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Occupation last month

Codes and Frequencies


013Physicist-chemist specialist25
014Physicist-chemist technician2
021Architect and urbanist12
022Civil engineer44
023Electrical engineer15
024Mechanic engineer8
025Chemical engineer10
026Mining engineer0
027Metallurgical engineer6
028Organizational engineer1
029Other engineer117
033Civil engineering technician51
034Electrical engineer technician20
035Mechanic engineer technician10
036Chemical engineer technician5
037Metallurgical engineer technician1
038Mining engineer technician2
039Other engineer technician63
041Airplane pilot9
042Officer pilot (sea and river navigation)6
043Officer mechanic (sea and river navigation)0
051Biologist, zoologist and similar activities3
052Bacteriologist, zoologist and similar activities1
053Agronomist and similar activities74
054Technician for biological and bacteriological sciences90
061Physician and surgeon49
062Medical assistant1
064Dental assistant3
066Veterinary assistant27
068Pharmacy assistant1
069Dietician and specialties2
071Registered nurse224
072Other nurse259
073Registered midwife38
074Other midwife105
075Optometrician and optic3
076Physiotherapist and ergotherapist2
077Radiology technician1
078Traditional healer54
079Other physician, dentist, veterinarian and similar workers35
082Mathematician and actuary9
083Systems analyst1
084Statistics and mathematics technician5
121Lawyer, procurator and counsel11
129Other lawyer32
131University and superior education professor 42
132Secondary degree education personnel244
133Primary degree education personnel1,565
134Preschool education personnel29
135Special education personnel60
139Other education personnel45
141Clergy member of an organized religion17
142Koranic master157
149Other member of the clergy14
151Author and critic1
159Author, journalist and other writers20
161Sculptor, painter and similar artists48
162Decorator, window dresser, designer and similar worker9
163Photographer and cameraman32
171Composer, musicist and singer8
172Choreographer and dancer0
173Actor and scene director74
174Producer (theater, cinema, and radio-television)2
175Circus artist3
179Other musicist, actor, dancer, and similar artists86
180Athlete, sportsmen and similar3
191Librarian, archivist and museum conservationist11
192Sociologist, anthropologist and similar specialist5
193Social worker39
194Personnel relations and information professional1
195Philologer, translator and interpreter13
199Other workers in scientific, technical, liberal fields10
201Member of the legislative body9
202Higher levels of the public administrative35
211General director8
212Production director3
219Other director and manager61
300Office head30
310Administrative agent385
321Stenographer, dactylographer and teletypist481
322Perforation machine operator2
331Assistant accountant, accountant employee and cashier 192
339Other assistant accountant, accountant employee and cashier 125
341Operator of accounting machines and calculators1
342Operator of machines for the automatic treatment of data10
351Train station chief4
352Post office chief6
359Other chief of transportation and communication48
360Conductor and receiver11
370Delivery person and messenger39
380Telephone and telegraph operator43
391Provisioning employee82
392Planning and scheduling agent1
393Administrative services employee39
394Receptionist, hostess and travel agent5
395Library employee and archivist1
398Village head4
399Other office employee89
410Owners managing bulk and unit commerce30
411Window dresser76
413Wood seller9
421Head of sales1
431Commercial, technical agent, and commercial inspector39
432Traveling salesman1
441Insurance agent, realtor and stock broker35
442Sales agent2
451Sales clerk, commerce employee and demonstrator223
452Peddler, door-to-door salesman, and newspaper salesman5,634
490Other commercial personnel10,484
500Hotel, coffee shop or restaurant director3
510Hotel, coffee shop or restaurant owner70
511Small restaurant owner61
520Quartermaster, treasurer and similar worker1
532Server, bartender and similar workers40
533Kitchen help28
540Other household employee2,502
543Personal custodian200
544Personal gardener15
545Personal driver2,002
551Dwelling custodian506
552Cleaning crew10
560Launderer, cleaner, ironing person152
570Hair dresser, beautician and similar worker47
571Hair dresser495
582Public and private law enforcement office20
583Guards of the republic9
589Other security personnel30
592Funeral home manager and embalmer2
599Other specialized position in the funeral services19
600Director and head of farming properties2
611General-purpose farming owner255,040
612Specialized farming owner35
615Gardener farming his own garden2,172
622Field and vegetable farmer5
624Stockbreeder (excluding dairy cows)1,734
