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Occupation (2-digits)

Codes and Frequencies


Professional, technical, and related workers
006Professors and teachers92
009Professional, technical, and related workers, not elsewhere classified40
Managers, administrators, and officials
010Managers, administrators, and officials37
Clerical, office, and other workers in related occupations
020Accountants and auditors27
022Typists and stenographers26
029Clerical, office, and other workers in related occupations, not elsewhere classified97
Sales workers and persons in related occupations
030Sales proprietors in wholesale and retail trade147
039Sales workers and persons in related occupations, not elsewhere classified83
Farmers, graziers, fishermen, hunters, lumbermen, and persons in related occupations
040Farmers, graziers, and farm managers1,849
049Farm hands and gardeners, fishermen, hunters, lumbermen, and persons in related occupations1,932
Workers operating vehicles and in related occupations
060Workers operating vehicles and in related occupations59
Craftsmen and operatives
071Tailors, dressmakers, furriers, and persons in similar occupations relating to the manufacture of textile and fur products113
072Shoemakers, shoe repairmen, and leather matchers engaged in the manufacture of leather products38
073Carpenters, cabinetmakers, coopers, and persons in related occupations83
074Masons, bricklayers, glass setters, and persons in related occupations49
075Mechanics and repairmen of machinery and vehicles, machine tool operators, and persons in related occupations45
076Butchers, meat cutters, bakers, millers, brewers, and persons in related occupations42
079Craftsmen and operatives, not elsewhere classified107
Workers and laborers, not elsewhere classified
090Workers and laborers, construction41
099Other workers and laborers, not elsewhere classified39
Personal services and related workers
100Protective service workers60
101Cooks and other servants in private households301
102Laundresses and ironers27
105Cooks, stewards, boarding and lodging house keepers, and workers in related occupations not employed in private households28
109Other personal services and related workers, not elsewhere classified49
Other workers, not elsewhere classified, and workers in unidentifiable or unspecified occupations
110Members of the armed forces of a country on duty in its territory42
113Persons seeking first jobs201
119Persons reporting unidentifiable occupations or not reporting any occupation65
999NIU (not in universe)13,129