Main occupation in the last 12 months (1-digit)
Code | Label |
00 | Armed forces | 2,101 |
01 | Legislators, senior officials, and managers | 941 |
02 | Professionals | 2,716 |
03 | Technicians and associate professionals | 6,286 |
04 | Clerks | 536 |
05 | Service workers, shop and market sales workers | 8,635 |
06 | Skilled agricultural and fishery workers | 185,460 |
07 | Crafts and related trades workers | 5,628 |
08 | Plant and machine operators and assemblers | 2,085 |
09 | Elementary occupations | 2,562 |
98 | Unknown | 85 |
99 | NIU (not in universe) | 241,371 |
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This variable indicates the main occupation of the person in the last 12 months (1-digit).
Supported by: National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, Stat/Transfer, and University of Minnesota.
Copyright © Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota.