair, rice growing. Avoid unclear descriptions as teaching, trading etc. If the industrial sector in very rare cases is not known, tick the "other" alternative and write "not known".
[Questions Q25-Q26 are asked of persons who answered codes 01-07 in Q24]
Q26. In what industry where you are working
Question Q26: What was the main economic activity in the past 12 months?
The purpose of this question is to collect information on the main job of the household members in the last 12 months based on the 2-digit code of Lao classification of economic sectors list that is indicated on the back of the questionnaire cover to be written in two boxes.
For more details, see Appendix 4.
Example: How to answer questions Q24, Q25, Q26, you should record as shown in the example:
[A table is omitted here]
[A table is omitted here]
28. What was (the respondent's) main product/ service/ activity of place of work?
98. Column 28: Main product/service/activity of place where worked.
17. Business or industry
What kind of business or industry did person work in?
Example: Iron mine, Rice farm
CODE: ____
P23. Industry
m. Economic activity - activity status (during last seven days) ____
Family business worker
Self employed
1B: Not seeking work
2B: Not seeking work
If active or unemployed but worked before, state:
[Questions N and O are asked of persons who have ever worked, as per question M]
o. Industry ____
Persons age 10 years or older
Questions from (l) through (q) should only be asked to persons who are age 10 years or older.
(0) Industry: Write the actual industry in which each person is or was working and columns 40-41 should be left blank. Use the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) provided on pages 37 - 39 as a guide.
Remember that the question on industry applies only to those who are "Active" or "Unemployed but worked before" and should have reported an occupation. Write N/A (Not applicable) for all those to whom the question on industry does not apply, i.e. those "Unemployed but never worked before" and those "Inactive".
B17. Economic activity - type of activity last week
What was [the respondent] doing the last 7 days?
[] 02 Employee
[] 03 Family business worker
[] 04 Self-employed
[] 05 Employer
[] 07 Worked before, non seeking work
[] 08 Never worked before, seeking work
[] 10 Home worker
[] 11 Student
[] 12 Other
B19. Economic activity: industry
For example: construction, agriculture, transport, manufacturing, community services, etc.
4. Persons age 10 years or older
Industry: The classification of a person's industry is based on the nature of the product or service provided by the organization for which he/she works. For example, those persons who work in the bakery are in the "food manufacturing" industry whether their occupation is that of manager, cook or night watchman. In the case of people who provide a service, for example a dentist or barber, you should give details of their industry or describe the type of their work (that is "dental clinic" or "barber shop"). In the particular case of the dentist or a barber, these details are obvious; but in the case (for example) of persons working in these places as "cleaners," it is clearly not sufficient to write merely "health" or "shop". Note: You should not give the name of a person's employers to describe their industry.
Industry responses are based on the Standard International Classification (ISIC) given in Appendix C. This system classifies industry into 9 broad divisions, each of which is further sub-divided into 4 digit specific subcategories. These subcategories enable as to identify a particular industry within a broad industrial division. For instance, under "Agriculture, hunting, forestry and fishing," specific subcategories such as "Tea growing" or "Tobacco growing" are shown separately.
Other examples of occupation and industry would be:
a.) A man may be a driver on a tea farm in which case his occupation is driver and his industry is tea growing. Another man may be a driver in a factory, in which case his occupation is driver and his industry is the one in which the factory is engaged; e.g. if making clothes, clothing industry. Similarly, a driver may work for a stage coach in which case his industry is transportation. A person who sells second-hand clothes (kaunjika) will be classified as second-hand clothes vendor or kaunjika vendor as his/her occupation, but his/her specific industry group will be 'Other Retail Trade'.
b.) Similarly, it is possible to have people who do the same kind of work in one organization and yet may be in different industries, an example of which would be a clerk working for ADMARC which has different industries, e.g. "Agriculture, trade and transportation". In such cases you will have to ask in which section or department of the organization the person works. Where you have doubts as to the proper industry of a person treat the main activity of the organization as his industry.
c.) Most government departments fall under the broad industrial group of community, social and personnel services but further subdivided into different subgroups. For instance, a civil servant working as an accounts clerk in the department of Human Resource Management and Development: his occupation will be accounts clerk while his industrial group will be public administration and defense. A primary school teacher working in a government school will have teacher as his occupation and the industrial group as government school. On the other hand, a primary school teacher working in a private school will have private school as his industry.
B19. Industry: Write the actual industry in which each person is or was working in the space provided in B19 and leave the four boxes blank. If you are not sure about a person's industry, then just state clearly what the person does and the appropriate industry will be put in the office. However, this should only be done as a last resort after you have failed to identify the appropriate industry.
P27. What is the main product, service or activity of [the respondent's] place of work? ______
Household members who are currently working/ever worked
[Questions P25-P27 were asked of persons currently working or ever worked]
P27. Industry/main product/services
Ask and write, in the spaces provided, the respondent's main products, service or activity produced or provided by the individual (and work mates, if applicable) at the place (industry) where he/she works. The same principle applies if the individual is self-employed or an employer.
Example: A person may be an accounts clerk and employed by a dairy farmer - his occupation is "Accounting clerk" and his industry is "Dairy farming". Below are some specific examples of how to probe for better industry information:
Response: (suggested probing questions)
Construction: What does the company build? (e.g. roads, dams, electrical plant, etc.) If the company builds houses, for example, then record "Building construction".
Mining: What type of mine is it? (e.g. coal, gold, diamond, etc.) If gold is mined, for example, record "Gold mining".
Shop: What does the shop sell? (e.g. shoes, clothes, groceries, etc.) If it sells groceries, record "Sale of groceries".
