Questionnaire Text

Argentina 1970 Fiji 1986 Malawi 1987 Romania 2011
Argentina 1980 Fiji 1996 Malawi 1998 Rwanda 2002
Argentina 1991 Fiji 2007 Malawi 2008 Rwanda 2012
Argentina 2001 Fiji 2014 Malaysia 1970 Saint Lucia 1991
Armenia 2011 Finland 2010 Malaysia 1980 Senegal 1988
Austria 1971 France 1962 Malaysia 1991 Senegal 2002
Austria 1981 France 1968 Malaysia 2000 Senegal 2013
Austria 1991 France 1975 Mali 1987 Sierra Leone 2004
Austria 2001 France 1982 Mali 1998 Sierra Leone 2015
Belarus 1999 France 1990 Mali 2009 Slovakia 1991
Belarus 2009 France 1999 Mauritius 1990 Slovakia 2001
Benin 1979 France 2006 Mauritius 2000 Slovakia 2011
Benin 1992 France 2011 Mauritius 2011 Slovenia 2002
Benin 2002 Germany 1970 Mexico 1960 South Africa 1996
Benin 2013 Germany 1981 Mexico 1970 South Africa 2001
Bolivia 1976 Germany 1987 Mexico 1990 South Africa 2007
Bolivia 1992 Ghana 1984 Mexico 1995 South Sudan 2008
Bolivia 2001 Ghana 2000 Mexico 2000 Spain 1981
Bolivia 2012 Ghana 2010 Mexico 2010 Spain 1991
Botswana 1981 Greece 1971 Mexico 2015 Spain 2001
Botswana 1991 Greece 1981 Mexico 2020 Spain 2011
Botswana 2001 Greece 1991 Mongolia 2000 Sudan 2008
Botswana 2011 Greece 2001 Morocco 1982 Suriname 2004
Brazil 1960 Greece 2011 Morocco 1994 Suriname 2012
Brazil 1970 Guatemala 1964 Morocco 2004 Switzerland 1970
Brazil 1980 Guatemala 1973 Morocco 2014 Switzerland 1980
Brazil 1991 Guatemala 1981 Mozambique 1997 Switzerland 1990
Brazil 2000 Guatemala 1994 Mozambique 2007 Switzerland 2000
Brazil 2010 Guatemala 2002 Myanmar 2014 Switzerland 2011
Burkina Faso 1985 Guinea 1983 Nepal 2001 Tanzania 1988
Burkina Faso 1996 Guinea 1996 Nepal 2011 Tanzania 2002
Cambodia 1998 Guinea 2014 Netherlands 1960 Tanzania 2012
Cambodia 2004 Haiti 1982 Netherlands 1971 Thailand 1970
Cambodia 2008 Haiti 2003 Netherlands 2001 Thailand 1980
Cambodia 2013 Honduras 1961 Netherlands 2011 Thailand 1990
Cambodia 2019 Honduras 1974 Nicaragua 1971 Thailand 2000
Cameroon 1976 Honduras 1988 Nicaragua 1995 Togo 1960
Cameroon 2005 Honduras 2001 Nicaragua 2005 Togo 1970
Canada 1971 Hungary 1970 Pakistan 1973 Togo 2010
Canada 1981 Hungary 1980 Palestine 1997 Trinidad and Tobago 1980
Canada 1991 Hungary 1990 Palestine 2007 Trinidad and Tobago 1990
Canada 2001 Hungary 2001 Palestine 2017 Trinidad and Tobago 2000
Canada 2011 Hungary 2011 Panama 1960 Turkey 1985
Chile 1960 Indonesia 1971 Panama 1970 Turkey 1990
Chile 1970 Indonesia 1976 Panama 1980 Turkey 2000
Chile 1982 Indonesia 1980 Panama 1990 Uganda 1991
Chile 1992 Indonesia 1985 Panama 2000 Uganda 2002
Chile 2002 Indonesia 1990 Panama 2010 Uganda 2014
China 1982 Indonesia 1995 Papua New Guinea 1980 United Kingdom 1961
China 1990 Indonesia 2005 Papua New Guinea 1990 United Kingdom 1971
China 2000 Iran 2006 Papua New Guinea 2000 United Kingdom 1991
Colombia 1964 Iran 2011 Paraguay 1962 United Kingdom 2001
Colombia 1973 Iraq 1997 Paraguay 1972 United States 1960
Costa Rica 1973 Ireland 1971 Paraguay 1982 United States 1970
Costa Rica 1984 Ireland 1981 Paraguay 1992 United States 1980
Costa Rica 2000 Ireland 1986 Paraguay 2002 United States 1990
Costa Rica 2011 Ireland 1991 Peru 1993 United States 2000
Cuba 2002 Ireland 1996 Peru 2007 United States 2005
Cuba 2012 Ireland 2002 Peru 2017 United States 2010
Côte d'Ivoire 1988 Ireland 2006 Philippines 1990 United States 2015
Côte d'Ivoire 1998 Ireland 2011 Philippines 2000 United States 2020
Dominican Republic 1960 Ireland 2016 Philippines 2010 Uruguay 1963
Dominican Republic 1970 Israel 1972 Poland 1978 Uruguay 1975
Dominican Republic 1981 Israel 1983 Poland 1988 Uruguay 1985
Dominican Republic 2002 Israel 1995 Poland 2002 Uruguay 1996
Dominican Republic 2010 Israel 2008 Portugal 1981 Uruguay 2006
Ecuador 1962 Italy 2001 Portugal 1991 Venezuela 1981
Ecuador 1974 Italy 2011 Portugal 2001 Venezuela 1990
Ecuador 1982 Jamaica 1982 Portugal 2011 Venezuela 2001
Ecuador 1990 Jamaica 1991 Puerto Rico 1970 Vietnam 1989
Ecuador 2001 Jamaica 2001 Puerto Rico 1980 Vietnam 1999
Ecuador 2010 Jordan 2004 Puerto Rico 1990 Vietnam 2009
Egypt 1986 Kenya 1989 Puerto Rico 2000 Vietnam 2019
Egypt 2006 Kyrgyzstan 1999 Puerto Rico 2005 Zambia 1990
El Salvador 1992 Laos 1995 Puerto Rico 2010 Zambia 2000
El Salvador 2007 Lesotho 1996 Puerto Rico 2015 Zambia 2010
Ethiopia 1984 Lesotho 2006 Puerto Rico 2020 Zimbabwe 2012
Ethiopia 1994 Liberia 1974 Romania 1992
Fiji 1976 Liberia 2008 Romania 2002
Argentina 1970 — source variable AR1970A_OCC3 — Occupation [3 digit]
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Economic Characteristics -- for all individuals ten years of age and older

[Questions 13-17 were asked of all persons 10 years and older.]

Only those people who responded 1, 2 or 3 in question number 13 should answer these questions.

[Questions 14-16 are asked only of persons who responded 1, 2 or 3 to question 13. The questions referred to the activity carried out between Monday and the Sunday before the day of the census.]

14. What is the occupation, position, or profession that provides the greatest part of your income? ____

Write, for example: tailor, sheep shearing, driller (tornero), agricultural laborer (peón de estancia), truck driver, butcher, taxi driver, construction laborer (peón de albañil), doctor, accounting assistant, cashier, director of sales, carpenter, etc.

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Economic Characteristics

1. In this section of the form, all persons should respond who are [10] years old and [more] (consult the census form).


2. The Census will take place on September 30.

You will ask each person who you are enumerating: What did you do during the majority of the week from September 21 to 26.

The question refers to the week immediately [before] the "Census Day."


3. To complete the following box, consult the census form, question number 13.

The concept of "the majority of last week" refers to [4] normal work shifts, according to the occupation that the person practices, or if he/she worked more than [35] hours a week.


4. Observe that the question number 13 includes ten alternatives that are listed in a column. Once you have read question number 13, without waiting for an answer, begin reading each of the ten choices. If the person answers affirmatively to the choices 1, 2, or 3, you should mark the corresponding box and then continue with the question 14.

Miss Garcia answers "Yes" to choice 2 (Didn't work, but had employment?). You mark [x]2 and move immediately to question number [14].


5. When you enumerate Mr. Pereira you ask: What did you do during the majority of the week from September 21 to 26? Immediately, without waiting for an answer, begin to read the ten possible options. When you read the first (worked?), Mr. Pereira answers, "yes." You mark this answer [x]1, and immediately move on to question number [14].


6. If a person answering the census answers "Yes" to the alternative [1], [2] or [3], you move on to question 14, then mark the respective box.

But if person answering the census answers "Yes" to any of the alternative 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 10, you move directly to question number 17.

8. Now let's consider questions number 14, 15, and 16.

These questions will be asked exclusively in the cases in which you marked one of the boxes [1], [2], or [3] in the question number 13.

Mr. Pereira fixes radios in his house and in addition works in a store that sells electrical goods. Mr. Pereira says that he "earns more" as a vendor.

What answer will you mark for the question number 14"
[vendor of electrical goods].


9. The name of the occupation, job, or profession that the person answering the census gives as an answer to the question number 14, should always be the one that provides him/her with the [greatest income].

This name should provide a precise idea of the occupation, job, or profession that the person carries out.


10. If a person says: "I work in a family home, where I only take care of the children."

In the question number 14, of the following occupations, which would you mark? [nanny]


11. The oldest of the Misses Garcia works as a supervisor in the Purchasing Office for the National Sanitation Works.

In this case, you would write:
[Supervisor of the Purchasing Office]

Argentina 1980 — source variable AR1980A_OCC — Occupation
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C. Population

For all of the persons 14 years and more

[Questions 10-15 were asked of persons age 14 and older.]

Questions 11, 12, and 13 should be asked only of the person that responded to one of the first three choices in question 10. The answer should refer to the activity carried out between Monday and the Sunday before the day of the census.

[Question 11, 12 and 13 were asked of persons who responded to one of the first three choices in question 10: worked, didn't work but had a job, or looked for work having worked before.]

11. What is the occupation, job or type of work that you do? ________

Write for example: chemist, artist, accounting assistant, sales manager, salesman, administrative employee, teacher, machine shearer weaver, tow truck driver, taxi driver, construction assistant.

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C. Population

Census home is a person or group of persons, related or not, who occupy the same dwelling. You will write down first the name and surname of the head of the household, then ask all the corresponding questions.

You will ask the following questions to all persons 14 years old or older.

11. What is the occupation, craft, or class of work that you do?
You will write down the name of the occupation, giving a precise idea as in the examples that are shown in the questionnaire.

You will avoid imprecise names like: agricultural worker, aid, employee, etc.

If the enumerated person has more than one occupation, you will write down what is considered as principle.

Argentina 1991 — source variable AR1991A_OCC — Occupation
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For all women and men fourteen years of age or older.
[Questions 17-25 were asked of persons age 14 years +.]

[Questions 21-24 were asked of persons age 14+ who had a job last week (did formal or informal work or did not work due to sickness, vacation, etc.), per questions 17-19.]

23. What do you do in this job? ____

For example: Administrative: payroll; Chauffeur: drive collective buses; Machine sewing: sew leather shoes with an electric sewing machine; Doorman: clean and take care of school; Pastry chef: makes cakes and pastries to sell.

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15. What was the highest year or grade that the person passed at this level?

The next questions (from 17 to 25) are asked to all women and men 14 years old or older

Argentina 2001 — source variable AR2001A_OCC4 — Occupation (4-digits)
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[Questions 20-36 were asked of persons age 14+.]

[Questions 28-36 were asked about the main job where the person works the most hours.]

[Questions 28-31 were asked of persons age 14+ who worked last week or had a job, per questions 24-26.]

29. What is the name of the occupation? ____

30. What duties do you perform in this job? ____

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Starting here, men and women who are 14 years old and more should answer the questions.

Follow the order of the questions strictly.

Pay attention to the sequence indicated by the arrows and the steps to continue asking the questions.

The questions 20 to 23 refer to the marital status of the persons 14 years old or more.

Questions 24 to 37
These questions ask about the employment of the population. We will now see how some of the questions should be completed.

Carefully observe sequence indicated by the arrows and the steps tom continue asking questions.

Main job is the one where the person answering the census worked the most hours during the week before the census. If the person answering the census has two jobs in which he/she works the same number of hours, you should opt for the one where he/she obtains the greatest income.

Question 29: What is the name of his/her occupation?

Occupation is understood to be the concrete work that the interviewee personally carries out in his/her place of work. You should register the concrete name, such as for example: back cashier, operator of a mixing machine for chemical products, nursing assistant, operator of a watering panel, grade school teacher, school secretary, etc.

The answers should be sufficiently detailed; avoid vague definitions of occupations, such as for example: employee, operator, worker, etc.

Question 30: What tasks do you do in this work?
Tasks are the actions that the persons carries out in his/her principal place of work, described with the greatest detail possible, including materials, instruments or machinery, tools that he/she uses.

For example: Maria Ester works sewing in a shoe factory: "sews leather shoes with an electric sewing machine". You will register:

[Graphic not shown. See original document.]

Armenia 2011 — source variable AM2011A_OCC — Occupation
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Questions 21-28 are filled in for 15-75 years old persons.

21. Whether the respondent had a job or income-producing business during the week preceding the census i.e. from October 4 - 11 (including those who are temporarily absent from their job)

[] Yes
[] No

Questions 22-24 were asked of those who had a job or income-producing business.

23. Occupation at the main workplace ___

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Question 28

Your occupation, occupied position, or activity in the main workplace

For those people who had any paid work or profitable job from October 4 to 11 (for whom code "1" was written in the 26th question), the detailed description of the type of the occupation, which they do in the workplace, mentioned in the 27th question, is written:

1) If the respondent had more than one job, and in the observed period he/she was temporary absent from the main workplace, than information on occupation, occupied position or the work (activities) should be completed according to the main workplace (activity) as in the question 27.
2) The occupation or/and occupied position must be written in detail mentioning the type of the work. It's not allowed to write "manager", "master", "typist", "operator" and so on (because most of them have the same name, but they belong to the different sphere of activity), instead it must be written "manager of the library", "manager of the marketing department", "computer operator", "camera operator", and so on.
3) If the title of position, for example "1st class specialist", doesn't allow to define the occupation, the brief job description should be written.
4) For those people who work in their own organizations without hiring people or engaging them in work time after time, the title of the occupation (handicraft) is written; for example "dentist", "sewer" and so on. In case of engaging employees, i.e. he/she is an employer, regardless of his/her occupation in the organization - "director" is written.
5) The detailed description of the wok done is written for those people who do diverse works (except agriculture) that doesn't require a specialization.
6) If the respondent is engaged in farming and produce agricultural products, "Engaged in crop production" or "Engaged in production of milk, eggs", etc. is written, with further explanation whether it whether the production was intended for their own consumption, selling or for other purposes.
7) If the respondent has done different type of agricultural works, and it is difficult to record them separately, than "Engaged in cultivation of agricultural crops" or "Engaged in raising of livestock", or "Engaged in cultivation of agricultural crops and raising of livestock" is written.
8) For those people who work in the organizations that belong to the member of the family, without payment, as an occupation is written the one they are engaged in most of the time. For example, if the member of the family most of the time is engaged in unloading of goods, "porter" is written.
9) For those people who serve in the army, then write "serves in the army."

Austria 1971 — source variable AT1971A_OCCSM — Occupation of supporter: sub-major groups
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For employed persons, active duty guardsmen, and unemployed persons
[Questions 15-17 were asked of employed persons, active duty guardsman, and unemployed persons only.]

Please note the explanations on page 4 of the household list.

15. Practiced profession: ________

Please be precise. Not: "Unskilled worker", "Office employee", "civil servant", but e.g. "paint mixer", "booking/reservations machine operator", "civil servant in higher country-archive-work".

For Question 15, practiced profession: For multiple practiced professions, only answers about the main profession should be answered. This also applies to Questions 16 and 17. Unemployed persons and active duty guardsmen give answers concerning the most recently practiced profession.

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Question 15-17 of the persons sheet
[Questions 15 - 17 were asked of employed persons, active duty guardsman, and unemployed persons only.]

The Statistic Central Office checks the answers for Questions 15 and 17 in the systematic register, so that they can be coded correctly for consolidation processing with the computer. For a very general restrained held answers, for example "office employee", the person in charge however does not know whether the person should be classified as an authorized signatory, accountant, shorthand typist, or paper sorter. If in question 17 for example only "metal branch" is marked, then this could just as well be a car factory, an art lock-making or an ironware store. Therefore the most accurate possible answers are requested. If someone remarks that they are not able to describe their profession, a description of work of the employed person or the type of product or the services of the business or the department is also sufficient.

Austria 1981 — source variable AT1981A_OCCSM — Occupation of supporter: sub-major groups
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(11) Exact Job Description:
(a) (For example "paint mixer"--not "support staff"; or for example "booking/reservations machine operator"--not "office employee; or for example "civil servant in higher country-archive-work"--not "civil servant") ____

(b) Key word description of your occupational activity ________

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For questions 11 and 14, Job title, Branch of industry

The answers for questions 11 and 14 checked in the systematic distortions at the Statistic Central Office, so that they can be properly encoded for processing with the computer. Concerning a general held answer, i.e. "office employee", the editor however does not know if the person should be classified as an authorized signatory, accountant, shorthand typist, or paper sorter. If in question 14 for example only "metal branch" is marked, then this could just as well be a rolling mill or a car factory, an art-lock making or an ironware store. Therefore the most accurate possible answers are requested.

In Question 11b, the professional occupation should be described in addition in note form. If someone remarks that they are not able to describe their profession, then they should refer to the auxiliary questions from the explanations (on the fourth page of the household list). During the test census before the people's census, it was found that keyword descriptions of professions were very practical for the encoding of answers.

Austria 1991 — source variable AT1991A_OCCSM — Occupation of supporter: sub-major groups
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12. Exact description of occupation: ________
e.g. "bookkeeper" or "shoe salesman" - not "commercial employee"
"Mounting of video machines on assembly line" - not "unskilled worker"
Public-sector employees enter their use
e.g. "Contractual employee in social welfare service", "home carpenter", "street cleaner"

11 to 16. If several employments exist, please answer questions 11 to 16 for the job with the most working time. In case of a change of employment at the time of the census, please answer questions 11 to 16 for the situation on May 15, 1991. Persons who both attend a school and have an occupation answer questions 11 to 16, depending on whether they have defined themselves as "employed" or as "pupil, student" in question 10.

11. Status in employment: workers mark "skilled worker", "semi-skilled worker" or "unskilled worker", depending on their collective labor agreement placement in the business they are employed in.
A person is self-employed if he/she is not an employee but instead has a profession in his/her own account.
With/without employee: depending whether persons receiving wages or salaries are employed in the business or not. Self-employed persons whose only employees are family members who are not being formally paid, please mark "without employees".
Unpaid workers in a family business are working in the business of a family member without being formally paid.

12. Exact description of occupation: Your statements will be categorized in one of 300 different occupational groups, and we therefore ask you to be as precise as possible in describing your occupational activity.

Examples of precise description of occupation:

Gas welder for steel construction parts
Operator of data processing machines
Adjuster of men's shirts
Plexiglas cutter
Operator of plastic processing machines
Foreman of a dip-varnishing business
Electrician for high-tension transmission lines
Scientific researcher in the field of environmental protection

13. Branch of economic activity of the company or office: the branch of economic activity states to which branch the business or which you are working belongs to. Public service employees enter "federal administration", "provincial administration" or "municipal administration" depending on which government unit they are employed with.

14. Name of company or type of school you are presently attending: persons with several employers, cleaners) enter "several employers".

15 and 16. Address and journey to workplace or school: These questions are designed to describe your journey from your housing unit to your workplace or school. Teachers therefore state the school where they are teaching (school they are based at) and not e.g. School Inspection Authority.
Persons working in their house or on the same piece of property (e.g. janitors, farmers, homeworkers) or who live in the school building, mark the box "this house" for questions 15; these persons skip question 16.
If the workplace (school) is abroad, please state which country.
Persons with changing workplace (e.g. cleaning women, constructions workers) answer question 15 and 16 in accordance with the situation on May 15, 1991.
Persons who marked "not daily" in question 16a) can skip parts b and c.
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11 to 16, occupational questions:
If several employment relationships exist, please answer question 11 to 16 for the profession with the most working hours.

If you are changing employment relationships at the time of the population census, please answer questions 11 to 16 for the situation on May 15, 1991.

Persons who are employed as well as attending a school, answer questions 11 to 16 depending on if they designated themselves as "employed" or "student, pupil" in question 10.

Purpose of the question:
The results of the populations census in occupational and economic areas are of great importance for the planning administration, the economy, research and the representation of interests, because they present a cross section of the total of all employed persons. Other surveys (like e.g. local unit of employment census or the social insurance institutes) also provide data in this area, but not with the diversity, objectivity, and regional subdivision and combination possibilities of the population census.

12, Exact description of occupation:
e.g.: "bookkeeper" or "shoe salesman" not "commercial employee," "Mounting of video devices on assembly line" not "unskilled worker."
Public servants enter their assignment: e.g. "contractual employee in social support service," "home carpenter," "street cleaner."

Your statements should be categorized into one of 300 different occupational groups, and we therefore ask you to be as precise as possible in describing your occupational activities.

Examples of precise description of occupation include: gas welder for steel construction parts, operator of data processing machines, men's shirt adjuster, glass cuter, operator of plastic processing machines, foreman of a dip-varnishing business, electrician for high-tension transmission lines, scientific researcher in the field of environmental protection.

Enumerator guideline:
The entries in this question are looked up in a dictionary-like directory, in order to be able to correctly code you for the processing with the computer. For a generally held entry such as "office worker" the processor does not know if the person should be classified as an authorized officer, bookkeeper, shorthand typist, paper sorter etc. Statements as precise as possible are asked for.

Purpose of the question:
With this question the field of activity that a person in a company supervises is depicted.

The population census is one of the most important, comprehensive data sources for analyses of occupational structure. It enables the depiction of occupations according to the place of residence as well as according to the place of work of the employed persons and reveals the locations of infrequent occupations.

The occupation practiced in comparison with the education completed is of importance for the predictions of the "replacement demand" or for the guidance of youth educational paths. Also analyzed are need calculations for individual occupational groups and occupations, with which measures for labor market advancement and directed occupational counseling are made possible. In addition, information about career change is gained, due to the connection between learned and practiced occupation.

The survey of the previous occupation of retired persons serves primarily to be able to classify the growing number of retired persons in the charts according to their previous job.

Austria 2001 — source variable AT2001A_OCCSM — Occupation of supporter: sub-major groups
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[Questions 12 - 15 were asked of persons gainfully employed]

13. Exact designation of occupation (you are currently in): ____

e.g. "bookkeeper" or "shoe salesperson" not "commercial employee"; "video equipment assembler" not unskilled worker; "clerical worker", "tax calculator at revenue authority", "street cleaner" -- not civil servant; "pc administrator", "film developer", "operations scheduler" not "technical employee".

Questions 12 to 15:
Persons who marked one of the three "gainfully employed" boxes in question 11 must always answer questions 12 to 15 for this gainful employment regardless of the referrals to other questions. If you hold several jobs, please answer questions12 to 15 for the occupation involving the most working hours. If you are switching jobs at the time of the census, please answer questions 12 to 15 for your situation on 15 May 2001.

Question 12:
The "self-employed" (also freelances and professionals) are individuals who pursue their profession for their own account and are therefore not in an employment relationship as an employee.

Persons "helping in family business" are gainfully employed persons who are working in a business owned by a family member without receiving formal remuneration for this work.

Persons "under contract for work and services, freelance staff" are individuals who perform their work for their own account, similar to the self-employed.

Question 13:
Please select the designation (job title) that best describes your work (where possible, also the degree of responsibility you have within the business or operation).

Examples of precise work designations:
Accounts clerk
Men's shirts packing machinist
Glas cutter
Foreman at dip painting plant
Manager of retail shop
High voltage line installer
Planing machine operator
Scientific researcher in environmental protection

Question 14:
Please indicate as precisely as possible the name of the business/establishment at which you work for item 14.1, its industry (branch of economic activity) for item 14.2.

Please write in 14.1 the complete company name (e.g. Robert Miller GmbH). If you own a business without a formal company name (e.g. farmer), enter your own name in question 14.1.

Persons with several employers enter the company where they work the most amount of time and answer the remaining questions for this company.

Question 15:
The information from questions 15.1 to 15.6 on going to work or school everyday can be used to determine traffic flows. If you go both to school and to work, you should answer the questions for going to work.

Re 15.1: Persons commuting once a week enter the address of their accommodations at their place of work/school. If you depart both from your main place of residence and other accommodations, please indicate the place from which you depart more frequently. In case of doubt, the situation on the reference date applies.

Re 15.2: Gainfully employed persons with telework positions who visit their company at least once a week should include commuter data for these trips to the company.

Re 15.4: Gainfully employed persons enter the address of their place of work where they start work everyday. In other words, it is not the address of the head office of the company that is to be entered but e.g. for sales staff the address of the branch and for teachers the address of the school (base school) at which they teach. Persons with variable places of work (e.g. traveling salesmen) are kindly asked to enter the address of the place of work where they receive their work assignment.

Re 15.5: Persons who switch the mode of transportation they use day to day should indicate the one most frequently used. In case of doubt, the situation on the reference date should be entered.
Car pools with alternating drivers should indicate the situation on the reference date.
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Questions 12 through 15:
Explanation: Persons who marked one of the three "gainfully employed" boxes in question 11 must answer questions 12 to 15 in any case for this gainful employment regardless of the referrals to other questions. If you hold several jobs, please answer questions 12 to 15 for the occupation involving the most working hours. If you are switching jobs at the time of the census, please answer questions 12 to 15 for your situation on 15 May 2001.
The population census results by occupational and economic characteristics are of great importance for the planning administration, the economy, research and the representation of interests, because they present a cross section of the total of all gainfully employed persons. Other surveys (like e.g. local unit of employment census) or the social insurance institutes also provide information in this field, but not with the diversity, objectivity, and regional structural and combination possibilities of the population census.

13. Exact designation of occupation:
Explanation: Please select the designation (job title) that best describes your work (where possible, also the degree of responsibility you have within the business or operation).

Examples of precise work designations: Accounts clerk, Men's shirts packing machinist, Glass cutter, Foreman at dipping paint plant, Manager of retail shop, High voltage line installer, Planing machine operator, Scientific researcher in environmental protection.

This information should be classified into around 400 different occupational categories. For that reason, please make sure that the information is as precise as possible. For a generally held entry (e.g. office worker), an exact classification is not possible because one does not know if the person as should be entered as an authorized officer, bookkeeper, shorthand typist, paper sorter etc. The entries for this question should be coded with automation-support - with the help of systematic directories.

With this question the field of activity that a person in a company supervises is depicted.

The population census is one of the most important, comprehensive data sources for analyses of occupational distribution. It makes possible the depiction of occupations in combination with other characteristics, for example: education, place of residence and place of work of the gainfully employed.

The occupation practiced in comparison with the education completed is of importance for the predictions of the "replacement demand" or for the guidance of youth educational paths. Need calculations for individual occupational groups and occupations are also among the analyses, which make activities for labor market advancement and directed occupational counseling possible. In addition, information about career change is gained, due to the connection between learned and practiced occupation.

Belarus 1999 — source variable BY1999A_OCC2 — Occupation, 2 digits
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13. What is your position at your main activity?
___ (Specify in detail the name of your position, your occupation and duties)
___ (Specify the name of the enterprise and its economic activity)

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Question 13. What was your post at your main activity?
Specify in detail the name of your post, occupation and duties

For all persons having work (i.e. who answered in positive to question 12 of the enumeration questionnaire) the name of the post, occupation or duties is to be recorded. For persons combining multiple jobs only the activity is to be recorded which the person questioned considers main.

The occupations are to be recorded in detail. One must not just record "director", "chief of department", "specialist", "trainee", "adviser", "expert", "master", "operator", "laboratory technician", but should indicate, for instance, "director for economy", "chief of the marketing department", "personnel specialist"," information protection expert", "hospital trainee", "adviser on economic questions", "legislative counsel", "expert physicist", "shot firer", "sound recordist", "analyst in chemistry laboratory".

If a person questioned was a director of small business, it should be indicated. For instance, "director of company, small business", "manager of hotel, small business", "commercial director, small business", "executive director, small business", etc.

For self-employed persons the name of their trade (occupation) is to be indicated, for instance, "tailoring", "shoemaker", "photographer", "dentist", "psychic", "vendor", etc.

If a person questioned was temporarily involved in the activity outside his main occupation, the main activity is to be recorded.

"Unskilled laborer" is to be recorded only for those engaged in different odd-jobs (excluding agricultural works), but in other cases the nature of work performed should be determined and recorded, for instance, "loader", "watchman", "cloakroom attendant", etc.

If a person was engaged in performing some definite duties in a state or collective farm or in farming holding, the name of his occupation is to be recorded. For example, "milkmaid", "cat hooker", "zootechnician", etc. If he/she was involved in performing various agricultural works and did not have a definite occupation, the name "plant-growing worker", "cattle breeding worker", etc. is to be recorded.

For persons only working without pay for their family business (store, farm or enterprise owned by relatives), the occupation should be recorded, in which they were engaged the most of time. For example, if a family worker is the most of time engaged in unloading of goods, the label "loader" is to be recorded for him.

For persons only working in their personal subsidiary plots and engaged in production of agricultural products, growing flowers, fishing, hunting, etc. aiming at further sale of that taken and produced, the labels "hog farmer", "vegetable grower", "bee-keeper", "flower gardener", "fish farmer", etc. should be recorded depending on the trade.

Specify the name of enterprise and its economic activity

After the names of the post, occupation and duties have been indicated, the name of the enterprises, in which a person questioned works, and its economic activity should be recorded because there are occupations having the same names but relating to different kinds of human activity.

The name of the enterprise, institution or organization, in which a person interviewed worked, should be recorded in full in order that it could be possible to determine the branch and economic activity. For instance, not the LLC "Rassvet", but the LLC cafe "Rassvet", not the JSC "Kommunarka" or "Factory "Kommunarka", but the "JSC confectionary plant "Kommunarka". In selected cases only the "Machine-building plant" or "Chemical factory" can be indicated.

If it is difficult to identify the economic branch by the name of enterprise, its economic activity should be indicated (e.g., LLC "Veta", marketing, CJSC (closed joint stock company) "Domkrat", construction, etc.).

For persons working in multi-industry organizations, for instance, in firms or concerns, not the name of the firm or concern itself is to recorded, but the name of a specific enterprise belonging to it (e.g., not the concern "Bellegprom" should be recorded, but a detailed name of an enterprise, trading organization, etc.). If a person questioned worked at an enterprise as a full-time official of trade union, etc., the name of the activity "trade union" is to be recorded.

For persons working in a personal service centre the name of a specific workshop, atelier, etc. should be recorded (e.g., "Shoe-repair store", "Sewing workshop", but not the "Personal service centre").

Names of enterprises and institutions should not be recorded as abbreviations (e.g., it is impermissible to specify MRGW instead of "Mechanical rubber goods works"). Only well-known abbreviations can be admitted (e.g., ?EE (research institute)).

If an enterprise is owned by a state or collective farm, the type of enterprise and the state or collective farm are to be recorded (e.g., "Brick-making plant of the state farm", "Barbershop of the collective farm").

For persons working in canteens, first-aid posts, barbershops, etc. attached to enterprises or institutions, the name of the canteen, first-aid post, barbershop, etc., but not the name of the enterprise or institution, workers of which they served, is to be recorded (e.g., "Canteen of the factory").

For persons engaged in own farming holding, the name "agriculture" is to be recorded.

For self-employed persons the economic activity should be indicated, for instance, "tailoring", "trading", etc.

For unpaid family workers or unpaid workers of farming holding a detailed name of the enterprise should be recorded or "agriculture".

For persons only engaged in developing own personal subsidiary plots, the label "Personal subsidiary plot" is to be indicated.

For ministers of religion and persons engaged in the field of religious faiths, the name of the religious service place is to be recorded (church, Roman-Catholic church, synagogue, monastery, etc.)

When going to question 14 of the enumeration questionnaire, the enumerator should remember that the answer is to be given for the occupation indicated in question 13 of the enumeration questionnaire.

Belarus 2009 — source variable BY2009A_OCC — Occupation
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Form 2H: Personal Questionnaire
If the respondent had two or more places of employment, questions 17.1-17.4 should refer to the place of employment which he/she considers the main.
[After responding to questions 17.1-17.4, skip question 18.]
17.3 Describe your position, functional duties or the work you have been doing, indicating major occupation (for example, drug-store manager, chemical engineer, chief economist, head of department, truck rider, car driver, seller at the market)
Please provide the detailed answer. ____
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Questions 17.1 -- 17.4 relate to the employment which is considered by the respondent as his/her main job.
If the respondent had more than one job, and finds difficult to determine the main one, it should be noted that the main job is the job where the respondent's work record card is kept, or the greatest number of hours is worked, or the highest income is earned;
33.17. In question 17.3. "Describe your position, functional duties or active job", the respondent should, as accurately as possible, describe his/her post or duties avoiding abbreviations. For example: "engineering foreman of railway car shed", "master of vocational training", "laboratory microbiologist", "chemistry analyst", "administrative assistant", "clerk of court", etc. or, if difficult to determine, he/she should describe the work performed, for example: "develop and implement software", "offer goods to buyers on phone", "repair motor-car engines", etc.

It should be noted that the respondent is to specify his/her position or duties directly performed at his job rather than his/her profession (qualification) obtained in training.

For individual entrepreneurs the enumerator should complete the names of their positions, for example: "sewer", "shoemaker", "photographer", etc., or the duties performed: "car wash", "painting of walls and ceilings, pasting of wallpaper", etc.

The answer "unskilled labourer" should be completed for respondents engaged in various unskilled works (other than agricultural works) and in other cases it is necessary to find out the nature of the work and enter, for example: "loader", "watchman", "cloakroom attendant", etc.;

Benin 1979 — source variable BJ1979A_OCC — Occupation (2-digits)
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Economic Characteristics (for persons 10 years or older) (Only for ordinary households)
[Columns 13-16]

(14) Profession___

Indicate the current profession (type of work) if the interviewee is employed or
the last profession if he is unemployed.

For example:
- Agricultural worker
- Dactylographer
- Driver
- Grocer
- Wood sculptor
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Economic characteristics
The information classified under this broad rubric relates to the last 4 questions of the census.
The first set of information, column (13) "Type of activity" shall be asked to all persons of 10 or more years of age, without exception. This will allow classifying such persons either in the economically active population or the economically inactive population.
While the last 3 sets of information, columns (14), (15), and (16) shall only be asked to persons classified under the 2 types of activity: employed and unemployed. These sets of information provide more details on the population

Column (14): Profession
For "employed" persons, ask the following question: "What type of job have you had since the past month?" For the unemployed, ask what type of job he worked before becoming unemployed.
If need be, ask the person to describe his/her job. The census agent shall aim to obtain the maximum specificity (hierarchy etc.) because there exist many professions and thus vague responses would not be useful.
For persons with two or more professions, the census agent must only indicate the one that generates the most income.
[Example is not presented here]

Benin 1992 — source variable BJ1992A_OCC3 — Occupation (3-digits)
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Persons of 10 years or more of age

[Questions in columns 17 - 21 were asked of persons age 10 or older.]

(19) Profession____

Ask the question according to the instruction manual. For persons younger than 10, this column is not applicable, write in 8 8 8 in the grid.
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II. How to fill out the questionnaire (Document RGPH 2 Number 1).

Columns (17) to (21): These columns are only for persons older than 10 i.e. born before February 1982.

Column (18): Occupation
For all questions related to occupation, the census agent shall refer to the 3-month period immediately preceding the interview.
Ask the following question to each person of 10 years or more of age: "Have you worked for at least one week in the last 3 months?"
The census agent shall then circle:

[] 1 The code 1. OCC (employed) for each person who has worked during this period.
Included in this category, are:
[] Persons working or having worked as independents,
[] Persons working or having worked for a compensation of any kind.
[] Persons working or having worked under the authority of the head of household with or without compensation.
Example: A child (of at least 10) guarding or having guarded cattle for his/her parents.
A woman who in addition to her household duties has worked independently or for her family (saleswoman, sewer, farmer, potter).
A woman or a man who does housekeeping for a salary. Example: houseboy, wet nurse.
[] 2 C: for persons seeking first employment.
[] 3 CHO: (unemployed) for every person without employment during the period of reference but who has worked before and is currently looking for a job.
Ask if this person has no activity allowing him/her to survive. If yes, he/she is employed.
[] 4 MEN (housewife): for women only working in the household and taking care of children without any monetary compensation.
[] 5 ETU: for elementary schoolchildren, middle and high school children, and students of higher education,
[] 6 RET: for retired persons,
[] 7 REN: for annuitants, i.e. persons possessing a personal fortune that allows them to live without having to work.

Note: a retired person or an annuitant who has helped a family member in his/her work or has performed another activity that generated him/her money shall be classified under the rubric of "OCC" i.e. employed. This is the case of retired persons who work in commerce or agriculture.
This question does not apply to those below 10 years of age during the census. The census agent must not note anything in this section for these persons.
Note: Apprentices are "employed"

Benin 2002 — source variable BJ2002A_OCC — Occupation (3-digits)
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For all persons
[Questions in columns 1 to 11 were asked of all persons]

Now we would like to ask for information on you and the persons habitually living in your household or currently residing in your home

Residents of 6 years or more of age
[Questions in columns 18 - 22 were asked of residents 6+ years old]

(20) Current Profession ____

What profession does or has had [the respondent]?
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iv) Economic Characteristics
For all questions related to economic activity, the census agent shall refer to the 3-month periods preceding the interview.

Column (20): Current profession
For persons currently active, ask the following question: "What is the current activity that most occupies [the respondent]?"
For the unemployed, as the following question" "What was the last activity that most occupied [the respondent]?"
Report the current profession that most occupied the interviewed person as well as the fruit of this activity during the reference period on the line and leave the boxes empty.
Example: tailor, cotton or corn cultivator, cattle or sheep stockbreeder, car or motorcycle mechanic, physician, loincloth, donut, or cola seller, truck or taxi driver, etc.

1) The current profession is not necessarily the profession learned. A carpenter of training could hold as current profession "drilling," or "roofer help."
2) For an unemployed person (CHO), this corresponds to the last profession held before the reference period.


Loin cloth seller [female], donut seller [female]...
Police inspector, tax inspector...
Medical doctor, dentist...
Agronomic engineer, statistical engineer...
School professor, university professor...
Rice, corn, porridge sale preparation...
Wheat, corn, cassava, cotton, fruit, yam cultivator, etc.
Pork, sheep, cattle, poultry breeder, etc.
Sheep, beef meat seller, etc.
Avoid vague answers such as merchant, civil servant, inspector, doctor, businessman, etc.

Benin 2013 — source variable BJ2013A_OCC — Occupation (3-digit)
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Residents of 6 years or more of age (questions 20 to 24)
[Questions 20-24 were asked of persons aged 6 years or older]

22. Current profession - What type of work has [the person] had for at least 7 days, continuously or otherwise, during the last 3 months? If [the person is] unemployed: What type of work has [the person] previously had prior to the last 3 months?

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22. Current profession

Profession designates the type of work done by the employed person [or, in the case of an unemployed, the type of work done previously], regardless of the branch of economic activity or the occupation status of the person.
The type of work is described by the main tasks and attributions that are connected to it.

In the case of an employed person, ask:

Q: "What type of work have you/has [the respondent] effectuated during at least 7 days [continuous or not] in the last 3 months?"
In the case of an unemployed person, ask:
Q: "What type of work have you/has [the respondent] previously effectuated [before the last 3 months]?"
Write legibly, on the corresponding line, the declared profession.

Example: Loincloth saleswoman, donut salesman, pork breeder, school teacher, administrative secretary, data entry operator, zemidjan [Benin type of taxi] driver, university professor, physician, corn farmer, cotton farmer, road maintenance agent, etc.


[] 1. Current profession is no necessarily the learned job. A trained carpenter can be currently working as mason, assistant-mason, or taxi driver.
[] 2. For an unemployed, it should be the last profession exercised prior to the reference period.
[] 3. Avoid vague answers such as merchant, government employee, doctor, inspector, businessman, etc.

Bolivia 1976 — source variable BO1976A_OCC2 — Occupation, 2 digits
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C. Economic Information

Only for those 7 years of age and older

[Questions 13, 14 and 15 should be answered only by those who marked boxes 1, 2 or 3, per Question 12]

13. What was the principal occupation or job that you performed during the last week, or in your last job if unemployed?

[Question 13 was asked of persons aged 7 years and older who worked, did not work but had a job, or were unemployed, per Question 12.]

Write, for example: farmer, sugar cane cutter, retail vendor, mine worker, tailor, doctor, domestic servant, etc.

____ Occupation

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C. Economic information

Questions 12, 13, 14 and 15 of Economic Information should be asked to all persons 7 years old or older.

Question 13. What is the principal occupation or job you worked last week or your last job if you were unemployed?

This question should only be asked to persons who answered 2 or 3 in question 12.

If the response that the informant gives is ambiguous or not very clear, request that they describe the job in detail and write down word for word what was said.

[p. 28]


Incorrect annotation: Professor.
Correct annotation: High school professor, university professor, grade school professor, music professor.

Incorrect annotation: Craftsman.
Correct annotation: Carpenter, sawyer, blacksmith, potter.

Incorrect annotation: Mechanic.
Correct annotation: Automobile mechanic, precision mechanic, railroad mechanic, aviation mechanic, dental mechanic.

Incorrect annotation: Worker or day laborer.
Correct annotation: Bridge worker, construction worker, mine driller, car washer, vehicle washer.

Incorrect annotation: Vendor.
Correct annotation: Department store clerk, ticket vendor, life insurance agent, medical worker.

Bolivia 1992 — source variable BO1992A_OCC — Occupation
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Only for those who marked one of the choices in part A in the previous question (15).
[Applies to questions 16-18.]

16. During the last week (or in your last job if unemployed), what was your principal occupation? Do not write worker or manual laborer without specifying more clearly. Write, for example: mining drill operator, automobile mechanic, grocery sales, potato grower, domestic employee, etc.

____ Specify occupation [a 3-digit blank box also appears in this item]

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Question 16. During the past week (or in your last job if the person is unemployed), what was your main occupation?

a. For purposes of the census, the main occupation is the one that generates the most income.

If the person worked during the week in question, or didn't work but had a job, you will record the occupation that the person being enumerated reports as the main one.

Clarification: You should record the main occupation and not the profession. Example: A doctor that is in charge of a hospital, you should record: Hospital Director.

b. If the person looked for work having worked previously, you will record the last main job that they had.

If the answer that the informant gives is unclear or questionable, ask them to describe in some detail the job that they currently perform. Examples of incorrect and correct ways of recording the occupations are given below.

Incorrect recording: Teacher
Correct recording: Pre-school teacher, teacher of girl technical school, primary or elementary school teacher, university professor

Incorrect recording: Farmer
Correct recording: Farmhand, shepherd, beekeeper, poultry farmer, unskilled farm or dairy worker

Incorrect recording: Miner
Correct recording: Miner of metal deposits, mine driller, mine smearer, gathers minerals extracted from a mine

[p. 45]

Incorrect recording: Administrator
Correct recording: Event administrator, leisure activities administrator, hospital administrator

Incorrect recording: Builder
Correct recording: Master builder, formwork builder, construction foreman, bricklayer, tile layer, stuccoer

Incorrect recording: Shoemaker
Correct recording: shoe sewer, shoe repairer, puts heels on shoes

Incorrect recording: Repairer
Correct recording: Sewing machine repairer, industrial machine repairer, telephone line repairer

Incorrect recording: Director
Correct recording: Artistic or orchestra director, director and manager in a wholesale business, director and manager in a service business, director of an educational establishment

Incorrect recording: Seller
Correct recording: Retail seller of groceries, wholesale seller of groceries, fare agent

Incorrect recording: Mechanic
Correct recording: Automotive mechanic, mechanic-repairer of industrial machinery, dental, optical, etc., technician, auto-body worker

Incorrect recording: Engineer
Correct recording: Civil engineer for clean-up projects, civil engineer for building construction, agricultural, industrial, chemical engineer, electrical systems engineer

Bolivia 2001 — source variable BO2001A_OCC — Occupation, 3 digits
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Chapter F. Only for persons seven years old or more.
[Questions 42-47 were asked of all persons seven years or older.]

45. During the past week, what was your main occupation?

[Question 45 was asked of persons aged 7 years and older who worked or were engaged in any productive activity during the week prior to enumeration, per Questions 42 and 43.]


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Chapter F. Only for persons 7 years of age and older

If the person is 7 year of age or older, question 42 is presented. If younger than 7 years of age, the interview is ended and the next person is interviewed.

Question 45. During the last week, what was your principal occupation?

This question is an open question in which the principal occupation is written in the boxes with the most detail possible.

For example:

Small barley farmer.

If the person has two occupations to which the same amount of working time is dedicated, the occupation that the interviewed person considers to be principal is recorded. The most important characteristic is that the person recognizes it as his principal occupation.

The following is a list of some occupations in [Bolivia] and the correct manner to record them:

[The chart of occupations is not translated into English.]

Bolivia 2012 — source variable BO2012A_OCC2 — Occupation (3 digit)
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F3. Only for people at least 7 years old

42. What was your principal occupation, job, or trade in the last week? ____

(For example, write: mine driller, auto mechanic, grocer, primary school teacher, call-shop operator, etc.)
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F3. Only for people at least 7 years old
Economic characteristics of the population

The criteria for collecting economic data about the population are:

- Minimum age: 7
- Reference period: the week before Census Day

The population's economic characteristics being researched in the census are the type of activity, the principal occupation, the branch of economic activity, and the occupational category or job position (see Appendix).

42. Principal occupation
The principal occupation, job, or trade means the type of work the employed person performed in the week before Census Day. The question about the principal occupation is an open-ended question, and the answer should be written down as clearly as possible in the appropriate line. For example, mine driller, auto mechanic, grocer, primary school teacher, call-shop operator.

Botswana 1981 — source variable BW1981A_OCC — Occupation
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(Questions 13 through 14 were asked of all present residents, persons aged 12 years and over)

14. What type of work did (the person) do?

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Column [P14] occupation
Occupation means the work a person does. You should obtain as clearly as possible the kind of work the person was doing during the month before the census. If the person uses vague answers such as 'Civil Servant', 'Businessman', or 'Laborer', ask further questions to discover exactly what he did, then write down the occupation in the space provided. If the person moved from job to job you should enter the most recent occupation even if it only lasted for a day or two. This may happen with people who are casual laborers. If a person has two or more occupations enter the one on which he spends most time.

Botswana 1991 — source variable BW1991A_OCC — Occupation (last 30 days)
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Section A

(12 years and over)

12. During the past 30 days did [the respondent] work for cash?

[] 1 Yes for someone else (Go to Q. 14)
[] 2 Yes, for self (Go to Q. 14)
[] 3 No (Go to Q. 13)

13. Then what did [the person] do during the last 30 days?

[] 1 Family business
[] 2 Work at lands/farms/cattle post
[For responses 1 or 2,] go to Q.14
[] 3 Actively seeking work
[] 4 Housework
[] 5 Student
[] 6 Retired
[] 7 Other (specify)
[For responses 3 to 6,] go to Q.16 if female, else go to next person

14. Occupation

What type of work did [the person] do? (Probe as necessary) ____
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Column A14: Occupation

What type of work did [the respondent] do?

A person's occupation depends on the tasks and duties which the person performs. Remember that if a person worked at all during the past 30 days, whether for cash or not, and for however short a period, then you should try to find out what kind of work the person did. You should try to get the respondent to give both a job title and a two- or three-word description of the tasks performed. For example, if a person states that he is a mechanic, ask him what he repairs. You might record his response (in the unshaded area of column A14) as follows: "mechanic, fixes cars 11 or "mechanic, fixes radios". If you need more space use the block which says "Probe as necessary" at the top of column A14. You may also use the comments block.

If a person moved from job to job you should enter the most recent occupation even if it only lasted for a day or two. This may happen with people who are casual labourers.

If a person has more than one occupation, record the one on which he/she spends the most time. However, if someone has a temporary job during the school holidays - but has a permanent job during term time, it is their permanent occupation that should be described. A census enumerator or supervisor who is a school teacher during term time must therefore be described as "Primary School Teacher" or "Secondary School Teacher".

Probing for Better Occupational Information: You will usually have to probe the respondent to get good information about a person's occupation. For example, people who make things (bread, clothing, pottery, wood objects, tools, beer, food products, furniture, bricks, etc.) should be asked how they make them. It is important to find out whether they mostly use their hands or hand-held
tools, or whether they mostly produce these goods by operating machinery. A person who brews beer at home using traditional techniques belongs to a different occupational category than a person who operates a machine which ferments the grains used in making beer.

You should also probe when the information provided by the respondent does not seem reasonable. For example, if a person has only completed Form 4, it seems unlikely that he or she could be an auditor or an engineer. If you probe, you may discover that the person is actually an accounting clerk or an engineering assistant. Specific examples of how to probe for better occupational information are given on page 31.

In the sample questionnaire on page 26, the head of household works as a labourer in a mine, so "mine labourer" is written in the unshaded area under column A14. Anne, although she did not work for cash payment, did work in the lands as a farmer. The enumerator probed and found out that she was growing melons for family consumption. The response is recorded as "farmer" in the unshaded area under column A14, and the information obtained by further probing is recorded in the large block above as "grew melons for family consumption". The question does not apply to Mimi or to Molelo because they are under 12 years old, and it does not apply to Anthony because he is a student. Dashes are entered for them. David, who is self-employed, is a taxi driver, and that information is recorded in the unshaded area of column A14. Thembe has retired, so the question does not apply to her (a dash is entered).


Specific examples of how to probe for better occupational information:

[Column headings:]
(A) Response
(B) Suggested probing questions

(A) Builder
(B) Does [the respondent] build using mostly traditional materials and techniques?

(A) Brewer
(B) Where and how does [the respondent] make the beer? (at home or elsewhere using traditional techniques, in a commercial brewery using machines)

(A) Carpenter
(B) What kinds of things does [the respondent] make or build? (furniture, door and window frames, wood frames for houses, etc.)

(A) Cleaner
(B) What does [the respondent] clean? (streets, houses, offices, shoes, clothes)

(A) Clerk
(B) Does [the respondent] work in an office mostly or does [the respondent] mostly deal with customers? What kind of clerk is [the respondent]? (stock, production, accounting, bookkeeping, statistical, finance, transport, library, filing, mail sorting, coding)

(A) Driver
(B) What does [the respondent] drive? (car, taxi, bus, van, combi, lorry, truck, tractor, bulldozer, excavator, grader, scraper, compactor)

(A) Electrician
(B) What kinds of things does [the respondent] repair? (cars, electrical wires in buildings, electrical power lines, electrical equipment or appliances, electrical machinery)

(A) Engineer
(B) Does [the respondent] have a college degree in engineering? What kind of engineer is [the respondent]? (chemical, civil, construction, electrical, electronic, telecommunications, mechanical, mining)

(A) Farmer
(B) Does [the respondent] produce mostly animals or crops? What kind of animals does [the respondent] raise? (livestock, poultry, other) Does [the respondent] raise the animals (or grow the crops) mostly to sell them or for family consumption?

(A) Foreman supervisor
(B) What kinds of workers does [the respondent] supervise? Does [the respondent] help those he or she supervises to do the work? If so, what kind of work is it?

(A) Gardener
(B) In what kind of garden does [the respondent] work? (private home, commercial farm, commercial nursery) Are the things grown in the garden mostly consumed by the household or sold?

(A) Labourer
(B) Where does [the respondent] work as a labourer? (construction site, mine, factory, shop, shipping company, railroad, airport, farm, forest)

(A) Machine operator
(B) What kind of machine does [the respondent] operate?

(A) Manager
(B) In what kind of organisation is [the respondent] a manager? (government, humanitarian organisation, hospital, retail shop, compru1y, factory, bank, etc.) Does [the respondent] manage a whole company or a department in the company? What department does [the respondent] manage? (production, operations, other)

(A) Mechanic
(B) What does [the respondent] fix? (cars, refrigerators, air conditioners, other machines or equipment)

(A) Painter
(B) What does [the respondent] paint? (buildings, ceramics, artistic pah1tings, wood, cars, metal, interior walls)

(A) Salesperson
(B) What does [the respondent] sell? Where does [the respondent] sell? (shop, kiosk, market, street, from home)

(A) Scientist
(B) What kind of scientist is [the respondent]? (chemist, biologist, geologist, meteorologist, pharmacologist, botanist, zoologist, pathologist, agronomist)

(A) Security guard
(B) By whom is [the respondent] employed? (security firm, company, government, office, private individual, shop)

(A) Seller
(B) What does [the respondent] sell? Where does [the respondent] sell? (shop, kiosk, market stall, street, from home)

(A) Teacher
(B) At what level does [the respondent] teach? (pre-primary, primary, secondary, college, university, brigades, trade school, commercial school, computer academy)

(A) Technician
(B) What kind of technician is [the respondent]? (health, engineering, physical science, life science, computer, agronomy, forestry, veterinary)

Botswana 2001 — source variable BW2001A_OCC — Occupation in the past 7 days, 3 digit
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All persons 12 years and over
[Questions A16-A26]

A25. (Occupation) What type of work did [the person] do in the past 7 days?


(Probe as necessary, use two or more words to describe the occupation)

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109b. Column A16-A26: These questions apply only to persons aged 12 years and more. If the person is under 12 years of age, then when you reach column A16 you should put dashes in the shaded areas for columns A16 -- A32 and proceed to the next listed person in the household.

114. Column A24: Occupation

Q: What type of work did [the person] do in the past 7 days?

A person's occupation depends on the tasks and duties, which the person performs. Remember that if a person worked at all during the past 7 days, whether for cash or not, and for however short a period, then you should try to find out what kind of work the person did. You should try to get the respondent to give both a job title and a two- or three-word description of the tasks performed. For example, if a person states that he is a mechanic, ask him what he repairs. You should record his response in the unshaded area of column A24 as follows: "mechanic, fixes cars" or "mechanic, fixes radios". Use the comments box if you need more space.

If a person moved from job to job you should enter the most recent occupation even if it only lasted for a day or two. This may happen with people who are casual labourers.

If a person has more than one occupation, record the one on which he spends the most time. However, if someone has a temporary job during the school holidays - but has a permanent job during term time, it is his permanent occupation that should be described. A census enumerator or supervisor who is a schoolteacher during term time must therefore be described as "primary school teacher" or "secondary school teacher".

Probing for better occupational information: You will usually have to probe the respondent to get good information about a person's occupation. For example, people who make things (bread, clothing, pottery, wood objects, tools, beer, food products, furniture, bricks, etc.) should be asked how they make them. It is important to find out whether they mostly use their hands or hand-held tools, or whether they mostly produce these goods by operating machinery. A person who brews beer at home using traditional techniques belongs to a different occupational category from a person who operates a machine that ferments the grains used in making beer. (See probing examples below).

You should also probe when the information provided by the respondent does not seem reasonable. For example, if a person has only completed Form 4, it seems unlikely that he or she could be an auditor or an engineer. If you probe, you may discover that the person is actually an accounting clerk or an engineering assistant.

[Table in P. 37-41 of the original document which provides specific examples of how to probe for better occupational information and response suggested probing questions is omitted here]

Botswana 2011 — source variable BW2011A_OCC — Occupation, 3-digits
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
A. Person Information

Economic activity

23. What type of work did [the respondent] do in the past 7 days? To be precise, what were the main tasks and duties?

________ [probe as necessary, use two or more words to describe the occupation]
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
All Persons Aged 12 years and over

145. Column A18-A25
These questions apply only to persons aged 12 and years and over. If the person is less than 12 years of age, then when you reach column A16 you should put dashes in the shaded areas for columns A16-A31 and proceed to the next listed person in the household.

152. Column A24: Occupation
Q. What type of work did the respondent do in the past 7 days?
A person's occupation depends on the tasks and duties, which the person performs. Remember that if a person worked at all during the past 7 days, whether for cash or not, and for however short a period, then you should try to find out what kind of work the person did. You should try to get the respondent to give both a job title and a two- or three-word description of the tasks performed. For example, if a person states that he/she is a mechanic, ask him/her what he/she repairs.

You should record his/her response in the unshaded area of column A24 as follows: "mechanic fixes cars" or "mechanic, fixes radios". Use the comments box if you need more space. If a person moved from one job to another, you should enter the most recent occupation even if it only lasted for a day or two. This may happen with people who are casual laborers. If a person has more than one occupation, record the one on which he/she spends most of his/her time. However, if someone has a temporary job during the school holidays - but has a permanent job during term time-it is his/her permanent occupation that should be described. A census enumerator or supervisor who is a schoolteacher during term time must therefore be described as "primary school teacher" or "secondary school teacher".

You will usually have to probe the respondent to get good information about a person's occupation. For example, people who make things (bread, clothing, pottery, wood objects, tools, beer, food products, furniture, bricks, etc.) should be asked how they make them. It is important to find out whether they mostly use their hands or hand-held tools, or whether they mostly produce these goods by operating machinery. A person who brews beer at home using traditional techniques belongs to a different occupational category from a person who operates a machine that ferments the grains used in making beer. (See probing examples below). You should also probe when the information provided by the respondent does not seem reasonable. For example, if a person has only completed Form 4, it seems unlikely that he/she could be an auditor or an engineer. If you probe, you may discover that the person is actually an accounting clerk or an engineering assistant.

[Table omitted]

Brazil 1960 — source variable BR1960A_USUALOCC — Usual occupation
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Only for people who worked in the year prior to the census date
[Applies to questions V - Z]

V. Occupation, profession, office, duty, function, etc, that was exercised for the longest time in the year before the census date (see codes; only write the name of the occupation if you don't find it in Code List 3)

____ Code list 3

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The following questions will only be asked of those persons who worked during the year preceding the date of the census
(September 1, 1959, to August 31, 1960)

[Applies to questions V - Z]

Question V - Occupation, profession, position, function, etc. which the respondent exercised for the longest time during the year preceding the date of the Census

This question has the objective of investigating the occupation that the respondent habitually exercises, habitual occupation being understood as that in which the respondent was occupied during most of the year.
In most cases, the habitual occupation coincides with that exercised on the date of the Census.
It may happen, however, that on the date of the Census the person is exercising an occupation different than his or her habitual occupation. In this case, the following will be recorded:

a) the habitual occupation, when carrying out temporary work, as is the case, for example, with farm workers who, on the date of the Census, were temporarily working at sugar mills, processing machinery, brick factories, etc., but who concluded this industrial work and, upon termination of same, will return to their habitual farming occupations which they exercise during most of the year;
b) the occupation exercised on the date of the Census, when such occupation is permanent in nature, such as farm workers who move to cities where they exercise industrial, commercial or other occupations of a permanent nature.

One should not confuse habitual occupation with professional specialization. For example, a bank manager or a high-school teacher who is a trained physician or lawyer will declare his or her habitual occupation, and not the profession in which he or she is licensed and/or trained (physician or lawyer). Vague and generic expressions should be avoided (farm worker, assistant, commercial worker, teacher, bank worker, government employee, factory worker, worker, domestic help, liberal professional, military man). Specific designations should rather be used, such as: foreman, field hand, cowboy, office assistant, statistical assistant, salesperson, cashier, traveling salesman, primary teacher, high-school teacher, college teacher, office boy, administrative official, scribe, accountant, chemist, economist, engineer, hackler (flax comber), welder, boilersmith, overseer, carpenter, hod carrier, cook, nanny, physician, lawyer, priest, captain, etc.

[p. 37]

If the person habitually exercises a remunerated activity, and on the date of the Census, is unemployed, on leave or vacation, or even in jail awaiting sentence, he or she should state his or her habitual occupation. A person who exercises two or more economic occupations concurrently should indicate that which occupies most of his or her time.
When obtaining the respondent's declaration, the enumerator will consult the list of codes found on the left-hand side of the questionnaire (Code 3 for Question V), and will record the code corresponding to the habitual occupation. The enumerator should write out the information in full only if the declaration and respective code are not shown on the list.

Brazil 1970 — source variable BR1970A_MAINOCC — Principal occupation
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Only for people who worked in the 12 months prior to the census date (Sept-1-1969 through Aug-31-1970) or who are seeking work (response 7 in #22)
[Applies to questions 23 - 28]

23. Occupation, profession, task, function, etc, that was exercised for the longest time

____ Code

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Question 23 - Occupation, profession, position, function, etc. that the person has exercised for the longest time

(Only for persons age 10 or over who worked during the twelve months prior to the date of the Census - 9/1/1969 to 8/31/1970 - or are looking for work for the 1st time)


a) the usual occupation, that is, that in which the respondent was occupied during most of the year, even if, on the date of the Census, he or she is unemployed, on vacation, prisoner awaiting judgment, or doing temporary work, as is common among farm workers who, at certain times of the year, work in sugar plants, processing machines, etc.

One should not confuse habitual occupation with professional specialization. For example, a bank manager or a high-school teacher who is a trained physician or lawyer will declare his or her habitual occupation, and not the profession in which he or she is licensed and/or trained (physician or lawyer).

Vague and generic expressions should not be accepted, such as Farm Worker, Assistant, Commercial Worker, Teacher, Bank Worker, Government Employee, Factory Worker, Worker, Domestic Help, Liberal Professional, or Military Man to identify occupations. The correct recording would be: Foreman, Field Hand, Cowboy, Office Assistant, Statistical Assistant, Salesperson, Cashier, Traveling Salesman, Primary Teacher, High-school Teacher, College Teacher, Office Boy, Administrative Official, Scribe, Accountant, Chemist, Economist, Engineer, Hackler (Flax Comber), Welder, Boilersmith, Overseer, Carpenter, Hod Carrier, Cook, Nanny, Physician, Lawyer, Priest, Captain, etc.

b) the occupation exercised on the date of the Census, when the new occupation, different from the usual, has been taken up as definitive;

[p. 44]

c) first time, when the person is looking for work for the 1st time.

Respondents who exercise two or more economic occupations concurrently should indicate that which occupies most of their time.

Brazil 1980 — source variable BR1980A_OCC — Occupation
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The following questions are to be filled out only for the person 10 years or older
[Applies to questions 25 -49]

30. Occupation, profession, task, function, etc, that was exercised for the longest time
(If changed occupations definitively note current occupation)

_ _ _ Code

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The following questions will only be filled out for persons age 10 or over, that is, those born before September 1, 1970.

[Applies to questions 25-49]

Question 30 - What occupation, profession, position, function, etc. the person regularly exercised during the last 12 months

This entry will be for the usual occupation that the enumerated person exercised between 9/1/1979 and 8/31/1980.
Usual occupation is considered that exercised during most of the referred period.
When a person has changed occupations and intends this change to be permanent, the occupation he or she exercised last will be recorded, regardless of the time spent on each during this period. Included in this case are persons who changed occupations or functions due to promotion or change in career, such as:

1st case - a farm worker who immigrated to the city and went to work as a Hod Carrier in the construction of a building;
2nd case - a billing Clerk in an industrial company who was promoted to Accounting Technician;
3rd case - an office helper at a bank who was promoted to the position of Cashier.

When the person has changed occupations, but the change is transitory due to circumstantial or seasonal factors, the usual occupation will be entered and not the transitory occupation, such as:

1st case - for a farm worker who, during the time between planting and harvesting, worked in a village as a stone mason, woodcutter, etc., record, as the case may be, Hoe worker, Cotton picker, etc.;
2nd case - for a farm worker who sometimes works with a machine at a sugar plant, etc., the occupation of farm worker will be recorded;
3rd case - for a driver who, unable to work in his or her profession, is exercising some other occupation until he is again able to work as a driver, the occupation of Driver will be recorded;
4th case - for a specialized worker who, when unable to find a placement in his or her profession, is exercising another occupation, Welder, Cabinet maker, Weaver, etc. will be recorded, as the case may be.

When the person simultaneously exercises different occupations, the main occupation should be recorded.
Main occupation is considered that which occupies the greatest number of the person's hours per week or, if this number is the same, that which provides the highest income, such as:

For persons on vacation or on leave, even if they were exercising another occupation, the usual occupation will be recorded and not that exercised temporarily during vacation or leave.
Occupation should not be confused with professional specialization. For example, for a commercial director with a degree in economics, or a high school teacher with a degree in medicine, the entries will be, respectively: Commercial director and High school teacher.
Vague or generic answers which do not correctly characterize the person's occupation should not be recorded.
Some examples are given below:

Incorrect entry: Agent
Correct entry: Railroad station agent, travel agent, advertising agent, etc.

Incorrect entry: Assistant
Correct entry: Office assistant, kitchen assistant, stock assistant, etc.

Incorrect entry: Bank worker
Correct entry: Bank cashier, file clerk, accountant, etc.

Incorrect entry: Commercial worker
Correct entry: Shop attendant, invoice clerk, merchandise placer, etc.

Incorrect entry: Government employee
Correct entry: Attendant, administrative official, stock clerk, etc.

Incorrect entry: Mechanic
Correct entry: Automobile mechanic, mechanic for calculators, aircraft mechanic, etc.

Incorrect entry: Factory worker
Correct entry: Carpenter, welder, hod carrier, etc.

Incorrect entry: Teacher
Correct entry: Primary teacher [Grades 1-8], high school teacher [grades 9-11], university teacher or professor, gym teacher, etc.

Incorrect entry: Farm worker
Correct entry: Hoe worker, cotton picker, sugar cane cutter, etc.

For employees and for persons who are self-employed or without remuneration, the occupation, profession, position, function, etc., which they exercised, will be recorded.
If the person is engaged in farming, either individually or only with the help of a resident of the household who is not paid for the work, record respectively Field hand or Animal raiser.
If the person has a commercial establishment, individually or only with the help of a non-remunerated person, record Commercial businessman.
Liberal professionals (Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, Engineers, etc.), who employ up to 2 attendants or nurses in their offices should record their profession.


For Employers (partners or tenants) who are owners of establishments, firms or companies where they work (condition of being owner and employer), the entry should indicate this condition, such as Ranch owner, Chicken-farm owner, Owner of industry, Store owner, Barbershop owner, Clinic owner, Transportation company owner, etc
Below are some examples to better clarify these situations:

Situation: Barber, barbershop employee
Correct entry: Barber

Situation: Barber, barbershop owner, working only with the help of a non-remunerated son or daughter
Correct entry: Barber

Situation: Barber, working with his father without receiving remuneration
Correct entry: Barber

Situation: Barber, owner of a barbershop, working with the help of employees
Correct entry: Barbershop owner

Brazil 1991 — source variable BR1991A_OCC — Occupation
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46. Occupation, profession, task, function, etc., that was exercised for the longest time. (If changed occupations definitively note current occupation)

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Question 46 - What occupation, profession, position, function, etc. the person regularly exercised during the last 12 months or during part them
This entry will be for the usual occupation that the enumerated person exercised between 9/1/1989 and 8/31/1990.
Usual occupation is considered that exercised during most of the referred period.
When a person has changed occupations and intends this change to be permanent, the occupation he or she exercised last will be recorded, regardless of the time spent on each during this period. Included in this case are persons who changed occupations or functions due to promotion or change in career, such as:
1st case - A farm worker who emigrated to the city and went to work as a hod carrier in the construction of a building;
2nd case - A billing clerk in an industrial company who was promoted to Accounting Technician;
3rd case - An office helper at a bank who was promoted to the position of cashier.

When the person has changed occupations, but the change is transitory due to circumstantial or seasonal factors, [p. 76] the usual occupation will be entered and not the transitory occupation, such as:
1st case - For a farm worker who, during the time between planting and harvesting, worked in a village as a stone mason, woodcutter, etc., record, as the case may be, Hoe worker, Cotton picker, etc.;
2nd case - For a farm worker who, during certain periods, works at a machine at a sugar plant, etc., the occupation of farm worker will be recorded;
3rd case - For a driver who, unable to work in his profession, is exercising some other occupation until he is again able to work as a driver, the occupation of Driver will be recorded;
4th case - For a specialized worker who, when unable to find a placement in his or her profession, is exercising another occupation, will be recorded, as the case may be: Welder, Cabinet maker, Weaver, etc.

When the person simultaneously exercises different occupations, the main occupation should be recorded.
Main occupation is considered that which occupies the greatest number of the person's hours per week or, if this number is the same, that which provides the highest income, such as:
[Type] /Occupation / Hours / Income Cr$
Main / Teacher / 24 / 1,200.00
Secondary / Doctor / 12 / 3,000.00
Main / Journalist / 21 / 4,000.00
Secondary / Lawyer / 21 / 2,000.00
For persons on vacation or on leave, even if they were exercising another occupation, the usual occupation will be recorded and not that exercised temporarily during vacation or leave.
Occupation should not be confused with professional specialization. For example, for a commercial director with a degree in economics, or a high school teacher with a degree in medicine, the entries will be, respectively: Commercial director and High school teacher.
[p. 77]
Vague or generic answers which do not correctly characterize the person's occupation must not be recorded.
[List of examples on page 77 was not translated into English]
For employees and for persons who are Self-employed or without remuneration, the occupation, profession, position, function, etc., which they exercised, will be recorded.
If the person is engaged in farming, either individually or only with the help of a resident of the household who [p. 78] is not paid for the work, record respectively Field hand or Animal raiser.
If the person has a commercial establishment, individually or only with the help of a non-remunerated person, record Commercial businessman.
Liberal professionals (Doctors, Dentists, Lawyers, Engineers, etc.), who employ up to 2 attendants or nurses in their offices should record their profession.
For Employers (partners or tenants) who are owners of establishments, firms or companies where they work (condition of being owner and employer), the entry should indicate this condition, such as Ranch owner, Chicken-farm owner, Owner of industry, Store owner, Barbershop owner, Clinic owner, Transportation company owner, etc.
Below are some examples to better clarify these situations:
Situation: Barbershop employee
Correct entry: Barber
Situation: Barber, barbershop owner, working only with the help of a non-remunerated son or daughter
Correct entry: Barber
Situation: Barber, working with his father without receiving remuneration
Correct entry: Barber
Situation: Barber, barbershop owner working with the help of employees
Correct entry: Barbershop owner

Brazil 2000 — source variable BR2000A_OCC — Occupation, 4 digits
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For persons 10 years old or older (born until July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

Attention: Criteria for defining the week's principal job:

1.- Most hours usually worked during the week;
2.- Work that takes up the most time; and
3.- Highest monthly income
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For persons age 10 or over (born on or before July 31, 1990)
[Applies to questions 4.36 - 4.61]

Question 4.45 - What occupation did you exercise in your main work during the week of July 23 to 29, 2000?

Occupation is understood as the function, position, profession or trade performed by a person in an activity economic.

For persons who permanently replaced the work they had with another during the week of reference, consider the information related to the more recent work.

Do not confuse occupation with specialization or professional training. Therefore:

  • a person trained in mathematics who is administering a public school will have public school principal as occupation; and
  • a person trained in psychology who is exercising the function of a teller at a bank will have bank teller as occupation.

[pg. 123]

It is essential that the record of the occupation clearly express the work exercised by the person. Therefore, generic entries should be avoided, such as:

  • Teacher is a generic entry. The correct entry would be dancing teacher, primary school teacher, junior high school teacher, senior high school teacher, university professor;
  • Salesman is a generic entry. The correct entry would be company salesman, candy peddler, street market vendor, shop salesperson; and
  • Painter is also a generic entry. The correct entry would be wall painter, automobile painter, or landscape painter.

Brazil 2010 — source variable BR2010A_OCC — Occupation held from July 25 to July 31, 2010
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6. Resident characteristics

Work and earnings
For persons aged 10 years or older
[Questions 6.41 to 6.59 were asked for persons 10 years of age or older.]

[Questions 6.45 to 6.53 were asked for persons who reported working for pay, being temporarily away from a paid job, or helping another member of the household with a paid job during the reference week.]

Questions 6.46 to 6.49 should refer to the single or main job that the person had during the reference week.

6.46 What was your occupation in the job? ____

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Work and Income
For residents 10 years of age or older

Questions 6.46 to 6.48 refer to the main or only work that the person had on the week in reference.

6.46 - What was the main duty your work required?

This question investigates the main duty a person had in a single job or main job during the week in reference.
The main duty that a work requires is the occupation, position, profession or activity that the person exercises.

If the person was temporarily away from paid work on the week in reference, the record must refer to the occupation that the person exercised regularly.

Some aspects should be considered to record the main duty:

a) The main duty should not be confused with professional training.

[page 246]


  • A person trained in economics must be recorded as the manager of sales department, provided that it is the main duty he/she has at work,
  • A person trained in medicine should be recorded as a professor of higher education, provided that it is the main duty he/she has at work.

b) The main duty should not be confused with the professional category.

[Table with examples of professional categories and main duties, omitted]

c) Army, Navy, Air Force, Military Police and Firefighters must be registered by their rank (soldier, corporal, lieutenant colonel, general, etc.) and the military branch in which they work, regardless of their professional qualifications.

[page 247]


  • A Military Police captain worked in the military as a doctor. This person must be registered as captain of the Military Police, and
  • A colonel in the Air Force worked as a pilot. This person must be registered as a colonel in the Air Force.

d) Heads and upper positions of government must be registered by name or position according to their work, regardless of their professional training.

One should be careful to adequately describe specific occupations in this group, in case that you record jobs with one word or in short form, as it can be confused with another occupational level.

Some examples of complete records are: state legislator, president of public policy, military, national consul, municipal secretary, diplomat, secretary of State, minister of State, etc.

For people employed in the public sector (federal, state or local) and that, during the reference period, were transferred to another sector, the record of occupation and activity will be the sector of origin. However, if the person was occupying a commissioned position, the record of occupation and activity will be the sector in which the person was transferred.

The occupation must be specifically recorded to enable accurate identification. Records such as a mechanic, (...)

[page 248]

(?) analyst, consultant, marketing, worker, operator, assistant, helper, machine operator, general assistant are generic and vague descriptions, since it is impossible to classify the person's occupation.

[Table with examples of general and specific categories, omitted]

[page 249]

If a resident gives you a generic description, ask about the specific job he/she does. It is important that you record the job correctly.

Burkina Faso 1985 — source variable BF1985A_OCC — Principal occupation
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Residents 10 years of age and older
[Questions 9-15 were asked for residents age 10 and older.]

Economic activity

12. Principal occupation ____

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Attention: Columns 12 to 15 only apply to those persons employed or unemployed but looking for employment (OCC and CHO). In each case, they should describe their last job. For the other categories (QUE, POF, ETU, RET, INV, AUT), record a dash in these columns.

Column twelve - principal occupation:

- For an employed person, the principal occupation corresponds to the type of work actually performed during the reference period to which the person dedicated the most of their time.

- For people unemployed but looking for a job, we will consider their last job worked as their principal occupation (this applies to those who have previously been employed). It is concerned with the profession performed by the person being counted, not their rank, function or the job they were trained to do.

[p. 32]


If the person being interviewed is a government worker, it is necessary to probe the person in order to obtain a detailed description of the work they perform.

- Ask the following question: "What do you do for a living?" Then record the principal occupation with as much precision as possible.

Attention: In rural areas, the principal occupation is that performed during the rainy season.

Burkina Faso 1996 — source variable BF1996A_OCC — Principal occupation
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Residents age 10 years or older:
[Questions P18 to P22 were asked for persons 10 years of age or older who were household residents.]

Principal occupation:
P19. What is the occupation at which [person] spent the most time over the last seven days?

Write in clearly in the column.


Cambodia 1998 — source variable KH1998A_OCC — Occupation
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15 Main Activity (Enter Code from list below)
Main activity during last year

Codes for Column 15 Main Activity During Last Year
1 Employed (Fill in Cols. 16 to 20)
2 Unemployed (Employed any time before - Fill in Cols. 16 to 20 for last employment)
3 Unemployed (Never employed any time before)
4 Homemaker
5 Student
6 Dependent
7 Rent-receiver, retired or other income recipient
8 ___ Other (Specify)
(For codes 3 to 8, put dash ( - ) in Cols. 16 to 20)]

___ 17 Occupation (Name of Occupation)

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Columns 15 to 20 on Economic Characteristics of Population

97. These columns relate to the economic characteristics of population both male and female. Information proposed to be collected on economic characteristics of population includes information on economically active and economically not active population. Economically active population includes those who are employed and unemployed. Economically inactive population includes home makers; full time students; dependents; rent-receivers, retired people and other categories of income recipients; and others who are neither employed nor unemployed and also do not come under any of the inactive categories mentioned. The reference period for this is the last one year.

Columns 16 to 20

99. Information in these Columns should be filled-in only for a person who is employed (Code 1 in Column 15) or unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in Column 15. For unemployed (not employed before) i.e. Code 3 in Column 15 and inactive population i.e. any Code from 4 to 8 in Column 15, no information can be furnished in Columns 16 to 20 and hence enter dash (--) in each of these Columns for these persons. Following are the instructions for filling-in Columns 16 to 20 for a person for whom Code 1 or 2 is given in Column 15. The information to be filled-in will relate to employment details of the employed person (Code 1 in Column 15). In the case of unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in Column 15, the information to be filled-in will relate to last employment held by that person.

Column 17: Occupation

101. Occupation refers to the name of the job the person did (e.g. cashier, primary school teacher, nurse, blacksmith, watchman, manager etc.).

101.1 You must write the occupation of a person as clearly and as fully as possible. You should not write only "staff member". Probe further to find out whether he/ she was a clerk, statistician, data entry operator etc. Do not write "Casual Laborer" which is rather vague. Find out whether he / she was a construction worker, hand-loom weaver etc. If a person says that he/ she has been doing two or three jobs, find out the job he / she was doing mostly and record the same.

Cambodia 2004 — source variable KH2004A_OCC3 — Occupation (3-digits)
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Form B: Household questionnaire Part 2

[20] Occupation ____ _ _ _

[Question 20 asked of persons who responded codes 1 and 2 in question 18.]

Name of occupation
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75. Columns 18 to 23
Information in these Columns should be filled-in only for a person who is employed (Code 1 in Column 18) or unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in Column 18. For unemployed (not employed before) i.e. Code 3 in Column 18 and inactive population i.e. any Code 4 from 4 to 8 in Column 18, no information can be furnished in Column 18 to 23 and hence enter dash (-) in each of these Columns for these persons. Following are the instructions for filling-in Column 18 to 23 for a person for whom Code 1 or 2 is given in Column 18. The information to be filled-in will relate to employment details of the employed person (Code 1 in Column 18). In the case of unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in Column 18, the information to be filled-in will relate to last employment held by that person.

77. Column 20: Occupation
Occupation refers to the name of the job the person did (e.g. cashier, primary school teacher, nurse, blacksmith, watchman, manager etc.)
77.1 You must write the occupation of a person as clearly and as fully as possible. You should not write only "staff member". Probe further to find out whether he/ she was a clerk, statistician, data entry operator etc. Do not write "Casual Laborer" which is rather vague. Find out whether he/ she was a construction worker, hand-loom weaver etc. If a person says that he/ she has been doing two or three jobs, find out the job he/ she was doing mostly (i.e. most time) and record the same.

Cambodia 2008 — source variable KH2008A_OCC — Occupation
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18. Occupation (name of occupation) ____
[Question 18 was asked of persons who have ever worked, as per question 16.]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Columns 16 to 21 on Economic Characteristics of Population

98. These columns relate to the economic characteristics of population both male and female. Information proposed to be collected on economic characteristics of population include information on economically active
and economically not active population. The economically active population includes those who are employed and unemployed. The economically inactive population includes those who are mainly home makers, full-time students, dependents, rent-receivers, retired people and other categories of income recipients; and others who are neither employed or unemployed and also do not come under any of the inactive categories mentioned. The reference period for this is the one year or 12 months before the census night, that is from 4 March 2007 to 3 March 2008. This is also referred to as last year or last one year in this instruction manual.