625Dairy cow stockbreeder37
626Poultry famer1
627Nursery gardener5
628Farming machines builder4
629Other farm worker8
632Forestry worker, except loggers105
649Other fisherman, hunter, gatherer13
650Agricultural framing monitor258
700Supervisor and similar worker5
711Miners and carriers161
712Workers for the treatment of minerals and rocks6
713Well digger and similar worker8
714Shaft sinker139
715Gold washer278
716Sand owner28
721Metal smelting, furnace worker2
723Second fusion furnace and re-heating oven worker0
724Metal pourer0
725Sand molder and searcher for nuggets0
726Thermal treatment of metals worker0
727Metal trafilor and drawer0
728Electroplastic and metallic coating worker0
729Other metal treatment worker3
731Wood treatment worker0
733Paper paste preparer4
734Paper worker2
741Crushers, grinders and mixers5
742Monitor of furnaces and thermal equipment1
743Filter and separator operators0
744Monitor of distillation and reaction equipment2
745Monitor of oil refinery0
749Other monitors of furnaces and chemical equipment1
750Weaving craftsman1,391
751Fiber preparer23
752Spinner and winder137
753Weaving and knitting regulator, and boxer1
754Weaver and similar worker120
755Hosiery knitting worker19
756Laundering, dying and refining craftsmen of textile products8
757Dying craftsman126
758Combing craftsman2,513
759Other textile craftsman100
761Tanner, leather seller, leather dresser153
762Leather store owner0
771Miller and grains worker45
772Sugar production and refinement worker16
773Butcher and meat worker535
774Tanner and preservation worker1
775Dairy worker50
776Baker, pastry maker and confectioner503
777Tea, coffee and cacao preparation worker16
778Brewer and producer of wine and similar beverages8
779Other food or beverage worker5
781Tobacco preparer0
782Cigar maker0
783Cigarette maker15
789Other tobacco worker6
791Tailor and dressmaker1,679
792Fur craftsman and similar worker0
793Fashion worker and hatter1
794Pattern maker and cutter9
796Tapestry maker and similar worker16
798Mattress maker13
799Other tailor, dressmaker, tapestry worker12
801Shoe and boot repairer513
802Shoe maker4
803Leather worker146
812Wood machine worker4
819Other cabinetmaker, carpenter worker491
820Stone engraver24
831Blacksmith, hammer, and forge monitor179
832Toolmaker, modeler, and tracer5
833Toolmaking machine regulator3
834Toolmaking machine conductor3
835Conductor of the metal polishing and sharpening equipment1
839Other metal shapers and forge worker22
841Machine assembler and installer22
842Watch-maker and precision mechanic34
843Motor vehicle mechanic1,640
844Air vehicle mechanic1
845Bicycle and motorcycle repairman252
849Other machine assembler, installer and precision mechanic (excluding electricians)14
852Electronics specialist2
853Electric and electronic equipment installer24
854Radio and television break-down mechanic125
855Installation electrician261
856Telephone and telegraph installer2
857Electric lines installer0
859Other electrician, electronics specialist and similar worker49
861Radio and television operator4
862Cinema sound and projection equipment operator22
871Plumber and pipe-maker60
872Welder and oxydable273
873Sheet-iron merchant and ironmonger219
874Framework and metallic structure installer3
880Jeweler and goldsmith248
891Glass blower, molder, cutter, shaper and polisher1
892Potter and similar worker1,072
893Glass and ceramic furnace conductor1
894Engraver of glass products0
895Painter decorator on glass and ceramic12
899Other glassmakers, potters and similar workers3
901Foam rubber and plastic materials maker7
902Pneumatic maker and vulcanizator 12
910Paper and cotton product maker0
921Compositors and typesetters27
922Printing pressmen4
924Printing engravers1
926Bookbinders and related workers6
929Printers and related workers, n.e.c.1
931Painters, construction87
939Painters, n.e.c.30
941Musical instrument makers and tuners6
942Basketry weavers and brush makers6,280
943Non-metallic mineral product makers19
949Other production and related workers1,701
951Bricklayers, stonemasons and tile setters1,356
952Reinforced-concreters, cement finishers and terrazzo workers84
954Carpenters, joiners and parquetry workers288
959Construction workers, n.e.c.37
969Stationary engine and related equipment operators1
971Dockers and freight handlers10
972Riggers and cable splicers6
973Crane and hoist operators1
974Earth-moving and related machinery operators1
979Material-handling equipment operators, n.e.c.308
981Ships' deck ratings, barge crews and boatmen7
982Ships' engine-room ratings1
983Railway engine drivers and firemen4
984Railway brakemen, signalmen and shunters88
985Motor vehicle drivers250
986Animal and animal-drawn vehicle drivers157
989Transport equipment operators, n.e.c.43
990Laborers, n.e.c.2,593
999NIU (not in universe)435,085