Farming: What type of produce is farmed? Is it crop or livestock farming or both? Record "Crop farming" if crops are grown, "Livestock farming" if animals are reared.
Self-employed: What kind of goods does the individual make or sell? (e.g. sells fruits and vegetables, weaves mats and baskets, sells clothes (hawker), etc.) Some examples of services an individual may provide are cutting, styling, treating illness (e.g. traditional healers, etc.)
Before asking questions 25-34 explain that the questions are for the previous 7 day period only
32. Main industry (use two or more words if possible): ____
[Questions 31-34 were asked of persons other than those who did not work for pay or profit, at least 1 day during the last 7 days, did not help in a family farm or business at least one day during the last 7 days, did not have any employment, work on farm, enterprise or other family enterprise to return to, and were not seeking work during the last 7 days.]
34. What are the main activities/products of this establishment? ________
Questions 25-34 record information on work or employment of a person. Be sure to explain to the respondent that you are only concerned with the period of 7 days prior to the day of interview.
Question 34
This question is concerned with the industry in which the person worked during the 7 day reference period. It refers to the industry of the respondent's principal occupation.
The industry of a person refers to the activity of the establishment, (for example, firm, factory or shop) where the person worked during the 7 day reference period. In practice, knowledge of the type of product produced and the type of service performed by the establishment would give you an idea of the type of activity. If the person was unemployed during that period you are to record the previous industry in which he worked.
The kind of industry carried on at the place where the person worked during the reference week must be recorded clearly and exactly. Avoid the use of general terms, such as, manufacturing, wholesaling, retailing, construction, estate, mining, factory, Government service, etc. Use two or more words to describe in more detail the industry, for example, manufacturing of shoes, wholesale grocery, retail book store, road construction, rubber estate, tin mining (dredging), palm oil factory, Department of Statistics, would be more useful for purposes of classification.
If the company for which the person works is engaged in several different types of industries, you are to record the industry which is carried out at the particular place where the person worked during the reference week.
For person aged 10 years and above (Date of birth before/on 14 of August, 1981)
[Questions 18-27 are asked of those who lived in their households on Census Days and 10 years old or above.]
[Questions C25-27 were asked of persons who worked at least 1 hour during the 7 days and had a job to return to. (Yes was chosen in Question C18 or C19.)]
C26. Industry
(b) What is the name and address of your employer?
(ii) Address of employer ________
Question C26
[The enumeration form is not presented here.]
To find out the "industry" for person who worked during the last 7 days before interview.
Industry refers to the economic activity of the working place of a person. This includes agriculture, manufacturing, mining, services, etc.
How to ask the question
To obtain complete information on the industry at the place where a person works, two questions should be asked, that it:
Question (a)
"What are the activities/services/product of _____ (member's name) place of work?"
Question (b)
"What is the employer's name and address?"
How to record the answer
Question 26(a)
State clearly and precisely the activities/services/products of the place of work of the respondent.
Whenever possible explain in a few words, for example:
ii) Sewing clothes in own house.
iii) Repairing cars in own workshop.
iv) Selling food in coffee shop.
v) Selling food at "Night Market".
vi) Making furniture in factory.
vii) Planting paid in own farm.
Avoid using general terms such as manufacturing, selling, agriculture or production.
State industry for occupation which has been recorded in Question C25.
Question 26(b)
Obtain an answer for this question if the respondent is an employee or employer.
This question need not be answered for cases where the respondent is own-account worker in agricultural sector, such as gardener, rubber taper, paid farmer, etc.
Note: Examples for answers to Questions C25 and C26
To assist you in recording the answers to Questions C25 and C26 clearly and accurately, some examples are given as references on pages 155 and 156.
[The table of examples of occupation and industry which are commonly found in the urban area is not presented here.]
[Questions 25-27 were asked of persons who worked for at least one hour during the last 7 days or had a job to return to.]
C26. Industry
(a) What are the activities/ services/ products of your place of work? (Describe in a few words) ________
(b) What is the name and address of your company/ employer? (If relevant only)
(ii) Address of company/ employer: ________
21. Principal branch of employment
[Questions] 18 - 22. Economic Activity:
Questions 18 to 22 have to do with the economic activity of the people enumerated, i.e, their occupation. To fill in their forms pay careful attention to the following directions:
[Page 32]
However, for people who work in the agricultural sector (farming, breeding animals, fishing and forestry) this reference period is brought to [illegible] 12 months, taking into account the seasonal nature of employment in this sector. Rural work is carried out during a fixed period which does not correspond to the date of the census.
21. Principal branch of employment
This corresponds to the economic sector in which a working person has declared his/her principal work. Ask household members aged 6 and older the following question: "What type of production was the area you worked in, either modern or traditional, involved in?"
For example: Restaurant, pottery, farming, factory, store, Niger Office, SONATAM, Sada Diallo Factory, Total, Shell, civil service, etc.
NB: this is the employment of the workplace
For persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 16-26]
Activity type
25. Branch of economic activity
1.2.2. Questions for persons aged 6 years and above
This is the second group of questions, concerning the characteristics of household members. They concern only the persons aged 6 years and above.
For persons aged less than 6 years (children), write (0) or (00) depending on column width in Columns P16 to P30.
Columns P23-P25: Economic Activities
Question P22 to P26 deal with the economic activity of the enumerated persons, that is: the occupation of the interviewed persons. For filling this question, please follow carefully the following guidelines.
a. The questions shall be asked only to household members aged 6 years of more. For others, write a hyphen (-) in Columns P23 and P25; and write (0) in Columns P22, P24, and P26.
b. To record the data on economic activity, the census enumerator shall refer to the reference period of one month (30 days) preceding the date of visit in the household.