Columns 17 to 21

100. Information in these Columns should be filled in only for a person who is employed (Code 1 in Column 16) or unemployed (employed before) (Code 2 in Column 16). For unemployed (not employed before) (Code 3 in Column 16) and mainly inactive population (any Code from 4 to 8 in Column 16), no information can be furnished in Columns 17 to 21 and hence enter dash (-) in each of these Columns for these persons. The following are the instructions for filling in Columns 17 to 21 for a person for whom Code 1 or 2 is given in Column 16. The information to be filled in will relate to employment details of the employed person (Code 1 in Column 16). In the case of unemployed (employed before) (Code 2 in Column 16), the information to be filled in will relate to last employment held by that person.

Column 18: Occupation

102. Occupation refers to the name of the job the person did (e.g. cashier, primary school teacher, nurse, blacksmith, watchman, manager, etc.).

102.1 You must write the occupation of a person as clearly and as fully as possible. You should not write only "staff member". Probe further to find out whether he/she was a clerk, statistician, data entry operator, etc. Do not write "Casual Laborer" which is rather vague. Find out whether he/she was a construction worker, loader, hand-loom weaver etc. If a person says that he/she has been doing two or three jobs, find out the job he/she was doing mostly and record this.

Cambodia 2013 — source variable KH2013A_OCC — Occupation (3-digits)
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For all persons
[Questions 10 to 25 were asked of all persons]

[Question 20 to 24 were asked of persons who have ever worked, as per question 19]

21. Occupation ____ _ _ _

Name of occupation
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72. Column 19 to 25 on economic characteristics of population

These questions should be asked of all persons irrespective of age. These columns relate to the economic characteristics of population, both male and female. Information is proposed to be collected on economic characteristics of population. Economically active population includes those who are employed and unemployed (including those available for work or seeking work). Economically inactive population includes home makers; full time students; dependents; rent-receivers, retired people and other categories of income recipients; and others who are neither employed nor unemployed and also do not come under any of the inactive categories mentioned. The reference period for this is the one year or 12 months before the survey night, that is from 4 March 2012 to 3 March 2013. This is also referred to as last year or last one year in this instruction manual.

74. Columns 20 to 24

Information in these columns should be filled-in only for a person who is employed (Code 1 in column 19) or unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in column 19. For unemployed (not employed before) i.e. Code 3 in column 19 and inactive population i.e. any code from 4 to 8 in column 19, no information can be furnished in columns 20 to 24 and hence enter dash (-) in each of these columns for these persons. Following are the instructions for filling-in columns 20 to 24 for a person for whom code 1 or 2 is given in column 19. The information to be filled-in will relate to employment details of the employed person (Code 1 in column 19). In the case of unemployed (employed before) i.e. Code 2 in column 19, the information to be filled-in will relate to last employment held by that person.

[p. 33]

76. Column 21: occupation

Occupation refers to the name of the job the person did (e.g. cashier, primary school teacher, nurse, blacksmith, watchman, manager, taxi driver etc.)

76.1 you must write the occupation of a person as clearly and as fully as possible. You should not write only "staff member". Probe further to find out whether he/ she was a clerk, statistician, data entry operator etc. Do not write "Casual Labourer" which is rather vague. Find out whether he/ she was a construction worker, hand-loom weaver etc. If a person says that he/ she has been doing two or three jobs, find out the job he/ she was doing mostly (i.e. most time) and record the same.

Cambodia 2019 — source variable KH2019A_OCC1 — Occupation, 1-digit
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Form B household questionnaire part 2

Individual particulars
[This section except for questions 6 and 8 are to be completed by all persons]

[Questions 17-22 of this section are to be answered by persons aged 5 years and older]

19. Occupation

Types of occupation/employment (write the occupation in words):

Name of occupation: ____
Code: _ _ _

Cameroon 1976 — source variable CM1976A_OCC2 — Occupation (2 digits)
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Population 4 years old or older

Ask only those who have worked during the reference period (WK) and those without work having already worked (UN). For the others, mark with the line.

22) Employment

- For those who have worked during the reference period (WK): What job did you have during this period? ____
- For those without a job having already worked (UN): "What was your last job?" ____

Mark clearly the job occupied [Example omitted]
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b) Column 17 to 25:

To be filled out individually for the people ages 4 and over (mark a line in column 17 to 25 for children under 4.

N.B. Columns on employment (columns 22 to 24)

These columns are only to be filled out for people having worked during the reference week (WK in column 21) and for people without employment already having worked, in search of a new job (UN in column 21). For all others, mark a line from column 22 to column 24.

Column 22: Employment:

For people having worked during the week of reference (WK), mark the job done during this period.

For people without jobs, having already worked and looking for another job (UN), mark the last job done.

The response to column 22 (what job do you do?) should specify the nature of the task accomplished by the person.

Generally, the best description of the occupation of the person is the name of the task; for example, "auto mechanic". When the title of the occupation or the job is vague, do not hesitate to ask for more information to better mark his job: for example if the person tells you he or she is a doctor, ask him if he is a medical doctor, a veterinarian, or a dentist.

If you do not know a job title that you are given by a person you are interviewing or if you find it strange, you should mark it as such, if the person is certain that the title is correct.

Clearly mark the job of each person. Example: coffee planter (for a person who gets a large part of their income from the cultivation of coffee);

-Cocoa planter (for a person who gets a large part of their income from the cultivation of cocoa);

-Rice farmer (for a person who lives primarily lives off of the cultivation of rice, this product being destined for sale);

-Farmer (for a person who lives primarily off of mixed farming and self-sufficiency farming for home consumption, meaning they feed themselves from what they cultivate)

-Livestock farmer (for a person who lives primarily off breeding)

-Shepherd (for a person who watches over a flock);

-Teacher (for a person who has the job of teaching)

-Agricultural engineer (for a person who has the job of agricultural engineer)

N.B. Responses like the responses below should not be allowed.
-"Farmer" for anyone who cultivates the earth

-"Engineer" for any engineer

- "Government employee" for any government employee

Cameroon 2005 — source variable CM2005A_OCC — Occupation
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Economic activity for persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 27 to 33 were asked of persons aged 6 years and older.]

30. Occupation
What is the person's main status in the work being done? _ _ _

[Question 30 was asked of persons aged 6 years and older who reported working in the last 7 days, per Question 28.]

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Questions (Questions 27-33) related to the economic activity are only ask to people 6 years old and older

30. Employment
Employment is the regular activity done by the surveyed person over the course of the last 7 days preceding the survey agent's visit to the household.

Q30. For those who worked during the reference week: What job did ______ do? For those without employment already having worked: What was ______'s last job?

Following the registration order:

Legibly write the employment declared on the dotted line corresponding to the registration order of the surveyed person.

NB. Clearly mark the nature of the job that the person did during the reference week or that the person did before ending up unemployed.

[Examples omitted]
NB. Avoid vague responses like:
-Farmer for all those who farm
-Engineer for all engineers
-Government employee for all those employed by the government or the State

Canada 1971 — source variable CA1971A_OCC — Occupation
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[Questions 22-40 were asked of persons age 15+, per question 21.]

Questions 33-38 refer to your job or business last week. If none, answer for your job of longest duration since January 1, 1970.
[Questions 33-38 were asked of persons 15+ who worked in 1970 or 1971, per question 32.]

36. Occupation

a. What kind of work were you doing? ____

e.g., selling shoes, civil engineering, motor vehicle repairing, metal machining, clerical work.

b. What were your most important activities or duties? ____

e.g. fitting shoes, designing bridges, auto body work, posting invoices.

c. What was your job title? ____

e.g. manager of shoe department, civil engineer, auto body repairman, invoice clerk.

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33 to 38.
If you had a job last week, answer these questions for your job last week even if you were absent from work because of temporary lay-off, illness, vacation, labour dispute, training courses, etc.
Answer the questions for the same job. If you had more than one job last week, give information for the one at which you worked the most hours.
If you had no job or business last week (with or without pay), give the information for your job of longest duration since January 1, 1970.

36. The three parts of this question refer to your occupation in the industry reported in Question 35. More than one question is required to ensure that people doing similar work will be put in the same occupational group in our statistics. Office workers may be mainly filing, typing, or calculating payrolls; professional such as engineers or lawyers may be working in their profession or in managerial positions; factory workers may be sewing garments, operating drill presses or acting as foreman of such operations, etc. Try to distinguish between the general kind of work you are doing, your most important activities or duties and your job title, i.e., the term used by the business or organization for you position. Be as precise as you can. One-word descriptions are often not complete. Some examples of complete and incomplete entries for parts (a), (b) and (c) of Question 36 are as follows:
[p. 17]


1. (a) Maintaining electrical equipment
(b) Electrical repair and maintenance
(c) Apprentice electrician
2. (a) Operating a packaging machine
(b) Wrapping paper serviettes
(c) Wrapping machine operator
3. (a) General office work
(b) Typing and filing
(c) Clerk-typist
4. (a) Electronic testing and inspection
(b) Testing electronic components
(c) Electronic inspection technician
5. (a) Wheat farming
(b) Operating a wheat farm
(c) Wheat farmer
6. (a) Operating a pharmacy
(b) Dispensing and selling drugs
(c) Proprietor--Retail drug store


1. (a) Maintenance
(b) Repair work
(c) Apprentice;
2. (a) Factory work
(b) Operating a machine
(c) Machine operator
3. (a) Clerical
(b) Office work
(c) Clerk
4. (a) Technical
(b) Inspection
(c) Inspection technician
5. (a) Farming
(b) Farm work
(c) Farmer
6. (a) Owner
(b) Selling
(c) Proprietor

Canada 1981 — source variable CA1981A_OCC — Occupation (1981 classification basis)
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[Questions 31-46 were asked of persons age 15+, per question 30.]

Note: Questions 41 to 44 refer to your job or business last week. If none, answer for your job of longest duration since January 1, 1980. If you held more than one job last week, answer for the job at which you worked the most hours.

43. a. What kind of work were you doing? ________

For example, accounting clerk, safes representative, civil engineer, secondary school teacher, chief electrician, metal worker.

(b) In this work, what were your most important activities or duties? ________
For example, verifying invoices, selling electrical tools, managing the research department, reaching mathematics, supervising construction electricians, operating lathe. (If in the Armed Forces give rank.)

Canada 1991 — source variable CA1991A_OCC80 — Occupation (1980 classification basis)
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STEP 10: Answer Questions 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over.

Note: Questions 36 to 42 refer to this person's job or business last week. If this person held no job last week, answer for the job of longest duration since January 1, 1990. If this person held more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours.

39. What kind of work was this person doing?

For example, medical lab technician, accounting clerk, manager of civil engineering department, secondary school teacher, supervisor of data entry unit, food processing labourer, fishing guide (if in the Armed Forces, give rank only).
Kind of work ________

40. In this work, what were this person's most important duties or activities?
For example, analysing blood samples, verifying invoices, co-ordinating civil engineering projects, teaching mathematics, organizing work schedules and monitoring data entry systems, cleaning vegetables, guiding fishing parties.
Most important duties or activities ________

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Answer Questions 20 to 45 for each person aged 15 and over, that is, for each person born before June 4, 1976.

Questions 39 and 40: Kind of work and most important duties

Descriptions should be as precise as possible. Two or more words may be needed in both questions. Rather than using the terms employee or worker, use specific descriptions of the kind of work done. Be sure to indicate supervisory or management responsibilities if they apply.
For example, rather than: maintenance, repair work, office work, clerical, inspecting, supervising. A more complete response would be: maintaining electrical equipment; repair and maintenance of electrical motors; type, general office work; typing and filing; inspecting electronic equipment; supervising assembly of electronic equipment [respectively].
For persons who are members of a religious order engaged in teaching or nursing for example, report these secular activities rather than the religious activities.

Canada 2001 — source variable CA2001A_NOCS01P — Occupation (2001 national occupational classification for statistics)
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23. Answer questions 24 to 51 for each person aged 15 and over.

Remember, these questions are only for persons aged 15 and over.
Note: Questions 40 to 48 refer to this person's job or business last week. If this person held no job last week, answer for the job of longest duration since January 1, 2000. If this person held more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours.
[Questions 40-50 were asked of persons who have worked for pay after 2000, per question 39.]
40. For whom did this person work?

For self-employed persons, enter the name of their business. If the business does not have a name, enter the person's name.
Name of firm, government agency, etc. ________
Section, plant, department, etc. (if applicable) ________

41. What kind of business, industry or service was this?
Please be specific. For example: road maintenance, secondary school, municipal police, wheat farm, retail shoe store, temporary help agency, full-service garage, trapping.
Kind of business, industry or service ________
_ _ _ _

42. What was this person's work or occupation?
Please be specific. For example: legal secretary, plumber, fishing guide, wood furniture assembler, restaurant manager, secondary school teacher. (If in the Armed Forces, give rank.)
Occupation ________

43. In this work, what were this person's main activities?
Please give details. For example: prepared legal documents, installed residential plumbing, guided fishing parties, made wood furniture products, managed operations of a restaurant, taught mathematics.
Main activities ________
_ _ _ _

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[Questions 34 to 50 collect information on paid work done by people aged 15 and older.]

Question 42 -- Occupation

Give specific descriptions of the work done. For example - rather than: maintenance; repair work; office work; engineering; engineering; inspecting; supervising; consulting.
A more complete response would be: electrical equipment maintainer; electrical motor repairman; typist, general office work; industrial engineer; industrial engineering technician; electronic equipment inspector; aircraft assembly supervisor; health-care planning consultant.

[p. 19]
Question 43 -- Main activities

Report the main activities this person does in his or her job. Be sure to indicate supervisory or management responsibilities if they apply. For persons who are members of a religious order engaged in teaching or nursing, report these activities rather than the religious activities.

Canada 2011 — source variable CA2011A_OCC — Occupation
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Labour market activities

39. When did this person last work for pay or in self-employment, even for a few days?

Mark "x" one circle only.

[] In 2011 [Continue with the next question.]
[] In 2010 [Continue with the next question.]
[] Before 2010 [Go to Question 53.]
[] Never [Go to Question 53.]
Note: Questions 40 to 49 refer to this person's job or business during the week of May 1 to May 7, 2011. If this person held no job, answer for the job of longest duration since January 1, 2010. If this person held more than one job, answer for the job at which he or she worked the most hours.

[Questions 40-52 were asked of persons age 15+ who last worked for pay or in self-employment in 2011 or 2010, per question 39.]

42. What was this person's work or occupation? ____

Please be specific. For example:
Police officer
Primary school teacher
Community health nurse
Truck driver
(If in the Armed Forces, give rank.)

43. In this work, what were this person's main activities? ____

Please give details. For example:
Law enforcement
Skinning animals
Teaching Grade 2
Treating patients
Driving a truck
Carving soapstone
Cutting hair
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Labor market activities
Questions 34 to 45 and 49 to 51 provide information on Canada's workforce including the industries and occupations in which they work, as well as the language used at work. Employment information is used to assess the economic conditions of communities and specific populations such as Aboriginal Peoples and immigrants. Industry and occupation information is used to forecast job opportunities.

Retired persons
All persons who did not work any hours during the week of May 1 to May 7, 2011 (answered 'none' to question 34), should answer questions 34 to 39 even if the reason they did not work was because they retired.

All persons who did any work for pay or in self-employment between January 1, 2010 and May 7, 2011 should answer questions 40 to 51, even if they are retired at the time of the survey.

Recent immigrants
Persons who did not have a job during the week of May 1 to May 7, 2011, but who have worked since January 1, 2010, should answer questions 34 to 39 for the last job they held even if it was in another country and continue with questions 40 to 51.

Question 39 -- Last date of work
Include only:

[] Work done for wages, salary, tips, commission, piece-rate payment, payment in kind (payment in goods and services rather than in money)
[] Work done in self-employment
[] Work done without pay by family members for family businesses, agricultural operations or professional practice

Do not include:

[] Volunteer work
[] Unpaid housework
[] Unpaid child care
[] Unpaid care to seniors
[] Unpaid home maintenance
[] Leisure activities.
Question 42 -- Occupation or work
Give specific descriptions of the occupation or work done.

For example, 'electrical equipment maintainer' would be a more complete response than 'maintenance'; and 'auto mechanic helper' would be a more complete response than 'helper'.

Question 43 -- Main activities at work
Report the main activities this person does in his or her job. Be sure to indicate supervisory or management responsibilities if they apply.

For persons who are members of a religious order engaged in teaching or nursing, report these specific activities rather than the religious activities.

Chile 1960 — source variable CL1960A_OCC — Occupation
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For all individuals 12 years of age and older. [applies to questions 15-18]

16. Occupation ____

Only for those Employed, Unemployed, and Looking for work for the first time.

If an Employed person has more than one job, write the one that produces the greatest income.

For those Unemployed, write the last occupation held.

For those Looking for work for the first time, write the profession, or if none, write "none."

Avoid using vague terms, like "professional," "worker," and so on. Give concrete occupations such as Lawyer, Bricklayer, Taxi driver, Doctor, Soldier, Cashier, etc.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Column 16: Occupation on the day of the Census. Write down the specific profession, trade, or type of job practiced on the day of the census, only for people classified in the previous column (Column 15), under one of the following groups: "Employed" (OC), "Unemployed" (CE), and "Seeking work for the first time" (BT).

Avoid vague designations such as: assistant, manual laborer, machinist, office worker, seller, etc.; instead, use designations that give the best possible idea of the person's occupation, for example: agricultural engineer, movie projectionist, fruit vendor, travel agent, cobbler's apprentice, etc.

There are some manual labor, artisan, and professional occupations that are precise simply by nature of their name, like: carpenter, bricklayer, plumber, physician, attorney, etc.

Certain commercial occupations, however, require more specific information, such as: selling agent, counter attendant, etc. Also, in the case of office workers, clarify if the person is a typist, cashier, treasurer, accountant, filing-clerk, etc.

In the case of professionals like physicians, attorneys, engineers, etc., that profession should normally be recorded. However, there are cases where these people don't practice those professions and instead devote themselves to other activities. For example, an attorney who works solely in bank management; a physician who devotes himself exclusively to teaching in a university. In these cases, record the latter profession, such as manager or university professor, as the case may be. For government employees write down their specific occupations, in accordance with the examples given previously, avoiding the designation "public employee."

If the person is a member of the armed forces, (not including police officers), whatever the class or rank, record "Military."

For domestic workers, it should be specified whether they are, for example, a cook, launderer, nanny, butler, etc. Likewise, for those who perform agricultural activities, the term "farmer" should be reserved for those who operate a farming/livestock facility, and not for those who perform general activities in the capacity of administrators, [p. 39] cowboys, shepherds, tractor-operators, cheesemakers, milkers, unskilled laborers, etc., for whom should be written down their specific occupation.

For unemployed people (Group "CE"), record the last occupation practiced.

For people who are seeking work for the first time (Group "BT"), record the profession, trade, or type of work for which they are qualified or prepared or, if they are not qualified or prepared for any, simply record: "none." Once this notation has been made, the census has ended for this group of people. Draw a horizontal line across columns 17 and 18 of the corresponding entries on the enumeration form for these people.

Chile 1970 — source variable CL1970A_OCC3 — Occupation (3-digit)
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III Economic Characteristics

Only for those 12 years of age and older.

14. Principal occupation: For those who answered 0, 1 and 2 in question number 13.

What occupation, position, profession or type of work did you engage in the week of April 13th to the 18th, or before in the case of an unemployed person?
(Examples: bricklayer, doctor, auto mechanic, tractor driver, etc.)

____ (Give maximum possible detail)

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Question No. 14--Main Occupation

What trade, profession, or type of work was performed the week of April 13 to 18, or before in the case of an unemployed person?

You should ask this question only of people who worked or didn't work but were employed (boxes 0 and 1 from question 13) and of those who looked for work and had worked before (box 2 from question 13). The response should be noted in the space reserved for this purpose opposite the question.

[p. 38]

If the person being enumerated reports having more than one occupation, you should record only their main occupation.

"Main Occupation" means the one that provides the greatest income.

In the case of a person who worked before but wasn't employed during the week of April 13 to 18 (unemployed), record the "last occupation."

Avoid vague designations such as: assistant, machinist, office worker, seller, etc.

Use designations that give the best possible idea of the person's occupation, for example: agricultural engineer, fruit vendor, taxi driver, typist etc.

Chile 1982 — source variable CL1982A_OCC3 — Occupation (3-digit)
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For all those age 15 and older

11. Describe the occupation that you have, or had, if you are unemployed.
Ex: Builder (bricklayer), Doctor, Manager, Director, Tailor, Auto mechanic, Sewing machine operator, Secretary, Accountant, Statistician.

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11. Describe the occupation, trade, or type of work that you do (or used to do if the person is unemployed).

It's very important that the answer to this question be requested with the greatest detail, since general answers don't provide the required information.

For the Occupation, Trade, or Type of Work a complete description is needed. This is especially important when talking about little known activities. Other cases involve well known occupations, but for these it is nonetheless necessary to add details that specify them.

The examples that are on the form and these others will help you achieve greater precision in the response: insurance agent, crane operator, car washer, journalist, upholsterer, stenographer, mail carrier, mechanical engineer, mine technician, veterinarian, fashion designer, waiter, geologist, galvanizer, stucco worker, dent remover for metal bodywork, civil construction worker, surveyor, attorney, fisherman, surgical doctor, dietician, hairdresser, elementary school teacher, television reporter, etc.

If the person being enumerated has more than one occupation, write down the occupation to which the person devotes the majority of the time.

If the person has two or more occupations to which they devote an equal number of hours, write down the occupation that the person considers to be the main one.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 11 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 1992 — source variable CL1992A_OCC3 — Occupation (3-digit)
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For all individuals 14 years of age and older [applies to questions 10 to 16]

12. Describe the occupation, position, or type of work carried out in the current job (or previously, if unemployed). Examples: bricklayer, pediatrician, tailor, auto mechanic, textile machinist, street vendor, etc. [3 blank lines for answer]

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12. Indicate the occupation or type of work that you perform (or performed if unemployed)

It's very important that the answer to this question be requested with the greatest detail, since general answers don't provide the required information.

For the occupation, trade, or type of work a complete description is needed. This is especially important when talking about little known activities, for which it is nonetheless necessary to add details that specify them.

In a figurative sense this is: "What do you do in your job?"

The examples that are on the questionnaire and these others will help you achieve greater precision in the response: insurance agent, crane operator, car washer, journalist, upholsterer, stenographer, mail carrier, mechanical engineer, mine technician, veterinarian, fashion designer, waiter, geologist, galvanizer, stucco worker, dent remover for metal bodywork, civil construction worker, surveyor, attorney, fisherman, pediatrician, dietician, hairdresser, elementary school teacher, television reporter, etc.

If the person has more than one occupation, write down the occupation to which the person devotes the majority of their time.

If the person has two or more occupations to which they devote an equal number of hours, write down the occupation that the person considers to be the principal one.

[The above directions refer to a picture of question 12 in this section of the enumeration form.]

Chile 2002 — source variable CL2002A_OCC — Occupation
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For all individuals 15 years of age and older

31. What occupation or type of work do you perform, or did you perform in the past if unemployed?

Examples: Auto mechanic; university professor; furniture-maker in a factory; cameraman; graphic designer; cashier in a . . . . ; vendor of . . . . ; etc.

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Question 31

You should describe the occupation in detail. For example: ice cream vendor. If more than one occupation, the informant should choose the main one. [These instructions refer to a graphic of question 31 on the census form.]

China 1982 — source variable CN1982A_OCC — Occupation
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Persons aged 15 and above
[Applies to questions VIII - XI]

IX. Occupation

_ _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

9. Occupation. Working people age 15 and above should report their occupation. Under this topic, specific types of work these people are doing should be written down. For example, workers should register as "spinner", "fitter'', "typesetter", "driver", etc. Peasants should register as "grain grower", "cotton grower", "pig breeder", "poultry raiser", etc. Commercial and service trades personnel may be identified as "shop assistant", "chef", "conductor", etc. Government staff may be classified as "X X section chief", "typist", etc. The answer should not be in such general terms as "workers", "peasants", or "cadres".

When a person is holding two or more jobs, the one he/she spends most of his/her time on counts. If their responsibilities are inconsistent with their titles, describe their present jobs. For example, for a worker who is released from production to do administrative work, fill in this column with "workshop statistician", "clerk of X X section" etc. Those who are not at their post presently on account of illness, injury, holiday-leave, being released from work to study, enterprise readjustment, labor-reform, etc., should register under the original work. Apprentices should register under the trade they are learning to do. If his/her trade is still undecided, the person can put down "type of work undecided".

China 1990 — source variable CN1990A_OCC — Occupation
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[Questions 10-13 were asked of persons age 15 and older.]

11. Occupation: _ _

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11. Occupations of employed/working people: -- Those aged 15 and over.

Fill in the detailed work. For example, worker can be "locksmith", "car driver" etc. Commercial or Service staff can be "salesperson", "cook", "ticket seller" etc. Office staff can be "planning staff", "statistical staff", "secretary", "accountant", "typist", etc. Do not fill in general terms such as "worker" or "cadre". For those who are in charge of government institutions and related organizations, or communist-party organizations, fill in their posts; for those who hold both technical and administrative posts, fill in the administrative ones. For those who are in charge of enterprise and public institutions, they should fill in the rank of their institutions in addition to their posts. For example, "factory director of an institution at the rank of regiment in this county". If the rank of an institution is unclear, fill in respondent's post only.

For farmers, do not use general term "Farmer". Fill in the details: "grain farmer", "truck farmer", "pannage", etc. For those who engage in other activities in addition to agricultural activity, fill in the occupation in which they engage longest. For example, if someone spends most of his/her time on construction, fill in "bricklayer", or "laborer" etc, instead of "farmer".

For those working persons who engage in more than one activity, fill in the occupation in which they engage longest.

For apprentices, fill in the type of work that they learn or engage in. For those whose type of work hasn't be specified, fill in "Type of work unsettled".

China 2000 — source variable CN2000A_OCC — Occupation (2-digit)
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20. Please list the specific duty at work. ____
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Part One. Personal Records

The following questions reflect economic characteristics of the population.

R17 through R24 apply to persons who are 15 years or older.

R20. Occupation
It refers to any kinds of paid social activities a person undertakes. Need to fill in the detailed work. This question should be answered by persons who chose 1 or 2 in R17.
Categorization of occupation follows the principle of "uniformity" of the nature of work. Uniformity means persons who conduct uniform types of work, regardless of their economic sectors, contract terms, or industrial focuses, should be put in the same category. The census defines 8 major categories, 65 secondary categories, and 410 minor categories for occupation.
Filling in this question should pay attention to the following things:

Fill in the detailed work. For example, avoid using general terms such as "worker", but be specific about the types of work such as "locksmith", "mine worker", etc. Persons work in government agencies also need to specify the detailed work content, such as "typist" and "statistician" rather than simply putting them as "cadre". For technical staff, write down their fields of expertise instead of putting them as "researcher" or "engineer".
For persons who take senior positions of technical or administrative rank, include their specific titles and posts in the answers.
If a person's work duties are not yet decided or a person is not undertaking any specific tasks, put "undecided" in the answer.
If a person does not have a regular or permanent job, record the work he or she undertook during the week prior to the census.
If a person engages in agricultural work, as long as he or she has a relatively stable job in village- or township- enterprises, put down the enterprise job (even if the person works on farmland a week prior to the census).
If a person engaged in more than one types of work the week prior to the census, record the one that he or she worked for the longest period of time. If time is unknown, record the one with the highest pay. If a person engages in different jobs at the same workplace, record the one that is more "technically advanced".
If encountering a person who is unfamiliar with types of occupation or is illiterate, ask carefully before recording his or her answers.
If encountering a person who does not know his or her or their family member's occupation, ask carefully before recording answers.

This question is the last one asking about economic activities of employed persons. Those who answered this question can skip R21 and R22 and go directly to R23.

Colombia 1964 — source variable CO1964A_OCC2 — Occupation (COTA, 4 digits)
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19. Occupation or condition of unemployment ____ _
Write the occupation or usual employment of the person. Examples: Farmer, doctor, carpenter, accountant, manual laborer, servant, etc. If the person does not work, write the unemployment condition: renter, pensioner, disabled, elderly, household domestic duties, student, etc. For those who are unemployed, write their last paid occupation.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Occupation and condition of unemployment

Column No. 19 - What is your habitual occupation or craft? Occupation is understood as profession, craft or class of job that a person who is working does habitually or what a person who is unemployed did on the census date.

One should write down in this column of the form:

a) The habitual occupation of persons who are working on the census date.

b) The habitual occupation of persons who are found without work on the census date.

[p. 21]

c) The condition of persons who do not work because of being of being under age, elderly or invalids, rentiers, pensioned, or who do domestic duties without remuneration, etc.

Habitual occupation. - The habitual occupation of a person, that is, the occupation to which the most time is dedicated should be written down. When a person has many occupations and it is hard for them to know in which the most time is spent, the occupation that produces the greatest incomes should be written down.

In this column, the complete name of the occupation should be written down in a manner that clearly indicates the class or craft or task that is done. In many occupations it is necessary to employ more than one word to be able to describe them correctly, like "wholesale storekeeper", "engineer of mines", "automobile greaser", "retail storekeeper", "upholsterer of furniture", etc., single names like "storekeeper", "engineer", "greaser", "upholsterer", etc indicate nothing respective of the specific occupation. Equally, generic names should not be employed like "manual laborer", "white collar worker", "industrial", etc., since they also do not correctly define the occupation correctly. In some occupations like those of accountant, typist, superintendent, etc., this single name describes the craft or task correctly and therefore can be written down without other specification.

The habitual occupation also should be registered for persons interned temporarily in hospitals, clinics, as also those who are found detained for police reasons.

Occupation of family helpers. - For members of a family (spouse, children relatives) who collaborate in the economic company of the Head of the family or other relative during a time less than two days a week, 10 days a month or 4 months a year, without pay or fixed daily wages, they should be written down as the same occupation as the Head of family or the relative who they help.

Food, in these cases, should not be considered remuneration.

Secondary remunerated occupations: For students, housewives and the rest of persons whose principal activity is not remunerated but who at the same time has a secondary occupation that permits them some monetary income, this last occupation should be registered even though they only do it on some days or some hours a day.

Agricultural occupations. - The following occupations should be distinguished as agricultural occupations:

Farmer: The person who directs the planting and collection of crops, either on private property or for a third party company without depending on other persons.

Also family helpers who work on the farm of the Head of family or relative are farmers, without pay or fixed daily wage and during a time not shorter than two days a week, 10 days a month or 4 months a year.

Administrator of a farm: A person who directs jobs of an agricultural or livestock farm, and for it receives remuneration from the corresponding owner or from the manager of the farm.

[p. 22]

Foreman of the farm: A person who directs a group of agricultural manual laborers, controls their jobs and for this receives remuneration.

Agricultural manual laborer: A person who works as a worker in a farm for a daily wages in money, products or both.

The rest of the occupations of persons who work in farms as helpers in the agricultural labors should be registered as their specific names, such as: Agronomist Engineer, Farm Pilot, Tractor driver, and the same with the personnel of administration and services: Mechanic, Accountant, Inspector, Typist, Servant, etc.

Are you looking for work for the first time?

The cases of persons who on the census date because of not having worked before are found looking for work for the first time should be written down. The annotation will be made in the same column 19, as: "B. T. X. 1a vez"

Condition of inactivity. - For a persons who do not work due to conditions of age, health or are dedicating their time to study in education centers, domestic duties, or those who live on investments or pensions and do not have a remunerated occupation, the condition of inactivity that corresponds to them, in accordance with the following names should be registered:

Home: Women who without having a remunerated occupation do domestic duties.

Minor: A person younger than 14 years who does not study and does not have an occupation.

Student: A person who studies in an education establishment and does not have a remunerated occupation.

Elderly person: A person who cannot work because of age.

Invalid: A person who cannot carry out a job because of a physical incapacity.

Rentier: A person without remunerated occupation who lives from the product of investments or stocks.

Pensioned: A person without remunerated occupation who lives on a pension supplied by official and private entities.

Interned: A person who resides and is attended in a social institution of health, like mental hospitals, sanitariums, old peoples home, hospices, etc.

Imprisoned: A resident in jails where they complete a sentence. They should not be confused with a simple detainee.

Religious person: Persons of both sexes who live in convents.

For persons who are found in collective residences (barracks, convents, hospitals, boarding schools, etc.) the habitual occupation, grade, title or condition should be registered, for example: administrator, superintendent, servant, lieutenant, sergeant, corporal, soldier, student, priest, etc.

Persons who do not work should not be confused with those who having worked in some part of the census year, are found without a job or employment on the official day of the census. Equally, these last persons also should not be confused with those looking for a job for the first time, such as persons who finished their studies and are looking for work.

Colombia 1973 — source variable CO1973A_OCC — Occupation last week
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

C. Economic characteristics (For persons 10 years old or more)
[Applies to questions 14 - 19]

15. What was your occupation, profession, or work during this week? ____

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Section C. Economic characteristics

This section should be filled out only for persons 10 years old or older.
[Applies to questions 14 - 19]

Question No. 15. Occupation

[Below the text is a form.]

[p. 52]

This question refers to the occupation, craft, profession or type of work that was done during the week of October 14 to 20 by persons who worked in that week.

For persons who did not work but had a job and for those who worked before and looked for work during the week before the Census, the occupation or trade refers to the last job worked.

If a person had more than one job write down only the principal occupation. Principal occupation is understood to be one that provides the largest quantity of income.

Do not accept responses like "employee", "office worker", "laborer", "operator", "farmer", "commercial worker", etc. Always write down the responses that completely specify the occupation that the person had.

Write down the responses clearly and without writing the in the shaded square.

Costa Rica 1973 — source variable CR1973A_OCC3 — Occupation, 3 digits
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Only for individuals 12 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 17 - 22]

Only for those who "worked" or "did not work"
[Applies to questions 18-20]

18. Principal occupation

Specify the principal occupation held during the week of May 7th - 12th.
If the status was "did not work," write the last occupation held.
Do not forget to write the answer according to the instructions on page 47 of the Enumerator's Manual.

____ _ _ _

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24.- Question No. 18.- Principal occupation

Ask this question only to persons in the classifications "Worked" or "Did not Work".

Clearly write in this space the nature of the occupation that the person did during the week of May 7 to 12.

If the occupation cannot be written down with one defined name, describe the nature of the job, for example: puts lining on steering wheels of vehicles.

When a person has had more than one occupation in this period, ask and write down that which is considered the principal.

Avoid the use of generic terms such as: worker, aid, owner, day laborer, etc., which say nothing about nature or class of work that a person did during the period of reference.

When it concerns not worked, ask the last occupation they had, it does not matter how long ago it was.

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

Keep in mind that here what you should write down is the occupation and not profession. Of course, it can happen, and it is very frequent, that both (occupation and profession) coincide; but also it can happen that they do not; for example: it is common that doctors, engineers, lawyers, etc. work in the same profession; nevertheless also it can be that a doctor is the administrator of a hospital, or an engineer the manager of a company. It is evident that in the last two examples, the occupation of the doctor is administrator and that of the engineer is manager.

[p. 48]

Examples of correct and incorrect occupations:

[Below are two columns, one marked Incorrect and one marked Correct. In this translation we list them in a single column.]


Professor of Primary School
Professor of Secondary School
Professor of Dance, Song, etc.


Automobile Mechanic
Thresher Mechanic
Aviation Mechanic

Construction Worker

Carpenter's Helper


Agricultural Worker
Quarry Worker
Poultry Farm Worker

Costa Rica 1984 — source variable CR1984A_OCC — Occupation, 3 digits
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Only for those 12 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 12-16]

13. Principal occupation

What occupation or type of work did you perform during the week of the 3rd tot the 9th of June, or in your last job?
____ [3 blank lines]

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Fourth block of questions: only for persons 12 years old or more

This block of questions is formed by questions 12 to 16 and should be asked only to persons 12 years old and older. If a person that you enumerate does not meet this requirement, you should cross out the whole block with two diagonally crossed lines and go to the next person. This part has some complexity because of this it is recommended to put much care to each one of the concepts noted here. This block has as its objective gathering information about the work characteristics of the interviewed persons to attain correct information and a good understanding of the questions it is necessary that you keep in mind the following concepts:

1. Working age population
It is the group of persons 12 years old or older.
2. Work Force or Economically Active Population
It is the group of persons 12 years old or older who work, look for work.
3. Economically Inactive Population
It is the group of persons 12 years old or older who do not work and do not look for work.
4. Work
Work is understood to be a labor activity that has as its goal the production of goods and services with economic value in the market.

Question 13: Principal Occupation

Occupation is understood as the type of specific work that the employed person carried out in the reference period or did, for the first time, if unemployed, whatever the economic industry is that forms a part or the category they have.

[p. 54]

[On the top of the page is a form.]

The information about the occupation is gathered for those who were working the week before the census and also for those who were unemployed, even if for these cases the occupation will be what they did in their last job.

Ask the question such as it appears in the form, that is: What occupation or class of work did you do during the week of June 3 to 9 or in your last job?

The class of job should be written down as completely as possible, indicating the specialty of the occupation, for example, it is not enough to write professor, you should write professor of primary, professor of secondary, university professor, etc.

Also, do not confuse the principal occupation with the profession or craft. Doctors, lawyers or engineers, although they usually work in their profession, can do administrative work in a hospital, as well as judges, as well as managers of companies. Examples of the following "incorrect" and "correct" annotations are given to you that will help you understand better what has been said.

[Below are two columns, one marked "Incorrect annotation" and one marked "Correct annotation". I am going to translate them without using two columns.]

Incorrect Annotation

Correct Annotation
Professor of Primary
Professor of Secondary

Incorrect Annotation

Correct Annotation
Automobile Mechanic
Thresher Mechanic

Incorrect Annotation

Correct Annotation
Agricultural Worker
Quarry Worker
Poultry Farm Worker

Incorrect Annotation

Correct Annotation
Medical director of a hospital
Head of surgery of a hospital
Medical investigator
Professor of Pathology in the Medical Faculty

Incorrect Annotation

Correct Annotation
Lawyer, professor in the Faculty of Law
First Judge of a Lower Court
Judicial Advisor of a Ministry
Price Comptroller

If a person does not indicate the name of their job, tell them to describe the principal job they do and write it: managing a machine that stamps sheets, feeding animals at a farm, etc.

If the interviewed person had more that one job, write down only the principal one, considering as such the occupation where the largest amount of time was spent.

When a person about whom you are asking for information is absent, investigate their occupation with the remaining members of the household.

Costa Rica 2000 — source variable CR2000A_OCC3 — Occupation, 3 digits
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For those 12 years of age and older [Applies to questions 13-18]

For the principal job
[Applies to questions 15-18]

17. What is the occupation or position that ____ holds in this job?

____ [2 blank lines. A 4-character box also appears in the corner of this item]

What are the principal tasks that ____ carries out?

____ [2 blank lines]
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Third Block

Only for persons 12 years old or older

Question 17: Principal Occupation

With this question the type of job that the person did in the reference week is determined and so being able to know the composition of the employment according to occupation. Also it is important as an indicator of socioeconomic condition.

[To the right of the text is a form.]

[Below the text is a picture of a teacher.]

Equal to question 16 (industry), the type of work should be written down completely, so that the occupation that persons do can be clearly distinguished.

Do not confuse occupation with the craft or profession for which they were prepared, since the occupation is determined by the activities that are done in the current job, and not by the degrees or crafts that the person possesses.


A man has worked many years as a carpenter, which he considers as his craft; nevertheless, he declares that for six months he has been working as a guard in a factory that trained him about handling firearms and security procedures. His type of work or occupation is "security guard of a factory" and among his jobs you should specify that along with guarding and making his rounds, he handles firearms.

Some following examples of correct and incorrect forms of obtaining this information are shown, that will surely help you understand what is asked for:

[Below are two columns, one marked "Incorrect Annotation" and one marked "Correct Annotation". I am going to translate them without using two columns.]

Incorrect Annotation

Correct Annotation
Primary Teacher
Secondary Teacher

Incorrect Annotation

Correct Annotation
Automobile Mechanic
Thresher Mechanic
Airplane Mechanic

Incorrect Annotation

Correct Annotation
Maintenance Mechanic
Industrial Worker

Incorrect Annotation
Farm Worker or Day Laborer

Correct Annotation
Agricultural Worker in Cane
Construction Worker

Incorrect Annotation

Correct Annotation
Medical Consultant
Medical director of a hospital
Head of surgery of a hospital
Professor of Pathology in a Medical Faculty

Incorrect Annotation

Correct Annotation
Lawyer with own office
Professor in a Faculty of Law
First Judge of a Lower Court
Judicial assessor of a bank

Incorrect Annotation

Correct Annotation
Accountant's Assistant
Nurse's Assistant
Topography Assistant

Incorrect Annotation
Machine Operator

Correct Annotation
Operator of a Coffee Picking Machine
Operator of an Embroidery Machine
Operator of a Printing Press

Incorrect Annotation
In Charge of a Store

Correct Annotation
In Charge of personnel
In Charge of Arranging Merchandise

Incorrect Annotation

Correct Annotation
Taxi Driver
Chauffeur of Light Vehicles for Hire

As you see in question 17, the principal jobs that are done are additionally requested.

The objective is obtaining a complete idea of the occupation and the nature of the job that is done during the reference week, so that, along with the complete name of the occupation, you should write down a brief description of the principal tasks or functions, as is shown in this example:

[Below the text is a filled out form.]

In the tasks it should be specified, if it is the case, the level of responsibility that the person has and the instruments, type of material and tools that are used.

Costa Rica 2011 — source variable CR2011A_OCC — Occupation, 2-digit
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Only for people 12 years or older
[Questions 20 through 23 are asked only of persons aged 20 and older]

About the main job

[This question is asked of persons who worked for an hour or more, had employment or helped with family business or farm]

24. What is the occupation or profession that [the respondent] has at this job? ____

For question 24 from Block IV, about the main occupation, you can detail the responses like in the following examples: school director, hospital director, farmer, peon farmer, construction worker, school teacher, art teacher, dental mechanic, vehicle mechanic, domestic employee, waitress, store worker, store owner, fish raiser, bank cashier, supermarket cashier, bus chauffeur, truck driver.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions 20 to 31 are asked only of people 12 years of age or older.

Questions 24 to 29: Determine the characteristics of the people's main work
This refers to the characteristics of the main job, that to which the person habitually dedicates the most number of hours or that which generates the greatest income.

About the main job

Question 24: Main occupation

_____ 24. What is the occupation or profession that [name] has in this job?

The occupation or office is the type of work that carried out the person in his/her main occupation. You must request the informant to correctly describe the name of the occupation that he/she carried out.

In order to do so, obtain the complete name of that occupation, with every detail necessary so that the nature of the work that the person carried out is clear.

Don't write generic occupations such as: peon, helper, assistant, mechanic, or professor, that by themselves do not provide details to classify the various occupations.

Below some examples of the correct and incorrect forms to gather information will be shown that will surely help you understand what is asked for:

[p. 163]

[The left-hand side is the general but incorrect type of occupation; examples of more specific and correct identification of occupation follow to the right]

Teacher: elementary school teacher, secondary school teacher, university professor, private class professor

Mechanic: automotive mechanic, dental mechanic, aviation mechanic

Maintenance: gardener, miscellaneous, electrician

Day worker: agricultural cane worker, miler, construction worker, cattle worker, fisherman

Merchant: store owner, mini super worker, vegetable salesman, soda salesman

Lawyer: attorney in private practice, examining magistrate, legal advisor of a bank, price attorney

Assistant: accounting assistant, nursing assistant, topography assistant

Machine operator: embroidery machine operator, print machine operator

Store manager: human resource manager, merchandise manager

Chauffeur: truck driver, bus driver, trailer driver

Cuba 2002 — source variable CU2002A_OCC — Occupation
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For persons 15 years old or more
[Questions 17-21]

17. What did you do during the week before September 7?

[] 01 Worked - Continue with question 18
[] 02 Had a job, but did not work - Continue with question 18
[] 03 Looked for work because he/she had lost his/her job
[] 04 Looked for work for the first time
[] 05 Retired or receiving a pension
[] 06 Collects rents or receives economic support
[] 07 Household chores
[] 08 Student
[] 09 Incapacitated for work
[] 10 Does not carry out any economic activity
[] 11 In the hospital, in an asylum, or recluse who does not work
[] 12 Other situation

For answers 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12: end of interview.

18. What is the principal occupation or job that you did in this work?

[Question 18 was asked of persons age 15 and older who had worked or had a job during the week before September 7, per question 17.]

*For example: electrician roller, teacher, secretary, etc.

_ _ According to the classifier

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Question 18. What is the principal occupation or task that you did in this job?

For the persons who have box 1 or 2 marked in question 17, you will continue by asking the economic questions in the order that they appear in the Census Questionnaire.

18. What is the principal occupation or task that you did in this job?
(Examples: Wiring electrician, teacher, secretary, etc.)
[ _ _ _ ]
(According to the classifier)

For question 18, you need to collect the activity or occupation that the interviewee does in his/her job (whatever the form of holding the employment: state, self-employed, etc.) if in the reference week the person worked (01) or was employed but did not work (2).

You should leave the space that is designated for the codification blank (according to the Classifier).

The work or activity should be recorded in the most complete manner possible, indicating the specialty of the occupation.

In the case that the person declares that his/her principal occupation is Social Service, trainer, or Work that is Socially Useful, you should continue to ask about the job that he/she does in this work center.

Therefore, you should avoid writing generic terms such as:

You should avoid / You should write
Electrician / Wiring electrician, maintenance electrician, etc.
Operator / Construction operation, printing press operator, etc.
Mechanic / Aviation mechanic, refrigeration mechanic, etc.
Clerk / Warehouse clerk, pharmacy clerk, etc.
Engineer / Industrial engineer, metallurgic engineer, etc.
Driver / Bus driver, truck driver, etc.

You should also avoid using terms such as: employee, day-laborer, workers, unspecialized worker, etc.

If the person does not know how to indicate the name of his/her work, ask the person about the principal tasks that he/she does, and write: drive a truck, take care of animals, open button holes, fold sheets of metal, etc.

If the interviewee simultaneously works at more than one job, you should consider the one to which the person has dedicated more time.

Remember that we are only interested the real job or occupation that the person has in his/her state, cooperative or private job, whatever his/her profession or occupation.

Cuba 2012 — source variable CU2012A_OCC3 — Main occupation (3-digit)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section IV. Personal data
[Applies to questions 1-23]

For persons 15 years and older
(End of interview for persons under this age.)
[Questions 17-23 were asked of persons age 15 and older.]

18. What is your primary occupation or trade that you perform in this job? ____

(Examples: electrical motor rewinder, teacher, secretary, mechanical engineer, etc.)

According to CNUO classifications _ _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section IV. Personal Data.

For persons 15 years and older (end of interview for those under this age)

Question 18. What is the primary trade or occupation that you perform in this job?
Question 18 asks you to record the activity or occupation that the interviewee performed in their job (regardless of the form which the job takes; state, self-employed, etc.), if they worked (01) or had a job but didn't work (02) throughout the reference week.
You must leave the blank for the code empty (according to CNUO Classifier).
The job or activity should be filled in as completely as possible, indicating the specialty of the occupation.
In the event that you declare as principal occupation Social Service, Training or Public Service Work, you should continue to ask about the work done in that workplace.
[Figure omitted]

[p. 64]

[Description of generic terms has been omitted]
You should also avoid using terms such as: employee, day laborer, worker, workman, etc.
If the person does not know the name of his job, ask him/her what is the main work he/she does and write: driving trucks, caring for animals, opening eyelets, folding sheets of metal, etc.
If the interviewee simultaneously worked more than one job, use the one which the person spent more time doing.
Remember that we are only interested in the actual work or job that the interviewee has, regardless of their profession or trade.

Côte d'Ivoire 1998 — source variable CI1998A_OCC2 — Current occupation (2-digit)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Residents of age six years and over
[Question 26 through 33 asked of resident persons aged 6 and older.]

30. Current occupation

Ask the question: What kind of work are you doing now? Record the answer on the dotted lines. E.g.: mason, taxi driver. For unemployed persons, record the last occupation. ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Attention: Questions 26-32 apply only to residents of the household who are at least 6 years of age. Therefore, these questions do not apply to: visitors, any and all resident children (present or absent) who are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 years of age, or born in 1998, 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, or, 1993, or who were born between November 1 and December 31, 1992.
Resident children (present or absent) born between January 1 and October 31, 1992, are now 6 years of age; therefore, questions 26-32 apply to them.

Special case: For any child who is a resident (present or absent) and was born in 1992, without the month being specified, questions 26-32 apply. For resident children (present or absent) to whom questions 26-32 do not apply, draw a slash through column 26 and the following columns.

Question 30: Current occupation
The current occupation of an individual who has declared himself or herself to be "employed" under Column 28 refers to the type of work he/she is doing at the time of the census or that he/she did for at least one week during the 4-week period prior to the census taker's visit to the household. The current occupation of an "employed" individual during the reference period (the last 4 weeks before the date of the census taker's visit to the household) refers to:

a) "the position held" or the "duty performed," in the general case of the salaried worker;
b) the "trade practiced," in the case of a self-employed artisan or manual worker practicing his/her trade, or in the case of a self-employed professional;
(c) economic activity conducted in the fields of retail, crafts, small- and medium-sized industry, transportation, agriculture, livestock and fishing, and the provision of various services, usually on a self-employment basis or as an employer or manager.

How to conduct the interview on current occupation?
For a person recognized as employed (Q28 = 1 OCC), ask the following question:
"What position, duty, or economic activity have you performed in the last 4 weeks (the reference period)?"
The answer must be related to the work actually done by the person and not to what he or she is able to do, i.e., to his or her training.

If the person has engaged in more than one economic activity during the reference period, ask them to tell you which one they think is most substantial, and write that activity on the questionnaire. Do not include anything, however, in the coding grid.

For a person recognized as unemployed, i.e., a person who has worked in the past but who is out of work and looking for employment during the reference period, ask the following question:
"What is the last trade, what is the last duty or position, or what is the last economic activity you did before you were left without work?"

The guidelines described above remain applicable for collection of the correct answer, which must be transcribed in full on the questionnaire. You must be as precise as possible in indicating the economic activity practiced; for example, you must write:

- "banana planter," "coffee planter," "cacao planter," but never "planter";
- "subsistence farming," "rice planter," "peanut planter," "cattle farmer," "sheep farmer," "goat farmer," but never "farmer," "crop farmer," "livestock farmer," or "planter";
- "elementary school teacher," "middle school teacher," "instructor," but not "teacher";
- "prefect," "minister," "secretary-general," "director general";
- "jeweler," "cabinet maker," "carpenter," "blacksmith," "shoe repairer," "mason," "tanner," "weaver," "dyer," but never "craftsperson";
- "donut seller," "peanut seller," "kola nut seller," "fishmonger," "butcher," "street peddler," but never "salesperson";
- "auto mechanic," "motorcycle mechanic," but never "mechanic";
- "physician," "legal practitioner," "university professor," "certified high school teacher," but never "doctor" or "professor";
- "electrical engineer," "statistician," "agricultural engineer," "civil engineer," "electromechanical engineer," "water and forestry engineer," but never "engineer," "doctor of engineering," "engineering aide," "assistant engineer," or "works engineer";
- "taxi driver," "bus driver," "agricultural machine driver," "private driver," "truck driver," but never "driver," "chauffeur."
- "farm worker," but never "laborer," etc.

Dominican Republic 1960 — source variable DO1960A_OCC — Occupation
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For those individuals 10 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 14 - 18]

15. Profession, position or occupation.

The profession, position or occupation performing or performed this year.
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64. The questions 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 are presented to all persons 10 years of age or older. A dash [-] is traced in the spaces 14, 15, 16, 17, and 18 for those younger than 10 years of age.

It may be difficult to obtain accurate answers due to the nature of this information. Great care should be taken to ensure that the annotation reflects the desired information.

Reference period

65. The information recorded in the spaces mentioned above (14, 15, 16, 17, and 18) refers to the following period of time: from January 1st to August 7th, 1960. In other words, the time that has passed since the beginning of the year to the date of the census. Whenever the "reference period" is mentioned, it is to be interpreted as the period of time between the two dates mentioned above.

Total time worked

Profession, trade, or occupation

70. Question 15. The profession, trade, occupation, or type of employment carried out during the "reference period" by persons who fall into one of the following categories is recorded:

a) Carry out a paid or unpaid occupation at the time of the census. (Including those who have a secure occupation but who are not working at the time of the census because of a temporary circumstance: e.g. illness, vacation, leave, etc.)

Note: If the person is carrying out two occupations simultaneously at the time of the census: The occupation that the person considers to be the most important or that which earns more income is recorded.

b) Not working at the time of the census but did work during the "reference period", or before, and has looked or is looking for work. (The last occupation is recorded)
p. 35
c) Looking for employment for the first time. (The occupation or trade in which the person desires to work, according to preparation and ability, is recorded).
Other classifications:

71. Line 15 is used to make other annotations that are defined and classified below. These annotations correspond to those who have not carried out any occupation, paid or un-paid, during the "reference period" and who have not looked for and are not looking for work. In parenthesis, under the title of each classification, the corresponding annotation from line 14 is indicated.

Classification: None (Annotation in line 14: - )
Definition: All persons 10-65 years of age who do not practice and have not practiced an occupation during the "reference period". They have not looked for and are not looking for work and do not fall into any of the following categories:

Classification: Minor (Annotation in line 14: - )
Definition: Children 9 years of age or younger who do not attend school.

Classification: Student (Annotation in line 14: - )
Definition: Those whose only and exclusive activity is that of a student in any educational institution

Classification: Domestic duties (Annotation in line 14: - )
Definition: Housewives and their female relatives or guests who do not and have not worked in a paid or un-paid occupation during the "reference period"; e.g. government office, industry, business, etc., or helping her husband or relative in a store, office, etc., or producing, for profit, fabric, embroideries, candy, fried foods in the home.

p. 36

Classification: Rentier (Annotation in line 14: - )
Definition: Those who receive income from interest, rent, royalties, and who live exclusively from this income.

Classification: Retired or pensioner (Annotation in line 14: - )
Definition: Those who have stopped participating in any economic activity and who live exclusively from a pension or retirement.

Classification: Elderly (Annotation in line 14: - )
Definition: Those who are 65 years of age and older and who are unqualified for work and who do not receive interest, retirement, or pension income.

Classification: Disabled (Annotation in line 14: - )
Definition: Those of any age who, because of a physical or mental condition are unqualified to work.

Classification: Prisoner, patient, hospitalized, etc. (Annotation in line 14: - )
Definition: Those who, at the time of the census, live in penal, religious, hospital, mental, charity, etc. institutions. The term that corresponds to each case is recorded: "prisoner", "religious", "inmate", "hospitalized" (those patients in a leprosy clinic, psychiatric clinic, tuberculosis hospital, etc.)

Important: A dash (-) is recorded for questions 16, 17, and 18 for those persons classified in any of the above categories.

How to investigate occupation:

72. In order to record the profession, trade, occupation, or type of work, all of the questions deemed necessary should be asked so that the person?s type of work can be established in a precise manner. A vague answer to this question should not be accepted.

Through adequate questions about the professional training and the real nature of the work, correct information will be collected. E.g. when a very young person claims to be working in a specialized trade (mechanic, electrician, etc.), it is probable that he is just an "apprentice" or "assistant" in this occupation; or when a person who has only completed primary or secondary school claims to be an engineer, chemist, agronomist, etc. when these professions would indicate that the person has completed specialized or university studies. The enumerator should try to discover the truth of such declarations.


a) One who works in public administration is commonly called a "public employee". There is no reason to use this term in the annotation on the census form since every employee of the public administration has an official title. This title should be clearly indicated (typist, file clerk, translator, justice of the peace, accountant, steward, messenger, nurse, paymaster, engineer, doctor, laboratory technician, etc.). Generally, the best description of the occupation is the official title of employment. When this method does not result in a specific answer, all necessary additional questions should be made in order to obtain an appropriate answer.
b) The word "farmer" should not be used to describe every person who works on a farm. This term is used for the owner of the farm or the person who
p. 38
rents the farm and whose only activity, or at least the principal activity, is the cultivation of the earth. For workers in farming operations, the activity is specified: e.g. farm administrator, overseer, blacksmith, cane cutter, coffee harvester. When no specific title is available, the term "agricultural worker" is used for those who work for a daily wage on a farm, whether it be weeding, cutting trees, caring for sown fields (sembradíos), or caring for planted fields, etc. The terms "day laborer" (jornalero) and "peon" (peón) are not used.
c) If the activity carried out by a professional; whether a medical doctor, lawyer, engineer, dentist, agronomist, or pharmacist, does not correspond to the profession, the occupation actually practiced is recorded, even if different from the person?s specialization. If, for example, an engineer or a lawyer is working as a professor, bank manager, or farm administrator, etc., the annotation should be "professor", "bank manager", or "farm administrator".
d) For those serving in the military, police, navy, or other similar institution, the rank held is recorded (e.g. Colonel, Major, Captain, Lieutenant, etc.). For a soldier, police officer, or seaman without rank, the word "ordinary" (raso) is recorded. The name of the institution is not recorded with the rank of Colonel, Major, Captain, etc. This information will fall under the next question, place of work.

Dominican Republic 1970 — source variable DO1970A_OCC1 — Current occupation, 3 digits
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Ask questions 13-16 only of those who answered 1 or 2 in question 12.

13. Occupation. What was your occupation between the 1st and the 9th of this January? Examples: Agricultural worker, primary school teacher, concho driver. For those currently unemployed, write the most recent occupation.

____ Occupation
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11.5.4 Economic characteristics. Questions 12-16 are presented only to those 10 years of age and older. It is also pointed out that questions 13-16 are only presented to those who were classified in either of the first two groups of question 12: "employed" or "unemployed".

b) Question 13. Occupation of the enumerated person. The occupation held by each enumerated person between January 1-9 is investigated and recorded in the most precise manner possible. Therefore, for example, it is not sufficient to record a person's occupation as "professor", rather "elementary school teacher", "secondary education teacher", or "university professor". In other words, it is necessary to define each occupation in the most precise possible way. For those who are "unemployed"; that is, those without a current occupation, the last job held is recorded.

Dominican Republic 1981 — source variable DO1981A_OCC — Occupation
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For individuals 10 years of age and older[Applies to questions 51-64.]

61. What is the occupation, job or position that you hold or held in the place where you work or worked?

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For persons 10 years of age and older

Question 61: What is your occupation, trade, or job that is, or was, carried out in the workplace?

As in the previous question, ambiguous answers are avoided and a clear description of the work is requested.

The enumerator should not write down "worker", rather "lathe operator", "mason", or "press operator", etc.

The attached page 74 is a guide for recording the occupation.

Dominican Republic 2002 — source variable DO2002A_OCC — Occupation
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For persons of 10 years old and more

50. What was the main occupation or task undertaken by [the respondent] during the last week, (or in his/her last job)?

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For people age 10 or older

Question 50: What was (NAME)'s main occupation, last week (or in his/her last job)?

The main occupation is the job, position or function that a person did during the previous week of the census (or in his/her last job). In the case that the person worked in more than one job, the main occupation is the one that he/she worked most time. If he/she had equal amount of time of two or more jobs, record the one that the interviewee declares as his/her main occupation.

For the recording of occupations or jobs, it is necessary to record them with the best detail as possible, avoiding vague or unnecessary information.

The following lists various examples of the how you should record correctly the information given:

a) A person that works in construction, his/her occupation is that of a CONSTRUCTION WORKER.

b) A person that works selling fruit in the street, his/her occupation is that of a STREET VENDOR OF FRUIT.

c) A person that takes care of cars on the street, his/her occupation is that of a PARKED CAR SECURITY GUARD.

d) A person that teaches at the university, his/her occupation is that of a UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR.

e) A person that finished his/her degree in education and manages a public secondary school, his/her occupation is that of a SECONDARY SCHOOL PRINCIPAL.

f) Similarly, a psychologist that works as a bank teller, his/her occupation is that of a BANK TELLER.

Dominican Republic 2010 — source variable DO2010A_OCC — Occupation
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For persons age 10 or older

52. What was [the respondent]'s main occupation, last week (or in his/her last job)?

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Question 52. What was [the respondent]'s main occupation, last week (or in his/her last job)?
This question inquires about the type of work the person currently does, if the informant works or worked in his/her previous job, in the case that he/she is not presently employed, but had worked in the past.

Ask the question exactly as it appears in the survey and then record the answer given by the informant in the corresponding boxes. Remember to fill in the boxes with clear capital letters leaving a box in between words. Do not use abbreviations, accents or commas.
[Page 77]
When the informant gives you a vague or incomplete answer, make sure you ask further questions to determine the specific job or occupation the informant has or had. Make sure the informant gives you the correct name of the job or occupation. In order to help you better understand what the question asks and therefore obtain the accurate information about the occupation of the person being surveyed see the following examples with correct responses and some possible incorrect answers that you should not accept.
Correct Answers:

  • Example 1: If Pedro says that he works as "bank teller", the answer is correct.
  • Example 2: If Maria says that she works as a "supermarket cashier", the answer is correct.
  • Example 3: If Andrés says that he works as an "auto mechanic", the answer is correct.
  • Example 4: If Manuel says that he works as an "industrial mechanic", the answer is correct.
  • Example 5: If Juana says that she works as a "street vendor of clothes", the answer is correct.
  • Example 6: If Pericles says that he works as a "street vendor in a shop", the answer is correct.

Incorrect Answers:

  • Example 1: If Pedro says that he is an "Engineer", the answer is incorrect, because Engineer is not an occupation.
  • Example 2: If Juan says that he is a "Civil Engineer", the answer is incorrect, because Civil Engineer is a PROFESSION, but not an occupation. And question 52 asks about the person's occupation.
  • Example 3: If Maria says that she works as a "public employee", the answer is incorrect, since a State Representative is a public employee and the janitor at the Our Lady of Grace Hospital is also a public employee, in that they both work for the State.
  • Example 4: If Adriano says that he works as a "mechanic", the answer is incorrect, since there are various types of mechanics.
  • Example 5: If Miguel says that he works as a "cashier", the answer is incorrect, since a cashier can work in a diverse number of jobs.
  • Example 6: If Sandra says that she works as a "vendor", the answer is incorrect, since there are many different types of vendors.

Ecuador 1962 — source variable EC1962A_OCC — Occupation
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Only for those 12 years of age and older
[Applies to items 14 through 18]

X. Economic Characteristics

(16) Occupation

Mechanic's apprentice

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Column 16: Occupation. Record the type of job that the person being enumerated performs or performed, for those classified in column 15 as employed, unemployed, or seeking work for the first time. In all other cases, draw a horizontal line through to column 18.

For those who stated employed, record the type of job that they do.

For those unemployed, record the last job that they had.

When the person is seeking work for the first time, record the profession or trade of the person being enumerated. If the person doesn't have a profession or trade, record this as "new worker."

Pay special attention to clearly specifying their occupation, indicating the type of work the person performs or performed, for example: carpenter, rancher, washerwoman, cook, typist, cashier, attorney, counter employee, vendor, agricultural day-laborer, construction day-laborer, etc. Avoid general titles such as: manual laborer, unskilled laborer, official employee [these may in fact be two separate entries-employee and official-although there is no comma between them in the original], agent, etc. In the case of apprentices or assistants, record: apprentice in mechanics, blacksmith's apprentice, mason's assistant, etc. If a person has two or more jobs at the same time, indicate the one that produces greater income. If they had two or more jobs simultaneously, record the last job. In the case of members of religious orders, indicate the activity that each of them performs, such as professor, nurse, chauffeur, etc., and when they are dedicated solely to religious activity, write: Priest, Nun (except those who are cloistered and belong to the economically inactive population), Pastor, etc.

[p. 21]

For members of the Armed Forces, record Military, and for civilians working in military settings, the type of occupation that they have: doctor, typist, attorney, chauffeur, mechanic, etc.

Ecuador 1974 — source variable EC1974A_OCC3 — Occupation, three digits
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For all individuals 12 years of age and older [Applies to questions 12-15.]

Questions 13 -15 only for those who responded 1, 2, or 3 in question 12.

13. What is the occupation that provided the greatest income in the days from June 3rd to 7th, or what was your last occupation if unemployed? Write with some detail the work performed.

____ [A blank box also appears in the corner of this item.]

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D. Economic characteristics for people 12 and older

[Note that this section corresponds to section C. on the enumeration form. There appears to be no section C. in the enumerator's manual, but rather two sections labeled D.]

Question No. 15

[The following directions refer to a graphic representing question 15, "what is the occupation, trade, or profession that provided you with the greatest income the week of the . . . to the . . . of . . . or your last occupation?", in this section of the enumeration form.]

a) If, for the week in question, the person worked or didn't work but had a job, record the occupation, trade, or profession that the person being enumerated reports provided them with the greatest income.

b) If the person being enumerated is unemployed, box 2 [from the previous question], record the last occupation, trade, or profession that provided them with the greatest income.

Make specific notes about occupation. don't accept answers such as manual laborer, office worker, unskilled laborer--investigate exactly what the person does as their occupation.

Below are some examples of incorrect [p. 27] and correct ways of recording occupations:

[The following information appears in a table.]

Incorrect recording: Teacher
Correct recording: High school teacher, university professor, primary school teacher, music teacher, dance teacher

Incorrect recording: Craftsman
Correct recording: Carpenter, cabinetmaker, sawyer, blacksmith, potter

Incorrect recording: Mechanic
Correct recording: Auto mechanic, precision mechanic, railroad mechanic, aviation mechanic, dental technician

[p. 28]

Incorrect recording: Laborer or day-laborer
Correct recording: Bridge worker, construction worker, stevedore or dock worker, car washer, caretaker of vehicles

Incorrect recording: Seller
Correct recording: Department store salesclerk, ticket and fare agent, life insurance salesman, rural paramedics, stock broker

[Note that this question corresponds to question 13 on the enumeration form.]

Ecuador 1982 — source variable EC1982A_OCC3 — Occupation, 3 digits
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For all individuals 12 years of age and older

Questions 14 - 16 are only for those who answered 1, 2, or 3 in question 13.

14. What is the occupation that provided the greatest income in the days from November 7th to 13th, or what was your last occupation if unemployed?

Write with some detail the work performed.

____ [In addition to the space for the response, a blank, 3-character box also appears in the corner of this item.]

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Questions 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16 on Economic characteristics should be asked of all people 12 and older.

Question 14. What is the occupation that provided you with the greatest income during the days between the 7th and 13th of November or what was your last occupation if you were unemployed?

This question, as well as numbers 15 and 16, should only be asked of those people who responded with 0, 1, or 2 to question 13.

If the answer that the informant gives is ambiguous or not very clear, ask them to describe in some detail the work that they do and record what they report.

[The information below appears in a table in the original document.]

Incorrect recording: Teacher
Correct recording: Primary school teacher, high school teacher, music teacher

Incorrect recording: Craftsman
Correct recording: Radio technician, carpenter, potter

Incorrect recording: Seller
Correct recording: Pharmaceutical salesman, department store salesclerk, ticket and fare agent, life insurance salesman

Incorrect recording: Laborer, day-laborer or unskilled laborer
Correct recording: Unskilled farm worker, stevedore or dock worker, caretaker of vehicles

Incorrect recording: Mechanic
Correct recording: Auto mechanic, precision mechanic, dental technician

[The following is in the rural manual] Don't record manual laborer, unskilled laborer, mechanic, seller. Insist that the information be more precise, for example: construction worker, unskilled farm worker, milker, etc.

Ecuador 1990 — source variable EC1990A_OCC3 — Occupation, 3 digits
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For all individuals 8 years of age and older
[Applies to questions 13-18.]

For those who answered 0, 1 or 2 in question 13 and 1 in question 14:
[Applies to questions 15-18.]

15. What was the principal occupation or work during the last week, or your last job if you are unemployed?

[A 3-character blank box also appears in the corner of this item.] ____

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Question 15. What was your principal occupation or work that you did during last week or the last work you did before becoming unemployed?

This question is for all of the persons who answered 0, 1, or 2 in question 13 or 1 in question 14.

Carefully write the nature of the work that the person did; if they had more than one occupation in the week before the census, ask the person who he/she considers most important and write this answer.

When the occupation cannot be written with a precise term, describe the nature of the work. For example: install steering wheel covers, assemble cardboard boxes, etc. Avoid general or ambiguous terms like driver, operator, assistant, writer, professor. Always insist that the person give precise information.

Incomplete: Laborer
Complete: Agricultural laborer, Construction laborer, Quarry laborer

Incomplete: Worker
Complete: Construction worker, Carpentry worker, Carpentry assistant

Incomplete: Operator
Complete: Agricultural operator, Construction machinery operator

Incomplete: Engineer
Complete: Civil engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Chemical Engineer

Pay attention to note the occupation and not the profession. It is possible for the occupation and profession to be different, but there are also cases where they are the same. For example: doctors, lawyers, architects, etc. work in their profession. However, there are cases where a doctor is an administrator of a hospital or an architect is the manager of a company.

Observe that in the last two examples, the occupation of the doctor is administrator and the occupation of the architect is manager of a company.

The persons who work in public entities generally declare their occupation to be public employee. Ask that they detail their specific occupation, remembering that in an institution there are varieties of occupations; for example: executive secretaries, concierges, doctors, financial analysts, department directors, statistical investigators, etc.

What was the principal occupation or work that you carried out during the past week or the last time you worked before you became unemployed? For example, elementary school professor, agricultural laborer, food vendor, laundress, etc.)


Ecuador 2001 — source variable EC2001A_OCC — Occupation, 3 digits
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20. What was the principal activity or work that you carried out during the past week or the last time you worked before you became unemployed? _____
Examples: elementary school teacher, construction laborer, agricultural day-laborer, food vendor, laundress, install steering wheel covers, hairdresser, dressmaker, domestic servant, etc.

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Question 20.- What was the primary occupation or job that you performed last week or the last job you had if you were unemployed?

[There is a picture of question 20 from this section of the enumeration form.]

This question is for all people who answered question 18 (what did you do last week?) with responses 01 or 02, answered yes (1) to question 19, and those people who looked for work having worked previously (unemployed) and answered no (2) in question 19.

Record in detail the nature of the work that the person performed. If the person did more than one job during the week prior to the census, ask for and record the occupation that the person considers the principal or more important activity.

Occupation: By occupation is meant the different tasks that people perform in their job, regardless of the type of economic activity of the place where they work or the position they have.

[p. 51]

When the occupation cannot be characterized by a definite name, describe the nature of the work. Example: puts on steering wheel covers, assembles cardboard boxes, etc. Avoid very general or ambiguous terms like driver, operator, helper, day laborer, or teacher; always stress that the information should be precise.


Incomplete: Unskilled laborer
Complete: Unskilled farm worker, unskilled construction worker, unskilled quarry worker, unskilled freight worker

Incomplete: Laborer
Complete: Construction worker, carpentry worker

Incomplete: Operator
Complete: Farm machine operator, construction equipment operator, optical equipment operator, broadcasting equipment operator

Incomplete: Engineer
Complete: Civil engineer, mechanical engineer, chemical engineer, systems engineer, electrical engineer

Incomplete: Teacher
Complete: Primary school teacher, high school teacher, music teacher, post-secondary teacher

Incomplete: Seller
Complete: Pharmaceutical sales representative, department store salesperson, ticket and fare agent, grocery store clerk

Incomplete: Mechanic
Complete: Airplane motor mechanic, agricultural machinery mechanic

Incomplete: Manager
Complete: Textile industry manager, manager of cased meat marketing

Remember that what should be recorded is the occupation and not the profession. It can happen that the occupation and profession coincide, but there are also cases in which it is not like that. Examples: physicians, attorneys, architects, etc., work in their profession, however, there are cases where a physician is the administrator of a hospital, or an architect is the manager of a company. Note that in the previous examples, the occupation of the doctor is administrator and that of the architect is company manager.

[p. 52]

People who work in public organizations generally state public employee as their occupation. Ask them to describe their specific occupation. Remember that within an institution there is a variety of occupations, such as for example: executive secretaries, superintendents, physicians, financial analysts, departmental directors, statistical researchers, etc.

Ecuador 2010 — source variable EC2010A_OCC3 — Occupation (3 digits, ISCO 08)
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For persons five years old and older
[Questions 27 to 33 were asked of all people five years and older.]

In the last week or the last week that he/she worked:
[Questions 29-33 were asked of people who reported some kind of work or looking for work in the last week.]

30. What does [the respondent] do or what is [the respondent] where he/she works or worked?

[Principal occupation] ____
For the use of INEC: Principal occupation _ _ _ _

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[Section 4]

Step 14: Continue with section 4, information about the population / D: Economic characteristics (annex, pages 41-45)

[A copy of section 4D of the census questionnaire is omitted here.]


  • Follow the sequential order of the questions.
  • Remember that the questions are for people 5 years old and older.
  • (A)The week of reference will be Sunday the 21st to Saturday the 27th of November.
  • Question 27 serves to identify people who did some activity for an income or not.
  • (B)Take into account the leaps of questions 27 and 28.
  • Question 29 is written literally, the activity of the business or company in which the interviewed person works or worked.
  • If the informant mentions having more than one job, you should register the one that he/she considers the principal one.
  • Question 30 is written very literally, what does the interviewed person do or what he/she did where he/she works/worked
  • Question 31 indicates the dependency relation that the person has in the place where he/she works.
  • Question 32 registers the total number of worked hours, at his/her principal work, in the past week or the last week that he/she worked.
  • In question 33, register if the activity that the person does is inside or outside the household.
  • If the person does more than one activity, as for example weave wool clothing in the household and leave to sell in the streets; for the registry of question 33 priority will be given to the production, therefore you will mark x in code 1 (within the home).

8. Economic characteristics

Understood by occupation are the different jobs that are carried out by persons in their work (or the one carried out in that occupation which the person carried out previously, if the person is unemployed), whatever be the branch of economic activity of the establishment where he/she works or the occupational position he/she holds.

Egypt 1986 — source variable EG1986A_OCC3 — Occupation (3-digit)
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Part B: Individual data

Persons six years and over
[Questions 8-11 asked of persons six years and over.]

12. Main occupation ____
[ Question 12 was asked of persons 15 years and over.]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Main occupation: Column number (12)
The person less than (15) years write "under age".
The person (15) years and over and working record the type of his specified occupation or skill regardless the establishment's main economic activity and without mixing between the occupation and job, the occupation of the person must be specified clearly for example, (engineer assistant, the head of the weaving workers, diesel engineer, taxi driver, general surgeon and brain surgeon etc.)
The person (15) years and over and not working write:

His occupation in the previous work if the employment status is unemployed but, previously working
Unemployed if he is newly unemployed (he has no previous work) student, housewife, not willing to work, pensioner, aged not working, unable to work.

Egypt 2006 — source variable EG2006A_OCC — Primary occupation, 3-digit
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[Questions 8-14 were asked of persons age 6 and older]

13. Main occupation for persons (in details) ________

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Table 1: Household characteristics

14. The primary profession for members

There are 6 squares for this question which should be left blank to be coded by the Information Technology sector.

The enumerator will write the primary profession for the working member in detail (whose answer in the employment status question was from (2) to (7) on the line below the squares, for example: Door and window carpenter, Arabic language teacher, internal medicine doctor, etc.)

Note: The profession is also to be completed on this line for an individual whose employment status is (7), "a worker who became unemployed", based on the last profession the individual was practicing before becoming unemployed.

For members who are younger than 6 years, "below age" must be recorded for them on the line below the squares.

For the rest of the household members who don't work or are unemployed and never have worked before, "not working" must be recorded for them on the line below the squares.

El Salvador 1992 — source variable SV1992A_OCC — Occupation (3-digit)
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V. Information on members of the household

2. Persons age 10 or older
[Questions 14-21 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

[Questions 16-20 were asked of persons age 10 or older with employment or who performed some other activity, per questions 14 and 15.]

18. What is the occupation, job or position that you hold or held in the establishment?

_ _ _ _

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4.5.4 Persons age 10 or older
These questions numbered 14 to 21 will be asked to those who are age 10 or older, males and females. If the person is younger than 10, the interview will end, canceling the corresponding page.

18. Principal occupation
What is the occupation, job or duty that you perform or performed in your work?

In this question, the name of the occupation or duty should be recorded, performed by the person in the week previous to the first day of the census or the last time that they worked. If the person has more than one job, only the main job should be recorded, considering as such whichever the said person declares as the most important, whether due to prestige awarded, by income received or by the amount of time dedicated.

El Salvador 2007 — source variable SV2007A_OCC3DIG — Occupation (3-digit)
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[Questions 13-24 are for persons age 10 or older]

21. What is the occupation, job or position which you perform or used to perform at work?


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[Questions 13-24 are for persons age 10 or older. If the person is younger than 10, end the interview and cross out the corresponding page]

Question 21: What is the occupation, job, or position that you perform or used to perform at work?

For this question, write the name of the occupation or job performed by the person during the week prior to the first day of the census or the last time he/she worked in that period. If the person had more than one job only, write the principal job. The principal job is the one that the person considers the most important, either because of the prestige it brings, the money received from the job, or the time dedicated to it.

Write the job as clearly as possible so that there are no difficulties interpreting what the job is. Write in the following order: if it's a professional position, write the profession, the most important task, what he/she does it with and the product.

Below are some examples:

Incorrect way to write
Civil engineer
Machine operator
Industrial sewer
Business owner
Quality control

Correct way to write
Building civil engineer
Highway civil engineer
Chemical engineer who makes cleaning products
Police officer
Private security guard
Primary school teacher in a school
High school teacher in a school
Kindergarten teacher
Sewing machine operator in a factory
Operator of a Singer or multipoint sewing machine
Operator of an industrial sewing machine
Sales personnel supervisor
Company president
Administrative manager of the company
Quality control in clothes manufacturing

Ethiopia 1984 — source variable ET1984A_OCC2 — Occupation (2-digit)
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34. Occupation

_ _ _
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Column 34: What is type of occupation?

This column is filled only for those who have been engaged in productive activities for one day or more in the last seven days prior to the census date, for unemployed with work experience, for employed but have not worked in the last seven days, and for those who have not worked because of off - season. These people have certain kind of occupation and the occupation will be registered in this column. When registering the occupation it has to be registered so that it is easy to identify it. For example writing "medical professional" does not tell the specific type of occupation. Therefore it is important to specifically state the occupation type such as: "Health Assistant", Sanitarian", Nurse", or "Medical Doctor".

[Examples of occupation types are omitted here.]

Some individuals may have more than one occupation. In this case the type of occupation that must be recorded in column 34 is the type among the two or three occupations the individual spent more time in the last seven days.

Only the occupation type is recorded in for the household members and nothing will be entered in card columns 61 - 63.

Ethiopia 1994 — source variable ET1994A_OCC — Occupation
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Section III: Detailed particulars of household members

[Questions 30-32 were asked for person's age 10+ who were engaged in economic activity, unemployed with previous work experience, or had work but did not work in the last 12 months.]

30. What was the main occupation?

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Columns 28 - 32: Information on economic activity
The information collected on economic activity status in these columns during the last
12 months include:

a. whether the person was engaged in productive work during the reference period
b. reason for not being engaged in productive work during the reference period (for those who were not so engaged)
d. major types of occupation
d. major product or service of the establishment or industry
e. employment status in the main activity
Column 30 ? 32: For those who have been engaged in productive work during most of the last months (column 28 code 1), unemployed with previous work experience (column 29 code 02) and for who had work but did not work during the last 12 months (column 29 code 03).

Column 30: What is (NAME's) occupation?

In this column data is collected only for those who have been engaged in productive work during most of the last months (column 28 code 1), unemployed with previous work experience (column 29 code 02) and for who had work but did not work during the last 1 months (column 29 code 03). The concerned persons either have at least one job or had work in the previous time.

When enquiring is done about the occupation, do not ask the type of products ask the type of wok. For example, for copy typist whether she works in hospital or factory the type of occupation recorded for her is "Typist'. In this column, register the type of occupation in the pace provided, codes are entered at the head office by the census questionnaire editors.

Try to be specific when you register the type of occupation so that no problem will be arises during coding is done for the registered type of occupation. For example, since elementary school teachers and high school teachers have different codes do not write only teacher, write the type of school they are teaching or used to teach. In similar case, trained, skilled and traditional farmers have different occupation codes. In addition, guessing the type of occupation based on the name of organization or institution is not correct. For example, in one mining factory we can find the general manager, executive secretary, chemists, engineers, casher, accountants, surveyors, soil laboratory technicians, machine operators, drivers, daily labourers, etc. and all have different codes. Even for similar work of if the skill of the operator or the type of machine they are operating is different, the code given is different.
Pg 72
On the service trade side also it needs to give due attention when writing the occupation type. For example, cashers, sales clerks, kiosk workers, etc. have different codes.

Sometimes we can face persons who have engaged in more than one type of occupation. In such case, record only one type occupation that the person is spent most of his/her time during the last 12 months.

In order to simplify enumerators' work, the lists of some occupation types are given below. Therefore, the numerators are requested to see the lists in detail before start filling in the answers in the space provided.

[Examples of occupations, pages 73-75 have been removed]

Fiji 1976 — source variable FJ1976A_OCC — Occupation
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For all persons born in 1962 and before

13. Occupation last week

State kind of work done, giving job title if in employment

Fiji 1986 — source variable FJ1986A_OCC — Occupation
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For all persons born in 1971 or before
[Questions 14-17 were asked of all persons born in 1971 or before]

15. Occupation

What is the person's occupation?
What kind of work does the person do?

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

151. Questions 15, 16 and 17 apply to all persons who worked last week -- that is to all persons for whom you have entered "cash work" or "other work". For the rest, leave blank.

Question 15 - Occupation

152. We require an exact description of the kind of work the person did last week. Ask, "What kind of work did this person do last week?"

153. It is sometimes difficult to get an exact answer but you should always aim to provide a two or three word description of the person's job. A vague single word description is not enough. Avoid general terms such as 'manager', 'clerk', 'mechanic', 'foreman', 'teacher', 'operator', or 'laborer'. Record exactly what a person did -- for example, 'sales manager', 'typist clerk', 'motor mechanic', 'foreman, carpenter', 'primary teacher', 'forklift operator', 'stevedore'.

154. You will find it best to speak to the person concerned whenever possible. Members of the household are often vague as to the occupations of others.

155. If the person is employed you may find that you get a more accurate idea of his/her job by asking for the job title and recording that.

156. A person may have done more than one kind of job last week. In such a case you should record his main job -- the one he spends most time at -- that which he usually does.

157. If the person combines paid employment with unpaid work you should record the paid job rather than the unpaid job -- for example, if the person is a bus driver and worked last weekend on his farm he should be entered as 'bus driver' and if the person is a housewife who went to market to sell food she should be entered as 'market food seller'.

158. A person engaged temporarily on the census should state his/her usual occupation. Thus if you are a secondary school teacher and are working as a census supervisor or enumerator, your occupation should be recorded as 'secondary teacher'.

159. Many people may be described generally as 'farmer'. It is particularly important that we know exactly what kind of farmers they are.

160. Farmers in Fiji fall into two main categories. Those who live and farm in Fijian villages on communal land and those who farm outside the Fijian village system.

161. A Fijian living in his/her village, sharing the communal life of the village, who worked in village agriculture last week and who did no other work may be described as 'villager'. Such a person may perform a variety of tasks in growing or gathering produce, hunting, or fishing to feed and clothe his/her family and may sell some produce but is not a commercial farmer.

162. Some Fijian villagers grow crops such as dalo, yaqona, or ginger mainly for sale. Such persons should be described as 'growing dalo' or 'growing yaqona' or as the case may be and not as 'villager'.

163. In describing the occupations of persons who farm outside the Fijian village system you must be precise -- for example, write 'cane farmer', 'rice grower', 'dairyman', or 'poultry farm worker'. Avoid the vague word -- do not write 'farmer' or 'laborer'.

[p. 18]

164. Many of these farmers engage in more than one activity but in describing the work done you should pick out the person's main crop or activity -- the one to which he/she devotes most time -- the one which he/she regards as most important -- the one which is commercial. You will thus be able to describe a person as 'growing coconuts', 'raising cattle', 'market gardening', and so on.

165. The term 'cane farmer' should be used only of the person who owns or leases the land on which the cane is grown. Others working on the farm should be described as 'cane farm workers' unless they do a specific job such as 'cane cutter'. The same distinction should be made between those who own, lease or operate dairy farms, cattle farms, or copra plantations and those who work on them.

Fiji 1996 — source variable FJ1996A_OCC3 — Occupation (3 digits)
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For all persons born in 1981 or before
[Questions D14-D17 were asked of persons born in 1981 or before.]

D15. Occupation
What is person's occupation? Describe the main task usually performed in least 2 words.

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Economic activity last week

For all persons born in 1981 or before
138. The next set of questions, D14 to D17, apply to all persons born in 1981 or before. Look back at the year of birth you have entered for each person. For those born 1982-1996 write 'N/A' for question D14[a] and leave the rest of the column [D14-D17] blank.

139. Questions D14-D17 are concerned with how people provide for themselves, how they make their living. It is restricted to persons 15 years of age and over.

140. In the week before census night, almost everyone in Fiji will have done something to provide for himself or herself. It is your job to discover and record what each person did.

141. Ask the questions as they are set out here and on the questionnaire and talk about each member of the household until you understand what he or she did in the way of making a living last week. Make entries on the questionnaire only when you have the picture clear in your mind.

Question D14 - Type of activity last week

142. Question 14[a]
Did this person do any work for money last week?

Money work here means:
A wage and salary job.
Business, shop, taxi/carrier business, repair shop
Grow things for sale
Raise animals for sale
Catch fish, collect shells for sale


Provide services for money

You should write 'M' against money work. Include also persons who had a job but were either sick or on leave or did not attend work for some other reason.

For persons who did not work for money last week write 'NO' in this box.

145. For those persons responding with 'M' in D14[a], you should also complete

D14[b] Number of days worked last week.
D14[c] Did the person do any subsistence work as well
D15 Describe the task performed last week.
D16 The type of activity, service or product produced at place of work.
D17 How was the person paid

weekly wages
fortnightly/monthly salary
by sale of crops, livestock
for job done
unpaid family worker

Question D15 - Occupation

149. We require an exact description of the kind of work the person did last week.
'What kind of work did this person do last week?'

150. It is sometimes difficult to get an exact answer but you should always aim to provide a two or three word description of the person's job.


A vague single word description is not enough. Avoid general terms such as 'manager', 'clerical', 'mechanic', 'foreman', 'teacher', 'operator', or 'laborer'. Record exactly what a person did - for example, 'sales manager', typist clerk', 'motor mechanic', 'foreman carpenter' 'primary teacher', 'forklift operator', 'stevedore'.

151. Many people may be described generally as 'farmer'. It is particularly important that we know exactly what kind of farmers they are.

Some Fijian villagers grow crops such as dalo, yaqona or ginger mainly for sale. Such persons should be described as 'growing dalo' or 'growing yaqona' or as the case may be.

In describing the occupations of persons who farm outside the Fijian village system you must be precise - for example, write 'cane farmer', 'rice grower', 'dairyman' or 'poultry farm worker'. Avoid the vague word - do not write 'farmer' or 'laborer'.

Many of these farmers engage in more than one activity but in describing the work done you should pick out the person's main crop or activity - the one to which he/she devotes most time - the one which he/she regards as most important - the one which is commercial. You will thus be able to describe a person as 'growing coconuts', 'raising cattle', 'market gardening' and so on.

The term 'cane farmer' should be used only of the person who owns or leases the land on which the cane is grown. Others working on the farm should be described as 'cane farm workers' unless they do a specific job such as 'cane cutter'. The same distinction should be made between those who own, lease or operate dairy farms, cattle farms or copra plantations and those who work on them.


152. You will find it best to speak to the person concerned whenever possible. Members of the household are often vague as to the occupation of others. If the person is in employment you may find that you get a more accurate idea of his/her job by asking for the job title and recording that.

153. A person may have done more than one kind of job last week. In such a case you should record his/her main job - the one he/she spends most time at - that which he/she usually does.

154. If the person combines paid employment with unpaid work you should record the paid job rather than the unpaid job - for example, if the person is a bus driver and worked last weekend on his farm he should be entered as 'bus driver' and if the person is a housewife who went to market to sell food she should be entered as 'market food seller'.

155. A person engaged temporarily on the census should state his/her usual occupation. Thus if you are a secondary school teacher and are working as a census supervisor or enumerator your occupation should be as 'secondary teacher'.

Fiji 2007 — source variable FJ2007A_OCC3 — Occupation, 3 digits
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For all persons born in 1997 or before
[Questions D19-24.]
(Questions D19-D24 refer to last week)

Questions D20-D23 for money or other compensation workers only.

D20. What is [the person's] occupation?

(Describe main task usually performed)
_ _ _ _

Fiji 2014 — source variable FJ2014A_OCC3 — Occupation (3 digits)
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Questions D14-D18 for money or other compensation workers only

[D14] What is this person's occupation? _ _ _ _

Describe main task usually performed.

Finland 2010 — source variable FI2010A_OCC — Occupation
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[5] Employment
Employment statistics are annual statistics providing data by region on the population's economic activity and employment.

The role of persons working at a similar job, which is based on the content of the work made for income acquisition purposes and in some cases on the education completed by the person.
In the employment statistics, the classification of occupations is based on occupational titles derived from various registers and given by employers to employees, which titles are classified into different occupational codes mainly according to industry, education, occupational status and sector. The occupational title is sometimes also called a job title, function or official title. Some of the occupational codes of the employment statistics (cf. industry-specific occupational codes with occupational titles) are derived already classified from the statistics on wages and salaries. Statistics Finland's national classification of occupations valid at each time is used for describing occupation. One occupational group can contain several occupational titles. On the other hand, the same occupational title can be classified into several occupational groups.
Occupations are produced for employed persons primarily based on the person's main employment relationship in the last week of the year. The data are collected from several different sources, such as the registers of employment relationships of central and local government, statistics on wages and salaries, and data collections from enterprises.

France 1962 — source variable FR1962A_SOCCUP — SAPHIR occupation
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Education and professional training

(For all persons born before January 1, 1952)
[Applies to questions 8 - 10]

8. Are you currently a student?

[] Yes. Answer questions 9a, b, and c.
[] No. Go directly to question number 10.

Do not answer "yes" unless you are taking courses from a general educational establishment, either professional or technical, or from a university, for the duration of the school year.

9a. Name and address of the school or university:


9b. Nature of the classes you are taking:


Examples: primary, modern or classical secondary [secondaire moderne ou classique], technical, higher, 2nd degree agricultural [agricole du 2eme degre], etc.

9c. Designation of your class, section or specialty:


Examples: 3rd modern, 4th technical, M.P.C., etc.

Professional Activity

(For all persons born before January 1, 1948)
[Applies to questions 11 - 16]

If you are currently without work and you are looking for work, go directly to question 16.
If you are no longer working, go directly to question 17.

11. Principal Profession. Indicate your current occupation or job.
(even if you are still just an apprentice or if you work helping a family member in his/her occupation.) A woman taking care of only her own household should answer "without profession."


Be specific; examples: Cashier accountant, automobile repair mechanic, hot roller [lamineur à chaud], worker in metal carpentry, truck drivers carrying heavy loads, female machinist in production work [mecanicienne en confection], mechanical designer, grain broker, wine grower, horticulturalist, shepherd, etc.

13. Do you practice your declared profession in question 11 as:

[] A paid employee
-- answer questions 14a, b and c and question 15)

[] Someone who works out of his/her home
[] An apprentice under contract
-- [If you checked either of the two above options,] skip to question 15

[] Landowning farmer, farmer, tenant farmer
[] Professional
[] Employer or independent worker: craftsman, shop-keeper, etc. (working independently, including managers who are majority shareholders of S.A.R.L. [gerants majoritaires de S.A.R.L] and persons working strictly on commission).
-- [If you check any of the three above options,] skip to question 15 and answer:

Do you have paid employees (do not count paid household help. In agriculture, count only permanent paid employees)
[] yes. How many? ____
[] no

17. For persons who no longer work.

Retired from public service, retired executives/managers, workers who have reached the age of retirement, persons no longer working in business, etc.

What was your principal occupation? ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Questions 11 through 17 The questions on professional activity are especially important. You should check carefully to make sure they are filled out carefully
Question 11: This question is of capital importance. It is impossible to be too specific in this category.
Read carefully the following explanations and the examples given on the individual report [bulletin individuel], as well as the following list:
Examples of inadequate answers which should not be accepted under any circumstance and comments
1. Answers which are inadequate because they are not specific enough:


Indicate exactly the occupation of the person in question. For example: department- store salesperson, metal turner, chemical engineer.

Civil Servant
Railroad employee
Gas company worker

Specify the rank or job of civil servants and employees of public services. For example: accounting and order clerk, combined- use railroad agent [facteur mixte S.N.C.F.].


Answer in this way, for example: retail grocer, automobile repair mechanic, director of a noodle factory.

2. Answers which are inadequate because they are incomplete:

Qualified laborer
Team leader

The above indicate the professional rank, but do not give the individual occupation.

Question 12 - Unpaid workers who help another person in his/her job
It may sometime happen that certain persons - above all, women - work helping another person in his/her job without receiving any pay for their work. These persons should answer "yes" to question 12, even if they only work as such on a part- time basis.
This question concerns, for example, the wife of a farmer who participates in farm work, or the wife or daughter of a shopkeeper who spends a few hours a day at the shop as a salesperson or at the cash register.
Question 13 - Household employee. This category is not intended for persons who are self- employed and work at home (craftsmen, seamstresses, milliners). It applies only to persons who work at home, often on a piecework basis, for an industrial or commercial establishment which pays them on this basis. Such is the case, for example, of certain designers for fashion magazines, persons who work for design houses, etc.
If these persons have several employers at the same time, indicate in question 15 which is their principal employer.

France 1968 — source variable FR1968A_SOCC — SAPHIR occupation
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Education and professional formation (for all persons born before January 1st, 1962)
[Applies to questions 8 - 11]

8. Are you currently a student?

[] Yes (Answer question 9)
[] No (Answer questions 10 and 11)

Do not answer "yes" unless you are taking classes (including professional or technical classes) or at the university for the normal duration of the school year.
If you are apprenticed under contract, if you are not taking any classes except for some professional classes part-time, or classes by correspondence for perfecting your skills, seasonal agricultural classes, etc. answer "no".

Professional activity (for all persons born before January 1st, 1954)
[Applies to questions 12- 18]

18. If you don't work anymore:

(You are, for example, retired from public service, a retired executive, old retired worker, former farmer, retired from business, etc.)
What is your main profession? ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 12: Main profession.
Attentively read the explanations and the examples given on the individual forms, as well as the instructions hereafter.
Examples of bad answers not to accept in any situation [left column] / Comments [right column]
1) Bad answers because they aren't specific enough.
Employee, worker, building worker, engineer, executive, director / Indicate exactly the job of the person concerned, for example: salesperson at a department store, bank employee, lathe operator, chemical engineer, plasterer, expert forester, business director.
Government employee, SNCF employee, EDF employee / For government employees and public service employees, specify the rank or the job, for example: representative of the prefecture, clerk of the PTT, second class stationmaster, driver of a diesel locomotive, EDF dispatcher.
Merchant, industrialist, farmer, entrepreneur, craftsman, administrator / Answer, for example: retail grocer, wholesaler in pharmaceutical products, masonry entrepreneur, residential building director, movie theater employee
2) Bad answers because they are incomplete.
O.S., O.P., Qualified worker, team leader, foreman / these labels indicate the situation in the professional hierarchy, but do not give any information on the individual profession of the person concerned. On the other hand, the following answers are satisfactory:
O.S. (specialized worker) in rope or yarn winding, textile mill foreman

France 1975 — source variable FR1975A_SOCC — SAPHIR occupation
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For all people 16 years of age or older
[Applies to questions 8 -18]

13. Do you practice your main declared profession as:

[] 2 Farmer
[] 3 Member of a free-market profession
[] 4 Employer or self-employed worker: artisan, merchant, industrial worker, etc. (working for yourself, including managers of the S.A.R.L [Société à responsabilité limitée] and people not working except on commission)
[] 5 Working at home for yourself for one (or more) companies
[] 6 Apprenticed under contract
[] 7 Paid

14. For paid workers:

a. If you are a worker, specify the qualification of your current job:

[] 1 Unskilled or specialized laborer
[] 2 Specialized worker (OS1, OS2)
[] 3 Skilled worker or highly qualified (P1, P2, P3...)

b. If you are a state employee, from a local city or a public service (E.D.F. Electricité de France, S.N.C.F, Société nationale des chemins de fer etc.) or military by career, specify your rank:
Examples: principal administration agent, administrative secretary, stationmaster of the second class, etc.

c. If you are in a different situation, specify your hierarchical position:
Examples: supervisor, head farmer, head of a department store, business director, etc.

17. If you are currently without work and if you are looking for some:

a. For how long have you been looking for work?

[] 1 less than 3 months
[] 2 3 to less than 6 months
[] 3 6 months to less than a year
[] 4 one year or more

b. Have you already worked?

[] Yes
[] No

c. What is your career? ____

18. If you do not work anymore:

(You are, for example, retired from public service, a retired worker, retired executive, former farmer, retired from business, etc.)

What was your principal profession? ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 8 - 18 are for persons age 16 or older]

Question 13: Professional status.
Category 5: "Worker at home for a total of one or more businesses" does not allow for people who work at their home for their own business (artisans, sewers, stylists). This category applies on the other hand to people who do work at their home, often as they will, for the affairs of an industrial or commercial establishment who reimburses them for this. Such is the case, for example of some newspapers designers, of people working for clothing industries or performing secretarial work for the affairs of some administrations, etc.
Paid managers should check box 7 even when they are partially reimbursed in the form of commiseration.

Question 14: Certification
Make sure that the people who have declared to be salaried on question 13 specify their certification, rank or hierarchical position on questions 14a, 14b or 14c, according to the situation.

Question 17: The case of the unemployed and those who are looking for work.
This question concerns all people having or having not already worked, who fulfill the following conditions simultaneously:
a) do not have a job:
b) are actively looking for work.
Do not apply to these people the label "unemployed" which is sometimes judged offensive and which has a slightly different connotation.

France 1982 — source variable FR1982A_SOCC — SAPHIR occupation
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For all persons aged 14 or older

If have practice a professional activity, answer questions 12 through 15,
Including: If you help a family member at work, even if part time
If you are an apprentice under contract or a paid intern

If you are not currently practice a professional activity or if you are unemployed: answer question 16.


a. Indicate your current profession or trade.
Be specific. For example: electrical maintenance worker, over-the-road truck driver, draftsman in electrical studies, chemical engineer, household appliance salesman, bookkeeper, etc.

b. Do you help a member of your family in his or her work?
Farm work, work as a craftsman; business, liberal profession; etc.

[] 1 Yes
[] 0 No

16. If you do not actually practice any professional activity, or if you are unemployed:

a. Are you:

[] 1 A mother or housewife
[] 2 Retired (non age-related) from business (former shop keeper, former farmer, etc.)
If you checked box 1 or 2, indicate your previous professions: ____
[] 3 High school or college/university student
[] 4 Unemployed
[] 5 If other, please indicate: ____

b. Are you currently seeking work?

[] 1 Yes

Have you ever worked?
[] 1 Yes
[] 0 No

[] 0 No

France 1990 — source variable FR1990A_SOCC — Saphir occupation
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Questions 8 through 21 are only for those people 14 years old or more

If you work, go to the back of the page (questions 12 to 21)

If you are on sick leave or maternity leave
If you help a member of your family in his or her work without pay
If you are apprenticed under contract, a paid intern (TUC, SIVP..), etc.

If you do not work (or do not work anymore), answer questions 9-11

9. Are you?

[] 1 High school student, university student, volunteer intern
[] 2 Unemployed (enrolled or not with the ANPE [Agence nationale pour l'emploi - National agency for unemployment])
[] 3 Retired (formerly paid) or retired early
[] 4 Retired from business (former farmer, former artist, former merchant)
[] 5 Housewife
[] 6 Other (not active at this time) (including people not receiving anything but a reversion benefit)

10. Have you already worked?

[] 1 Yes -- What was your main profession?
[] 2 No

12. Profession currently practiced

Be very specific. Examples; an electrical maintenance worker, a driver of heavy loads, a vendor of household appliances, a chemical engineer, self-service cashier, etc.

Questions 19 to 21 are only addressed to people who are paid and to paid interns

20. Indicate the professional description of your current job

[] 1 Unskilled worker (OS1, OS2, OS3, [Ouvrier spécialisé] etc)
[] 2 Qualified worker or highly qualified (P1, P2, P3, TA, OQ [Ouvrier qualifié], etc)
[] 3 Supervisor over workers, administrative or commercial supervisor
[] 4 Supervisor over technicians or other supervisors
[] 5 Technician, designer, VRP [Vendeurs représentants placiers - Sales representative] (not an executive)
[] 6 Lecturer, assistant, social worker, nurse, and personnel of category B of civil service
[] 7 Engineer or executive (the employees, technicians, supervisors not having the status of executive should not classify themselves here even if they subscribe to an executive pension fund)
[] 8 Professor and personnel in category A of civil service
[] 9 Office employee, business employee, service agent, nurse's aid, day-care worker, personnel from category C or D of civil service
[] 0 Other situation. _____ Specify.

21. What are your main duties?

[] 1 Production, manufacturing, construction
[] 2 Installation, maintenance, regulating, repair
[] 3 Cleaning, gardening, household work
[] 4 Handling, warehousing, transportation
[] 5 Secretarial, typist, ticket booth, switchboard
[] 6 Management, accounting, administrative functions
[] 7 Business, sales, technical sales
[] 8 Research, studies, methods, computer science
[] 9 General director or one his or her direct assistants
[] 0 Other situation ____ Specify (teaching, health, news, etc):

France 1999 — source variable FR1999A_OCC — Occupation, ISCO
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[Questions 15-21 were asked of persons who work per question 11.]

15. Profession currently practiced ____

Be specific (ex. robotics maintenance electrician, insurance accountant, chemical technician, etc.)
If you are an agent of public services for the state or cities (including HLMs, public hospitals), specify your rank (organization, category) ____

France 2006 — source variable FR2006A_PROF486 — Detailed profession (4-digit)
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[6. The rest of the questionnaire is for persons age 14 or older.]

8. What is your legal marital status?

[] 1 Single (never been legally married)
[] 2 Married (or separated, but not divorced)
[] 3 Widowed
[] 4 Divorced

19. What does this company do?

Be very specific. (For example, "Automobile repair". If it is a farm, specify the type of production (grapes, poultry, etc.).


28. In your job, are you a/an:

[] 1 Unskilled worker, a semi-skilled worker
[] 2 Skilled or highly skilled worker, workshop technician [technician d'atelier]
[] 3 Technician/engineer (non-executive)
[] 4 Category B civil service employee
[] 5 Supervisor, commercial or administrative supervisor, salesperson
[] 6 Category A civil service employee
[] 7 Engineer, executive
[] 8 Category C or D civil service employee
[] 9 Employee (for example: in an office, salespeople/clerks, in a restaurant or house)

France 2011 — source variable FR2011A_PROF — Profession, 486 categories
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6) The following portion of the questionnaire is for individuals age 14 or older.

17) The rest of the questionnaire is for individuals who are currently working.
If you have several jobs, describe your main job in questions 18 to 30.

18) What is the name of the establishment which employs you or of which you are in charge?
If you are a temporary worker, specify the name of the establishment where you work. If you are self-employed, record the name of the company or your name.

Germany 1970 — source variable DE1970A_OCC — Occupation
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For economically active persons (also self-employed, farmers, family workers)
[Questions 24-26 were asked of economically active persons]

24. Kind of activity pursued?

a) Occupation (for officials, state title) ____

b) Description in condensed form (operation, material or commodity etc. handled) ____

Germany 1981 — source variable DE1981A_OCC — Occupation
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Fill out questions 11-13 for employed persons only (not apprentices).

12. Job held at the place of work: ____

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Directions for filling out the person census list

Regarding questions 11 to 13:
For mothers that are currently on leave due to the birth of a child, questions 11 to 13 should still be answered. In question 12, "leave" should be entered in addition to the job held.

Question 12: Job held at the place of work
The job held should be stated as detailed as possible. For example:

Not "worker", rather "warehouseman, transport worker"
Not "brigadier", rather "construction brigadier"
Not "master craftsman", rather "master craftsman for plant production"

Employees in administrations and institutions state their official position.

Germany 1987 — source variable DE1987A_OCC — Occupation
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Question 17: What kind of activity, occupation, or profession do you perform?
Do not enter here the completed level of vocational education/training or the rank of your position, but rather state as precisely as possible the actual occupation performed or the activity pursued at present -- e.g., building mechanic (not mechanic), heating fitter (not fitter), long-distance truck driver (not driver), balance clerk or machine accountant (not bookkeeper), electrical engineer (not engineer), pediatrician (not doctor), short hand typist (not employee), post office clerk (not civil servant), soldier doing basic military services, professional soldier, soldier on a temporary basis (not soldier). Persons doing civilian alternative service please indicate "civilian service". Apprentices should enter the profession/occupation they are trained in.

For economically active persons
[Questions 15-18 were asked of economically active persons.]

17. What kind of activity, occupation/profession do you perform? ________

Ghana 1984 — source variable GH1984A_OCC2 — Occupation, 2 digits
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Answer only for the employed (including those with jobs who did not work) and the unemployed
[Questions 9-11 were asked of employed and unemployed persons age 10 and older]

9. Occupation ________

If employed, what kind of work did you do? (for unemployed, last kind of work)
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8. Economic characteristics.

Questions 8, 9, 10 and 11 are restricted to persons aged 10 years and over.

9. If employed (i.e. worked or had job but did not work) what kind of work did you do? For unemployed, last kind of work.

Note that this question should be asked only of the employed and the unemployed.

For the unemployed we are interested in the last kind of work the person did before he became unemployed. For example if he was an accounts clerk before he became unemployed you have to write in the space provided "accounts clerk". However there are certain unemployed who have never worked before, e.g. students or vocational trainees who have just finished school or completed their period of training and who are actively looking for a job. For such persons write down in column 9 "new workers seeking employment".

Note that you should write down what work the respondent actually did daring the seven days preceding census night and not what he is trained to do or what he used to do. For instance, if the respondent has been trained as a lorry driver but actually worked as road labourer during the 7 days preceding census night, you should write down road laborer.

pg. 57

Remember to write down a detailed and exact description of the work the respondent actually did. For example, the term labourer is too vague. Hence, be more precise by indicating whether the person was office cleaner, building labourer, gardener, farm labourer, three feller, etc.

Avoid other vague terms like businessman, petty trader, malam, trader, manager, civil servant, engineer which cover several groups of persons occupying different grades and doing different kinds of work.

Therefore, always specify the exact work done by the respondent. For instance you should give the following information about teachers and engineers.

For teachers, specify the following groups:

University Lecturer
Teacher-Training tutor
Secondary School teacher
Commercial School teacher
Technical School teacher
Middle School teacher
Primary School teacher
Day-nursery teacher
Specialist teacher (Physical Education)
Teacher of deaf, blind, mentally retarded children, etc.

For engineer you should specify the type of engineer the respondent is, e.g:

Aeronautical Engineer
Civil Engineer
Electrical Engineer
Electronic Engineer
Hydraulic Engineer
Mechanical Engineer
Mining Engineer
Nautical Engineer, etc.

For members of the armed forces (i.e., army, air force and navy) you should go into greater detail to find out the actual rank and the occupational specialization of the person. A soldier may be a motor vehicle driver, tailor, wireless operator, fitter, gunner, staff nurse, etc. Similarly you should not take an officer for an answer but inquire for further details. The officer may be a teacher, an electrical engineer, a medical officer, a pilot. Soldiers and officers not having a particular trade or occupation should be entered as soldier (private), soldier (corporal), soldier (lieutenant), etc.

pg. 58

You should also distinguish between the following:

(a) Food seller
(b) Food maker
(c) Food seller and maker

Note that whenever you specify a seller or maker of a particular commodity which is only understood in the area concerned you should also write in brackets after it whether that commodity is food, drink, etc. For instance, you may write seller of aheyi (non-alcoholic drink), maker of tubani (food).

Ghana 2000 — source variable GH2000A_OCC — Occupation
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P13 Type of activity: For P13 to P17; answer only for ages 7 years or older. The answer should refer to the 7 days before census night:

[P14-P17 were asked of persons who did not work for pay or profit or family gain and P13b=1 or 2.]

P14 Occupation: Answer for the employed (i.e. if P13a = yes) and those who have jobs but did not work (ie if P13b = 1) and unemployed (i.e. P13b = 2)

What kind of work did (name) do? For unemployed, last kind of work. Describe work, and refer to appendix 5, and 5a for code list

Description ________

Mark the box with X in the column to make up your code.

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P13 Type of activity: questions are to be asked of only persons aged 7 years or older; and refer to the seven days before census night

P14: Occupation-"Answer for the employed (i.e. P13a=Yes) and (those who had jobs but did not work) (i.e. 13b=1) and unemployed (i.e. P13b = 2) What kind of work did (name) do? For unemployed, last kind of work. Describe work and refer to appendix 5 for code list.

Note that this question must be asked only of the employed and the unemployed.

For the unemployed, we are interested in the last kind of work the person did before he/she became unemployed. For example, if he/she was an Accounts Clerk before he/she became unemployed you have to write in the space provided "Accounts Clerk". However, there are certain unemployed who have never worked before, e.g. students or vocational trainees who have just finished school or completed their period of training and who are actively looking for a job. For such persons write in the space provided "Now seeking employment" and code according to appendix.

Note that for the employed you must write down what work the respondent actually did during the seven days preceding Census Night and not what he/she is trained to do or what he/she used to do. For instance, if the respondent has been trained as a lorry driver but actually worked as construction labourer during the 7 days preceding Census Night, you must write down construction labourer.

Remember to write down a detailed and exact description of the work the respondent actually did. For example, the term labourer is too vague. Hence, be more precise by indicating whether the person was office cleaner, building labourer, gardener, farm labourer, tree feller, etc.

Avoid other vague terms like businessman, operator, officer, civil servant, which cover several groups of persons occupying different grades and doing different kinds of work. Therefore, always specify the exact work done by the respondent. For occupations like teaching and engineering, specify the type (primary school teacher, university teacher and civil engineer, mining engineer).

For members of the Armed Forces (i.e., Army, Air Force and Navy) you must go into greater detail to find out the actual rank and the occupational specialisation of the person. A soldier may be a motor vehicle driver, tailor, wireless operator, mechanic, gunner, staff nurse, etc. Similarly, you must not take an officer for an answer but inquire for further details. The officer may be a teacher, an electrical engineer, a medical officer, a pilot, etc. Soldiers and officers not having a particular trade or occupation must be entered as soldier (private), soldier (corporal), soldier (lieutenant), etc.

You must also distinguish between the following:
a. Food seller
b. Food maker
c. Food maker and seller.

Note that whenever you specify a seller or maker of a particular commodity which is only understood in the area concerned you must also write in brackets after it whether that commodity is food, drink, etc. For instance, you may write seller of aheyi (non-alcoholic drink), maker of tubani or wakye (food).

After you have specified or written the type of work the person did 7 days before Census Night, or the last kind of work for those unemployed, code according to appendix.

Ghana 2010 — source variable GH2010A_OCC — Occupation (major groups)
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[Questions P00-P20 were asked for persons in both the household and non-household populations.]

Economic activity -- P13-P17: Should be related to the past 7 days preceding census night
[P13 to P17 were asked of all persons age 5 years or older.]

[Questions P14-P17 were asked of persons age 5 or older who were engaged in an activity for pay in the 7 days prior to the census (per question P13a) or had worked before and were seeking work or had been engaged in voluntary work without pay in the 7 days prior to the census (per question P13b).]

P14. Occupation

If yes in P13a; ask: what kind of work did [the respondent] mainly do?
If P13b=1, ask: what kind of work did [the respondent] do before the break period?
If P13b=2 or 4, ask: what kind of work did [the respondent] do previously?
Detailed description of occupation ________
Occupation code _ _ _ _
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Economic activity (P13 - P17)

Economic activity questions cover P13a, P13b, P13c, P14, P15, P15a, P16 and P17. All these questions should be related to the period of 7 days preceding Census Night. They should be asked only for persons aged 5 years and older.

P14. Occupation

If yes in P13a, ask: What kind of work did [name] mainly do?
If P13b = 1, ask: What kind of work did [name] do before the break period?
If P13b = 2 or 4, ask: What kind of work did [name] do previously?

This question should be asked of persons who answered:

a. Yes in P13a,
b. Did not work, but had job to go back to (1 in P13b) and,
c. Worked before, seeking for work and available for work (2 in P13b).

For those who worked (i.e. 1 in P13a) you should record the work they did. For those who did not work but had job to go back to (i.e. 1 in P13b), you should write the job they will to back to after the period of absence.

For respondents who had worked before and were seeking for work and available for work, (i.e. 2 in P13b), you should record the last work they did before becoming unemployed.

For the employed (i.e. yes in P13a), write down the work the respondent actually did during the period of seven days preceding Census Night. For example, if the respondent has been trained as a lorry driver but actually worked as a construction laborer during the 7 days preceding Census Night, you must write down construction laborer.

In recording the occupation of the respondent, record detailed and exact description of the work the respondent actually did. The term laborer, for example is too vague. You should be more specific by indicating whether the person was an office cleaner, a construction laborer, a gardener, a farm laborer, etc.

  • In the same way designations like businessman, operator, civil servant, teacher, are too vague. They cover several groups of persons occupying different grades and doing different kinds of work. For example 'a businessman' may be a retail trader in spare parts or textiles or office machines. An 'operator' may be forklift operator, crane operator, or drilling machine operator. In the same way a civil servant may be chief director or an executive officer. A teacher may be a primary school teacher, a JHS teacher or an SHS teacher.
  • For those who sell items they themselves prepare e.g. kenkey, aboloo, fried fish, etc., you should indicate this by recording "kenkey maker and seller".
  • For those who sell food we would like to know whether they are street food sellers (i.e. selling food (cooked or uncooked on the street), food seller in the market or food counter attendant.

Note that whenever you specify a seller or maker of a particular commodity which is only known in a few areas, you must also write in brackets whether that commodity is food, drink, etc. For instance, you may write seller of Aheyi (non-alcoholic corn drink), maker of Tubani or Wakye (food).

It is also important to distinguish between persons who carry out their work by hand and those who operate machines which do the same type of work. The following are examples of such occupations:

a. Bread making by hand and bread production machine operator,
b. Labeler by hand and labeling machine operator, and
c. Launderer, hand and laundry machine operator.

These distinctions are necessary because these two groups belong to different major occupational groups.

For members of the armed forces (i.e., army, air force and navy), you must go into greater detail to find out their ranks, i.e.

a. Commissioned officers e.g. air commodore, air marshal, brigadier, captain, major, officer cadet, navy commander, wing commander.
b. Non-commissioned officers e.g. boatswain (navy), flight sergeant, sergeant (army), warrant officer, etc.
c. Armed forces occupations, other ranks such as airman, bombardier, infantry/man/woman, gunner, etc.

However, for civilians working at the Ministry of Defense or any other military installations, record in detail work done, e.g. private secretary, office cleaner, administrative officer, etc.

For officers working in the Police Service, Enumerators should also provide the rank of each police man/woman e.g. constable, corporal, sergeant, superintendent, etc. as the various ranks are classified differently.

Greece 1971 — source variable GR1971A_OCC — Occupation
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The following questions 13-24 should only be completed for persons born in 1960 or earlier.

The following questions (17-20) refer to the person's occupation during the previous week (7-13 March 1971), regardless of whether or not the person usually works.

If he/she worked during the previous week (questions 17-19):

___ _ _ _ 18. a) What type of work was he/she doing?

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[Questions 17-20 refer to the person's occupation during the previous week (7-13 March 1971) regardless of whether they usually work or not]

Questions 18, Type of work and establishment of work [omitted]
Question 19, Occupational status [omitted]
Question 20, Reason for not working [omitted]

Greece 1981 — source variable GR1981A_OCC — Occupation
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The following questions should be answered only by persons born in 1970 or earlier.

Occupation [Questions 11 to 14]

12. If he/she was working or seeking work (answer 1 or 2 in question 11) Answers to questions a and b must be specific. For question c, put an X in the appropriate space. If the person was seeking his or her first job, write "new worker" for questions a and b, and do not answer question c.

___ _ _ _ a) What type of work are they doing (or were they doing, the last time they worked)?

___ _ _ _ b) In what type of establishment, enterprise, farm, service, etc. do they work (or did they work, the last time they worked)?

c) What is their occupational status in this job (or in the last job that they held)?

[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Self-employed
[] 3 Assistant in the family business or farm
[] 4 Employee or wage-earner

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Questions 10-15 should only be completed for persons born in 1970 or before

186. If the respondent is working or seeking work then he has to answer the following questions:

[Omitted, a), b) and c) as in the form]

187. The type of work he is or was doing the last time he worked must be very clear so as to be coded according to the occupational codes.

If his answer is general or vague, e.g. "technician", "employee" or "merchant" or "public servant", more questions are needed so as to clarify e.g. "what kind of technician', "what kind of employee", "what kind of trade, whole sale or retail" etc.

[Bottom of p. 60 and p. 61 omitted]

[p. 62]

190. Question (b) "what is the type of establishment, enterprise, agricultural land, service etc. he works (or was the last time he worked)" refers to the type of economic activity (industry branch) of the establishment, enterprise etc. the enumerated is working or if he is seeking work to the establishment, enterprise etc. he was working last. If seeking work for the first time as before "young" will be recorded.

191. The answer to this question must not be general or vague as e.g. "shop" or "factory" or "company" but must clarify the economic activity of the establishment or service he is working (or was working last). [Examples omitted]

[p. 63 omitted]

[p. 64]

194. Question (c) "occupational status" the enumerated must answer whether he is (or was) employer, self-employed, assistant in the family business or agricultural land, or employee or wage earner.

These categories are clarified as following:

i) Employer is considered the owner of the establishment (either by himself or with partners) and is employing salaried or wage earning staff.
ii) Self-employed is the one that works in his own work without employing salaried or wage earning staff apart maybe a member of his family as unpaid assistant.
iii) Assistant in the family business or agricultural land is the family member working in the family business or agricultural land without pay, except his livelihood, within the time limits defined in paragraph 181.
iv) Employee or wage earner is the person who for his work is having a salary or a day's wage or by contract or percentage on the sales.

195. The employee or wage earner that works on contract but has the materials or is working with percentages on the profits is not to be considered as employee or wage earner. In these cases, he will be considered as employer (if he employs staff) or self-employed (if not employing staff).

Greece 1991 — source variable GR1991A_OCC — Occupation
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The following questions should only be completed for persons born in 1980 or earlier.

16. For those that answered 1 or 2 in question 15 (i.e., those who were working or were looking for work during the previous week) must describe:
a. The type of work they were doing the previous week (or did the last time they worked) question a1.)

and their activities, obligations, or duties in this work (question a2.).
___ a1. Type of work
___ _ _ _ a2. What were their activities, duties or obligations in this work?

___ _ _ _ b. In what type of establishment, enterprise, service, etc. did they work during the previous week (or during the last time they worked)?

c. Their class of work in this job (or in the job in which they last worked).
-Answers to questions a1 and b must be specific. For example, for an employee who worked as a salesman in a shoe store during the previous week (or during the last job), the answer should be written as follows: for question a1: "Occupation: shoe salesman"; for question b: "Establishment: shoe store." For question a2, the person's duties, obligations, or activities in this job must be described in detail.
-If, during the previous week, they were seeking work for the first time: write "NEW WORKER" in questions a1, a2, and b, and do not answer question c.
-Do not fill in the three spaces supplied for subsequent coding.
[] 1 Employer
[] 2 Self-employed
[] 3 Employee or wage-earner
[] 4 Assistant in the family business or family farm

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The following questions (12-25) were answered only by individuals born in 1980 or before.

12. Level of education
[As in the form, omitted]

[As in the form, omitted]

The question was clear and without problems. In the case of graduates of a foreign educational institution the code of the respective Greek educational institution was checked.

16. For the individuals having answered that they were working or seeking work describe the type of work, the type of the establishment, enterprise etc., as well as their occupational status.

The type of work referred to the enumerated individual's occupation or of that he/she worked last. For those that were seeking work for the first time it was entered the word "young". The coding of the occupation was based on the 3 digits ISCO 68 [88?].

The type of establishment, enterprise etc. referred to the type of economic activity (industry branch) of the establishment where the enumerated individual was working or for those that were seeking work, of that they worked last. For those that were seeking work for the first time it was entered the word "young".

For the coding of the economic activity STAKOD was used, based on the 3 digits NACE Revision 1.

For their occupational status [answers as in the form, omitted].

Greece 2001 — source variable GR2001A_OCC — Occupation
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Questions 15-26 below should only be completed for persons born in 1990 or earlier

18a. What is your current occupation (or what was your occupation the last time you worked)?
(Answer only if the response to question 16 was 1 or 2, i.e., "Working" or "Looking for Work.")
Give a full description (e.g., Assistant Accountant)

18b. What are your main duties and responsibilities at this job (or what were your main duties and responsibilities at your last job)?
(e.g., book-keeping)

Greece 2011 — source variable GR2011A_OCC — Occupation
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[Questions 14 through 16 were asked of all persons that are currently working or seeking work]

14. In what type of establishment, enterprise etc., did you work during the previous week or the last time you worked?

Give a full description (example, wool mill) ____

15. What is or was you profession (job) the last time you worked?

Give a full description (example, assistant accountant) ____
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Question 15 "What is or was your profession the last time you worked?" (Cases 1 or 2 of question 13.)
The question refers to the occupation of the enumerated individual who is working or if he is seeking work to his occupation at his last job, i.e. from the one he left, was dismissed etc.
The description of the type of work he/she does or did the last time the individual worked, these answers must be cleared to allow for the classification of population under the vocational code of ELSTAT. If the answer the individual provides is vague for e.g. craftsman, employee, merchant or public official, the enumerator should ask further questions for clarification such as, ''What kind of employee, what kind of trader'' etc.
We present below some examples of satisfactory answers for different categories of workers:
- A farmer who works in different crops, tree or other, e.g. cereals, vegetables, fruit trees, cotton, etc., will be declared "polykalliergitis" while farmers engaged in crop production of mainly one species, e.g. cereal, will respond, "cereal grower" etc.
- The farmer, depending on the animal breeding, will say: "cattle", "sheep", etc.
- The farm artisan will say: "driver or agricultural machine operator", "pruner", "bolia-facturer'', ''comb pickers'' etc.
- The employees of industrial or commercial enterprises, depending on the work that everyone does in the company, will answer: business manager, purchasing supervisor, sales supervisor, cashier, accountant [if going to graduate High School], assistant accountant [non graduates], typist, accounting clerk, salesman, janitor, elevator operator etc.
- Teachers should respond: teacher, secondary school teacher, teacher of colleges, teacher pro- nepistimiou, teacher of special education, teaching staff, tutoring or private technical schools etc.
- Civil servants must declare, in particular, the tasks performed and their specialty and, degree holding the service. Practitioners managers will determine whether they head productive or support positions, e.g. "statistician", "economist" "agronomist", "veterinarian", "pocies engineer", "typist", "clerk", "driver", "the programmer / PC", "electronic pilot sub- accountants'' etc. The term "civil servant" is quite vague.
- Chemical workers will indicate the one who deals with chemistry or in the laboratory, or as chemical chromatography, works with chemicals, chemical fertilizers, etc.
- The merchant navy officers will declare, as appropriate, "deck officer" or "officer engineer Nick.''
- Fishermen will indicate "sea fisherman" or "angler fish farm" or "lake" or "river".
- Workers in mines and quarries, as the work they do, will declare 'scrap and operator of engine", "ore separator" etc.
- Employees in metallurgy, depending on the work they do within the company, will answer "operator of roll'', ''operator of furnace melting", "smelter" etc.
- Workers in the textile industry will respond according to the work they do, "spun", "spinner", "weaver" etc.
- Workers in food production will reply "miller", "operator crushed beet machines" "slayer - skinned", "meat chopper", "canning" etc.
- Employees in manufacturing men's and women's apparel and footwear will respond, as appropriate, "tailor", "seamstress", "fur", "cutter" etc.
- The permanent officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers will state "military".
[p. 26]

Guatemala 1964 — source variable GT1964A_OCC3 — Occupation (3-digits)
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Educational and occupational characteristics
Persons 7 years old and more
[Questions 15 to 26 are asked of persons age 7+ years old]

Occupational situation in the month before the census

21. Occupation: What occupation or work did the person have during most of the last four weeks before the census? ____

If the person did not work but looked for a job, what was his or her last occupation performed? Avoid using general words as laborer, office clerk, etc.; specify the position.
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Educational and occupational characteristics

These questions should be asked exclusively of the persons who have informed that they are seven years old or older.

Economic characteristics of the population

The questions oriented to find out which were the economic activities of the population (questions 19 to 26) will only be asked of persons who are seven years old or older. Therefore, for every child who is six years old or younger, you should make an X in the respective spaces across the columns.

Questions 19 to 26 are of great significance, and therefore we request that the enumerator pay the greatest attention possible to the instructions that are given on the following pages for filling them in.

The questions contained in this section of the form have a certain relationship to each other, and therefore, if you do not put special care in completing them, you run the risk of obtaining incompatible information that will cause enormous damage to the posterior process to which the form will be subjected.

In general, the research of the economic characteristics of the population will refer not to the day of the census, but to the month previous to the census, which will be from March 17th to April 17th, 1964.

Question 21: Occupation

In the blank space that is provided in this question, you should write the word or expression that clearly and amply describes the work type that the person did during the month before the census date (March 17th to April 17th, 1964). When the person had more than one occupation in that period, you should ask and note the principal occupation, which means the on that corresponds to the work where he or she obtained the highest income. In the case of obtaining equal income in several occupations, you should not the one that the enumerated person considers the most important. For persons who did not work in the reference period, but looked for work, you should write the occupation that corresponds to the last job or employment that he or she had. If the person cannot inform about a previous work because this is the first time that he or she is a jobseeker, you should write in the space for the questions 21 and 22 the words "has never worked", at the same time putting and large X across the corresponding column of question 23 (occupational position). If the person, despite having a job did not do it during the four last weeks before the census, due to illness, vacation, strike or any of the other reason already noted, you should note the occupation that corresponds to that job, as long as he or she has conserved it.

[p. 48]

In order for the information noted in this question to be useful, it is necessary specify, without doubt, the class of work or the nature of his or her duties, since in many cases, because there is no special name for the occupation, it will be necessary to describe it in a few words. For example: installer of aluminum blinds, prepares food for sale, etc.

You should not use generic words such as worker, laborer, day-laborer, operator, artisan, employee, apprentice, assistant, volunteer, supernumerary, office worker, salesman, counter clerk, agent, and other similar terms, since none of them indicate a definitive occupation; all are ambiguous words that in the majority of the cases only indicates a relationship between the person and the employer. When it is necessary to use these terms, you should add those words that clarify the situation of the persons as much as possible, for example: loading worker, highway laborer, carpentry apprentice, driver's assistant, etc.

In the case of laborers you should investigate the name of the corresponding occupation, such as assembler, saw operator, carpenter, floor installer. For office employees and office workers you indicate his or her occupation clearly: typist, filing supervisor, cashier, treasurer, accountant, etc.

The same should be done for commerce employees, for example: sales agent, counter clerk, servant, messenger, etc.

In the case of servants, you should indicate if the person is a cook, general housecleaner, nanny, etc.

For workers in agricultural activities, the term "farmer" should only be used for persons who have an agricultural venture under their care. Those who do general tasks in farms, should be noted as "agricultural workers" or as "share-croppers" if this were the case. In any case, if the person does a specific job (cowboy, shepherd, corral worker), it is appropriate to note the occupation with this same detail instead of having general and vague designations.

In the case of professionals, be aware that what you should note the occupation instead of the profession. Of course, it can occur that these coincide. For example, it is common that doctors, engineers, and lawyers work in their same profession; however, it is also frequent that a doctor be an administrator of a hospital, or that an engineer be the manager of a business; in these cases, the occupation of the person does not coincide with his or her profession. In these cases, it is evident that the occupation of the doctor is administrator and the occupation of the engineer is manager. For this reason, the enumerator should ask for the occupation, and in the case of professional, insist in determining if the profession and the occupation coincide. That is to say, if the doctor works as a doctor, the lawyer works as a lawyer, the engineer works as an engineer, since it can also be that these persons are dedicated to agriculture or the management of a business.

Guatemala 1973 — source variable GT1973A_OCC3 — Principal occupation (3-digits)
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D - Economic characteristics
(For those 10 years of age and older)
[Questions 15 to 19 are asked of persons age 10+ years old]

16. Principal occupation

Only for persons who answered 1-3 in question 15.
[Questions 16-19 were asked of persons who answered 1-3 in question 15]

What occupation, position or type of work did you carry out during the week of March 19th to 25th or in the last job you had? ____

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D. Economic characteristics (for person aged ten years or older)

Ask questions 15-19 only for those aged ten (10) years or older.

Question 16: principal occupation

Ask this question only for people who fall within categories 1, 2, or 3 of question 15. If they do not, cross out the entire question with an "X."

1. How to ask the question:
Ask, "What occupation, trade or type of job did you perform in the week of March 19-25, or in the last job that you had?"

If the enumerated person states that he or she had more than one occupation, choose the principal occupation. This is the one at which the enumerated person earns the most money or spends more time.

2. How to record the answer:
Write the principal occupation stated by the enumerated person in the space provided. When you write it, use a word or phrase which describes exactly the kind of work that the enumerated person performs or used to perform. Avoid using general terms such as "worker," or "office worker" that do not provide a clear idea of the type of work performed. The following examples illustrate this point:

[The original document includes a table below.]

[Column headings:]
(A) Incorrect answer for principal occupation
(B) Correct answer for principal occupation

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: agricultural worker
Correct answer for principal occupation: cowboy; milkmaid; coffee picker.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: mechanic
Correct answer for principal occupation: auto mechanic; technician who makes dental parts; airplane mechanic.

[p. 78]

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: office worker
Correct answer for principal occupation: typist, secretary; bookkeeper; file clerk.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: teacher
Correct answer for principal occupation: primary-school teacher; music teacher; secondary-school teacher; university professor.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: construction worker
Correct answer for principal occupation: mason; plumber; carpenter; house painter.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: weaver
Correct answer for principal occupation: loom operator; hat maker; hammock maker.

It is important to note that in most cases a professional's job corresponds to his or her career. Nonetheless, some professionals may have performed work different from their area of professional specialty. If this is the case, record the job that the person did and not the career. For example, if a surgeon worked managing a hospital, write "hospital director" as the principal occupation. Similarly, if a lawyer managed a textile company, write "manager of textile company."

If the person has various occupations and cannot specify a particular one, indicate the principal one according to the definition given above.

3. Example
[This box contains question 16 of the section VI "people in the census household."]

Guatemala 1981 — source variable GT1981A_OCC3 — Principal occupation (3-digits)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
VII. People in the census household

Only for those who answered 1, 2, or 3 in question 16
[Questions 17 - 20 are asked for persons who responded 1, 2, or 3 in question 16]

17. Principal occupation

What principal occupation, type of work or position did you have during the reference week, or in the last job you had? ____
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

D. Fourth block: economic characteristics (for those 10 years of age and older).

Questions 16 through 20 are only presented to those 10 years of age and older.

Note: questions 17-20 are only presented to those who answered 1, 2, or 3 for question 16. For those answering 4-9, an "X" is marked in all of the spaces for questions 17-20.

Question 17: principal occupation

This question is only presented to those who were classified in alternatives 1, 2, or 3 in question 16.

1. How to formulate the question

What principal occupation, type of work, or trade did you carry out during the reference week (March 16-22) or in the last job that you had?

Principal occupation is understood to be the occupation that provides the highest income or that which takes most of the enumerated person's time.

2. How to record the data

The principal occupation is written down in the space provided.

A word or phrase that exactly describes the type of work that the enumerated person carries, or carried out should be used. Generic terms that do not give a clear idea of the type of work (e.g. worker, employee, office worker, or other similar descriptions) should be avoided.

To illustrate this further, the following examples are provided:
[The original document includes a table below.]

[Column headings:]
(A) Incorrect answer for principal occupation
(B) Correct answer for principal occupation

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: agricultural worker
Correct answer for principal occupation: cowboy; milker; coffee picker.

[p. 80]

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: mechanic
Correct answer for principal occupation: auto mechanic; technician who makes dental parts; airplane mechanic.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: office worker
Correct answer for principal occupation: typist, secretary; bookkeeper; file clerk.
Incorrect answer for principal occupation: construction worker
Correct answer for principal occupation: mason; plumber; carpenter; house painter.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: engineer
Correct answer for principal occupation: civil engineer, sanitary engineer, mechanical engineer, chemist engineer.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: specialist
Correct answer for principal occupation: agronomist, accountant, specialist in marketing, industrial expert, specialist in agriculture.

[p. 81]

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: technician
Correct answer for principal occupation: agricultural technician, biological and agronomical technician, technician in construction costs, technician in electronics.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: draftsman
Correct answer for principal occupation: general draftsman, draftsman in civil engineering, drawer of publications, illustrator.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: teacher
Correct answer for principal occupation: primary school teacher; rural teacher.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: director
Correct answer for principal occupation: primary school director, secondary-school director, director of institutes.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: professor
Correct answer for principal occupation: college professor, physical education instructor, language teacher, home education teacher, teacher for blind persons, professor of Neurological Units Institutes.

[p. 82]

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: professional
Correct answer for principal occupation: geologist, sociologist, anthropologist, economist, statistician, doctor and surgeon, accountant and public auditor.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: analyst
Correct answer for principal occupation: analyst in marketing, systems analyst, professions analyst.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: public employee
Correct answer for principal occupation: president of organizations (executive, legislative, and judicial), vice president of organizations (executive, legislative and judicial), minister of State, vice minister, comptroller of accounts, municipal secretary, executive director, diplomatic, ambassador, customs worker, official.

[p. 83]

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: manager
Correct answer for principal occupation: wholesale trade manager and administrator; manager and administrator of retail trade of food products; retail trade manager and administrator; manager and administrator of retail trade of clothing and footwear; manager and administrator of retail trade of vehicles, engines, and accessories; manager of manufacturing enterprise; manager of construction enterprise; financial manager; sales manager; administrative manager.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: administrator
Correct answer for principal occupation: manufacturing company administrator, construction company administrator, Montepío administrator, hotel manager, mining administrator.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: operator
Correct answer for principal occupation: operator of accountant machines, operator of ribbons and cards drills, radio operator.

[p. 84]

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: agent
Correct answer for principal occupation: air traffic agent, shipping company agent, station agent, tourism agent, broker, insurance agent, advertising sales agent.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: laborer
Correct answer for principal occupation: agricultural laborer, agricultural laborer of vegetables, agricultural laborer of cotton, milker, agricultural laborer of sugarcane.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: weaver
Correct answer for principal occupation: loom operator; hat maker; hammock maker.

Finally, it is necessary to point out that, for professionals, the occupation usually corresponds to the profession.

However, some professionals could have carried out occupations outside of their specialty, in which case the occupation carried out is recorded and not the profession. For example, if a medical surgeon acted as the director of a hospital, the principal occupation is recorded: hospital director; if a lawyer worked as the manager of a textile company, the enumerator will write down: textile company manager.

If a person carries out various occupations that cannot be limited to one, the principal occupation should be determined according to the instructions given previously.

[p. 85]

3. Example:

[These instructions refer to a graphic of question 17 of the census form]

Guatemala 1994 — source variable GT1994A_OCC — Principal occupation (1-digit)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
VII. People in the census household

17. Principal occupation

What principal occupation, type of work or position did you have during the reference week, or in the last job you had?

Describe the duty____
Office use _ _ _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Questions for persons aged seven and older only
If the person is less than seven, do not ask him/her question 13-24. Instead, go to the next person on the list.

17. Principal occupation
Occupation means the type of work a person performed during the reference period, or that he/she performed in the last week that he/she worked (unemployed).

[p. 62]

If the person has more than one occupation, the term "principal occupation" refers to the one for which he/she receives more income, or the one at which he/she works the most hours.

Ask, "What was your principal occupation, work or trade during the reference week, or at the last job that you held?"

[A graphic of box 17, "principal occupation," is reproduced on the left-hand side of the page.]

On the blank lines, write out completely the jobs stated by the respondent. Use words or phrases that give specific details about the type of job or work the person does or did. Avoid using general terms that do not furnish a clear idea of the type of work referred to.

Information about the enumerated person's job is important in understanding the economic profile of the country, which is important for economic planning. There should always be an answer if the person has a job. Do not leave this area blank.

Principal occupation
The following is a list of examples demonstrating correct and incorrect ways of recording occupations.

[The original document includes a table below.]

[Column headings:]
(A) Incorrect answer for principal occupation
(B) Correct answer for principal occupation

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: mechanic.
Correct answer for principal occupation: automobile mechanic, technician who makes dental parts.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: secretary.
Correct answer for principal occupation: typist who transcribes documents, secretary who writes letters and answers the phone, secretary in charge of sales files.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: construction worker.
Correct answer for principal occupation: plumber who installs and repairs plumbing, bricklayer who prepares mortar and lays bricks, painter of interior and exterior walls.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: engineer.
Correct answer for principal occupation: civil engineer, chemical engineer, electrical engineer.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: teacher.
Correct answer for principal occupation: urban primary-school teacher, rural primary-school teacher, home-economics teacher, music education teacher.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: cashier.
Correct answer for principal occupation: department-store cashier, bank cashier, factory cashier.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: agricultural worker.
Correct answer for principal occupation: worker who plants tomatoes, worker who plants corn, worker who milks and cleans cows, worker who harvests coffee or sugarcane, etc.

[p. 64]

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: sales clerk.
Correct answer for principal occupation: counter clerk in a fabric store, counter clerk in footwear items, counter clerk in hardware items, counter clerk in office supplies.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: street vendor.
Correct answer for principal occupation: street vendor of brooms, street vendor of candy, street vendor of variety goods.

For example, if a surgeon worked as the director of a hospital during the reference week, write: "hospital director (public or private)" as his/her principal occupation.

If a lawyer worked as a factory manager in a factory producing cotton fabric during the reference week, write "manager of a factory producing cotton fabrics" as his/her principal occupation.

If the person you are enumerating has several jobs, remember to write the principal occupation according to the criteria written above.

Guatemala 2002 — source variable GT2002A_OCC3 — Principal occupation (3-digits)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Chapter VII. Characteristics of the people

For persons of age 7 years and older
[Questions 12 to 20 are for persons of age 7 years and older]

[Questions 18 to 20 are asked of persons who worked or experienced unemployed]

18. What is the occupation, type of work or main occupation done or that you do at this job? ________

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Section 7: Individual characteristics

This section records individual information for a maximum of ten people - those listed in section 6, "total number of persons in the household." If there are more than ten people in the census household use as many additional forms as necessary.

[A graphic of the "individual characteristics", located at the top of section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

Person number: In the grid spaces on the upper left side of the form, write the number that corresponds to the person according to the order from the list of persons in section VI. The head of household is number 1.

Name: In the appropriate space, write the name of each of the persons who make up the household according to the order in which they appear on the list in question 3 of section VI. Begin with the head of household and continue writing according to the order established.

Information supplied by respondent: This is when the person interviewed gives information about his/her own self. Fill in the appropriate oval according to the information you receive.

Questions 1-11 should be asked for all permanent residents of the household in the dwelling.

Questions 12-20 are for persons aged seven or older.

The reference period for questions 16-20 is the week preceding the census date (from Sunday November 17 to Saturday November 23, 2002).

18. Principal occupation
Ask, "What occupation, type of work or job did the person perform in this job?"

[A graphic of question 18, from section 7 of the census form, is included here.]

If the person has more than one occupation, write the one that provides the most income. If they pay equally, write the one he/she worked at most during the reference week.

In the corresponding space, write the main occupation, type of work or job declared by the respondent, using words to describe exactly the task he/she performs. Avoid using general terms.

Examples of occupations:

If a surgeon worked as the director of a hospital during the reference week, write: hospital director (public or private) as his/her principal occupation.

If a lawyer worked as a factory manager in a factory producing cotton fabric during the reference week, write "manager of a factory producing cotton fabrics" as his/her principal occupation.
[p. 67]

[The original document includes a table below.]

[Column headings:]
(A) Incorrect answer for occupation
(B) Correct answer for occupation

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: Mechanic.
Correct answer for principal occupation: Automobile mechanic, technician who makes dental parts.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: Secretary.
Correct answer for principal occupation: Typist who transcribes documents, secretary who writes letters and answers the phone, secretary in charge of sales files.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: Construction worker.
Correct answer for principal occupation: Plumber who installs and repairs plumbing, bricklayer who prepares mortar and lays bricks, painter of interior and exterior walls.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: Engineer.
Correct answer for principal occupation: Civil engineer, chemical engineer, electrical engineer.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: Teacher.
Correct answer for principal occupation: Urban primary-school teacher, rural primary-school teacher, home-economics teacher, music education teacher.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: Cashier.
Correct answer for principal occupation: Department-store cashier, bank cashier, factory cashier.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: Agricultural worker.
Correct answer for principal occupation: Worker who plants tomatoes, worker who plants corn, worker who milks and cleans cows, worker who harvests coffee or sugarcane, etc.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: Sales clerk.
Correct answer for principal occupation: Counter clerk in a fabric store, counter clerk in footwear items, counter clerk in hardware items, counter clerk in office supplies.

Incorrect answer for principal occupation: Street vendor.
Correct answer for principal occupation: Street vendor of brooms, Street vendor of candies, street vendor of several products.

Guinea 1983 — source variable GN1983A_OCC2 — Occupation, 2 digits
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

For the population aged 10 years and above: Economic characteristics
[Questions 15-18 were asked of persons aged 10 years and above.]

16. Occupation ____
Write with the greatest precision the usual occupation that the person has, for instance: Farmer/Planter of, Wood carver/Cabinet maker, Shoemaker/Shoe repairs, Carpenter, Secretary/Typist, etc.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

C. Economic characteristics for the population aged 10 and older

Column (16): Profession

136. Indicate very precisely:

The current profession, if the person is employed (OCC)
The last profession exercised, if the person is unemployed (ST). For example, write:
Banana planter, but never planter
Cabinet maker, but never artisan
Shoemaker, but never artisan
Auto or motorcycle mechanic, but never mechanic
Medical doctor, but never doctor
Tractor driver or taxi driver, but never driver
Assistant electrical engineer, but never assistant engineer
Statistical engineer, but never engineer

Guinea 1996 — source variable GN1996A_OCC — Occupation
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

Resident population aged 6 years and above
[Questions P13-P18 were asked of resident population aged 6 years and above.]

To be filled out only for employed and available unemployed persons
[Questions P16-P18 to be asked only for employed and available unemployed persons.]

P16 Occupation ____
[The French text says "Occupation or economic activity practiced"]

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Column P16: Profession or economic activity exercised
By profession or economic activity exercised we mean:
a) "Job employed in" or position held" in the general case of a salaried employee, or;
b) "Profession engaged in" the case of a craftsman or a self-employed manual laborer, or of a professional, or;
c) "Economic activity exercised" in the fields of retail trade; artisanship; small and medium-sized businesses; transportation; agriculture; animal rearing; fishing; and the provision of services, generally for those who are self-employed or who provide the service as employer or owner.

For an employed person, ask the following question:
"In the course of the reference period, what profession did you practice or what economic activity were you engaged in?

The answer should be related to work actually completed by the person, and not to what he knows how to do, i.e., his professional training.

If the person was engaged in more than one economic activity during the reference period, ask him to tell you which he considers the most important, and write this activity in the questionnaire. However, do not write anything in the numbering grid.

For a person acknowledged as unemployed, i.e., who has worked in the past and has been without work, and searching for work, in the course of the reference period, ask the following question:

[p. 49]

"What was the last occupation, profession, position or economic activity that you engaged in before you became unemployed?"

The rules written above are useful to get the correct answer, which should be [written out] completely [in] the questionnaire. Be as strictly precise as possible when indicating the economic activity in question. For example, you should write:

"Banana planter," but never "planter."
"Primary school teacher," "secondary school teacher," "adjunct or graduate instructor," and not "teacher."
"Prefect," "Minister," "Secretary General," National Director," etc.
"Cabinet maker," "woodworker," "blacksmith," "shoemaker," "mason," "tanner," "weaver," "[dry] cleaner," but never "artisan."
"Donut seller," "peanut seller," "kola nut seller," "fish seller," "butcher," "street vendor", but never "seller/salesperson."
"Growing food crops,", rice planter, peanut planter, cattle farmer/breeder, sheep farmer/breeder, goat farmer/breeder but never write "agricultural worker," "cultivator", "breeder," "planter."
"Auto mechanic," "motorcycle mechanic," but never write "mechanic."
"Medical doctor," "lawyer," "university professor," but never write "doctor" or "teacher."
"Electrical engineer," "statistical engineer," "agricultural engineer," "civil engineer," electro-mechanical engineer," "forest resource engineer," but do not write, "engineer," "doctor in engineering," "engineering assistant," "adjunct engineer," etc.

Guinea 2014 — source variable GN2014A_OCC — Occupation (3-digit)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
III. Individual characteristics

Residents of 6 years or more
[Questions P22- P25 were asked of resident persons age 3 or more.]

P23. Employment activity

[For those who answered 1 or 2 in P22.]

What is the employment activity of [the respondent] performed during the last 7 days or while employed at their last job if unemployed? ____ _ _ _

Haiti 1982 — source variable HT1982A_OCC — Main occupation or profession
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image

D. Economic characteristics
For persons 10 years and older.
[Questions 17-21 were asked of persons 10 years of age and older.]

19. Principal occupation: What type of work does this person do?

(Profession, trade, job) ________

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

D) Economic characteristics
[Questions 17-21.]
Ask questions relative to the economic characteristics of people age 10 years old or more.

Question 19: Main occupation or profession
80. For the census, the profession refers to the type of work carried out by a person during the period of reference on which the data related to the economic characteristics are written down, no matter what the branch of economic activity or situation of the person in question in the profession.
For a person who has two or more professions it will be necessary to consider the profession in which he spends most of his time.

Haiti 2003 — source variable HT2003A_OCC2 — Occupation, 3 digits
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
F3. Population aged 10 and older
[Questions 21-28 were asked for individuals 10 years of age and older.]

25. What is this person's principal job in this company?

Honduras 1961 — source variable HN1961A_OCC — Occupation (2-digits)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For those who worked or looked for work
[Questions 17-19 were asked of people aged 10 years or older who worked or looked for a job]

18. What do or did you do?
Write the type of work done [by the person]

[] Farm manager
[] Butler
[] Agricultural laborer
[] Servant
[] Automobile mechanic
[] Watchmaker
[] Assistant
[] Cashier
[] Accountant
[] Other
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Economic characteristics
This section comprises questions 11 to 19 which are asked to persons aged 10 years or older.

Columns 17, 18, and 19: The last three questions are asked to all those who worked or sought employment; that is, to all those who have an answer in column 16 and those who despite not having worked all year, claimed to be seeking work.

Column number 18: What do you do or what did you do?
The type of work carried out by the person in the establishment declared in column 17 is written down in this column. For example: butler, agricultural worker, auto mechanic, carpenter, tailor, salesclerk, cashier, accountant, builder?s assistant, etcetera.

[p. 25]

Enumerators are begged to not use general terms, such as day laborer; the enumerator should write down more or less what the person does, for example: construction worker or road maintenance worker, coffee harvester, sugarcane harvester, insecticide sprayer, carpenter?s assistant, etcetera.

The enumerator should also not write down "office worker". For this type of employee, the enumerator should write: secretary, typist, expert [in an area]; for public employees, the name of the office should be written down.

Honduras 1974 — source variable HN1974A_OCC2 — Occupation (3-digits)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
C. - Economic Characteristics

(For all individuals 10 years of age and older)

15. What occupation or type of work did you engage in during the week of February 25th to March 2nd, or in the last job you had?

[Only for those who answered 1, 2 or 3 in question 14.]

For those who looked for work for the first time, write "new worker."
See instructions on page 41 of your manual.

____ Principal occupation
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
C. Economic Characteristics (For persons aged ten and older)
Do not ask persons aged less than ten any more questions from the form. Cross out questions 14-21 with a large X.

The answers in question set 14 are the basis for categorizing the population aged ten and older as economically active (employed and unemployed) and economically inactive (students, domestic work (unpaid), those who live from rental or investment income, retired workers and the disabled).

The questions in this section refer to the situation in the week immediately preceding the census date (the week of February 25-March 2).

Question set 15: What occupation, trade or type of job did you/the person perform during the week of February 25 - March 2, or in the last job that you/the person had?

Ask this question set only of those persons who answered option 1, 2 or 3 in the affirmative in question set 14. If the answer to these three options was negative, cross out the entire area related to question sets 15, 16 and 17 with a large X.

If the enumerated person states that he/she had more than one occupation, choose the principal occupation. This is the one at which the enumerated person earns the most money or spends the most time.

Write the principal occupation stated by the enumerated person in the space provided.

[p. 42]

When you write the principal occupation, use a word or phrase which describes exactly the kind of work that the enumerated person performs or used to perform. Avoid using general terms such as "worker," "employee," or "office worker" that do not provide a clear idea of the type of work performed. The following examples are provided to illustrate this point:

[The original document includes a table below.]

[Column headings:]
(A) Incorrect answer
(B) Correct answer

Incorrect answer: Laborer
Correct answer: Cowboy, cow milker, coffee picker, agricultural laborer, road laborer, construction laborer.

Incorrect answer: Mechanics
Correct answer: Car mechanic, dental technician, airplane mechanic.

Incorrect answer: Laborer
Correct answer: Typing, secretary, accountant, archivist.

Incorrect answer: Teacher
Correct answer: primary teacher music teacher, high school teacher, professor at an university.

Incorrect answer: Worker
Correct answer: Bricklayer, plumber, carpenter, house painter, bricklayer assistant, carpentry assistant.
[p. 43]
Incorrect answer: Weaver
Correct answer: Loom operator, hat weaver, hammock weaver.

It is important to note that a professional's job commonly corresponds to his/her profession. Nonetheless, some professionals may have performed work different from their area of specialization during the reference week. If this is the case, record the job that the person did and not the profession. For example, if a surgeon worked managing a hospital, write "Hospital director" as the principal occupation. Similarly, if a lawyer managed a textile company, write "Manager of textile company."

If the person has various occupations and cannot specify a particular one, indicate the principal one according to the definition given above.

For persons who are looking for work for the first time write "New Worker."

Honduras 1988 — source variable HN1988A_OCC4 — Occupation (4-digits)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
C. Economic characteristics

21. What is the occupation, job, or position that you hold or held?

________ _ _ _ _

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
C. Economic characteristics

21. What is the occupation, job, or position that you hold or held?
This question is asked to those who answered from 1-4 in question 19 and who answered "yes" to question 20.

[p. 52]

The type of work should be written down in the most complete form possible, indicating the specialty of the occupation in the space of the two lines provided.

Even though the occupation usually coincides with the profession, the enumerator should try to differentiate in the cases where applicable. A doctor can have the occupation of the administration of a hospital, an engineer can be the manager of a company, a lawyer can work as a court Judge, etcetera.

[These instructions refer to two illustrations of occupations.]

So that the enumerator can better understand how to fill in the description of the occupation, some examples of correct and incorrect annotations are given below. [The original document includes a table below.]

[Column headings:]
(A) Incorrect answer
(B) Correct answer

Incorrect answer: Laborer
Correct answer: Agricultural laborer, road laborer, construction laborer, cattle laborer, cow milker, coffee picker.

Incorrect answer: Mechanics
Correct answer: Car mechanic, dental technician, airplane mechanic, industrial mechanic.

Incorrect answer: Doctor
Correct answer: Hospital director, chief of surgery, medical researcher.

Incorrect answer: Lawyer
Correct answer: Magistrate of the Supreme Court of Justice, judge, legal assessor of a Ministry.

Honduras 2001 — source variable HN2001A_OCC — Occupation (4-digit)
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
Section F. Characteristics of the persons

For persons 7 years old or more
[Questions 12-16 were asked of persons aged 7 years or older]

14. What is the name of the principal occupation, job or post that [the person] does or did in this job? For example: corn farmer, furniture carpenter, bus driver, etc.

____ _ _ _ _
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Only for persons who answered in Block A
[Questions 14-16 were asked of persons who marked any option of block A of question 13]

Question 14: What is the name of the principal occupation, profession, or position that you held or hold in that job?
Example: corn farmer, furniture carpenter, bus driver, grocery vendor, etc.

Write, over the lines, the name of the principal occupation, employment, profession, or position of work that the informant states. When you receive answers that are not very precise, such as worker, employee, public official, laborer, employer, etc., you should determine with exactitude, what the task is that the person does.

In many cases, the profession refers to the occupation, for example: a doctor can have as his occupation being the administrator of the hospital, an engineer can be the manager of a business, a lawyer can have the job of judge, etc.

In many cases, the occupation is synonymous with the job that the person performs, for example: president of the Republic, president of the National Congress, municipal mayor, municipal official, executive secretary, school director, hospital director, orchestra director, etc.

[p. 52]

Some examples of occupations and the correct form to write them on the form:

[First column]
Police agent
Coffee grower
Corn farmer
Construction laborer
Assistant construction laborer
Barber or hairdresser
Carpenter, chair manufacturer
Truck driver
Animal slaughterer
Census enumerator
Supervisor of mail office
Nurse in a health care center
Make clay bricks

[Second column]
Make cement blocks
Make hats
Make tortillas
Wash and iron clothing
Butler or overseer
Baker or make bread
Elementary school teacher
Store manager
Tire repairman
Automobile vehicle repairman
Tailor of men's clothing
Planter of agricultural crops
Arc welder
Grocery vendor
Tortilla vendor

To strengthen knowledge, it is necessary that during the training you make a list of the most frequent occupations that exist in the villages and the municipalities.

Hungary 1970 — source variable HU1970A_OCC — Occupation
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
III. Occupation Data of the Person Enumerated
[Questions 16-22.]

For those who are 14 years and older (born in 1955 or earlier)
[Questions 16-22. Questions 16-17 determined employment status, and questions 18-22 were asked only of those employed.]

20. Occupation, main activity, post, scope of activity ____

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

20. Occupation, main activity, status, scope of activity
The occupation of the persons at the reference date of the census should be entered.
In case of persons having several occupations (having secondary employment, second job) the main activity should be recorded that is the one performed in the larger part of the year, i.e. the one regarded by the person as his/her main activity.

Precise and detailed definition
The occupation should be entered precisely and detailed otherwise the entry will not reveal the actual activity, assignment, scope of work of the particular person. Sweeping expressions such as labourer, outside worker, semi-skilled worker, merchant, clerk, foreman, teacher, etc. should not be used. Below you will find some examples of correct entries which of course relate to some definite cases nevertheless they might give suggestions for the details of the specification required.

Correct entries are e.g. trammer in brigade, operator of bolting-machine, carpenter, foreman of engine fitters, embroiderer, labeller, pocket gluer, digger's foreman, fruit and vegetable merchant, foreman in a finances, payroll-clerk, primary school teacher, etc.


Similarly detailed description of the activity is necessary in case of persons working as rapporteurs, executives, section heads, persons employed in technical, research and other. The correct entries in the later cases might be such as head of department/sanitary physician, rapporteur/mechanical engineer, researcher chemist, university professor/surgeon, etc.

Working in agriculture
As described above also in case of the persons having an agricultural occupation and members of agricultural co-operatives a detailed definition of the work performed should be given, e.g. breeder of animal husbandry, plant cultivator, guard of agricultural land, mixer of fodder, teamster, gardener, etc. In case of agricultural private entrepreneurs the following -- or similar - answers could be given: vineyardist, vegetable gardener, etc.

Agricultural day-labourer
The entry "agricultural day-laborer" can be applied in case of persons performing agricultural activity only occasionally and at the reference date of the census do not have a working contract and are not members of an agricultural cooperative either.
Private artisan, merchant and their relatives
The persons working in the workshop, store or venture (in general) of the head of household or that of one of the members of the household regularly and without material compensation should be regarded as family helper.

Persons who might have a family helper are:

  • Craftsmen (carpenters, bricklayers, etc.) as private entrepreneurs;
  • Merchants as private entrepreneurs.
  • In case of a family helper it is not sufficient to enter the expression "family helper"; the exact definition of the workplace should be registered too, e.g.
  • Family helper of a private upholsterer;
  • Family helper of a private fruits and vegetables merchant.

Unskilled worker

The scope of activity should be recorded properly in case of a person employed as unskilled laborer too, e.g. cleaner, roustabout, material handler, etc.

Causal hand

If the scope of activity of a person's work outside the agriculture can not be properly defined due the fact that his employer or activity is not stable, the answer "casual hand" should be entered.

Living from earning of land, house, etc.

In case of persons having agricultural land, a house or a dwelling for rent and their income is exclusively the rental fee received from the lessee -- that is they do not have a working contract and are not pensioners either -- the entry might be: "living of having sub-tenants in the dwelling", "living of letting agricultural land", "living of life-annuity contract".

Hungary 1980 — source variable HU1980A_OCC — Occupation, scope of activity
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Questions No. 15 to 18 to be answered by:

[Questions 15-18 were asked of those who satisfied one of the following four requirements:]
- Answered 'yes' to question 14
- Inactive earners data prior to child (care leave, retiring)
- Other dependents having worked 90 days or longer,
- Dependents who were not enumerated together with the supporter (supporter's data)

15. Occupation, scope of activity ____

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15--18 Occupation, general instructions

The recording of the occupational data depends on the answer given to question 14 as follows, if
1. The answer "yes": based on the last occupation;
2. The person on child-care allowance leave: based on occupation before the leave;
3. Pensioner, renter on own right: the occupation before retirement;
4. Pensioner, renter on derivative right: last occupation of the deceased relative;
5. Conscript, reservist on duty and imprisoned persons: occupation before enrolment;
6. Other inactive earner: the source of livelihood marked in question 15 will be copied, questions 15-18 will not be answered;
7. Other dependents who worked in 1979 more than 90 days: the working activity during the year in general; in case both agricultural and non-agricultural work had been performed and the agricultural activity did not last for more than 90days questions 15-18 will be filled in according to the non-agricultural work performance. E.g. in case during 1979 an "other dependent" worked for 50 days in a canning factory while 80 days in the agriculture as family helper, the information on the occupation will be based on the work performed in the canning factory;
8. In cases of dependents not living with the supporter, the occupation of the supporter.

15. Occupation, scope of work

In answering the question detailed and accurate description of the occupation, scope of work is needed. The main considerations are as follows:

1. In marking the scope of activity general descriptions -- such as unskilled worker -- outside worker, official, teacher, etc. must not be used;

2. In cases of persons performing leading-managing activity, the specification should also be marked e.g. head of department for product development, head of section in human resources;

3. In cases of ministries, state organizations, local administrative bodies, parties and social organizations, the categories head of department, head of section, independent group manager (and the deputies), chief official, official will be entered in general, while in cases of persons working in the accounting, financial and administrative fields of the former organizations the actual occupation will be marked, (e.g. accountant, finance officer, manager in accounting, typist, etc.);

4. In cases of transportation companies (Hungarian railways, Hungarian Shipping Co, etc.) and the Hungarian Post Co., instead of the given rank (e.g. officer, councilor, etc.) the actual job should be marked;

5. In cases of managers and their deputies in shops, warehouse departments, restaurants, and service units (barber shop, laundry), the number of persons employed should be indicated too;

6. In cases of foremen in agriculture, it has to be asked whether the occupation is independent and if "yes" this should be marked in brackets e.g. "(independent) foreman of working ploughs", "(independent) foreman for tractor-drivers ", "(independent) foreman in fruit cultivation";

7. In cases of private merchants, the description should refer to the definite trade, e.g. vegetable and fruit trader, merchant in dry goods, etc.);

8. In cases of family helpers, the description should contain information primarily on the person "helped" (e.g. member of agricultural co-operative, person working in industry though having agricultural activity as secondary source of income, private farmer, private locksmith, private merchant, etc.) and secondly if possible on the scope of the actual activity. E.g. "family helper working in animal husbandry helping a member of agricultural co-operative", "family helper working in crops production helping a private farmer", etc;

9. The category of "agricultural day laborer" or "casual laborer" can be applied only in cases of persons working in agriculture or outside only occasionally and generally not for the same employer;

10. In cases of outside workers, the denomination of the actual occupation should be
attributed as "outside worker", e.g. "underwear maker, outside worker", "draughtsman, outside worker";

11. Occupation of the professional members of the armed forces -- in case no Personal questionnaire was given to the enumerator -- will be marked as "employee of the HM" (HM=Ministry of Defense), "employee of the BM"(BM= Ministry of the Interior) "militiaman", "fireguard", "excise man", while the civilian members of the armed forces will be marked with their actual civilian occupation;

12. In cases of retired members of the armed forces, the mark is "employee of the HM" , "employee of the BM ", "militiaman", "fireguard", "excise man";

13. In cases of "other inactive earners," the source of livelihood will be marked and no answers for questions 16-19 will be entered;

14. The occupation in cases of "institutional dependent" will be as "institutional dependent" and the questions 16-19 will not be answered.

Annex 3 contains examples for registration of the occupation and related entries.

Annex 3

Examples for filling in questions 15 and 17 of the personal questionnaire

Manual (blue-collar) occupations

Skilled worker or semi-skilled worker [17 Staff group]

[15 Occupation, scope of activity]
Type-setter Miller
Cashier in a shop Agricultural vehicle mechanic
Bulldozer operator Tractor driver in agriculture
Crane operator Founder
Grocery shopkeeper Smelter
Turner Foundry operator
Radio mechanic Grocery shop assistant
Elevator handler in construction plant Detonator handler
Pig-man Hairdresser
Booby-hatch driver Milk taker machine operator
Assembler in clothing industry Motor mechanic
Body-smith Glassblower
Smith in general Producer of pneumatic tyres
Digger Roller(man)
Vegetable grower Order collector
Dressmaker outworker Knitter outworker
Embroiderer outworker Producer of paper products as outworker

Skilled worker [17 Staff group]

[15 Occupation, scope of activity]
Engine-driver Passenger car driver
Printing machine operator Track driver

Semi-skilled worker [17 Staff group]

[15 Occupation, scope of activity]
Janitor Walking plough
Excavator Mailman

Semi-skilled worker or unskilled worker [17 Staff group]

[15 Occupation, scope of activity]
Manual material handler Transport worker
Stevedore Cleaner

Non-manual (blue-collar) occupations

Leading, managing1 [17 Staff group]

[15 Occupation, scope of activity]
Head of production unit Manager of an agricultural plant in animal husbandry
Director of a general school Deputy Director of investment department
Foreman of construction works Technological director
Chief agriculturist Head of section of technology
Independent foreman in agriculture Director of a community centre
Foreman in a mechanical plant Shopkeeper in a butcher's with three vendor
Head of department for product Deputy Head of financial development department
Foreman in metallurgic plant Managing chief physician in a rehabilitation hospital
Chief physician of a hospital section Professor managing a university' faculty
Deputy Head of accountancy Plant manager

Specialised employee [17 Staff group]

[15 Occupation, scope of activity]
Teacher in primary school Judge at a county court
Internal controller Designer in civil engineering
University assistant professor Human resources officer
Specialist in power management Draftsman
Dispatcher in construction works Demonstrator at university of medicine
Mechanical technician Independent laboratory technician
Head of group in RD Head of statistics group
Cost accountant School teacher
Physician in a hospital Telex operator
District physician Nurse

Administrative employee [17 Staff group]

[15 Occupation, scope of activity]
Keeper of storage registers Stock-taker
Payroll clerk Bill accountant
Typist Secretary
Accountant Company cashier

[The shopkeepers in shops, restaurants, service stations employing three or more persons are classified into leading-managing staff group].

Hungary 1990 — source variable HU1990A_OCC — Occupation
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[Questions 15-19 were asked of persons who are economically active, work or get a child care fee or child care allowance, per question 14]

15. Scope of work (occupation): _____

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15. Scope of work (occupation)

The description of the scope of work (occupation) should give (detailed) information on the actual work performed, in case of managers on the concrete assignment. General denominations as outside worker, worker, teacher, etc. must not be accepted.

Some guidelines for marking the answers:

-- In case of persons in leading, managing positions, the concrete assignment should be marked too, e.g. head of technical department, had of section for product development, foreman of roofers, chief physician managing a hospital section, assistant professor leading a faculty, leading kindergarten teacher.

-- In case of persons working in intellectual occupations in the ministries, nation-wide organizations, offices of parties, mass organizations -- with the exemption of financial, accountancy and administrative positions -- the marking of clerk, executive, collaborator, chief collaborator, head of section, head of department is sufficient. In case of the exemptions, a more precise description is required, e.g. financial clerk, head of section of accountancy, payroll clerk, stenographer-typist, and accountant.

-- In case of persons working for transportation companies (Hungarian Railways, Hungarian Shipping Company, etc.) instead of the office rank (e.g. officer, councilor, etc.) the actual activity should be marked, such as external traffic controller, switchman, etc.
[p. 14]
-- In case of persons working as managers of a store, restaurant, service shop (hairdresser, laundry, etc.) the number of persons managed should be indicated, e.g. head of shoe shop employing three persons, etc.

-- In case of an agricultural foreman and regardless of level of competence (independent or not), the field should be entered, e.g. independent foreman of teamsters, independent foreman of fruit producers, etc.

-- In case of private traders, reference should be given to the goods traded e.g. trader in dry goods, trader in fruits and vegetables, etc.

-- In case of persons working for the armed forces or security organizations, it is sufficient to refer the respective body, e.g. employed by the M(inistry of) I(nterior), employed by the M(inistry of) J(ustice) employed by the M(inistry of) D(efense), fireman, excise officer, militiaman, etc.

-- In case of family helpers, the entry should give information on the supported person (whether is an agricultural private entrepreneur, member of an agricultural co-operative, private locksmith, etc.).

-- Agricultural causal worker or roustabout can be marked only in case the work is performed occasionally and usually not for the same employer. In this case the questions from 16 to 19 will be skipped.

Hungary 2001 — source variable HU2001A_OCC — Occupation
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Only for those who marked answers 10-11 in question 13
[Questions 15.1 through 18.2 were asked of those who marked answers 10-11 in question 13.]

15.1 What is the name of the main occupation and what activities characterize it? ____

15.1 Do not use general terms (e.g. civil servant, public official, pedagogue, entrepreneur, unskilled worker, administrator).

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Question 15.1: What is the name of the main occupation and what activities are characteristic to it?

The answer should be recorded by taking into account the work on the week preceding the reference date of the census. The characteristics of the main job should be marked in case those are different from the one performed immediately before the reference date. If a person has several jobs he should whether which is regarded as the main job. In case the person is not able to answer, the job performed in the larger part of the weekly working hours will be recorded.

The generally accepted and used denomination of the occupation, scope of activity will be marked (e.g. mechanical engineer, nurse, and barrister). An entry not indicating the effective activity -- e.g. civil servant, teacher, outside worker, entrepreneur, or office rank (like councilor, executive, post officer, etc.) -- should not be accepted. Besides the denomination of the occupation -- in case it does not define the activity -- the answer should give short summary of the main tasks of the person. This might help in defining the effective activity of the person.
E.g. in the manual occupations there are expressions which describe similar but though different activities.

A good example is the sewer. The sewer working in a factory producing ready-made clothing is performing only a rather limited part of the dressmaking. The same is in case of the sewer as outside worker. The work of the former persons is different from that of the one who is making the dress as from the cutting up to the finishing. Similar examples could be listed on the occupations/denominations as smith, mechanic, etc.

The description of the tasks while at works will show whether the activity expands to the whole process of the production or is restricted only to partial tasks such as operating the machinery, or similar (a possible entry is e.g. "assembly of different parts on a production line").
While recording the occupation a reference should be always given to the professional character of the job, e.g. pl. head of section dealing with tutelage, offence's executive, head of section of accountancy, account manager in financial institution.

In case of leaders, managers of the institutions, business organizations, and companies, the denomination i.e. the description should give guidance for defining the appropriate managerial level (e.g. schoolmaster, managing director of motor repair limited company, head of section of a trading company, chief physician of a hospital ward, university professor leading a faculty, production manager in a construction company, foeman in a weaving mill). If the denomination of the occupation does not give allow the proper distinction more detailed professional approach is required, such as e.g. economist designated with the management of a market research section, doorman assigned with supervision of the security services, physician assigned with management of the maternity section, jurist assigned for directing the legal section of the ministry, shopkeeper I shoe shop, etc.

The heads of a production unit (store, workshop, etc.) employing less than 3 persons is not a manager as manager; he/she will be recorded according to the profession (shopkeeper, auto mechanic, hairdresser, accountant, etc.).

While recording the occupation the activity and not the qualification is taken into account.
An economist working as market researcher is not an economist but a market researcher; a private detective graduate of the University of Law is not a jurist but a private detective.
In case the profession or rather the actual activity of the professional and contracted member of the armed forces (military, frontier guard) as well as of he professional member or civil servant of the security services (police, professional fire service of the municipalities, civilian security services, detention services, excise and duty offices)
Is equivalent to a civilian occupation than that will be recorded,
Has an explicit military, defense character the answer will be "employed by the armed forces" and the rest of the question will not be answered.

The enumeration of the occupation, activity of the civil servants of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Defense will be performed as in general.

In case the answer in question 13 is "conscript or reservist on duty", the answer is "conscript" or "reservist on duty" and the question from 15 to 17 will be skipped.
The enumeration of the occupation of the persons in civilian services will be performed according to the general rules.

In case of causal hands and seasonal workers, it is not sufficient to enter the status but also the definite activity such as e.g. cleaning, digging in the garden, repairing the roof, wood-cutter, etc.
In case of family helpers, the description of the activity should give information whether what is the activity of the persons they are helping and what type of activity they perform (e.g. if the occupation is family helper as roustabout it has to be described that the person is family helper of a carrier).

Hungary 2011 — source variable HU2011A_OCC — Occupation
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Personal questionnaire

IV. Occupation, workplace and transport

27. Your (present or last) occupation: ____

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IV. Occupation, workplace and transport

27. Your (present or last) occupation:
Write here the occupation the respondent does as his/her main job, or if he/she does not work currently, the main occupation he/she last did. In the case of somebody who does more than two jobs at the same time, indicate the most significant one, which is the one of which he/she spends most of the time.

Indicate the occupation/ field of activity with enough detail as to clearly establish the activity performed. Do not use general terms which do not refer to the activity or refer only to the assignment or rank in the office.

In the case of persons doing seasonal work, casual work, work for public and helping family members, it is not enough to write 'seasonal worker', 'casual worker', 'helping family member' but write in detail the activity done (e.g. sinking the garden, cleaning the road, cleaning, renovating the roof, stowage).

In case of military corps of the Hungarian Army the note should be 'official soldier' or 'soldier with contract'.

Indonesia 1971 — source variable ID1971A_OCC — Occupation
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Individual form
[Section I is the same as Section I: Household and Living Unit Information above]

IV. 10 years or older

[Questions 21-23 were asked of persons age 10 or older who had either worked last week, or have ever worked before and were looking for work last week, per questions 18, 19 and 20.]

22. Occupation (write completely)


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8. Part IV: For age 10 or older
All the Questions in this part are intended for household members age 10 or older. Skip this part and the Questions if younger than 10.

8.1. Questions 18 to 23
The Questions are:
Question 18: "Have you been working in the past week?"
Question 19: "What have you been doing in the past week?"
Question 20: "Have you worked before?"
Question 21: "Type/status of job"
Question 22: "What is your job?"
Question 23: "Industry"

H. Occupation
Type of work that is or has been done by people; also type [of work] sought by job seekers.


Doctor, dentist, veterinarian, pharmacist, dietician, health and food expert
Mathematician, statistician
Lawyer, advocate, prosecutor, judge
Lecturer, teacher
Architect, designer, technician, engineer
Writer, author, journalist, newscaster
Artist, sculptor
Interior decorator, planner
Composer, musician, conductor
Clerk, stenographer, postman
Bus/train conductor
Receptionist, correspondent, analyst, travel agent
Merchant, chef, waitress/waiter, bartender, street vendor.
Housemaid, servant
Fisherman, breeder
Bread/pastry/sweet maker
Cigar/cigarette maker
Clothing seamstress
Handyman, craftsman.

8.1.2. Filling procedure for Questions 18 to 23
The accuracy of the answer for these Questions depends on the enumerator's ability to ask the questions. To obtain the best results, follow these directions:

5. Question 22
If the answer for Question 18 [Have you worked in the past week?] is "Yes", ask for Question 22:
"What is your job?"

If the answer for Question 20 [Have you ever worked?] is "Yes", ask for Question 22:
"What was your previous job?"

Write the complete answer for Question 22. Use the type of job in the previous page. For instance, if a person works as a laborer, do not only write "Laborer" but elaborate whether he/she is a stenographer or a clerk; if a person works to produce something, write whether he/she is a shoemaker or a dressmaker, etc.

Indonesia 1976 — source variable ID1976A_OCC — Primary occupation during past week
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D. Information on economic activity

Ask of household members age 10 or older. Ask questions person by person.

D3-D7. Primary occupation during the past week
[Questions D3-D8 were asked of persons age 10 or older who worked at least one hour during the past week, as per questions D1 and D2.]

D3. Occupation

In what occupation was your primary job during the past week?

Write in complete occupation: ____

Coded by central office: _ _ _

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D. Economic activity

Questions for all columns in this section should only be asked to household members age 10 or older. For household members younger than 10, these columns should not be filled in at all.

Primary activity during the past week
For those who worked or ever worked during the past week, the first thing to investigate is the primary activity. If during the past week someone, besides engaging in his primary activity also engages in a side line or additional work, the investigation here is only concerned with the main activity whereas the side line or additional work will be asked about later. For those whose main activity was not work but had ever worked (at least 1 hour), then the work they did for at least 1 hour will be considered their main activity. What will be asked here is occupation, field of work, status, place of work, and duration of the work during the past week.

Column (4) type of activity/occupation
What is intended here is the type of work done by those who worked or ever worked during the past week.
For example:

Medical doctor, dentist, veterinarian, pharmacist, dietician, expert in some field


Health and food services.
Statistician, mathematician.
Legal expert, lawyer, prosecutor, judge.
Professor/lecturer, high school teachers, etc.
Designer, draftsman, mechanical engineer, civil engineer.
Author, critic
Clerk, expert telex operator, telephone operator.
Merchant, singer, newsboy, kiosk seller.
Housemaid, female servant, houseboy.
Barber, hair stylist, makeup artist.
Farm worker.
Baker, cake maker, candy maker, etc.
Dressmaker, tailor, etc.
Cobbler, cobbler's assistant, shoe repairer.
Carpenter, furniture maker, window hanger/glazier, etc.

Filling in the form
If a person's main activity is work or ever worked (D1 code "1" or D2 code "Y"), then ask:
"How many kinds of jobs did you engage in during the past week?" If only a single type of job was engaged in, then that job is referred to as the primary job. If he engaged in more than one type of job, then ask for which job during the past week did he spend the longest amount of time; the job on which he spent the longest amount of time is considered the primary job. Ask the question as follows:
"What was the type of work you did for your primary job during the past week?"
Write the respondent's answer as completely as possible like the examples given above. Thus, for example, for worker don't just write worker, but what type of worker, such as loads, unloads, and carries goods, construction worker, farm worker, etc. For teachers, give details such as elementary school teacher, middle school teacher, lecturer, headmaster, etc.

Do not fill in the code for column (5); it will be filled in at C.B.S.

Indonesia 1980 — source variable ID1980A_OCC — Primary occupation during the previous week (3 digit version)
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[Questions 31-37 were asked of persons who worked for at least one hour last week or had a job to go to, as per questions 27, 28 and 29.]

34. Specify your primary occupation during the previous week


Indonesia 1985 — source variable ID1985A_OCC — Primary occupation
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(Persons age 10 or older)
[Questions 1-17 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

Q.2 Type of main work


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X. Information on household members

A. Block VII: General information on household members
1. The objective of this block is to record information on items such as sex, age, schooling status, and activities conducted during the past week for every household member, starting with the member with serial number "01" and continuing to the last household member.

2. Method of filling out the form
Circle one of the codes corresponding to the respondent's answer, and then write the code in the box on the right.

Block VIII: Labor force (Persons age 10 or older)

Question 2: Type of main work
[Part of the instructions for Question 2 are missing]

The following is a table showing examples of type of main work, and how to record them correctly [table]:
[Column headings:]
(A) Examples of unclear answers
(B) Examples of clear answers

Unclear: a. Farmer
Clear: a. Processes/works on agricultural farm land; food crops (paddy, maize, cassava, soybean, etc.)

Unclear: b. Airline employee
Clear: b. Pilot; weighs passenger luggage; airline administration

Unclear: c. International hotel employee
Clear: c. Provides services to hotel guests during their stay; planning, arranging and supervising housekeeping or other hotel activities

Unclear: d. Shoe factory employee
Clear: d. Prepares the shoe sole; runs leather sewing machine; night watchman in shoe factory

Unclear: e. Casual construction worker
Clear: e. Painting office buildings/private dwellings/factories; digging foundations; installing building floor tiles

Unclear: f. Hospital employee
Clear: f. Provides treatment and advice to hospital patients; prepares the food for the patients

Unclear: g. Merchant
Clear: g. Sells food, drinks, fruits, vegetables on the side of the road; sells household wares from house to house

Indonesia 1990 — source variable ID1990A_OCC — Main occupation last week
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VII. Activity of persons age 10 or older
Household members age 10 or older
[Questions 24-38.]

24. The main activity done during previous week

[] 1 Working
[] 2 Attending school
[] 3 Housekeeping
[] 4 Other

25. Besides [answers] 2, 3, and 4 [in question 24], also worked at least 1 hour during the previous week

[Question 25 was asked of persons age 10 or older who did not work last week, as per question 24.]

[] 1 Yes (go to question 28)
[] 2 No

26. Having a job/business but temporarily not working during previous week

[Question 26 was asked of persons age 10 or older who did not work at least one hour last week, as per questions 24 and 25.]

[] 1 Yes (go to question 30)
[] 2 No

30. Type of main work during previous week (write down completely)

[Question 30 was asked of persons age 10 or older who worked at least one hour last week or had a job/business to return to, as per questions 24, 25 and 26.]


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D. Block VII. Activities of persons age 10 or older

1. Purpose
The purpose of the questions in this block is to collect characteristics on the economic activities of every household member age 10 or older, such as field of work, type of work, work status and number of working days/hours during the past week. The work force of the community age 10 or older is divided into two categories: labor force and not in labor force. The population age 10 or older included in the labor force are those who had a job in the past week, those who are working or temporarily not working due to a certain cause such as waiting for harvesting time, or is on leave, etc. Also included in this group are those who do not have a job but are seeking one, hopefully to obtain a job. Populations that are not in the labor force are those who in the [previous] week only attended school, took care of a household, or others who did not do any activities that could be categorized as working, temporarily not working, or seeking work. There are several questions that are specifically asked to people who are either working or seeking a job. Also there are some [questions] for the non-working force that attends school, takes care of a household or elderly people, or [performs] other activities. In order to gain confirmation of the total population that is or is not included in the labor force, several questions will be asked in this block. Pay attention to the arrows and instructions that arrange the sequence of questions.

Question 24: Most frequent activity conducted during the past week

A week ago is a time period of 7 consecutive days that ends a day before the date of the enumeration. For example, if the enumeration was conducted on October 14, the week before began from October 7 until October 13.

Activity covers the activity of working, attending school, a homemaking and others (for example, actively seeking a job, join courses, sports, or recreation). Those who are incapable of working are categorized as "Other".

Most frequent activity is the most time consuming activity compared to the others.

The most time consuming activity is calculated by comparing the time used for work, school, household work and others (actively seeking a job, incapable of conducting an activity, courses or sports). Leisure time used for relaxing, resting, sleeping and planting for working people, attending school, or taking care of a household are not used as a comparison.

Working is an activity of conducting work in order to obtain income or profits at least for one hour during the previous week. Working for an hour has to be conducted consecutively and continuously, including those who have a job but is temporarily not working. Earnings or profits cover salary/wages including all allowances, bonus and earnings from leasing, interests and profits in the form of cash or goods.


a. A person who conducts activities that produce grain (paddy, maize, sorghum) or palawija = second crop (cassava, sweet potato, potato) for self-consumption and mainly for fundamental needs, not as a hobby, is considered to be working.
b. A person who conducts activities that produce goods (not rice or a second crop) for self-consumption such as sewing one's own clothes, painting for a private collection, cooking for one's own family and fishing for pleasure, is not considered to be working.
c. Household members who help the work of the household head or that of other members, for example in the rice field, stall/shop, etc. are considered to be working, although they do not receive salary/wages ("Unpaid worker")
d. A person who hires machines/farm machinery, industrial machines, party equipments, transportation vehicle or others is categorized as "Working".
e. Housemaid/servant is categorized as "Working", whether or not they are a member of their employer's household.
f. A prisoner who conducts activities such as planting, making furniture or other is not considered to be working.
g. A person who rents his farm to another person and shares the products is categorized as "Working" if he/she is responsible or is managing the farm.

Attending school is attending classes in a formal school at the primary level or other levels (secondary and high), including those on vacation. For those who also go to school and work, the activity during the past week is the one which is the most time consuming.

Taking care of the household is the activity of doing household work/helping without receiving salary/wages.

A housewife, or her children who help with household activities, is categorized as "Taking care of a household". A helper who does the same activities but receives salary/wages is not categorized as "Taking care of a household", but rather is categorized as "Working".

"Other" are activities besides working, such as attending school, household work, those who are incapable of conducting activities, such as elderly people, handicapped or those who obtain pension and do not work anymore.

Circle one of the appropriate codes based on the respondent's answer; if the answer is Code 1 continue the interview to Question 28.

Question 25: Did you work at least one hour during the past week?
Circle code 1 if the answer is "Yes" then continue to Question 28. Circle code 2 if the answer is "No" then continue to Question 26.

Question 26: Employed but temporarily not working during the past week?
Circle code 1 if the answer is "Yes" then continue to Question 30. Circle code 2 if the answer is "No" then continue to Question 27.

Those who are categorized as employed but are temporarily not working are those who have a job but during the past week did not work because of several causes such as illness, waiting for harvest, or on strike. Also [include] those who had a job but did not start work in the previous week.


a. A freelance professional worker who is not working because he/she is sick or waiting for the next job, such as a puppeteer, masseur, native healer and singer.
b. A civil worker or a private worker who is not working because on leave, sick, on strike, or is temporarily relieved because the establishment has stopped its activities due to for example: machinery problems, lack of raw material, etc.
c. A farmer who is not working because he/she is sick or waiting for a next job, such as waiting for harvest or the rainy season to work at the rice field.
d. A person who is in the process of waiting to be selected as a worker or has received a letter from the company (although has not started working).

Question 30: Type of main work during the past week
Write down the type of main work as completely as possible. BPS-Statistics of Indonesia will give the codes in the box. Use the Indonesian language, do not use the local terms (mocok-mocok, bawon, matun, etc).

Type of work is the type of work that is conducted by someone or assigned by someone.

Non-descriptive type of work: descriptive type of work
a. Farmer: plant/cultivate field crops (rice, corn, tuber, string beans, etc).
b. Airline employees: pilot; weighing passenger's luggage; airline administrative workers.
c. International hotel workers: provide services to guests during their stay at a hotel. Plan, manages and supervises internal work in the hotel.
d. Workers at a shoe factory: prepare sole for shoes; operate sewing machine for shoes; night watch at a shoe factory.
e. Construction workers of C.V Mulia: paint houses/offices/factories; dig in foundation building for residences/offices/ factories; install floor tiles in a building.
f. Hospital employees: provide care services and advice to patients at a hospital. Cook vegetables, meat, fish and other food for the patients.
g. Merchant: sells food, beverages, fruit, vegetables at the roadside, sells various household needs from door to door.

Indonesia 1995 — source variable ID1995A_OCC — Occupation
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VI. Economic activity of persons age 10 or older
[Questions 601 to 615]

[Questions 604-608 were asked of persons age 10 or older who are employed, worked at least one hour or held a job but were temporarily absent during the previous week, as per questions 601, 602 and 603.]

606. Occupation in the primary activity in the previous week


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6.6. Block VI. Activities of household members age 10 or older
This block is used to collect characteristics on the economic activities of every household member who is 10 or older, such as field of business, type and work status and number of working days/hours during the past week.

The work force of the community age 10 or older is categorized into two groups: work force and non-work force. The work force are those who have jobs during the past week, those who are working or temporarily not working due to a certain cause such as waiting for harvest, on leave, etc. Also included in this group are those who do not have a job but are seeking one/hopefully obtaining a job. The non-working force are those who during the week only attended school, took care of a household, and others who do not do any activities that could be categorized as working, temporarily not working, or seeking a job.

There are several questions that are specifically asked to people who are either working or seeking a job, and also some for the non-working force who attends school, takes care of a household, elderly people, or other non-economic activities. Then there are some that confirm the number of people who are categorized as working force and non-working force.

This block consists of 16 questions: P601 to P615, beginning with the most frequent activity conducted during the week through the field of business during the previous year.

Question 606: Type of main work during the past week
Write down the type of main work as completely as possible. The Central Bureau of Statistics/Type A Provincial Statistic Office will give the codes in the box. Use the Indonesian language, do not use the local terms (mocok-mocok, bawon, matun, etc.). If the provided place is not enough, use the empty space of the page.

Type of work is the type of work conducted by a person or assigned by someone.

Example on how to write the type of work:
Indescribable type of work -- Describable type of work

  • Farmer -- Process/develop field crops (rice, corn, tuber, string beans, etc.)
  • Official of an airline company -- Pilot; weighing passenger's luggage; airline administrative workers
  • International hotel workers -- Provide services to guests during their stay at a hotel, plan, manage and supervise internal work in the hotel
  • Workers at a shoe factory -- Prepare soles for shoes; operate sewing machine for shoes; night watch at a shoe factory
  • Construction workers -- Paint houses/offices/factories; dig in building foundation for residences/offices/factories; install floor tiles in a building
  • Hospital workers -- Provide care services and advice to patients at a hospital; cook vegetables, meat, fish and other food for the patients.
  • Merchant -- Sell food, beverages, fruit, vegetables at the roadside; sell various household needs from door to door.

Indonesia 2005 — source variable ID2005A_OCC — Occupation
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VI.C. Household members age 10 or older
[Questions 626 - 629 were asked of household members age 10 or older.]

[Questions 627 - 629 were asked of persons age 10 or older who had work in the past week, as per question 626]

627. Main industry of your work.

Write completely: ________
Filled by CBS _ _ _

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7.7.3 Block VI.C. Household members age 10 or older

Question 628: Type of activity/occupation of main job
Type of activity is the kind of work conducted by someone or assigned to someone. The classification of type of activity/occupation used in SUPAS 2005 is based on the Indonesian "Type of activities/occupation classification (KJI)" 1982.

Method of filling in: write the type of activity/occupation of the main job as completely as possible to facilitate the processing, in particular in assigning codes at BPS. Use Indonesian terms rather than local terms (bawon, matun, etc.).

[p. 115]

Examples of writing type of activities/occupation
Examples of unclear answers

  • Farmer
  • Airline employee
  • International hotel employee
  • Shoe factory employee
  • Casual construction worker
  • Hospital employee
  • Merchant

Examples of clear answers
  • Processes/works on agricultural farm land; food crops (paddy, maize, cassava, soybean, etc.)
  • Pilot; weighs passenger luggage; airline administration
  • Provides services to hotel guests during their stay; planning, arranging and supervising housekeeping or other hotel activities
  • Prepare the shoe sole; run leather sewing machine; night watchman in shoe factory
  • Painting office buildings/private dwellings/factories; digging foundations; installing building floor tiles
  • Provides treatment and advice to hospital patients; prepares the food for the patients
  • Sells food, drinks, fruits, vegetables on the side of the road; sells household wares from house to house

Iran 2006 — source variable IR2006A_OCC4 — Occupation
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For codes 1 or 2 in column 23
[Questions 24-27 were asked of persons who are employed]

24. Occupation ________

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22. Working status, column 23
Fill this column based on the following directions for all the members of the household who are 10 years old and above and leave it blank for the rest of them. To define an individual's working status, you should know the definition of work.
Work: the part of economic activities (physical or intellectual), the purpose of which is to gain profits (cash or non-cash) for the goal of producing goods or demonstrating service.
People who work are distributed in two major groups; freelance (they work for themselves) and salaried (they get paid in exchange for their work). Pay attention to the following:
The following people's activities are also considered as work:
- Individuals who work for one of the household members without earning an income (working for free for family). These people are usually women and teenagers who help other members of the family for free in activities such as farming, animal husbandry, carpet weaving, etc.
- Individuals serving in the military service.
- Individuals who serve in the Basij militia and earn money from it.
- Individuals who work at their residence in order to earn money, such as carpet weaving, sewing, hairdressing, typing, tutoring, fixing small electronics, baby-sitting, etc.
- Individuals who are occupied with activities like carpet weaving and sewing in order to produce durable goods for their own consumption.
- Individuals who are building, fixing or redecorating their own residence.
- Individuals who are interning and are involved directly in the production of goods and service, whether it is for exchange of money or not.
- Women or men who are occupied with activities such as farming, gardening, animal husbandry, fishing, etc.

The following activities are not considered as work:
- Unpaid activities at home for other members of the household like cooking, house holding, taking care of children, etc., which are mostly done by women.
- Social volunteering services at charities and Basij, etc.
- Small house maintenances such as faucets and valves, fixing windows and small electronics.
- Investing in economical activities without participating in management or actual operations, such as the stock exchange or investing money in companies.

23. Occupation, Industry, "Employment status", Columns 24, 25 and 26
Fill these columns for any 10 years old and above member of the household who have worked in the last 7 days, or have a job but have not worked in the past 7 days for specific reasons (codes 1 and 2 in column 23) and leave it blank for other members.

- For those who have a job but have not worked in the past 7 days (temporarily absent, code 2 in column 23), fill these columns based on the usual job of the person.
- For those who have worked in another field other than their usual job in the past 7 days (code 1 in column 23), fill these columns based on the person's field of work in the last 7 days.
- For those who have worked in more than one field in the past 7 days, fill these columns based on what they give you as their main job. If the respondent fails to indicate the main job, consider the one they have allocated more time to during the past week, and if the timing was even for all the jobs, consider the one that they have more work experience in.

23.1. Occupation, Column 24
Occupation is the type of the work (based on the definition of work and its examples) which has been performed by the individual during the past 7 days. In case of temporarily absent individuals, occupation is the type of the work they have carried out during the time of employment.
All of the mentioned occupations for this question will be coded based on the standard international occupation categorization. Therefore it is necessary to write the name of the occupation clearly and detailed in this column.

- Usually there are different occupations at the work place, so take note to mark the one the individual is practicing. For example there are different occupations at an elementary school such as principal, teacher, janitor, etc.
- Note not to mix profession or field of study with occupation, because they are not necessarily the same. For instance, if an agricultural engineer is working as an accounting chief administrator, his occupation is the "accounting chief administrator".
- For those who have more than one occupation in agriculture, pay attention to define their main occupation. Agricultural occupations are: "farmer", "gardener", "saplings planter", "florist", "animal husbandry", "breeding poultry", "apiculture", "pisciculturist", "breeding silkworms".
- In order to define some agricultural occupations, such as "farmer", "gardener", "saplings planter", consider the following descriptions:

- Farmer is someone who works in planting, fertilizing and harvesting one or more annual crops, such as wheat, oat, rice, sugarcane, vegetables, summer crops, etc.
- Gardner is someone who works in producing permanent products such as apples, pears, grapes, oranges, tea, etc.
- Saplings planter is someone who breeds saplings and sells them to gardeners.

- Considering that some occupations, specifically in production like dairy, spinning and weaving, weaving carpets, etc., can be performed with or without the help of machinery, be specific in asking them about their occupations. If their occupation is with the help of machinery, mention "operator" in writing the name of the occupation; such as "dairy production operator", "spinning operator", "carpet weaving operator".
- In cases in which carrying out job duties requires different skills, consider the duties that need the highest level of skills as the occupation. For instance, if someone is performing both as a typist and archivist in a company, record the one which requires higher skills as his occupation.
- In cases in which job duties are related to different stages of production and distribution of goods and services, if none of the duties overcomes the others, consider the duties related to production as their occupation. For example, if someone is working in a confectionery both baking and selling goods, consider their occupation as confectioner.
- For military and disciplinary services' employees, except those serving military services, assign "military" or "disciplinary" where needed.
- For those who are serving in military services, either in military or disciplinary forces, consider "serving in military service" as their occupation; otherwise, consider their duties in the serving location as their occupation.
- For those serving in the Basij militia and this service is considered as their job and they are earning an income from it, write down "military".
- Avoid writing general titles such as employee, technician, worker, doctor, engineer, agriculturalist, teacher, specialist, free-lancer, shoemaker, goldsmith, driver, etc., because each of these general titles include several job titles which have individual codes in job categories.

The following examples are to illustrate this matter:

An employee might be an archivist, bank inspector, commissionaire, court's secretary, agriculture organization's supervisor, financial assistant, in charge of contracts, etc.

Job Title: in charge of contracts
Job code: 2441
Job Title: archivist
Job code: 4141
Job Title: bank inspector
Job code: 2490
Job Title: commissionaire
Job code: 3416
Job Title: court's secretary
Job code: 3432
Job Title: agriculture organization's supervisor
Job code: 1421
Job Title: financial assistant
Job code: 1427

A technician might be medical laboratory technician, census technician, electrical technician, dentistry technician, safety technician, etc.

Job Title: medical laboratory technician
Job code: 3211
Job Title: census technician
Job code: 3434
Job Title: electrical technician
Job code: 3113
Job Title: dentistry technician
Job code: 3225
Job Title: safety technician
Job code: 5161

A worker can work as a bath-keeper, construction worker, door and window welder, house painter, bookbinder, metal smelter, well digger, fruit picker, spinner, simple farm worker, etc.

Job Title: bath-keeper
Job code: 5149
Job Title: construction worker
Job code: 9314
Job Title: door and window welder
Job code: 7221
Job Title: house painter
Job code: 7141
Job Title: bookbinder
Job code: 7345
Job Title: metal melter
Job code: 8125
Job Title: well digger
Job code: 7126
Job Title: fruit picker
Job code: 9211
Job Title: spinner
Job code: 7431
Job Title: simple farm worker
Job code: 9211

A doctor might be a physician, dentist, hospital administrator, university professor, Member of Parliament deputy, etc.

Job Title: physician
Job code: 2221
Job Title: dentist
Job code: 2222
Job Title: hospital administrator
Job code: 1410
Job Title: university professor
Job code: 2310
Job Title: Member of Parliament deputy
Job code: 1100

An engineer might be company director, minister, plane designer, etc.

Job Title: company director
Job code: 1410
Job Title: minister
Job code: 1100
Job Title: plane designer
Job code: 2145

An agriculturalist might be a farmer, animal husbandry, saplings planter, gardener, etc.

Job Title: farmer
Job code: 6111
Job Title: animal husbandry
Job code: 6121
Job Title: saplings planter
Job code: 6113
Job Title: gardener
Job code: 6112

A teacher might be an elementary school teacher, middle school teacher, kindergarten teacher, exceptional children school teacher, etc.

Job Title: elementary school teacher
Job code: 2331
Job Title: middle school teacher
Job code: 2320
Job Title: kindergarten teacher
Job code: 2332
Job Title: exceptional children school teacher
Job code: 2340

A specialist might be a census specialist, job categorization specialist, public relations specialist, speech specialist, etc.

Job Title: census specialist
Job code: 2122
Job Title: job categorization specialist
Job code: 2412
Job Title: public relations specialist
Job code: 2490
Job Title: speech specialist
Job code: 3229

A free-lancer might be a land-agent, merchant, building contractor, peddler, salesman, cobbler, etc.

Job Title: land-agent
Job code: 3413
Job Title: merchant
Job code: 1424
Job Title: building contractor
Job code: 1423
Job Title: peddler
Job code: 9111
Job Title: salesman
Job code: 5220
Job Title: cobbler
Job code: 7442

A shoemaker might be a shoe seller, or hand-made shoemaker or machine-made shoemaker.

Job Title: shoe seller
Job code: 5220
Job Title: hand-made shoemaker
Job code: 7442
Job Title: machine-made shoemaker
Job code: 8266

A goldsmith might be making or selling gold.

Job Title: goldsmith
Job code: 7313
Job Title: jeweler
Job code: 5220

A driver might be train driver, motorcyclist, taxi driver, bus driver, truck driver, tractor driver, loader driver and crane driver.

Job Title: train driver
Job code: 8311
Job Title: motorcyclist
Job code: 8321
Job Title: taxi driver
Job code: 8322
Job Title: bus driver
Job code: 8323
Job Title: truck driver
Job code: 8324
Job Title: tractor driver
Job code: 8331
Job Title: loader driver
Job code: 8332
Job Title: crane driver
Job code: 8333

Iran 2011 — source variable IR2011A_OCC — Occupation (3-digit)
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Activity and marital status - For people aged 10 and over

Questions 26-28 for those who are working, doing unpaid work in the household business, or are temporarily absent from work

27. Job (It should be avoided to write general titles such as clerk, farmer, and self-employment) ____

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Column 23 -30, Employment and marital status -General description

[Picture omitted]
Fill these columns for individual 10-year or older.
Columns 26 -29, main activity of the workplace, job, job status, workplace
[Picture omitted]
Fill these columns if codes 1, 2, or 3 are checked in column 23, and leave it blank for the rest.
? For individuals who were temporarily absent from work (column 23 code 3) fill this column according to their usual job.
? When filling these columns for an individual who worked a job other than his usual one in the past 7 days [column 23 code 1] consider the most recent job carried.
? When filling these columns for individuals who work multiple jobs, consider the main job carried. If the respondent cannot specify the answer, the job that individual worked the highest number of hours carrying in the past 7 days is the main job. If the individual spends equal number of hours at each job, then the main job is the one that the individual has stayed with the longest.
Column 27, occupation
Occupation, is an activity, based on definitions and examples, which is carried by the individual in the past 7 days. Occupation of temporarily absent individuals is the one conducted by such individual when is employed.
[Picture omitted]
All occupations are named based on the International Standard Classification of Occupations [ISCO].
? In most workplaces there are different types of occupation e.g. in an elementary school occupation titles include director, principal, teacher, janitor, etc. Make sure to ask specific question about the type of occupation an individual carries in a workplace.
? Make a distinction between the field of study and occupation e.g. an agriculture engineer may work in the position of manager of accounting. In this case the latter is the occupation.
? Make sure to find out the main occupation if the individual is a farming because some farmers work in more than one area of agriculture.
? Have the following definitions in mind when documenting farming occupations:
[1] Field crop and vegetable growers are farmers who plant, grow, and harvest one or more annual plants such as wheat, oat, rice, sugar beet, vegetable, etc.
[2] Tree and shrub crop growers are perennial plant farmers who grow apples, pears, grapes, oranges, tea, etc.
[3] Gardeners, horticultural and nursery growers.
? Specify whether or not the industry is mechanized and write the term "operator" when necessary.
? If the occupation requires different skills, document the highest level of responsibility the individual carries e.g. for a typist who does archiving in the same workplace, document the latter.
? If the individual carries responsibilities from manufacturing to distribution of goods and does not single out one as the main job, document the job related to manufacturing. For example if the pastry chef sells the confectionary at the counter write pastry chef.
? Document the rank for serviceperson and police officers, except for privates doing conscription.
? For privates who are spending their conscription in military or police force write conscription, otherwise write the job they are performing in the agency.
? For paid individual who is serving in Basij militia write serviceman.
[Picture omitted]
? Avoid general titles such as employee, technician, laborer, physician, engineer, farmer, teacher, specialist, own- account worker, repairman, and goldsmith because each comprise several titles with its individual code. See tables on pages 118 - 122.
[Table omitted]
Quite often there is a relation between the occupation and main activity of the workplace. See examples in table on Page 120.
? Avoid general titles for agricultural and livestock farmers. There is almost always a relation between the occupation and the main activity of workplace, therefore, when documenting the latter, write the type of economic activity and the product. Document the traditional vs. industrial for farming activities. See table on page 121.
? See examples of occupations which are not related to the main activity of the workplace in table on 122.
Answers in column 26 and 27 are read by software.

Iraq 1997 — source variable IQ1997A_OCC — Occupation
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For persons six years old and more
[Applies to questions 46-52]

47. Main occupation ____

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47. The main occupation:
Mentioned the main occupation that the persons practiced who working full time or part time and unemployed persons are seeking for work, students, and housewives working part time and pensioners who are working.
The main occupation means the nature or type of work that the person practices and spending most of his time fulfilling it. The occupation must be written clearly for example (civil engineer, electric engineer, general surgeon doctor, dentist, etc.).
The domestic work of a housewife, students and retirement are not counted as occupation. As for unemployed who are seeking for work indicated the main occupation that they were practicing before.
If the person is working in tins factory he has to write the type of the item that is tinned

Ireland 1971 — source variable IE1971A_OCC — Occupation
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[Questions 14-18 are be completed for each person aged 14 years or older]

14. Principal occupation ____

If usually working for payment or profit, even if at present out of work, state here the usual principal occupation, giving a full description. For other persons, write as appropriate: "Home duties", "At school" (primary, secondary or vocational), "Student" (medicine, law etc.), "Not yet at work", etc.

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The Enumerator should check that, within his knowledge, there is no inconsistency between the answers in this column and those given in Columns 4, 14 and 16.

Questions 14, 15 and 16 are the most difficult and require the most careful scrutiny. Question 14 should be answered for all persons aged 14 years or over, while questions 15 and 16 should be answered for persons who have a job or who are out of work.

Question 14 - Principal occupation.
This question should be answered for all persons aged 14 years or over.

The Enumerator should study the relevant Notes in Form N with particular care as they cover most of the usual difficulties in regard to the statement of principal occupation. The heading of Column 14 refers to a person "Working for payment or profit" and this means, in effect, any person with a job. Thus, a person who is mainly engaged in assisting a relative on a farm, in a shop or in any other commercial enterprise should be regarded as having a job, even if he receives no payment, or no regular payment. On the other hand, a housewife, who assists in the family business, but who is mainly engaged in housework, should be entered as "Home duties". A member of a religious body should be considered as having a job, even if he or she receives no payment.

The Enumerators should ensure that the description of occupation given is precise, Following are examples of terms which are not sufficiently precise in themselves and of possible correct descriptions which should be entered in Column 14 in such cases:-

Incorrect entry

Civil Servant
Factory worker

Possible Correct Entry
Chartered Accountant
Manufacturer's agent
Shop Assistant
Ticket Checker
Civil Servant-Clerical Officer
Stores Clerk
Rent Collector
Building Contractor
Sales Director
Lorry Driver
Civil Engineer
Hosiery machine Operator
Gas Fitter
Garage Foreman
Maintenance Inspector
Dock Laborer
Drilling Machine Operator
Restaurant Manager
Furniture Manufacturer
Motor Mechanic
Gate Porter
Medical Secretary
Laboratory Technician

p. 25

If in doubt as to how a particular occupation should be described it is better to give a detailed description rather than to omit particulars which may be essential for purposes of statistical classification.

Ireland 1981 — source variable IE1981A_OCC — Occupation
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Q. 16 Occupation _____
If at work, state here the usual principal occupation, giving a full description. If unemployed or retired, describe the principal occupation previously held. For students or persons at school, state the type (secondary, community, vocational, university, etc.)

Question 16: Occupation

(i) If working, state the usual principal occupation (i.e., the one by which living is mainly earned).
(ii) If unemployed or retired, describe the principal occupation previously held.
(iii) In all cases describe the occupation fully and precisely, using any special name by which the job is known and stating the type of work done. The following are examples of the types of occupational descriptions which should be used: "Hosiery machine operator", "Dock laborer", "Gas fitter", "Ticket checker", "Woodworking machinist", "Builder's laborer", "Electrical fitter", "Goods checker", "Sound technician", "Civil engineer", "Garage foreman", "Radio mechanic", "Laboratory technician", "Electrical engineer", "Site foreman", "Motor mechanic". General terms such as "Machine operator", "Technician", "Laborer", "Engineer", "Fitter", "Foreman", "Checker", or "Mechanic" should not be used alone.
(iv) For civil servants and local government employees, the grade should be stated. For Army or Garda personnel, the rank should be stated.
(v) For teachers, the branch of teaching should be stated (e.g., "Primary teacher", "Vocational teacher", etc.)
(vi) For clergy and members of religious orders engaged in teaching or other service, a full description should be given, such as "Christian Brother, primary teacher", "Nun, general hospital nurse", etc.
(vii) For students or persons in school, state the type of school or institution (e.g. "Secondary", "Community", "Vocational", "University", etc.)

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Q.15 to Q.19:
The Questions on the person's position in regard to employment (Questions 15-19) are the most difficult to check and require the most careful study. These Questions should be answered for each persons aged 15 years and over. (i.e. born on or before 5 April, 1966). Answers in respect of persons aged under 15 should be ignored.

Q.16: Occupation
You should study the relevant Note with particular care as it covers most of the usual difficulties experienced in answering this Question. The Occupation must be given for every person in Category 1, 3 or 6 at Question 15. The type of educational establishment being attended should be stated for a person in Category 4 at Question 15. You may observe apparent discrepancies between the answers to Question 15 and 16 (e.g. an Occupation stated at Question 16 for a person categorised as "at School Student" at Question 15) but you need not take any action in this regard. Note however, that there is a tendency for housewives to be described as "Home (or Domestic) Duties" in reply to the question on Occupation. Such an entry is a valid one only when it relates to a domestic servant and it should be struck out if is given for a housewife.

You should ensure that the description of the Occupation is precise. Following are examples of terms which are not sufficiently precise in themselves and of possible correct descriptions which should be entered in such cases:-

Inadequate entry
Civil Servant
Factory Worker

Possible Correct Entry
Chartered Accountant
Manufacturer's Agent
Shop Assistant
Ticket Checker
Civil Servant - Clerical Officer
Stores Clerk
Rent Collector
Building Contractor
Sales Director
Lorry Driver
Civil Engineer
Hosiery Machine Operator
Gas Fitter
Garage Foreman
Maintenance Inspector
Dock Labourer
Drilling Machine Operator
Restaurant Manager
Furniture Manufacturer
Motor Mechanic
Gate Porter
Medical Secretary
Laboratory Technician

If in doubt as to how a particular occupation should, be described, it is better to give a detailed description rather than to omit particulars which may be essential for purposes of valid statistical classification.

Ireland 1986 — source variable IE1986A_OCC — Occupation group
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[Questions 15-22 relate to persons aged 15 years or over]

Q.16 Occupation___

If at work, state here the usual principal occupation, giving a full description. In unemployed or retired, describe the principal occupation previously held. For students or persons at school, state the type (secondary, community, vocational, university, etc)

Question 16: Occupation

(i) If working, state the usual principal occupation (i.e., the one by which living is mainly earned).
(ii) If unemployed or retired, describe the principal occupation previously held.
(iii) In all cases describe the occupation fully and precisely, using any special name by which the job is known and stating the type of work done. The following are examples of the types of occupational descriptions which should be used: "Hosiery machine operator", "Dock laborer", "Gas fitter", "Ticket checker", "Woodworking machinist", "Builder's laborer", "Electrical fitter", "Goods checker", "Sound technician", "Civil engineer", "Garage foreman", "Radio mechanic", "Laboratory technician", "Electrical engineer", "Site foreman", "Motor mechanic". General terms such as "Machine operator", "Technician", "Laborer", "Engineer", "Fitter", "Foreman", "Checker", or "Mechanic" should not be used alone.
(iv) For civil servants and local government employees, the grade should be stated. For Army or Garda personnel, the rank should be stated.
(v) For teachers, the branch of teaching should be stated (e.g., "Primary teacher", "Vocational teacher", etc.)
(vi) For clergy and members of religious orders engaged in teaching or other service, a full description should be given, such as "Christian Brother, primary teacher", "Nun, general hospital nurse", etc.
(vii) For students or persons in school, state the type of school or institution (e.g. "Secondary", "Community", "Vocational", "University", etc.)
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Q.15 to Q.20:
The questions on the person's position in regard to employment (questions 15-20) are the most difficult to check and require the most careful study. These Questions should be answered for each person aged 15 years and over (i.e., born on or before 13 April, 1971). For persons younger than 15, these questions should be ignored.

Q. 16: Occupation
You should study the relevant Note with particular care as it covers most of the usual difficulties experienced in answering this Question. The occupation must be given for every person in
Category 1, 3, or 6 on Question 15. The type of educational establishment being attended should be stated for a person in Category 4 at Question 15. You may observe apparent discrepancies between the answers to Questions 15 and 16 (e.g. an occupation stated at Question 16 for a person categorised as "At school, student" at Question 15) but you need not take any action in this regard. Note however, that there is a tendency for housewives to be described as "Home (or
domestic) duties" in reply to the question on occupation. Such an entry is a valid one only when it relates to a domestic servant and it should be struck out if it is given for a housewife.

You should ensure that the description of the occupation is precise. Following are examples of terms which are not sufficiently precise in themselves and of possible correct descriptions which should be entered in such cases:

[The table illustrating inadequate entry and possible correct entry has been omitted]

If in doubt as to how a particular occupation should be described, it is better to give a detailed description rather than to omit particulars which may be essential for purposes of valid statistical classification.

Ireland 1991 — source variable IE1991A_OCC — Occupation group
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[Questions 16-24 relate to persons aged 15 years and over]

Q.20 Occupation ___

If at work, state here the usual principal occupation, giving a full description. If unemployed or retired, describe the principal occupation previously held. Persons described as farmers or farm workers should also state the area of the land currently/previously farmed. For students or persons at school state the type of school (secondary, community, vocational, university, etc.).
Explanatory notes

Question 20: Occupation

(i) If at work, state the usual principal occupation: i.e., that by which the living is mainly earned.
(ii) If unemployed or retired, describe the principal occupation previously held.
(iii) In all cases, describe the occupation fully and precisely using any special name by which the job is known and stating the type of work done. The following are examples of the types of occupational descriptions which should be used: "Hosiery machine operator", "Dock laborer", "Gas fitter", "Ticket checker", "Woodworking machinist", "Builder's laborer", "Electrical fitter", "Goods checker", "Sound technician", "Civil engineer", "Garage foreman", "Radio mechanic", "Laboratory technician", "Electrical engineer", "Site foreman", "Motor mechanic".
General terms such as "Machine operator", "Technician", "Laborer", "Engineer", "Fitter", "Foreman", "Checker", "Mechanic" should not be used alone.
(iv) For civil servants and local government employees, the grade should be stated. For Army or Garda personnel, the rank should be stated.
(v) For teachers, the branch of teaching should be stated: i.e., "Primary teacher", "Vocational teacher", etc.
(vi) For clergy and members of religious orders engaged in teaching or other service, a full description should be given, such as "Christian brother, primary teacher", "Nun, general hospital nurse", etc.
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Appendix 1

Q.19 through Q.23: Employment
The questions on the person's position in regard to employment (Questions 19-23) are the most difficult to check and require the most careful study. These questions should be answered for all persons aged 15 years and over (i.e., born on or before 21 April, 1976). Answers in respect of persons aged younger than 15 should be ignored.

Q.20: Occupation
You should study the relevant Notes with particular care, as it covers most of the usual difficulties experienced in answering this question. The occupation must be given for every person in Category 1, 3, or 6 at Question 19. The type of educational establishment being attended should be stated for a person in Category 4 at Question 19. You may observe apparent discrepancies between the answers to Questions 19 and 20 (e.g., an occupation stated at Question 20 for a person categorized as "School student" at Question 19) but you need not take any action in this regard. Note however, that there is a tendency for housewives to be described as "Home (or domestic) duties" in reply to the question on Occupation. Such an entry is a valid one only when it relates to a domestic servant and it should be struck out if it is given for a housewife.

Q.24: Farming activity
This question attempts to identify all persons engaged in farming on their own behalf regardless of their principal occupation. Accordingly, there should be a "Yes" entry here (option 1 chosen) in all cases where the occupation "Farmer" is entered at Question 20 and category 1 chosen at Question 19. For other combinations of Questions 19 and 20 either option 2 or 3 is valid. In particular, a farm labourer who does not farm in his spare time for himself should choose option 3.

Ireland 1996 — source variable IE1996A_OCC — Occupation
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[Questions 15-24 were asked of persons 15 years and over]

Q.19 Occupation ________

If at work, state here the usual principal occupation, giving a full description.
If unemployed or retired, describe the principal occupation previously held.
Persons described as farmers or farm workers should also state the area of the land currently/previously farmed.
Explanatory notes

[Questions 15-24 relate only to persons aged 15 years and over]

Question 19 - Occupation

  • If at work, state the usual principal occupation i.e. that by which the living is mainly earned.
  • If unemployed or retired, describe the principal occupation previously held.
  • In all cases describe the occupation fully and precisely using any special name by which the job is known and stating the type of work done. The following are examples of the types of occupational descriptions which should be used:
    • Retail store/shop manager
    • Computer systems manager
    • Garage manager
    • Civil engineer
    • Electrical engineer
    • Software engineer
    • Trainee chartered accountant
    • Laboratory technician
    • Electronic technician
    • Analyst/programmer
    • Secretary/receptionist
    • Gas fitter
    • Motor mechanic
    • Wood machinist
    • Ticket checker
    • Child minder
    • Food process worker
    • Chemical plant operator
    • Builder's labourer
    • Dock labourer
  • General terms such as "Manager", "Accountant", "Contractor", "Machine operator", "Technician", "Labourer", "Engineer", "Fitter", "Foreman", "Checker", "Mechanic", should not be used alone.
  • For civil servants and local government employees, the grade should be stated. For Army or Garda personnel, .the rank should be stated.
  • For teachers, the branch of teaching should be stated, i.e. ''primary teacher", "vocational teacher", etc.
  • For clergy and members of religious orders engaged in teaching or other service, a full description should be given such as "Christian Brother, primary teacher", "Nun, general hospital nurse", etc.
  • If a farmer or farm worker, regardless of present status (Question 18), state also the area and units (statute acres/hectares) of the land farmed (i.e. including land taken and excluding land left.
  • Specifically, if retired, then state the area farmed at retirement.
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Questions which cover persons 15 years and over

Q.19: Occupation
The Occupation must be provided for every person who ticks boxes 1,3 or 6 at Question 18. Housewives (i.e.) those who ticked (box 5 at Q.18) often answer this question by writing 'Home (or Domestic) Duties' as their occupation. Although inappropriate, no attempt should be made to alter this response.
You should ensure that the description of the Occupation is precise. In the list below some examples of correct and inadequate occupation descriptions are given:
Inadequate Entry
Process worker
Machine operator
Possible Correct Entry
Secretary /receptionist
Child minder
Food process worker
Chemical plant operator
Retail store/shop manager
Computer systems manager
Garage manager
Trainee chartered accountant
Wood Machinist
Laboratory technician
Electronic technician
Builder's labourer
Dock worker
Electrical engineer
Civil engineer
Software engineer
Gas fitter
Garage foreman
Ticket checker
Motor mechanic
If in doubt as to how a particular occupation should be described, it is better to give a full and detailed description. Particular care should be taken to ensure that, in the case of farmers or farm workers and regardless of present status, the area of the farm is inserted.

Ireland 2002 — source variable IE2002A_OCC — Occupation
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[Questions 20-26 apply to people aged 15 and over]

25 If you are:

  • Working for payment or profit (Q24 box 1)
  • Unemployed (Q24 box 3)
  • retired (Q24 box 6)

Answer the following questions about your main job or your last main job if you are not currently employed. Otherwise skip to Q32.

27 What is (was) your occupation in your main job?

In all cases describe the occupation fully and precisely giving the full job title.

Use precise terms such as: "Retail store manager", "Building contractor", "Printing machine operator", "Secondary teacher", "Electrical engineer", or "Builders laborer".

Do NOT use general terms such as: "Manager", "Contractor", "Machine operator, Teacher", "Engineer", or "Laborer". Civil servants and local government employees should state their grade (e.g., "Clerical officer"). Garda or Army [should] state their rank (e.g., "Garda sergeant"). Teachers should state the brach of teaching (e.g., "Primary teacher"). Clergy and religious orders should give a full description (e.g., "Nun registered general nurse").

Write your main occupation________

If a farmer or farm worker, write the size of the farm:
_ _ _ _ Acres or _ _ _ _ hectares

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Questions 26 to 31 are to be answered by persons who are working for payment or profit, unemployed or retired (i.e., those who have ticked boxes 1, 3, or 6 for question 24).

27. What is (was) your occupation in your main job?

In all cases describe the occupation fully and precisely giving the full job title.

Write your main OCCUPATION. _______
If a farmer or farm worker, write the SIZE of the farm.
_ _ _ _ Acres OR _ _ _ _ Hectares

The information that Question 27 will provide is used to build a picture of occupational groups and how occupations are changing over time.

Ireland 2006 — source variable IE2006A_OCC — Occupation group
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B. Person Form

27. If you are:

- working for payment or profit (Q26 box 1)
- unemployed (Q 26 box 3)
- retired (Q26 box 6)

Answer the following questions about your main job or your last main job if you are not currently employed. Otherwise, skip to Q34.

29. What is (was) your occupation in your main job? In all cases, describe the occupation fully and precisely giving the full job title. Use precise terms such as "Retail store manager" or "Secondary teacher". Civil servants and local government employees should state their grade e.g. "Senior administrative officer".

Write your main occupation______

If a farmer or worker, write in the size of the farm: ___ hectares
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Questions 28 to 33 are to be answered by persons who are working for payment or profit, unemployed or retired (.i.e. Those who have ticked boxes 1, 3, or 5 for question 26).

29. What is (was) your occupation in your main job?

In all cases, describe the occupation fully and precisely giving the full job title.
Use precise terms such as:
Retail Store Manager
Secondary Teacher
Electrical Engineer
Do not use general terms such as:
Civil servants and local government employees should state their grade e.g. Senior administrative officer. Members of the Garda or Army should state their rank. Teachers should state the branch of teaching e. g. Primary teacher. Clergy and religious orders should give full description e.g. Nun

Write in your main occupation.

If a farmer or worker, write in the size of the farm.
___ Hectares

The information that Question 29 will provide is used to build a picture of occupational groups and how occupations are changing over time.

Some guidelines on answering question 29:

  • The Occupation must be provided for every person who ticked
Working for payment or profit
Retired from employment in Q26.
  • Housewives (i.e. those who ticked box 5 at Q26) often answer this question by writing 'Home (or Domestic) Duties' as their occupation. Although inappropriate, no attempt should be made to alter this response.
  • You should ensure that the description of the Occupation is precise in accordance with the question instructions.
  • If asked, you should advise the householder/person to describe their Occupation in precise terms. In the list below some examples of correct and inadequate occupation descriptions are given:
Inadequate Entry / Possible Correct entry
Analyst / Analyst programmer
Secretary / Secretary receptionist
Minder / Child minder
Process worker / Food process worker
Operator / Chemical plant operator
Manager / Retail store/shop manager
Manager / Computer systems manager
Manager / Garage manager
Accountant / Trainee chartered accountant
Machine operator / Wood machinist
Technician / Medical laboratory technician
Technician / Electronic technician
Labourer / Builder's labourer
Worker / Dock worker
Engineer / Electrical engineer
Engineer / Civil engineer
Engineer / Software engineer
Fitter / Gas fitter
Foreman / Garage foreman
Checker / Ticket checker
Mechanic / Motor mechanic
  • If in doubt as to how a particular occupation should be described, it is better to give a full and detailed description.
  • Hectares should only be answered by a farmer or farm worker.

Ireland 2011 — source variable IE2011A_OCC — Occupation (shuffled)
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23. If you are aged under 15
Go to Q34
[Questions 24-33 were asked for persons age 15+.]
28. If you are working, unemployed or retired, go to Q29.
If you are a student, go to Q34.
Otherwise, go to Q35.

[Q29-Q33 were asked for persons who were working, unemployed or retired.]

30. What is (was) your occupation in your main job?

In all cases describe the occupation fully and precisely giving the full job title.
Use precise terms such as: retail store manager, secondary teacher, electrical engineer
Do not use general terms such as: manager, teacher, engineer.

Civil servants and local government employees should state their grade e.g. senior administrative officer. Members of the Gardaí or Army should state their rank. Teachers should state the branch of teaching e.g. primary teacher. Clergy and religious orders should give full description e.g. nun, registered general nurse.

Write in your main occupation. ____

If a farmer, write in the size of the area farmed to the nearest hectare.
_ _ _ _ Hectares
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Questions 24 to 33 should be answered only by persons 15 years and over

Persons who are working should answer questions 29, 30, 32 and 34.

Persons who are retired should answer questions 29 and 30 only.

Persons who are unemployed should answer questions 29, 30 and 32 only.

All other persons should not answer any of the questions 29, 30, 32, 33 or 34.

Question 30. The information that question 30 will provide is used to build a picture of occupational groups and how occupations are changing over time.

Persons who are unemployed or retired should base their answer on the work that they did last.

Ireland 2016 — source variable IE2016A_OCC — Occupation (groups)
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30. What is (was) your occupation in your main job?

In all cases, describe the occupation fully and precisely giving the full job title
Use precise terms such as retail store manager, secondary teacher, or electrical engineer. Do not use general terms such as manager, teacher, or engineer. Civil servants and local government employees should state their grade e.g. senior administrative officer. Members of the Gardaí or Army should state their rank. Teachers should state the branch of teaching e.g. primary teacher. Clergy and religious orders should give full description e.g. nun, registered general nurse.

Write in your main occupation ____
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Appendix H. Detailed notes on the household form

Questions 24 to 33 should be answered only by persons 15 years and over

Persons who are working should answer questions 29, 30, 32 and 34.

Persons who are retired should answer questions 29 and 30 only.

Persons who are unemployed should answer questions 29, 30 and 32 only.

All other persons should not answer any of the questions 29, 30, 32, 33 or 34.

[Question 30: What is (was) your occupation in your main job?]

The information that question 30 will provide is used to build a picture of occupational groups and how occupations are changing over time.

Persons who are unemployed or retired should base their answer on the work that they did last.

Some guidelines on answering question 30:

- The occupation must be provided for everyone who marked the following in question 27
Working for payment or profit
Retired from employment
- Those who marked looking after home / family in question 27 often answer question 30 by writing 'home (or domestic) duties' as their occupation. Although inappropriate, no attempt should be made to alter this response.

- You should ensure that the description of the occupation is precise and in accordance with the question's instructions.

- If in doubt as to how a particular occupation should be described, it is better to give a full and detailed description.

- The final part of the question (size of area farmed) should only be answered by farmers or farm workers.

Israel 1972 — source variable IL1972A_OCC — Occupation
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[Questions 1-24 asked only of those 14 years of age or older.]

In questions 13-21, full or part-time work for payment, profit, or other remuneration, and also work of a family member without pay in a family business will be considered as "work". Not considered as "work": work of woman in her own household.

[Questions 17-21 were asked of persons age 14+ who worked and did not serve in regular or professional military service last week, per questions 13, 16]

20. What is the principal work at your place of work?

A. Describe your work ____

Examples: owner of grocery; filing; directing a team of carpenters; recording goods; aircraft maintenance technician; surgeon

B. Description of position (if existing) ____

Samples: Director of Finance Division; Secretary (female) of board of directors; Chief Sanitary Inspector; Head of team of Technicians

Israel 1983 — source variable IL1983A_OCC — Occupation
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[Questions 1-28 were asked of household members aged 15 years or older]

[Questions 14-23]

[Questions 17-23 were asked of persons age 15+ who did not serve in professional army last week, per question 14]

[Questions 18-23 were asked of persons age 15+ who did not serve in professional army last week, per question 14, but worked in Israel during the previous 12 months, per question 17]

20. What was your main occupation at your place of work?

A. Describe your work: ____

Do not give a general description such as: laborer, clerk, doctor.
Write: laborer in cosmetics production, personnel clerk, eye doctor, bus driver.

B. Title (if any) of position: ____

Examples: chief engineer, director of finance division, shift foreman, deputy manager.

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24. Question 20 -- explanations: Worker's main occupation

[Instructions refer to a graphic of the census form including question 20.]

A. Main occupation
In this question, describe the worker's occupation and specify its title -- if any.

While the previous question referred to the main activity of the workplace, this question refers to the worker's occupation.

If a person has several occupations in the same workplace -- refer in the question to the occupation he/she dedicates most of his/her time to.
For instance: In case of a woman working as a typist and an operator and dedicates most of her time to typing, write "typist".

[p. 36]

Write a detailed description of the occupation. In any case, do not write a general definition, such as: laborer, clerk, and technician. Inquire what kind of laborer/clerk/technician and specify in detail.
For example:

Write "Repair of radio and TV sets" rather than "Radio technician".

Write "Planning and supervision of tax clerks" rather than "Unit director".

Write "Math teacher for 11th grade" rather than "Teacher".

B. Job title -- if any
Clause B of the question is intended for salaried employees only
The intention is to the official/accepted title of the job or the name of the occupation in the plant where working.

If there is no title for the job, do not fill clause B

In this question the intent is not to a person's occupation, once he/she does work in his profession any more. For instance: an electronics engineer working as a sales manager of electrical appliances will not write "electronics engineer" in his/her answer. Similarly, a lawyer working as a tax clerk will not write "lawyer" in his/her answer.

Israel 1995 — source variable IL1995A_OCC — Occupation
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Part C: Anyone 15 years and older is requested to fill-in both pages

[Questions 14-38 were asked of people 15 years or older.]

28. Place of work's main activity (a description of the activity, products, or services): ____

Examples: Food import, manufacturing refrigerators, wholesale clothes dealer, car garage, elementary school, rehabilitation clinic

29. Name the department or division in which you were employed (if exists): ____
Examples: refrigerator manufacturing division, family health clinic.

30. Describe your work:
A. Your main occupation in your place of employment: ____

Examples: licensing clerk, telephone technician, building engineer, branch manager of a bank, construction worker. Do not give a general description such as: clerk, technician, engineer, manager, manual worker.

B. Specify your main activities at work: _____

Examples: in charge of import licenses, repair telephones, planning and carrying out building plans, inspecting all of bank-branch activities, roof tarring

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21. Question 28

28. Main activity of the workplace (Description of activities, products or services):
Examples: Importing food products, manufacturing refrigerators, car body-work, wholesale cloths sale, elementary school, rehabilitation hospital ________

21.1 Activity of the workplace

Describe the activities of the workplace (not the activities of the person in the workplace).


A. A person working as an accountant in a candies factory, will write "producing candies" -- although he is not engaged directly in the manufacturing itself.

B. A person working as a printing worker in advertisement office will write "advertisement office".

21.2 Exact writing

Write the exact activity of the workplace.
(Wrong) School, (Right) School for special education
(Wrong) Electricity work, (Right) Sub-contracting and electricity work in buildings
(Wrong) Electricity works, (Right) Fixing electric home appliances
(Wrong) Cloths, (Right) Manufacturing children's cloths
(Wrong) Government office, (Right) Agriculture Office

21.3 Workplace engaged in several [economic] activities

People who work in a factory that produces products of different types, or is dealing with different kind of activities -- will write the main activity of the factory, institution or agricultural farm.

A. A person working in a factory producing frozen vegetables and vegetables preserves, where they produce more preserves -- will write "Production of vegetables preserves".

[p. 60]

B. A person who works in a company that transports passengers and cargo, and most of the income is from passengers' transportation -- will write "Passengers' transportation".

C. A person who works in a shoemaker's workshop that manufactures and repairs shoes, where most of the workers manufacture shoes -- will write "Shoes manufacturing".

If it is impossible to determine what activity of the workplace is the main one -- write them all.

A. A person who works in a factory that produces men and women cloths -- will write "manufacturing men cloths and women cloths".

B. A person who works in a company that provides security services and cleaning services - will write "Security and cleaning services".

21.4 Daughter company

A person works in a daughter-company that is engaged in activities different from the mother company (main company), will write the activity of the daughter company.

22. Question 29

29. Name of department or division (if there is) that you have worked in ____
Examples: Refrigerators manufacturing department, Family Health clinic, Water department

22.1 There is a division to units [in the organizational structure]

In many workplaces there is a division to different [organizational] units.

A. Write the name of the unit (department or division) the person works in.

1. A person who works in the sanitation department of Kiryat-Gat municipality will write "Sanitation Department".

2. A person who works in plastics factory in the department that manufactures children toys will write "Manufacturing department of children toys".

B. A person who works in several departments or divisions will write the one he worked in most of the hours last week.

22.2 There is no division to units

If there is no division to units or the person does not know what department he belongs to, skip over this question and write nothing in it.

[p. 61]

23. Question 30

30. Description of your work
A. Describe your main occupation in this workplace:____

Examples: Licensing clerk, telephone technician, construction engineer, manager of a bank branch, construction worker. Do not write general description such as: clerk, technician, engineer, manager, or worker.

B. Specify your main activities in this job________

Examples: Take care of import licenses, repair telephones, plan and supervise the work according to construction plans, supervise the bank- ranch activities, roof taming.

In this question you have to write the actual activities performed by the person at his workplace. This description of activities in the workplace gets, in the data processing stage, a code (number). Each code represents a specific occupation.

Examples: Electric practical engineer is coded "120"and a tailor is coded "741".

It is important to specify exactly the activities of the worker in his work place in order to enable the interpretation of the written answer to a code.

23.1 Description of the work (part a of the question)

A. Write a detailed description of the work.

(Wrong) Seller, (Right) Seller of men cloths
(Wrong) Worker, (Right) Electronics worker
(Wrong) Farmer, (Right) Chicken farmer
(Wrong) Driver, (Right) Bus driver
(Wrong) Lecturer, (Right) Bio-chemistry lecturer
(Wrong) Nurse, (Right) Operation room nurse

[p. 62]

B. If the person performs several work types in the same workplace -- refer to the work he invests most of the time in.

Example: A person who works in a book store as a cashier and also sells book, if most of the time he sells books, write: books seller.

C. Write the actual work the person does in his workplace.

Do not write a profession he learned but is not practicing.

- A person who learned electronics engineering who works as a sales manager of electric appliances will write "Sales manager of electric appliances.

- A jurist who works as a tax collector in the IRS will not write "Tax collection clerk".

23.2 Specification of the activities (part b of the question)

A. In this section the respondent has to elaborate on the main work activities he is doing in his workplace.

In order to distinguish between the different types of work, the answer in part a of question 30 is not enough. There is a need for detailed description of the activities done within the framework of the job. The reason for that is that people can do different activities under the same job definition.

1. Professional workers in electronics: One can weld printed electronic circles, while the other put together electronic equipment.
2. Air conditioners repairman: One can repair car AC, the second, home AC, while the third repair industrial air conditioners.

In the above cases, each type of activity will get a different code, therefore maximum details are required.

[p. 63]

B. The following examples present detailed activities to be written in part b:
If the work described in Part a is "Seller of men cloths", Specified activities in Part b is "Put price labels, helps the shoppers to choose cloths, and operates the cashier".

If the work described in Part a is "Chicken farmer", Specified activities in Part b is "Orders chicks, check the quality, instruct the workers and make marketing decisions".

If the work described in Part a is "Bus driver", Specified activities in Part b is "Checks the bus, sells tickets to the passengers, and drives the bus between stations".

If the work described in Part a is "Operation room certified nurse", Specified activities in Part b is "Assists the surgeons during the operations".

If the work described in Part a is "Computers technical assistant", Specified activities in Part b is "Advise the customers with the model that suits their needs".

If the work described in Part a is "Construction worker", Specified activities in Part b is "Roof sealing".

If the work described in Part a is "Construction worker", Specified activities in Part b is "Pouring cement".

If the work described in Part a is "Construction worker", Specified activities in Part b is "Floorer".

Israel 2008 — source variable IL2008A_OCC — Occupation
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Questions on your main place of work
[Questions 59-70]

65. What is the main work you perform in this workplace? ____

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Part H: Work

3. Instructions for answering questions :
Questions for examining work in 2008:
The first group of questions about 'work' helps determine whether a person worked in 2008 and allows us to estimate the amount of labor force at the household's disposal.

Questions on the type of work the person does
The goal of the questions on the type of work is to fully and accurately classify the type of work a person actively does. Therefore, answering as accurately and in as much detail as possible is extremely important.
The information is received from two questions: description of the person's main job and description of the main activities the person performs at his job. The information from these questions focuses the data on the work the person himself does at the workplace, unlike the previous questions where the information received refers to the workplace where the person works. The answers to these questions are in the respondent's own words. Additional information on work is received from the questions: status at work and source of salary.

n. A person's main job
This question refers to the work a person actively does in his workplace.
Question 7.130 - What is the main job you perform at this workplace?

- The description you write should be as accurate as possible.
- Write a detailed description and not a general definition.
- If a person performs different jobs at the same workplace - refer to the job he dedicates most of his time to.
- Do not write an occupation the person studied but does not work at. For example: a person studied electrical engineering and works as an electrical appliances sales manager - write: 'Electrical appliances sales manager'.

[Text omitted, examples of correct and incorrect descriptions]

Italy 2001 — source variable IT2001A_OCC — Occupation
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Persons over 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 6.
Persons under 15 years of age must answer questions starting from point 8.

[Questions 6.1-7.12 were asked of persons over 15 years of age.]

7. Work activity
[Questions 7.1 to 7.12 were asked of those who worked one or more hours of paid work, or as contributing family worker.]

To answer questions from 7.1 to 7.12, refer to the main work activities (activities where the greater number of hours were worked)

7.9 Indicate what your work activity consists in

(For each answer proposed, in parenthesis there are examples of professions where these activities are carried out)

[] 0 Work as officer, non-commissioned officer, cadet or volunteer in the Armed Forces - Army, Navy, Air Force, Carabinieri (Lieutenant General, Colonel Medical Corp, Sargent, Carabinieri cadet)
[] 1 Direct business or manage the work of complex organizational structures (Businessman, public or private Manager, Head of clinical, Schoolmaster, Merchant)
[] 2 Work in an organizational, technical, intellectual, scientific or artistic field requiring a high level of qualification (Cardiologist, University professor, Grade school or Secondary school professor, Engineer, Chemist, Procedural analyst, Researcher)
[] 3 Work in a technical, administrative, sporting or artistic field requiring an average level of qualification (Physiotherapist, Accountant, Electronic technician, Computer technician, Athlete, Elementary school teacher, Sales representative)
[] 4 Work as non-technical office worker (Clerk, Typist, Bank teller, Switchboard operator)
[] 5 Sale to the public or provide services to people (Sales clerk, Traffic policeman, Hairdresser, Cook, Waiter, Customs officer)
[] 6 Grow plants and/or raise animals (Farmer, Fruit grower, Cattle breeder)
[] 7 Work as specialized laborer (Mason, Mechanic, Air Conditioning technician, Shoemaker, Taylor, Carpenter)
[] 8 Work on fixed manufacturing systems, machinery, assembly lines or drive vehicles (Fork lift driver, Assembly of electronic equipment, Truck driver, Taxi driver)
[] 9 Work as laborer or non-specialized service (Farmhand, Janitor, Building laborer, Domestic servant, Mailman, Concierge, Porter, Travelling salesman)

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7. Work activity
Answer question 7.1 and question 7.12 by referring to the main job carried out during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001).
The term main work activities refers to the job where the greatest number of working hours was employed.
Employed persons who, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), did not work because they were on vacation, illness, on income support, on leave of absence etc., must refer to the main job usually performed.
Persons who, during the week preceding the date of the Census (from 14 to 20 October, 2001), changed job must refer to their new job carried out at the end of that week.

Question 7.9
In order to properly answer this question, refer to the following definitions. Work as laborer or provide unspecialized service. This refers to work that requires competence and experience in carrying out simple tasks, in some cases requiring considerable physical effort. Usually no certificate is required for these jobs.
Work on fixed manufacturing systems, machinery, assembly lines or drives vehicles. This refers to those jobs that require sufficient competence and experience to run and supervise production systems, equipment, automated assembly line, drive vehicles and assemble products. A mandatory level of schooling is usually sufficient for these jobs.
Work as specialized laborer. This refers to those jobs that require sufficient competence and experience to perform qualified manual work and knowledge of the materials and instruments to be used in the productive process, as well as knowledge of the various phases of the process up to the final product. This class also includes those who work to extract raw materials and in building constructions, and those who produce goods including artisans. A mandatory level of schooling is usually sufficient for these jobs.
Grow plants and/or raise animals. This refers to those jobs that require sufficient competence and experience to cultivate plants, breed animals, utilize forest products and fishing. A mandatory level of schooling is usually sufficient for these jobs.
Sale to the public or provide services to people. This refers to those jobs that require sufficient competence and experience to provide services to people, protection services and services relative to selling goods in shops or markets. This class must also include workers who provide service in the field of tourism, provide room service in hotels, table and kitchen services in restaurants, beauty treatments, protection services to individuals and property. Also included are those professions bent on maintaining law and order, and displaying and selling goods. A mandatory level of schooling is usually sufficient for these jobs.
Work as non technical office worker. This refers to those jobs that require the knowledge and experience necessary to organize, file and process information. This class must also include those jobs that require the use of word processors and other office machinery, jobs that require recording and calculating numbers, providing information to the public, effecting cashier operations, and making appointments. A mandatory level of schooling is usually sufficient for these jobs.
Work in a technical, administrative, sporting or artistic field requiring an average level of qualification. This refers to those jobs that require technical knowledge and experience in the field of physical, natural, life, social, economic-organizational and human sciences. This class must also include those jobs that consist in setting up and carrying out technical jobs that require the application of concepts, methods and procedures in referenced scientific field. A secondary school diploma (4-5 year course) or equivalent, is usually required for these jobs.
Work in an organizational technical, intellectual, scientific or artistic field requiring a high level of qualification. This refers to those jobs that require professional knowledge and experience in the field of physical, natural, life, social, economic-organizational and human sciences. This class must also include those jobs that require the application of scientific or artistic concepts to resolve problems and in the field of education and training. A university degree, or similar, is usually required for these jobs.
Direct a business or manage the work of complex organizational structures. This refers to those jobs that implicate directing and coordinating the activities of a company, organization or organizational structure. These jobs require decision making ability and responsibility for business strategies. This class must include business and management professions, regardless of the size of the company or organization, or the legislators and elective members of the board.
Work as officer, non-commissioned officer, cadet or volunteer in the Armed Forces. This refers to all those jobs carried out by members of the Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Carabinieri) at all levels. For example, with regards to the Army, this refers to all activities carried out by:

a) Generals;
b) Senior Officers (Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel or corresponding rank in other sectors of the Armed Forces);
c) Junior Officers (Second Lieutenant, Captain or corresponding rank in other sectors of the Armed Forces);
d) Non-commissioned officers (Sargent list and Warrant Officer list or corresponding rank in other sectors of the Armed Forces);
e) Cadets (Military schools, Officer and Non-Commissioned Officer Academies);
f) Volunteers (on annual service, brief service and permanent service).

Italy 2011 — source variable IT2011A_WKTYPE — Type of work
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6. Vocational or non-vocational status

[These questions are asked of individuals aged 15 years and over]

In your answers to question 6.6 through 6.12 refer to your primary work activity only. If you are not working at present, refer to your most recent job.

6.10 What is (was) the nature of your work activity?

Examples of economic activities included in the sectors listed are indicated in parentheses:

[] 1 Manual or unskilled labour (Farm hand, Custodian, Construction worker, Domestic assistant, Dishwasher, Usher, Porter, Hospital attendant, Refuse collector, Stablehand)
[] 2 Operation of manufacturing systems, machinery and assembly lines, driving vehicles (Forklift operator, Assembler of electric devices, Truck driver, Taxi driver, Automatic loom operator, Rolling mill operator, Oil mill operator)
[] 3 Skilled labor (Bricklayer, Mechanic, Heating system installer, Shoemaker, tailor, Carpenter, Blacksmith, Upholsterer)
[] 4 Plant cultivation and/or animal breeding (Farmer, Fruit grower, Stockman, Fish farmer, Reforester, Gardener, Fisherman)
[] 5 Retail sales and services (Shopkeeper, Police officer, Hairdresser, Cook, Waiter, Flight attendant, Baby sitter, Nanny, Salesperson)
[] 6 Administrative support (Secretary, Postal service counter worker, Switchboard operator, Administrative assistant, Service counter staff)
[] 7 Mid-level technical, administrative, athletic or artistic work (Nurse, Accountant, Surveyor, Electronic technician, Computer analyst, Athlete, Sales representative, Fire chief, Air traffic controller, Insurance agent)
[] 8 Highly-specialized managerial, technical, intellectual, scientific or artistic work (General or specialized physician, University professor, Actor, Musician, Elementary school teacher, Engineer, Chemist, Agricultural scientist, Pharmacist)
[] 9 Business management, administration of a private or public organization (Business owner, Party chief, Public official, CEO, Chief justice, School principal, Prefect)
[] 10 Military of any rank in the Armed Forces - Army, Navy, Air force, Military police (Carabinieri) (General, Medical colonel, Sergeant major, Military police agent (Carabinieri), Airman, Private first class)
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Section II - Information about regular inhabitants of the dwellings

In your answers to questions 6.6-6.12:

- Individuals with more than one job should answer in reference to their primary work activity only. Primary work activity is the job with the most work hours or the one (if you work an equal number of hours for different jobs) that provides the most income.
- Employed individuals who did not work during the week prior to the survey date (October 02nd-08th) because of a holiday, illness, CIG, leave of absence, etc., should refer to the job that usually represents their primary work activity.
- If you are not working at present, refer to the last job you had.
Question 6.10
Use the following definitions to answer the question properly:
-Category 01: These occupations involve simple, repetitive activities that require no special training, and which may involve the use of manual tools, physical strength and limited decision-making and initiative in carrying out tasks.

-Category 02: These occupations oversee and supervise the proper functioning of industrial machinery and automated or robotic manufacturing systems, supply product assembly lines and manufacturing systems or operate mobile machinery and lifts. This type of work requires basic knowledge equivalent to the completion of compulsory schooling, a vocational qualification or work experience;

-Category 03: These occupations use experience and technical/practical knowledge of materials, tools and processes required for extracting and processing minerals, for building, repairing or maintaining equipment, objects and machines, for working and processing foodstuffs and farm products destined for consumption. This type of work requires basic knowledge equivalent to the completion of compulsory schooling, a short cycle of upper secondary education or, once again, vocational qualifications or work experience;

-Category 04: These occupations grow crops and raise animals, plan and perform the work required to make fields, gardens, greenhouses and livestock productive, caring, maintaining and making woodlands and forests productive, fishing in the open sea, coastal zones and inland waterways, fish farming and hunting. This type of work requires basic knowledge equivalent to the completion of compulsory schooling, a short cycle of upper secondary education or, once again, a vocational qualification or work experience;

-Category 05: These occupations deal with customers in commercial enterprises, provide reception and restaurant services, recreational and family support services and personal care; maintaining public order, protecting people and property. This type of work requires basic knowledge equivalent to the completion of compulsory schooling, a short cycle of upper secondary education or, once again, a vocational qualification or work experience;

-Category 06: These occupations involve non-managerial office work. They generally require basic knowledge equivalent to compulsory schooling, a short cycle of upper secondary education or, once again, vocational qualification or work experience;

-Category 07: These occupations involve the operational selection and application of protocols and (defined, predetermined) procedures in the context of production or services. The necessary knowledge is acquired through the completion of secondary, post-secondary or level I university programs or apprenticeships (including unofficial apprenticeships) of comparable complexity;

-Category 08: These occupations require high levels of theoretical knowledge for analyzing and representing complex discipline-specific (mathematics, physics-engineering, socio-economic, intellectual, artistic, etc.) situations and problems, setting out possible solutions and making the related decisions. The level of knowledge required in such professions is acquired through the completion of level II university programs, post-university programs or apprenticeships (including unofficial apprenticeships) of comparable complexity;

-Category 09: These occupations draw up and implement executive and regulatory strategies in political, institutional and economic contexts, drawing on expert counsel as needed. The level of knowledge required by this large group of professions cannot always be associated with a specific level of formal education;

-Category 10: These occupations are practiced in the context of the armed forces (the Army, Navy, Air Force or Military Police).

For clarification, call the toll-free number 800-069701.

Jamaica 1982 — source variable JM1982A_OCC — Occupation during past week / in last job
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Section 6: Economic activity
[All persons age 14 and older]

[Questions 25-29 refer to the past week]

28. Main type of job or occupation during past week/in last job: _______

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Section 6 - Economic Activity

5.47 General
Section 6 is comprised of Questions 25 to 31 and should be asked of persons 14 years and over. The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals were in the working force of the country at some time during the week preceding Census Day. The most difficult and perhaps important of the concepts here is that of 'work.' It is essential, therefore, that Census Takers understand fully the precise definition of the term 'work' in this context and that this meaning should be made clear to respondents by the method of questioning them. The Census Taker and all persons working on the Census must, therefore, understand and remember the following carefully:

5.48 Definition of Work
Work includes:

(a) Work with Pay that is:
(i) Work for others for a wage or salary including commission or tips. Work may be done either in the employ of the Government a business organization, some private or public organization, or an individual.


(This corresponds to Worked for Others Government or Non-Government in Question 27).
(ii) Work as trainee (such as nurses in training) or apprentice (persons at trade). (This also might be applicable at alternative 1 or 2 in Question 27).
(iii) Work for self in One's own business or farm which is run for profit or fees, but does not employ paid help. (This corresponds to Has Own Business or Farm - W/Out Paid Help at Question 27).
(iv) Running for profit or fees one's own business or farm which employs paid help. (This corresponds to Question 27 - Has Own Business or Farm - With Paid Help).

(b) Work Without Pay in a business or farm which is run for profit, that is:
(i) Work without pay in a business or farm run for profit, (usually by a relative), in cases where the individual is either supported by the owner or obtains some benefits other than cash from the running of the business (See Unpaid Worker at Question 27).
(ii) Work as an unpaid helper in a business or other organization, in cases where the respondent is learning a trade or profession in this way, with a view to engaging in work for pay (See Unpaid Worker at Question 27).

Do not include in "Working", those persons who:
(i) worked without money or pay for a relative or other person at tasks which did not contribute to the operation of a farm or of a business e.g. housework, gardening, odd jobs around the house or yard such as painting the fence, etc.
(ii) worked without pay assisting a relative or friend in his duties as an employee.
(iii) worked without pay either in cash or in kind as a volunteer worker for service organizations or church groups - such as the Red Cross, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Society for the Blind, Operation Workshop, etc.

Note also that 'Work' must relate to work in Jamaica. It includes, however, those persons who are residing in the territory but are working on boats, ships, airplanes etc. which may operate outside of the territory, as well as travelling salesmen, consultants, etc. Also included are persons going as contract workers to the U.S.A. for a few


months to work on farms there during the crop season. Other persons who live and work outside of the country should not be classified as having worked with respect to the time they were resident outside of the country.

5.53 Question 28 - Main Type of Job or Occupation during past week

[Image omitted here]

Ask the Question this way: "'What type of work did you (he/she) do in the (principal) job which you (he/she) held during the past week?" If the individual did not work during the past week, ask: "'What type of work did you (he/she) do in your (his/her) last job?"
What is required here is the exact nature of the job done by the individual. Where the person has done more than one job during the week, this question relates to the principal job which, in general, will be the one at which he spent most time. If the jobs were done at different times, or two or more jobs were held at the same time, the one which provided the greater income should be used.


Be as specific as possible in recording the occupation. Do not use vague terms such as Clerk (which could mean a store clerk or a clerk in an office), foreman (which could mean a foreman of many different types of activity), and so on. Write, for example - office clerk, foreman of a road construction gang, etc.
In some cases you may need to use many words to explain the type of work actually done. This is preferable to trying to use very short descriptions which are vague or inaccurate. Remember to limit your writing to the space provided.
If the individual has never had a job or occupation, write in Never Had Job and ignore Question 29.
If the individual did not work during the week but was classified as either 'Others Seeking Work' or 'Wanted Work and Available' at Question 25, then enter the occupation which the individual last had.

Jamaica 1991 — source variable JM1991A_OCC — Occupation during past week/in last job
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Section 6: Economic activity
[Persons age 14 and older]

[Go to Question 8.1 for persons younger than 14 years]

6.4. What kind of work do you do / does [the respondent] do / did you last do / did [the respondent] last do?

_____ _ _ _ _

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Section 6 - Economic Activity

5.63 General
Section 6 is comprised of Questions 6.1 - 6.9 and should be asked of persons 14 years and over. The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals were in the WORKING FORCE of the country at some point in time. Questions 6.1 - 6.6 and Question 6.9 relate to the week preceding the census while Questions 6.7 - 6.8 relate to the preceding twelve months. The most difficult and perhaps important of the concepts here is that of WORK. It is essential therefore that you understand fully the precise definition of the term WORK in this context and that this meaning should be made clear to respondents by the method of questioning them.

5.64 Definition of Work
(a) Work includes:
Work with pay, that is:
(i) Work for others for a wage or salary including commission or tips. Work may be done either in the employment of the government, a business organization, some private or public organization or an individual. (This corresponds to the categories - Paid Employee of Government, Private Enterprise or Private Home - Q6.3).
(ii) Work as trainee (such as nurses in training) or apprentice (persons at trade)
(iii) Work for self in one's own business (including farm) which is run for profit or fees but does not employ paid help.
(This corresponds to Own Business Without Paid Employee - Q6.3)
(iv) Work for self in one's own business (including farm) which is run for profit or fees and employs paid help.

(This corresponds to Own Business With paid Employees - Q6.3).


(b) Work without pay in a business or farm which is run for profit, that is:
(i) Work without pay in a business or farm run for profit (usually by a relative), in cases where the individual is either supported by the owner or obtains some benefits other than cash from the running of the business (see Unpaid Worker at Q6.3).
(ii) Work as an unpaid helper in a business or other organization, in cases where the respondent is learning a trade or profession in this way, with a view to engaging in work for pay (see Unpaid Worker at Q.6.3).

Do not include in "working" those persons who:
(i) Work without money or pay for a relative or other person at tasks which did not contribute to the operation of a farm or of a business e.g. housework, gardening, odd jobs around the house or yard such as painting the fence, etc.
(ii) Work without pay assisting a relative or friend in his duties as an employee.
(iii) Work without pay either in cash or in kind as a volunteer worker for service organizations or church groups - such as the Red Cross, Boy Scouts, Girl Guides, Society for the Blind, Operation Workshop, etc.

Note also that WORK must relate to work in Jamaica. It includes, however, those persons who are residing in the territory but are on boats, ships, airplanes, etc., which may operate outside of the territory, as well as travelling salesmen, consultants, etc. Also included are persons going as contract workers to the U.S.A. for a few months to work on farms there during the crop season. Other persons who live and work outside of the country should not be classified as having worked with respect to the time they were resident outside of the country.

5.68 Question 6.4 Type of Occupation During past Week/in last Job
This question should be asked of individuals who were classified at Q6.1 as worked, with job not working (in which case it relates to the present job) other seeking work, did not seek work but wanted work and available (in which case it relates to the last job held). What is required here is the exact nature of the job done by the individual. Where the person has done more than one job during the week, the question relates to the principal job which, in general will be the one at which he spends most of his time. If the jobs were at different times, or two or more jobs were held at the same time, the one which provided the greater income should be used.
Be as specific as possible in recording the occupation. Do not use vague terms such as clerk (which could mean a store clerk or a clerk in an office), foreman (which could mean a foreman on many different types of activities) and so on. Write for example - office clerk, foreman of a road construction gang, etc.


In some cases you may need to use lay words to explain the type of work actually done. This is preferable to trying to use very short descriptions which are vague or inaccurate.

If the individual has never had a job or occupation, write in never had a job and do not ask any more questions in this section.

Jamaica 2001 — source variable JM2001A_OCC3 — Occupation 3-digit
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[Questions 4.1 - 4.8 for persons age 14 and older]

4.7 What kind of work do you do/does [the respondent] do/did you last do/did [the respondent] last do?

_ _ _ _
[] Never worked (go to question 4.19)
[] Not stated

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Section 4: Economic activity
[Persons age 14 and older]

5.73 General
Section 4 is comprised of Questions 4.1 through 4.20, and should be asked to persons age 14 and older. The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals were in the working force of the country at some point in time.

This section is included in the sample coverage because it requires much more probing than should be undertaken for the short form. Economic activity in Jamaica has undergone some amount of transformation within the past two or three decades, whereby there has been a significant development of what has come to be regarded as the "Informal sector". People have in many instances moved away from the traditional jobs in the public and private sectors and have ventured into their own small scale businesses, some of which are being operated within homes.

You must pay close attention to the skip instructions at all times to ensure that you ask relevant questions. You will also need to pay close attention to the different reference periods stated. Questions 4.1 through 4.4 seek to identify the persons who worked. As we know that work means different things to different people, we try in these questions to establish clearly whether an individual worked or not within a particular week. These questions relate to the week preceding the Census date, as do Questions 4.5 through 4.13. Question 4.14 asks for a specific date. Questions 4.15 and 4.16 relate to the past twelve months, while questions 4.17 and 4.18 refer to the past 5 years. Questions 4.19 and 4.20 are relevant to persons of pensionable age and seek to determine the type of social welfare benefits or pension being received. Even if the person has never worked, he/she can be in receipt of social welfare benefits (as the beneficiary of a spouse).

It is important that the concept of work be fully understood.

Work includes:

(a) Work with pay, that is:
(i) Work for others for a wage or salary including commission or tips. Work may be done either in the employment of the government, a business organization, some private or public organization, or an individual. These correspond to the categories "Paid employee of government", "Private enterprise", or "Private home" in question Q4.6).

(ii) Work as trainee (such as nurses in training) or apprentice (persons at trade). This could also correspond to the same categories at is point (i).

(iii) Work for oneself in one's own business (including farm), which is run for profit or fees but does not employ paid help. This corresponds to "Self-employed without Employees" in question Q4.6. For example: odd job, hustling, buying and selling etc.

(iv) Work for oneself in one's own business (including farm), which is run for profit or fees and employs paid help. This corresponds to "Self-employed with employees" in question Q4.6.

(b) Work without pay in a business or farm which is run for profit that is:
(i) Work without pay in a business or farm run for profit (usually by a relative), in cases where the individual is either supported by the owner or obtains some benefits other than cash from running of business (see "Unpaid employee in agriculture" or any type of business in question Q4.6).

(ii) Work as an unpaid helper in a business or other organization, in cases where the respondent is learning a trade or profession in this way, with a view to engaging in work for pay (see "Unpaid employee in agriculture" or any type of business in question Q4.6).

Do not include as "working" those persons who:
(i) Work without money or pay for a relative or other person on tasks that did not contribute to the operation of a farm or of a business: e.g., housework, gardening, odd jobs around the house or yard, such as painting the fence, etc.

(ii) Work without pay assisting a relative or friend in his duties as an employee.

(iii) Work without pay either in cash or in kind as a volunteer worker for service Society for Blind, Operation Workshop.

Note also that "work" must relate to work in Jamaica. It includes, however, those persons who are residing in the territory but are on boats, ships, airplanes, etc., which may operate outside of the territory, as well as travelling salesmen, consultants, etc. Informal commercial importers who travel to the Cayman Islands buying and selling are to be included. Do not include the work done by persons going as contract workers to North America for a few months to work on farms there during the crop season. Other persons who live and work outside of the country should not be classified as having worked with respect to the time they were resident outside of the country.

5.77 Question 4.7: Type of occupation during the first week in September 2001

This question should be asked of individuals who answered "Yes" to Q4.1 or Q4.2 or Q4.3. It is also applicable to those individuals [who were listed on] Q4.4 as "With job, not working", (in which case it relates to the present job), "Seeking a job, which was not the first", and "Did not seek work, but wanted work and was available" (if they have worked before). In the latter cases, it would relate to the last job. For someone from this group who had never worked before, score "Never worked". For persons now working and those who had worked before what is needed here is the exact nature of the job. The job stated must relate to the employment status given at Q4.6.

You are required to write in the name of the occupation in the space provided. Be as specific as possible in recording the occupation. Do not use vague terms such as "Clerk" (which could mean a store clerk or a clerk in an office), "Foreman" (which could mean a foreman on many different types of activities), and so on. Write for example: "Office clerk", "Foreman of a road construction gang", etc. In some cases, you may need to use many words to explain the type of work actually done. This is preferable to trying to use very short descriptions that are vague or inaccurate. DO not attempt to score any codes in the four boxes to the right. If the information is not reported, score "Not stated" in the space provided for occupation.

Jordan 2004 — source variable JO2004A_OCC3 — Major current occupation (3-digit)
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230. Major current occupation _ _ _ _
[Question 230 was asked of persons age 15+ who worked or were temporarily absent from work during the week ended in October 1st 2004, per Questions 225 and 226.]

Kenya 1989 — source variable KE1989A_OCC4 — Occupation, 4 digits
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C. Persons aged 10 years and over

P31. Occupation:

What was [the respondent's] main occupation? Write detailed description of type of work: e.g., clerical, motor mechanic, primary school teacher, etc. ____

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143. Column P31-Occupation

(a) In column P31, Ask all persons who are employed, or on leave or working on family holding: What is --- main occupation? Write a detailed description of the type of work the person mainly did during the seven days preceding the census night. The type of work should be recorded as fully as possible, for example; 'shorthand-typist'; 'grade l 1 carpenter'; 'key-punch operator'; 'motor vehicle mechanic'; 'panel beating foreman', etc. Avoid ambiguous titles such as 'operator'; 'foreman'; 'driver,' etc. which do not identify the duties of the workers. Note that all those who work on a holding are not necessarily 'agricultural workers' by occupation. A holding can contain all sorts of occupations, like 'tractor drivers', 'machine operators', 'carpenters', etc.

b) Note that the occupation of a teacher on leave, who worked "on the family holding" during the week preceding Census Night, should be entered as per his or her usual occupation, i.e. "primary school teacher," etc.

Kyrgyzstan 1999 — source variable KG1999A_OCC — Main activity
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15. Population employment
a) Name and activity type of an enterprise you are working in or specify the type of work you do ________ _ _ _
b) Place of work (name of town, rayon, country) ____ _ _ _

16. Main activity (detailed title of position, profession or performed work) ________ _ _ _ _
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Question 16. Main activity (a detailed name of position, occupation or work done)

For all persons having employment the name of the position, occupation or duties is to be recorded.
For persons combining multiple jobs only the activity is to be recorded which the person questioned considers his/her main activity.

If a person questioned is temporarily involved in the activity outside his main occupation, the main activity is to be recorded.

The position, occupation or duties are to be recorded in detail. One must not just record "director", "chief of department", "main specialist", "specialist", "trainee", "adviser", "expert", "master", "operator", "laboratory technician", but should indicate, for instance, "deputy director for economy", "chief of the marketing department", "main specialist in broadcasting" "personnel specialist", "information protection expert", "hospital trainee", "adviser on economic questions", "legislative counsel", "expert physicist", "shotfirer", "computer operator", "machine milking operator", "analyst in chemistry laboratory", etc.

"Unskilled laborer or helper" is to be only recorded for those engaged in different odd-jobs (excluding agricultural works), but in other cases the nature of work performed should be determined and recorded, for instance, "loader".

"Agriculture" should be only recorded for persons without any definite specific duties who are engaged in various unskilled works at agricultural enterprises (farms). For persons with definite duties in agriculture their occupation is to be recorded (e.g.: "horse wrangler", "shepherd", "horse-breeder", "cattleman").

For self-employed persons the name of their occupation is to be indicated (for instance, "photographer", "dentist", "composer", "lacemaker", "sewer", "market seller", "vendor", etc.).

For persons employed to provide services to private households their positions should be recorded: "personal secretary", "cook", "baby-sitter", "tutor", etc.

For members of a farming (peasant) enterprise the name of occupation should be recorded according to the area of specialization of the enterprise, for instance, "stock-farmer", etc.

For persons only working without pay for their family business or farm their prevailing duties should be recorded. For example, if a family worker is the most of time engaged in unloading of goods, for him/her "loader" should be recorded; if he/she is constantly engaged in bread making, "panification" should be specified, etc.

For persons only engaged in developing own personal subsidiary plots (agricultural works or cattle management), "personal subsidiary plot" is to be indicated.

For military servicemen (other than army conscripts), wage and salary workers of military units and institutions living outside closed territories, whose positions cannot be assimilated to similar civil positions, "salary worker" is to be entered.

For persons having permanent employment and at the same time receiving a pension, benefit, scholarship or engaged in work at own personal subsidiary plot, the occupation or functions in this employment are to be recorded.

Laos 1995 — source variable LA1995A_OCC1 — Main occupation in the last 12 months (1-digit)
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D. For persons aged 10 years and above
[Questions 14-16 were asked of persons aged 10 years and above]

[Answer questions 15-16 for codes 01-07 in question 14]

15.What was [the respondent's] main occupation during the last 12 months?

Describe occupation (see Enumerator's Manual) ____
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Section D: For persons aged 10 years and above
Section D deals with employment questions. These questions shall be asked to all who is 10 years and above. For children, less than 10 years, section D and E should be marked "N/A".

Three different questions are asked to collect labour market information. The questions are interrelated and the purpose of each question must be clearly understood. Explain to the respondent that you will start by asking information on his/her employment status, then his/her profession and lastly about the sector s/he was working in.

Question 15: What was [the respondent's] main occupation during the last twelve months?
The purpose of this question is to collect information on the occupation of the respondent.
This question is put to persons coded 01 to 07 in question 14, i.e. paid employees, employers, own account workers and unpaid family workers. Record "N/A" for all others.

Occupation refers to the type of work, trade or profession performed by an individual during the last 12 months, irrespective of the industry or status in employment of the individual. Where multiple occupations are common, the main or usual occupation should be determined. This is done by determining the duration of work in each occupation during the last 12 months.

For persons with more than one occupation at the same time, record the persons main occupation - where s/he spends most of the time.

Write a short description of the type of work the person performed for most of the last twelve months preceding the census night. The type of work should be recorded as fully as possible, e.g. grocery retailed seller, wood carpenter, key punch operator, motor vehicle


mechanic panel beating foreman etc. Avoid unclear descriptions as operator, foreman etc. If the occupation in very rare cases is not known, write "999".

Lesotho 1996 — source variable LS1996A_OCC — Occupation (2-digits)
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Section D. For all persons aged 10 years and above

21. What was (the respondent's) last type of work done?

[ Question 21 asked of all those coded 10-50 in Question 18.]
Remember to ask only those who were job seeking for less than 5 years.

Type of work ____
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4. Part D of the questionnaire

129. Column 21 Type of work done (last week).
State the occupation. If the person is job seeking for not longer than 5 years (column 18, code 50) give last type of work done. You have to avoid making entries of a generalized nature such as "civil servant" or "Businessman". Write the exact work that the person does, e.g. Medical Doctor, Stenographer, Herbalist, Teacher etc. Peasants will be classified as farmers. For people with two occupations enter the one that claims most of his/her time.

130. For homemakers/housewives state "homemaker" only if a person of either sex was wholly engaged in household duties during the reference period and was not paid for this work. If such a person traded one full working day in the 7 days preceding census night or worked regular hours daily or engaged in some other economic enterprises (e.g. worked on a farm, sells beer etc.) or did any part time work e.g. typing, dress making in her own house or in any other premises) as part time work or more without pay the person should not be classified as home-maker, but should be classified according to type of work done. For students, pupils and persons without occupation write NA.

131. A list of the more common occupation is annexed to this manual to help you make the proper classification.

Lesotho 2006 — source variable LS2006A_OCC — Occupation (2-digits)
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Section E. Economic status
[For persons aged 10 years and above.]

27. What was (the respondent's) last type of work done?

[Question 27 asked of all those coded 10-50 and 60 in Question 24.]
Remember to ask only those who were job seeking for less than 5 years.

Type of work ____
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Part D of the Questionnaire
For persons aged 2 years and over

97. Column 27: Type of work done (last week)

State the occupation. If the person is job seeking for not longer than 5 years, give last type of work done. You have to avoid making entries of a generalized nature such as "civil servant'' or "businessman". Write the exact work that the person does, e.g. Medical doctor, stenographer, herbalist, teacher, etc. Peasants will be classified as farmers. For people with two occupations enter the one that claims most of his/her time.
A list of the most common occupation is annexed to this manual to help you take the proper classification.
Code 88 for not applicable

Liberia 1974 — source variable LR1974A_OCC2 — Occupation (2-digit)
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Ask all persons over age 10 years

16. Usual occupation
If person working, what type of work did they do?
Example: Rice farmer, auto mechanic
CODE: ____

Liberia 2008 — source variable LR2008A_OCC — Occupation
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Persons 6 years and over

P22. Occupation

What type of work did [the respondent] do?

Malawi 1987 — source variable MW1987A_OCC2 — Occupation, 2 digit
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Persons aged 10 years or more
[Questions L through O were asked of persons age 10 or older]

m. Economic activity - activity status (during last seven days) ____


Mlimi (subsistence farmer)
Family business worker
Self employed


1 Worked before:

1A: Seeking work
1B: Not seeking work

2 Never worked:

2A: Seeking work
2B: Not seeking work


Home worker

If active or unemployed but worked before, state:
[Questions N and O are asked of persons who have ever worked, as per question M]

n. Occupation ____

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69. The basis of the classification of occupation is the trade, profession or type of work performed by an individual during the last seven days. The question on occupation should be asked to any persons who are economically active including those unemployed but having worked before.

70. As an example, the occupation of a driver of a bus is "bus driver", even if he owns the bus and operates it as a one-man business (that is, he is self-employed). The person's occupation is generally related to his training or experience although this may not always be the case. For example, if the bus driver has lost his job and taken a temporary post on a farm as a laborer, then his occupation is now "farm laborer" and not "bus driver". Avoid using general terms but record the exact job which the person does, for example, do not simply write "driver", or "laborer" but "bus driver" or "farm laborer".

Persons age 10 years or older

Questions from (l) through (q) should only be asked to persons who are age 10 years or older.

(n) Occupation: Write the exact occupation for the person who is either active or unemployed but worked before in the space provided. For persons who are either "Unemployed but never worked before" or "Inactive", you should write N/A (Not applicable). You should leave columns 38-39 blank.

Malawi 1998 — source variable MW1998A_OCC2 — Occupation, 2-digit
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[Questions B16-B19 are for persons age 10 and older]

B17. Economic activity - type of activity last week
What was [the respondent] doing the last 7 days?


[] 01 Mlimi [subsistence farmer]
[] 02 Employee
[] 03 Family business worker
[] 04 Self-employed
[] 05 Employer


[] 06 Worked before, seeking work
[] 07 Worked before, non seeking work
[] 08 Never worked before, seeking work


[] 09 Non-worker (never worked before and not seeking work)
[] 10 Home worker
[] 11 Student
[] 12 Other

[For codes 09-12]: If female, skip to B20. Otherwise, go to the next person or to Part C.

B18. Economic activity: occupation

What is this person's main occupation? ______
For example: (teacher, nurse, driver, mechanic, carpenter, etc.)

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Part B: Characteristics of Individual Household Members

4. Persons age 10 years or older

Occupation: The basis of the classification of occupation is the trade, profession or type of work performed by an individual during the last seven days. The person's occupation is generally related to his training or experience, although this may not always be the case. As an example, the occupation of the driver of a bus is "bus driver", even if he owns the bus and operates it as one-man business (that is, he is self-employed). If the bus driver lost his job and has taken up a temporary post on a farm as a labor then his occupation is now a "farm laborer". Other examples of occupation are teacher, nurse, mechanic, carpenter, etc. A list of occupations and their codes is provided in Appendix B.

B18. Occupation: Write the exact occupation for persons who are "Active" or "Unemployed but worked before" in the space provided in column B18 and leave the two boxes blank. Do not ask the questions on occupation for those who are "Non-workers" and the other "Inactive". If you are sure about a person's occupation, then just state clearly what the person does and the appropriate occupation will be recorded in the office. However, this should only be done as a last resort after you have failed to identify the appropriate occupation.

Malawi 2008 — source variable MW2008A_OCC2 — Occupation (2 digits)
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[Questions P25-P27 were asked only of residents who are currently working or have ever worked]

P25. What was [the respondent's] main occupation during the last 7 days or the last time he/she worked? ____

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Questions for usual residents age 6 years or older (economic activity)
[Questions P20-P27 were asked of persons age 6 years or over]

Household members who are currently working/ever worked
[Questions P25-P27 were asked of persons currently working or ever worked]

P25. Occupation
Inquire about the occupation of the respondent and write the response in the space provided.

Occupation refers to the kind of work the person does or the kind of the work he/she did when he/she was working for the first time. This question is to enquire specifically about the nature of the job he/she was doing most of the time in the last 7 days. If the person uses vague answers such as "Civil servant", "Businessman", or "Laborer", ask him/her the exact type of job he/she did most of the time, and then write the occupation in the space provided. The occupation will be best described by such job titles as "Teacher", "Driver", "Cook", etc. If a person moved from job to job, you will only record that occupation he/she was engaged in during the reference period or the last 7 days. If a person has two or more occupations, enter the one in which he/she spends most of his/her time.

Try to get comprehensive answers, for example, it is not enough for a respondent to inform you that he/she is a teacher. Probe to find out if he/she is a primary or secondary school teacher, etc. Record secondary school teacher or whatever the case maybe. Below are some of the vague answers and some probing to assist you to arrive at a correct answer.

Vague response: (probe to see if he/she is a...)

- Doctor: medical, dentist, veterinary (doctor)
- Engineer: civil, electrical, chemical, mechanical
- Manager: administrative, finance, personnel, marketing, etc.
- Civil servant: economist, nurse, clerk, accountant, etc.
- Technician: chemical, civil engineering, electrical engineering, etc.
- Inspector: school building, safety and quality, police, etc.
- Clerk: secretary, transport, library, stock, etc.
- Laborer: mining, road construction, building construction, etc.
- Cleaner: domestic helper, office, hotel, etc.
- Driver: train, car, bus, truck/lorry, etc.

Malaysia 1970 — source variable MY1970A_OCC — Occupation last week
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[Questions 25-44 were asked of persons age 10+.]

Before asking questions 25-34 explain that the questions are for the previous 7 day period only

31 Main occupation (use two or more words if possible): ____

Malaysia 1980 — source variable MY1980A_OCC3 — Principal occupation last week (3 digits)
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For persons 10 years of age and over
[Questions 25-44b were asked of those who are 10 years old or over.]

[Questions 31-34 were asked of persons other than those who did not work for pay or profit, at least 1 day during the last 7 days, did not help in a family farm or business at least one day during the last 7 days, did not have any employment, work on farm, enterprise or other family enterprise to return to, and were not seeking work during the last 7 days.]

32. What is your principal occupation? (Describe the nature of your work in two or more words) ________

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Questions 25-44 are to be asked of persons who are 10 years of age and above.

Questions 25-34 record information on work or employment of a person. Be sure to explain to the respondent that you are only concerned with the period of 7 days prior to the day of interview.

Question 32
This question refers to the person's principal occupation. "Principal Occupation" refers to the occupation in which the respondent spent most of his time. Should the time spent in, say, 2 occupations be the same, the one which brings in more income is the principal occupation. In the very unlikely situation where the time spent and the income earned are the same, leave it to the respondent to decide which one is the principal occupation.

You are to record here the principal occupation in which the person was engaged during the 7 day reference period. If the person was unemployed record his previous occupation.

It is important that you obtain the exact type of work done by the respondent. Avoid general terms such as driver, helper, farmer, mechanic, Government worker, etc. In these cases you are to find out the kind of helper or driver or mechanic. For example, a driver may be a lorry driver, a taxi driver or a chauffeur. Use two or more words whenever possible to describe the exact type of work done by the respondent.

A person's job designation may not be always adequate by itself. In such cases, additional information describing the nature of his work would be required for purposes of classification.

You may sometimes find difficulty in translating occupations given in various dialects/ languages into the Bahasa Malaysia/English equivalents. In such cases, you can record the words actually used by the respondent; for example, words like mandore, serang, amah, or Hang-kong can be translated in the office at a later stage.

Malaysia 1991 — source variable MY1991A_OCC3 — Principal occupation (3 digits)
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[Questions C1-27 were asked of persons who live in their households on Census Days.]

For person aged 10 years and above (Date of birth before/on 14 of August, 1981)
[Questions 18-27 are asked of those who lived in their households on Census Days and 10 years old or above.]

[Questions C25-27 were asked of persons who worked at least 1 hour during the 7 days and had a job to return to. (Yes was chosen in Question C18 or C19.)]

C25. Occupation

(a) What is your occupation? ________

(b) Please describe your duties/nature of your work ________

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Questions C18-C27

General Guidelines

Who should be asked?
(i) These questions (C18-C27) should be asked for persons aged 10 years and above, that is, those who were born before or on 14 August 1981.
Refer to Question C5 to find out the date of birth. For persons whose birth dates are 14 August 1981 or earlier, Questions C18-C27 must be asked.
If no information is provided for C5, refer to Question C6. For persons who are 10 years or more, Question C18 - C27 must be asked.

(ii) For Questions C25 and C26, if possible, obtain the information from the household members directly so that more detailed information may be given.

Reference Period
The reference period for Question C18-C27 refer to the 7 days prior to the day of the interview.

To determine the reference period, refer to the calendar provided in Document 7 (Thank You Card).

If the interview was conducted on 15 August 1991, the information required should be based on the period 8-14 August 1991.

Question C25
[Question C25 of the enumeration form is not presented here.]

To find out the occupation of a person who worked during the last 7 days before interview.

How to ask the question
To obtain complete information on occupation you should ask two questions, that is:
Question (a)
"What is ____ (member's name) occupation?"
Question (b)
"Please describe the duties/nature of work ____ (member's name) does?"


How to record the answer

Question 25(a)
Record the name of the position or occupation in detail. For example, store clerk, finance clerk, lorry driver, construction worker, lift attendant, rubber tapper, rubber estate manager, restaurant manager, primary school teacher, fisherman, shoe production worker in a factory, etc.

Avoid general terms such as clerk, driver, laborer, attendant, farmer, mechanic, teacher, etc.
If the respondent has two or more jobs, record the one which he spent most of his time.

Question 25(b)
Record the duties carried out by the respondent clearly. Avoid using general terms.
Examples of complete answers are as follows:
(i) Mixing cement and plastering walls.
(ii) Preparing and selling "nasi lemak at night market".
(iii) Making furniture in own workshop.
(iv) Tapping rubber in own estate.

Malaysia 2000 — source variable MY2000A_OCC3 — Occupation -- 3 digits
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Question C17 - C29 for person aged 10 years and above

[Questions 25-27 were asked of persons who worked for at least one hour during the last 7 days or had a job to return to.]

C25. Occupation

(a) What is your occupation? ____

(b) Please describe your duties/ nature of work. ____

(c) In which sector is your occupation?

[] 1 Government
[] 2 Private
[] 3 Own business

Mali 1987 — source variable ML1987A_OCC — Occupation last month
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For individuals 6 years of age and older.
[Questions 14-22]

20. Main economic activity practiced


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This is the second group of questions related to the characteristics of the household members. It relates only to persons aged 6 and older. Put a dash or a hyphen (-) for persons of less than 6 years in questions 14 to 25.

[Questions] 18 - 22. Economic Activity:

Questions 18 to 22 have to do with the economic activity of the people enumerated, i.e, their occupation. To fill in their forms pay careful attention to the following directions:

a. Only ask these question of household members who are 6 years and older. Put a dash or a hyphen (-) for those less than 6 years old.

[Page 32]

b. To obtain information on economic activity use the month (30 days) prior to the census interview as the point of reference.

However, for people who work in the agricultural sector (farming, breeding animals, fishing and forestry) this reference period is brought to [illegible] 12 months, taking into account the seasonal nature of employment in this sector. Rural work is carried out during a fixed period which does not correspond to the date of the census.

20. Principal employment (pertains only to the employed working population)

This is the principal job in the last month of the person being interviewed. Ask the following question: "What job did you work at over the last month?" (for workers in the agricultural sector record the normal activities: farming, animal breeding, fishing, forestry).

For those people who declare more than one job, ask:

[Page 34]

"Which job did you spend more time at?" If the answer to this question is not enough then ask "[Which of] the two pays you the most?" and write down the answer.

Please note: put a dash or a hyphen for the non-working population, the unemployed and those aged less than 6 years.

Mali 1998 — source variable ML1998A_OCC — Main occupation
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Section B: Individual Characteristics

For persons aged 6 years and above
[Questions 16-26]

Activity type

23. Main occupation

_ _ _

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1.2.1. Questions for ALL Household Members

1.2.2. Questions for persons aged 6 years and above

This is the second group of questions, concerning the characteristics of household members. They concern only the persons aged 6 years and above.

For persons aged less than 6 years (children), write (0) or (00) depending on column width in Columns P16 to P30.

Columns P23-P25: Economic Activities

Question P22 to P26 deal with the economic activity of the enumerated persons, that is: the occupation of the interviewed persons. For filling this question, please follow carefully the following guidelines.

a. The questions shall be asked only to household members aged 6 years of more. For others, write a hyphen (-) in Columns P23 and P25; and write (0) in Columns P22, P24, and P26.

b. To record the data on economic activity, the census enumerator shall refer to the reference period of one month (30 days) preceding the date of visit in the household.

However, for the persons who work in the agricultural sector (beekeeping, husbandry, fishing, forestry, etc.), this reference period is extended to one year (12 months), because of the seasonal character of this type of employment. Indeed, works in agriculture are done during a well defined period during the year, which may not correspond with the census date.

23. Column P23: Main occupation

This is the main occupation of the interviewed person during the past month.

For those who have worked during the reference month, the question will be: "What was the occupation of NAME?"

For those without occupation during the reference period, the question will be: "What was the last occupation of NAME?"

In Column P23, write down in words the declared occupation. Write a hyphen (--) for the inactive, the unemployed and the persons under age 6 years.

Mali 2009 — source variable ML2009A_OCC — Principal occupation
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Population age six or older
[Questions P24-P28 were asked for persons age 6+.]

P25) Main economic activity
For those who worked during the reference month: What type of work did [Name] mainly do? For those who did not work but who have worked: What was the last main job that [Name] had?

Record the response.
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Questions (P24 to P28) are for members of the household who are six (6) years or older. This part of the questionnaire allows for the collection of information on employment, the type of employment, the branch of the industry. Particular emphasis is placed on farming due to its importance in the occupations of the population. Main economic activity (Column P25)

Write clearly and legibly the wording of the main economic activity of household members who are six (6) years or older. This question is also for people who were employed but who are now unemployed.

For individuals who worked during the reference period (in the months before the agent?s visit), the main activity is the activity that occupied the individual for the most time.

For individuals who have not worked during the reference period (in the months before the passage of the agent), the main activity is the last activity that occupied the individual for the most time.

For students, senior citizens, those who work from home, and people of independent means, the agent records based on the situation of the student, the senior citizen, the person who works at home, or the person of independent means.

[pg. 30]

The agent records the activity exercised by the person who was surveyed. It is neither the rank nor the learned profession, but the activity performed by the individual.

[Omitted example]

You must urge people surveyed for maximum accuracy on the work done, especially among civil servants. Economic activity must be registered with the greatest possible precision. The table below gives some examples of wrong answers (to avoid) and correct answers (to remember).

Wrong answers: Public official, civil servant
Correct answers: Typist, architect, ticket salesperson, statistician, accountant, driver, customs inspector, financial controller, Police Commissioner, PTT Agent [job in telecommunications], tax collector, switchboard, civil servant, etc.

Wrong answers: Worker
Correct answers: Baker, bricklayer, plumber, electrician, mechanic, radio repairman, carpenter, etc.

Wrong answers: Artisan
Correct answers: Basket maker, tailor, potter, weaver, blacksmith, jeweler, etc.

Wrong answers: Laborer
Correct answers: Messenger, sweeper, night watchman, farm laborer, etc.

Wrong answers: Trader
Correct answers: Seller of cigarettes, cakes, vegetables, condiments, spare parts, "aprons"[tablier], shopkeeper, etc.

Mauritius 1990 — source variable MU1990A_OCC3 — Occupation (3-digit)
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In strict confidence
Ministry of Economic Planning and Development
Central Statistical Office

Population Census

Night of 1-2 July 1990

For persons aged 12 years and over:

32. Occupation ____

Describe clearly the work which the person was doing.
Do not use vague terms such as clerk, driver, factory worker, supervisor, repair engineer, teacher, etc.
Use precise terms such as school clerk, filing clerk, accounts clerk, bus driver, bus conductor, taxicar driver, lorry driver, cabinet maker, car mechanic, telephone operator, primary school teacher, etc.
Do not hesitate to use creole terms if necessary.
Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image
Stop at this column [28] if person has never worked. Columns 29 to 34 are for persons who have ever worked. Information is required on the person's work during the past week. If person had more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours, if person had no job last week, answer for his/her last job.

Column 32
Describe as clearly and as precisely as possible the work which the person was doing. Do not describe the job for which the person has been trained, but the job which he was actually doing. For example, if a lorry driver worked as a bricklayer, write 'bricklayer'.

Do not use vague terms such as clerk, driver, factory worker, supervisor, repair technician, teacher, etc. Use precise terms such as filing clerk, accounts clerk, bus driver, bus conductor, taxi car driver, lorry driver, cabinet maker, supervisor of sewing machine operators, supervisor of road repair workers, car repair mechanic, television repair technician, telephone operator, primary school teacher, etc.

For members of religious orders engaged in activities such as primary school teaching, nursing, etc., you should report these activities rather than their religious activity.
Do not hesitate to use creole terms, if necessary, to describe an occupation.

Mauritius 2000 — source variable MU2000A_OCC4 — Occupation (4 digit)
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[Population census form]

For persons aged 12 years and over.
(Questions 28 to 33 refer to the person's job or business during the past week. If person had no job last week, answer for his/her last job. If person had more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours.)

31. Occupation _ _ _ _

Describe clearly the work which the person was doing.

Do not use vague terms such as clerk, driver, factory worker, supervisor, repair engineer, teacher, etc. Use precise terms such as accounts clerk, filing clerk, school clerk, taxi car driver, lorry driver, bus driver, bus conductor, cabinet maker, car mechanic, telephone operator, pre-primary school teacher, primary school teacher, secondary school teacher, etc.

Do not hesitate to use Creole terms if necessary.
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7. Instructions on how to fill in the census form

[Columns 28 to 33 are for persons who have ever worked. Information is required on the person's work during the past week. If person had more than one job last week, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours. If person had no job last week, answer for his/her last job.]

Column 31 - Occupation
Describe as clearly and as precisely as possible the work which the person was doing. Do not describe the job for which the person has been trained, but the job which he was actually doing. For example, if a lorry driver worked as a bricklayer, write 'Bricklayer'.
Do not use vague terms such as clerk, driver, factory worker, supervisor, repair technician, teacher, etc. Use precise terms such as filing clerk, accounts clerk, bus driver, bus conductor, taxicar driver, lorry driver, cabinet maker, supervisor of sewing machine operators, supervisor of road repair workers, car repair mechanic, television repair technician, telephone operator, primary school teacher, etc.
For members of religious orders engaged in activities such as primary school teaching, nursing, etc., you should report these activities rather than their religious activity.
Do not hesitate to use creole terms, if necessary, to describe an occupation.

Mauritius 2011 — source variable MU2011A_OCC4 — Occupation (4-digit)
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Individual form

The following questions [questions 29 through 34] refer to the person's work during the reference week Monday 27 June to Sunday 3 July 2011. If the person is retired or had no job during that week, answer for his/her last job. If the person has more than one job, answer for the job at which he/she worked the most hours. [For persons aged 12 years and older]

P32. Occupation ____

Write the kind of work/business the person did most of the time. Use precise terms such as accounts clerk, school clerk, taxi car driver, lorry driver, statistician, pre-primary teacher, etc.
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6. Population census topics and their usefulness

P32 - Occupation
The number of employed people in each occupation, coupled with other job market information, helps to determine whether there is any shortage or surplus of manpower in specific fields. The information is needed to forecast the demand for certain occupations and to prepare people for these jobs.

8. How to fill in the Population Census Questionnaire

P32 - Occupation
[figure omitted]

Describe as clearly and as precisely as possible the work, which the person was doing during the reference week. Do not describe the job for which the person has been trained, but the job, which he was actually doing. For example, if during the reference week, a lorry driver worked as a bricklayer, write 'Bricklayer'.

Do not use vague terms such as clerk, driver, factory worker, supervisor, repair technician, teacher, etc. Use precise terms such as filing clerk, accounts clerk, bus driver, bus conductor, cabinet maker, supervisor of sewing machine operators, supervisor of road repair workers, car repair mechanic, television repair technician, telephone operator, pre-primary school teacher, etc.

An example is given for a pre-primary school teacher. [figure omitted]

For members of religious orders engaged in activities such as primary school teaching, nursing, etc., report these activities rather than their religious activities.

Mexico 1960 — source variable MX1960A_OCC2 — Principal occupation, 2 digits
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Principal occupation

[] 31. Own account land owner [Ejidatario]

[] 32. Rural laborer

33. Write the principal occupation of the person. For example: farmer, cowboy, carpenter, well digger, retail worker, driver, professor, doctor, typist, etc.

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Principal Occupation
(Very Important)

Column 31. When the enumerated works on cooperative land/farm ["ejido"] and they receive the majority of their income from that land an (X) should be made in Column 31; in addition, another (X) should be made in column 37 "self-employed," since a cooperative farmer is a person who is self-employed. The enumerator should take note that in a case in which a person declares themselves to be a cooperative farmer, and also has another occupation, for example: carpenter, and they receive the majority of their income from this other source, there should not be an (X) marked in column 31. Instead, the corresponding annotations should be made in columns 33 through 39 respectively, relative to the occupation from which the majority of their income is derived.

Column 32. When the enumerated is a rural journeyman or laborer, who works, by way of a salary, at a site which engages in agriculture, livestock, bird raising, beekeeping, or forestry, make an (X) in column 32 and make another (X) in column 34 "worker," since a rural journeyman or worker is a laborer.

[P. 27]

Column 33. Special care should be taken when writing in column 33. For this column, the enumerated should ask him/herself which is their principal occupation, which is the one from which they receive the greatest part, or all, of their earnings. Specify this with all clarity, working to avoid the annotating of general or vague names, but rather specific names, such as: carpenter, civil engineer, typist, mechanic, weaver, iron worker, mason, driver, archivist.

In the case of people who, during the time of the census, have worked in more than one occupation, use the following rule: 1 - the last job that they finished, if they did the different jobs one after the other; 2 - the one from which they derive the greater income, if they did two or more jobs simultaneously; 3 - when the enumerated, on the census date, is without work, write down the last occupation that they had; 4 - when the enumerated has never worked, but is looking for work, write down the occupation that they declare, that is, the one that they are going to exercise. In this case, nothing should be written in columns 34 to 38.

Mexico 1970 — source variable MX1970A_OCC3 — Occupation 3 digit
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For persons twelve years old or more

18. Principal occupation in 1969

In the main work or employment that the person had in 1969, what was his or her job, profession, or occupation?
(For example: pizcador, cow milker, automobile mechanic, chemical engineer, traveling salesmen, typist, archivist, etc.)


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Principal occupation in 1969

Column 18

This deals with the office, job, or profession that the person carried out in the place where the person had their job or principal employment.

The occupation should be written down in a precise and complete form. Examples: milker, tractor driver, television repair technician, construction worker, personnel supervisor, passenger vehicle driver, car keeper, servant, bilingual secretary, public accountant, waiter, etc.


[P. 54]

In the cases in which the occupation cannot be defined with a specific name, the type of work which the person did in their job should be written with the greatest detail.

Do not write generic names such as employer, mechanic, or [unintelligible], but rather specific names such as "shop clerk," "automobile mechanic," "typing secretary." Write with the greatest detail possible.

In some cases, professionals carry out jobs which are different from their specialty, or the name of the occupation which they have is different from the name of their profession; in these cases write down the name which is given as the principal occupation. For example: for a lawyer who has the position of sales manager, write down "sales manager," or for a professor who works in a government agency as a "primary school inspector," write down this last profession.

Mexico 1990 — source variable MX1990A_OCC — Occupation, 4 digits
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Ask only if the person is twelve years old or more

If the answer was worked [ ] 1 or had a job but didn't work [ ] 2, ask the following questions:

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Questions for persons who are twelve years old or more.

Questions: 11. Number of children; 12. Civil status; 13. Principal activity; 14. Principal Occupation; 15. Labor situation; 16. Hours; 17. Economic activity and 18. Income, will only be asked if the person about whom you are requesting information is 12 years old or more. If the person is a man, continue directly with the question about civil status. If the person is a woman, ask question 11. Number of children.

14. Principal occupation

With this question you will know what the person did in his/her work, which means, what tasks he/she carried out, what job he/she did, or what post he/she held in the job that he/she did the week of March 5 to 11, 1990.

-Supervisor of seamstresses
-Machinery oiler
-Singer and actor
-Chicken counter
-Clinical laboratory technician
-Municipal president
-General manager
-Textile laborer
-Drill press operator
-Automobile mechanic
-Hand-delivery person
-Candy vendor
-Store clerk
-Secondary school teacher
-Buying agent
-Tractor driver

If the person had more than one job, you should write the information about the principal job; the principal job is considered the one that the person declares as the most important one.

To know exactly what the occupation of a person is, you should ask the following questions:

14. Principal occupation
What is the job, post, or position that you have at your principal occupation?
Write the name (Here you should write the name of the job, post or position that the person held).

What are the tasks or functions that you do in your job?
Write the tasks (here you should write the activities, things, or tasks that the person did in his/her work).
[End of illustration]

It is very important that you write the answer clearly for each of the questions.

Do not write general descriptions like: teacher, worker, driver, or assistant; write exactly the name of the job, post, or position that the person held: elementary school teacher, Operator of front loader, can packer, driver of passenger bus, plumber's assistant...

If the informant answers that the person is an employee, ask the informant to clarify what the person's occupation is, for example: cashier, salesperson, announcer, archivist, taco vendor, etc.

What is the job, post, or position that you have at your principal occupation?
Sugar cane cutter
What are the tasks or functions that you do in your job?
Cut sugar cane and carry it to the sugar mill.

What is the job, post, or position that you have at your principal occupation?
Pottery artisan
What are the tasks or functions that you do in your job?
Make pots out of clay.

What is the job, post, or position that you have at your principal occupation?
Doctor surgeon
What are the tasks or functions that you do in your job?
Cure and operate on people who are ill.

What is the job, post, or position that you have at your principal occupation?
What are the tasks or functions that you do in your job?
Sew blouses and skirts.
[End of illustration]

I work as a flower vendor. I do not have an employer, I am self-employed. I work everyday, Monday through Sunday, from 8 in the morning until 6 P.M.. I sell my flowers in the street, on the street called "September 16", and I make about two hundred thousand pesos biweekly.

14. Principal occupation
What is the job, post or position that you have at your principal occupation?
Flower vendor
Write the name.

What are the tasks or functions that you do in your job?
Sell flowers
Write the tasks.

15. Work situation
The person in his/her work is?
Mark only one circle
Employee or worker? [ ] 1
Day laborer or salaried laborer? [ ] 2
Self-employed? [x] 3
Employer or businessman [ ] 4
Unpaid worker in a family business or property? [ ] 5

16. Hours
How many hours total did you work last week?

Write the number

17. Economic activity
What is the primary activity of the business, lot, company, institution or place where you worked?

To sell flowers
Write the primary activity

Where did you work?
For example: in the fields, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop

In the street
Write the place where he/she worked

18. Income
How does this person earn for his/her work?
Write only one answer in numbers

Weekly [__] 1
Biweekly [200,000] 2
Monthly [__] 3
Yearly [__] 4
Mark with an x
Does not receive income [ ] 0

-I am a seamstress, I make dresses and blouses for my clients here in my house. I work six hours a day and I rest on Saturdays and Sundays. I make about eighty thousand pesos a week.

14. Principal occupation
What is the job, post, or position that you have at your principal occupation?
Seamstress of dresses and blouses
Write the name.

What are the tasks or functions that you do in your job?
Sew and cut blouses and dresses
Write the tasks.

15. Work situation
The person in his/her work is?
Mark only one circle
Employee or worker? [ ] 1
Day laborer or salaried laborer? [ ] 2
Self-employed? [x] 3
Employer or businessman [ ] 4
Unpaid worker in a family business or property? [ ] 5

16. Hours
How many hours total did you work last week?

Write the number

17. Economic activity
What is the primary activity of the business, lot, company, institution or place where you worked?

To cut and sew blouses and dresses
Write the primary activity

Where did you work?
For example: in the fields, in a factory, in a mechanic's shop

At home
Write the place where he/she worked

18. Income
How does this person earn for his/her work?
Write only one answer in numbers

Weekly [80,000] 1
Biweekly [__] 2
Monthly [__] 3
Yearly [__] 4
Mark with an x
Does not receive income [ ] 0

[End of illustration]

Mexico 1995 — source variable MX1995A_OCC — Occupation
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For people 12 years old or older
[Applies to questions 7.3 to 7.11]

Occupation or office

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VII Economic characteristics

In this section some of the economic characteristics of the population of work age (12 years old or older) are found out; which are related to socio-demographic and cultural information about the population, that permit us to know the socioeconomic situation of people and households.

[graphic of the question from the census form]

The information obtained in this section permits us to know, in a specific reference period (the week before the interview), how the work force [p. 119] in the country is formed, that is, who worked or looked for work; about the first jobs, what is done in the occupation, how many hours are worked, what are the incomes, the relation with the employer, etc.

Also in the population of 12 years old or older it is meant to distinguish who receives income by different sources at the job and the importance of these perceptions.

7.3 and 7.4 Occupation and office

The objective to these questions is to know the occupation of employed people, that is, the type of work or office they had and the duties they carried out the week before the date of the interview.

In question 7.3, write down the office or position that the person had at the job. When the person had more than one job, write only the office that the informant considers more important.

[p. 126]

When the answer corresponds to very general offices, like teacher, assistant, operator, supervisor, owner, among others, it is indispensable that they give you more details about the occupation, since the description can refer to different occupations. For example:

[Below the text are two columns of occupations. I will translate each section, from left to right.]

A teacher can be:
Teacher of primary school
Carpenter teacher
Mechanical teacher
Bricklaying teacher
Teacher of dance, etc.

On operator can be:
Operator of motor loader
Operator of cranes
Truck operator
Mill operator
Lathe operator

A vendor can be:
Street salesperson
Vendor in a store
Food vendor
House vendor

A driver can be:
Taxi driver
Metro driver
Cargo truck driver
Rail road train driver

An assistant can be:
Bricklayer's assistant
Mechanic's assistant
Miner's assistant
Cook's assistant

A director can be:
Hospital director
Bank director
School director
Movie theater director
Newspaper director

[p. 127]

A manager can be:
Hotel manager
Bank manager
Airline manager
Commercial store manager
Automobile agency manager

A government employee can be:
Municipal president
Secretary of state
Head of transportation
Treasurer of a government office

Answers like worker and employee are common; in these cases ask the informant to clarify what the occupation is.

[Below the text are two columns listing occupations. I will translate the columns left to right.]

Salesclerk in a jewelry store
Clinical lab worker
Automobile mechanic
Food distributor
Oilier of machinery
Bread baker
Cane cutter

When in 7.1 Condition of activity they mention the office, position, or charge of the person, when arriving at this question, confirm with the informant the selected office, like in the following example:

Interviewer: Did Juan work last week?
Informant: Yes, he's a taxi driver
Interviewer: Then Juan's occupation is taxi driver?
Informant: Yes

Question 7.4 has as its objective to know duties or activities that the person does in the occupation registered in the previous question, for example:

[p. 128]

[Question 7.3, Office, position or charge, and question 7.4 Duties or functions are listed side by side. I will translate each position, then its duty.]

Bricklayer contractor
Controls assistants and heads of the job
Supervisor of quality control
Supervises the making of clothes
Arranges boxes in a winery
Technicians in electronics
Repairs electric domestic appliances
Owner in a pharmacy
Administers the pharmacy
Grows corn and beans
Raises cows
Organizes ranching activities
Repairs tires

[graphic of the question from the census form]

Write in the corresponding line the duties or functions that they mention, when the informant indicates that the week before the date of the interview, no work was done because of being on vacation, on strike, on leave or military leave, waiting for the beginning of an agricultural cycle or season of harvest, ask what office or position is done.

Register in 7.4 the duties or functions that the informant does in the job, making sure they are as explicit as possible.

Do not forget that when a person had more than one job, only the duties that correspond to the office or charge that the informant pointed out as principle are registered.

[p. 129]

Remember that when in the question about verification of condition of activity (7.2), mark a code 1 to 6 continue with the question about duties or functions (7.4). For these cases ask the question use the term "activity" instead of "work;" for example, What are the duties or functions that Juan has in his activity?"

If after investigating, the informant does not know the office or position (question 7.3) or the duties done in the job (question 7.4), write "Does not know," according to what it corresponds to.

Mexico 2000 — source variable MX2000A_OCC4 — Occupation, 4 digits
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24. Occupation or job

What did this person do in his or her work last week?
____ Write the activities or tasks

What is the name of his or her occupation, work or job title? For example: farm laborer, elementary school teacher, traveling sales person
_____ Write the occupation work or job title.

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24. Occupation or Trade

The occupation is captured in the following two questions:

In the first, write what the person did in their work during the previous week; that is, the chores or activities that they carried out.

In the second, record the name of the occupation, trade, or position in the activity that the person carried out during the previous week.

[Two depictions of this completed question on the enumeration form, and two related drawings]

Record the information from the informant just as they report it to you, following the order of the questions, even if they first mention the name of the occupation and then what the person did in their job. For example, if, in asking what they did, they say that they are a taxi driver, confirm with the informant what they do as a taxi driver, and then write drives a taxi under the first question and taxi driver under the second.
Try not to record imprecise chores or general activities, such as supervises, teaches, sells, etc., nor general posts or trades such as employee, manual laborer, supervisor, since this does not allow us to know occupation.

[P. 80]

Write down the tasks and the trade or position as is indicated in the following:

Tasks Trades or positions
Supervises cashiers in a supermarket Cashier supervisor
Gives swimming lessons Swim instructor
Sells fruit in the street Traveling fruit salesperson

If a person carried out more than one job during the previous week, ask for the information on the occupation that the informant recognizes as their principle employment.

Mexico 2010 — source variable MX2010A_OCC — Occupation or trade
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III. Personal characteristics

Now I am going to ask you about (name): ________
Copy the name of the person from section II

For person age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

28. Occupation or trade
What did [the respondent] do in his/her work last week?

[Question 28 was asked of persons age 12 or older who worked or helped in economic activity last week, per questions 26 and 27.]

Write what s/he did ________

So, what is the name of the occupation, trade or position of [the respondent]? Examples are electrical technician, primary school teacher, fruit seller or bricklayer.
Write the occupation or trade ________

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6.5 Section III. Characteristics of the people

In this section the information of the people who inhabit the dwelling, like the sex, age, level of studies, income, among others, is obtained.

Before requesting the information for each person, copy all the names in the spaces designated for them, and for each person start with the phrase: "Now I'm going to ask about (mention the name of the person you previously noted)", so that the informer knows about whom you will be asking the information.

For persons age 12 or older
[Questions 24-35 are for persons age 12 or older]

28. Occupation or trade
The occupation or trade of a person is obtained through two questions to find out what he/she carried out the week before the data collection.
- The first identifies what the person did in his/her job, that is to say, the tasks or activities that he/she completed.
- The second looks for the common name of the occupation, trade, or position that the person carries out.

On occasions, the informer only knows the tasks that the person carries out but not the name of the occupation, or the other way around. If this is the case, investigate using the technique of confirmation and your experience, so that upon recording the response the informer hears what you are writing.

Interviewer: "What did Eduardo do in his job last week?"
Informer: "He is a taxi driver".
Interviewer: "So, he drove a taxi?"
Informer: "Yes".
Interviewer: "His occupation is taxi driver?"
Informer: "Yes".

[p. 111]

Interviewer: "What did Adela do in her job last week?"
Informer: "She is a Social Service nurse".
Interviewer: "Adela cares for the sick?"
Informer: "Yes".
Interviewer: "She is a nurse".
Informer: "Yes".

Interviewer: "What did Juana do in her job last week?"
Informer: "She works shifts in the houses".
Interviewer: "Oh, then, last week Juana did chores in other homes?"
Informer: "Yes, that's right".
Interviewer: "She's a domestic worker".

When the informer responds with general or confusing names of tasks, occupations, or trades, investigate further without bothering in order to obtain a clear and more precise answer.

General responses: he/she works a lot, worker, he/she teaches, laborer
Clear and precise responses: he/she supervises the cashiers, auto-service supervisor, gives swim classes, swim instructor

Likewise, when the response about what the person did or the name of the occupation is not fine-tuned or congruent, investigate further with other questions in order to obtain a simple and clear response.

Tasks: gives injections, fills out time cards
Occupation or trade: secretary, doctor
Then: "Is he/she a nurse or a secretary? Does he/she fill out time cards or is he/she a doctor?"

If the person completed more than one job, ask what was the main job, as recognized by the informer or the worker. If he/she has a doubt ask: "For


you, which of these jobs is the most important?" If the doubt continues, investigate to which he/she dedicated more time the last week.

Mexico 2015 — source variable MX2015A_OCC — Occupation
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30. Name of occupation
What was [the respondent?s] occupation last week? (Electrical technician, school teacher, fruit seller, construction worker, auto mechanic, etc.)
[Write the occupation]


[p. 8]
[Continue if the person is 12 or more years old]

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30. Name of occupation and 31. Tasks
These questions identify the occupation of the respondent who worked the week previous to the interview. Question 30 "Name of occupation" identifies the name of the occupation or trade of the workers and question 31 "Job duties" identifies the specific activities carried out by them at their jobs. Apply question 30 "Name of occupation" only to people who worked during the week previous to the interview, so these people answered "yes" to question 28 "Work" or because their answers were between codes 1 to 6 in question 29 "Other activities". When the answer is code 6, consider the name of the occupation that the person performs usually. Read the question, listen to the answer and record the textual answer; in all cases avoid doing translations or reinterpretations.

Request more information when the answer is too general, no matters in which case.
For example:

Interviewee: "I am laborer"; Interviewer: "Where?"; Interviewee: "I am textile cutter operator"
Interviewee: "I am worker"; Interviewer: "Where?"; Interviewee: "I am cashier in a supermarket"
Interviewee: "I am teacher"; Interviewer: "Where?"; Interviewee: "I am primary school teacher"
Interviewee: "I sold a product"; Interviewer: "What did you sell?"; Interviewee: "I sold cosmetics"
Interviewee: "I did repairs"; Interviewer: "What did you repair?"; Interviewee: "I repair televisions"

[Figures are omitted]

When you obtain an occupation in question 30 and the job duties performed in that occupation are obvious, confirm it with the informant to verify or to correct the information. For example:

Interviewee: "I am doctor"; Interviewer: "Did you treat patients?"; Interviewee: "Yes, I looked after sick people"
Interviewee: "I am mechanic"; Interviewer: "Did you repair cars?"; Interviewee: "No, I repaired heavy machinery"

Mexico 2020 — source variable MX2020A_OCC3 — Occupation (3-digits)
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Continue if the person is 12 years of age or older

32. Name of occupation: What was [the respondent]'s occupation last week? For example: electrician, elementary school teacher, fruit seller, construction worker, auto mechanic

____ Write down textually
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15.3 Section III. People characteristics

In this section, information is obtained for each of the people living in the housing unit.

Before requesting data for each resident, copy the details from Section II. List people and general data, their names, gender, and age, and write them down in the spaces provided. Do not forget to correct the person number when using more than one questionnaire.

[Figure omitted: image with text]

For the respondent to know who to provide the information about, start with the sentence: "Now I'm going to ask you about...", and mention the name of the person you previously wrote down.

Apply questions 1 through 11 for all the people who are habitual residents, including children, as well as elderly people.

32. Occupation name and 33. Tasks
These questions allow us to know the occupation of the people who worked the week before the interview.

Mongolia 2000 — source variable MN2000A_OCC — Occupation
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[Questions 16-18 were asked of persons age 15+ who worked during last week.]

16. Occupations ____ _ _ _ _

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Question 16


This question should be answered by the people who answered "Yes" to question fifteen. The question should be asked as "What kind of job do you do?" What kind of occupation do you do? These should be asked to define the true nature of the employment, namely:

The enumerator should be clear that he or she is asking about the duties and description of their job, not their occupation. Occupation and the engaged job do not need to be the same as well. For instance, an accountant could work as a head of the human resource section.

If the person answers this question in a very general manner as teacher, operator or driver, the enumerator should clarify this as Where do you work as a teacher and what do you teach? What kind of operator are you? What kind of car do you drive? and complete the question as Mathematics teacher at the university, dry cleaning operator, sales manager or truck driver.(Please see the manual for filling out the questionnaire, page numbers 15-19)

If the person is engaged with various kinds of jobs, the job that takes most of the time should be written in the questionnaire.

If there is a person who does not work during 7 days prior to the census but has a labor contract with his or her employee and is able to continue work after certain period, he or she should be noted as employed.

Guideline to fill Questions number 15-19 of the Questionnaire

The enumerator should fill out the questions related to the employment and main activity of enterprise, with many details (not general) and make it easy to understand for coding people. In the employment section, if the person is a teacher, it should be clarified by asking what does he or she teaches? There is an example to make it more understandable.

A. The main activity of person should be detailed. For instance, the person would say his or her employment as a manager and should indicate his or her main activity as an "industry and trade". In this case, the enumerator should ask if he is a sales manager or general manager and at which division does he or she work for? What kind of economic activity does your enterprise do?

[p. 30]

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Advertisement manager
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Sale and production of salami and meat product
18. Employment status: Contract worker-1

It should be clarified by asking "Do you have salary? Do you own this enterprise? If he or she does not own this enterprise or contributed his or her own property to this enterprise, he or she will be defined as a contract worker.

2. If a person owns that enterprise, the main activity of the enterprise will remain the same as a "trade" and his or her employment would be a "sales person". It should be clarified with many details that trade is wholesale, retail trade or intellectual work trade. For instance, wholesale of vegetables, retail trade of shoes in the black market.

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Vegetables salesperson
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Wholesale trade of vegetables
18. Employment status: Contract worker-1

In this case, the person who works in the wholesale trade of vegetables as a salesperson is a contract worker because he or she gets paid working as a salesperson. It must be clarified that whose property is in this trade, if he or she did not contribute any property to this trade, he or she will be defined as a contract employer.

3. Occupational jobs should be clarified in a very detailed manner, too. If the person is an operator, it should be clarified what kind of machine or equipment operator does he or she do? For instance, the person who works at "Hotol cement" company as an operator, he or she should answer own employment as following:

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Equipment operator of cement production
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Cement company
18. Employment status: Cooperative member-4

In this case, it is understandable or certain, a person who works at a cement company as a paid employer and his or her employment status will be defined as a contract employer.

[p. 31]

B. Example to fill in the questions about employment of person who work at more than one job

1. If a person worked at more than one job one week prior to the reference period, the main job should be registered in the questionnaire. The main job is the one that was worked at the longest during the reference period (1 week) of the census. If the worked hours at both jobs is the same, then the job with the higher income will be registered in the questionnaire. For instance, accountant Ms. Dulmaa works at a commercial bank as a general accountant but also works at small private shop as a accountant, the main job will be a general accountant and the main economic activity will be registered as an "activity of monetary circulation".

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: General accountant
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Activity of monetary circulation
18. Employment status: Contract worker-1

In this case, Ms. Dulmaa works at the commercial bank as a general accountant and she is a contract worker. Because she gets paid working as a general accountant, it should be clarified whose property is in the commercial bank, and if she did not contribute any property to this bank, her employment will be defined as a contract employer.

C. An example to fill the questions about self-employed person.

1. Questions 15-18, related to the employment of person aged 15 and over who works at household businesses (livestock, farming etc) except the head of households, should be filled out as follows:

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Herder
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Livestock sector
18. Employment status: Unpaid family worker-5

People who do not get paid from their work in a household business should have their employment status defined as "unpaid family worker". The employment status of those people cannot be defined as "self-employed" because they are participating in their own household business but are not engaged with any industrial activity that is independent.

[p. 32]

2. If a person engages in the household business and hires any other household members permanently, the employment status of the head of household will be defined as a" employer" not self-employed.

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Owner
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Livestock sector
18. Employment status: Unpaid family worker-5

The employment status of the person who is engaged in retail trade, craftsman or service without any permission, will be filled out as "self-employed" because they are engaged with their own business that is independent. If a person says that he or she works at a car cleaning service, it should be clarified by asking, what kind of car does he/she clean, where does he or she work?

15. Did you work last week? Yes-1
16. Job: Car cleaner
17. Main activity of the enterprise and establishment: Livestock sector
18. Employment status: Self-employed-3

Morocco 1982 — source variable MA1982A_OCC3 — Occupation (3-digit)
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Q20: Main occupation
Ask this question for all active persons, employed or jobless (see detailed instructions), or inactive persons who answered Q18 who worked during the specified reference period.

Example: bricklayer, plumber, cereal farmer, stockbreeder, etc.


Morocco 1994 — source variable MA1994A_OCC3 — Occupation, 3-digit
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Q19. Primary profession carried on
This question is asked to every active occupied or unemployed. This question was coded at a later stage (please see instructions manual to code professions). It concerns active occupied, active not working but had held a job in the past, and active never worked before but with qualifications.

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Individuals: (multiple records)

For persons age 10 or older
[Questions 15-16.]

Q19. Primary profession carried on____

This question is asked to every actively occupied or unemployed [person]. This question was coded at a later stage (please see the instructions manual to code the profession). It concerns [persons who are] actively occupied, active not working but held a job in the past, and active never worked before but with qualifications.

Morocco 2004 — source variable MA2004A_OCC3 — Occupation (3-digit)
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E07. Main occupation _____
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Q18: Primary profession: This question was coded at a later stage (please see instructions to code profession manual). It concerns active occupied, active not working but had held a job in the past, and active never worked before but with qualifications.

Morocco 2014 — source variable MA2014A_OCC2 — Occupation (2-digit)
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Economic activity

35. Main occupation ____ _

For the employed and the unemployed.

Specify the main profession and write the code 1.

- School principal
- Wholesale fabric trader
- Skilled or specialized agricultural worker

Mozambique 1997 — source variable MZ1997A_OCC2 — Occupation 3-digit
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24. What kind of activity is executed in the place where (the person) currently works at?

Activity executed: ________
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Questions Only For People With 7 Years And Older

P24. What kind of business is held in place where you usually work?
Read the question and then write the specific name of the company's main activity or institution in which the interviewee works or activity that the respondent performs on your own.
Keep in mind that:

People who have stated that the P21 sought new employment should indicate the activity they were familiar in the place where they worked last time.

Mozambique 2007 — source variable MZ2007A_OCC — Occupation

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Myanmar 2014 — source variable MM2014A_OCC — Occupation
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Age 10 and above (22 through 24)
[Questions 22 through 24 were asked only of persons age 10 and older.

Labor force (22 through 24)


23. What work was [the respondent] mainly doing during the last 12 months? ____

Write detailed work descriptions (e.g. Primary teacher, rice farmer, taxi driver)
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Labor force section
The Labor Force section is applicable to all persons 10 years and above. For respondents age below 10 years you will skip the section, leave it blank.

Question 23: Occupation
177. Ask "what work was [the respondent] mainly doing during the last 12 months before the census?" This question must be asked of all people who coded "1" to "5" in Question 22.

[p. 42]

178. Occupation is the kind of work done during the last 12 months by the person employed, regardless of the industry or status in employment of the person. Write detailed description of the work being done such as accounts clerk, legal secretary, domestic worker, fisherman, human resource manager, etc. The writing should be done in space provided in Myanmar language.

179. State the person's occupation in his/her main job during the reference year and the type of work done. Main job is that economic activity where the person spends most of the time working than any other work. Be sure to obtain a description of their main tasks/duties since often times a job title does not sufficiently describe the occupation for the purpose of coding. For example occupations such as "clerk," "engineer," "manager", "seaman," "supervisor," "teacher" etc. are too vague. You will need to probe for a more detailed answer. Examples of various occupations are provided below.

180. Your job is to write a legible and concise description of the respondent's occupation. Errors in the coding of occupations could occur if you do not give adequate or complete descriptions of tasks and duties performed by the respondent. Each employed person who is recorded 1-5 in Q22 must have occupation in Q23.

Nepal 2001 — source variable NP2001A_OCC — Usual occupation
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Questions [15 to 20] are asked to persons 10 years of age and above

17. What work ____ usually do? (Occupation)

(Describe the actual work done)


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The following should be taken into consideration while asking questions of column 17, 18, 19 and 20.
a. If the number of months by summing category 1, 2, and 3 of column 16 >= 6 (six months or more), then the questions on columns 17, 18 and 19 should be asked and the question 20 should not be asked.

b. If the number of months by summing category 1, 2, and 3 of column 16 is less than six months and more than 0 month, then the questions on columns 17, 18, 19 and 20 should be asked.

c. If number of months of category1 of column 16 = 0 and number of months of category 4 of column 16 =12, then the questions on columns 17, 18, 19 should not be asked but the questions on column 20 should be asked.

Column 17: What work ____usually do?
(For all, the time period of 1+2+3 greater than 1month in column 16)

The economically active population may have remained active at some time during the last 12 month, that person may be engaged more or less time in the economic work. The enumerator should find out what was his/her usual activity in the reference period. If the person had some post or status of work, it should be mentioned.

The meaning of work for the column 17, 18 and 19 is the income related economic work which is mentioned in categories 1, 2, 3 and 4 of column 15.

In the reference period, a person can have done any one or more than one above mentioned economic activities that generate income. Person may have done some of the work for longer duration and some for work shorter duration. While writing the description of work in columns 17, 18 and 19 the description of work that the person has done for the majority of time should be written in the respective columns. If the income generating activities (work) have been done for 3 months, 2 months or only for 1 month, it may be the usual major economic activities done mostly during the reference period.

The usual major activity of the enumerated person in the reference period should be written in this column; in short and clear words.

The income generated work done by the person in the reference year usually or for some time is the specific work done by the person is the occupation. According to the nature of the work done by the people, their occupation may also be different. The classification of the occupation can be done by the nature of the status of the work done. So, to classify the work into occupation, the specific work done by the people should be written, and if it is possible to write the post or position or level of the status of the work done, it should be also mentioned. According to the work and level as mentioned above, it is possible to separate the occupation of the manpower of Nepal at that time, and the occupation classification of the manpower could be done.

Some of the examples are given below, to find out the occupation of the people in the reference period according to the nature of the usual economic work.

There are different types of work in agricultural activities. For example; digging, ploughing, collection of seeds, growing seed, planting, irrigation etc.

The following different work may be done in all the agricultural activities. Examples:

i. In cereal crop/cash crop -- paddy, wheat, maize, millet, barley, etc. are produced. In pulses group lentil, chicken pea, pigeon pea, black gram, grass pea, horse gram, soybean and others are produced. In cash crop jute, sugarcane, tobacco, oilseed, mustard etc. are grown. What was the actual work done in the cereal crop or cash crop should be written.

ii. In vegetable crops -- potato, cauliflower, cabbage, radish, brinjal, lady finger, pumpkin, etc. are produced. What was the actual work done in producing vegetables should be written here.

iii. In fruits -- mango, banana, orange, apple, guava, pear, durian, pomegranates, lemon, lime, pineapple, etc. are produced.

In the agricultural activities, what usual activity person had done should be written. For example, "all the work related to cereal crop", "vegetable crop related activities like planting, "fruit crop", tea , coffee crop, "nursery", "flower production", etc.

iv. Some person has done livestock work for producing milk, meat, hair, skin and others. If their usual work was livestock related activities like grass cutting, grazing and other sanitation work of livestock like cows, buffalo, sheep/goat, pig, etc. it should be written as 'livestock/cow boy" or "all activities of livestock"

v. If the person was engaged in fishery, it should be written as "fishery" or "activities related to fish catching"

vi. If the person was engaged in professional poultry work of cock/hen, ducks, battai should be written as "poultry"

vii. Similarly if the person was engaged in silkworm farm for cocon production, bee keeping in bee hives and honey production, it should be written as silkworm farming, bee keeping.

viii. If a person was engaged in planting the trees in jungle (forestation), collection of fire wood, collection of medicinal plants (herbs) it should be written as according to her/his usual activity.

In the reference period, the person may engage in more than one agricultural-related activity, as mentioned above. If the person had done different activities, the description of usual activity (which works done for longer period) should be written.

1. To mention the above work, where did the person do the work, what was the employment status, like: employer, employees, own account worker, it should be also mentioned.

