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000Non-specified activities11,931
001Agricultural production68,072
002Cattle production8,481
003Agricultural and cattle services759
004Hunting and cynegetic repopulation134
011Extraction and agglomeration of solid combustibles and coke2,774
012Extraction of petroleum and natural gas526
013Petroleum refining945
014Extraction and transformation of radioactive minerals80
015Production, transportation, and distribution of electric energy, gas, vapor, and hot water4,406
016Collection, purification, and distribution of water1,003
021Extraction and preparation of metallic minerals846
022Production and first transformation of metals10,567
023Extraction of non-metal and non-energy minerals; peat1,657
024Industries of non-metal mineral products10,748
025Chemical industries12,286
031Manufacture of metal products (except machinery and transportation materials)35,453
032Construction of machinery and mechanical equipment9,013
033Construction of office machines and computers (including installation)440
034Construction of electrical machinery and materials11,161
035Manufacture of electronic material (except computers)2,942
036Construction of automobile vehicles and spare parts9,932
037Naval construction, ship repair and maintenance5,670
038Construction of other transportation materials2,010
039Manufacture or precision instruments, optical instruments and similar1,373
042Food, beverage, tobacco production industries22,099
043Textile industry12,109
044Leather industry2,068
045Industries of footwear, clothing, and other textile production13,337
046Wood, cork, and wood furniture industries15,528
047Paper industry and manufacture of paper products; graphic arts and editing11,660
048Rubber transformation industries and plastic materials7,189
049Other manufacturing industries3,015
061Wholesale commerce13,361
062Product recuperation774
063Commercial intermediaries2,759
064Retail commerce54,676
065Restaurants and cafes (without housing)14,663
071Railroad transportation4,718
072Other terrestrial transportation18,740
073Maritime and fluvial transportation3,078
074Air transportation1,419
075Activities related to transportation5,530
081Financial institutions13,986
083Financial and insurance auxiliaries. Real estate activities1,429
084Services provided to businesses8,788
085Property (mobile) rental275
086Real estate rental343
091Public administration. National defense and social security31,907
092Services of cleaning public roads, cleaning and similar3,751
093Education and research25,622
094Healthcare and veterinary services18,653
095Social assistance and other services provided to the community4,347
096Recreational and cultural services5,752
097Personal services6,446
098Domestic services16,056
099Diplomatic representations and international organizations313
999NIU (not in universe)1,414,924