However, for the persons who work in the agricultural sector (beekeeping, husbandry, fishing, forestry, etc.), this reference period is extended to one year (12 months), because of the seasonal character of this type of employment. Indeed, works in agriculture are done during a well defined period during the year, which may not correspond with the census date.
25. Column P25: Branch of economic activity
The question to be asked to the household members aged 6 years of more will be: "In what type of activity was the occupation of name?" or "What was the type of economic activity, modern or traditional, in which name was occupied?"
Write down in words what was doing the firm, the society, the institution or the employer of the concerned person.
Example: restaurant, Pottery, farming, factory, shop, Office du Niger, Sonatam, Usine Sada Diallo [Factory], Total, Shell, public service, etc...
P27) Branch of economic activity
What does the business or establishment that [Name] works or worked for mainly do? Branch of economic activity (Column P27)
The purpose of this question is to understand the nature of the activity of the establishment or the business where the enumerated person works. This is the main activity (industry) of the employer or the company to which the respondent belongs. Always specify the name of the company if possible. Do not confuse the industry with the type of work performed by the individual.
[Omitted example]
Instruction: The industry of a servant is "Service to individuals."
This question is also for the unemployed. In this case we determine the industry from his lat main occupation.
This question does not apply to people seeking their first job and the elderly who do not work.
Do not fill in the shaded boxes (reserved for codification)
For persons aged 12 years and over:
30 Kind of business, industry or service ____
Column 30
Kind of business, industry or service
Give a complete description of the kind of business, industry or service which was being carried on at the place where the person worked. Do not use vague terms such as agriculture, repairs, factory, school, shop, etc. Give a complete description: for example, sugarcane cultivation, tea cultivation, anthurium plantation; car repairing, bicycle repairing; sugar factory; pullover knitting factory, manufacture of knitted gloves, cutting and sewing underwear, primary school; household furniture or appliances shop, groceries retailer, victualer; etc. Do not hesitate to use creo1e terms if necessary.
[Next page]
If more than one activity were carried out at the place where the person worked, describe the business, industry or service in which the person's main occupation was performed. For example, if the establishment was engaged in both sugar cane and anthurium cultivation, and the person worked in connection with the anthurium cultivation, write 'anthurium cultivation'.
For persons in Government service, do not write 'Government service', but describe the activity carried out by the office or department where the person worked: for example, administration, collection of statistics, police, livestock breeding, plant nursery, agricultural research station, manufacture of wooden furniture, printing, road construction, primary education, health services, sewage services, etc.
Do not forget to describe the kind of business or service in the case of persons who were self-employed or who worked in their own homes; for example, dressmaking, tailoring, curing of fish, basket making, cattle keeping, preparation of foodstuffs for sale, sale of vegetables, taxi service, etc.
For a person who worked as employee in a private household (e.g. as cook, driver, watchman, gardener, laundress, maidservant, etc.), write 'Household service'. But note that if the person worked as a driver or watchman or gardener etc. in an establishment, or in connection with the professional activities of a self-employed person then you should describe the activity of the establishment or of the self-employed person.
For persons aged 12 years and over.
(Questions 28 to 33 refer to the person's job or business during the past week. If person had no job last week, answer for his/her last job. If person had more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours.)
29. Kind of business, industry or service _ _ _ _ _
[Columns 28 to 33 are for persons who have ever worked. Information is required on the person's work during the past week. If person had more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours. If person had no job last week, answer for his/her last job.]
Column 29 - Kind of business, industry or service
Give a complete description of the kind of business, industry or service which was being carried on at the place where the person worked.
Do not use vague terms such as agriculture, repairs, factory, school, shop, etc. Give a complete description: for example, sugarcane cultivation, tea cultivation, anthurium plantation, car repairing, bicycle repairing; sugar factory, pullover knitting factory, manufacture of knitted gloves, cutting and sewing underwear, primary school, secondary school, household furniture shop, household appliances shop, groceries retailer, victualler, etc. Do not hesitate to use creole terms if necessary.
If more than one activity were carried out at the place where the person worked, describe the business, industry or service in which the person's main occupation was performed.
For persons in Government Service, do not write 'Government Service', but describe the activity carried out by the office or department where the person worked. E.g., Administration, collection of statistics, police, livestock breeding, plant nursery, agricultural research station, manufacture of wooden furniture, printing, road construction, primary education, health services, sewage services, etc.
For a person who worked as employee in a private household (e.g. as cook, driver, watchman, gardener, laundress, maidservant, etc.), write 'Household service'.
Do not forget to describe the kind of business or service in the case of persons who were self-employed or who worked in their own homes; for example, dressmaking, tailoring, curing of fish, basket making, cattle keeping, preparation of foodstuffs for sale, sale of vegetables, taxi service, etc.
The following questions [questions 29 through 34] refer to the person's work during the reference week Monday 27 June to Sunday 3 July 2011. If the person is retired or had no job during that week, answer for his/her last job. If the person has more than one job, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours. [For persons aged 12 years and older]
P30. Kind of business, industry or service ____
P30 - Industrial activity
Kind of business, industry or service provides information on the number of people working in each industry, and coupled with other data, assists in the analysis of the growth or decline of industries and their employment prospects.
8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire
P30 - Kind of business, industry or service
[figure omitted]
Write in the boxes a complete description of the kind of business, industry or service carried out at the place where the person worked.
Do not use vague terms such as agriculture, repairs, factory, school, shop, etc. Give a complete and precise description: for example, sugar cane cultivation, tea cultivation, anthurium plantation, car repairing, bicycle repairing, sugar factory, pullover knitting factory, manufacture of knitted gloves, cutting and sewing shirt, primary education, secondary education, household furniture shop, household appliances shop, groceries retailer, etc. An example is given below.
[figure omitted]
If more than one activity were carried out at the place where the person worked; describe the business, industry or service in which the person's main occupation was performed. For instance, if the establishment was engaged in both sugar cane plantation and anthurium cultivation, and the person worked in connection with the anthurium cultivation, write "anthurium cultivation".
For persons in Government Service, do not write "Government Service", but describe the activity carried out by the office/department where the person worked, e.g., Administration, collection of statistics, police, livestock breeding, plant nursery, agricultural research station, printing, primary education, health services, etc.
For a person who worked as employee in a private household (e.g. cook, driver, watchman, gardener, laundress, maid servant, etc.): write "household services" as below.
[figure omitted]
But if the person worked as a driver or watchman or gardener, etc. in an establishment or in connection with the professional activities of a self-employed person, then you should describe the activity of the establishment or of the self-employed person.
Do not forget to describe the kind of business or service in case of persons who were self-employed or worked in their home: e.g., dress-making, tailoring, curing of fish, basket making, cattle keeping, preparation of foodstuffs for sale, sale of vegetables, taxi service, etc.
Examples of the enumeration of laborers: | |||
COLUMN 33 | COLUMN 34 | COLUMN 39 | |
Shoe leather cutter | Worker X | Shoe factory | |
Masonry worker | Worker X | Home construction | |
Servant | Worker X | Private Home | |
Examples of the enumerations of employees of any category: | |||
COLUMN 33 | COLUMN 35 | COLUMN 39 | |
Typist | Employee X | Bank branch | |
Store clerk | Employee X | Clothing store | |
Manager (Gerente) | Employee X | Shoe factory | |
Examples of the enumeration of people who are bosses or managers (empresario): | |||
COLUMN 33 | COLUMN 36 | COLUMN 39 | |
Agriculturalist | Boss or manager X | Cotton farm | |
Merchant | Boss or manager X | Grain store | |
Industry | Boss or manager X | Tile factory | |
Examples of the enumeration of people who are self-employed: | |||
COLUMN 33 | COLUMN 37 | COLUMN 39 | |
Carpenter | Self-employed X | Carpenter shop | |
Traveling merchant | Self-employed X | Fruit vendor | |
Fixed merchant | Self-employed X | Clothes sales stand | |
Examples of the enumeration of people who help their family without retribution: | |||
COLUMN 33 | COLUMN 38 | COLUMN 39 | |
Sales attendant | Helps family X | Hardware store | |
Milkman | Helps family X | Stable | |
Framing apprentice | Helps family X | Frame workshop | |
Example of the enumeration of a person who is seeking work for the first time: | |||
COLUMN 33 | COLUMNS 34 to 38 | COLUMN 39 | |
Stenographer | (Leave blank) | New worker |
17. Type of activity in 1969
First question | Second question |
Where did you have your principle job or employment in 1969? |
What did this company, business, or institution dedicate itself it? |
1. "Orient Wood" | Furniture company |
2. Livestock farm | Raising and selling of wool livestock |
3. "Rosita" clothes store | Clothes sales |
4. "La Norteña" tortilla makers | Sale of food to the public |
5. Private house |
17. Economic Activity
What is the main activity of the business, land, company, institution or place where the person worked?
Where did the person work?
For example: One the land, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop
17. Economic activity
With this question, we want to know what the person does in the business, farm, establishment, lot, institution, shop, factory, store or place where the person worked in the week before the census.
In the first question, you should write what the primary activity is of the business, store, company, farm, office, or place where the person worked in the week before the census. If the person did not work in any of these places, you should write what he/she made, repaired, cleaned, transported, sold, cultivated, or did.
In this situation you will find some artisans, the traveling salesmen, street vendors with permanent sidewalk sales, and the persons who carry out an economic activity in his/her house: for example: sew shoes, make dresses, prepare tamales to sell, or paint signs.
In the second question, you should write the name of the place where the person worked: salt mine, shrimp boat, fruit and vegetable market, secondary school, hospital, bank, children's clothing store, municipal offices, lawyers' office, knit fabric factory.
If the person worked in the street, such as a policeman, a traveling salesman, a taxi driver, or a street artist, you should write: in the street.
Do not write the address of the place where the person worked; write the name of the place.
17. Economic activity
What is the primary activity of the business, lot, company, institution or place where you worked?
Manufacture paper
Write the primary activity
Where did you work?
For example: in the fields, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop
In a factory
Write the place where he/she worked
17. Economic activity
What is the primary activity of the business, lot, company, institution or place where you worked?
Sell balloons
Write the primary activity
Where did you work?
For example: in the fields, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop
In the street
Write the place where he/she worked
17. Economic activity
What is the primary activity of the business, lot, company, institution or place where you worked?
Do the accounting for several companies
Write the primary activity
Where did you work?
For example: in the fields, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop
In an accountants' office
Write the place where he/she worked
17. Economic activity
What is the primary activity of the business, lot, company, institution or place where you worked?
Provide educational services
Write the primary activity
Where did you work?
For example: in the fields, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop
In an elementary school
Write the place where he/she worked
17. Economic activity
What is the primary activity of the business, lot, company, institution or place where you worked?
Plant corn
Write the primary activity
Where did you work?
For example: in the fields, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop
In the fields
Write the place where he/she worked
[End of illustration]
Do not forget that you must always ask both questions and write the answers clearly for each of them.