2. If the enumerated person is a doctor, she/he may be engaged most of the time in the last 12 month in health checkup and medical treatment. If the doctor was engaged in health checkup and medical treatment, then in this column it should be written as "health checkup and medical treatment - doctor". If the working person is a nurse, it should be written as "health checkup and medical treatment - nurse". If the doctor is a dentist, then it should be written as "treatment of teeth - dentist". If the person is an assistant in health services, it should be written as "dental assistant", "midwife", "health assistant", or "livestock health assistant".

3. The special work of tailors may be to design and cut the piece of cloth, stitching cloth. The work of traders may be "to manage or to buy and sell the goods, to transport the sold goods". So, during that time, what work was done should be written as "tailor", "trader" etc.

4. For the workers who work in the government office, semi government office, corporation, private company: their nature of work can be identified by the name of post. For example, a typist is doing typing work, a sales girl is selling the goods, an administrative officer is related with administrative work, etc. In this way, the person who did the job-related work in the reference period can be identified. But some others are not doing the work as their post. So, for the paid worker, it should be identified what job they did in the reference period and should be written the actual work they had done. For example: "account officer, account administration", "accountant, book keeping"; data collection, enumerator"; "administration policy implementation, joint secretary"; "administrative record keeping, office assistant"; "record file management" should be written.

5. For the teachers - if they were engaged in teaching at the reference period, "teacher, primary school"; "teacher, secondary school", "teacher, campus or university", should be written.

If they teach for physically or mentally disabled people, then it should be written as "teacher of physical/mental disabled people".

6. The nature of the work of the people may be different in the same organization or office. For example, the employees of Food Corporation have different types of job. Some of the employees are engaged in "personnel administration", some are engaged in "selling of food products", and some of them are "security guard". For truck, car or jeep driver, it should be written as "truck, car or jeep driver". If the enumerated person was an employee of the Food Corporation in the fifth level and in the last 12 month she/he usually engaged in the selling of food products, then it should be written as "selling of food related materials, fifth level".

7. If the person was engaged in the manufacturing profession, then his job should be written clearly. For example, if the person was market manager of the readymade garment, then it should be written as "market manager", "assistant market manager". If the person was engaged in cloth stitching, "cloth stitching" should be written. If in a cigarette factory the person was engaged in tobacco winnowing, it should be written as "tobacco winnowing". The technician who mixed up the color in a chocolate factory should be written as "color mixer". In the press, if the person was repairing the machine, it should be written as "machine repairer". When operating the machine, it should be written as "machine operator". In the house, if a person was doing wool-related activities, it should be written as "making wool, weaving blanket". In the manufacturing industry, if the person was doing data-related activities then it should be written as "data collection or processing or analysis" according to the nature of the work and also should be mentioned the post.

8. Occupation is distinguished by the nature of the work. So it should be mentioned the usual work done by the male or female in the reference year. It should also include the post or level of the job. It should not be written "job" only. "Job" cannot describe what work was done.

Nepal 2011 — source variable NP2011A_OCC1 — Occupation (1-digit)
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Questions are asked to persons 10 years of age and above
[Questions 22 to 26 were asked of persons 10 years or older.]

For questions 23, 24 and 25, Q 22: [1+2+3+4] greater than 0
[Questions 23 to 25 were asked of those who answered they did agricultural (1), salary/wage (2), own economic enterprise (3), or extended economic (4) work for a total of months greater than zero.]

[23] What work [the respondent] usually has done? [Occupation] ____

[Describe the actual work done. eg. Teaching, high school teacher]
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Work, economic activity, economically active/inactive manpower (columns 22-26)
Five questions from columns 22-26 are related to economic and non-economic activities. Ask these questions to the people usually living in the family and aged 10 years or older.

Column 23: what economic woks did [the respondent] usually do?
(Only to persons whose time of (1+2+3+4) [options] of column 22 is greater than zero)

Write information about the economic works done by the enumerated person in the last 12 months. If there is any position or level in the work, such should also need to specify.

Here, for the purpose of columns 23 and 24, work means the works stated in the column 22 - i.e. 1. Agriculture / own farming; 2. Salary / wage; 3. Own non-agriculture business, and 4. Extended economic activities - which are earnings from the economic viewpoint.

For example: If the enumerated person is a doctor, he might have done health checkup and treatment to others most of the time in the last 12 months. If the work is related to health checkup and treatment, write the work he/she did as "health checkup and treatment, doctor" in this column. If the person is nurse, write "health checkup and treatment, nurse". If dentist, write "treatment of teeth, dentist". If they are assistant in the health service, write "dental assistant," "midwife," "medical assistant," "veterinary assistant," etc.

Similarly, for the person working in farming/agriculture, write the name of the crops/farming items and the nature of his task - e.g. "food crops farming, all works", "vegetable farming, showing and weeding," "fruits farming," "tea, coffee farming," "nursery," "flower production/farming," etc.

While writing the work, do not write only "job". Only writing the "job" word does not clarify the nature of the work. In the government and private offices, the nature of work differs with what is required to be performed by each position. Therefore, if a person says he or she is a doing job, ask him/her what types of work it is and where it is done and write accordingly - e.g. "finance administration, account officer," "book keeping, accountant," "data collecting, enumerator," "implementing administration policy, joint secretary," "auditing, auditor," etc. Similarly, write as "to keep account of employee, accountant," "manage records, files, office assistant."

[p. 89]

[Images are omitted]

In the reference time, a person might have done one or more economic activities. He or she might have done some work for longer periods and some work for shorter periods. While writing the information on works in columns 23, 24 and 25, write the information about the work that was done for the longest period in the last 12 months. Even for such economically works that were done for 3, 2, or 1 months, write the work that was done for the longest period. The main or particular income generating work done for the longest period in the last 12 months would be the occupation of that person. Occupation differs as per the nature of work. Occupation is categorized as per the nature of works done being in different position or level. Therefore, in order to categorize the works in appropriate occupation category, the particularly works and the position or level under which that work is performed should be written. Based on the work and position/level, we can identify the occupation of various workforces and categorize them according to their occupation. To specify the occupation of a person based on the work done for the longest period in the reference time, some of the examples are presented below.

In agriculture/farming occupation, there are various types or work - e.g. spalding, plowing, colleting seeds, seedling, planting, irrigation, weeding, treatment of pesticides or diseases, harvesting and storing, etc. These different tasks have to be done for all types of farming activities. For example:

a. Paddy, wheat, maize, barley, millet, buckwheat are produced under food/cereal crops. The category of pulse includes grass pea, lentil, chickpea, horse gram, soybean, and mung bean. The cash crops category includes jutes, sugar cane, tobacco, mustard, sesame, and flaxseed. To specify such works, write the main crops as far as possible. For example, cereal/food crops - paddy; or cash crops - sugar cane; or pulse crops - lentil.

b. The vegetable farming category includes potato, cauliflower, cabbage, radish, rayo, eggplant, bitter guard, lady finger, and pumpkin. The produced vegetable should be written to specify the nature of work. Write the main vegetable crops to identify such works. For example, vegetable farming - cauliflower.

c. Mango, banana, orange, apple, jack fruits, pomegranate, lemon, lime, pineapple, etc. are produced under the fruits crops category. Write, fruits crop - mango.

[p. 90]

d. If someone have been rearing livestock for milk, mean, fur, leather, or has spent most of the time doing shepherd job or caring livestock, write the nature of work as "livestock rearing, shepherd" or "doing all the works rearing livestock."

e. While writing the occupation related to fish production, write "fisheries" or "catching fish."

f. If people are doing poultry farming for commercial purposes (chicken, duck, egg production etc.), write the works as "chicken/duck/egg production."

g. If people are doing silk farming or bee keeping, write "silk farming" or "bee keeping."

h. If people are doing works like vegetation planting, colleting woods or firewood, herbal medicine, write the nature of the work accordingly. For example: collection of yarsagumba.

In the reference time period, the person doing farming might have done one or more of the works. Therefore, while writing the information about their works, write the work that has been done for the longest period of time.

1. While doing the works stated above, whether the work was done, whether it was done for self or for others taking wage/salary (in cash or goods), all such information need to specify.

2. The particular work of a tailor might be cutting cloth and sewing it. The person engaging in trade might purchase and sell goods or manage these things, or transport the goods. Hence, what works has been done at that time -e.g. "sewing cloth," "selling goods," "retailer" - should be written.

3. Identify the position of the people working in a government office, semi-government, NGOs, organizations, private companies, and particular works they performed in the reference time that can be disclosed by their position or level. E.g. a typist do typing job, sales girl sells goods, administrative officer oversees administrative works, etc. But some people may not do the work according to their position or level. Therefore, even for people doing a job on salary/wage, ask them what they did in the reference time period and write their particular works they performed. For example - "auditor -auditing", "accountant - book keeping", "enumerator - collecting data and information", "joint secretary - implementing administrative policy" should be written. Similarly, write "office assistant - registering and dispatching."

[Images are omitted]

4. For teacher or teaching profession - If they were teaching in the reference time, write "teacher - primary school," "teacher - secondary school," "lecturer - campus or university," "professor - campus or university." If the person is teaching to disable people, write "teacher - physically or mentally disable people."

5. People working in the same office or organization might have different nature of job. E.g. - the people working in the food corporation have different job. Some look after "employee administration" and some oversee "financial administration", some "sells food items", and some "store keeper." If they are drivers of truck, car or jeep, write as "truck, car or jeep driver". If the enumerated person is an employee at fifth level and was selling food items in the food corporation for most of the time in the last 12 years, write it as "fifth level - selling food items."

[p. 91]

6. If any person has worked in a production industry business, write clearly what he/she has done. For example - if the person was readymade garment's marketing manager in a garment industry, write it as "marketing manager" or "assistant marketing manager". If a person sewed cloth or did tailoring job, write "tailor". If a person is doing tobacco processing in a tobacco industry, write "tobacco processor," if he or she is working as a technician for color mixing in a chocolate factory, write "color mixing, technician." If a person has repaired press machines, write "machine repair person" and if a person is a mechanic machine operator, write "machine operator."

If the person is spiller of wool thread in a house, write "spilling wool thread," if he or she is weaving wool carpet, write "weaving wool carpet." If the person has worked with data, ask what particular tasks that he or she has performed as collection or processing or analysis and write the particular work performed along with their position.

7. As the occupation is identified on the basis of nature of work, if they did a work the reference time period while they were in a position, then such position also should be written in this column.

Note: Do not write anything on the four small boxes below the blank space where the response of question under column 23 is written. These four small boxes are for coding purposes.

Netherlands 1960 — source variable NL1960A_OCC — Occupation
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13. Has an occupation (yes or no) ____
See separate explanation.

Unemployed persons, persons on half-pay, working student, persons in compulsory military service for initial training, and workers in the family business should also answer this question with "yes."

For wage-earners and salaried workers (incl. company directors, directors of co-operatives and the like) and for workers in a family business

Answer questions 6 up to and including 9 and, if applicable, also question 11. If in compulsory military service for initial training, answer question 6a only.

6(a). In what occupation are you employed? ____

See separate explanatory leaflet.

Not to be answered with a general designation.

If in civil or military service besides occupation, give also rank.

If in compulsory military service for initial training, write "initial training" and rank.

6(b). Illustrate kind of occupation by a short description of the activities performed. ________
See separate explanatory leaflet.

Netherlands 1971 — source variable NL1971A_OCC — Occupation
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Questions to be answered by all persons

Questions to be answered for economically active persons only (if looking for a job or on lay off from a job, turn to page 7)

1a. In what kind of occupation/function is he/she active? ________
(See explanatory notes)

b. Please describe the activities, performed in this occupation/function ________

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Question 1a [Occupation]
ONLY mention the MAIN profession, i.e. the profession/work where the person puts in the most labor hours.

People receiving a salary or wage
Also state if possible, the CAO? -- title of function and the work class, e.g. government workers, professional military. Mention function and rank.

People in military service for first training
Mention besides rank, if the person is fulfilling his military service duty ( I'm assuming military service was obligatory during this time)

People in retraining services. Mention citizen profession
Technicians, scientific workers, management personnel, teachers Mention here function and specialization wherein employed not the field of study.

Mention profession or title of function as specific as possible!
Not gardener but vegetable cultivator, flower breeders, or such.

Not construction worker but concrete worker, concrete-carpenter, mooring and such.

Not clothing worker but clothing spinner, weaver.

Not metal smith but toolmaker, construction maker, or such.

Not administrative assistant but correspondent, personnel administration, typist, accounting assistant or such.

Not merchant but retailer, market, street or whole-saler.

Not calculator but wage-calculator, technical or construction calculator.

Not designer but tool designer, designer of electronic appliances or such.

Not scientific worker but organic research employee, sociology researcher, professor in economics, law advisor or such.

Question 1b [Activity]
Describe the nature of the work, if the title of the profession can be misinterpreted, for example:
Designing, constructing of
Assembling, adjusting of
Constructing, building, to put together
Maintenance, repair of
Instillation of
Operate a machine, from
Installation, testing, controlling

Netherlands 2001 — source variable NL2001A_OCC — Occupation

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Netherlands 2011 — source variable NL2011A_OCC — Occupation (1-digit)

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Nicaragua 1971 — source variable NI1971A_OCC — Occupation
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For those 10 years of age or older
[Applies to section D]

15. Principal occupation

Only for those who answered 1, 2 or 3 in question 14.

What occupation, position or type of work did you perform during the week of April 12th to the 17th, or in the last job you had?

____ Principal occupation

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Economic characteristics
The questions included in this section (type of activity, principal occupation, industry, and employment status) are designed to investigate the population that participates in the production of goods and economic services, the occupational structure, the economic sector where the occupations are carried out, employment status, and the related demographic and social characteristics. The structure of the population that does not participate in the production of goods and economic services and demographic and social characteristics of this population are also investigated.

[p. 57]

Because of these objectives, questions 14, 15, 16, and 17 are only presented to those persons age 10 or older.

Question #15: Principal occupation
This question is only presented to those classified in alternatives 1, 2, and 3 in question 14.

a. How to ask the question:
What occupation, trade, or type of work did the person carry out during the week of April 12-17 or for the last employment held?

If the person claims to have carried out more than one occupation, the principal occupation is selected.

[p. 60]

"Principal occupation" refers to the occupation to which more hours are dedicated.

When dealing with a person who was previously employed but did not work during the week of April 12-17, the following question is asked:

What was the last occupation carried out?

b. How to record the information:
In the space provided, the principal occupation is recorded.

A word exactly describing the type of work indicated by the person should be used when recording the occupation. If a word is not sufficient, a sentence should be used.

Generic terms that do not give a clear idea of the work carried out should not be used (e.g. laborer, worker, employee, etc.).

To further illustrate, a list of examples of inappropriate terms along with appropriate terms is provided below:

[The list of examples is omitted]

[p. 61]

Finally, it is necessary to establish that in the case of professionals, the occupation corresponds to the profession. However, a certain number of professionals can have carried out occupations outside of their specialization during the week of reference. In this case, the occupation carried out is recorded, not the profession; e.g., if a medical surgeon acted as a hospital director, this occupation is recorded; if a lawyer acted as a manager of a textile company, this occupation is recorded, not the profession.

c. Examples:

[These instructions refer to a graph of question 15 on the census form]

Nicaragua 1995 — source variable NI1995A_OCC — Occupation (ISCO 88, 3 digits)
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For persons age 10 or older
[Questions 12-18 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

Main occupation
15. What did/does the person do in their main job? ____

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Questions only for persons who are age 10 or older
The goals of these questions are to know the current marital status of the persons and the principal economic characteristics of the population that participated in the production of goods and services, as well as those who are dedicated to non-economic activities, such as: household chores, studying, etc.

If the person is younger than 10, continue with the next person.

Question 15: Main occupation
With this question we want to know what the person did, has done, or does in his/her principal work, which means the tasks the person carries out. What occupation did the person have, what was the person's position, or what type of work did the person do in the week before the day of the census or in his/her last day of work?

If the person has more than one occupation, you will note the one to which the person dedicates the greatest number of hours, or if he/she dedicated the same number of hours, the one that provided the greatest income. If it is the case of the same number of hours and equal income, then the principal occupation will be the one that the enumerated person considers to be the most important.

1) The occupation should be noted clearly and with all of the details.

2) Do not write in general terms, such as: salesman, employee, office worker, worker, assistant, driver, etc., instead it is necessary that you clearly explain as shown in the following cases:

  • Salesman: door-to-door salesman, salesman who roams from area to area, newspaper salesman, salesman in a clothing shop, wholesale salesman, retail salesman
  • Worker: construction laborer, carpenter, framer, baker, lathe worker, plumber
  • Agricultural worker: milker, pruner, coffee harvester, cutter of sugar cane, coffee, cotton, etc., corral worker
  • Employee/office worker: typist, commercial secretary, executive secretary, bilingual secretary, commercial accountant, public accountant, bookkeeper
  • Mechanic: automobile mechanic, motorcycle mechanic, dental mechanic, aviation mechanic, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanic
  • Teacher: elementary school teacher, high school teacher, university professor, physical education teacher, teacher of dance, singing, swimming, beauty, etc.

3) Do not note write the profession of the enumerated person, especially if the person does not currently practice it. Consider the following examples:
a) If a public accountant worked as an elementary teacher, you should note "Elementary teacher" as occupation, and not "Public accountant".
b) If a civil engineer worked as the manager of INAA, you should note "Manager of INAA" and not "Civil engineer".
c) If an architect worked as a bank teller, you should note "Bank teller" and not "Architect".
d) If an automobile mechanic worked as a driver, you should note "Driver" (of a light vehicle, bus, or cargo truck) and not "Automobile mechanic".

Nicaragua 2005 — source variable NI2005A_OCC3 — Occupation (ISCO 88, 3 digits)
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[Questions 19-31 were asked of persons age 10 or older]

28. What work did [the person] do/used to do in his/her principal job? ____

Code: _ _ _ _

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Principal job
This is the occupation at which the person spends most time in a week. If the person spends an equal amount of time at two occupations, the principal job is the one which provides more income. If the time spent at work and the income are the same, it is the one which the person considers most important.

This is the trade or job at which the person spends his/her time.

Branch of activity
This is the activity of the place or establishment in which a person worked in the last week, or worked before becoming unemployed. Ask the person what the factory, industry, workshop, farm or establishment where the person worked did.

For persons age 10 or older (Questions 19-31)

Question 28. What did [the person] do/used to do in his/her principal job?

Write clearly and with full details the job or occupation that the person states as his/her principal job.

If the person states that s/he has more than one job, write down the one that the person spends more time at each week. If the person has two jobs at which s/he works the same number of hours, write down the job that provides more income. If the hours and income are the same, write down the one the person considers most important.

Don't confuse the person's profession with the job or occupation s/he currently holds. For example:
A) If a certified accountant states that s/he works as a primary school teacher, write "Primary school teacher" and not "Certified accountant" as the occupation.
B) If an auto mechanic states that s/he is working as a driver, write "Taxi driver" or "Bus driver", as appropriate, and not "Auto mechanic".

Pakistan 1973 — source variable PK1973A_OCC3 — Occupation
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For those who answered yes in Col. 15

16. What kind of work did he/she do most of the last week?

[Question 16 was asked of persons who had a job last week, per question 15.]
(Write title of occupation, e.g. Motor Mechanic, Carpenter, Taxi Driver, Cultivator, etc.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

7.27 Question No.16
This question will be asked from those persons of the household who are working or had the job but did not work and from those respondents against whom code-1 has been entered in column 15.

The respondent may be asked that what type of work he had been doing last week. If he had work but he did not work last week then it will be enquired that what type of work he had but did not work.

If the respondent tells that more than one type of work is done and inform his actual [Pg. 53] profession, the work will be written on which most of time was spent. The answer to this question may acquire in such a way that his profession/job may be explained fully.

The doubtful and common answers may not be entered. Sometime a worker does not know about name of his job but he can explain that what type of work he is doing. The enumerator has to enter correct nature of job or profession. By writing generally some words (for work) or the name of instruments he is using in job. This goal can be achieved.

The ambiguous entries (e.g., employment, labour, driver, conductor, etc.) will not be entered. The following examples will explain how the entries should be made:

"Agent" Tell whether he is a premium agent, commission agent, customer agent or agent of advertisements.
"Engineer" Tell whether he is Civil engineer, Mining engineer, Electrical engineer, Chemical engineer, Mechanical engineer, Ship engineer, aeronautical engineer, etc.
"Clerk" It may be written whether he is stenographer, typist, cashier, bookkeeper, postman, calculating machine operator, electronic computer operator, train dispatcher, radio, telephone operator, correspondent clerk, insurance clerk, store room clerk, statistical clerk, travel agency clerk, library clerk, proof reader, card and tap punching machine operator, etc.
"Manager" It may be written whether he is a restaurant manager, hotel manager, cinema manager, wholesale manager, munshi of lawyer, retailer manager, farm manager, sales manager, and transport manager, etc.
"Salesman" Tell whether he is an insurance salesperson, advertising salesperson, wholesale salesperson, retailer salesperson, hawker, or newspaper seller, etc. and also ask whether the laborer of factory is related to spinner, dying worker, cigar /cigarette maker, electro platter or machine maker etc.
"Driver" Tell whether he is railway driver, tram driver, taxi driver, bus driver, tonga driver, sailor, driver of unmoved engine, crane operator, lifter, etc.
[Pg. 54]
"Mechanic" Tell whether he is motor truck driver or cycle motorcycle mechanic; textile mechanic; watch maker; or radio, television, telephone, and telegraph mechanic, etc.
"Laborer" Tell whether he is the laborer of train, seaport, sweeper or dry port.
"Inspector" Tell whether he is the inspector of health, excise, income tax, police, food or electricity, etc.

Palestine 1997 — source variable PS1997A_OCC — Main occupation
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For employed and unemployed persons who previously worked
[Questions 53 to 57]

53. Main occupation ____

Palestine 2007 — source variable PS2007A_OCC — Main occupation
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For employed individuals and unemployed ones where were employed in the past week (who answered 1 to 5 in question 73; put (-) for those who answered 6-12
[Questions 74-78 were asked of persons age 7 or older who have ever worked, as per question 73]

74. Main occupation (detailed type of employee work)

Profession ________
Code _ _ _

Palestine 2017 — source variable PS2017A_OCC — Occupation
Questionnaire form view entire document:  text  image
For employed persons and unemployed ones who ever worked (who answers items (1--5) of question 74, and if the answers (6--12) go to question 83
[Questions 79 through 82 asked of persons aged 7 or older who were employed or unemployed as indicated in questions 74 responses 1 through 5.]

76. Main occupation current/previous (detailed type of employee work)

____ Occupation
____ Code
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Main occupation:
Occupation refers to the kind of work done during the reference period by the employed person, or the kind of work done previously if unemployed, irrespective of the economic activity or the employment status of the person. Occupations are grouped together mainly on the basis of the similarity of skills required to fulfill the tasks and duties of the job.

Panama 1960 — source variable PA1960A_OCC4 — Occupation (4-digit)
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Only for those 10 years of age and older.
[Questions 14-22 were asked only of persons aged 10 and older.]

17. Occupation:

For a person who is working write the occupation, position, job or class of work. For someone who has worked before and is seeking work, write the last occupation had.


Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

Question 17 Occupation:

For the person who is working, write the profession, craft, trade or kind of job on the day of the Census.
For the person who is not working, but worked before and is looking for employment, write the last occupation or class of job that was worked.
The occupation should be written down in a precise form using its specific designations, example: automobile mechanic, agronomist-engineer, secretary-stenographer, movie theater operator, fruit vender, doctor-surgeon, industrial chemist, travel agent, sales manager, financial administrator, car washer, patio cleaner, hardware seller, etc. Do not use, therefore, vague or generic terms like mechanic, engineer, worker, operator, vender, industrialist, agent, etc.
For the person who works in agriculture or with livestock, write the specific job that is done, like for example: harvester of coffee, milkier, agricultural laborer, vaccinator, blacksmith, foreman, agricultural producer [farmer] (who works [p. 44] exclusively, alone or with the help of others in agriculture or cattle farming), etc. In the majority of the cases of the professional activities, the occupation corresponds to the profession of the enumerated person. Nevertheless, persons with professional specialization work jobs of a different nature than their specialization, in which case the occupation that they have at the date of the Census will be written down. If a doctor does not execute his profession and instead works as a professor, "professor" should be written down.
For the employees of the National or Municipal Government who are responsible for legislative, executive, administrative or managerial functions, write the position for which they have been elected or named. Example: Deputy, Governor, Mayor, Minister of State, Head of Department, Head of Section, Treasurer, Port Inspector, General Comptroller, Education Inspector, Director of Primary School, Captain of the National Guard, etc.
For the other employees of the government get, when possible, the specific occupation. Example: Architect, Engineer, Agronomist, Pharmacist, Veterinarian, Zoologist, Doctor, Surgeon, Dentist, Nurse, Midwife, Professor, School Teacher, Lawyer, Municipal Judge, Circuit District Attorney, Municipal Representative, Clerk, Typist, Auditor, Accountant, Draftsman, Cashier, Archivist, Telegraphist, Chauffeur, Tractor Driver, Stoker/Fireman, Bricklayer, Carpenter, Painter, Electrician, Agricultural Laborer, Day Laborer, Wholesaler, Cook, National Guardsman, etc.
For Government employees, whose specific occupation is difficult to determine, write: Public Employee.

Panama 1970 — source variable PA1970A_OCC2 — Occupation, 2-digit
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C. Economic Characteristics

[Questions 13 - 18 were asked of persons 10 years of age and older.]

14. What occupation, position or job did you carry out last week?

For those who worked, write clearly the principal occupation, position or job. For those who did not work, but had worked before and looked for work, write the last occupation, position or job. For those who looked for work for the first time, write "new worker" and do not ask question 15 to 18.

Occupation ____

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C. Economic Characteristics

(Only for persons 10 years old or older)

Keep in mind that questions 13-18 of this section correspond only to persons 10 years old or older.
The answers obtained in question 13 are the basis for classifying the population of persons 10 years old or older as economically active (employed or unemployed) and as not economically active (homemaker, student, retired, pensioned, rentier, or other inactive persons).
The questions relating to the section are applied to the situation existing in the week immediately before the day of the Census (reference week).
Definition of reference week or "last week": It is the complete calendar week from Sunday to Saturday that for census purposes goes from May 3 to May 9, 1970.

Question 14 What occupation, position or job did you carry out last week?

(Only for one who worked or looked for employment)

For the person who "worked" (box 1 of question 13) during the reference week, write down the profession, job, office or principal class of job that was worked during this week. If more than one job was worked, only write the one that produced the largest income.
For the person who did not work during the reference week but had worked before and looked for employment, (box 2 of question 13), write down the last occupation, office or employment worked.
For the person who never has worked and is looking for a first job (box 3 of question 13), write down "New Worker" and do not ask this person questions 15 to 18.
The occupation should be written down in a precise form, using the specific designations and therefore not using vague and generic terms.
Incorrect: Mechanic;
Correct: Auto Mechanic, Dental Technician, Heavy Machinery Mechanic

Incorrect: Professor
Correct: Professor of Primary School, Professor of Dance, Song, Professor of Secondary School, University Professor

Incorrect: Office worker;
Correct: Typist, Secretary, Accountant, File Clerk

[p. 42]

Incorrect: Weaver;
Correct: Weaver of Hackamores, Hat Weaver,

Incorrect: Agricultural Worker;
Correct: Milkier, Coffee Harvester, Cane Cutter, Cowhand

Incorrect: Construction Worker;
Correct: Mason, Plumber, Construction Carpenter

In the majority of the cases of professional activities, the occupation corresponds to the profession of the person to be enumerated. Nevertheless, persons with professional specialization can work jobs of a different nature than their specialization in which case the occupation or job that they had during the reference week will be written down. If a doctor in General Medicine, for example, does not work at this profession, but rather [has] a position as Professor in the University, "University Professor" should be written down.
For employees of the National or Municipal Government that are responsible for legislative, executive, administrative and managerial functions, write the title for which they have been elected or appointed. Example: Governor, Mayor, Minister of State, Head of Department, Head of Section, Treasurer, Port Inspector, General Comptroller, Education Inspector, Director of Primary School, Captain of the National Guard, etc.
For other of the Government employees, get when it is possible the specific occupation Example: Architect, Engineer, Agronomist, Pharmacist, Veterinarian, Zoologist, Surgeon, Dentist, Nurse, Midwife, School Teacher, Lawyer, Municipal Judge, Shorthand Clerk, Auditor, Agent of the National Guard, Circuit District Attorney, Municipal Representative, etc.
For the employees of the Government whose specific occupation is difficult to determine, write: Public Employee.

Panama 1980 — source variable PA1980A_OCC2 — Occupation (3-digit)
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17. What occupation, position, or type of work did you perform during the last week, or the last time you worked?
Example: auto mechanic, furniture-maker, doctor of dentistry. For one who has never worked, mark the box "new worker" and skip to question 25.

Occupation ________
[] New worker

_ _ _ _ [4-character blank for unspecified use appears here]

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For persons 10 years old or older
(Apply to questions 14 to 25)

The questions that form this Section are meant to get information about the participation of the population 10 years old or older in the economic activities of this country.
The questions relating to the chapter are applied to the situation existing in the week immediately before the day of the Census (reference week). Reference week is defined below:
Definition of "Reference Week" or "Last Week": It is the complete calendar week, from Sunday to Saturday that, for census purposes goes from May 4, 1980 to May 10, 1980.
The answers obtained in question 13 are the basis for classifying the population of persons 10 years old or older as:
1. Economically active (employed and unemployed).
2. Not economically active (homemaker, student, disabled, retired, pensioner, rentier, others inactive).

[p. 80]

1. Economically active population
This group is understood to be the population of 10 years old or older who supply the workforce available for the production of goods and services of the country and is divided into Employed and Unemployed.

1.1 Employed Population: is understood to be persons who:

a) Have an occupation or job remunerated in money or in kind, during the reference week.
b) Have a private business or job on their own account. Example: The owner of a grocery store, the farmer, the lawyer who has his own practice, etc.
c) Works regularly in a business or company of a member of their family even when not drawing a wage or salary (Contributing family worker).
d) Sell tickets, newspapers, or any other article; make food to sell; wash cars; shine shoes; sew in their house for others; the kind of work, time worked or amount of money that they receive during the reference week does not matter.
e) Have a steady remunerated job but do not work during the reference week because of temporary circumstances: sickness or accident; vacation; work conflicts such as: bad weather; machine breakdowns, strike, on leave, etc.

1.2 Unemployed population: This group constitutes persons who do not have a remunerated occupation or job during reference week, but:

a) Have worked before and look for work (visits employment agencies or offices in search of work, consults friends about the availability of work, is relying on ads in newspapers, that is to say, makes the effort with the goal of finding employment).

[p. 81]

b) Are not looking for work because they have a job that will begin on a previously appointed date.
c) Look for their first job or that is "New Workers". The oldest age for a "New Worker" is 45.

2. Not economically active population
This group is understood to be the flowing persons:

2.1 Homemaker: The person who is dedicated only and exclusively to domestic tasks and chores in their own home and were not looking for work, nor were they retired, pensioned, living on investments, or attending school. In a dwelling there can be more than one homemaker.
2.2 Student: The person who is dedicated exclusively to studying.
2.3 Invalid: The person who is found to be physically or mentally impeded from working.
2.4 Retired: The person who has stopped working and is receiving retirement income.
2.5 Pensioned, rentier: The person who receives auxiliary or pensioned income (pensioned). Equally include in this group all the persons who without working receive money or investments from a business or company (rentier). Do not include persons who receive pension for food, divorce, etc.
2.6 Retired without benefits: Include in this group the persons who in some opportunity had a job but currently are separated from all type of economic activity without receiving retirement benefits or a pension.
2.7 Other condition: The person who without being classified in any of the groups above does not do any economic activity and remains idle.

When classifying the population, special care should be taken with the persons of the female sex who declare themselves to be "Homemaker" and those who declare themselves to be [p. 82] students. In the first case they sometimes also do remunerated jobs like: cleaning, ironing, sewing, styling hair, painting fingernails, making candy etc. in their own home or outside it but because they spend little time in these labors they forget to give this information.
On the other hand, some students after class or on weekends dedicate themselves to cleaning shoes, selling newspapers, washing cars etc. Equal care should be taken with the spouse or companion or the children of farm families, who regularly help with the agricultural labors but do not declare this job.
For reasons already explained, it is necessary that before classifying the population, the enumerator investigates more to find out if the parson did some work during the reference week. If is made known that the person worked during this period, even when it was part time, it should be classified as Employed, that corresponds to the population who is Economically Active.

Question 17 What occupation, position or type of work did you perform last week or the last time you worked?

Ask this question to the employed and unemployed persons who have worked before, that is to say to those who answered "yes" in any of the questions 14 or 15 and to those who were classified in any of the boxes 1, 2, 3 or 4 of question 16.
For the person who did not work during the reference week but had worked before and looked for employment, write down in the corresponding space, the occupation, employment or job that was done the last time employed.
For one who has never worked (new worker) and looking for a first job mark the box "New worker" and go to question 25.
The occupation should be written down in a precise form, using the specific designations and therefore not using vague and generic terms.

Incorrect: Mechanic;
Correct: Auto Mechanic, Dental Technician, Heavy Machinery Mechanic

Incorrect: Agent;
Correct: Insurance Agent, Purchasing Agent

Incorrect: Office Worker;
Correct: Typist, Secretary, Accountant, File Clerk

Incorrect: Machine Operator;
Correct: Dredge Operator, Road Roller Operator

Incorrect: Manager
Correct: Radio station manager, Holster factory manager

[p. 85]

Incorrect: Doctor;
Correct: Physiatrist, Veterinarian, Radiologist, Dental Surgeon

Incorrect: Construction Worker;
Correct: Mason, Plumber, Water carrier, Road Roller Operator, Shoveller, Quarry worker

Incorrect: Agricultural Worker
Correct: Milker, Kitchen assistant (Water carrier), Coffee Harvester, Cane cutter, Poultry farmer, Stable hand, Cowhand, Fighting cock caregiver

Nevertheless, persons with a professional specialization can do another job of a nature different than the specialization. In these cases if they have worked two jobs during the reference week write down as principal occupation that which produces the largest income for the person.
For employees of the National or Municipal Government that are responsible for legislative, executive, administrative and managerial functions, write the title for which they have been elected or appointed. Example: Governor, Mayor, Minister of State, Head of Department, Head of Section, Treasurer, Port Inspector, General Comptroller, Education Inspector, Director of Primary School, Captain of the National Guard, etc.
For other of the Government employees, get when it is possible the specific occupation Example: Architect, Engineer, Agronomist, Pharmacist, [p. 86] Veterinarian, Zoologist, Surgeon, Dentist, Nurse, Midwife, School Teacher, Lawyer, Municipal Judge, Shorthand Clerk, Auditor, Agent of the National Guard, Circuit District Attorney, Municipal Representative, etc.
For the employees of the Government whose specific occupation is difficult to determine, write: Public Employee.

Panama 1990 — source variable PA1990A_OCC — Occupation
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VI. Degree or diploma obtained and economic characteristics.
For individuals 10 years of age and older
[Questions 13 - 21 were asked of people 10 years and older.]

15. What occupation, position or job did you do last week or the last time you were employed?

(If the person has never had any job, write "never worked" and skip to question 21. If the person has more than one job, write the occupation that produces the highest income.)

Specify the occupation ________
_ _ _ _

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Important observations about questions 14 to 21:
Questions 14 to 21, which form part of this section, are meant for getting information about the participation of the population of 10 years old or older in economic activities of the country. It is recommended that each member of the home respond for themselves. If this is not possible, the Head or responsible adult could respond for the youngest, but it is preferable to insist that the adult members respond for themselves.
The information refers to the week before the Census. This week is defined as the reference week and is understood to be from Sunday to Saturday.

Questions 15 to 21 should be asked to all persons who were marked in any of the circles 01 to 05 of question 14. Except to persons who answered that they have never worked in question 15.

Question Number 15: What occupation, trade or job did you do last week or the last time you worked?
For one who works (employed) and has more than one job, write down the occupation of the principal job. Consider as principal job that which produces the largest income.
For unemployed, write down in the space designated for principal occupation, the occupation, employment or job done at their last job. If an unemployed person never has worked but rather is looking for first employment, write down "Never has worked" and go to question 21. The highest age for these persons is 45 if female, if male, investigate the cause and make the respective observations.
Write down in this question the specific occupation that is done in the job of the enumerated person, avoiding vague or generic terms. Example:

[Below the text is a list of "correct" and "incorrect" occupations.]

Office worker

Internal Messenger
Hotel Receptionist
Bank Teller
Executive Secretary


Of a truck
Of a taxi
Of a bus
Of a mule


Of cars
Bicycle Assembler
Of diesel engines
Of sewing machines
Of typewriters

Machine Operator

Computer Operator
Mimeograph Operator


Sales Manager
Production Manager
Maintenance Manager
Quality Control Manager


Children's Dental Surgeon

Construction Worker

Mason Helper
Tile placer

Agricultural worker

Kitchen Assistant (Water Carrier)
Coffee Gatherer
Cutter [Machetero]
Poultry breeder
Stable Keeper
Cattleman, etc
Cane Cutter

Panama 2000 — source variable PA2000A_OCC — Occupation
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For individuals 10 years of age and older

[Questions 14-23 were asked of persons aged 10 and older.]

18. What occupation, position or job did you do week or the last time you worked?

(If the person never worked, mark the circle "never worked.")

________ (specify the occupation)
_ _ _ _

[] 9998 Never worked (Skip to question 23)

19. Where do you work or where did you work the last?
(If the person worked in an establishment, company or institution, write the corresponding name; in the case of one who worked in the street, in the home, or in another family's home, on an agricultural plantation, etc, write what the person states.)

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

The objective of this section is to get information about the participation of the population 10 years old or older in economic activities of the country.
The information refers to the week before the Census. This week is defined as the reference week and is understood to be from Sunday to Saturday.
It is recommended that each member of the home respond for themselves. If this is not possible, the head or responsible adult could respond for the youngest, but it is preferable to insist that the adult members, especially if they are working, respond for themselves.

[p. 86]

Principal activity of the person:
The responses obtained in questions 14 to 17 are the basis for classifying the population of 10 years old or older in:
1. Economically Active Population: is understood to be the population 10 years old or older who supplies the available work force for the production of economic goods and services in the country, during the reference week. This population is classified as employed or unemployed.

a) Employed population: covers persons 10 years old or older who during the reference week:
- Have an occupation or job remunerated in money or in kind.
- Have their own business or they work on their own account.
- Work regularly in a business or company of a member of their family even when not drawing a wage or salary ([Contributing] family worker). In this case a [contributing] family worker should have as a minimum 15 hours worked to be considered as such.
- Persons absent from their job temporarily because of sickness or accident, holidays or vacations, strikes, on leave from school or military service, on maternity leave.
- Did not work, but do occasional jobs.

b) Unemployed population: This group is understood to be persons 10 years old or older who during the reference week:
Do not have an occupation or job and are looking for employment.
Looked for work before and waits for news, that is to say, one who has adopted means of looking for remunerated employment or an independent job.

2. Not economically active population: is understood to be retirees or pensioners, students, workers at home or homemakers, rentiers and other conditions.

Question No. 18: What occupation, position or job did you do last week or the last time you worked?

For a person who works you should ask what occupation, trade or job was done last week; if the person has more than one job, write down the occupation of the principal job. Consider as the principal job as the one which produces the largest income.
For a person who answers that they did not work, you should ask what occupation, trade or job they did the last time they worked. Write down in the designed space the principal occupation, the employment or job that they did the last time they worked. If an unemployed person never has worked, but rather is looking for their first employment, mark the corresponding circle and go to question 23. The highest age for these persons is 29 if male and 45 if female, investigate the cause and make the respective observations.
Write down in this question the specific occupation that is done in the job of the enumerated person, avoiding vague or generic terms. Example:

[Below the text is a chart with 2 columns, one called "information" and one called "you should right down".]

Office worker

You should write down
Internal Messenger
Hotel Receptionist
Bank Teller
Executive Secretary


You should write down
Of a truck
Of a taxi
Of a bus
Of a mule


You should write down
Of cars
Bicycle Assembler
Of diesel engines
Of sewing machines
Of typewriters


You should write down
Of newspapers
Of lottery, Chances, etc
In clothes department stores,
In a pharmacy


You should write down
Children's Dental Surgeon

Construction Worker

You should write down
Mason Helper
Mosaiquero [construction worker specialized in setting up tile]


You should write down

Cutter (Machetero)

You should write down
Gardener: in family house, parks, etc.
In the street: cleaner of patches of land
In their country: farmer

Panama 2010 — source variable PA2010A_OCC — Occupation, 3 digits
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[Questions 17 to 27 were asked to individuals 10 years old and older]

23. What occupation, job, or work did you do last week or the last time that you worked? If you have more than one job, note the occupation of your primary job. Consider the primary job to be the one that generates the greatest income.

Primary occupation ____
[] 9998 Never worked - Continue with question 28.

Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

[Questions 17 to 27 were asked to individuals 10 years old and older]

Question No.23. What occupation, position or job did you do last week or the last time you worked?
For a person who works you should ask what occupation, trade or job was done last week; if the person has more than one job, write down the occupation of the principal job. Consider as the principal job as the one which produces the largest income.
Occupation: the profession, trade or type of work in practice or having been practiced by a person who worked in the reference week.
For the unemployed who worked before, you will investigate the last occupation or type of work they practiced.
When asking this question please note that: if she is an employee, you should ask it in the following way: "What occupation, trade or job did you do last week? And if she is an unemployed, you should ask the question in this way: "What occupation, trade or labor did you do the last time you worked?"
If the person said she has never worked, mark the corresponding circle and go to question 28. The upper age limit for those who "never worked" is 29 years if male and 45 years if female; investigate the cause and make the respective observations.
Write down in this question the specific occupation that is or was done in the job of the enumerated person, avoiding vague or generic terms. Example:
[Below the text there is a sample image of the form.]
Note: Do not include activities like voluntary work, such as adult literacy led by MIDES, participation in presidential elections (judges), participation in the census, etc.
[p. 181]
Examples of most common occupations
[There is a chart with 4 columns, two called "Data" and two called "You should write down".]

Office worker
You should write down
Internal Messenger
Hotel Receptionist
Bank Teller
Executive Secretary
You should write down
Of a truck
Of a taxi
Of a bus
Of an ambulance
You should write down
Of cars
Of diesel engines
Of sewing machines
Of typewriters
You should write down
Of newspapers
Of lottery, "chances", etc.
In clothes department stores
You should write down
Of mathematics (at secondary school level)
Of primary school
Of engineering (at university level)
You should write down
Construction Worker
You should write down
Mason Helper
Mosaiquero [construction worker specialized in setting up tiles]
You should write down
Executive and bilingual
Cutter (machetero)
You should write down
Gardener: family home, parks, etc.
In the street: cleaner of lots or patios.
In her land [monte in Spanish]: farmer
You should write down
Of audit
Of credits
Of deposits
Of statistics
Of human resources
Of sales
Of transport

Papua New Guinea 1980 — source variable PG1980A_OCC — Occupation, 3 digits
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[Questions 20-22 were asked of persons who answered 01-04 on Question 19.]

20. What kind of work do you do?

Describe in a few words, e.g. shop assistant, taxi driver, coffee grower, wood carver, ship builder, fishing.________
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Section 6 - The census questions

Urban RNVs and rural villages

Questions 20 to 22
Questions 20 to 22 are only for people who are involved in money raising activities. That is they are either usually wage earners (codes 01 or 02) involved in a business (code 03) or get money from farming or fishing (code 04). Simply you do not have to ask these questions to anyone with codes OS to 10.
All three of these questions must relate to the same particular job or business for that person.

Question 20

What kind of work do you do?

In this question you will describe the person's occupation (what he did) during last week. If a person worked at more than one job you describe the one at which he worked the most hours.
Notice the examples given below-- "shop assistant"; "farm helper"; "loads gravel into trucks"; "farm laborer".

[Figure omitted]

As you see, these are specific descriptions and that is, the kind of description you must give. The best short description you must give. The best short description is usually the title of the job, such as "receiving clerk". Remember, however, that one-word descriptions are rarely adequate. For example, the word "clerk" alone is inadequate as there are many kinds of clerks - coding clerks file clerks, stock clerks, bank clerks receiving clerks, etc., but by specifying "receiving clerk" as in the example, the kind of occupation is clearly described.
''Laborer" alone is another example of a not specific description. But "farm laborer" or "road laborer" are specific and clear descriptions.
Important reminders for Q20 are:

- It is very important that you give a good description of the type of work. In most cases you should use at least two words to describe the work.
- Many one word answers are too general. Examples of bad answers are clerk, mechanic, laborer, manager, and farmer. These need more description. Examples of good answers are bank clerk, insurance clerk, car mechanic, factory mechanic, road laborer, coffee laborer trade store manager, plantation manager, coffee farmer, cocoa farmer.
- If a person says he is a clerk or mechanic or laborer ask more questions to find out exactly what type of clerk or mechanic or laborer he is.
- Watch out for trainee or apprentice workers. In such cases you should write apprentice auto-electrician; trainee teacher; or plumber trainee.
- The answer 'Subsistence Farmer' is not okay for Q20.

Papua New Guinea 1990 — source variable PG1990A_OCC — Occupation
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Urban Census form

If code 01, 02, 03, or 04 is circled in Question 17, ask question 18 and 19. Otherwise, skip to question 20 for females only.
[Questions 18-19 were asked of persons who worked in the last 7 days, per question 17.]

18. Kind of Work (Occupation)

Describe the principal activity - e.g. shop attendant, nurse, taxi driver, coffee crower, crocodile hunter, etc.

Occupation _ _

Papua New Guinea 2000 — source variable PG2000A_OCC — Occupation (4-digit)
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Continue only for persons aged 10 years or more
[Questions 13-19 were asked of persons age 10+.]

16(a). What kind of work did the respondent do in the last seven days?

Describe kind of work or occupation, e.g. plumber, street seller, farmer, car mechanic.

Work ____

16(b). What are the main tasks/duties done in that work?

Describe kind of tasks or duties done in the work stated in Q.16 (a). e.g. mending tap, selling bettlenut, weeding garden, fixing engine.

_ _ _ _
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Economic questions

The economic questions are an important part of the census form. The economic questions for each person over 10 years are in Question 15 to 19.
The census provides the chance for us to find out what kind of work people do. Work that earns some income or helps to support the family, such as growing food, is called "economic activity". Some people are not economically active. On the information collected, community needs can be identified. Better plans can be in place.

Question 16: Occupation
A person's occupation is what the person does for their economic activity. It is the kind of work they do.
There are two parts to this question. Q16 (a) is for the name or description of the occupation and Q16 (b) says what duties the person actually does. It is important to fill out both parts of the question.

Q16 (a). What kind of work did the person do in last 7 days ____

(Describe the kind of activity, work e.g., plumber, street seller, kaukau farmer, car mechanic)

Q16 (b). What was the main task/duties done in that work? ____

(Describe the kind of tasks or duties Done in the work stated in Q16 (a), e.g. Mending taps, selling betel nut, weeding garden, fixing car engines).

Who to ask: Ask the head of the household or the person responding.

Get this information for: All persons 10 years and older who said they were economically active in the past 7 days, i.e. Code 1 to 6 in Q15.

How to ask: "What kind of work did you(he/she) do in the last 7 days?"
Write the answer to this question and then follow up with Q16 (b).
"What is the main task/duty you (he/she) do in that work?"

[P. 97]

How to record: Give a brief answer for both parts. At least two words are neccesary to give a job description.

-Do not write in the code boxes for this question.
-Be specific, describe job and task or duty clearly. For example, do not just write "clerk" but give details of the type of clerk and type of work, as follows:
Q16a: (job) bank clerk, Q16b: (task) deposits and withdrawals.
Q16a: (job) payroll clerk, Q16b: (task) preparing wages.
Q16a: (job) accounts teller, Q16b: (task) bookkeeping.
For our purposes, task means main duty.
-It is very important to record different levels of skill. A Dentist is very different from a Dental Technician and a Mechanical Engineer from an Engineering Technician.
-Most of rural people are engaged in agricultural activities and these are easy to record. For subsistence farmers, simply record as "subsistence farmer". For cash farming, record the name of the main crops or livestock in part (a). In part (b), give main activity in the seven days, e.g. weeding crops, repairing fences, planting, clearing ground, harvesting or some similar jobs.
-It does not matter whether a person is experienced or inexperienced, if they are doing the same work. Apprentices, trainees, and foremen are coded the same if they do the same work.
-For Government Departments or other large organizations, try to give the person's job title or Grade/Classification for Q16a, e.g. Senior Statistician, Police Superintendent, or Inspector. In Q16(b), briefly describe their duties.
-A person is only classified as a manager if they supervise at least one person. A person running his own trade with no full-time help should be recorded in Q16a as a shop assistant and not a manager. His actual duties (tasks) e.g. serving customers, in Q16b, would make clear he is not a manager.
-If the person being interviewed is on leave, record his regular job when he is at work.

Note: In Q16a, the description should usually be two words. In Q16b, give duties or tasks briefly to help give an accurate code.

Paraguay 1962 — source variable PY1962A_OCC1 — Occupation (1-digit)
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Occupational (economic) characteristics

For persons 12 years of age and older

16. Occupation: ____

Only for those who are employed, unemployed or looking for work for the first time. If an employed person has more than one occupation, write the one which produces the most income. For the unemployed, write the most recent occupation. For one looking for work for the first time, write the profession or position if there is one, or else write "none." Examples of occupation: lawyer, carpenter, bricklayer, paymaster, tractor driver, etc.

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Item XVI: Occupation

193 - Specifically annotate the profession, office, or class of work that they carry out on the census day, but only for the persons classified in the preceding item (item 15) under one of the three groups: "employed," "unemployed," and "seeking work for the first time."

[pg. 26]

194 - Avoid vague designations, such as: laborer, operator, office worker, vendor, etc.; employ, rather, designation that give the most complete idea possible of the person's occupation, for example: agronomical engineer, movie operator, fruit vendor, travel agent, shoemaker's apprentice, etc.

195 - There are some occupations of laborers, artisans, and professionals for whom their simple denominations precisely define their occupations, such as: carpenters, masons, plumber, medic, lawyer, etc.

196 - On the other hand, certain occupations in the commercial field require specification, such as sales agent, etc. Similarly, in the case of the office workers, clarify if they are typist, cashier, treasurer, bookkeeper, archivist, etc.

197 - In the case of professionals, such as medics, lawyer, engineers, etc., this is the type of occupation that, in general, should be registered. Cases do exist, however, in which such persons do not carry out the given professions, dedicating themselves to other activities. For example, a lawyer who works exclusively in the management of a Bank; a medic who dedicates him or her self exclusively to teaching in a university. In these cases, the last activity mentioned will be annotated, such as: bank manager, or university professor, and the like, depending on the case.

198 - For the government employees, annotate, in like manner, their specific occupations in accordance with the examples given in the preceding cases, avoiding the designation of "public employee." If the person is a member of the "armed forces" (not including police), no matter what their class or position, they should be annotated as "military personnel."

199 - With respect to the domestic servants, it should be specified whether or not this is a case of, for example, cook, clothes-washer, babysitter, cleaner, etc. In the same way, in the case of those who work in agricultural fields, the term "farmer" should be reserved for those who direct a farm of which they are the owners, or "foreman" or "administrator" when they are not owners of the farm which they direct. "Agriculturist" would be a person who directs the workings of a farm plot [chacra].

For those who work in specific activities (milkers, herdsman, animal trainers/breakers, tractor drivers, peons, etc.) annotate their specific occupation.

200 - In the case of "unemployed" persons, annotate the last employment they carried out.

201 - For the persons who are "seeking work for the first time," register the profession, office, or type of work which they are capable or have permission to do [clasificadas], and in a case where they are not capable nor have permission for any, simply register: "none." Having made the annotation of the occupation, according to the case, the census investigation is over for this group of persons. Therefore, draw a diagonal line over the area corresponding to the information pertaining to the following Items (Items 17 and 18).

Paraguay 1972 — source variable PY1972A_OCC3 — Occupation (3 digits)
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C. Economic characteristics

Only for persons 12 years of age and older
[Questions 15 to 18 were asked of persons age 12 and older]

Ask the questions on lines 16 through 18 only if you marked boxes 1, 2 or 3.
[Questions 16 to 18 were asked of persons who have a job or who had it in the past]

16. What occupation, position, or profession did you hold during the last week (or in the last job you had)? ____

Examples: Driver, dressmaker, farmer, etc. If you had more than one occupation, write the one that provided the greatest income.

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IV. Information about the Population

C. Economic characteristics.

16. Occupation, job, or profession done by the person during the week of July 3rd to 8th, 1972

If the person did more than one occupation, you should note the one that produced the greatest income. If he/she was absent from his/her work during the past week (for vacations, illness, etc.), note which was his/her regular occupation. If he/she was looking for work, note the last occupation that he/she did.

When you make the notation, try to clearly specify the class of work or the nature of the occupation that the person has had.

The very general annotations are not satisfactory:

Incorrect / Correct

-Employee / Salesman, office worker, cashier, etc.
-Technician / Radio, television, football, technician, etc.
-Worker / Construction laborer, painter, plumber, milker, etc.
-Mechanic / Dental mechanic, automobile mechanic, aviation mechanic, etc.

16. What occupation, job, or profession did you do last week? (or the last time you had a job?) ____

(Example: Chauffeur, clothing designer, farmer, etc.)
If he/she had more one than one occupation, write the one that gave the greatest income.

Paraguay 1982 — source variable PY1982A_OCC3 — Occupation, 3-digits
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III. Economic characteristics

For those 12 years of age and older

Ask questions 18 through 20 only if you marked 1, 2 or 3 above.

18. What occupation, position, or profession did you hold during the last week (or in the last job you had)? ____

Examples: Driver, dressmaker, farmer, etc. If you had more than one occupation, write the one that provided the greatest income.

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III. For people 12 years old and older. Economic characteristics.

Question 18. What occupation, office, or profession did you do last week (or in the last job that you held)?

Write the name of the specific occupation, office, or profession that the informant declares to have executed in the last week or the last time they worked in the corresponding box.

[A depiction of question 18 to the right of the preceding text is omitted here.]

Do not forget that this question is only for those people who, in question 17, declared options 1, 2, or 3.

Following are given some examples that permit one to appreciate the correct way to write down the information:

Incorrect annotation:

[P. 51]
Construction worker

Correct Annotation:
(Annotate, depending on the case)

Civil Engineer, dentist, pharmacist, lawyer, school teacher, etc.
Typist, secretary, personnel director, manager, administrator, etc.
Wholesaler, small-items seller, fruit vendor, etc.
Iron worker, welder, bread maker, restaurant chef, etc.
Automobile mechanic, typewriter mechanic, etc.
Mixer [hormigonero], tile setter [azulejista], floor installer [pisero], caster [encofrador], etc.


a) If the informant has two or more occupations, write down the one that provides him with the greatest income. If they both provide him with the same income, write down the one which he spends more time doing. If he receives the same income and spends the same amount of time on both, write down the one that he considers the most important.

b) If, for example, the informant is a lawyer working as a school director, he should be annotated as being a school director.

Paraguay 1992 — source variable PY1992A_OCC2 — Main occupation, 3 digits
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Section IV. Population information

[Questions 15 through 17 were asked persons 10 years and over who worked, did not work but were employed or looking for work]

15. What is (or was) your principal occupation in your job? ____

Examples: Dressmaker, secretary, driver, shoemaker, salesman, farmer, bricklayer, electrician, doctor, etc. (If more the one occupation, write the one that produced the greater income.)

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Question 15: What is (or was) your principal occupation in your work?

In the corresponding space, write the specific occupation, job, or profession that the informant declares to have done in the last week or the last time that he/she worked.

15. What is (was) your principal occupation in your job? ____
Examples: model, secretary, chauffeur, shoemaker, salesclerk, farmer, construction laborer, electrician, doctor, etc. (If he/she has more than one occupation, write the one that gave the greatest income).

Below we offer some examples that will allow you to appreciate the correct form of making the annotations:

Incorrect annotation / Correct annotation

Construction laborer / Concrete layer, tile installer, floor installer, framer, etc.

Mechanic / Automobile mechanic, typewriter mechanic, etc.

Laborer / Blacksmith, welder, baker, restaurant cook, etc.

Vendor / Wholesale vendor, retail vendor, traveling fruit vendor, etc.

Employee / Short-hand taker, secretary, head of personnel, manager, administrator, etc.

[page] 31

Professional / Civil Engineer, Dentist, Pharmacist, Lawyer, elementary school professor, etc.


If the informant has two or more occupations, you will write down the one that provides the greatest income. If both provide equal income, you will note the one to which the informant dedicates the most time. If he/she has equal income and dedicates the same amount of time, you will note the one that he considers the most important.

If, for example, the informant is by profession a lawyer and works and the director of a school, you will write down school director.

Question 16: In this work, you are (or were)?

16. In this work you are (or were)?

[] Employee
[] Worker or day laborer
[] Boss or employer
[] Self-employed or independent worker
[] Un-paid family member
[] Domestic employee

Paraguay 2002 — source variable PY2002A_OCC — Occupation (4 digits)
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Chapter G.

For individuals 10 years of age and older

25. What is (or was) your principal occupation in your work? Specify the duties. ____ _ _ _ _

Examples: Farmer, horticulturalist, agricultural laborer, food sales, dressmaker, bricklayer, auto mechanic, trailer truck driver, street vendor with a basket, supermarket cashier, construction electrician, primary school teacher, printing machinist.
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G. Population information
For persons 10 years of age and older

Question 25: What is (or was) your principal occupation in your job? Specify the task.

You should write the occupation in detail. For example: auto mechanic. If the person has more than one occupation, the informant should define the principal occupation.

Leave the space at the bottom blank. It is for office use.

[p. 43]

Below you will find a list of some examples of occupations and the correct manner for writing them.

Incorrect annotation / Correct annotation

Builder / Reinforced concrete installer, tile installer, floor installer, plasterer, etc.

Mechanic / Automobile mechanic, clothes washing machine mechanic, chroming mechanic, dental mechanic.

Worker / Blacksmith, welder, baker, restaurant cook, etc.

Vendor / Sidewalk vendor of corn bread, fruits and vegetables, small items, etc.

Employee / Fingerprint specialist, secretary, head of personnel, general manager, computer operator.

Painter / House painter, automobile painter, bridge painter, picture painter

Professional / Civil engineer, Dentist, pharmacist, lawyer, professor of elementary education.

Technician / Electronics technician, electrical technician, telecommunications technician.

Driver / Collective transportation driver, automobile driver, tractor driver, etc.

Small jobs / Patio cleaner, gardener, moving assistant, etc.

Peru 1993 — source variable PE1993A_OCC — Occupation (3 digits)
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For those 6 years of age and older
[Applies to question 12 - 17]

Questions 14 to 17 refer to last week, or to the last time employed.

14. What is the main occupation that you performed?

Examples: dentist, lawyer, agricultural laborer, food sales in the street, etc.


Questionnaire instructions view entire document:  text  image

For people 6 years of age and older
[Applies to question 12 - 17]

Questions 14 to 17 refer to last week, or to the last time employed.

Question no. 14: What is the main occupation that you performed?
Read the question. Wait for an answer and then record the specific name of the main occupation that the person performed last week or the last time that they worked.
[There is a picture of question 14 in this section of the Enumeration Form.]
Below are some examples that allow you to see the correct form for making the notations.
[p. 47]

Incorrect notation Correct notation
Professional Mining engineer, agricultural engineer, medical surgeon, dental surgeon, pharmacist, attorney, economist, psychologist, primary school teacher, secondary school teacher, public accountant, sociologist, etc.
Office worker Typist, secretary, office assistant, project manager, general director, personnel director, office manager, general manager, administrator, cashier, etc.
Business person Wholesale grocery dealer, retail grocery dealer, domestic appliances dealer, street vendor of clothing, street vendor of fruit, etc.
Manual laborer Baker, restaurant cook, welder, lathe operator, blacksmith, tractor operator, unskilled farm worker, shepherd, etc.
Domestic employee Cook, housekeeper, butler, nanny, etc.
Military Sergeant in the Peruvian National Police, colonel in the Peruvian Army, lieutenant commander, etc.

Keep the following in mind:

If the informant has two or more occupations, you will record the one that provides the greatest income. If they provide the same income, you will record the one that the informant devotes more time to. If they provide the same income and the informant devotes the same amount of time, you will record the one that the informant considers to be more important.
If the informant is an attorney, agricultural engineer, etc. by profession and works, for example, as a Director of personnel, you will record Director of personnel.

Peru 2007 — source variable PE2007A_OCC — Main occupation last week (3 digits)
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For persons aged six or older
[Applies to questions 13-19]

16. What was your main employment last week?

(Examples are: Secondary education teacher, lawyer, agricultural laborer, food sales in the street, etc.)

Specify ________

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For persons aged six and older
[Applies to questions 13-19]

Question 16: What was your main employment last week?
Write the exact name of the person's principal employment last week.
If the respondent replies that he/she had more than one job, ask politely which one he/she considers his/her principal employment. He/she should specify.
[Next to the text is a graphic reproducing box 16 from the Census Form, correctly filled out in accordance with the instructions.]
Write the person's principal employment last week, and not the profession or trade he/she studied or learned if that is not his/her job. If the respondent is a teacher, for example, but worked last week as a school principal, write "School principal."
Principal Employment. This is whatever the respondent considers it to be and refers to the work the person did last week to produce goods and services.
The following is a table showing examples of employment, and how to record them correctly [table]:

[Column headings:]
(A) Correct
(B) Incorrect

Correct: Primary education teacher, secondary education teacher, etc.
Incorrect: Teacher.
Correct: Wholesale clothing salesperson in a mall, retail salesperson in a market stall, electrical appliance salesperson, etc.
Incorrect: Wholesaler/retailer.
Correct: Baker, restaurant cook, taxi driver, welder, lathe operator, tractor operator, agricultural laborer, shepherd, cleaning person, etc.
Incorrect: Laborer.
Correct: Farmer, operator of an agricultural enterprise, livestock breeder, poultry breeder, dairy farm operator, etc.
Incorrect: Agricultural worker
Correct: Typist, secretary, office assistant, general manager, head of HR, office manager, general manager/CEO, manager, cashier, private security, security guard, etc.
Incorrect: Office staff.
Correct: All-purpose domestic help, cook, housekeeper, butler, nanny, etc.
Incorrect: Domestic servant
Correct: Colonel in the Peruvian army, commander in the marines, non-commissioned officer in the Peruvian National Police, captain in the Peruvian National Police, etc.
Incorrect: Soldier or police officer

Peru 2017 — source variable PE2017A_OCC1 — Occupation (1-digit, in primary job last week)
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Section V. Characteristics of the population (continued)

19. Last week, what was your primary occupation?

(Examples: high school teacher, lawyer, farm hand, farmer, street food vendor, etc.)

(Specify) ____
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For persons of 5 years of age and older
[Questions 16 to 23 are asked of persons age 5 or older]

Question 19: Last week, what was your primary occupation?
Write down the specific name of the primary occupation performed by the respondent in the last week.

If the respondent answers that he/she had more than one occupation, kindly ask him/her which of them he/she considers as his/her primary occupation. The respondent should identify it, then write it down in the boxes.


Write down the primary occupation in which the respondent worked last week and not the profession or trade that he/she has studied or learned and that he/she does not perform as a job. Example: The respondent is a teacher, but last week he worked as Principal of a national educational center, so write down: Principal Of National Educational Center.
[p. 67]

Primary occupation: It is the one that the respondent considers as such and refers to the work performed by the person for the production of goods and services during the last week.

Philippines 1990 — source variable PH1990A_OCC — Occupation
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10 Years Old and Older

[Questions P23-P31 apply to persons 10 years old and over]

P23. Usual Activity/Occupation

___ What was [respondent] 's usual activity/occupation during the past twelve months?

Describe occupation as fully as possible.
Examples: Palay Farmer, Filing Clerk, Fruit Vendor, Student, etc.
If housewife, student, or retiree, skip to P25.

P26. Occupation in Past Week

___ What was [respondent] 's activity/occupation during the past seven days?

Describe occupation as fully as possible.

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P26 Occupation in Past Week

Ask the question in P26, "What was ________'s activity/occupation during the past seven days?" for all persons 10 years old and over and whose entry in P25 is code 1.

Occupation refers to the type of work performed, and/or trade or profession being pursued by the person during the past seven days such as farm helper, fruit picker, truck driver, typist, beauty parlor operator, etc. If he is not at work but with a job, occupation refers to the kind of job he was doing or will be doing if merely waiting for a new job to begin within two weeks from the date of interview.

If a person has two or more jobs, consider the one where he works more hours as his occupation. If, however, he works in equal hours for the two jobs, consider the one where he derives more income.

Philippines 2000 — source variable PH2000A_OCC — Occupation
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For Persons 10 Years Old and Over

P25. What was [respondent]'s usual activity/occupation during the past 12 months?
(Please see code book)
If housewife, student or retiree, skip to P29.

_ _ _ _

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P25 Usual activity/occupation

Data on occupation are essential for analyzing the growth, composition and distribution of the work force. They provide information on socio-economic status of the population which is essential in planning the necessary training programs aimed at full and effective utilization of the country's human resources.

Ask the question in P25: "What was ______'s usual activity/occupation during the past twelve months?" for all persons 10 years old and over. Write in the space provided the type of activity/occupation of the person. This will be coded later using the Code Book.

Through this question we can determine whether a person is a gainful worker or is a non-gainful worker.

The term usual activity/occupation refers to the kind of job or business which a person was engaged in most of the time during the last twelve months preceding the interview. In other words, usual activity/occupation is the person's principal means of earning a living like a palay farmer, carpenter, retail merchant, elementary school teacher, telephone operator, etc. during the past twelve months.

For persons who did not work during the past 12 months, their usual activity/occupation relates to the non-gainful activities they usually do most of the year or to their status. They will be reported in either of the following:

1. Housekeeper, own home
2. Student
3. Pensioner (quite old to work and receiving monthly pension or annuity. Report under "Disabled" if disabled but still young).
4. Retired (quite old to work and not receiving monthly pension or annuity, including those retired from the government service or private employment who can still work but do not care to work anymore).
5. Disabled (suffering from permanent illness or permanent disability)
6. Dependent (other than above), etc.

For purposes of this census, a person is considered as gainful worker or usually working most of the time during the past 12 months if he works for at least 10 hours a week for 6 months (26 weeks) or longer, including vacation or sick leave, in one or more of these classes of work:

1. work for pay (wage, salary, commission, tips, etc.);
2. work for profit in own farm, business, private practice of a profession or trade, and;
3. work without pay on own family farm or business.

For persons whose activities varied during the preceding 12 months, report as his usual activity/occupation that which he was engaged in for more than six months. However, if none of these activities lasted for more than six months, report the one which had the longest duration.
For persons working at two permanent jobs, the job at which they work longer hours should be reported. If they spend the same number of hours on both jobs, report the job from which they earn greater income.

Take note of the following cases:

1. If a person worked most of the time during the past 12 months but actually devoted more time to studying or housekeeping most of the year, report the gainful occupation he did and not student or housekeeper.

2. If for several years a person had been a school teacher but on May 1,
2000 has already quit his teaching job and is operating a palay farm, his usual occupation is still an elementary school teacher.

3. During the census, a person may be working in a job other than his usual occupation. For instance, an elementary school teacher works during the long school vacation as a merchant or a palay farmer or fisherman works temporarily as a carpenter. In these cases, the report should be "Elementary school teacher", "palay farmer", or "fisherman", respectively, and not the temporary jobs they are presently doing.

Always describe the specific job or occupation performed by the person in the establishment, office, farm, etc., such as radio technician, records clerk, typist, stenographer, lawyer, farm manager, elementary school teacher, bill collector, carpenter, hospital attendant, etc.
Answers such as agent, engineer, mechanic, employee, etc., do not describe adequately the work performed. Ask the respondent additional questions like "Does this person work for a life insurance company, advertising agency, etc.?" or "What kind of engineer/mechanic is he?"
If the respondent gives a long description of the actual duties of work of the person, report the occupation that fits the description.

Avoid such ambiguous descriptions as owner, partner, businessman, etc. They do not adequately describe the occupation of the person. They simply indicate the proprietary relationship of the person to the business and some owners do not do any work in connection with their business.

If a person is the owner of an enterprise and he manages it or participates in its management, report "Manager" as his occupation. However, in such enterprises emerge in wholesale or retail trade, hotel, dormitory, restaurant, cafeteria or other lodging or eating place, said owner managing or participating in the management of the enterprise should be reported as "wholesale merchant", "retailer", or "working proprietor ". Note however, that a partner in a business who is paid by the partnership to manage the business should be reported as "manager" and not "working proprietor".

Philippines 2010 — source variable PH2010A_OCC3 — Usual occupation (3-digit)
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Population Census Questions

For all 15 years old and over.
[Questions 20 to 23 were asked of persons 15 years and over]

P20. Usual occupation - During the past 12 months, what was [the respondent]'s usual activity/occupation?

Write detailed description on the space provided. If student, housekeeper, dependent, or other non-gainful activity, skip to P24.

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Columns P20 to P23 for All Persons 15 Years Old and Over
Columns P20 to P23 are to be accomplished only for household members 15 years old and over. Thus, if a household member is less than 15 years old, leave these columns blank.

P20-Usual Occupation
Data on occupation are essential in analyzing the growth, composition, and distribution of the country's work force. They provide information on the socio-economic status of the population and are essential in planning the necessary training programs aimed at full and efficient utilization of the country's human resources.
Ask the question in column P20, "During the past 12 months, what was [the respondent]'s usual activity/occupation?" for all persons 15 years old and over.
Through this question, we can determine whether a person is a gainful or non gainful worker. Write in the space provided the type of activity/occupation of the household member. This will be coded later in the PO.
The term usual activity/occupation refers to the kind of job or business, which a person was engaged in most of the time during the last 12 months preceding the interview. In other words, usual activity/occupation is the person's principal means of earning a living such as real estate salesman, medical doctor, architect, rice farmer, elementary school teacher, police inspector, lawyer, call center representative, and others during the past 12 months.
For persons who did not work during the past 12 months, their usual activity/occupation relates to the non gainful activities they usually do most of the year or to their status.
Non gainful persons may be reported as any of the following:

[] Housekeeper, own home
[] Student
[] Pensioner (quite old to work and receiving monthly pension or annuity)
[] Retired (quite old to work and not receiving monthly pension or annuity, including those who retired from the government service or private employment, can still work but do not care to work anymore)
[] Persons with disability (persons suffering from permanent illness or disability)
[] Dependent (other than above), and others.

For purposes of this census, a person is considered a gainful worker or usually working most of the time during the past 12 months if he/she works for at least 10 hours a week for six months (26 weeks) or longer, including vacation or sick leave, in one or more of these classes of work:

[] 1. Work for pay (wage, salary, commission, tips, and others);
[] 2. Work for profit in own farm, business, or private practice of a profession or trade; and
[] 3. Work without pay on own family farm or business.

For persons whose activities varied during the preceding 12 months, report as his/her usual activity/occupation that which he/she was engaged in for more than six months. However, if none of these activities lasted for more than six months, report the one which had the longest duration.
Take note of the following cases:

[] 1. When reporting usual occupation, note that a gainful activity takes precedence over a nongainful one when a person is engaged in both types of activities at the same time. For example, a student works in a slaughterhouse as a helper every other day in the mornings and goes to school every day in the afternoons. Report his/her occupation as a slaughterhouse helper.
However, note that if the activities do not occur at the same time, such that there is a clear-cut period to separate the gainful from the nongainful one, report the activity which occurs more than six months.
[] 2. If for several years a person had been a school teacher but on May 1, 2010 he/she had already quit his/her teaching job and is operating a palay farm, his/her usual occupation is still an elementary school teacher. Again, the reference should be the past 12 months.
[] 3. During the census, a person may be working in a job other than his/her usual occupation. For instance, a palay farmer or fisherman works temporarily as a carpenter. In this case, the report should be "Palay farmer" or "Fisherman", and not the temporary job he/she is presently doing.

Always describe the specific job or occupation performed by the person in the establishment, office, and farm, among others, such as radio technician, records clerk, typist, stenographer, lawyer, farm manager, elementary school teacher, bill collector, carpenter, cigarette vendor, and hospital attendant, among others.
Answers such as agent, engineer, mechanic, employee, and others, do not describe adequately the work being performed. As such, ask the respondent additional questions like, "Does this person work for a life insurance company, advertising agency, and others?" or "What kind of engineer or mechanic is he/she?"
If the respondent gives a long description of the actual duties of work of the person, report the occupation that fits the description.

Avoid such ambiguous descriptions as owner, partner, businessman, and others. They do not adequately describe the occupation of the person. They simply indicate the proprietary relationship of the person to the business and some owners do not do any work in connection with their business.
If a person is the owner of an enterprise and he/she manages it or participates in its management, report "Manager" as his/her occupation. However, if such enterprise is engaged in wholesale and retail trade, hotel, dormitory, restaurant, cafeteria, or other lodging or eating places, said owner managing or participating in the management of the enterprise should be reported as "wholesale merchant", "retailer", or "working proprietor". Note however, that a partner in a business who is paid by the partnership to manage the business should be reported as "manager" and not "working proprietor".
Check for the consistency of the usual activity/occupation of a person with his/her highest grade/year completed. For instance, you need to probe further if the person's usual occupation is "civil engineer" or "lawyer" but the highest grade/year completed is only "high school graduate".
Jobs/Occupations which Need Special Care in Reporting
The following are examples of jobs or occupations, which need special care in reporting:

[Unacceptable entry: Acceptable entries and examples]
[] Agent: Insurance agent, real estate agent, among others. Note that a Philippine National Police (PNP) agent should be reported as "enlisted man" while "PNP Inspector" should be reported as "police detective" or "private detective".
[]Apprentice: An entry should include both the occupation and the word "apprentice". The correct entry should be apprentice plumber, apprentice printer, and others.
[]Assemblers: Specify the type of machinery or products being assembled, such as mechanical machinery assembler, electrical machinery assembler, wood and related materials product assembler, and others.
[] Attendant: Bar attendant, hospital attendant, and others
[] Businessman: Wholesale merchant, retailer, manager, and others
[] Clerk: Accounting clerk, filing clerk, records clerk, and others
[] Collector: Bill collector, garbage collector, collector, market collector, toll collector
[] Contractor: A contractor is engaged principally in obtaining building and/or other contracts and in supervising the work. He/she should be reported as "building contractor", "road contractor", and others.
[] Craftsman or skilled worker: Specify type of skill such as miner, quarry worker, bricklayer carpenter, roofer, plumber, pipe fitter, spray painter, metal molder, sheet metal worker, blacksmith, toolmaker, metal worker, metal grinder, metal polisher, motor vehicle mechanic and fitter, radio and television services, telephone installer, electrical line installer, glass engraver, printing engraver, basket weaver, wood treater, cabinet marker, and others.
[] Driver: Tricycle driver, taxi driver, jeep driver, heavy equipment driver, calesa driver, light van driver, bus driver, tram driver, heavy truck driver, heavy van driver, and others
[] Employee: Specify whether the employee is a statistician, receptionist, typist, and others.
[] Engineer: Civil engineer, mining engineer, marine engineer, and others
Factory worker: Weaver, knitter, sewer, tinsmith, and others
[] Farmer: Rice farmer, corn farmer, sugarcane farmer, coconut farmer
[] Farm worker: Skilled rice farm worker, skilled corn farm worker, and others; farm hand, farm laborer, and others
[] Fireman: Locomotive fireman, city fireman (for city fire department), fire fighter (as in airfields), and others
[] Fisherman: Fisherman in deep-sea, fish pen, fishpond, coastal, inland, and others; fishpond operator, prawn farm machinery operator, and others
[] Foreman: Foreman-carpenter, foreman-electrician, and others
Government official: Specify position such as mayor, congressman, senator, cabinet secretary, assistant cabinet secretary, commissioner, and justice; councilor, barangay chairperson, barangay treasurer, and others.
[] Helper: Store helper, bakery helper, and others
Inspector: Meat inspector, market inspector, and others
[] Manager: Board of Director, special company manager such as: production and operations manager, finance and administration manager, personnel and industrial relations
manager, sales and marketing manager, advertising and public relations manager, supply and distribution manager, computing services manager, research and development manager, small firm manager, and others
[] Mechanic: Auto mechanic, airplane mechanic, radio mechanic, and others. Do not confuse mechanic with machinist who is a skilled craftsman and who constructs and repairs all kinds of metal parts, tools, and machines through the use of blueprints, machine and hand tools, and precision measuring instruments.
[] Midwife: Differentiate "licensed midwife" from "practical midwife", "hilot", and others
[] Nurse: Registered nurse, practical nurse, nurse's aide, and others
[] Operator: Bulldozer operator, elevator operator, telephone operator, mining plant operator, mineral ore and stone treating operator, well driller and borer, ore smelting operator, metal melter, caster and rolling-mill operator, metal heat-treating plant operator, metal drawer and extruder, glass and ceramics kiln operator, paper-making plant operator, chemical processing plant operator, power-generating plant operator, steam turbine operator, automated assembly-line operator, machine tool operator, chemical products machine operator, rubber and plastic products machine operator, wood products machine operator, printing machine operator, binding machine operator, paper and paperboard products machine operator, spinning and winding machine operator, weaving and knitting machine operator, sewing and embroidering machine operator, textile bleaching, dyeing and cleaning machine operator, meat and fish processing machine operator, dairy products machine operator, grain and spice milling machine operator, fruit, vegetable and nut processing operator, sugar processing and refining machine operator, tea, coffee, cocoa and chocolate preparing and producing machine operator, tobacco products processing machine operator, brewer and wine and other beverage machine operator, and others
[] Police: Police officer, detective, patrolman, traffic police, and others. Note that in municipalities with small police force, an entry of policeman may be sufficient or acceptable.
[] Secretary: The title "secretary" should be used for persons doing secretarial work in an office. The secretary who is an elected or appointed officer of a corporation, firm or other organization should be reported as "executive secretary".
Supervisor: Principal, superintendent, sales supervisor, teacher- supervisor, transport supervisor, housekeeping supervisor, farm overseer, and others
[] Teacher: Elementary school teacher, high school teacher, professor, instructor, substitute teacher or teaching assistant (elementary, high school or college), private tutor, university instructor, vocational-technical skill instructor, specialized trainer such as sales trainer, management trainer, instructor-trainer, and others
[] Technician: Civil engineering technician, quantity surveyor, surveyor's technician, mining technician, electrical engineering technician, electronics engineering technician, telecommunications technician, mechanical engineering technician, aeronautical engineering technician, automotive engineering technician, chemical engineering technician, metallurgical technician, mining engineering technician, production engineering technician, draftsman technician, and others. Note that an engineering graduate or a licensed engineer is an engineer by qualification but may be hired as a technician and performing technician jobs. Report him/her as a technician and specify his/her field
[] Unskilled laborer: Whenever possible, specify the unskilled laborer as "street sweeper", "janitor", "stevedore", and others

Important Notice: Pay special attention to the preceding instructions because ambiguous reporting of the usual occupation or activity will result to inappropriate or wrong codes and consequently, affect the data on the economic characteristics of the population
Skip to P24 if the member is reported to have a nongainful activity during the past 12 months.

Poland 1978 — source variable PL1978A_OCC — Occupation
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17 to 20 - Main employment
[Questions 17-20 were asked of the respondent's main employment.]

20. Write in the name of working post describing precisely type of performed activities or duties ____

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53 Write in the name of working post describing precisely type of performed activities or duties (Question 20) [p.73]
1. The post shall be understood as the execution of tasks or performance of chores connected with the received payment or source of income. Therefore, executing managerial tasks (for example, being a head of a company, manager of a technical section, equipment supervisor), performing monitoring and inspection-related duties ( for example, being a commercial expert, financial control inspector, investment, coordinator), as well as performing executive works only, regardless whether they are office, technical ,physical, or service-related ones (accountant, designer, vendor, washer, hairdresser, gamekeeper, construction worker, etc.) are all considered to be posts.
2. For all the workers of communal companies, the name of the post specified in the employment agreement or proceeding documentation shall be written down.
The name of the post shall be in line with the auxiliary form, given to the census enumerator by the individuals working in communal companies. Nevertheless, due to the fact that the said form is filled In by the surveyed individuals themselves, the provided pieces of information shall not be transferred thoughtlessly. If the name seems to be too short, then the enumerator shall ask for the full name of the post.
3. While answering question 20, such general terms as "physical worker" , "railroad worker", "inspector", "manager", "official" shall not be used. In order for the descriptions to be correct, they must be accurate and detailed in character.
[The examples is omitted here]
4. While answering question 20 in the case of individuals working on managerial or non-physical positions , it shall be remembered not to equal the position with the learned profession.The aforementioned mainly refers to such terms as "lawyer", "engineer", "technician", "economist". It shall be checked whether the provided job description is accurate.
5. In the case of individuals working as foremen, the specificity of performed tasks shall be provided, for example "foreman ironworker", "foreman knitter", "foreman mechanic", etc.
6. If the person registered is unable to provide an accurate answer to the question concerning the post, then the description of the performed tasks shall be provided, for example: "fills jars with fruit and vegetable paste", "cleans ditches", "provides bricklayers with bricks", "greases machinery", etc.
7. Individuals, who are above 20 and undergo their traineeship shall have the name of the post that may be taken after finishing the training provided, for example:

"Intern - Health and Safety Technician",
"Intern Norm Calculator",
"Intern Planner",
"Intern Mechanic", etc.

8. In the case of home-workers, the description of the post or the detailed pieces of information concerning the executed tasks shall be provided, for example:

- Home-worker while knitting sweaters "knitter" , while making dresses "dressmaker", while making shoes "shoemaker", or: "assembles toys", "glues together parts of paper bags", "produces industrial nets", etc.
- Agent if the individual is responsible for managing and supervising the executed work only while managing a café "café manager" , while managing a petrol station "petrol station manager", etc.
- If the individual is also responsible for the execution of basic tasks, so while he or she prepares meals "chef", while he or she collects orders "waiter", while he or she is a vendor in a kiosk "vendor in a kiosk", etc.

9. Hired workers employed in agricultural holdings shall have their post performed within the scope of employment provided, for example : "car mechanic", "shoemaker" , "confectionery seller", "gardener" , "school worker", etc.
In the case of individuals working on their own account and the family members supporting them, the following answers shall be provided in question 20:

- If the said individual is the owner of the workshop or company and is mainly responsible for managing and supervising the work, then he or she shall have "electro-magnetic workshop owner", "knitting workshop owner", "metalworking company owner", "upholstery manufacture owner", etc.
- Company or workshop owners who also engage in the performance of given tasks in their firms shall have such descriptions provided as: "electro-mechanic", "car ironworker", "dressmaker", "upholsterer", etc.

For the supporting family members, the description based on the factually performed tasks shall be provided, for example: if he or she performs ironworking-related tasks "ironworker", if he or she makes dresses "dressmaker", if he or she covers certain areas with varnish "refinisher".

Poland 1988 — source variable PL1988A_OCC — Main occupation
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Census of population (inhabitants)

14-23 Source of income

14-17 Main employment

17. Write in the name of the working post in the working establishment listed above. Specify performed activities and duties ____

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Part 4: Rules concerning filling in 2nd and 3rd page of the A Form

35. Specify performed activities and duties. (question 17) [p.32]
Every working individual should receive a position, which is understood as type of job performed, which creates income and which is a source of payment. The position is in this case understood as performing managerial works, designing works, as well as executive works of office, technical, psychical or servicing character. The answer for this question should be precise and in the case of socialized workers and hirelings in individual companies, franchises and companies for Polish information, answer for this question should include:

While being on a managerial position -- specification of the level in the hierarchy, type of activity performed by the managed unit (it is cannot be concluded from the company's name) or type of activity performed by a managed unit or fields of interest, for example: company's director, company's vice-director in the field of economic issues, financial section's manager, the main specialist in the field of human resources.

In the case of other positions -- specifying the type of job and type of performed activity, for example: contracting specialist, marketing specialist, adviser -- financial analyst, vocational teacher, skin cutter, crane's operator, sugar crystallization supervisor, loading worker.
Foremen, despite of their position should have also range of their responsibilities specified, for example: foreman-grinder, foreman-plasterer, foreman cleaner.

Trainees and practitioners should be defined with a position that they perform of will be preforming after the training.

In the case of private companies' owners (franchisers) and production factories' managers, servicing or involved in the public section should be specified as 'company's manager', 'factory's manager', etc. (with specification of the activity, if it is not clearly stated by the question number 14) if the individual only managed and governs working processes performed by other employees. However, if despite of managerial function, a person performs also activities that can be considered as basic company's operations, an appropriate activity should be specified: seller, shoemaker, upholster.

Users of agricultural holdings (plots) and family supporters should be indicated as ' farmers' and in the case of specific activities performed ' orchard tender', 'gardener', 'beekeeper', 'animal breeder'.

While writing answer to this question down, general terms shouldn't be used, and the position shouldn't be mixed with learned profession, especially for individuals employed on non-working positions. The enumerator should carefully ask a person about profession and type of performed activities, without noting down such generalizations as: director, manager, official, railway man, worker, office worker, lawyer, engineer, and technician.

Poland 2002 — source variable PL2002A_OCC — Occupation
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20. Were you employed during the reference week as (concerns the week from May 13th to 19th):
[] 1 Full-time paid-employee
[] 2 Part-time paid-employee
[] 3 Employer
[] 4 Own-account worker (without employees)
[] 5 Agent (in all kind of agencies)
[] 6 Members of agricultural production co-operative
[] 7 Contributing family worker
[] 8 Clergyman/woman
21. What is your occupation?
Please specify name of the performed occupation or position or describe main performed activities: ____
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Question 20. Were you employed during the reference week (13th to 19th May 2002) as... [p. 39]

Answer 1 or 2 concerns employees. They are:
Persons employed on the basis of a job contract (also if the payment is in kind)

Persons working on commission or employed on the basis of order agreement,

Persons doing the home employment,

Students who are being trained for the profession if they receive an income.
Full-time paid-employee (answer 1)-- a person who works full-time, but the number of hours worked a week depends on the regulations concerning a profession

Full-time paid-employees are also workers who work shorter than the typical number of hours due to special legal regulations (e.g. concerning work in a toxic surrounding) or persons serving in the army on a compulsory basis.
Page 12
If a work was done on the basis of order agreement, commission or was home employment a person working full time is a person who worked at least 36 hours in a reference week (13th to 19th May 2002).

A person helping in a family business or working in a family farm can also be classified as an employee.

Answer 3. employer means a person running his/her own business either in agriculture or not, registered or not who employs workers on the basis of permanent job contract.

If a married couple or relatives run the business together only one of the persons can be classified as an employer, the others should be classified as own-account workers. (not employing people) or contributing family workers.

Answer 5. agent (in all kinds of agencies) concerns persons who work on the basis of agency contract/agreement or who run an outpost on the basis of order agreement. The persons employed by an agent are classified as employees regardless the legal form of their job contract.

Answer 7. contributing family worker concerns persons who live in the same household and help in family business (also in agriculture) without being paid.

Question 21. What is your occupation? [p. 39-40]

1. Answering the question no general answer should be given and the occupation should not be mistaken with the profession learnt. An enumerator should ask the respondent about the position he/she is holding, main performed activities and should not be satisfied with the general answer such as: manager, physical worker, office worker, technician etc. following abbreviations can be used: spec. (specialist), in?. (engineer), ds. (dealing with).

2. A special attention should be given to the following cases:
As far as the managers are concerned, the field of activities of a unit managed by the respondent should be given, e.g. president of the company, deputy financial director, manager of the financial department, HR manager,

As far as other than managerial positions are concerned, the field of work should be specified for example by listing the main activities performed e.g. recruitment executive , financial executive, biology teacher, lift operator,

In case of the owner of small private works and managers of merchant or service works belonging to public sector the manager should be described as ?manager of the works if the only duty of the person is to manage and supervise the workers or an occupation really performed should be listed if the person most of the time performs the work other than supervision,

In case of professional soldiers, the answer ?soldier should be given but in case of people serving in the army on compulsory basis the answer compulsory military service should be noted down,

Policeman, customs officer, fireman, prison worker, should be indicated as ?state agent, a person working in UOP (Office for State Protection) as ?public servant. In case of workers of the Ministry of the Interior and Administration, UOP, police the occupation should be indicated according to general rules,

For priest and other clerical persons the answer ?cleric should be listed, page 13

When enumerating farmers, a kind of agricultural activity should be checked and the fact if the work in an agricultural farm done by the respondent is connected to the profile of the agricultural farm. So the occupations regarding farmers should be for example fodder crops farmer, fruiter, cattle breeder, chicken breeder,

In case of farmers being crops farmer and breeding animals at the same time the answer ?mixed farming should be given.

Portugal 1981 — source variable PT1981A_OCC — Main occupation
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[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

[Questions 17-27 were asked of persons age 12+]

23. Main occupation: ________

Indicate your main profession. If you are unemployed looking for a new job or doing compulsory military service, please indicate the last profession you had.

Be precise. For example: civil construction painter, primary school teacher, third rank officer at the Ministry of Labor, agricultural employee, etc.

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Important: Individuals not residing in the dwelling where they spend 16 March 1981, at 00:00 hours, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Questions 5-27 were asked of residents of the housing unit, per question 4]

Note: Individuals younger than 12 years old end the filling-in of the questionnaire after question 16.
Only individuals 12 years of age or older answer the next questions.
[Questions 17-27 were asked of persons age 12+]

Question 23 - Main occupation

Main occupation - When the enumerated has more than one occupation, he must indicate the one where he spent more time.

Unemployed persons looking for a new job and individuals doing the compulsory military service must indicate the last occupation they had before their current situation.

Moreover, persons looking for a new job and individuals doing the compulsory military service that did not work before this situation do not answer this question.

How to report the occupation: Each profession (task, work), must be identified by a determined title or professional designation that must be correctly written on the space destined for the answer to this question.

Important: The enumerated who answers this question must answer questions 24 and 25.

Portugal 1991 — source variable PT1991A_OCC — Main occupation
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[Questions 4-28 were asked only of residents present at the time of the census.]

[Questions 18-28 were asked of individuals of age 12+]

[Questions 21-24 were asked of individuals who currently have a job (answers 1 and 2 in question 19) and to those not having a job at the moment, but express the desire to work (answers 1 to 8 from question 20.2)]

21. What is your main occupation? ____

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Note: For individuals that reside elsewhere different from where they are staying at 0:00 o'clock of April 15, 1991, end the filling-in of the questionnaire here.
[Applies to questions 4-28]

Note: Individuals younger than 12 years old end the filling-in of the questionnaire after question 17.
[Applies to questions 18-28]

Attention: Questions 21 to 24 are only for individuals who currently have a job (answers 1 and 2 in question 19) and to those not having a job at the moment express the desire to work (answers 1 to 8 from question 20.2).

Question 21: What is your main occupation

The individuals must indicate the situation they had in the week of 7-13 of April 1991.

As for the main occupation, we understand the type or modality of work the individual spent most time in during the reference week.

If the individual was unemployed on the week of reference, indicate the last occupation he had.

If during the reference week the individual had performed a different activity from his usual one (by being on vacation for example) he/she must indicate the usual occupation.

Be precise. For example, instead of engineer, textile employer and teacher, be precise and write: civil engineer, textile fiber preparatory worker, primary education teacher, etc. instead of generic designations like engineer, teacher, office worker, etc.

The occupation is a complex notion; it contains three dimensions to be considered: the individual's specialization, the working sector in which he works and the professional function/category he has on the job.

Portugal 2001 — source variable PT2001A_OCC — Main occupation
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[Questions 10-24 were asked of persons born before December 31, 1999, who consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 9]

[Questions 17 to 23 were asked of persons age 15+ who ever attended school at a level higher then pre-primary, and consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3 and 13]

23. Please answer the questions 23.1 to 23.6 if you are employed or looking for a new job. If it is not the case, go to 24.
[Questions 23.1-23.6 were asked of persons age 15+ who are employed or looking for a new job, ever attended school at a level higher then pre-primary, and consider this living quarter their usual place of residence, according to questions 3, 13, and 19]

23.1. What is your main occupation? ____

Be precise, for example, instead of engineer, textile employer, teacher, be precise and write: civil engineer, textile fiber preparatory worker, primary education teacher, etc.
Question 23.1 - What is your main occupation?
Be clear and precise when stating your occupation (avoid using "of the", "of," "and").
Examples: House painter, basic education teacher 1st degree, agricultural machine driver, mechanic, paper pulp preparer, civil engineer, refrigeration air conditioning technician, etc..
1. If you are engaged in more than one occupation, indicate the one which took up most of your time during the reference week.
2. If during the said week, you performed an activity different from the one in which you are usually engaged (you were on holiday, etc.), indicate your usual occupation.
3. If you were unemployed during the reference week, indicate the last occupation you held.
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Question 23.1 - What is your main occupation?
As for main occupation we understand the type or modality of work developed by the individual during the reference week.

Be precise, for example, instead of engineer, textile employer and teacher, be precise and write: civil engineer, textile fiber preparatory worker, primary education teacher, etc. instead of generic designations like engineer, teacher, office worker, etc.

The occupation is a complex notion; it contains three dimensions to be considered: the individual is specialization, the working sector in which he works and the professional function/category he has on the job.

If the individual has more than one profession indicates the one where he spent most time during the reference week.

If during that reference week the individual had a very different occupation than from usual (by being on vacation for example) he must indicate the usual occupation.

If the individual was unemployed on the week of reference indicates the last occupation he had.

Portugal 2011 — source variable PT2011A_OCC — Main occupation
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Individual questionnaire

Answer the questions 29 to 35 if you are employed, if you are unemployed and have already worked (use as reference the last occupation held. If you are not in one of the previous situations, go to question 36.

29. What is your main occupation?

If you are engaged in more than one occupation, indicate the one which took up most of your time during the week of 14 - 20 March, or if the same amount of time was spent, indicate the one which generated more income.
Be clear and precise (avoid using "of the", "of", "and")
For example: instead of manager, teacher, textile employee or civil construction worker, be more precise and indicate shop manager, secondary education teacher, sewing-machine operator or brick-layer.
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7.2.4. Individual

Questions 29-35 must be answer with reference to the same job

Question 29- What is your main occupation?
[There is an image of question 29]
Occupation is the profession or type of work, paid or not, that corresponds to a particular title or professional degree, constituted by a group of tasks that make up the work toward the same goal and that require similar knowledge.
An occupation is a complex notion, in which you should consider the function or professional category inherent in the tasks that are performed in the respective occupation.
An occupation should be indicated in a clear and precise manner.
Examples: Painter, First grade teacher, an agricultural machine operator, paper maker, HVAC technician, etc.
Many times after obtaining an answer there remains a difficulty to clearly identify and classify (codify) the occupation. Sometimes the title used for the occupation can refer merely to the sector of activity or a professional task.
For example:
Public Servant- could include administrative assistant, technical director, janitor, etc.
Construction Worker- could be a carpenter, painter, bricklayer, scaffolding operator, mason, etc.
Textile Worker- could be a textile dyer, weaver, sewing machine operator, bobbin worker, etc.
If the person prefers more than one occupation you must indicate the one that took up most of his/her time during the census week, or if the same amount of time was spent indicate the one that generated more income.
If during this week the person performed an activity that was very different from his/her regular job (due to vacation, etc.), you must indicate his/her regular job.
If the person was unemployed and looking for work during the reference week you should respond according to the last occupation that the person had.

Puerto Rico 1970 — source variable PR1970A_OCC — Occupation
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30-32. Show in questions 30-32 this person's job or business during the last week. If he had no job or business last week, give information for most recent job or business since 1960.

31a. What kind of work was he doing?


(For example: TV repairman, seamstress, civil engineer, farm operator, junior high school English teacher, etc.)

b. What were his most important activities or duties?

(For example: Types, keeps account books, filing, sells cars, janitor, bricklayer, etc.)

Puerto Rico 1980 — source variable PR1980A_OCC — Occupation
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16. Enumerator - Mark when this person was born.
[] Born before April 1965 -- Ask questions 17 - 33. (Omit question 17 if born between April 1960 and March 1965.)
[] Born April 1965 or later -- Turn to next page for next person

[Questions 17 through 33 asked of persons aged 15 and above.]

28-30. Current or most recent job activity

Describe the chief job activity or business at which ____ worked the most hours last week (or the last job or business since 1975)

29. Occupation

29a. What kind of work was ____ doing?

(For example: registered nurse, maintenance mechanic)

29b. What were ____ most important activities or duties?

(For example: patient care, repair machines in plant)

Puerto Rico 1990 — source variable PR1990A_OCC — Occupation
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[Questions 17 through 34 are for individuals aged 15 and over]

29-31. The following questions ask about the job worked last week. If [respondent] had more than one job, describe the one [respondent] worked the most hours. If [respondent] didn't work, the questions refer to the most recent job or business since 1985.

30a. What kind of work was [respondent] doing?


(For example: registered nurse, personnel manager, supervisor of order department,
cake icer)

Puerto Rico 2000 — source variable PR2000A_OCC — Occupation
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27. Industry or Employer - Describe clearly this person's chief job activity or business last week. If this person had more than one job, describe the one at which this person worked the most hours. If this person had no job or business last week, give the information for his/her last job or business since 1995.

28. Occupation
28.a. What kind of work was this person doing? (For example: registered nurse, personnel manager, supervisor of order department, auto mechanic, accountant)


28.b. What were this person's most important activities or duties? (For example, patient care, directing hiring policies, supervising order clerks, repairing automobiles, reconciling financial records)

Puerto Rico 2005 — source variable PR2005A_OCC — Occupation
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K. Answer questions 35-40 only if this person worked in the past 5 years. Otherwise, skip to question 41.
Questions 35-40: Current or most recent job activity.
Describe clearly this person's chief job activity or business last week. If this person had more than one job, describe the one at which this person worked the most hours. If this person had no job or business last week, give information for his/her last job or business.

39. What kind of work was this person doing?

(For example: registered nurse, personal manager, supervisor of order department, secretary, accountant)

40. What were this person's most important activities or duties?
(For example: patient care, directing hiring policies, supervising order clerks, typing and filing, reconciling financial records)

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[Housing Question 17-42 should be asked only of individuals 15 and older.]

[Answer Person Questions 35-40 only of person who worked in the past 5 years.]

39. Print one or more words to describe the kind of work the person did. If the person was a trainee, apprentice, or helper, include that in the description.
40. Print one or more words to describe the type of work this person does.
Enter descriptions like the following: registered nurse, personnel manager, high school teacher.
Do not enter single words such as: nurse, manager, teacher

Puerto Rico 2010 — source variable PR2010A_OCC — Occupation

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Puerto Rico 2015 — source variable PR2015A_OCC — Occupation last week
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L Answer questions 41-46 if this person worked in the past 5 years. Otherwise, skip to question 7.

41-46 Current or most recent job activity. Describe clearly this person's chief job activity or business last week. If this person had more than one job, describe the one at which this person worked the most hours. If this person had no job or business last week, give information for his/her last job or business.

45. What kind of work was this person doing?

(For example: registered nurse, personnel manager, supervisor or order department, secretary, accountant)

46. What were this person's most important activities or duties?

(For example: patient care, directing hiring policies, supervising order cleaks, typing and filing, reconciling financial records)
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Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. Questions 7-48 are a continuation of the questions for each person. (Questions 1-6 appear on pages 2, 3, and 4 of the questionnaire.)

Answer person questions 19 through 48 if this person is 15 years old or over.

Answer person questions 41 through 46 if the person worked in the past 5 years.

45. Describe the kind of work the person did. If the person was a trainee, apprentice, or helper, include that in the description.

Enter descriptions like the following: registered nurse, personnel manager, supervisor of order department, and high school teacher.

If possible, avoid single words such as: nurse, manager, and teacher.

46. Describe the most important activities or duties the person performed.

Enter descriptions like the following: patient care, directing hiring policies, supervising order clerks, typing and filing, reconciling financial records.

Puerto Rico 2020 — source variable PR2020A_OCC2010 — Occupation last week, 2010 basis
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M. Answer questions 42a - f if this person worked in the past 5 years. Otherwise, skip to question 43.

42. Description of employment
The next series of questions is about the type of employment this person had last week.
If this person had more than one job, describe the one at which the most hours were worked. If this person did not work last week, describe the most recent employment in the past five years.

e. What was this person's main occupation?
(For example: 4th grade teacher, entry-level plumber)

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Person question 42

Answer questions 42a-42f if this person worked in the past 5 years. Otherwise, skip to question 43.

P42.e. Describe the kind of work the person did. If the person was a trainee, apprentice, or helper, include that in the description.

Enter descriptions like the following: registered nurse, human resources manager, industrial engineer.

If possible, avoid single words such as: nurse, manager, or engineer.

Romania 1992 — source variable RO1992A_OCC — Occupation
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Questions 20-23 are to be completed only by persons who answered 1 or 2 to question 19. For persons looking for another job, the last occupation should be registered

20 Occupation

(Profession or activity currently performed)

___ _ _ _

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78. Q. 20 - 23 from chapter IV of the form will be completed only for persons who at Q. 19 - "Economic status of the enumerated person" - were classified under code 1 - occupied - or code 2 - seeking another place of work. For the latter (code 2) the previous situation will be recorded at Q. 20-23.

For persons who at Q. 19 had been recorded with one of the codes from 3 to 9, Q. 20-23 will be crossed over with a diagonal line.

Q. 20 Occupation

(Profession or activity currently performed at the work place)

79. Occupation refers to the type of gainful socio-economic activity usually performed for pay or income (in cash or in kind), by the person as their main resource for living.
a) The enumerator will record the occupation completely in order to determine the craft, qualification, position (specialization), and the task actually done at the work place.

For craftsmen, qualified workers, the services and trade operators, record as their occupation the specific craft performed: power transformer reeler, concrete mason, concrete reinforcement bar iron smith, plaster maker, carpenter, boiler maker, welder, form maker for refractory products, iron and non-ferrous (smelter) foundry worker, hairdresser, telephone operator, barman, waiter, shop salesman, car driver, trailer driver, tramcar driver, mason, oil processing operator. Do not record "worker" as the occupation but rather the specific function performed within the qualified profession (or the craft).

For technical, economic, professional and administrative staff having executive duties, the function of the position will be recorded as the occupation: physicist (expert on physics), economist, meteorologist, biologist, journalist, sociologist, architect, accountant etc.; or the function and qualification of the position: construction engineer, medical dentist, adviser on statistics, economic expert on trade and marketing, foreman in the wood industry, foreman of mechanics and locksmiths etc.

For management personnel of economic and social units (institutions of public administration, autonomous bodies, state or private capital commercial companies, political organizations, professional organizations, employers, trade unions, etc.), record the position as it is performed. For example: minister, ambassador, senator, state secretary, prefect, general director, division chief, service chief, office chief, chief engineering, district chief, workshop chief, etc.). In the same way, record the occupations of managerial staff from internal divisions, having production or social activity, belonging to autonomous bodies, commercial companies, diverse institutions (chief engineer, chief of section etc.). Note that occupations for functional structure division personnel will be recorded with both the position as well as the concrete activity of the division headed by the enumerated person. For example: division chief of personnel, division chief - supply, division chief - finance and accounting, division chief - commercial, division chief - advertising and public relations, bureau chief - administration.

For unskilled workers record the actual type of work done in a job: loader, unloader, manual merchandise stacker, food cart vendor, newspaper vendor, domestic cleaning woman, transport worker, grave digger, doorman, guardian, street sweeper;

For agricultural farm workers and farm members, as well as for farmers working in their own household performing specialized agricultural work, record as their occupation the craft or type of activity performed: field crop farmer, vegetable gardener, orchard man, viticulturist, flower gardener, apiarist, shepherd, greens caretaker. For persons active in both plant growing and animal breeding, record the occupation as "farmer." Agricultural workers hired by private farmers will be recorded as "farmer hired by private persons," regardless of the specific activity performed. For persons performing seasonal agricultural work, register "seasonal agricultural worker."

For military conscript record the occupation as "military."

b) Examples of correct and incorrect registration of occupations:
Incorrect: Electrician
Correct: Electrical line-testing electrician, Maintenance electrician, Motor-vehicle electrician

Incorrect: Engraver
Correct: Glass engraver, Photographic engraver

Incorrect: Seller
Correct: Shop seller, Kiosk seller, Food products street seller

Incorrect: Operator
Correct: Oil operator, Chemical operator, Electrical installations operator

Incorrect: Teaching professionals
Correct: College teaching professional, High school teaching professional, Gymnasium teaching professional, Teaching professional for persons with special needs

Incorrect: Engineer
Correct: Mining engineer, Civil engineer, Mechanical engineer

Incorrect: Physician
Correct: Surgeon, Dentist, Veterinarian

Incorrect: Counselor
Correct: Physics counselor, Chemistry counselor, Civil engineering counselor, Architecture counselor, Biology counselor, Juridical counselor

Incorrect: Inspector
Correct: Biology inspector, Pharmacy inspector, Economics inspector, Teaching inspector, Social protection inspector, Work quality inspector, Border inspector

Incorrect: Referent
Correct: Referent sociologist, Referent philologist, Referent economist, Referent statistician, Teaching referent, Social work referent

Incorrect: Researcher
Correct: Chemical researcher, Metallurgy engineer researcher, Food industry researcher

Incorrect: Assistant
Correct: Medical assistant, Pharmacy assistant, Mechanical technician assistant

Incorrect: Officer
Correct: Ship's officer, Aircraft officer etc.

c) Whenever a person is active in several socio-economic fields and obtaining income in them, the occupation recorded will be the main activity performed most frequently at the reference point or the one which brings more income as declared by the person.

For workers, clerks, craftsmen and private traders or associates, etc. who have their own private farms where they work in their free time, the occupation recorded will be the main occupation and not the agricultural one;

d) Persons temporarily absent from their job (for example those participating in approved qualification and specialization courses during work time, those vacationing) will be recorded with the occupation they had prior to the absence.

If the person enumerated is looking for another work place, record the occupation held at the last job.

For persons detained or retained for investigations and who at Q. 19 were cataloged under code 1 or 2, the occupation they had before the current situation will be registered.

Occupation coding will not be done by the enumerator.

Romania 2002 — source variable RO2002A_OCC4 — Occupation, 4 digits
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_ _ _ _ 21. Occupation on current activity (type of work or craft, or qualified task done in a job at work place)
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Occupation on current main activity (the craft or qualified task actually performed at the working place) -- item 21.

70. Occupation refers to the type economic --social useful activity, usually performed for pay or income (in cash or in kind), by a person being its main resource for living.

Will be recorded as main occupation, the qualification (specialization) actually performed to the current main working place, and not the profession acquired during the studies.

[p. 51]

The occupation's name should be clearly written, on the special designated space, in order to establish the performed craft (for workers) or the position and the task actually done in a job (when the activity is mostly of intellectual kind), as following:

a) for management personnel of:

-- economic and social units (institutions of the public administration, autonomous bodies, state or private capital commercial companies, political organizations, professional, employers, trade unions, etc.) will be recorded the position as it was performed. For example: minister, ambassador, senator, state secretary, prefect, general director, division chief, service chief, office chief, chief engineering, district chief, workshop chief, etc.);
-- the functional structure compartments will be registered for occupation both the function (position) as well as the concrete activity of the compartment headed by the enumerated person. For example: division chief -- of personnel, division chief -- supply, division chief -- financing - accounting, division chief -- commercial, division chief - advertising and public relations, bureau chief- administration.

b) for the staff having executive duties, occupation will be recorded:

-- the appointment's function -- whether this coincides with the qualification: physicist (expert on physics), economist, meteorologist, biologist, journalist, sociologist, architect, accountant, etc.;
-- the appointment's function and the qualification -- whether these are not in coincidence: construction engineer, dentist, adviser on statistics, economist expert on trade and marketing, foreman -- on wood industry, foreman -- on mechanics and locksmiths, etc.

c) for craftsmen, skilled workers, services and trade operators, the particular practiced craft will be recorded as occupation: power transformer reeler, concrete mason, concrete reinforcement bars iron smith, plaster maker, carpenter, boiler maker, welder, form maker for refractory products, iron and non-ferrous (smelter) founding worker, hairdresser, telephone operator, barman, waiter, shop salesman, car driver, trailer driver, tramcar driver, mason, oil processing operator.

These category of workers should not be recorded as having an occupation "worker", but rather identified with the practiced profession (or craft).

d) for unqualified workers the actually type of work done in a job will be recorded: loader, unload worker, manual merchandises stacker, food ambulant vendor, newspapers vendor, cleaning women homemaker, carrier (transport worker), grave digger, doorman, guardian, street sweeper;

e) for farms agricultural workers, farms members, as well as for farmers working on their own household performing specialized agricultural works, will be recorded as occupation the craft or the type of activity performed: farmer on land culture, vegetable gardener, orchard man, viticulturist, flower gardener, apiarist, shepherd, greensward care taker.

-- for the persons activating on both plants growing and animal breeding, will be recorded as occupation as "working on agricultural cultures and animal breeding".

f) for military conscript will be recorded as occupation military.

Particular situations:

-- the workers, the clerks, the craftsmen and private traders or associates, etc. having private own farms, where they are working on free time, will be recorded the main occupation and not agricultural one;
-- whether a person is activating on several economical and social fields, obtaining incomes, as occupation will be considered that main activity performed (during the week March 11 -- 17, 2002) mostly on that week, as declared by the person.
-- the persons temporarily absent from their job (for example those participating to the approved qualification and specialization courses, during the working time, those vacationing, etc -- see paragraph 67 "occupied persons" -- b) will be recorded with the previous occupation they had before being on this situation.
[p. 52]

The occupation codification will be done by codifiers (so this will not have to be done by the enumerator or chief enumerator).

Romania 2011 — source variable RO2011A_OCC — Occupation (unrecoded)
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Questions 32-36 refer to the main activity. And apply only to a persons whose answer to question 31.1 was different from 0 and persons whose answer to question 30 was "unemployed looking for another job" (code 2). For the latter, the characteristics corresponding to their last job shall be recorded

32. Occupation____

Rwanda 2002 — source variable RW2002A_OCC — Occupation
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Population aged 6 years or more
[Questions 16-25.]

Active Population/currently employed or previously employed
[Questions P22-P25]

P22. Current or past occupation

What is (was) the main occupation of ____?

Write down in full the occupation of the named person.
If several occupations, write down only the main occupation.
_ _ _

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C. Questions asked to all residents aged 6 years or more (questions from P16 to P25)

These questions aim at knowing the activities related to education and employment for persons aged 6 years or more [the French text says more than 6 years].

Children aged less than 6 years are not concerned with questions from P16 to P25.

Employment status (occupational status) (P21 to P25)

The following questions concern only the population aged 6 years and above. For persons below that age, one will write nothing on questions P24 to P30.

For persons who are employed, one will ask the type of work or the type of employment they are in, or that they were in from July 15, 2002 to August 15, 2002.

[Questions P22-P25 were asked of active persons who are currently or were previously employed]

P22: Current or last occupation

The occupation, as it is understood in this census, corresponds to the type of work done by the enumerated person. It does not refer to the rank, or to the grade, or to the function, and even not always to the qualification of the person, but only to the work really accomplished. This is why one must insist with the persons to be enquired to obtain the greatest accuracy, since occupations are numerous, and vague answers would be useless.

Therefore, one should not ask imprecise questions, such as "what is your occupation", but ask simply: "what type of job are you doing?", or "could you describe your job for me?"

There are good and bad answers. [Since the bad answers] are not acceptable, one should continue the interview to obtain enough accuracy to classify correctly the person into an occupation.

Bad answers:
Chief, Director, Coordinator, Forman, Trader, Farmer, and so forth.

Good answers:
Head of a gas station (petrol pump), Director of a tea factory, Rice farmer, Bread trader, and so forth.

Rwanda 2012 — source variable RW2012A_OCC2 — Occupation (3-digit)
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Section P: Characteristics of population

[Questions 25-28 were asked for residents aged 5 and over who are currently working or have ever worked (as indicated in questions 20-22 above).]

25. What was the respondent's main occupation (type of work) during the last 7 days preceding the census night or during the last time he/she worked?

Occupation ____
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P25 to P28: For residents who have ever worked or are currently working

P25: Main occupation [type of work]
Ask: What was [the person]'s main occupation during the last 7 days preceding the census night or during the last 12 months he/she worked?

The question concerns those who have engaged in economic activity for the last 7 days preceding the census night.

Type of work that the person performed in seven days before the census refers to occupation or the job title. Write down the current job title of the person, using two or three words.

Example: primary school teacher, private gardener, cattle farmer, domestic worker, bus driver, communication technician, principal statistician, office cleaner, etc.

Note: Do not accept only "teacher", "driver", and "technician". Use two or three words for the description, otherwise it will be difficult to know what type of work people are doing.

Saint Lucia 1991 — source variable LC1991A_OCC — Occupation
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Section 7. Economic activity
For persons 15 years and over
[Questions 7.1 through 7.17 were asked of all individuals over the age of 15.]

7.9 What sort of work did you/he/she, do you, does he/she do in your/his/her main occupation?

Please specify in detail. _______
[] Never worked -- Skip to 7.18

Senegal 1988 — source variable SN1988A_OCC — Occupation
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For persons aged 6 years and above, or born before 1982
[Questions 15 through 21 were asked of persons age 6 and older]

[Question P21 was asked of persons who were employed or jobless but looking for work, as per question P18.]

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19) Occupation / Economic activity in the past 12 months

This is the occupation practiced during the past 12 months preceding your visit in the household (since the Korite). This question applies exclusively to persons for whom you circled "1 WORKED" (occupe) or "2 JOBLESS" (chômeur) in column P10.

For people who have worked, ask the following question:
"Which occupation did you practice since the Korite?".

For the jobless persons, who have lost their job, ask the following question:
"What is the last occupation that you practiced?" Record the occupation declared. For jobless persons who are looking for their first job, record the occupation for those who have one [sic], or NONE (aucune) for those who have none. If a person practiced several occupations since the Korite, record the occupation that he or she most practiced.

Examples of occupation: farmer, brick layer, fisherman, stockbreeder, driver, auto-mechanics, engineer for agricultural works, engineer electrician, fish monger, market gardener.

Note: Give as much detail as possible.

Examples: retailer, wholesale trader, petty trader (bana-bana), bus or truck apprentice (motor boy), driver help / beater (coxeur), postmaster, bus or collective taxi collector, etc.

Senegal 2002 — source variable SN2002A_OCC3 — Occupation, 3 digits
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For individuals 6 years of age and older
[B16-B19 were asked of individuals 6 years and older]

B18. Occupation practiced:_________

Record the most frequent occupation in the past 12 months.

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Note: The following questions (from B16 to B19) apply to all persons aged 6 years and above. Write an oblique hyphen for the persons who are less than 6 years of age.

The following question (B18) applies only to persons for whom you have already circled "1 OCC" for employed.

B18. Main occupation practiced in the past 12 months

This is the occupation which the respondent practiced most of his or her time during the past 12 months.

For the employed persons, ask the following question: "What is the activity you are practicing, or that you did practiced during the past twelve months?"
Record the activity (occupation) declared by the respondent.

If a person practiced several activities, record the activity (occupation) that he or she estimates to have practiced most of the time.

Example of activities (occupation): farmer, bricklayer, fisherman, stock breeder, driver, auto mechanics, engineer for agricultural work, electrician engineer, vegetable gardener.

Note: always describe well the declared occupation.

Example: Retail salesperson, wholesale tradesperson, petty trader (bana-bana), apprentice for transport vehicle (motor boy), driver's aid (coxeur), postmaster, bus ticket collector, etc.

Senegal 2013 — source variable SN2013A_OCC3 — Profession or occupation (3-digit)
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B. Individual characteristics

Population aged 6 years or older
[Question B33 through B40 were asked of resident person age 6 or older.]

B40. Profession ____

What is [the respondent]'s profession? Write out the indicated profession.
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4.2. Part B: individual characteristics

B40: profession
Record clearly the profession practiced by the person concerned. Example: refuse collectors, forestry operators, Industrial chemistry technicians, programmers, demographers, teachers, and so on. The profession refers to the degree obtained, i.e. the trade learned.
NB: On the PDA, you will choose the answer on a drop-down list.

Sierra Leone 2004 — source variable SL2004A_OCC — Occupation
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[Questions P22-P25: Persons age 10 years or older]

Type of economic activity
[Questions P23-P25]

P24. What kind of work did [the respondent] do?

[] 1 Legislators, senior officials and managers
[] 2 Professionals
[] 3 Technicians and associate professionals
[] 4 Clerks
[] 5 Service workers, shop and market sales workers
[] 6 Skilled agricultural and fishery worker
[] 7 Craft and related trade workers
[] 8 Plant and machine operators and assemblers
[] 9 Elementary occupations
[] 0 Armed Forces

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Columns P23 to P25 -- Economic activity (Persons age 10 or older)
126. Like marital status, questions on economic activity relate to respondents who are age 10 years or older. Note that the reference period is one month prior to the census; you must therefore concern yourself with the person's economic activities within that period and not beyond.

P23 -- Employment status
127. This question seeks to establish whether the respondent did any work regularly during the month to the census. The appropriate codes are provided in the code list.

128. Some persons are employed by others and earn a salary or wage and if that is the case, then code "01" applies, that is, the person worked for someone else. Other people are self-employed, they work for themselves, and if that is the case, code "02" applies. Other people worked but not for cash, so the appropriate code is "03", etc.

[If the response is "04" to "09" [to question on employment status], do not ask P24 and P25]

P24 -- Occupation
129. Occupation means the main work a person does, irrespective of what is actually produced. Ask as clearly as possible the kind of work the person is doing or did a month to the enumeration.

130. Ask "What is this person's work?" If the answer is "None", ask: "What work has this person done during the last month?" If the answers are vague ask further questions such as, "What does this person actually do?" Use the appropriate code in the code list. For example, a clerk is "Clerical", and would be given code 3; a teacher will be treated as "Professional/technical" and given code 1 and so on.

131. Note that only a single code is required. Therefore for those with more than one occupation, ask for and record the main one.

[Questions P22 - P25: Persons age 10 or older]

P24 What kind of work did [the respondent] do?

[] 1 Legislators, senior officials and managers
[] 2 Professionals
[] 3 Technicians and associate professionals
[] 4 Clerks
[] 5 Service workers, shop and market sales workers
[] 6 Skilled agricultural and fishery worker
[] 7 Craft and related trade workers
[] 8 Plant and machine operators and assemblers
[] 9 Elementary occupations
[] 0 Armed forces

Sierra Leone 2015 — source variable SL2015A_OCC — Main occupation in the past 12 months
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[Section II was answered for all persons who selected living in occupied housing units in question I15]

10 years and above [Questions P25-P33]

Economic activity [Questions P28-P31]

P30. Occupation

Answered only by respondents who indicated that they were employed, in an apprenticeship or looking for work in question P28

What kind of work did [the respondent] do during the past 12 months?

[] 01 Legislators, senior officials and managers (members of parliament, civil servants, traditional chiefs and headmen, chief executive officers, managers, directors, etc.).
[] 02 Professionals (lecturers, teachers, SNR nurses, bankers, statisticians, engineers, lawyers, accountants, imams, pastors, journalists, librarians, medical doctor, building contractors)
[] 03 Technicians and associate professionals (technicians, plumbers, it specialists, JNR nurses, traditional healers, police officers, prison officers, traffic wardens, entertainers, tax officers)
[] 04 Clerks (secretaries, data processing operators, cashiers, custom service officers, other office clerks)
[] 05 Service workers, and shop and market sales workers (waitresses, restaurant attendants, travel attendants, house maid, soothsayers, fire force officers, models, traders, private security officers)
[] 06 Agricultural and fishery workers (farmers, fishermen, animal rearers, hunters, palm wine tappers, poultry workers etc.)
[] 07 Craft and related trade workers (stone breakers, sand miners, diamond and gold miners, other miners, wood carvers, painters, masoner, builders, structure cleaners, black smith, mechanics and fitters, electricians, printers, wood cutter, shoe makers, carpenters, welders, tailors, cookery sellers, seamstress, etc. )
[] 08 Plant and machine operators and assemblers (machine operators, tractor drivers, motor vehicle drivers, okada riders, printers, binders, potters, crewmen, power saw operators, boat drivers, ferry workers)
[] 09 Elementary workers (newspaper vendors. street sellers, hawkers, shoe cleaners, labourers, cleaners, caretakers, messengers, garbage collectors, porters)
[] 10 Armed forces (army, navy, OSD)
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Section 2: Population characteristics

Columns (P01) to (P20) -- These should provide particulars of all persons who slept in the household on census night. The questions therefore apply to all persons irrespective of age or sex, except P13 which applies to persons 5 years and above.

Columns P28 to P31 -- Economic activity (for persons 10 years and over)
149. Questions on economic activity relate to respondents who are aged 10 years and above. Note that the reference period is 12 months prior to the census; you must therefore concern yourself with the person's economic activities within that period and not beyond.

P30-- Occupation
152. Occupation means the main work a person does, irrespective of what is actually produced. Ask as clearly as possible the kind of work the person is doing or did in the last 12 months to the census. Occupation refers to the type of work done in a job by the person employed (or the type of work done previously, if the person is unemployed), irrespective of the industry or the status in employment in which the person should be classified.

153. Ask, "What is this person's work?" If the answer is "None", ask, "What work has this person done during the last 12 months?" If the answers are vague ask further questions such as, "What does this person actually do?" Use the appropriate code in the code list. For example, a clerk is 'clerical', and would be given code '4', a teacher will be treated as 'professional' and given code '2' and so on.

154. Note that only a single response is required. Therefore for those with more than one occupation, ask and record the main one. If the person worked for a day in the last 12 months that person is considered employed.

Slovakia 1991 — source variable SK1991A_OCC — Occupation (2-digit)
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Part A - Information about persons
Instructions for completing Part A - Information about persons
[Instructions include an example that is omitted here.]

18. Occupation ____

Economic active persons (including helpers and working pensioners) enter the work or function performed. Non-working pensioners, women on maternity leave, soldiers in active service, persons in custody or in prison, and persons seeking employment enter their last occupation
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Part A - Personal information

Questions 17 to 23
(a) economically active persons, including working pensioners, women on maternity leave, military service soldiers, persons in custody and in jail, and persons assisting (free of charge) in a family business complete all questions
b) pupils and students (including vocational school pupils) do not complete questions 18 and 19
c) other persons dependent on the breadwinner (mainly children, housewives) complete only question 17
d) non-working pensioners complete only questions 17-19.

Slovakia 2001 — source variable SK2001A_OCC2 — Occupation (2-digit)
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Personal form

18. Occupation (Write down the work or function) ____

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Explanations for filling in the personal form

18. Occupation
- To be filled in by the category working, by working and non-working pensioners, unemployed and persons on maternity (parental) leave.
- Non-working pensioners, persons on maternity (paternal) leave, persons at military service, in prison and unemployed should write down the last occupation. Write down the kind of work, status, or type of activity.
- Persons not included in work relation until census date (e.g. homekeeping, graduates) should not complete this question.

Slovakia 2011 — source variable SK2011A_OCC2 — Occupation (2-digit)
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A. Data on population

9. Current activity status

[] Professionals (other than pensioners)
[] Working pensioner
[] Person on maternity leave
[] Person on parental leave
[] Unemployed
[] Secondary school student
[] University student
[] Person in household
[] Pensioner
[] Capital gain beneficiary
[] Child under 16 years of age (born after 20.5.1995)
[] Other

10. Occupation (current or last performed) ____

Slovenia 2002 — source variable SI2002A_OCC — Occupation
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Data in the pre-census database for buildings, dwellings and persons were taken over as of 9 November 2001.

From the pre-census database data are provided for contents stated in Article 6 of the Census Act. Data that are thus not on the P-3 Census questionnaire for persons are:
Place of birth,
Last migration,
Marital status,
Employment status,
Usual working hours,
Place of work.

For individual groups of population from the pre-census database the following data were provided for questions on the P-3 Census questionnaires for persons:
Question No. - Content
4 - Sex
23 - Address one year before the census, i.e. on 31 March 2001
24 - First residence after birth
35 - Education in the program for obtaining recognised education
36 - Level and type of education after finishing the program
37 - Place of education
42 - Activity status

If on the P-3 Census questionnaire for persons the box left of the question number is marked X, the question needs not be answered because the data have been obtained from the pre-census database.

South Africa 1996 — source variable ZA1996A_OCC3 — Occupation, 3 digits
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Question 16-19 should be answered for each person in the household, whether child or adult, born before 10 October 1991 (5 years or older)

19.3. Focus on the occupation of (the person). What would you call this occupation?

____ For example, plumber, street trader, cattle farmer, primary school teacher,
domestic worker.

19.4. Describe (the person's) main duty/activity in more detail.
____ For example, installing pipes in new houses, selling fruit and vegetables, breeding cattle, teaching primary school children, cleaning and cooking.

South Africa 2001 — source variable ZA2001A_OCC — Occupation, 3 digit
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Ask for all persons aged 10 years and older (born before 10 October 1991)

Had work

P-19c. Occupation (If yes to P-18)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ What is the main occupation of (the person) in this workplace?
Occupation refers to the type of work (the person) performed in the seven days before 10 October. Use two or more words. For example, street trader, cattle farmer, primary school teacher, domestic worker, fruit vendor, truck driver, warehouse manager, filing clerk, etc. Use capital letters only.

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Question P-19c -- Occupation

"What is the main occupation of (the person) in this workplace?"

Occupation refers to the type of work the person performed in the seven days before the census. Use at least two words. Read the examples from the questionnaire to the first respondent.

Write down the current job title of the person, using two or three words, for example, primary school teacher, private gardener, cattle farmer, domestic worker, bus driver, communication technician, senior demographer, car sales person, office cleaner.

Do not accept only "teacher", "driver", "technician". Use two or three words for the description, otherwise it will be difficult to know what type of work they are doing.

Do not use academic titles like MA or PhD, or titles of honour.

National Bureau: Write the response in the boxes provided and make sure that you write inside the boxes not outside. Do not leave empty boxes between words. Start in the top left box.

Answers to questions P-19a, 19b and 19c should be related, in that they should all refer to the same job. If a person has more than one job, they should answer these questions in relation to their main job. If the answer to the occupation question appears inconsistent, probe.

[P. 52]

The table in Appendix 3 contains several examples of name of business, industrial sector, and occupation that could go together. The table illustrates two things.
It shows the difference between industrial sector and occupation. It can be clearly seen that in some cases the occupation is directly related to the industrial sector, but in other cases it is not. Jobs such as driver, labourer, clerk, human relations officer, accountant, can be done in any industrial sector.

The examples show appropriate wording and level of detail for industrial sector and for occupation.

You should study this table in your own time and make sure you understand the concepts.

South Africa 2007 — source variable ZA2007A_OCC3 — Occupation, 3 digits
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Section E: Employment and economic activities - ask of all persons 15 years and older listed on the flap
[Questions P-30 to P-39 were asked of persons age 15 and older.]

P-38 Occupation
What is the main occupation of (the person) in this workplace?

[Question P-38 was asked of persons who were either working during the last seven days or had work that the persons could definitely return to, person questions P-30a to P-30g and P-31.]
For example: street vendor, primary school teacher, domestic worker etc.
Write in capital letters.

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5.6. Section E: Employment and Economic Activities

This section is to be asked for every person fifteen (15) years and older listed on the flap.

Questions p-36 to p-38 are to be answered by those who responded "yes" in any of p-30a to P-30G or P-31.

(P-38) Occupation: What is the main occupation of (the person) in this workplace?
Occupation refers to the main type of work in which the person is engaged.

To give an accurate occupation to what a person does in his/her occupation, we need a very good description. Probe for full details: If the respondent answers "a clerk", probe for what type of clerk (see first example below).

The answer that clearly describes the main occupation should be written and the two or more words should generally be given to describe the occupation.


The following are inadequate and thorough examples of answers to this question:

Inadequate answers / Thorough answers
a. Clerk / Accounts clerk
b. Office work / Compiles monthly accounts

a. Labourer / Construction labourer
b. Labouring / Carries bricks

a. Teacher / Primary school teacher
b. Education / Teaching primary school children

a. Manager / Hotel manager
b. Managing / Control staff, food, etc. in hotel

In particular, give a good description of the main duties of farm workers e.g. tilling soil, driving tractors, picking fruit, packing fruit, etc.

South Sudan 2008 — source variable SS2008A_OCC — Occupation
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Economic activity
[Questions 19 - 23: Persons age 10 or older]

21. For those who worked or have worked before (Q19, codes 1-3), state in detail, the main job that [the respondent] was engaged in during the week before census night?

[Q21 is asked of persons age 10 or older who worked, did not work but have a job to go back to, or did not work but last week but have work and seeking work and available for work, as per Q19.]
Occupation ________

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7.5. LFQ economic status questions 19-23

The remaining questions are only asked of persons aged 10 years old and above. If you are asking questions for a person 9 years old or less, stop and go to the next person listed on the questionnaire. These questions refer to the period of time 7 days prior to census night.

Q21 For those who worked or have worked before (Q19, 1-3), state in detail, the main job that [the respondent] was engaged in during the week before census night? (occupation) This question applies only to those persons who were coded "1-3" in Q19. Continuing with the first person listed "Person 01" 10 years old or over who responded "1,2, or 3" in question 19, ask question 21.

  • Occupation refers to the type of work, trade or profession performed by an individual during the reference period.
  • For persons with more than one occupation at the same time, record the person's main occupation -- where he/she spends most of the time.
  • Write a short description of the type of work the person performed for most of the reference period. The type of work should be recorded as fully as possible, examples include:

  • Village headman
  • Government official
  • Typist
  • Head of Finance
  • Bartender
  • Computer programmer
  • Lawyer
  • Waiter/waitress
  • Minister
  • Motor vehicle mechanic
  • Cook
  • Panel beating
  • Taxi driver
  • Primary school teacher
  • Mechanical engineer
  • Hairdresser
  • Assistant nurse
  • Coffee or tea seller

Avoid unclear or general descriptions as operator, foreman, or clerk.

Do not make any marks in the boxes. Write your answers in the red space provided. Office clerks will use your written answer to assign occupation and industry codes in the office. Write as neatly as possible.

Spain 1981 — source variable ES1981A_OCC — Occupation
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Answer questions 13, 14, and 15 only if you answered question 12 with answers 2 (Working) or 4 (Unemployed and looking for work, having worked previously).
If the answer to question 12 was 2 (Working), refer to your principal occupation.
If the answer to question 12 was 4 (Unemployed and looking for work, having worked previously), refer to your last job before you became unemployed.

14. Your occupation in your principal job or profession
Provide a detailed answer, such as the following: day laborer on construction projects; wine store worker; administrative assistant; mechanic on assembly line; electrician; mining engineer; etc.
Professional rank/category (when applicable)
For example: apprentice; day laborer; assistant; first officer; negotiating head; director; etc.

_ _ / _

Spain 1991 — source variable ES1991A_OCC — Occupation
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Questions 23, 24 and, 25 are to be answered only by those answered the previous question [Number 22] as 2, 4, or 5. Employed persons (answer 2) should refer to their occupation during the week of February 22 to 28. Persons who were unemployed (answer 4) or retired (answer 5) should refer to their last job.

23. What is your occupation, your profession, or the work that you perform or performed?
First, describe in detail your occupation (for example: commercial employee, construction contractor, etc.). If you held more than one job during the reference week, describe your principal occupation. Next, in the table on page 22, find the number that corresponds to the description provided (in the previous example, _ 9 and 1 4, respectively).

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ Number in the table on page 22 that corresponds to this occupation

Spain 2001 — source variable ES2001A_OCC — Occupation
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Remember: This questionnaire should only be completed if the person is at least 16 years old and was studying or working last week.

6. Were you working (for at least one hour) or temporarily absent from work last week?

[] No: Your questionnaire is finished. Thank you for your collaboration.
[] Yes: What was your occupation?
Note: We are not asking for your title based on your level of education (college graduate, doctor, etc.), nor your class/sector of work (government official, businessman, etc.), nor your work category (official, apprentice, etc.). We are asking about the type of work that you did.
Look in the Table of Occupations (on the white sheet, with a yellow title) and write the letter and number that corresponds to your occupation:

_ Letter _ Number
If you did not find your occupation or you are not certain, write your occupation below:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Spain 2011 — source variable ES2011A_OCC — Occupation, 2-digits
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15. What is/was his/her occupation?
If he/she is unemployed, refer to his/her last occupation. Look for it in the Table of Occupations of the Attached pamphlet and note the letter and number to which it corresponds:

Letter _
Number _

If you have not found his/her occupation or have doubts, write it below: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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1.D.2 Employment

Employment refers to the main tasks and obligations of the work, employment, or office performed

[p. 40]

The information about this variable will be collected for all the people that are older than 15 years and that:

Are employed during the reference week
Are unemployed during the reference week, but have had an employment at least once in the past.

Sudan 2008 — source variable SD2008A_OCC — Occupation
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Economic activity
[Questions 19 - 23: Persons age 10 or older]

21. For those who worked or have worked before (Q19, codes 1-3), state in detail, the main job that [the respondent] was engaged in during the week before census night?

[Q21 is asked of persons age 10 or older who worked, did not work but have a job to go back to, or did not work but last week but have work and seeking work and available for work, as per Q19.]

Occupation ________

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Q21 For those who worked or have worked before (Q19, 1-3), state in detail, the main job that [the respondent] was engaged in during the week before census night? (occupation) This question applies only to those persons who were coded "1-3" in Q19. Continuing with the first person listed "Person 01" 10 years old or over who responded "1,2, or 3" in question 19, ask question 21.
  • Occupation refers to the type of work, trade or profession performed by an individual during the reference period.
  • For persons with more than one occupation at the same time, record the person's main occupation -- where he/she spends most of the time.
  • Write a short description of the type of work the person performed for most of the reference period. The type of work should be recorded as fully as possible, examples include:

  • Village headman
  • Government official
  • Typist
  • Head of Finance
  • Bartender
  • Computer programmer
  • Lawyer
  • Waiter/waitress
  • Minister
  • Motor vehicle mechanic
  • Cook
  • Panel beating
  • Taxi driver
  • Primary school teacher
  • Mechanical engineer
  • Hairdresser
  • Assistant nurse
  • Coffee or tea seller

Avoid unclear or general descriptions as operator, foreman, or clerk.

Do not make any marks in the boxes. Write your answers in the red space provided. Office clerks will use your written answer to assign occupation and industry codes in the office. Write as neatly as possible.

Suriname 2004 — source variable SR2004A_OCC — Occupation
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Personal form

Working in main profession
[Question P18 to P20 were asked of persons working.]

P19. Where did this person work?

1) Name of the business ____
2) Activity of the business ____

P20. What kind of work did this person do?

Record the description of the activities to be performed. _____
N.B.!!!!!!! "Civil servant" is not a proper description.

Proceed to P23

Suriname 2012 — source variable SR2012A_OCC — Occupation (groups)
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Personal module

Persons 15 and above (employment)
[Questions P30 - P42 were asked of persons aged 15 and above about their employment.]

P33. What kind of work did this person do?

[Question P33 was asked of persons age 15+ who were active in the period 6 to 12 August 2012, per question P30 or who were not active in that period but absent from work due to, for example: leave, illness, holidays, stay abroad, training, strike, or weather conditions, per question P31.]

N.B.: Give a clear description of this person's main activities.

Give a specific description of the activity, e.g. carpenter, typist, teacher at a GLO school, teacher of mathematics at a MULO school. If nature of activity is unclear, ask for main activities.

N.B.: 'Civil servant' is not a proper description; specify the person's actual activity, e.g. driver at Ministry of Home Affairs.

Code _ _ _ _

Switzerland 1970 — source variable CH1970A_ISCO — Present occupation (ISCO)
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D. Questions to persons who carry out a profession
[Applies to questions 20-22]

21. Main profession or part time activity:

[Unemployed persons indicate in question 21a and 21b their last employment]

a) What is your present activity (please specify, possibly in note form, e.g. not just factory worker, but e.g. metal polisher, leather preparer; not just "employee" but e.g. punch card operator, general office work):


b) Occupational status, hierarchical grade (unskilled worker, apprentice, foreman, skilled worker, home worker, chief clerk, office manager, tenant farmer, business owner, family member employed in family business, etc.):


c) Name of employer, firm (persons who work for several employers, e.g. home workers, cleaners, should write 'several' only):


d) Branch, line of business (please specify as accurately as possible, e.g. not just "furniture" but "furniture factory" or "furniture dealer"):


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Question 21: Principal or part time occupation
a) Which occupation do you have presently?
It should be noted that the current practiced occupation is requested not the profession learned. This question should be answered as precisely as possible. General entries are to be avoided. Housewives and house daughters who work predominantly as such should enter housewives or housework.

[p. 25]

b) Present occupation, level
Persons who work all or most of the time in a family enterprise are working family members. Home workers are persons who work in their dwelling or another self-selected place for wages for one or more employer. Other possibilities are co-owner, director, master, journey man, and apprentice. Public servants give their position title.

c) Name of employer, company
Public servants enter the name of their office.

d) Branch of economy, industry
The branch of economy should be specific, such as cotton spinning, hosiery knitting, grocery store, etc. Female employees in agriculture should state whether they work predominantly in the household or in agricultural duties.

Switzerland 1980 — source variable CH1980A_ISCO — Present occupation (ISCO-COM)
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D. Questions to persons who carry out a profession (Numbers 18-20) and housewives (only Number 18c)

19. Main profession or part-time activity:

a. What is your present activity? Please specify, possibly in note form, e.g. not just factory worker, but e.g. metal polisher, electrical winding-machine operator; not just "employee" but e.g. sales-assistant, punch card operator, general office-work.____

b. Occupational status, hierarchical grade: e.g. apprentice, laborer, unskilled worker, home-worker, skilled worker, foreman, chief clerk, shop-foreman, senior bank employee, works manager, tenant-farmer, proprietor, relative employed in family business.____

c. Name of employer, firm ____
[Persons who work for several employers, e.g. home-workers, cleaners, should write 'several' only.]

d. Branch, line of business: please specify as accurately as possible, e.g. not just "furniture" but "furniture factory" or "furniture dealer" ____

E. Questions to pensioners and retired persons

21. What was your profession before your retirement?____
Examples: see Question 19a

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Question 19: Principal occupation and part time occupation

a) What is your occupation presently?

The current occupation is to be chosen, not the learned profession. The question is to be answered as precisely as possible. The actual occupation, not the position title, is to be entered (see examples on the questionnaire.)

Fulltime housewives and house daughters enter "housewife" or "housekeeping" in question 19a.
Persons working in institutions enter their specific occupation there.

[p. 43]

b) Position at work

Persons who work all or most of the time in a family enterprise are working family members. Home workers are persons who work in their dwelling or another self-selected place for wages for one or more employer.
Other possibilities are, for example, journey man, apprentice, director, co-owner. Public servants give their position title.

c) Name of employer, company

Public servants enter the name of their office.

d) Branch of economy, industry

The branch of economy should be specific, such as cotton spinning, hosiery knitting, grocery store, etc.
Female employees in agriculture should state whether they work predominantly in the household or in agricultural duties.

Questions 21 and 22: Former occupation of retired persons

The analysis of this question is to provide information on health risks and life expectancies of the various professions.

Retired persons state the occupation they had when they retired at the retirement age (men 65, women 62), even so if they might have answered already 19a and b, because they worked beyond the retirement age. If such a job after retirement is different from that before retirement, then the former should be considered for questions 19a and b, and the latter for questions 21 and 22.

Switzerland 1990 — source variable CH1990A_ISCO4 — Present occupation (ISCO-COM)
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II. Profession: Questions to employed, unemployed and persons no longer employed

13. Professional occupation

For employed persons: What is your present occupation? ________

For unemployed persons and those no longer employed: What was your last occupation? ________

Switzerland 2000 — source variable CH2000A_ISCO4 — Present occupation (ISCO-COM)
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Questions 15 and 16 are intended for people in employment and apprentices

16. What is your present occupation?

Wherever possible, indicate the exact title of your job. Your reply should clearly indicate the precise nature of your work, e.g. 'metal grinder' (instead of just 'grinder'), 'shop assistant, shoes' (instead of 'shop assistant'), 'clerk' (instead of 'employee'), manager, financial services (instead of 'manager'), 'clerk of court' (instead of 'LL.B.'), 'artist/painter' (instead of 'painter/decorator'), 'primary teacher' (instead of 'teaching')

Indicate your main occupation (select just one reply). ________

Switzerland 2011 — source variable CH2011A_OCC — Current occupation (1-digit, ISCO-08)
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Personal questionnaire

Questions 12, 13 and 14 apply to people in employment only, including apprentices.

12. What is your present occupation? ________

Indicate the exact title of your job, e.g.: office worker (instead of employee), court clerk (instead master of laws), metal grinder (instead of grinder), painter (artist) (instead of painter), primary teacher (instead of teacher), sales director (instead of director).

If you have more than one job, enter your main occupation. Your main occupation is the one on which you spend the most time.
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3.3 Structural statistics

3.3.2 Basic output
The structural statistics provide additional information on the basic statistics, together with base information for the analysis of the thematic statistics of the census system. They cover the resident population, excluding people who live in institutional households. The information on dwellings relates to occupied dwellings. The structural statistics provide annual results on the following topic areas:

T4 Information provided by the structural statistics

Topic area "work"
Occupation/participation in the labour market          
- Employment status
- Current occupation
- Status in occupation
- Socio-professional category
- Economic branch, legal status, and size of the enterprise
- Number of hours worked per week, work-time percentage


- Labour market status
- Unemployment rate

Tanzania 1988 — source variable TZ1988A_OCC — Occupation
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Persons 5 years and older
[Applied to questions 14 to 18]

17. What kind of work is [the respondent] usually doing? Enter code for work usually done. ____

Tanzania 2002 — source variable TZ2002A_OCC — Occupation last week
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D. Economic activity
For persons age 5 and older
[Questions 16-20.]

19. Occupation
What type of work did [respondent] do for the last seven days?

Write the appropriate code.
_ _

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D. Employment: For people of age five and above
This part has five questions (question 16-20) which have to be answered by people of age 5 and above. For census purposes, a job is any economic activity, either if you get paid, make profit, do barter trade, or for domestic use. Housework is not regarded as a job except looking for firewood and fetching water from a source which is far from the respondent's living place. Housework includes laundry works, cleaning, cooking, etc. The housework mentioned above will be considered as economic activities if they are paid for. A house maid doing these works should be considered as employed.

Question 19: What major activity did you do in the past 7 days?
[Those with codes between "01" and "06" in question 17]
This question is answered by those who did economic activities for the past 7 days.
Codes used in this question are as follows:
1. Administrator, managers and law makers = 01
Law makers, administrators, and managers are people who take the highest decisions and policies, laws, and orders of a country, region and street/village authorities or law making body; they plan, instruct, and supervise their implementation; they represent the government or work on its behalf, or do such responsibilities on behalf of a political party or other specific group and ensure the safety of citizens.
This group involves the following:

i. Leaders of political party
ii. Religious leaders and other volunteering institutions
iii. Government executives and administrators
iv. Directors and managers
v. Law makers (members of the parliament, and councilors)

[p. 45]
vi. Administrators of major institutions
vii. Village leaders
viii. Government leaders (central government and local government)

2. Professionals (with degree and advanced diploma) = 02
These include all people whose work always involve a lot of brains and usually need severe training, or people whose work need experience and skills. These professionals are those with degrees and advance diplomas.
These groups are as follows:
i. Scientists, mathematicians, and engineers. This group includes:

  • Engineers (civil, marine, electronic, etc.)
  • Chemists
  • Weather forecasters
  • Geologists
  • Architects
  • Surveyors
  • Computer scientist
  • Statisticians
  • Mathematicians and those of that kind

ii. Biologists and health professionals.

  • Biologists, botanist, zoologists, etc.
  • Bacteriologists
  • Agronomists
  • Doctors
  • Dentists
  • Veterinary doctors
  • Pharmacists
  • Nutrition specialists
  • Nurses with advanced diploma or degree
  • Health inspectors with advanced diploma or degree

iii. Teachers

  • University and college lecturers (professors, lecturers, etc.)
  • Secondary school teachers with advanced diploma or degree
  • Education inspectors with advanced diploma or degree

[p. 46]
iv. Business, sociology, and the related.

  • Accountants with advanced diploma or degree
  • Information officers and library officers with advanced diploma or degree
  • Psychologists
  • Sociology professionals
  • Historians
  • Translators
  • Archivists and curators
  • Economists
  • Planning and economic officers with advanced diploma or degree

v. Law professionals.

  • Lawyers
  • Judges
  • Judges with advanced diploma or degree

vi. Other professions.

3. Technicians and associate professionals = 03
Technicians and associate professionals do professional work which needs expert knowledge. Assisting professionals are those with normal certificates and professional skills.
This group involves the following:
i. Assistant scientists and general level technicians
ii. Assistant computer scientists
iii. Optical and electronic equipment professionals
iv. Aircraft and ship tower controllers and technicians
v. Building, industrial safety, health and standard inspectors
vi. Other assistant professions.

  • Assistants in finances and sales

  • Securities and finance dealers and brokers
  • Insurance agents
  • Real estate agents
  • Travel agents
  • Business and technical representatives
  • Large institution agents
  • Appraisers and evaluators
  • Auctioneers
  • Other finance and sales assistants

[p. 47]
  • Trade brokers and business services agents

  • Trade brokers
  • Clearing and forwarding agents
  • Other brokers and business services agents

  • Assistant administrators

  • Assistant administrators and similar occupations
  • Assistants in law matters and business
  • Bookkeepers
  • Assistant statisticians and mathematicians
  • Land and water transport supervisors
  • Other administrative assistants

  • Government professional assistants

  • Customs officers
  • Tax officers
  • Railway and air transport supervisors
  • License providers
  • Protective services officials and detectives
  • Other assistant government officials

  • Assistants of community services professionals

  • Community services officials and their assistants
  • Welfare official assistant
  • Community development official assistant
  • Assistants of institutions
  • Culture centre worker, associate professional
  • Welfare worker, delinquency, associate professional
  • Psychiatric social work associate professional
  • Refugee settlement assistant

  • Creative and performing arts, and artistic, entertainment and sports associate professionals

  • Handcrafts, painters and similar occupations
  • Authors, musicians and singers
  • Designers
  • Movie directors and actors, on stage, and others
  • Radio and television presenters and others

[p. 48]
  • Sports people and others
  • Religious leaders' assistants
  • Non-ordained religious associate professionals

vii. Teachers

  • Primary school teachers
  • Nursery school teachers
  • Other teachers with skills

viii. Science and health associates professionals

  • Laboratory assistants
  • Agriculture and forestry/fishing assistants
  • Other medical assistants (medical assistants, RMA, etc.)
  • Mid-wives and nurses with skills

ix. Traditional healers of all types
x. Other with several skills in service provision

4. Clerks = 04
Clerk and record keepers, arrange, maintain, and release information related to the work, deal with financial and statistical statements, deal with clerical duties which involves customers monetary issues, transport planning, business information, and appointments.
Their work also include running of the office, short hand writing, typing, and running different office machines, maintain financial and statistical statements.
Occupations in this category include the following groups:
i. Personal secretaries, telephone operators, and assistant registry clerks

  • Personal secretaries
  • Typists and short-hand writers
  • Typists using computer and other operators
  • Data entry clerks
  • Arithmetic machine operators
  • Registry clerks
  • Transport clerks

ii. Accounts clerks

  • Accounting clerks and bookkeepers
  • Statistical and financial clerks

[p. 49]
iii. Clerks who keep records of equipments and transport.

  • Stores clerks
  • Manufacturing clerks
  • Transport clerks
  • Other related activities

iv. Library, document transport clerks, and others

  • Library clerks
  • Document transporters and sorting clerks
  • Coding, proof reading, and related clerks

v. Service providing clerks

a) Cashiers, tellers

  • Cashiers
  • Tellers and other counter clerks
  • Debt collector

b) News reporting clerks and phone operators

  • Clerks in the transport sector
  • Reception clerks
  • Phone operators

5. Managers and supervisors of small scale business = 05
Small scale business managers are people who run their own business or those who supervise work on behalf of the business owners. Mostly these are long term employees and not laborers. There should only be one manager or supervisor. This group compiles of all kinds of businesses.
6. Service providers and sellers in shops, markets, and permanent stalls = 6
Service providers and shop sellers provide services related to transport, housing maintenance, hotel, personal services, and prevention against fire and other disasters; or sellers and auctioneers of goods in retail and wholesale shops and other places; includes also fashion models. Therefore, duties usually performed by workers in this group include personal services which include the following: transport arrangements, housing maintenance, provision of food and beverages, personal services, etc.
[p. 50]
Those included in this group are as follows:
Personal service providers
i. Supervisors of transport services

  • Airplane attendants
  • Conductors of transport vehicles
  • Passenger directors and others

ii. Housing maintenance staff and restaurant workers

  • House Stewarts and housekeepers
  • Cooks
  • Hotel attendants and bar workers

iii. Housekeepers and house workers in coffee shops

  • Personal housekeepers
  • Cooks
  • Housemaids

iv. Personal service providers

  • Baby sitters
  • Personal nurses and other health service providers
  • Other personal service providers

v. Astrologers and psychics and others of that kind

  • Astrologers and others of that kind
  • Psychics, palm readers, and others of that kind

vi. Security service providers

  • Firemen
  • Police officers
  • Soldiers
  • Security guards
  • Others who provide security services

vii. Sellers, models, and demonstrators

  • Demonstrators
  • Sellers in the market
  • Designers
  • Barbers and beauticians

7. Streets small scale retailers = 7
This includes all business people in the streets selling any kind of goods; they must be differentiated with those with code 06.
[p. 51]
8. Normal technicians and handcraft workers = 08
These are technicians with ordinary knowledge and most of the times are trained at work. Laborers who help in building are not to be included as technicians. All professional technicians are to be included in code 03. Remember that those who make baskets, carpets, etc., are to be included in this code. Technicians and others of those kind use resources, make and mend things, build, maintain, and make buildings, roads, machine, and other things. These works are done using hands or hand driven machines which reduce the energy used or time taken or increasing the quality of the services/product.
The works done by this group include processing raw material, building, doing maintenance and fixing of buildings, metal smelting, fitting, making electronic machines, making wooden things, clothes or leather. Supervisors of workers are also included.
This group includes the following:
A. Construction workers and miners
This group includes miners from under or above the ground and in open mines; stone carvers and cutters for construction and other works; building, maintaining, and fixing houses and other buildings. Stones for gravel are not to be included in this group.
[Some details on the contents of the group are omitted]
[p. 52]
B. Machine and metal mechanics
Works done by machine and metal mechanics include welding, making metal frames, joining metals, making metal machines, making electronic machines. Supervisors and these workers are included here.
[Some details on the contents of the group are omitted]
[p. 53]
C. Verifiers, handcrafts, printing, and others
Works done by people in this group include repairing and verifying tools, making and repairing musical instruments, making glass products, pots and others, mineral ornaments, and others, handcraft works using wood, cloth, skin, and other things of that kind; planning how to print using hands or machine; prepare the tools to be used in printing on paper and on other material; printing of books; also employees' supervisors are included.
[Some details on the contents of the group are omitted]
  • Verifiers of metal, diamond, plastic, paper tools, and others who are related to these
  • Employees, supervisors in cutting and shinning of diamond and others related to these, tool verifiers
  • Makers of verifying and renovating tools
  • Makers of music tools
  • Those who make and prepare diamond and other minerals
  • Verifiers of metal, diamond, plastic, paper, and other materials related to these
  • Makers of pots mirrors and other related
  • Employees' supervisors in the making of pots and mirrors
  • Makers of pots and other pottery tools
  • Makers and cutters of mirrors
  • Makers of mirror tools and artists drawing on stones/metals/glass engravers and etchers
  • Those making and decorating pottery tools and others related to these

  • Makers of tools from wood, clothes, skin, and other related tools
  • Supervisors of employees in the making of handmade tools
  • Makers of tools from wood and other related tools
  • Cloth makers and other related tools
  • Makers of tools from palm tree leaves and other related tools
  • Publishers and other related workers
  • Publishing supervisors and other related workers
  • Publishers and those who prepare publishing work
  • Local publishers and publishers using electronic machines
  • Printing engravers and etchers, except photo engravers
  • Photo engravers
  • Those making books and other related workers
  • Silk screen, block, and textile printers
  • All other publishers

D. Other related groups
The work done by this group is together with processing of meat, fish, grains, fruits, and vegetables for human and animal consumption; dealing with and processing traditional threads, skin; making and modifying commodities made by wood, cloth or skin. Also supervisors of these works are included.
[Some details on the contents of the group are omitted]
9. Peasants and farmers = 09
All farmers should be included in this code, even if they are doing small scale farming. Activities undertaken by workers in this group include: preparing farms, sowing, treating with insecticides, putting manure and reaping, farming of fruits and other crops from trees, farming and collecting other crops from water, selling their crops to marketing companies or the market.
This group consists of people dealing in farming and forestry.
[Some details on the contents of the group are omitted]
10. Livestock keepers = 10
Activities undertaken by these workers of this groups is together with raising, feeding, or hunting in order to get meat, milk, feathers, skin, or other commodities.
This group consists of producers of commodities made from animals and specialized workers.
[Some details on the contents of the group are omitted]
11. Fishermen = 11
All fisher men who fish in dams, lakes, oceans, and even in rivers should be involved in this group.
12. Machine operators, technicians, and drivers = 12
These people drive cars and different machines; supervise and follow up the functioning of machines in machine industry, by direct supervision or remote control; or assembling goods from different places by following special instructions.
Work done by people in this group includes assembling of goods by following special instructions; supervising and running mining machines and iron processing industries and other minerals, wood or chemicals, or supplying electricity; servicing and running machines that produce goods made of iron or other minerals, chemicals, wood, clothes, skin, or plastic.
Others are workers who service and run food processing machines; servicing and running printing and binding machines; driving trains and cars together with running machines. Supervisors of these workers are also involved.
People involved in this group are as follows:
[Some details on the contents of the group are omitted]
i. Machine operators in industries
ii. Stationery machine operators and assemblers
iii. Drivers and mobile machine operators

13. Other activities without skills = 13
This group involves everyone without skills; normally they require hand tools that mostly involve strength. It should be noted that in these works, skills may be obtained through experience and training at work. Skills to read and write can be required in the accomplishing of some work.
Activities undertaken by these people include selling products on the streets, in crowded places, or house to house, and looking for customers; giving other street services; cleaning, washing, sweeping; carrying and delivering parcels, goods, messages; security; loading in sacks, pedaling and hand guiding vehicles to transport passengers and goods .
Work in this group includes:
i. Selling and service provision in small scale

  • Business men on streets
  • Shoe shiners on streets and other related services
  • House workers and other related to these
  • Building caretakers and louver cleaners
  • Maids, guards, and other related to these
  • Garbage collectors
  • Those selling and providing services in small scales

ii. Temporary workers in farming, forestry, fishing, hunting and other related workers. Supervisors, temporary workers in farming, forestry, fishing and others include:

  • Unskilled workers
  • Temporary workers and maids in farms
  • Forest temporary workers
  • Temporary workers in fishing and hunting

iii. Temporary workers in the mining, construction, industrial and transport sector

  • Temporary workers in constructions and mining
  • Temporary workers in goods manufacturing
  • Temporary workers in the transport sector
  • Luggage carriers and other related activities

14. Others = 96
These are workers who have no specific group above, together with those who mention unknown activities and those who cannot be categorized under any group.
15. Those who do not know = 98
16. Those who do not mention = 99

Tanzania 2012 — source variable TZ2012A_OCC — Occupation
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D. Economic activity: All persons aged 5 years and above
[Questions 23-27 were asked of persons aged 5+]

Economic activity

26. Occupation

What type of work did [the respondent] do in the week preceding the census' night? _ _

Write and shade the appropriate code. Codes are in a separate handbook.
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Questions 23, 24, 25, 26, and 27 ask about economic activities in the past 24 months and past one week, employments status, work, and main activities at work place [industry] for individuals aged 5 years and above.

For census purposes, a job is any economic activity, whether you get paid, make profit, do barter trade, or for domestic paid jobs.
Explanation/clarification of the question: Questions on economic activities will enable the nation understand the level of employment in various economic sectors, types of employment, scarcity of employment, amount of available labor force, and areas of employment.

Thailand 1970 — source variable TH1970A_OCC — Principal occupation last year
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Only for persons 11 years and over
[Questions 17-24.]

22. Occupation last year: ______
[Record the occupation that the person spent most of the time working on during April 1969 - March 1970. If the person did not work, record "not working" and do not ask questions 23 and 24.]

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3.28 Main Occupation
Main occupation refers to a job on which the person spends most of the time within a specified period of time. For example, the main occupation within the last 7 days before the date of census refers to a job on which the person spends most of his/her time in the last 7 days before the date of census (that is, between March 25-31, 1970).

"Most of the time" means the time that is spent on a particular job more than on any other job, if the person works on more than one job.

Or the person may work on one job but works only for 2 days. That job is considered the main occupation.

Or the person may not work at all because they are sick or they are on leave during the 7-day period, but he/she has a regular job such as government employee or employee of a private company. That person is considered as having an occupation and his/her regular job is the main occupation.

3.29 Last year main occupation
Last year main occupation refers to a job on which the person spent most of his/her time from April 1969 to March 1970.

[From column 17 to column 24, ask only persons age 11 years or older.]

Column 22: Main occupation last year (see details in chapter 3 number 3.39)
Ask: "What did the person mainly work on last year?" and record the occupation that the person spent most of his/her time on during April 1969 - March 1970.

If the answer is "did not work", record "did not work" and terminate the interview. Record a dash in columns 23 and 24.

The main occupation last year may or may not be the same as the main occupation during the last 7 days before the census date.

Thailand 1980 — source variable TH1980A_OCC — Occupation last year
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For Persons born before and in 1968
[Questions L9-12 were asked of persons 12 and older.]

L10. Occupation last year (April 1979 to March 1980): What were you doing most of the time last year? ____

Record kind of work. If did not work, record "did not work"
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3.23 Job:

A job that can fall into any following categories:

3.23.1 A job with a return in cash or in kind e.g., food, clothes, commodity. In cash maybe paid on monthly, weekly, daily, or per piece of products basis.
2.23.2 A job with a return in any dividend forms e.g., trading of industrial factory.
3.23.3 Family business job without salary/wages or profits. Family members work as employers or self-employed entrepreneurs.
3.24 Occupation:

A regular job that one is working e.g. statistician, journalist, rural school teacher, horticulturalist, rice farmers.

3.25 Main Occupation

Means a job that one spends most of the time within a specified period of time or refers to as.