I work as a flower vendor. I do not have an employer, I am self-employed. I work everyday, Monday through Sunday, from 8 in the morning until 6 P.M.. I sell my flowers in the street, on the street called "September 16", and I make about two hundred thousand pesos biweekly.
What is the job, post or position that you have at your principal occupation?
Flower vendor
Write the name.
What are the tasks or functions that you do in your job?
Sell flowers
Write the tasks.
15. Work situation
The person in his/her work is?
Mark only one circle
Employee or worker? [ ] 1
Day laborer or salaried laborer? [ ] 2
Self-employed? [x] 3
Employer or businessman [ ] 4
Unpaid worker in a family business or property? [ ] 5
16. Hours
How many hours total did you work last week?
Write the number
17. Economic activity
What is the primary activity of the business, lot, company, institution or place where you worked?
To sell flowers
Write the primary activity
Where did you work?
For example: in the fields, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop
In the street
Write the place where he/she worked
18. Income
How does this person earn for his/her work?
Write only one answer in numbers
Weekly [__] 1
Biweekly [200,000] 2
Monthly [__] 3
Yearly [__] 4
Mark with an x
Does not receive income [ ] 0
-I am a seamstress, I make dresses and blouses for my clients here in my house. I work six hours a day and I rest on Saturdays and Sundays. I make about eighty thousand pesos a week.
What is the job, post, or position that you have at your principal occupation?
Seamstress of dresses and blouses
Write the name.
What are the tasks or functions that you do in your job?
Sew and cut blouses and dresses
Write the tasks.
15. Work situation
The person in his/her work is?
Mark only one circle
Employee or worker? [ ] 1
Day laborer or salaried laborer? [ ] 2
Self-employed? [x] 3
Employer or businessman [ ] 4
Unpaid worker in a family business or property? [ ] 5
16. Hours
How many hours total did you work last week?
Write the number
17. Economic activity
What is the primary activity of the business, lot, company, institution or place where you worked?
To cut and sew blouses and dresses
Write the primary activity
Where did you work?
For example: in the fields, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop
At home
Write the place where he/she worked
18. Income
How does this person earn for his/her work?
Write only one answer in numbers
Weekly [80,000] 1
Biweekly [__] 2
Monthly [__] 3
Yearly [__] 4
Mark with an x
Does not receive income [ ] 0
[End of illustration]
Economic activity
7.7 and 7.8 Type of activity
The objective of these questions is to know the distribution of the working population by sector of economic activity.
Question 7.7 has the goal of knowing the type of place where the employed person worked the week before the interview. This place can be a factory, an [p. 134] X-ray laboratory, a dressmaking shop, in the street, in the market, in the house, at a construction site, etc.
For people who had two or more jobs in the week before the interview, the type of activity of the place where the principal work was done should be known, which is the one that the informant selected and was written down in 7.3.
This question has two ways to write down the answer: the first, when the answer of the informant is equal to one of the options; in these cases write down the code that corresponds in column 7.7 A and go to question 7.9 about income. The second way is applied when the answer is not equal to the listed options; if this is so, write down the answer as such and also describe it in column 7.7B and ask question 7.8 Type of activity.
It is important to point out that the eight answer options included in this question, do not pretend to cover all places of work. These are listed because they are those declared most frequently and result in repeatedly asking for the type of activity, when it is already known. For example, in a school classes are offered, in a hospital health services are provided, in a grocery store groceries are sold, etc.
Some of the establishments or businesses declared by an informant, different then the listed options and that should be written down exactly in 7.7B are the following:
[p. 135]
Agriculture or livestock:
Plot of land, livestock ranch, pig farm, agricultural farm, vegetable garden, coffee plantation, etc.
Factory, process center, bottling factory, machine shop, bakery, mine, petrol-chemical complex, refinery, carpenter's shop, dressmaker's shop, etc.
Auto shop, mall, general store, paper store, market, hardware store, butcher store, superette, etc.
Clinic, doctor's office, drycleaners, cleaners, beauty salon, public bathrooms, gymnasium, hairdressers, tinsmith shop, office for lawyers, accountants, private investigation, photocopying, etc.
Along with the previous, also it is possible that an informant declare generic places like: in the street (street salesperson), on the road (transportation worker), etc. In these cases it is necessary that in the following question (7.8) the activity done in the declared place is written in detail.
When an informant declares the registered name of an institution, establishment, business or company, register the complete name, unless they have an abbreviation known at the national level, for example: INEGI, Pemex, IMSS, ISSSTE, DIF, SARH, SEP, among others.
In the cases in which an answer is the name of a person, investigate if this person has an establishment or place to work which is the name. If you cannot determine it, write the name that informant gives you, for example: "with their father," "with Misses María" etc.
When any doubt is present with a hired worker for a company, which does its duties in another company's instillations, write down the place of work corresponding to the establishment where hired. For example, in the case of cleaning workers of AQUALIM who do their job in a public office it should be written down in column 7.7B that they work in a cleaning company.
When an informant mentions in occupation questions the establishment where the person works, ask the question in a confirming manner:
Interviewer: What is the office or position that Carmen has in her job?
Informant: She is a seller in a butcher's shop.
Interviewer: So, you are telling me Carmen worked in a butcher's shop?
Informant: Yes, that's right.
[p. 136]
Question 7.8 Type of activity, corresponds to what is done or produced in the place or establishment, written down in 7.7B where the occupied person works.
[graphic of the question from the census form]
When two or more activities are done in the place or job, for example: making of milk and coffee, sports clothing and balls, among others, ask the informant to indicate the principal one.
In an informant tells you that in the place of work any product is produced or made, ask to point out the principle material used, for example, they make furniture of wood, they make toys from plastic, they make hats from palm, they make metal desks, etc.
In the same way, where any service is declared, ask for more details, for example: they do legal or company procedures, they do photography studies, they do laboratory studies, they produce radio programs, etc. Remember that the information of this question is written down in detail.
Frequently the duties described in the occupation question, particularly those of self employed workers, correspond to the activity of the business of these workers. In these cases, ask the question to confirm in the following manner:
Interviewer: What is the office or position that Juan has at his job?
Informant: He works as a tinsmith.
[p. 137]
Interviewer: What are the duties or functions that Juan has in his job?
Informant: He fixes wrecked cars.
Interviewer: In his job is Juan an employee or worker?
Informant: No, he is self employed.
Interviewer: Where does Juan work?
Informant: In his body workshop.
Interviewer: Then, in Juan's workshop wrecked cars are fixed?
Informant: Yes.
Ask the question in a confirming manner for people who declare to work in the street, at the home of their clients, from door to door, that is, for those who do not have a place or establishment. In these cases the activity of the business or place of work, generally corresponds to the duties declared in 7.4.
For example, if an informant declared as occupation selling candy and fruit in the street, confirm that it is the sale of the mentioned products.
Also if it was declared that the person cleans and irons someone else's clothes in a private house, confirm that the activity corresponds to this occupation.
If after exhausting all possibilities, the person does not know the information about any member of the family, write "does not know," in 7.7B and/or 7.8.
Occupation | Where they worked | What they do |
Servant | In another person's house | Chores in another person's house |
Gardener | In another person's house | Take care of the garden in another person's house |
Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II
For person age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 were asked of persons age 12 or older]
33. Economic activity sector
Where did [the respondent] work last week? Examples are on a ranch, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop, in a transportation company.
Write the place where s/he worked ________
What does the business, company or place where s/he worked do?
In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.
Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.
For persons age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 are for persons age 12 or older]
33. Economic activity sector
The economic activity completed in the business, company, or place where the person worked the week before the data collection is found out through two questions:
Regarding the activity of the business, company or place where the person worked, always ask, according to the case, for:
Use this information to clearly write what they produce, sell, or repair.
For example:
They make cardboard boxes.
They make wooden boxes.
They make and sell houses.
They sell plates, pots, and others.
They sell life insurance.
They sell used clothing.
They sell spare parts for trailers.
They repair shoes.
They repair autos.
They repair used clothing.
When the person responds that he/she works on his/her own, in the second question (to what is the business dedicated) repeat what is noted for Occupation, that is, what the person did. Always be sure that the informer listens to what you write.
"What did the person do?" Arranged gardens, sold fresh fish
"Where did the person work?" In different houses, in the market
"What are they dedicated to where he/she works?" Arranging gardens, selling fresh fish
If the person doesn't have a fixed place to work, note the place most frequented or as they indicate it, for example: in his/her own house, in the street, in the market, from door-to-door, outside the school, or in different houses.
If the person had more than one job, only register the economic activity from the work place where he/she carried out the principal occupation.
[Figures are omitted]
Note that a list of workplaces appears in the first question, if the answer corresponds exactly to any place circle the corresponding code; otherwise record textually the answer on the lines of "elsewhere". If the person does not have a fixed place to work, record the most frequent place indicated by the person. Avoid making translations or reinterpretations.
Once identified the business name, company, or place where the person works, apply question 36 "business, company or workplace activity" to know the job duties performed by the person, the products or services offered by the person and the type of economic activity done by him/her. Record the textual answer and avoid translations or reinterpretations.
When you get the name of the workplace and the activity performed by the person is obvious for yourself, only confirm your guess with the informant. For example:
When the answer is very general so it does not allow you to identify the specific activity of the company, business, or workplace, request more detailed information; for example:
39. Activity of business, company, or workplace: What activity does the business, company, or place where [the respondent] worked do: For example: making wooden furniture, making brooms, repairing cars, selling used clothes, assembling TVs.
In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.
Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.
[Figure omitted: image with text]
For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.
Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.
38. Business, company, or workplace and 39. Activity of the business, company, or workplace
These questions identify both the business, company or workplace where people worked the week prior to the interview, as well as the activities that are performed there.
[Figure omitted: image with text]
Question 38. Business, company, or workplace identifies the place where the person worked.
Read the question only when the answer is exactly the same as one of the options from codes 1. Agricultural field (crop) to 8. In the housing unit of another person, circle the appropriate one; otherwise, select code 9.
Another place and write down the answer on the line textually. Do not write abbreviations, or make translations, assumptions, or reinterpretations.
Some people do not have a fixed place to work; in these cases, consider the following:
Once the name of the business, company, or workplace has been identified, ask question 39. Activity of the business, company, or workplace, which allows knowing what activities are performed in the business, company, establishment, or workplace of the person; that is, to know what is done, what is sold, what is transported, what is grown, what is extracted, what is produced or manufactured, what service is offered or what is built. Record the stated answer verbatim.
Do not translate or reinterpret.
[p. 381]
If the answer is broad because what is stated does not allow us to know and identify the specific activity carried out in the company, business, or workplace, ask for more details.
[Figure omitted: image with text]
When you have already obtained the name of the workplace and the performed activity is obvious, just confirm it with the respondent.
For example:
[Figure omitted: image with text]
In cases where the person was self-employed and in question 38. Business, company, or place of work you registered option 6. On the street or public road, for answers such as "in the street", "from door to door", and "in other people's houses", record what the person did in question 39.