3.25.1 Main occupation within 7 days before the date of census (25-31 March 1980) means a job that one spends most of his/her time between 25-30 March 1980.
3.25.2 Last year main occupation (April 1979 - March 1980) means a job on which one spent most of her/his time between April 1979 - March 1980)

To decide which the main occupation is, there are criteria to be considered as follows:

a) A job that one spends more time than any other job.
b) A job that one can earn more while spending the same time.
c) Let the interviewee decide which is her/ his main occupation, in case that s/he spends the same time and earns the same income on the job.
Columns 9 - 12
Ask those who are 11 years old and over, or those who were born before or in the year 1968 (Monkey year)

Column 10 Last year main occupation (April 1979 - March 1980)

Ask "Let me know what you have mainly worked in last year"

Record last year occupation (between April 1979 - March 1980) of the person, e.g. chief police officer, construction worker, jewelers, cosmetic seller, statistician, rice carrying laborer, etc. (DO NOT record Government Service or Trader).

In case of carpenters, be specific, whether they are furniture maker or house constructor. They must have spent most of their time in last year on the aforementioned occupation.

In case that they have more than one occupation and have spent the same time on both occupations, consider the occupation that yields more income as the main occupation.

If not working at all or not having any occupation in last year, record "Did not work."

Thailand 1990 — source variable TH1990A_OCC3 — Occupation last year
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[Questions S8- S11 were asked of persons 13 and older or were born before and in the year 1977]

S9. Last year occupation
What job did [respondent] spend most of the time working on during last year? (1 April 1989 to 31 March 1990) ____

Record job explicitly. For example: rice farming, vegetable farming, barber, statistician, accountant. If did not work, record "did not work" and do not ask S10, S11.

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Column S8-S11: ask persons age 13 years or older (or who were born before 1 April 1977)

Column S9: Main occupation last year (1 April 1989 - 31 March 1990)
Ask: "During last year, what kind of work did ___(name)___ spend most of his/her time on?

Record the description of occupation, job description and position clearly. Examples are farmer, painter, engraver, furniture craftsman, laborer in rice mill, house maid, etc. (Do not record occupations such as government officer or merchant because they are not specific.)
Craftsman: Record what he/she made specifically such as making furniture, building houses, etc.
Teacher: Record the subject that he/she taught such as geography, math, arts, etc. If he/she taught more than one subject, record the subject on which he/she spent most of his/her time. If he/she is responsible for a particular, record the specific class he/she is responsible for such as grade1 in secondary school, grade 2 in primary school, etc.
Engineer or technician: Record the specific category of engineer or technician that he/she was such as civil engineer, electrical engineer, chemical engineer, mechanic technician, etc.
Clerk: Record the duty and description of the job such as typing, delivering documents, measuring, delivering products, etc.
Nurse: Record the type of nurse such as health care nurse, registered nurse, clinical nurse, home nurse, etc.
Driver: Record the type of automobile a person drove such as truck driver, pick-up driver, bus driver, rented-car driver, tricycle driver, etc.
Farmer: Record the type of crops grown in the plantation/farm such as coconut, fruits, palm trees, rubber, vegetables, flowers, cassava, corn, sugar cane, tobacco, etc.
Employee: Record the type of work that a person was employed to do such as carrying things, dish washing, laundry, digging soil, etc.
If there is more than one occupation, record only one main occupation last year by considering the following criteria:

1. The occupation at which the person spent most of his time during the last year period.
2. The occupation from which a person earned more income, if a person spent equal amount of time on many occupations.

If a person does not know the occupation or position but knows that he/she was working last year, record "working but not knowing occupation".

If a person did not work at all did not have any occupation last year, such as pensioner, lender, etc., record "not working" and omit Columns S10 and S11.

Thailand 2000 — source variable TH2000A_OCC3 — Occupation last year, 3 digits
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For persons 13 years and over
[Questions S13-L21 were asked of all individuals 13 years and older]

S14. Last year occupation (April 1, 1999 - March 31, 2000)

Position ____


Occupation Market farm

Occupation Accountant
Position Accountant

If did not work, record "did not work" and skip to L17

If record occupation in S14, answer S15 and S16.
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21.2 Main occupation last year
This is work for which a person spent most of his time, between the dates of April 1st, 1999 and March 31st, 2000. In cases where there is more than one occupation, the guidelines for considering which occupation can be counted as the main one are:

a) The occupation for which a person spends more time than for other occupations.

b) The occupation for which a person receives more income, in cases where the person spends equal amounts of time between two or more occupations.
c) Interviewee's response to the question asking about main occupation, in cases where time spent and income received are equal [between occupations].

Column S13-S16 and L17-L22
[Ask persons age 13 years or older]

Column S14 Last year occupation (April 1st, 1999 - March 31st, 2000)
[Question S14 was asked of persons age 13 years or older]

[Table summarizing column S14 in not presented here]

Procedure for Recording the Form

The question asked [of respondent] will be: "In the last year, on what kind of work did you spent most of your time?"

Record clearly the description of [the person's] occupation, job description, and position (such as accountant clerk, secretary, cashier, insurance sale representative, accountant, medical doctor, pharmacist, veterinarian, psychologist, musician, singer, lawyer, blacksmith, computer assistant, veterinarian assistant, radio announcer, television announcer, guide, cook, hair dresser, barber (hair maker), fire fighter, sale assistant, merchant, etc.)

For those who are working in connection with agriculture, consider [the respondent's] activity, whether it is involved with field crop production, vegetable production, fruit tree or plantation crop production, ornamental crops, plant propagation and nursery, mushroom culture, integrated farming, or animal production.

Consider also whether their way of farming is commercial - that is, the objective is economical benefit. Alternatively, it can also be subsistence farming, where the products of the farm are used for home consumption. Therefore, it must be recorded clearly to be able to describe the type of farming (such as commercial crop production, commercial vegetable growing, commercial rice farming or subsistent rice farming, commercial orchard grower, commercial poultry production, etc.)

[p. 103]

It is important to record clearly for this type of occupation (such as painter, blacksmith, mechanic and automobile mechanic, telegram installment mechanic, furniture builder, molder, etc.)

Record the level of education he/she is teaching (such as primary school teacher, secondary school teacher, college instructor, university lecturer). If a person is teaching more than one level, record the level of teaching where the teacher spends more time than other levels.

Record the type of engineering that a person is engaged in (such as civil engineer, electrical engineer, chemical engineer, mining engineer, etc.)

Record the type of technology a person is engaged in (such as mechanical civil engineering, mechanical electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, mechanical chemical engineering, mechanical mining engineering, mechanical electronic and telecommunication, etc.)

Medical doctor
Record the specialty of a doctor (such as, medicine, surgery, an anesthetic), and also specialists (such as ophthalmologist, obstetrician, dentist, etc.)

Record the type of nurse (such as health care nurse, registered nurse, clinical nurse, etc.)

Record the type of automobile a person drives (such as truck driver, pickup driver, bus driver, hire car driver, tricycle driver, etc.)

Record the type of work a person is employed in (such as carrying things, dish washing, laundry, earth digging, etc.) If there is more than one occupation, record only the main occupation from last year, considering the following criteria:

The occupation where a person spent most of his time during the last year

If the person spent an equal among of time on [both] occupations, the occupation where a person earned the most income.

If the time spent and the income earned from [both] occupations are the same, ask the respondent to choose his/her main occupation.

[p. 104]

If you know the occupation and job description, but do not know the position or there is no specific position for that occupation, put a dash in the space provided to record a person's occupation.

However, if you do not know the occupation and position, but it is known that this person is working, record "Working, but do not know occupation"

If [the respondent] is not working at all or did not have any occupation in the last year (such as a pensioner, having income from loan interest, etc.), record "Not working" and omit Columns S15 and S16.

Togo 1960 — source variable TG1960A_OCC — Occupation (3-digits)
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Social situation

12. Trade or main occupation ____

a) For civil servants record "F" followed by grade
b) For private and semi-public workers specify as much as possible. E.g.: cashier, accountant, mechanic, transport entrepreneur, wine wholesaler, mason
For employees precede with an "S"
c) For children attending school record E followed by the institution they attend. E.g. (E - middle school)
d) For those without profession record "SP"
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Column 12: Main profession or trade
There will be entered according to the information in this column:

a) The situation in the profession by using code number 8 (1 figure) and the 1st box to the left among the 4 specified on the collective Sheet.
b) The profession itself according to code number 9: 3 figures which will be recorded in the 3 following boxes of the same group as above.

For the situation in the profession, we will take account of the letter which precedes the statement of profession, or of the note "Apprentice", Pupil - and so on - thus - S. joiner, will be entered 5: employee,- joiner s. s. 1, will be entered 1: independent.

For: bookkeeper with DT column 12, we will enter 8, unemployed for the situation (code 8) and 201 for the profession (code 9).

When all the members of the family practice the same profession: for example: cultivator, the head of household alone is entered as 1, the other members are family helpers (3).

Children aged under 14 indicated as "domestic" in column 12 will be considered as without profession.

"Domestics" or "boys" declared as thus in column 3 and who indicate another profession in column 12, for example: apprentice tailor, apprentice surveyor will be entered as "apprentice" for the situation in the profession, and the specialty indicated (tailor and so on) will be kept for the profession itself.

Finally, all disputed cases not finding their place in codes 8 and 9 will be referred and the list of them will be addressed to the Requisitioning Department which will give the exact interpretation.

Togo 1970 — source variable TG1970A_OCC3 — Occupation (3-digits)
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14. Professional activity

____ 14a. Individual profession
____ 14b. Position in the enterprise
____ 14c. Activity of the enterprise
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Column 14 (a, b and c): For this question, it is equally important that the enumerator collect as precise a response as possible. This question concerns all people who already have a job and people who are looking for a job.

Column 14a: This is where all enumerated people who are working or looking for work will indicate their profession. This question will help classify the population in Togo according to its different activities. When asking someone his profession, he might respond, for example: tiller, farmer, planter, farmhand, laborer, storekeeper, etc. These responses are vague. You must try to clarify them as much as possible. The more information collected, the more precise and interesting it will be.
The current enumeration is being mainly carried out in the bush and a large part of the enumerated population will be declaring that they work off the land. It's up to you to ask well-directed questions that clarify the exact trade or profession. If a man (or woman) declares that he is a farmer, ask if he is the one who decide which crop goes in which field. If he does make this decision, then give him the title of "farm owner". To be even more precise, ask this farm owner if he works exclusively with the help of his family, friends and neighbors or if he employers laborers (who he pays in cash or in kind).
If he works exclusively with his family, we give him the title of "familial farm owner", which is written as: example "Fam."
If he employs workers other than his family (one or more laborers), we give him the title of "employer farmer", which is written as: example. "Patr." However, a person who works off the land, but who is not a farm owner (meaning he is not the one who decides what to plant) might be:
[p. 23]

A family aide ("aide-fam.") - if he is a member of the farm owner's household
A laborer ("man.") - if he is not a member of the farm owner's household and is an outsider to the household.

If there are small children in the household who do not attend school, you must ask if they work in the fields with their parents. If they do, you will classify them as "family aides" ("aides fam."). If they do not work in the fields or elsewhere, you will classify them as "sp" ("sans profession"). You will also assign the code "sp" to old people who no longer work at all. A women who works exclusively as a housewife (taking care of the children, cooking and household tasks) will be recorded as "housewife" ("ménage").
A livestock breeder (steer, sheep, etc.) can be listed as either breeder-owner ("Elev. Patr.") if he employs one or more salaried workers to take care of his flock; or he can be listed as a familial breeder ("Elev. Fam") if he does only employs members of his own household. In this latter case, the household members who take care of the flock will all be listed as family aides ("Aides fam."). We enumerate fishermen in the same fashion:

Fisherman-owner - "pech. Part."
Familial fisherman - "pech. Fam."
Family aide - "aide-fam."
Laborer - "man."

For professions other than farming, try to obtain as much detail as possible to grasp a good understanding of the exact nature of the profession exercised. For example, you might indicate:

Salesperson in a department store
Salesperson in a boutique
Taxi driver (or private chauffeur or public transportation driver)
Carrier - owner
Retailer - food (fabric or hardware)

If people have several professions, indicate the principal profession (the most important), which takes up the most of the person's time.
[p. 24]
The enumerator should make sure not to confuse the trade or profession with the occupation. Here are some examples to help you avoid making such errors: a teacher might be a district head or a hospital director during the census. You must indicate that the person's profession is "teacher" and not district head or hospital director (which would actually be his temporary occupational positions). You should also always be recording the trade and profession of the person you are enumeration.

Togo 2010 — source variable TG2010A_OCC2 — Occupation (3-digits)
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Economic activities

For those occupied and the unemployed who have already worked
[See column P20. Questions P21 through P23 were asked of persons age 6 or more who reported have worked in question P20.]

(P21) Current profession ____ _ _ _

Record current profession on the dotted lines
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B- Economic activities

Economic activity means any activity of production of goods or services intended to be the subject of an economic exchange or a personal use.

Column P21: Employment practiced

For occupied persons pose the following question: "What is the current employment practiced by [the respondent]?"

For the unemployed having already worked (CDT), pose the following question: "What was the last job practiced by [the respondent]?"

NB 30: For those who state having practiced several jobs simultaneously during the week of reference, note that which has taken up most of their time and record it on the dotted lines.

NB 31: For priests, pastors, monks, imams, voodoo priests, and other religious clerics, ask if beyond their activities of faith, they do not practice other remunerative activities such as fabric trader, teacher in the CEG, nurse, medical practitioner, and so on. In this case, it is this profession, which will be recorded.

[p. 38]

Examples of employment practiced: sorghum farmer, coffee planter, wood joiner, tailor, goat farmer, motorcycle mechanic, cloth seller, local drink dealer, primary school teacher, taxi drive, musical artist, secretary at the CEET, driver at the CHU, and so on.

NB 32:

- The current profession is not necessarily the trade learned. A carpenter by training can have as current profession "general labourer" or "builder's labourer".
- Avoid recording incomplete responses such as: trader, civil servant, inspector, engineer, teacher, doctor, business man, secretary, driver, and so on. Try to specify the employment practiced.

Examples of employment practiced:

- Seller of cloth, seller of peanuts, seller of cola, and so on.
- Police inspector, tax inspector, labour inspector, treasury inspector.
- Pre-school and primary inspector, first cycle of secondary inspector, 2nd cycle of secondary inspector.
- Medical practitioner, dentist, veterinary surgeon, and so on.
- TP engineer, Agronomist engineer, rural engineering engineer, civil engineering engineer...
- Primary school director, CEG director, company director.
- CEG teacher, High school teacher, University lecturer, Technical education teacher, and so on.
- Apprentice dressmaker, apprentice hairdresser.
- Health center secretary, bank secretary, CEG secretary, and so on.

Trinidad and Tobago 1980 — source variable TT1980A_OCC — Main occupation (2-digit)
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Section 4 Economic Activity -- For all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

This section deals with the economic activity of all who are 15 years old and over. It relates to the past week as well as the past 12 months. Question 16 to 18 apply to those answering from [10] to [30] in Question 15.
Interviewer: Job seekers and persons wanting work must have responses to Questions 16-18.

17(a). Main kind of occupation/work
What kind of work was (N) [the respondent] doing (job held) during the past week? E.g. secondary school teacher, accounts clerk, automobile mechanic

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Section 4 - Economic Activity, questions [15] to [23]
The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals have been engaged in economic activity, that is the production of goods and services for sale during the week preceding enumeration and at any time during the past twelve [12] months and, those who were not so engaged. It is essential that the enumerator understands the concept of the term work as given in question [15] and makes use of it in his interviews. Generally, work done outside Trinidad and Tobago is not relevant to the census, but work done under contract on Canadian farms by residents is to be included, as also is work by resident crew on ships and aircraft operating outside of the country.

It should be noted that priority is given to work over all other activities. Also, economic activity holds precedence over non-economic.
Question 17 - Main type of occupation/work
You are required to write the kind of work the person has done during the past week. Where the person has done more than one job during the reference period the question relates to the principal job, which, in general, will be the one at which he spent most time. Probe for a description of the main duties performed. Examples of kind of work done are "preparing pay sheets", "filing correspondence", "teaching in primary school", "selling life insurance", etc. Be as specific as possible.

The job title refers to the official name given by the employer or appearing in the union agreement to classify the actual work done and is used to determine the person's rate of pay or pay scale. The job title should be written in as much detail as possible and vague terms must be avoided. Descriptions such as agent, apprentice, attendant, clerk, proprietor, and salesman are insufficient - they must be qualified.

The following are examples of acceptable designations: house real estate agent, life insurance agent, chartered accountant, departmental store sales clerk, electrical engineer I, bus driver, police sergeant, secondary school teacher or teacher II.
Classifying the unemployed in relation to occupation
For those unemployed who are seeking their first job state the kind of job applied for within the past week or past three months. For all other unemployed, i.e. seeking work, wanting work, etc. record, after enquiry, the occupation or kind of work last done.

Trinidad and Tobago 1990 — source variable TT1990A_OCC — Main occupation during previous week (three digits)
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Section 4. Economic activity - For all persons 15 years old and over

This section deals with the economic activity of all who are 15 years old and over. It relates to the past week as well as the past 12 months. Questions 16 to 18 apply to those answering from 10 to 30 in Question 15.

Interviewer: Job seekers and persons wanting work must have responses to Questions 16-18

17(a). What kind of work was [the respondent] doing (job held) during the past week, e.g. secondary school teacher, account clerk, automobile mechanic?

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Section 4 - Economic activity-questions [15] to [21]
The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals have been engaged in economic activity, that is the production of goods and services for sale during the week preceding enumeration and at any time during the past twelve [12] months and, those who were not so engaged. It is essential that the enumerator understands the concept of the term work as given in question [15] and makes use of it in his interviews. Generally, work done outside Trinidad and Tobago is not relevant to the census, but work done under contract on Canadian farms by residents is to be included, as also is work by resident crew on ships and aircraft operating outside of the country.
It should be noted that priority is given to work over all other activities. Also, economic activity holds precedence over non-economic.

Question 17 - Main type of occupation/work

You are required to write the kind of work the person has done during the past week. Where the person has done more than one job during the reference period the question relates to the principal job, this in general, will be the one at which he spent most time. Probe for a description of the main duties performed. Examples of kind of work done are "preparing pay sheets", "filling correspondence", "teaching in primary school", "selling life insurance", etc. Be as specific as possible.
The job title refers to the official name given by the employer or appearing in the union agreement to classify the actual work done and is used to determine the person's rate of pay or pay-scale. The job title should be written in as much detail as possible and vague terms must be avoided. Descriptions such as agent, apprentice, attendant, clerk, proprietor, sales man are insufficient-they must be qualified.
The following are examples of acceptable designations: House real estate agent, Life insurance agent, Chartered accountant, Departmental store sales clerk, Electrical engineer I, Bus driver, Police sergeant, Secondary school teacher or Teacher II, Maxi taxi driver, Sales manager etc.

Trinidad and Tobago 2000 — source variable TT2000A_OCC — Main occupation (3 digits)
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Section 6. Economic activity - For all persons fifteen (15) years old and over

This section deals with the economic activity of all who are 15 years old and over. Questions 23 to 24 apply to those answering [30] in Question 22.

26(a). Main kind of occupation/work

What kind of work was (N) [the respondent] doing (job held/ did (N) [the respondent] apply for) during the past week? e.g. secondary school teacher, account clerk, automobile mechanic?

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Section 6 - Economic activity

The main purpose of this section is to determine which individuals have been engaged in economic activity, that is, the production of goods and services during the week preceding enumeration and at any time during the past 12 months and those who were not so engaged. It is essential that the enumerator understands the concept of the term work as given in question (22) and makes use of it in his interviews.

Question 26 (a) - Main kind of occupation / work

You are required to obtain the kind of work the person has done during the past week. Where the person has done more than one job during the reference period, the job which the individual says is the main job is taken. If the respondent is still unsure of the main job done in the past week the one at which most time is spent will be recorded.

Probe for a description of the main duties performed. Examples of kind of work done are "preparing pay sheets", "filing correspondence", "teaching in primary school", "selling life insurance", etc. Be as specific as possible.

Turkey 1985 — source variable TR1985A_OCC2 — Occupation (2-digit)
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Part IV: Questions on personal characteristics

Employment status in the last week
(Ask persons age 12 or older)
[Questions 34-42 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

Ask those who answer question 34 as "Worked" or "Didn't work but has a job"
[Questions 35-38 were asked of persons age 12 or older who worked or didn't work but had a job last week, as per question 34]

35. Kind of work you did last week or the job you continue to have?

(Farmer, mechanical engineer, bank manager, typist, teacher, green grocer, yogurt seller, shoe repairman, barber, etc.)


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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (11-42)
This section includes questions (questions 11-42) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted.
Whether or not the household head is at home, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from question 11 to question 42). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section is identical to the one written in in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, also write down all the characteristics of the other household members at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write onto the dotted line in printed letters, in order of their ages, the names surnames and all the characteristics of those, who, while being present at home, are not household members. Answer questions with a box, by placing an "X" into it.

(Questions 29-42 are for persons age 12 or older)

Employment status within the last week (34-41)
(Persons age 12 and older)

(Ask questions 35 - 38 of those who replied "Worked" or "Did not work, but continue to maintain job" to question 34)

Question 35: What is the job that you worked at (that you did) or did not sever your connection to, during the last week?

(Farmer, mechanical engineer, bank manager, typing clerk, teacher, fruit seller, yogurt seller, shoe repair person, barber, etc.)

In the space for the reply, write in specific and clear terms the job done during the last week by the person being administered the census in return for money or goods with the purpose of acquiring income. A person may have more than one job, all of which possibly provided an income. Regardless of the amount of income that this person derived from his/her jobs, write as the job held the job to which the most time was devoted. Pay attention to the following points in specifying the job a person worked in [and to which he] did or did not sever the connection during the last week:

  • Rather than stating the job someone does in general terms, it should be stated using terms that fully specify the job, trade or service being done. It is especially true for jobs that end in "-ist", "-er" that convey a general meaning and may denote more than one job. Do not use these terms alone, and enter them in such a way that indicates the special nature of the job. Examples are provided below of correct and incorrect ways of denoting the job being done.

Heating professional
Shoe manufacturer
Shoe repair person
Shoe salesman
Mine laborer
Mining engineer
Heating system installer
Heater (radiator) manufacturer
Heater repair person
Construction worker
Auto assembly worker
Construction engineer
Agricultural engineer
Mechanical engineer

  • Generally, when asking about the job done by people working for a salary or wage in a public or private establishment, the answer given is "Public employee/white collar worker". For answers provided in this form, ask for the type of job the person does as a public employee/white collar worker and write the answer in a precise manner.

Public employee/white collar worker
General director
Department head
Branch manager
Typing, cashier, records clerk
Police official, watchman,
Driver, servant, etc.

  • For members of the armed forces; for the job done by officers, whether combat or non-combat, write only "Officer"; for non-commissioned officers, write "Non-commissioned officer"; and for privates, write "Private".
  • If in addition to taking care of or helping with work in their own houses, housewives did another job within the last week in return for money or goods in order to derive an income, then regardless of the period worked at that job, write the job she held. For any job that women did during the last week to earn an income such as tailoring, embroidery, basket weaving, ceramics, doing laundry, carpet weaving, working as a maid, farming, raising vegetables, write the job held as "Tailor", "Embroiderer", "Ceramics maker", "Carpet weaver", "Laundry washer", "Maid", "Child caretaker", "Farmer", "Livestock raiser", "Vegetable grower".
  • Particularly in rural areas, if the answer provided for the work done during the last week is "Housewife", ask if this woman had worked in the fields, in a vineyard, in a vegetable garden, in animal husbandry, etc. If the person in question had worked at such jobs, then regardless of the time worked, write the job she did as "Farmer", "Viticulturist", "Vegetable grower", "Livestock farmer".

Turkey 1990 — source variable TR1990A_OCC2 — Current occupation (2 digits)
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Employment status in the last week
[Questions 27-33 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

[Questions 28-31 were asked of persons age 12 or older who worked or didn't work but has attachment to a job, as per question 27.]

28. Kind of work you did last week or the job you continue to hold: ____

(Farmer, mechanical engineer, bank manager, typist, teacher, green grocer, shoe repairman, barber, weaving construction worker, etc.)

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Section IV: Questions regarding individual characteristics (8-34)
This section includes questions (Questions 8-34) about the population's social and economic characteristics. In this section, only write the characteristics of those people present at the time and place where the census is being conducted. Whether the household head is at home or not, be absolutely sure to begin by first writing his/her name and surname on the first line of Section IV, together with all of his/her characteristics (from Question 8 to Question 34). Take care that the household head's name and surname entered in this section are identical to the ones written in the first line of Section III.
After writing down all of the characteristics of the household head, whether he/she is at home or not, (except for household members not at home) also write down all the characteristics of all the household members who are present at home, beginning from the oldest and proceeding in order of age, from oldest to youngest. After the household members, write using printed letters into the pertinent section and in order of their ages the names surnames and all the characteristics of those who, while being present at home, are not household members (guests). Answer questions with a box by placing an "X" into it.

[Questions 21-34 are for persons age 12 or older]

Employment status within the last week (27-33)
(Persons age 12 or older)

Question 28: What is the job that you worked at (that you did) or continued to hold, during the last week?

(Farmer, mechanical engineer, bank manager, typing clerk, teacher, fruit seller, shoe repair person, barber, carpet weaver, embroiderer, etc.)

In the space for the reply, write in specific and clear terms the job done during the last week by the person being administered the census in return for money or goods with the purpose of acquiring an income. A person may have more than one job, all of which possibly provided an income. Regardless of the amount of income that this person derived from his/her jobs, write as the job held, the job to which the most time is devoted.

Pay attention to the following points in specifying the job a person worked in or continued to hold to during the last week:

  • Rather than stating the job someone does in general terms, it should be stated using terms that fully specify the job, trade or service being done. Especially terms for jobs that end in "-ist", "-er" that convey a general meaning and may denote more than one job, do not use these terms on their own, and write in such a way that indicates the special nature of the job. Examples are provided below of correct and incorrect ways of denoting the job being done.

Heating professional
Shoe manufacturer
Shoe repair person
Shoe salesman
Mine laborer
Mining engineer
Heating system installer
Heater (radiator) manufacturer
Heater repair person
Construction worker
Auto assembly worker
Construction engineer
Agricultural engineer
Mechanical engineer

  • Generally, when asking about the job done by people working for a salary or wage in a public or private establishment, the answer given is "Public employee/white collar worker". For answers provided in this form, ask for the type of job the person does as a public employee/white collar worker and write the answer in a precise manner.

Public employee / white collar worker
General director
Department head
Branch manager
Typing, cashier, records clerk
Police official, watchman, driver, servant, etc.

  • For members of the armed forces; for the job done by officers, whether combat or non-combat, write only "Officer", for non-commissioned officers, write "Non-commissioned officer" and for privates, write "Private".
  • If in addition to taking care of or helping with work in their own houses, housewives had done another job within the last week in return for money or goods in order to derive an income, then regardless of the period worked at that job, write the job she held. For any job that women did during the last week to earn an income such as tailoring, embroidery, basket weaving, ceramics, doing laundry, carpet weaving, working as a maid, farming, raising vegetables, write the job held as "Tailor", "Seamstress", "Embroiderer", "Maid", "Child caretaker", "Farmer", "Livestock raiser", "Vegetable grower".
  • Particularly in rural areas, if the answer provided for the work done during the last week is "Housewife", ask if this woman worked in the fields, in the vineyards, in the vegetable garden, in animal husbandry, etc. If the person in question worked at such jobs, then regardless of the time worked, write the job she did as farmer, viticulturist, vegetable grower, livestock farmer.

Turkey 2000 — source variable TR2000A_OCC2 — Current occupation, 2 digit
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[Questions 36-39 were asked of persons age 12 or older who had worked during last week or had a job attachment to, as per question 35.]

36. What was your main task or duty at the job that you worked or had a job attachment to in the last week?

(Occupations such as farmer, mechanical engineer, bank manager, typist, history teacher, greengrocer, shoe repairer, barber, carpet machine operative, amateur workman builder, etc., should be written.) General names such as: tradesman, official, worker, self-employed should not be written.


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Questions 35-43, are to be asked of all males and females age 12 or older

Question 36. What was the job you either worked at (that you did) or did not sever your connection to, during the last week?

(Names of occupations such as farmer, mechanical engineer, bank manager, typist, history teacher, fruit seller, shoe repair person, carpet machine operator, mason, are to be written, for example . General names such as shopkeeper, public employee, laborer, liberal professional/self-employed are not to be written.)

This question is to be asked of people for whom the "Worked" or "Did not work but continuing to be involved with the job" options were marked in question 35.

This question is to be asked of those who during the last week, either worked or did not sever their connection to the job they were doing in their workplace.

A person may have worked in more than one job within the last week. In such situations, the job in which most of the time was spent during the last week is to be considered to be the main job. If the time spent in the jobs that were doing is equal, the main job shall be considered to be the job in which the most money was earned and questions are to be asked in reference to that job.

A person's job title and the job done in his/her work place may differ from one another. In this question, the person's duties and responsibilities in the job at the workplace, i.e., the job done, whatever it is, is what must be written. For example, if a person working at the State Institute of Statistics has the job title of "Statistician" but the job done is computer programming, "Computer programmer" is what must be written down. For example, if despite a person's occupation being "Teacher" his duty in the school is "Principal", "School principal" is what is to be written down.

In this question, the job done should be written clearly and explicitly.

For example, the term "Shoemaker" written down as the job the person does is neither precise nor accurate. This term needs to be elaborated further as to whether or not the job being done is, production, repair, sales, or working as a shoe shiner.

In order to be able to fill out this question precisely and accurately, the following detailed examples are provided:

[An example showing correct and incorrect ways of entering the job done in the original document is omitted here]

The job being done is to be entered precisely and accurately, just as is in the examples provided above.

Uganda 1991 — source variable UG1991A_OCC — Occupation, 3 digits
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For All Persons Aged 10 Years or Over

18. Occupation last week (what kind of work did person do?)

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120. The next set of questions, 14. to 18, apply to all persons aged 10 or over. Look back at the age you have entered for each person. For those aged 0 to 9 years write "N/A" for question 14 and leave the rest of the column blank.

Question 17 and 18 Activity Status and Occupation

134. Questions 17 and 18 are concerned with how people provide for themselves, how they make their living. The questions apply to women as well as to men.

135. In the week before census night, almost everyone in Uganda will have done something to provide for him or herself. It is your job to discover and record what each person did. It does not matter whether they had a job or were paid for what they did. A person who farmed or fished or replaced thatch on a roof or cultivated a vegetable garden worked. So did people who were in paid employment.

136. Ask the questions as they are set out here and on the questionnaire and talk about each member of the household until you understand what he or she did in the way of making a living last week. Make entries on the questionnaire only when you have the picture clear in your mind.

Question 18 Occupation Last Week

144. "What kind of work did the person do?"

145. If the person was "employed", "self-employed" or "unpaid" we require an exact description of what the person did. For others write "N/A".

146. Remember that we are interested in the main or most important activity. It is sometimes difficult to get an exact answer but you should aim always to provide a two or three word description of what the person did - for example, "sales manager", "typist clerk", "motor mechanic", "foreman carpenter", "primary teacher", "forklift operator". Avoid general terms such as "operator", "clerk", "manager" "selling", "business" or "civil servant". We need to know just what it was the person operated, what kind of a clerk or mechanic, whether a teacher taught in primary or secondary school or at university, whether the person was selling vegetables on the roadside or operating a retail shop or selling motor spares, whether the civil servant was an office messenger, a filing clerk, an executive officer, a government medical doctor or a permanent secretary.

147. Speak to the person concerned whenever possible. Members of the household are often vague as to the occupations of others.

148. If the person is in employment you may find you get a better idea of his/her job by asking for the job title and recording that.

149. Many people may be described as "farmers" or "peasants". It is important that we know what kind of farmers they are.

150. A person living in his/her village, who worked in village or subsistence agriculture last week and who did no other work may be entered as "peasant farmer" which you may shorten to "p farmer". Such a person may do a variety of tasks in growing or gathering produce to feed and clothe his/her family and may sell some produce but is not a commercial farmer.

151. If the person grows crops such as coffee or cotton or raises chickens or other livestock mainly for sale enter them as "coffee grower", "cotton farmer", "market gardener" or as the case may be.

152. Many of these farmers engage in more than one activity but in describing their work you should pick the main activity - the one to which most time is given - the one which the person regards as most important - the one which is commercial.

153. A person may not have worked last week because he or she was temporarily absent from work. In such cases ask about the person's normal occupation. A teacher on holiday, for example, may not have been teaching last week because the schools are closed, but the occupation should be entered as "primary teacher" or "secondary teacher" as the case may be.

154. The next set of questions, 19 to 22, applies to all women aged 12 or over.

155. An answer is required of all women in this category whether or not they are married, whether or not they are still attending school, and whether or not you think they may have borne children.

156. If the person is male or is a girl aged 0-11 years, write "N/A" on line 19 and leave the rest of the column blank.

157. If possible, speak to the woman herself. She will know about the children she has borne and will be able to answer the question more accurately than anyone else.

158. We are concerned with the number of children a woman has borne alive. A child born alive is one who cries after being born. Do not include still births - that is children who did not cry.

159. Ask, "Has this woman borne any children?"

160. If the woman has never borne any children alive, write "0" on lines 19 and 20 and leave lines 21 and 22 blank.

161. If the woman has borne a child or children, ask
"How many children has she borne?"

162. Write the number on line 19. The census is concerned with all the children a woman has borne. Include children who have grown up and left home, children borne by the women to other men as well as her present husband, her children who are living away from home and children who have died even if they died shortly after birth. Be careful to include young babies.

163. Do not include adopted children or step children or children who live with the household but were not borne by the woman herself.

164. "How many of the children she has borne are still alive?"

165. Write the number of children still alive.

166. "When was the last child born?"

167. Record the month and year for children born between 1985 and 1990. For children born before 1985 it will be enough to record the year of birth.

168. "Is the child still alive?"

169. Write "yes" or "no" as appropriate.

170. You have completed particulars of persons in the household. Now check,

that there is no one else you should have included,
that no line has been left blank if it should have been completed,
that others can read what you have written,
that the information you have recorded agrees item with item.

171. If you find that things have gone wrong or there are mistakes or omissions put them right. The record must be complete and accurate before you leave the household.

172. When you are satisfied that the particulars of all persons are correctly recorded, turn over the page and complete the remaining sections of the questionnaire.

173. Record the particulars of disabled persons, the household information and housing conditions on the back of the first page relating to the household. If you have used two or more pages for particulars of persons because there were more than ten in the household on census night, draw a diagonal line across the household particulars on second and subsequent pages.

174. If you are enumerating persons in institutions or in the floating population, leave these sections blank.

Uganda 2002 — source variable UG2002A_OCC — Occupation, 3 digits
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For all persons aged five years and above

P20 Occupation What kind of work did name mainly do in the last 7 days? (Describe in not less than 2 words) ___

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School Attendance and Educational Attainment
130. The questions on education apply to All Persons Aged 5 (Five) Years and Above. Look back at the age you have entered for each person. For those aged 0 to 4 years write "N/A" (Not Applicable) for Question P16 and leave the rest of the column blank.
131. For purposes of the census, education does not include any form of pre-primary education such as Nursery Education, even if the person is of eligible age.

Activity Status
138. Personal activity status is defined in relation to the person's position at his/her place of work and his/her mode of remuneration i.e. self employed, Paid employee, Unpaid family worker, Student, pensioner, etc.
139. Main activity Refers to the most important economic activity the respondent was engaged in terms of time spent during the last seven (7) days preceding the Census night. 140. Self-Employed: It comprises of employers and own account workers.

1. Employer: This is a person who operates his or her own economic enterprise or engages independently in an economic activity, and hires one or more employees. For example, a person who owns a shop and hires a person whom he/she pays a salary is considered an employer.
2. Own account worker: is a person who operates his/her own economic enterprise without employing other people as helpers. For example, a person who makes bricks and does not employ any helper is considered an own account worker, not an employer.

141. Unpaid Family workers: Refers to those members of the Household who work in an enterprise operated by the Household without pay or profit.
142. Paid Employee: This is a person who performs work for a public or private employer and receives remuneration in wage or salary, commission and piece rates in cash or in kind.
143. Some examples of paid employees are a primary teacher who works in a school for a wage/salary is a paid employee; a person who makes bricks from materials owned by others, and who is paid a salary or wage for work is a paid employee; a person who works in a shop belonging to a Household for a salary is a paid employee.
144. All persons who will be temporary absent from work because they are on holiday, sick leave, maternity leave, annual leave and for some other reasons but continue to receive wage or salary, will be recorded as paid employees code '10'. For example: A teacher on holiday, he/she may not have taught during the last 7 days before the census night but continued to receive his/her salary. Such person is considered as a paid employee.
145. Also all persons who were engaged in temporary activity while on holiday, leave or some other reason but have a permanent job to return to, his/her usual activity will be recorded not the temporary activity. For example, a secondary school teacher who is on holiday and is currently employed as a census enumerator or Supervisor, his /her usual activity status (Paid employee) and occupation (Secondary teacher) is the one to be recorded.
146. Looking for Work: These include persons without work i.e. were not in paid employment or self employed and had taken specific steps in a specified recent period to seek paid employment or self-employment. The specific steps include registration at a public or private employment exchange, application to employers, checking at work sites, farms, factory gates, market or other assembly places, placing or answering newspaper advertisements, seeking assistance from friends or relatives, looking for land, building, machinery or equipment to establish own enterprise, arranging for financial resources, applying for permits and licenses, etc.
147. Full time Student: A person who attends a regular formal educational institution, public or private, and does so on a full time basis is called a full time student. Part-time students in formal institutions but also working elsewhere should be regarded as Working.
148. Household Worker: A person of either sex involved in housework and is not paid for the chores he/she performs is called a Household worker.
149. Refers to the type of economic activity carried out by the enterprise where a person is working. For example, a school nurse is considered to be in the education sector, while an accountant in a soap factory is in the manufacturing sector. Subsistence farmers are considered to be in the agricultural sector.
150. Manufacturing is defined here as the physical or chemical transformation of materials or components into new products, whether the work is performed by power-driven machines or by hand, whether it is done in a factory or in the worker's home, and whether the products is sold at wholesale or retail.
151. Some common manufacturing activities include making pancakes, making chapatti, grinding groundnuts, slaughtering animals, coffee processing, maize milling, making curry powder, brewing local beer, distilling local waragi, making furniture, etc.
152. Occupation refers to the actual work that an individual does at the place of work. This is irrespective of what the organization actually produces. The information on occupation will be coded in the office. You are thus required to give brief but precise descriptions of the actual occupations, in order for the head office to be able to assign appropriate codes.
153. A description such as "farmer" or "Crop Farmer" is not sufficient. To get the appropriate code we need a description such "Subsistence crop farmer". Additional examples
i. Do not report "Teacher" only but include the level "Primary School Teacher", "Secondary School Teacher", "University Lecturer"
ii. Do not report "farmer" but the type of farmer, such as "Subsistence Crop Farmer ", "Subsistence Animal Farmer", "Commercial Crop Farmer", "Commercial Animal Farmer", "Commercial Fish Monger"
iii. Do not report Trader but the type of trader, such as "Retail Trader Of Food Items", "Wholesalers, Importers".
iv. One of the common occupations is a retailer who sells a wide variety of products such as foodstuffs, pharmaceuticals, stationery items, soap, cigarettes, and other products. Report the occupation description for these as "Retail trader in General Merchandise"

How to fill in Questions 18 - 20
154. Questions P18, P19 and P20 are meant for all persons aged 5 years or above. Look back at the age you have entered for each person. For those aged 0 to 4 years write "N/A" for question P18, leave the rest of the columns blank and continue to the next person.
155. Ask the questions as they are set out on the questionnaire and talk to each member of the Household and code after understanding what he/she did during the last 7 days prior to the Census Night.

Question P20: Occupation
"What kind of work did (name) do in the last 7 days?"
164. Please describe the occupation in as much detail as possible (in not less than two words). Record the respondent's answer, keeping in mind what is required for proper coding. If the answer is not sufficiently detailed, probe further.

Uganda 2014 — source variable UG2014A_OCC — Occupation (2-digits)
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Section 1: Particulars of household members

For persons aged 10 years and above

P23 What was [the respondent's] main type of work (occupation) during the last 7 days? (Describe in not less than two words) ____
_ _

United Kingdom 1961 — source variable UK1961A_OCC — Occupation
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21. Occupation.

Full and precise details of the occupation should be given in columns (b) or (h). Terms such as scientist, technician, engineer, machinist, foreman, inspector, checker, civil servant, are too vague and should not be used by themselves. Managers or foremen should give the department where applicable; civil servants and other public officials should give their rank and the department or branch in which they are serving.

If a job is known in the trade or industry by a special name, use that name.

United Kingdom 1971 — source variable UK1971A_OCC — Occupation
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Answer questions B15-B17 in respect of the main employment last week, or of the most recent job if retired or out of work.

For persons who have never had a job and for a housewife who did not have a job last week write 'none' in B15.


________ a) What was the person's occupation? Give full details. (See note B16).
________ b) Describe the actual work done in that occupation.
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16. Occupation
Full and precise details of occupation are required.

If your job is known in your trade or industry by a special name, use that name.

Terms such as 'scientist', 'technician', 'engineer', 'machinist', 'fitter', 'foreman', 'checker' should not be used by themselves. Greater detail is required as for example: woodworking machinist, civil engineer, toolroom foreman.

If you are a civil servant, local government officer or other public official give your rank or grade.
B16. Occupation
Full and precise details of occupation are required.

If a person's job is known in your trade or industry by a special name, use that name.

Terms such as 'scientist', 'technician', 'engineer', 'machinist', 'fitter', 'foreman', 'checker' should not be used by themselves. Greater detail is required as for example: woodworking machinist, civil engineer, toolroom foreman.

For civil servants, local government officers or other public officials, give the rank or grade.

United Kingdom 1991 — source variable UK1991A_OCC — Occupational classification
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Answer to the remaining questions are not required for any person under 16 years of age (born after 21st April 1975)
[Applies to questions 13 - 19]

[Questions 14 - 18 were asked of persons who currently have or have had a job in the last 10 years]

15. Occupation
Please give the full title of the person's present or lat job and describe the main things he/she does or did in the job.

At a, give the full title by which the job is known, for example: 'packing machinist'; 'poultry processor'; 'jig and tool fitter'; 'supervisor of typists'; 'accounts clerk'; rather than general titles like 'machinist', 'process worker'; 'supervisor' or 'clerk'. Give rank or grade if the person has one.
At b, write down the main things the person actually does or did in the job. If possible ask him/her to say what these things are and write them down.
Armed Forces - enter 'commissioned officer' or 'other rank' as appropriate at a, and leave b blank.
Civil Servants - give grade at a and discipline or specialism, for example 'electric engineer'; 'accountant'; 'chemist'; 'administrator' at b.

a Full job title ________
b Main things done in job ________

United Kingdom 2001 — source variable UK2001A_OCC3 — Standard occupational classification 2000-minor
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[Questions 16 - 35 were asked of people age 16 to 74.]

[Questions 24 - 35 were asked of persons who are currently working or have ever worked.]

27. What is (was) the full title of your main job?

For example, Primary School Teacher, State Registered Nurse, Car Mechanic, Television Service Engineer, Benefits Assistant.
Civil Servants, Local Government Officers - give job title not grade or pay band.

28. Describe what you do (did) in your main job.

29. Do (did) you supervise any other employees?
A supervisor or foreman is responsible for overseen the work of other employees on a day-to-day basis.

[] Yes
[] No

30. What is (was) the business of the employer at the place where you work (worked)?
For example, Making Shoes, Repairing Cars, Secondary Education, Food Wholesale, Clothing Retail, Doctor's Surgery.
If you are (were) self-employed/freelance or have (had) your own business, what is (was) the nature of your business?
Civil Servants, Local Government Officers - please specify your Department.


United States 1960 — source variable US1960A_OCC — Occupation
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P21. When was this person born?

[] Born before April 1946

Please go on with questions P22 to P35. Answer the questions regardless of whether the person is a housewife, student, or retired person, or a part-time or full-time worker.

[] Born April 1946 or later

Please omit questions P22 to P35 and turn the page to the next person.
Space for any notes about the entries for this person.


P27. Occupation (Answer 1, 2, or 3)

[] 1. This person last worked in 1949 or earlier.
This person has never worked.


[] 2. On active duty in the Armed Forces now


[] 3. Worked in 1950 or later (Answer a to e, below.)

Describe this person's job or business last week, if any, and write in name of employer. If this person had no job or business last week, give information for last job or business since 1950.

a. For whom did he work?

(Name of company, business, organization, or other employer)

b. What kind of business or industry was this?
Describe activity at location where employed.

(For example: County junior high school, auto assembly plant, TV and radio service, retail supermarket, road construction, farm)

c. Is this primarily:

[] Manufacturing
[] Wholesale trade
[] Retail trade
[] Other (services, agriculture, government, construction, etc.)

d. What kind of work was he doing?

(For example: 8th grade English teacher, paint sprayer, repairs TV sets, grocery checker, civil engineer, farmer, farm hand)

e. Was this person: (Check one box)

[] Employee of private company, business, or individual, for wages, salary, or commissions
[] Government employee (Federal, State, county, or local)
[] Self-employed in own business, professional practice, or farm
[] Working without pay in a family business or farm

United States 1970 — source variable US1970A_OCC — Occupation
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23. When was this person born?
[] Born before April 1956 - Please go on with questions 24 through 41.
[] Born April 1956 or later - Please omit questions 24 through 41 and go to the next page for the next person.

Questions 29 through 41 are for all persons born before April 1956 including housewives, students, or disabled persons as well as part-time or full-time workers.


29a. Did this person work at any time last week?

[] Yes - Fill this circle if this person did full- or part-time work. (Count part-time work such as a Saturday job, delivering papers, or helping without pay in a family business or farm; and active duty in the Armed Forces.

[] No - Fill this circle if this person did not work, or did only own housework, school work, or volunteer work. Skip to 30

33-35. Current or most recent job activity

Describe clearly this person's chief job activity or business last week, if any. If he had more than one job, describe the one at which he worked the most hours. If this person had no job or business last week, give information for last job or business since 1960.


34. Occupation

a. What kind of work was he doing?


(For example: TV repairman, sewing machine operator, spray painter, civil engineer, farm operator, farm hand, junior high English teacher)

"Write two or more words to tell the kind of work he does. If he is a trainee, apprentice, or helper, write that down too. See examples of acceptable answers on the Census form and here.


Sales clerk
Carpenter's helper
Practical nurse



b. What were his most important activities or duties?

(For example: Types, keeps account books, files, sells cars, operates printing press, cleans buildings, finishes concrete)

"Write the most important things that he does on the job. Some examples are shown on the Census form."

c. What was his job title?


"Print his job title (what his employer calls his job). If he has no job title, print None."

United States 1980 — source variable US1980A_OCC — Occupation
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29. Occupation

29a. What kind of work was this person doing?

(For example: Registered nurse, personnel manager, supervisor of order department, gasoline engine assembler, grinder operator)

[Print two or more words to describe the kind of work the person does. If the person is a trainee, apprentice, or helper, include that in the description. Some examples of what is needed to make an answer acceptable are shown on the census form and here.

Unacceptable: Clerk
Acceptable: Production clerk
Unacceptable: Helper
Acceptable: Carpenter's helper
Unacceptable: Mechanic
Acceptable: Auto engine mechanic
Unacceptable: Nurse
Acceptable: Registered nurse

29b. What were this person's most important activities or duties?
(For example: Patient care, directing hiring policies, supervising order clerks. assembling engines, operating grinding mill)

[Print the most important things that the person does on the job. Some examples are shown on the census form.]

United States 1990 — source variable US1990A_OCC — Occupation
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29a. What kind of work was this person doing?
(For example: registered nurse, personnel manager, supervisor of order department,
gasoline engine assembler, cake icer)

[Print two or more words to describe the kind of work the person did. If the person was a trainee, apprentice, or helper, include that in the description. Some examples of what to enter:

Enter a description like the following / Do not enter:
Production clerk / Clerk
Carpenter's helper / Helper
Auto engine mechanic / Mechanic
Registered nurse / Nurse]

United States 2000 — source variable US2000A_OCC — Occupation
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18. Was this person under 15 years of age on April 1, 2000?
[] Yes [Go on to question 33]
[] No

28. Occupation

28. a. What kind of work was this person doing? (For example: registered nurse, personnel manager, supervisor of order department, auto mechanic, accountant)


United States 2005 — source variable US2005A_OCC2000M — Occupation, 2000 basis, modal category assignment
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K. Answer questions 35-40 only if this person worked in the past 5 years. Otherwise, skip to question 41.

35-40 Current or most recent job activity.
Describe clearly this person's chief job activity or business last week. If this person had more than one job, describe the one at which this person worked the most hours. If this person had no job or business last week, give information for his/her last job or business.

35. Was this person?

Mark (X) one box

[] An employee of a private for profit company or business, or of an individual, for wages, salary, or commissions?
[] An employee of a private not for profit, tax-exempt, or charitable organization?
[] A local government employee (city, county, etc.)?
[] A state government employee?
[] A Federal government employee?
[] Self-employed in own not incorporated business, professional practice, or farm?
[] Self-employed in own incorporated business, professional practice, or farm?
[] Working without pay in family business or farm?

36. For whom did this person work?

If now on active duty in the armed forces, mark (X) this box --> [] and print the branch of the Armed Forces

Name of company, business, or other employer ____

37. What kind of business or industry was this?

Describe the activity at the location where employed. (For example: hospital, newspaper publishing, mail order house, auto engine manufacturing, bank)


38. Is this mainly?

Mark (X) one box

[] Manufacturing?
[] Wholesale trade?
[] Retail trade?
[] Other (agriculture, service, government, etc.)?

39. What kind of work was this person doing?

(For example: registered nurse, personal manager, supervisor of order department, secretary, accountant)


40. What were this person's most important activities or duties?

(For example: patient care, directing hiring policies, supervising order clerks, typing and filing, reconciling financial records)


United States 2010 — source variable US2010A_OCC — Occupation
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45. What kind of work was this person doing? (For example: registered nurse, personal manager, supervisor of order department, secretary, and accountant) ____

46. What were this person's most important activities or duties? (For example: patient care, directing hiring policies, supervising order clerks, typing and filing, reconciling financial records) ____

United States 2015 — source variable US2015A_OCC — Occupation last week
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[L] - Answer questions 41-46 if this person worked in the past 5 years. Otherwise, skip to question 47.

41-46 Current or most recent job activity
Describe clearly this person's chief job activity or business last week. If this person had more than one job, describe the one at which this person worked the most hours. If this person had no job or business last week, give information for his/her last job or business.

41. Was this person...
Mark (X) one box

[] an employee of a private for profit company or business, or of an individual, for wages, salary, or commissions?
[] an employee of a private not for profit, tax-exempt, or charitable organization?
[] a local government employee (city, county, etc.)?
[] a state government employee?
[] a Federal government employee?
[] Self-employed in own not incorporated business, professional practice, or farm?
[] Self-employed in own incorporated business, professional practice, or farm?
[] working without pay in family business or farm?

45. What kind of work was this person doing?
(For example: registered nurse, personal manager, supervisor of order department, secretary, accountant) ________

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Answer person questions 41 through 46 if the person worked in the past 5 years.

45. Print one or more words to describe the kind of work the person did. If the person was a trainee, apprentice, or helper, include that in the description.
Enter descriptions like the following: registered nurse, personnel manager, supervisor of order department, secretary, accountant, high school teacher, etc.
Do not enter single words such as: nurse, manager, teacher, etc.

United States 2020 — source variable US2020A_OCC — Occupation last week
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M. Answer questions 42a - f if this person worked in the past 5 years. Otherwise, skip to question 43.

42. Description of employment
The next series of questions is about the type of employment this person had last week.
If this person had more than one job, describe the one at which the most hours were worked. If this person did not work last week, describe the most recent employment in the past five years.

e. What was this person's main occupation?
(For example: 4th grade teacher, entry-level plumber)

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Person question 42

Answer questions 42a-42f if this person worked in the past 5 years. Otherwise, skip to question 43.

P42.e. Describe the kind of work the person did. If the person was a trainee, apprentice, or helper, include that in the description.

Enter descriptions like the following: registered nurse, human resources manager, industrial engineer.

If possible, avoid single words such as: nurse, manager, or engineer.

Uruguay 1963 — source variable UY1963A_OCC2 — Primary occupation [2-digit]
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Occupational characteristics
For persons age 8 or older
[Questions 13-18 were asked of persons age 8 or older.]

14. Principal occupation: ________

Only for employed, unemployed and those looking for work for the first time.

If someone employed does more than one job, write down the one that produces the largest income. For unemployed, write down the last job. For one who is looking for work for the first time write down the profession or office if one exists or "None" in the other case. Examples: lawyer, carpenter, bricklayer, dairy worker, tractor driver, etc.

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Occupational characteristics

222. Under the general title "Occupational characteristics" are six themes for titles 13 to 18. For the information to be collected, firstly the whole population of the country has to be grouped within two primary groups:

a) The economically active population.

b) The not economically active population.

Each one of these two large groups will be, at the same time, differentiated into sub-groups, and each and every one of these will be specified under title 13.

[p. 36]

223. Next, the principal occupation of those to be enumerated is investigated (title 14), considering that when a person works more than one occupation, it is the one that supplies the greatest income; and secondary occupation, that which follows the principal in importance regarding income. If a person only works one occupation, this will be the principal occupation.

224. Next, under the name industry of principal activity, the class of industry or place of work where said principal occupation is done (title 15) is to be investigated, and the category or role with which it is done, as employee, worker, etc. (title 16).

The same is for the investigation of secondary occupation when it exists (title 17), and the industry of secondary activity or class of industry where this last activity is done (title 18).

225. In order to get a rational and appropriate group of information, many individual situations should be contemplated which are adjusted to definitions, each time more refined by economic, social and technical censuses. Such definitions and methodological procedures to register information are structured in the form that reflects the occupational situation of those enumerated on the "day of the census".

226. The information asked for in titles 13 to 18 is intimately correlated. This means that once initial basic information is registered, no other information in titles 14 to 18 should be written down without having clarified, whether proceeding or not, the registration of information in the title immediately before. The information registered in title 13 is clarified, and continue conditionally for each one of the following titles until 18, according to the situation of the person enumerated.

Title 14: Principal occupation on the "day on the census"
240. Write down in a specific form the profession, office, or class of work that is done on the day on the census only by people classified in the previous title (title 13) within one of three groups: "Employed", "Unemployed", and "Looking for work for the first time".

241. Avoid vague names like: workers, operator, office worker, vendor, etc., instead use names that give a possibly more complete idea of people's occupations, like for example: agronomy engineer, movie theater operator, fruit vendor, travel agent, shoemaker's apprentice, etc.

242. There are some occupations of workers, artisans, and professionals that are precise simply by their name like: carpenter, bricklayer, plumber, doctor, lawyer, etc.

243. Certain occupations in the field of commerce require specification, like: agent vendor, sales counter worker, etc. Equally, in the case of office workers, clarify if they mean typist, cashier, teller, bookkeeper, archive manager, etc.

244. In case of professionals like doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc., this is the class of occupation which in general should be registered. There exist, however, cases in which such people do not do these professions that they are trained in, instead doing other activities. For example, a lawyer who works exclusively as a bank manager; a doctor who works exclusively teaching at a university. In these cases, the last activity said will be written down, like: bank manager, university professor, and so on.

245. For government workers also write down their specific occupations according to the given examples in the previous cases, avoiding the name "public employee". If a person is a member of the "armed forces" (not including the police), whatever their class or hierarchy, they should be noted as "military".

246. With respect to domestic employees, it should be specified if it includes, for example, cook, launderer, servant, etc. Equally, in the case of those who do agricultural and livestock activities, the terms "farmer" and "agrarian" should be reserved for those who run a farm or small farm respectively, and not for those who do general activities such as manager, caretakers, tenant farmer, tractor drivers, etc., whose specific operation will be written down.

[p. 39]

247. There exist also some people who according to the time of year or due to some circumstances, do not do any occupation or determined activity and change it frequently, constituting a group of those who do "odd jobs" or "make a living doing odd jobs". Practically, one who "makes a living doing odd jobs" is doing a remunerated occupation on the date or "day of the census" that can be identified, such as collector, package loader, etc., and will have to be registered in this manner, not using the name "odd job".

If a person declares to "make a living doing odd jobs" they will have to be asked what the "odd job" consists of, on the "day of the census".

248. It should also be taken into account that the inexactly named occupation "odd job" can be in some cases the principal occupation because it can be the only one which the person has on the date of the census. In other cases, such an occupation ("odd job") can constitute a secondary occupation, since it is one which supplies the second most income. In the case of people who do "domestic duties" or "students", it is important to find out if they do an "odd job", where the affirmative case should be registered as "employed", considering the respective occupation as principal.

249. In the case of "unemployed" people, write down the last occupation they had.

250. For people who "are looking for work for the first time", register the profession, office, or class of work that they are ready or qualified to do, and in the case that there is not any, simply register "none".

251. With the notation of the occupation having been made, according to these cases ["looking for work for the first time"], this group is finished with its census investigation. Consequently, a diagonal line should be drawn through the spaces corresponding to the registration of the pertinent information in the following titles (titles 15 to 18).

Uruguay 1975 — source variable UY1975A_OCC — Occupation (COTA, 3 digits)
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(III) Occupational characteristics (for people age 12 or older)

Questions 16-18 are asked only for those who answered under part "A" of question 15 [who are employed or have been employed and are looking].

16. What is the occupation, profession or office that provides you the largest income?

Do not write down employee or worker without specifying. Write down for example: mason, doctor, shearer, typist, carpenter, etc. If an enumerated person did not have a job the week before the census, write down the occupation, profession or office that they had last.


[] 999 Not known

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G. Information of the people
169. Once the Section "F. Information of the home" is finished, you should ask the population questions to each one of the people who you are to enumerate.

When possible, you should try to make each person provide you with their own information. Only in the case of a person who is absent at the time of your visit, or if it concerns children, will you receive their information from a third party.

In each home, you will enumerate all people who slept in it the night before the "Day of the Census" or who, being absent this night for reasons of work, return to the home during the day. In such form, a doctor who did not sleep in his/her house because of being on guard in a hospital will be enumerated in their home. On the contrary, a traveler who spent many days away from their home will be enumerated in the place slept in during the night before the "Day of the Census."

III. Occupational characteristics
[Persons age 12 or older]

252. With the questions from this chapter, we look to quantify the active population and determine what the activities that are done are.

Question no. 16 is: "What is the occupation, profession or office that supplies the most income?"

Here you should write down as exactly as possible the occupation of the person being enumerated.

In the case of people who did not work the previous week, but answered part A of question no. 15, you should write down the occupation, profession, or class of work that was done the last time they worked.

In the case in which an enumerated person has more than one occupation, write down the principal, that is to say, the one that provides the largest income. Do not forget that your notation should give a precise idea of the duty that the enumerated person really does.

264. Miss García works as a supervisor of purchasing at a supermarket. In this case you will write as occupation:

  • Supervisor of purchasing

If a person tells you, "I work in a family's house where I only take care of the children" in question no. 16 of the following occupations, what will you mark?
  • Nanny

[p. 75]

Mr. Pereira fixes radios in his house and also works in a shop that sells electric appliances. He says that he "Makes more as a vendor" What answer will you write down for question no. 16?
  • Vendor of electric appliances.

267. You should avoid less precise answers like worker, employee, farm worker, etc. If a person tells you that he is a worker in a factory, you should determine exactly what is the specific task done.

Uruguay 1985 — source variable UY1985A_OCC — Occupation during the past week
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(III) Occupational characteristics
[Questions 15-18 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

15. Of the following types of activities, what did you do last week?

Ask them in the indicated order and, when you receive an affirmative response, mark the corresponding box and go to the next person.

[] 11 You worked last week?
[] 12 You did not work because of leave, sickness or strike but you have employment?
[] 21 You did not work because of maternity leave or being suspended?
[] 22 You did not work because of being a harvest or seasonal worker?
[] 23 You looked for work having worked before?

[] 31 You looked for work for the first time?
[] 41 You are retired or pensioned and did not work?
[] 42 You are a rentier and did not work?
[] 43 You studied and did not work?
[] 44 You only took care of the home?
[] 45 Other (specify) ____

16. What is the occupation, profession or office that provides you the most income?

Do not write down employee or worker without specifying. Write down for example: mason, doctor, typist, carpenter, etc. If an enumerated person did not have a job the week before the census, write down the occupation, profession or office that they had last.


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III. Occupational characteristics -- for persons age 12 or older

With the questions from this chapter, we look to fundamentally quantify the active population and determine what the activities that are done are.

Question No. 16 is: "What is the occupation, profession or office that provides you the most income?"

Here you should write down as exactly as possible the occupation of the person being enumerated.

In the case of people who did not work the previous week, but answered part A of question No. 15, you should write down the occupation, profession or class of work that was done the last time they worked.

In the case in which an enumerated person has more than one occupation, write down the principal, that is to say, the one that provides the largest income.

Never write down vague answers, like: public employee, worker, farm worker, etc.

Your notation should give a precise idea of the duty that the enumerated person really does.

[An example has been omitted]

[p. 58]

Avoid vague answers like worker, employee, farm worker, etc.

If a person tells you that he is a worker in a factory, you should determine exactly what is the specific task done.

Uruguay 1996 — source variable UY1996A_OCC — Occupation (ISCO 88, 3 digits)
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For all people age 12 or older
[Questions 16-28 were asked of persons age 12 or older]

26. What is the occupation, profession or office that provides (or provided) you the largest income? ________

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Persons age 12 or older

Question 26. What is the occupation, profession or office that provides (or provided) you the largest income?

It is important that the response to this question is asked for with as much detail as possible since very general responses do not give the information that is required.

Avoid non precise answers such as "Worker", "Employee", "Public bureaucrat", "Boss", etc. If a person tells you that they are a worker in a factory, you should determine exactly what duty they perform.

For occupation, office or profession, a complete description is needed. This is especially important when it concerns little known activities for which it is necessary to add to it a concept that makes it more precise. Examples: insurance agent, guide operator, automobile cleaner, journalist, couturier, mailman, mechanical engineer, surveyor, fisher, pediatric doctor, hairdresser, secretary, street peddler of candy, operator of textile machinery, bricklayer, etc.

If a person has more than one occupation, write down the occupation that provides the largest income.

Uruguay 2006 — source variable UY2006A_OCC3 — Occupation (ISCO-88, 3 digits)
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F. Work activity

Only for persons age 14 or older

F.2 Characteristics of the main job

67. What activities do you perform in the work that brought you the most income? In other words, what is your occupation?

[Question 67 was asked of persons age 14 or older who worked last week or had a job or business to return to, as per questions 62, 63, and 64.]

________ _ _ _ _

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F) Work activity
(Only for people age 14 or older)

This section of the questionnaire will be carried out only for people age 14 or older.

This collection of questions intends to investigate not only the current occupational status of a person, but also the basic characteristics of the employed, unemployed, and inactive.

The concepts and criteria to determine the occupational status of the population are those recommended by the International Office of Work (OIT), recognized by the different social actors of the country.

Who are the employed? They are all those who worked for at least an hour the week previous to the survey or that didn't work because of vacations, a sickness or accident, work conflict, or job interruption because of bad weather, or lack of raw materials, but he has employment to which it is sure he will return.

Characteristics of the main job

67. What activity do you perform in your work that gives you the most income?

The objective that this question pursues is to determine the occupation type of the interviewee, that in total is the collection of tasks completed by a person, and can be classified according to their complexity and level of knowledge required to carry them out.

It will be described with clear letters and in brief, but precise, form in order to achieve an adequate classification of the occupation of the people, avoiding in all cases annotations such as employee, worker, supervisor, boss, owner, odd-job worker, person in-charge, pawn, go-for. To serve as an example a brief list will be transcribed of the uniform international classifier of occupations (CIUO '88) that is currently used by the ECH.

Venezuela 1981 — source variable VE1981A_OCC3 — Occupation, 3 digits
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(Only for people 12 years of age and older.)

26. What is the occupation, position or class of work you perform in the organization, company, establishment or business for which you work (or worked)?


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Question 26

-- What is the occupation, trade, or type of work carried out in the organization, company, establishment, or business in which the person works (or worked)?

In this question, the principal labor or professional activity performed by the enumerated person should be written down in concrete terms.

The trade or profession should not be recorded generically, e.g. engineer, agent, professor, worker, rather the specific activity should be indicated in the following way: Chemical Engineer, Insurance Agent, Math Professor, Janitor, etc.

If the person claims to perform more than one occupation or profession, the one that produces the most income is recorded. If the incomes are the same, the occupation where the person spends the most time is recorded.

The following are possible answers:

If the person answers: technician, ask: "what kind?" If the response is "radio", write down: radio technician.

If the person affirms to be a lawyer, ask him/her what he/she does. If the answer is Sales Manager of a company, write down: sales manager.

If the person claims to be a mechanic, ask the specialty. If the answer is cars, write down: automotive mechanic.

If the person is in a workshop learning operate a lathe, write down: lathe apprentice.

If the person claims to work in agriculture, ask the area. If the answer is cultivating vegetables, write down: vegetable cultivator.

If the person claims to be the boss of a farm and to take care of the payments and expenditures of the farm, write down: farm administrator.

If the person claims to manage the workers on a farm, write down: farm supervisor.

If the person is a farm worker, write down: farm worker.

If the person cuts cane [sugar cane], indicate: sugarcane cutter.

If the person harvests coffee, indicate: coffee harvester.

Venezuela 1990 — source variable VE1990A_OCC — Occupation, 3 digits
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Questions 18-26 are only for people 12 years of age and older

20. What is your occupation in the company, organization or business where you work (or worked)? Examples: driver, lathe operator, farmer, teacher, etc.


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For questions 20 -- 25, take the information for the previous job when a person is "looking for work having been previously employed".

Question No.20

[The instructions refer to a graphic of section VI, question 20 on the census form.]

-- In a precise manner, write down the principal occupation that the person carries or carried out.

Example: janitor (obrero de limpieza), body shop helper (ayudante de latonero), mechanical engineer, Spanish teacher, sales manager, radio technician, market gardner (cultivador de hortalizas), etc.

If the person has more than one occupation, write down the one that provides the most income. In the case that the incomes are equal, write where worked most of the time.

Venezuela 2001 — source variable VE2001A_OCC — Occupation

No questionnaire text is available for this sample.

Vietnam 1989 — source variable VN1989A_OCC2 — Occupation, 2 digits
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For persons born on or before 1-4-1984 [it should say 1976] (aged 13 and over) answer following questions [applies to questions 9 to 13]

12. Main occupation

_ _ _

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Persons born before April 1st, 1976 (aged 13 and older) answer this question.

12. Main occupation
Persons who work 6 months or more or have permanent job less than 6 months, work temporarily less than 6 months answer this question.

Main occupation is a job that occupies most of the person's time in the last 12 months. If a person has various income generating activities, interviewers write down the job of which the person works the longest time.

For persons who just started a new job and plan to keep that job for a long time, interviewers fill out that new job.

For commune's (ward's) cadres, if they do not participate in any other productive activities, interviewers fill out their current positions or jobs, such as secretary of the commune's communist party, president, vice-president, health care staff, etc. If the commune's (ward's) cadres work on other productive activities besides their work at the commune's (ward's) people committee, interviewers write down the activity occupying the longest time. For example, a commune's statistical staff usually works for 4 days on his/her statistic job and spends 2 days for his/her own family farming activities, that person's main job is "statistics".

Cadres who are permanent government employees and are assigned to work at the commune's level report their own profession.

For management levels, head (vice-head) of the department/bureau and higher positions at the Communist party institutions, government offices, mass organizations, other parties; head (vice head) of departments in factories, should report both their main occupation and current main positions.

Main occupations should be reported with as much detail as possible, do not put in very general activity. For example,

For farmers, do not just write down as "farming" or "working in rice-field" or "cultivation", interviewers need to write specific activities, such as "cultivating rice", "growing tea leaves", and "raising pigs", etc.
For workers, do not write down "textile worker" or "weaving", interviewers need to write "operating textile machine", "reeling threat fiber", "making silk", etc.
For service and commercial employees, do not just write down "seller" or "repairing", interviewers need to write down "casher in super market", "selling hardware", "repairing bicycle", "repairing glasses", etc.
For workers in private sectors, do not just write down "hired" or "worker", interviewers need to write down "nanny", "cook", etc.

Vietnam 1999 — source variable VN1999A_OCC3 — Occupation, 3 digit
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Persons born before 4/1986 (13 years old or over) answer the following questions:

17. What was the main job that (Name) performed during the last 12 months and what position did (Name) hold (if any)?

_ _ _

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Questions 13 to 18: Only ask persons who were born before April, 1986 (aged 13 years and older) (Persons who were born in 1986 and do not have month of birth in question 4 should also answer these questions).

Question 17: What was the main job that (name) performed during the last 12 months and what position did (name) hold (if any)?

This question is only asked of persons who have code "1" in Question 16.

The main job during the last 12 months is the job which occupies most of a person's total working time to generate income during the last 12 months before the census.

Filling-in: interviewers should write name of the main job which respondent worked (the most time occupied) during the last 12 months before the census and position (if any) of that job. Interviewers should not fill in very general name of the job, such as "working in rice field", "worker", "professional", "government staff", "being hired", or "teacher", etc.


For persons who are managers in institution or factory and persons who work for communist party or mass organizations (receiving salary for specialists), interviewers report their position and name of their work place, level of communist party position or mass organization, for example: director of Hanoi cake and candy factory, general director of Vietnam machine assembly company, head of district statistic department, district president, secretary of provincial communist party, president of provincial labor union, president of district women's union, etc.

For persons who perform both professional and communist organization's or union's works (semi-specialization, not receiving bi-works salary), interviewers record their main job as their professional job and position (if any), and do not write position of his communist organization or union's work.

For example: a person is a head of human resource department at statistics bureau and secretary of the statistics bureau's communist party (semi-specialization, not receiving bi-works salary), interviewers record his main occupation as "head of human resource department".
A person grows rice paddy and is also secretary of village's communist party (semi-specialization, not receiving bi-works salary or only receiving allowance from commune/ward), interviewers report his/her main occupation as "growing rice paddy".

For those who are working at commune/ward and performing other income-generating activities, and both jobs are not specialized (for example, a person is a head of the village and a collaborator for program of population and family planning), interviewers check the job which occupies most of his/her time during the last 12 months and fill in the question (in this example, if that person spent more time for the job as a collaborator for program of population and family planning, interviewers write down "collaborator for program of population and family planning").

For those who perform religious activities, interviewers fill in their religious position, such as monk, bishop, missionary, etc.

Vietnam 2009 — source variable VN2009A_OCC — Occupation
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17. If the respondent was born before April 1994 (15 years or older), [go to] Q 18; otherwise, ask the next [person]
[Questions 18-30 were asked of persons aged 15 years and over]

23a. During the last 7 days, what was the main type of work you did and what position did you hold for the mentioned work (if available)?


23b. During the 7 days before having break from work, what was the main type of work you did and what position did you hold for the mentioned work (if available)?
________ _ _ _

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Questions from 20 to 30: These are questions on work during the last 7 days for persons of 15 years old or more. Thus, in order to collect exact information, the enumerator must have direct interviews with these persons.

Question 23: This question is asked of persons having answered "Yes" (having marked (x) in the small box next to code "1") to either Question 20, Question 21, or Question 22.

If Question 20 was marked (x) in the small box next to code "1", the enumerator will ask Question 23a: "During the last 7 days, what was the main type of work you did and what position did you hold for the mentioned work (if available)?"

If Question 21 or Question 22 was marked (x) in the small box next to code "1", the enumerator will ask Question 23b: "During the 7 days before temporarily stopping work, what was the main type of work you did and what position did you hold for the mentioned work (if available)?"

The main type of work in the last 7 days is the name of the type of work for which he/she spent most of his/her working time in the 7 days before the interview.

The main work in the 7 days before temporarily stopping work is the name of work for which he/she spent most of his/her working time in the 7 days before temporarily stopping work (7 days before the respondent left the job for leave, maternity leave, own-work leave, etc.).

The enumerator must record in a very detailed manner the type of work that he/she did and the position (if available) he/she held in the 7 days prior to the interview date in the space above the printed lines. Leave the 3 boxes blank (the coder will fill in these 3 boxes later).

[Graphic examples on page 47 omitted]


Note: For persons who are working as professional specialists and participating in the Party, mass union work (part-time, no salary, for the communism cause), their main jobs are those professional works and positions (if any) pertaining to those works, not the communism group in which they are taking part. For examples:

  • A woman who is head of the Organization Section of a Provincial Statistics Office and is secretary of the party branch of the Provincial Statistics Office (for the communism group, no salary), her main job is recorded as "head of the organization section"
  • A man who is a rice cultivator and party branch secretary of a village (for the communism group, no salary or with pension), his main job is recorded as "Rice cultivator"

For persons performing religious work, the enumerator must record clearly their positions. For instance: Buddhist priest, bishop, temple chief monk, missionary/priest, pastor/missionary, Buddhist novice, Buddhist monk, etc.

Vietnam 2019 — source variable VN2019A_OCC1 — Occupation, 1 digit
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Part 1. Information on household members

26. What is the main job/ task that [the respondent] has done for the last 7 days or did previously?

Example 1:
- Describe main job: assembly manager for electricity and electrical equipment
- Title: factory manager

Example 2:
- Describe main job: building houses
- Title: build manager

________ Main tasks
________ Title (if any)
Occupational code _ _ _ _
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Part V: Instructions on how to question and record information on the census form

Part 1: Information about members of the household
Part 1 of the Census form consists of 41 questions, numbered sequentially from Question 1 to Question 41.

The respondent is the head of the household or a person knowledgeable about members of the household. For information on employment and birth history of women, DTV needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and collect information. In addition, for other information about members of the household, if the head of the household or the information provider is not knowledgeable, DTV also needs to interview DTDT face-to-face and record the information.

Question 26: Please describe the main job and title (if any) that [the respondent] did in the last 7 days or before taking temporary leave
DTV asks about the main job that DTDT did in the last 07 days; priority is given to asking about regular jobs that DTDT did even though they might not do this regular job in the last 7 days (if in the last 7 days they did not do this regular job, the question will be the same as that for people on temporary leave); if there is no regular main job, ask about the temporary job they did in the past 7 days.

Main job: Refers to regular, stable, or relatively stable work, the work that takes up the most time of DTDT.

For people who do not have a regular job but only have a temporary job (temporary, irregular, unstable), their main job in the past 7 days is the temporary job that took up the most time or generated the most income in the 7 reference days.

After identifying the main job, DTV asks to record a detailed description of this job (the more detailed the better); record the job title assigned to DTDT (if any) to perform the duties. The specific and detailed description of the job and title will help the recording of the job code more conveniently and accurately.

DTV leaves blank 4 boxes "job code" in the census form. Some notes when identifying the main job:

- For people who both work professionally and work in Party organizations and mass organizations (part-time - unpaid, concurrent), their professional work is identified as their main job.

For example: A person who is both a rice farmer and the Secretary of the hamlet branch of the Party (part-time - unpaid, allowance only), DTV records their main job as "rice farmer".

- In case DTDT does not do any other work, only serves as the head of the population group and receives allowances, DTV records the main job as "Head of the population group" and for Question 30, select the code "salary earner".

Examples of how to record descriptions of the main job and title are as follows:

[A table is omitted here]

Zambia 1990 — source variable ZM1990A_OCC — Occupation
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[Question P-19 to P-25 were asked of persons 12 years and over]

P-20 What has [the respondent] mainly been doing since 1989?

[] 1-Working for pay or profit
[] 2-On leave
[] 3-Unpaid work on household holding or business
[] 4-Unemployment and seeking work but available for work
[] 5-Not seeking work but available for work
[] 6-Full time housewife /homemaker
[] 7-Full time student
[] 8-Not available for work for other reasons
(For answers 4-8 go to P-24)
P-22 What was [the respondent's] main occupation since 1989? ____
(Write the name of occupation and enter code.)
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Economic Activity: For Persons 12 Years and Over

P - 22: Occupation
32. Occupation is the kind of work one does. For each worker write under the occupation column the occupation during the reference period, then enter the appropriate code in the boxes provided. The detailed list of occupations with their codes is given in Appendix 6 on page 97. If he was involved in two or more occupations at the same time enter the occupation in which he spent the larger part of his working time.

33. Occupation should be given in clear terms to show what kind of work one did. Examples: Carpenter, Town clerk, Messenger, Stock assistant, Car driver, Radio mechanic, Farm labourer, School teacher, Accounts clerk, Mine gang boss, Personnel officer, Plumber.

34. Avoid entering a term that implies greater skill or responsibility than is really involved in the job. Do not enter 'engineer' for someone who is actually a draughtsman, or 'accountant' for a book-keeper, or 'brick-mason' for someone who only mixes mortar and hauls bricks.

Zambia 2000 — source variable ZM2000A_OCC — Main occupation last 12 months, 3 digits
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For Persons 12 Years and Older

24. Industry
What kind of main product or service is/was produced where you work? Write name of industry and enter code.

Industry: __________________
Code: _ _ _
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P26 Occupation

Occupation refers to the type of work done during the reference period by the person employed irrespective of the industry or the status of employment in which the person should be classified.
For each worker, write the occupation during the reference period, then enter the appropriate code in the boxes provided. The detailed list of occupations with their codes is given in Appendix 10. If a person was involved in two or more occupations at the same time, enter the occupation in which he/she spent the larger part of the working time.
Occupation should be given in clear terms to show what kind of work one did.

Zambia 2010 — source variable ZM2010A_OCC2 — Main occupation last 12 months, 3 digits
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Only for persons aged 12 years or older
[Applies to questions 31-37]

P34. What kind of work did [the respondent] do in his/her main job or business during the last 12 months?

Write main occupation an enter code ____ _ _ _
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4.15 Economic activity: for persons 12 years and older

4.16 Occupation

Zimbabwe 2012 — source variable ZW2012A_OCC — Occupation (3-digits)
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D- For persons age 10 years and above
[Questions 20 to 22 were asked of persons age 10 years and above]

21. What was (the respondent's) main occupation during the last 12 months?

For codes 0-3 in Question 20

Occupation _ _ _
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Section D: For Persons Age 10 Years and above
The section dwells on what people age 10 years and above spent most of their time doing.

Q21 Main occupation and Q22 Specialization
Responses on occupation and specialization are to be recorded firstly in the numerator's note book during an interview. Thereafter, the enumerator will code this information (see Classification of Occupations Manual) and shade in appropriate boxes on the questionnaire before leaving the premise.

Q21 Main occupation
For persons coded 0-3 in Q20 above, i.e., paid employees; employers; own account workers; unpaid family workers.

This refers to trade, or profession performed by an individual during the last 12 months, irrespective of the industry or status in employment of the individual. Where multiple occupations are common, the main or usual occupation should be determined. This is done by determining the duration of work in each occupation during the reference period.

For those with multiple occupations, i.e. when a person is involved in more than one occupation at a given time, e.g. government official who teaches part-time, or a teacher who enumerates during the census, record the person's main occupation i.e. where he/she spends most of the time.

The type of work should be recorded as fully as possible, e.g. shorthand typist; grade 3 carpenter; key punch operator; motor vehicle mechanic; panel beating foreman; etc. Avoid such unclear and one word descriptions as operator; foreman; driver; etc. Probe so that you put people in the correct category. If in doubt ask for a description for the main kind of work and note it in the comments section and seek guidance from supervisor at the earliest possible opportunity.