For example:
[Figure omitted: image with text]
[p. 382]
The question business, company, or place of work is presented in the census manager as follows:
[Figure omitted: images with text]
The question business activity, company, or place of work is shown in the census manager as follows:
[Figure omitted: image with text]
17. Sector name, type of activities at place of work ____ _ _ _
Guideline to fill Questions number 15-19 of the Questionnaire
The enumerator should fill out the questions related to the employment and main activity of enterprise, with many details (not general) and make it easy to understand for coding people. In the employment section, if the person is a teacher, it should be clarified by asking what does he or she teaches? There is an example to make it more understandable.
A. The main activity of person should be detailed. For instance, the person would say his or her employment as a manager and should indicate his or her main activity as an "industry and trade". In this case, the enumerator should ask if he is a sales manager or general manager and at which division does he or she work for? What kind of economic activity does your enterprise do?
[p. 30]
It should be clarified by asking "Do you have salary? Do you own this enterprise? If he or she does not own this enterprise or contributed his or her own property to this enterprise, he or she will be defined as a contract worker.
2. If a person owns that enterprise, the main activity of the enterprise will remain the same as a "trade" and his or her employment would be a "sales person". It should be clarified with many details that trade is wholesale, retail trade or intellectual work trade. For instance, wholesale of vegetables, retail trade of shoes in the black market.
In this case, the person who works in the wholesale trade of vegetables as a salesperson is a contract worker because he or she gets paid working as a salesperson. It must be clarified that whose property is in this trade, if he or she did not contribute any property to this trade, he or she will be defined as a contract employer.
3. Occupational jobs should be clarified in a very detailed manner, too. If the person is an operator, it should be clarified what kind of machine or equipment operator does he or she do? For instance, the person who works at "Hotol cement" company as an operator, he or she should answer own employment as following:
In this case, it is understandable or certain, a person who works at a cement company as a paid employer and his or her employment status will be defined as a contract employer.
[p. 31]
B. Example to fill in the questions about employment of person who work at more than one job
1. If a person worked at more than one job one week prior to the reference period, the main job should be registered in the questionnaire. The main job is the one that was worked at the longest during the reference period (1 week) of the census. If the worked hours at both jobs is the same, then the job with the higher income will be registered in the questionnaire. For instance, accountant Ms. Dulmaa works at a commercial bank as a general accountant but also works at small private shop as a accountant, the main job will be a general accountant and the main economic activity will be registered as an "activity of monetary circulation".
In this case, Ms. Dulmaa works at the commercial bank as a general accountant and she is a contract worker. Because she gets paid working as a general accountant, it should be clarified whose property is in the commercial bank, and if she did not contribute any property to this bank, her employment will be defined as a contract employer.
C. An example to fill the questions about self-employed person.
1. Questions 15-18, related to the employment of person aged 15 and over who works at household businesses (livestock, farming etc) except the head of households, should be filled out as follows:
People who do not get paid from their work in a household business should have their employment status defined as "unpaid family worker". The employment status of those people cannot be defined as "self-employed" because they are participating in their own household business but are not engaged with any industrial activity that is independent.
[p. 32]
2. If a person engages in the household business and hires any other household members permanently, the employment status of the head of household will be defined as a" employer" not self-employed.
The employment status of the person who is engaged in retail trade, craftsman or service without any permission, will be filled out as "self-employed" because they are engaged with their own business that is independent. If a person says that he or she works at a car cleaning service, it should be clarified by asking, what kind of car does he/she clean, where does he or she work?
For persons age 10 or older
[Questions 15-16.]
Q20. Primary activity of the establishment or professional premises where the person is working or worked____
37. Main business of the establishment ____ _
21. What activity has (the person) performed in the past week?
P24. What kind of business is held in place where you usually work?
Read the question and then write the specific name of the company's main activity or institution in which the interviewee works or activity that the respondent performs on your own.
Keep in mind that:
No questionnaire text is available for this sample.
Labor force (22 through 24)
24. What is the major product or service provided in the organization/enterprise where [the respondent] mainly worked during the last 12 months? ____
Question 24: Industry
181. Ask "what is the major product or service produced in the organization/enterprise where [the respondent] mainly worked during the last 12 months?"
182. Industry is the branch of economic activity carried out at the person's place of work. This is defined in terms of the kind of goods produced or services supplied by the enterprise in which the person works and NOT necessarily the specific duties or functions of the person's job. For example, in the case of a contract cook working in a canteen in a factory that makes television sets? The industry should be manufacture of electrical goods. But her occupation is a cook at worker place. Using such examples you would record construction/electrical installation, baking of bread, repair of boats/yacht, activities of trust company or retail banking, etc. There are cases where some people may also inform you that they are engaged in illegal activities like stealing, prostitution, you will have to record this as well. Your role is to get the correct information, write it down then coding will be done in the office in Naypyitaw.
183. For the corresponding main occupation in question 23 indicate the name of the business carried out by the employer. If it is not obvious from the name, or the business has no name, you should clearly indicate what the employer makes or does. Some employers are engaged in more than one industry (e.g. Government) therefore it is important to specify the type of industry that relates to the person for whom you are recording information. Write the name of the business or the department in government. Examples of various industries are provided below. Probe to find out the name of the business and the main type of activities carried out there.
[p. 43]
184. Your job is to write a legible and concise description of the type of business carried out where the person works. Errors in the classification of industries could occur when you do not give adequate or complete descriptions of the type of business. For example, inaccuracies may arise if you describe the business of an establishment by the occupation of the person employed there rather than the activity that is carried out within the business.
18. Where did ____ do the work? (Industry)
Column 18: Where did ____ do the work? (Industry)
The location where the person does the work indicates in which economic unit or organization the enumerated people do the actual work that is mentioned in column 17. To find the industry, the name of work place sector (Industry sector) should be written in this column. The place of work intends to determine the industry. Industry for the census purpose refers to the principal type of economic activity of the establishment (goods and services produced by the establishment) in which an individual worked during the reference period. The industry mentioned here is used to find out the manpower of the country who was engaged in different industry sectors.
"Where" does not mean the place like Hetauda, Pokhara, or Dhulikhel. It means the different sectors of economic activities that produce goods and services. The sector of economic activity is divided into 17 industry groups. For example: agriculture, mining, electricity, gas and water, construction, trade, personal and social service, transport, etc. To write the answer of where did ..... do the work, it should be mentioned the place of work done by the enumerated people: the name of organization/corporation, the establishment and the production of goods and services. For example, "Central Bureau of Statistics, data collection, tabulation, etc."
Nobody must be double-counted or missing: female/male, boy/girl and their ages.
2. The job of the doctor of general medicine is health checkup and treatment. If the treatment and health checkup was done in health organization then his/her industry is health and social work or personal and community service. So, to write industry, hospital or health organization, health service should be written. Here, hospital or health organization is personal and community service. Industry and the production of goods and service is health service.
But if the doctor was doing health checkup and treatment of the workers in the establishment of cloth, then industry should be manufacturing industry. "Where was the job done?" should be written as: "establishment of cloth, cloth production".
3. Only by the name of the organization we cannot understand the nature of the work of that organization. For example: "Sangrila and company". It is not clear by the name of this organization what work was done by this organization. So, if this organization was doing the transportation work, then to write the answer of this question, first should be written the name of the company and then it should be mentioned "transport service". For the employees of Nepal Telecom, it should be written as "Nepal Telecom, communication service"
If the enumerated people were doing retail service, then for the answer of the question "where did do the job" it should be written "own shop, retail service". But if this job was done in the sales office of Trade Corporation, it should be written "national trade corporation, trade". If the enumerated person was employed on daily wage on the personal house, then for the industry it should be written as "personal house" and mentioned the work done by her/him. For example: making quilt, mattress etc. If the enumerated person was ploughing the field of another, then for the answer of the question "what did you do in the reference period", it should be written clearly as "personal field ploughing, cereal crop or vegetable crop production" or similar other production, whatever they produce.
For questions 23, 24 and 25, Q 22: [1+2+3+4] greater than 0
[Questions 23 to 25 were asked of those who answered they did agricultural (1), salary/wage (2), own economic enterprise (3), or extended economic (4) work for a total of months greater than zero.]
[24] Where did [the respondent] work? [Industry] ____
Column 24: where did [the respondent] do that economic activity?
Economic activity means the area of industry where the person performed the works stated in column 23. It does not refer to places like Hetauda, Pokhar, or Dhulikhel. It refers to the area of economic activity that produces goods or services. Hence, write the name of the industry and the goods or services it produces. For example, Central Bureau of Statistics - data collection and entry; Patan hospital - health service, etc. and such area of industry should be written in this column. Here, area of industry means the area of goods or service production that a person is individually or with a group engaged. The industry written here helps to categorize the country's manpower with their area of industry/business. Sectors of industries have been divided into 17 different industries. For example - agriculture and forest, mining, electricity, gas and water, construction, trade, individual and social service, transportation, etc.
Example -
1. While writing an area of business and production for the people in agriculture/farming, write "in own land - cereal crops, vegetable crops." If working in others land, write "in others farm - cereal crops, vegetable crops, or cash crops." If doing livestock rearing "in own shed/farm - livestock," "in others' farm/shed - livestock."
2. The works of a general medicine doctor are treatment and health checkup. If a person works in a hospital or any other health institution in the sector of treatment or health checkup, the works of such person would be health and social work or personal and community services. And while writing it, write as "district hospital or health institution - health service." Here hospital or health institution is included in the personal and community services - industry and its service or product is health service. But, if the doctor has been doing treatment or health checkup for the workers of garment industry, then the industry would be manufacturing industry. And the response for place of work should be written as "garment industry - garment production."
[p. 92]
3. The nature of work cannot be identified only by name in the case of some of the industry. E.g. From the "sangrila and company" name the nature of work cannot be determined. Therefore, if the company has done transportation of goods, write the business of a person working there as "cangrila and company - transportation service." For the person working in Nepal Telecom, write "Nepal Telecom - communication services."
Write the response of a person working in his own retail shop/grocery as "own shop/ grocery - retail trade of food items". But if the selling job has been done at depot of the food corporation, write "food corporation - food items selling." In the case of the people working in a wage basis or as a laborer, if they did the work in a private house, write "in private house - carpenter work." If a person has done plowing job in the reference time period, write the response "in others farm - paddy production," if planting/seedling cereal or vegetable, write "in others farm - cereal or vegetable production" or similar kind of production as it is.
Note: Do not write anything below in four small boxes under the response writing blank area. These boxes are only for coding purpose.
5a. For whom does he/she work? ________
(Please fill in name of company, business, organization or other employer)
b. What kind of industry, business, professional practice, school or other institution is this? ________
(Fill in, e.g. factory of steel windows, accountant's office, grocery, doctor's practice, primary school, secretariat of municipality, home for elderly people or the like)
c. What department (branches) does he/she work in? ________
d. Is the industry or institution he/she works for owned by the government, a province or municipality, an ecclesiastical organization, a corporation, a private person or the like? ________
No questionnaire text is available for this sample.
No questionnaire text is available for this sample.